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Image: The Graphic, 28 November 1896
Life in Saltaire: 1924
Researched by Colin Coates

Colin Coates writes:

My research covers WW1 years, 1914 - 1918 and post war life in Saltaire as it was 100 years ago. The primary source of this information is the Shipley Times newspaper which was published every Friday.

This diary is updated monthly.Where possible, I have used the exact wording from the newspaper. There are also links to biographies.Please feel free to contact me on with any comments or queries.

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| 1923 | 1924

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Life in Saltaire, 1924

Updated monthly

1924 January | February | March
April | May

Saltaire Times, January 1924


That the Saltaire Conversazione have lost none of their attractiveness was evidenced by the brilliance which marked the opening of this year’s function at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Wednesday evening (2 January).

The event has come to regarded as one of the most important social functions of the year in the district, and amongst the distinguished assembly guests were the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Bradford (Aid, H. M. Trotter and Mrs. Trotter).

There were several deviations from the programme of former years noticeable amongst which was the absence of a reception by the President (Mr. E. H. Gates) but this had been as a token of respect for the late Mrs E. H. Gates, who took such an interest in the conversazioni in past years. Sir Henry Whitehead and Lady Whitehead however acted as deputies.

Dancing commenced at 8 p.m. and continued until 2 a.m. An excellent programme of 22 dances had been arranged, and the engagement of Mr. Conri Tait’s famous orchestra was again highly appreciated by the guests.

Successful as had been the opening ball, the fancy dress ball held on Thursday (3 January) added further gaiety to the function. There were a great variety of fancy costumes, some exceedingly pretty and novel, whilst others of a grotesque character, combined to make the affair a great success.

A capital dance program, the predominating feature of which was the popular Fox Trot, was arranged. Mr. John Herbert Naylor acted as M.C.

The curtain rung down on the Saltaire Conversazione amidst a blaze of colour.

Saturday (5 January) was the concluding day of the series, and as usual was devoted to the children. Dancing, playing games, and a varied entertainment added to the gaiety the gathering. The officials and stewards did all they possibly could for the enjoyment the children. The happy, smiling faces of the youthful guests was a clear indication that they had a good time.

Colin's note: Want to know more about the Saltaire Conversazione?

The Saltaire Conversazione
By Roger Clarke

Read this Saltaire Journal >
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This paper reviews the origins of the Saltaire Conversazione in the village, and why it became so successful. It discusses some of the social and economic factors which determined its declines and revivals, and its ultimate demise. An appendix provides notes of Conversaziones held. The whole is a commentary on social history, and the event chronicles changes in fashion, science, technology, etiquette, eating habits, recreation and humour.


On New Year’s Day, the girls and staff at the Saltaire Hostel met for Christmas Dinner and social evening. Miss Broadbent (superintendent) was the hostess, and the Rest Room was prettily decorated.

After dinner, short speeches were made by some of the resident girls, and Miss Broadbent spoke of her good wishes and hopes for the coming year. Presentations were made to Miss Doris Robson and Miss Annie Ingham for best kept rooms during 1923.

During the evening a jolly time was spent with dancing, games and musical items and songs were sung by Miss May Payne and Miss F. Mills, and monologue and recitations were given by Miss Broadbent and Miss Kathleen Knight. Mr O. Dennison’s New Year greetings evoked a heartly response from those present. Miss B Payne and Miss F. Fentiman, were the accompanists.


The funeral of Mr. Henry Carr, of 15 Fanny Street, Saltaire, who was employed as overlooker in the combing department of Messrs. Salts (Saltaire Ltd.,) who for several years was actively identified with the charitable and ambulance organisations in Shipley, took place the at the Windhill Cemetery on Saturday afternoon. The Rev. P. Drummond Pringle pastor of Saltaire Congregational Church) officiated.

The chief mourners were Miss Carr (daughter), Miss Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, Harold. Arthur and Albert Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Calver and Nellie. Mrs. Wood. Mrs. Brotherton and Lena. Mr. Busfield, Mr. Brotherton. Mr. J. Brotherton, Mr. and Mrs. Hailey. Mrs. Bowan, Mrs. Brooksbank and Mr Hudson.

Mr. Carr was one of the founders and the first secretary of the Shipley Gala Committee when it was formed in 1885, and up to these last few years had always taken an active part in the annual gala. He was also for several years’ secretary of the Yorkshire Voluntary Charitable Association, having to resign owing ill-health. As an ambulance worker Mr. Carr had gained several honours for long and valued service.

Amongst the various charity organisations represented were the following: —

Shipley and District Friendly and Trade Society. Messrs. W. E. Sutcliffe (president), W Talbot (vice-president), T. W. Hodgson (treasurer), R. Burnham (secretary), W. Robinson and Thomas Kendall (the last named also representing the Yorkshire Charitable Association.

Mr S Holdsworth represented the Saltaire Brief Society, of which Mr Carr was president.

The ambulance colleagues in attendance were Corps officer J. H. Potter, Divisional Superintendents W. E. Sutcliffe and A. Lambert, Sergt. H Stancliffe and Privates H. Robinson, W. Talbot, W. Crossland, E. Lawton, S Wallage, F. Winpenny and H. Woodhead.

Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. were represented by Messrs. W. H. Eccles, T. Woodhead and G. Bolton.

In addition to the family wreath, tokens of respect were sent from the directors and combing department of Salts Ltd., St. John Ambulance Brigade, Shipley Working Men’s Club and several friends.


Mr. E. W. Norris (Deputy Coroner) conducted enquiry at the Shipley Fire Station on Thursday morning (24 January) into the death of Anna Stirk (71), a widow, of 24 Victoria Road, Saltaire, who died on Wednesday night (23 January).

Frances Wilkinson (deceased’s sister), of the same address, said her sister suffered from bronchitis every winter and was very short of breath. During the last week-end deceased had complained of pains in the chest and was very sick on Wednesday afternoon. She went to bed early in the evening, and a doctor was sent for, but she died before arrived.

Dr. E. S. Sharpe stated that the deceased had suffered from chronic bronchitis, and in his opinion, death was due to heart failure as result of bronchitis.

A verdict of “Natural Causes” was returned.


The Salt Girls’ High School held their first public distribution of certificates at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Friday evening (18 January). Prior to this function, an exhibition of schoolwork was inspected at the school, which included some excellent specimens of art, stencilling, designs cut on linoleum, needlework, history, French, English, kindergarten, whilst not the least interesting features were accounts of visits of pupils to Austwick, the residence of Miss Byles, former headmistress.

There were also large assembly of parents and friends too pupils at the Victoria Hall, over which gathering Mr. C. E. Learoyd (chairman of the Governors) presided.


A sensation has been caused in Central Lancashire League cricket circles that after negotiations which have been going on for six months the Castleton Moor Cricket Club have come to terms with S. F. Barnes, and he has signed on as their match professional for the next two seasons.

Sidney Barnes is undoubtedly the greatest bowler of the present century and probably one of the half dozen finest bowlers in the history of cricket. Although getting on in years—he must be nearly 50—he is still in the opinion of some competent judges, without a rival.

He was pressed to join the last English team which visited Australia in the winter of 1920-21 but was unable to come to terms with the M.C.C. and declined the invitation.

For many years Barnes had been the professional of the Saltaire Club in the Bradford League, a position which he gave up last June. It was then understood that he was retiring definitely from cricket in order to keep an hotel at Colwyn Bay.

Barnes severed his connection with Saltaire because it was impossible for him to get from Colwyn Bay and back in the day. In the ease of Castleton Moor this difficulty is obviated. Barnes will come over each Saturday morning, and arrangements have been made to ensure his getting back after the match.

The remuneration he is to receive has not been disclosed, but it is stated that he will be the best paid Saturday afternoon professional in England.


About 100 persons enjoyed an enjoyable whist drive at the Royal Cafe, Saltaire, Wednesday evening (9 January), promoted by the Saltaire Road Primitive Methodist Cricket Club. Mr. F. Waite and Mr. E. Midgley were the M.C.’s.


The Chinese Industrial Commission, consisting of six delegates appointed by the Chinese Republic to investigate the industrial conditions of Europe, visited Bradford on Wednesday, 16 January.

They visited the Bradford Conditioning House and Saltaire Mills, and later had a private conference with the Wool Textile Industrial Council. In the evening they left the city for Manchester, where they are to stay for two days.


The annual tea and concert of the Parish Church was held in the Schoolroom on Saturday 12 January.

The Rev. A. E. Sidebotham (vicar) presided at the concert and gave a short review of the year.

The artists performing included Mrs. Alice Bramma of Saltaire.


Monday 21 January – A penalty of £5 was imposed on Wilfred Lonsdale, 25 George Street, Saltaire, summoned for driving a motor lorry without a licence at Northowram.


Sir Henry Whitehead, chairman of Salts. Saltaire, Limited, having recently bought an estate between Hertford and Luton, "The London Evening News" states that he is spending £25,000 on alterations to the house and £l0,000 in furnishing.

(Colin’s note - £25,000 in 1924 is worth c£1.3 million in 2024.)


At Bradford West Riding Police Court on Thursday (17 January), Leavens Park (labourer), Louis Sheldon (labourer), John Casey (woolcomber), Henry Ogden (jobber) and George Herbert Hirst (dyer), all of Shipley, were summoned for obstructing the footpath in Caroline Street, Saltaire, on the evening of 4 January.

Park, Casey and Ogden, who appeared, were each fined 5s., the other two being fined 10s. each.


The annual social and dance of the employees of Mr. Fred Ambler, Dumb Mills, Frizinghall, was held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday (11 January). Representing every department of the mill, there were upwards of 300 employees present.

There was dancing from 6.30 to 11.30 p.m., the M.C.’s being Mr. L. Chamnan and Mr. H. Naylor, the music being supplied by the Double Effs orchestra. Dancing was interspersed with vocal items by Mr. Arthur Dixon of Halifax, who proved a versatile entertainer.


The second annual whist drive and dance promoted by the Saltaire Mills Horticultural Society took place at the Royal Cafe, Saltaire, on Saturday evening (19 January), and proved an enjoyable affair. Mr. J. Barraclough was M.C. for the whist, and the prizes were won as follows: —

Ladies: 1, Mrs. 0, Holden; 2, Miss Hargreaves; sealed handicap, Mrs. Robertshaw. Gentlemen: 1, Mr. Chapman; 2, Mr. C. Smith.

The company was augmented for dancing, the M.C.’s Mr. L. Lambert and Mr. G. Dunhill. The music was supplied by the Clarina Orchestra.


A somewhat peculiar “shooting” mishap occurred at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Allred Shaw, billposter, Saltaire Road. Shipley, late on Sunday evening (13 January).

Mr. Shaw had taken two friends home and was showing them a gramophone, when one of the friends, Mr. Albert Macdonald, found hidden in the instrument a revolver.

Macdonald took the revolver out of the gramophone and showed Mrs. Shaw how it worked. He pulled the trigger of the revolver, which was held towards ground, and an unspent cartridge discharged, and the bullet struck Mrs. Shaw in the leg.

She was conveyed to Salt’s Hospital, where she was detained suffering from superficial flesh wound. Mrs. Shaw is making satisfactory progress.


A delightful social evening promoted by the Saltaire Cricket Club in aid of the club’s funds was held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday (19 January), when the hall was tastefully decorated for the occasion. Upwards of 250 persons, including several playing members, participated in the function, which proved one the most enjoyable held under the auspices of the club. Excellent arrangements had been made by the committee and the secretary, Mr. Norman Bailey.


The Liberals of Shipley have lost an active fellow-worker in Mr. Thomas Light, aged 80, of 12 Victoria Street, Shipley, who died suddenly at his home on Monday night (21 January).

A native of Hawksworth, Mr. Light was for a number of years employed at Saltaire Mills. Ten years ago he retired, after having worked for the previous 30 years at Victoria Mills.

About two years ago Mr. Light was made a life member of the Shipley Liberal Club, in which he had always taken active interest. He had served on the committee and had also been a vice-president of the club. In addition, he was a member of the Tower Refuge Lodge of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows. He leaves a widow, six daughters and three sons.


The Baths and Fire Brigade Committee had under consideration application from Messrs. Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. for supply water from the Council’s high level main, in connection with the proposed installation of sprinklers at Saltaire Mills.

The committee were of the opinion that it was undesirable to allow connection with the high level trunk main, and the Clerk was instructed to suggest to the company an alternative proposal for connection with the new 8in. low level trunk main now in course of construction.

The Libraries Committee recommended that the offer received from Mr. E. H. Gates, president of the Saltaire Institute Society, to provide, without cost to the Council, a stage fitment suitable for use in the Victoria Hall, upon certain conditions in regard the use of the fitting by the Institute Society, be accepted: and that the thanks of the Council be conveyed to Sir Henry and Lady Whitehead for their interest and financial support in the cleaning and re-decorating of the Victoria Hall and ante-rooms at the Saltaire Institute.


A meeting of the Governors the Salt’s Hospital was held on Wednesday evening (30 January). The Chairman (Mr. Francis Lister) presided, and the other members present were Mrs. F. Fearnley Rhodes, Miss Dunn, Messrs. W. Cryer, C. E. Learoyd, T. Kendall, E. Beauman, E. Reynolds, and Dr. Thornton.

The Clerk (Mr. Thomas Luxton) submitted the monthly report, which showed there had been 161 out-patients, 112 visits of children to the medical clinic, and 62 to the dental clinic. The number persons resident at the beginning of the month was 14, admitted 26, discharged 27, leaving 13 in residence. There had been 19 operations.

Donations amounted to £l03 2s. 1d., including the annual subscription Salt’s Ltd. of £50.

Letters were received from Mr. J. W. McGlenn, Mr. Edward Bloomfield, and Mr. Geo. Hall bearing testimony to the kindly consideration received by the medical and nursing staff in respect of relatives who had been patients in the hospital.

Accounts amounting to £236 16s. 4d. were passed for payment.


The Suggestion by the matron of Salt’s Hospital that the provision of a gramophone or piano for the amusement of the patients has found a generous response. I hear that Mr. Ernest Barnes of Bradford has promised to provide a musical instrument for the hospital in memory of Mrs. Ernest Gates, who took such a keen interest in the charities of Saltaire.


Old-time residents of Saltaire will regret to learn of the death, at Innisfail, Alberta, Canada, of Mr. James Newsham, which occurred 6 December, at the age of 84 years.

He was a resident of Saltaire from the period of its building up until 1899 when he emigrated with his sons to Canada.

Death took place at the ranch of his son, Jackson Newsham, who farms extensively near Innisfail, in the province of Alberta.


14 January – Illingworth Varley, formerly Saltaire, died at Malvern, Worcestershire.


5 January – Saltaire 6 Hill Croft 0
12 – Saltaire 4 Saltaire W.S. 1
19 – Saltaire 7 Clayton Baptist 3
19 – Birkenshaw St. P. 0 Saltaire W.S. 0
26 – Junior Cup Round 2 – Loyal Daisy Lodge 2 Saltaire W.S. 1


1 January – The Invisible Fear
3 – If Four Walls Told
7 – The Sign Of Four
14 – The Wandering Jew
18 – The Valley of Tomorrow
21 – Her Mad Again and Peg O’ Movies
24 – Drums Of Destiny
28 – Only A Shopgirl
31 – A Sporting Chance and Look Your Best

Saltaire Times, February 1924


The Victoria Hall, Saltaire, was tastefully draped with art muslin on Friday evening (1 February), when the annual social of the Shipley and District Branch the National Association of Local Government Officers was held.

Upwards of 170 members and friends were present, and the function proved an unqualified success, thanks to the excellent arrangements made by the social committee and secretary (Miss Paynter).


The Twisting Department at Saltaire Mills held a whist drive and dance at the Royal Cafe, Saltaire, on Friday (8 February).

The first prize for gentlemen was won by Mr. Steele, second prize Mr. Goldborough.
Ladies’ first prize, Miss Maxter, 2nd prize. Miss Hanson.
Travelling prize, Miss Kendall.

The prizes were presented by Mrs. F. Shackleton, and the M.C. was Mr. W. Bayliffe. After the whist drive, a very pleasant evening was spent dancing. Mr. Jack Read’s Band was in attendance, and the M.C. for the dancing was Mr. H. Preston.


The Crowghyll Park Bowling Club Committee have organised a series of socials in aid of the club’s funds, and also with the object of assisting Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital, Saltaire. A successful whist drive and dance took place at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday evening (9 February).

The dancing was much enjoyed. Mr. H. Dawson was M.C., and the music was supplied by the Ideal Orchestra.


There was a large gathering of members and friends of the Shipley Lawn Tennis Club at a dance held at the Old Billiard Room of the Victoria Institute, Saltaire, on Friday (8 February).

Mr. J. V. Chapman was the M.C., and the music was supplied the Melody Boys’ Orchestra.

(Colin’s note – John Valentine Chapman (19 July 1878 – 2 March 1948) lived at 27 Norwood Avenue, Shipley.)


The Victoria Hall, Saltaire, was tastefully decorated with art muslin of red, white and blue, interspersed with festoons, on Friday (8 February), when the Bradford North Local Association Boy Scouts held their second annual whist drive and dance.

A whist drive, held in the Social Room, was controlled by. Mr. L. Hart. Quite a merry time was spent in dancing to the strains of the Bijou Orchestra. Mr. L. F. Cooper was the M.C.

The Lord Mayor of Bradford (Alderman H. M. Trotter) attended and presented the prizes to the successful whist competitors.


At the Royal Cafe, Saltaire, on Saturday (9 February), a competition for the Allison shield was held by members of the Nursing Divisions of the mid-West Riding Area of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. The four teams competing were Bradford City Tramways A and B teams, Leeds Victoria and Saltaire Mills.

The winners were Leeds Victoria.


Miss Marie Clapham's party gave the concert Tuesday (12 February) at the Saltaire Hostel. The programme was enthusiastically received. The humorous sketch given the ladies of the party caused great amusement.


A personal friend of the late Mrs. E. H. Gates, who desires to be anonymous, has presented a gramophone with a full case of beautiful records to Sir Titus Salt's Hospital, Saltaire.


A delightful time was spent at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Friday evening (15 February) the occasion of the Saltaire Institute members’ social.

The hall was tastefully decorated in a colour scheme of green and white, draped mirrors at the front of the stage heightening the effect. Twenty tables were engaged for whist drive, controlled by Mr. H. L. Atkinson.

Mrs. C. H. Ingham presented the prizes to the successful competitors as follows:

Ladies - Mrs. A. K. Gardiner; 2, Miss Cowie; travelling prize, Mrs. C. H. Ingham; consolation. Mrs. Albert Smith.

Gentlemen: Mr. T.J.J. Philip; 2, Mr. C. R. Wright; travelling prize, Mr. F. H. Hewitt; consolation, Mr. Armstrong, junior.

Afterwards an enjoyable time was spent dancing. Mr. W. Knight Plunkett was the M.C., and a delightful programme of music was contributed by the Syncophonics Orchestra.

During an interval supper was also served. The social was an unqualified success.

(Colin’s note – Herbert Louis Atkinson (29 November 1881 – 24 May 1968). In 1921 he was a bank worker living at 26 Moorhead Terrace, Shipley. In 1939 he was a bank manager living in Beverley, where he died.)

(Colin’s note – Charles Henry Ingham (1874 – 29 September 1932) worked as a colliery agent. In 1921 he was living at 31 Moorhead Terrace, Shipley, where he died.)

(Colin’s note – William Knight Plunkett (14 July 1870 – 4 February 1941) worked as an estate agent. In 1921 he was living at 8 Nab Lane, Shipley, where he died.)


There was a gratifying attendance at a social promoted by the Shipley League of Young Liberals, which took place in the York Room of the Victoria Institute, Saltaire, on Friday evening, (22 February).

The proceedings commenced with a whist drive, for which Mr. J. Clough was M.C. Mrs. C. E. Learoyd presented the prizes as follows: —

Ladies: Miss Shepherd; travelling prize, Mrs. Cordingley; consolation, Miss Excell.

Gentlemen: 1. Mr. Chappell; travelling, Mr. Simpson; consolation, Miss Bell (playing as a gentleman).

An enjoyable programme of dance music was supplied by Mr. E. Cooper’s Orchestra, and Mr. L. A. Stephenson acted as M.C. During the evening, supper was served in the Social Room, under the superintendence of the ladies’ committee.


With reference to the prizes offered by the Saltaire Institute Society to scholars attending the Salt Boys’ and Girls' High Schools and the Shipley and Windhill elementary schools for the reproduction of a lecture given Dr. A. M. Blackburn on “The Treasure Tomb of Luxor,” 131 scholars had competed (50 boys and 50 girls from the elementary schools, and 16 boys from the Salt Boys' High School, and 15 girls from the Salt Girls’ High School) and the awards were as follows:

Salt Boys’ High School – William Berry
Salt Girls’ High School – Marjorie Jones
Elementary Schools – Albert Hallam and Amy Tetley, Windhill Church of England Mixed School.

The Chairman remarked that it was particularly creditable that both prizes from the elementary schools should have been won by scholars attending the Windhill Church Mixed School, especially considering they were competing against scholars the Central School, whom they should expect to do better. He was pleased Windhill had scored again.

The prizes would take the form of books and would be presented publicly from the Victoria Hall platform at the annual meeting of the Saltaire Institute Society.


At the Library Committee the report for January showed the number of borrowers cards in force 4,149. and the issue of books as—Saltaire, 6,675; Windhill, 4.565.

The Committee approved the payment of the account of Messrs. Fred Limited, for painting and decorating work the Institute at a total cost of £629 9s. 9d. The agreed contribution to be paid by the Philharmonic Society was £397 10s., leaving a balance of £231 19s. 9d. to be paid by the Council.

Councillor J. Rhodes referred to the application of the Fire Brigade for a piano for use in the recreation room, and asked the Libraries Committee whether, in the event of a new instrument being purchased for the Institute, the Committee would consider the transfer of the piano dispensed with to the fire brigade.

Councillors Birbeck, Walker, and J. Rhodes were appointed a sub-committee to examine the pianos at the Institute and report on the matter.


Organised by the Charlestown Association Football Club, a successful fancy dress bail was held in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday evening (23 February). Upwards of 300 merry revellers participated in the function, and when dancing was in full swing, quite a brilliant scene was presented. Much ingenuity must have been displayed in the original and attractive costumes which were worn.


I congratulate Miss Jane Vickerman Rowston of Saltaire in gaining the second prize in the soprano class at the Musical Competition on Saturday (23 February).

Miss Rowston, who is a pupil of Madame Florrie Harrison, gives promise of a successful musical career.


A dance promoted by St. Peters Church Cricket Club, Shipley, was held in the York Room, Saltaire Institute, on Friday evening (29 February). Mr. R. Walker was M.C. assisted by Mr. L. Lincoln and Mr. H. Dobbs, stewards. Mr. T. Watson’s orchestra was in attendance. It was an enjoyable function.


St. Peters, Shipley – 6 February 1924.

Ernest Walter Moss, of 83 Bingley Road, Saltaire, to widow Clarice Hardaker (nee Robinson) of Bradford.


BINNS – Andrew Leslie – 15 February 1924 at Salts Hospital.


2 February – Loyal Daisy Lodge 3 Saltaire 3
9 – Buttershaw Mills 5 Saltaire 2
9 – Oakenshaw 4 Saltaire W.S. 2


1 February – A Sporting Chance and Look Your Best
4 – Stardust
7 – Jealousy
11 – Temptation
14 – Heroes Of The Street
18 – The Indian Love Lyrics
21 – His Wife’s Husband and The Knock Out
25 – Main Street
28 – Playing It Wild

Saltaire Times, March 1924


Considering the shocking weather there was quite a large attendance at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire on Wednesday night (5 March), the occasion of the Philharmonic Society’s concert. “Samson and Delilah” was the work rendered, and the efforts of the principals and chorus were greatly appreciated.


The Shrovetide social promoted by the Women’s Unionist Association was held in the York Room, Saltaire Institute, on Tuesday (4 March).

The function, which was well attended, was of enjoyable nature. A whist drive was controlled by councillor A. B. Horne.

At the dance which followed, Mr. Albert Rhodes was M.C„ and the stewards were Messrs, F. Kendall, A. Hewitson. H. B. Whitfield and Stanley Rhodes. Mr. J. W. Hall's Orchestra supplied the music. During an interval supper was served in the Social Room.


Organised by Mrs. Thackray and Miss Tempest of Saltaire, a dance was held in the Friendly Society’s Hall, Shipley, in aid of Sir Titus Salts Hospital, Saltaire, on Saturday evening (1 March).

The function was under the patronage of several members the Shipley Urban Council. Mr. H. Barraclough was M. C., and Mr. R. Light’s orchestra supplied the music.

After the interval fancy caps, streamers, etc., were distributed. which contributed in no small degree to the enjoyment of the gathering.


By the death of Mr. George Garton, which took place on Sunday (9 March) at Saltaire, in his eighty-third year, Huddersfield loses the last of the older members of the building trade.

He was responsible for the work at Huddersfield Town Hall, at various banks, and other public buildings.

From 1887 to 1893 he was a member of Huddersfield Council, and he was the first chairman of the Electric Light Committee.

(Colin’s note – George died at Lloyds Bank House, 1 Albert Road, Saltaire.)


A mass meeting of the National Union of Textile Workers (Shipley Branch) was held in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire on Sunday evening (9 March), at which there was a large attendance.

Mr. T. Battersby of Bradford (District President) presided in the unavoidable absence of Mr. Arthur Shaw, J.P. He was supported by Mr. Ben Turner, M.P. (President National Union of Textile Workers), Mr. William Mackinder, M.P. for the Shipley Division, Mrs. Mackinder, Mrs. W. Kendall (secretary Shipley Branch Textile Workers), Councillor H. H. Clark (Engineers), Mr. F. Dickinson, Mrs. Dickinson, Mr. J. W. Briggs (Textile), Mr. W. S. Ives (Woodworkers), Miss Livesey (Textile).


At the annual meeting of the Royal Liver Friendly Society held at the Rosso Street Baptist School on Wednesday (12 March) for the purpose of electing a delegate to the annual meeting at Jersey on 14 May, Mr. Clayton presided.

The election resulted in Mr. Harry Smith of Saltaire, who was defeated last year by Mr. Francis Edgar Jowett, Alexandra Road. Shipley. The figures were Smith 71, Jowett 55.

Much sympathy however is felt for Mr. Jowett on the double bereavement he has sustained by the death of his youngest sister Mrs. Procter, and her six year old son. Mrs. Procter was the wife of S. E. Procter, builder of Bridgholme, Riddlesden, Keighley, formerly of Shipley, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis William Jowett, Fern Place, Saltaire. Mr. Jowett’s father, a well-known Saltaire resident, who is over eighty years of age, is also dangerously ill.


The death occurred on Monday (17 March) of Mr. Francis William Jowett, of 4, Fern Place, Saltaire a well-known and highly esteemed resident.

Mr. Jowett, who was in his 80 th year, was a native of Leeds. He came to Saltaire with his parents in 1854, and at the age of 9 ½ years he began work as a half-timer in the spinning department Saltaire Mills.

At the age of 12, Mr. Jowett was “passed out” being capable to work full time, and he continued working at Saltaire Mills until he was 22 years of age.

After working for some time at Bradford, Mr. Jowett returned to Saltaire Mills where, altogether, he was employed for 55 years, and for over 30 years acted as temporary watchman at the Mills on Saturday afternoons and Sundays, and occasionally at nights.

Mr. Jowett was a Liberal, and for a long period he was a member of the Shipley Liberal Club. He was also a member of the Shipley Veterans Association.

He had always taken keen interest in sport and was a prominent figure for several years at Roberts Park when Saltaire Cricket Club played their home fixtures.

In April 1921, Mr. and Mrs. Jowett celebrated their golden wedding. He is survived by his wife and one son and six daughters. The grief of the family all the more poignant account of the recent death of Mr. Jowett’s youngest daughter and her six-year-old son.


Ample evidence of the popularity of the Saltaire Dramatic Club was seen at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Friday (7 March) by the large audience assembled, who thoroughly enjoyed a successful performance of the comedy, “Nothing but the Truth."


There was a large gathering of members and friends of the Saltaire Mills Male Voice Choir at the annual dinner, which was held the Prince at Wales Hotel, Shipley, Friday (14 March) evening.

Mr. J. Farmer presided, and he was supported by Messrs. F. Fearnley Rhodes, C. E. Learoyd, T. F. Doyle, F. White, K. Bateson, Harold Barnes (Clerk, Shipley District Council), H. C. Smith, and S. Deacon (Shipley Musical Union), A. H. Field and H. Patchett (Windhill Musical Union), A. J. Bell (Stationmaster, Saltaire), T. Greaves (Stationmaster, Shipley Great Northern Station), H. Milner and S. Simpson (Shipley Working Men’s Club Glee Union), and W. A. Tyas.

An excellent repast was provided by the Windhill Co-operative Society, and the secretarial arrangements were ably carried out by Mr. G. Fawcett.


The Shipley District Musical Festival Committee have every reason to be proud of the success achieved in their third annual musical festival, which was held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday (15 March).

It was a great musical treat, and the standard of merit that was attained on this occasion maintained, those responsible for the festival can rest assured that in the not too far distant future the Shipley and District Musical Festival will become to be regarded as one of the prominent festivals in the West Riding. It is gratifying to find such interest taken amongst the children of the schools, and their praiseworthy efforts on Saturday were spoken of in high terms of commendation, the adjudicator (Dr. Coward), who complimented the teachers on their painstaking tuition.

In the various other classes Dr. Coward commented favourably upon the all-round excellent performances, and the keenness displayed.


Otley Police Court – Friday 21 March

Charles Cunningham (22), a fish dealer, of Cleethorpes, was charged with attempting to commit suicide at Saltaire, by drinking a poisonous liniment.

Cunningham, it was stated, was found in Saltaire Park on Sunday, 18 March, in a dazed condition. It was discovered he had taken poison from a bottle. He was removed by two civilians to Saltaire Hospital, where he had since been under detention.

Police Sergeant Redfern said he interviewed the accused at the hospital, and he told him that he had some trouble over a girl. He had drunk one bottle and part of another.

On promising not to repeat the offence, the accused was handed over to the care of his brother, who said that the man suffered from a poisoned throat and his nerves had got into a bad state.


At the Libraries Committee, the library report for February showed the number of borrowers’ cards in force as 4,105, and the issue books as—Saltaire, 6,392; Windhill 4,752.

A letter was read from the Saltaire Conversazioni Committee forwarding a cheque for £35 respect of the use of the Victoria Hall for the Conversazioni and conveying the thanks of the committee for the facilities granted by the Council. The Committee accepted the cheque for £35 in full settlement for the use of the rooms and material in connection with the conversazioni.

The Committee had under consideration complaints in regard to the misbehaviour of youths at the Saltaire Institute. The Chairman and Clerk were authorised to engage attendant for the special purpose of maintaining order in the reading room and institute lobby during the week evenings.


The first annual social promoted for the workpeople of Messrs. W. Oddy and Co., Junction Mills, Shipley, took place at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, Friday (28 March) evening.

Upwards of 200 persons were present and included the manager (Mr. E. Ratcliffe) and Miss Atkinson (secretary of the company), who, the unavoidable absence of Mr. Trimnel (managing director) presented the prizes to the successful competitors.

Mr. P. Pinder acted as M.C. for the whist, and the prize-winners were as follows. Ladies—l, Miss Townsley: 2. Miss L. Simpson; consolation, Mrs. E. Tillotson; sealed prize, Miss Lena Mason.

Gentlemen—l, Mr. J. Horne; 2, Mr. J. Fawcett; consolation, Mr. Petty. For the dance Mr. B. Shepherd was M.C. and delightful dance music was supplied by Ward’s Orchestra. Mr. Alfred Whalley ably fulfilled the duties secretary.


A creditable performance of Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Trial by Jury’’ was given at the Saltaire Congregational Church choir in the Schoolroom on Friday (28 March) evening. It was the first venture of this form of entertainment by the choir, which was given under the direction Mr. James Feather.


Organised by the Shipley Hospital Demonstration Committee, a performance of Mendelssohn's Elijah was given at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Sunday (30 March) evening, the whole of the proceeds being devoted to Sir Titus Salt's Hospital.


The coming-of-age Mr. Harold Dobbs, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dobbs, of Ingleside Grove, Bingley Road; Shipley, was celebrated on Friday (28 March). The function was held at the social rooms of the Saltaire Institute. Dancing began at 7.30 p.m. and was kept at lively pace until 1 a.m. Supper was served in the adjoining room, which about 40 guests sat down.


St. Peters, Shipley – 12 March 1924

Laurence Milner, master tailor aged 27 of 8 Katherine Street, Saltaire, to Annie Tillotson, cloth passer aged 36 of 22 Whitlam Street, Saltaire.

St. Pauls, Shipley – 15 March 1924

Lawrence Gott, woolcomber aged 24 of 26 Jane Street, Saltaire, to Mary Jane Smith, drawer aged 21 of 51 Dale Street, Shipley.

St. Pauls, Shipley – 29 March 1924

Harvey Bullock, mechanic aged 25 of 21 Jane Street, Saltaire, to Vera Annie Brown, aged 22 of 46 Thompson Street, Shipley.


BOYES, JOHN – 16 March 1924


1 March – Saltaire W.S. 5 Parkhill United 0
8 – Saltaire W.S. 2 Temperance Hall 1
15 – Saltaire W.S. 13 Cathedral C.B. 1
22 – Saltaire W.S. 5 Alma Juniors 2
29 – Heaton Baptist 5 Saltaire 1


1 March – Playing It Wild and The Kid Reporter
3 – The Christian
6 – The Challenge and His New Job
10 – Fair Lady
13 – Fires Of Fate
17 – Monna Vanna
20 – The Bolted Door
24 – Brass
27 – The Man Next Door and A Blind Bargain
31 – I Pagliacci

Saltaire Times, April 1924


A special two weeks’ effort in connection with the League of Nations Union (Bradford district) commenced, on Tuesday evening (1 April), when a meeting was held at the York Room of the Victoria Institute, Saltaire.

The object of the special effort is three-fold: it aims at increasing the membership of the Bradford branch of the League of Nations Union; raising £370, the Bradford branch's contribution to the funds of the Union; and spreading the ideas of the League.

Mr. F. J. Fuller (headmaster of Salt's Boys' High School) presided, and the speaker was Colonel Ct. D. Turner, Lecturer on International Relations at Oxford.


When two Saltaire youths were charged at Bradford to-day (14 April) with stealing a bicycle, it transpired that the machine, partly dismantled. was found in a pigsty.

One of the youths, who was fond of reading books of adventure, ran away from home some time ago.

Defendants were bound over for twelve months, one of the conditions being that they do not visit picture-houses.


Organised by Miss Vera Slade, a successful whist drive and dance in aid of the National Institute for the Blind was held at the Royal Café, Saltaire, on Wednesday evening (16 April). Mr J. Viosey was M.C. for the drive, and prizes were presented by Mr. G. Hall.

At the dance Mr. W. Murgatroyd was M.C., and the Double Effs Orchestra supplied the music.


At the Royal Café, Saltaire, on Saturday evening (19 April), a whist drive and dance took place promoted by the Shipley St Mary’s A.F.C. Mr G. Wall was M. C. for the whist, and prizes were presented by Mr. M. Clabby.

Mr. V. Wensworth was M.C. for the dance, and the music was supplied by the Excelda Syncopated Orchestra.


I congratulate William Berry, a pupil of Salt Boys' High School, on having achieved double honours in connection with the Saltaire Institute Society lecture essays.

Out of eleven competitors from the Salt Boys High School, Berry obtained the prize for the second time in succession.

It was rather disappointing that there was only one entry from the Salt Girls’ High School. There were no fewer than 91 entries from the Shipley and Windhill elementary schools.


Annie Neild, aged 13, of Caroline Street, Saltaire, attended the opening ceremony of the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley, London.

She is a pupil at Wood Bottom Mixed School, Baildon.


Considerable interest in local railway circles was evinced in a wedding at Bradford Cathedral on Wednesday (30 April) between Mr. Walter Whatley, traffic inspector at the Bradford (L.M.S.) Railway Station, and Miss Emily Brooksbank, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Brooksbank, Saltaire.

The honeymoon is being spent at Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset.


Saltaire Wesleyan Church 16 April

Alice Freedman (born 15 June 1900) of 69 Bingley Road, Saltaire, to Ernest J. Parkinson (born 13 October 1899) of 3 Higher School Street, Saltaire.

St. Peter's, Shipley – 19 April

Robert Woodhead, dyer’s labourer aged 36 to Dorethea Bullock, twister aged 27. Both of 21 Jane Street, Saltaire.

St Peter's, Shipley 28 April

Amy Winterbottom, spinner aged 21 of 28 Constance Street to Harry Smith, warehouseman aged 20 of 28 Herbert Street Saltaire.


5 April – Windhill 3 Saltaire 0
12 – Princeville St. 6 Saltaire W.S. 4
19 – Robertshaw Mills 4 Saltaire 1


3 April – Backbone
7 – His Brother’s Wife
10 – Rags To Riches
14 – The Fifth Form At St. Dominic’s
17 – The Little Church Around The Corner
21 – Tents Of Allah
24 – Out To Win
28 – The Avalanche


Saltaire Times, May 1924


One the right flank of the entrance, the firm of Salts (Saltaire), Limited, display a huge scenic canvas of Saltaire Mills, and the ground area is occupied by samples of the wide range of fabrics made in these well-known mills.

(Colin’s note – The Palace of Industry was a large exhibition hall, built for The British Empire Exhibition which was held from 23 April to 1 November 1924, and from 9 May to 31 October 1925.)


The annual meeting of the Ashfield Tennis club was held in the Social Room of the Saltaire Institute on Friday evening (2 May), Mr. M. Dixon presiding.

Officers for the ensuing year were elected follows; Chairman, Mr. M. Dixon; secretary. Mr. K. Sykes; treasurer, Mr. Harold Barnes.

It was decided open the courts tomorrow, weather permitting.


The Sunday School anniversary in connection with the Saltaire Wesleyan Church was held on Sunday (4 May), when forceful sermons were preached by the Rev. G. Herbert East, of Bradford (a former superintendent of the circuit).

At the morning service the choir, conducted by Mr. E. Armitage, gave an excellent rendering of the anthem “Out the Deep,” in which Mrs. Ward effectively sang the solo.

In the evening “The Heavens are telling” was a praiseworthily sung, the trio being well sustained by Miss Oddy, Mr. W. Ridsdale and Mr. E. Holmes.

Two scholars, Grace Boyes and Louie Dixon also contributed solos very nicely, morning and evening respectively. Mr. H. Norman Steele ably presided at the organ.


At Bradford Bankruptcy Court on Monday (12 May), before the Registrar (Mr. C. P. Charlesworth), Ada Hudson, wardrobe and furniture dealer, lately residing and carrying on business at 3 Victoria Road, Saltaire, and also at Wakefield Road, Bradford, now residing at Gondar Gardens, West Hampstead, London, was examined on a statement of affairs in which she admitted liabilities amounting to £417, which £415 would rank for dividend, and a deficiency of £293.

In reply to the Official Receiver (Mr. Walter Durrance), the debtor said she had been in the wardrobe business for nine years, and her annual turnover was about £500. Her total business and household expenses amounted to £6 per week. Her husband made her weekly allowance of 12s., which she had not included in her cash account, and she received £94 under her sister’s will which she had not accounted for in her statement.

In reply to further questions, she stated that she received some £300 during January and February last and had only accounted for £13 0s 10d. of that amount. She had spent the money, she said, on living.

The Official Receiver; Have you a nest egg anywhere?
No, I have spent every penny of my money.
Have you any investments or banking account?
When did you go to London?
9 February.
What money had you when you went to London?
I can’t remember.
The Registrar; Oh, yes, you can. Now think before answering.
The Debtor: I gave £25 to my daughter before she was married.

The Official Receiver: Now how much money had you when you went to London?
I had something like £125 left.
And how much of that £125 have you left now?
Your daughter's husband got some £150 worth furniture; was that another gift for your daughter?
No, It was paid for.
And what did you do with that money?
I spent it.

The debtor was questioned by Mr. J. Wurzal, on behalf of creditors, with regard to the disposal of furniture obtained from them and alleged to have been sent to auctioneer almost immediately.

Letters were produced, which Mr. Wurzal said indicated that the debtor had obtained furniture from Leeds people, which was ordered six days after she had sold her Saltaire business. She agreed that the letters produced had been written on her behalf by Mr. Lee. her son-in-law. The Official Receiver asked that the examination should adjourned for a month.

The Registrar: The examination has been close, but not closer than was necessary in the circumstances. I should not have closed the examination if I had been asked to. It will be adjourned for five weeks. I daresay it is not easy for a woman unused to the witness box to do herself justice, but you must try and remember your business transactions.

(Colin’s note – Ada Askey was born 6 April 1882 in Menston. She married Ernest Hudson, a wire maker, 4 July 1904, at St. Johns, Great Horton, Bradford. They had two daughters. Ada died in Bradford district in 1976.)


At the Libraries Committee Mr. Walker was appointed chairman, and Mr. White vice-chairman.

The library report for March showed the number of borrowers’ cards in force as 4,149, and the issue of books as – Saltaire 6,880; Windhill 4,815.

It was recommended that the application of the Saltaire Conversazioni Committee for the use of the Victoria Hall and other rooms at the Institute from 5 to 12 January 1925, inclusive, be granted, and that the Council provide facilities as in previous years.

Mr. Clark said he had received complaints that the engineering books at the library were not up to date. Mr. Hudson requested that the ‘Contractors' Journal might be included in the list, and Mr. Brown said the ‘Contractors' Journal was a very good book.

Mr. Cowgill observed that at a cursory glance in the library a few months ago the newspapers they had there hardly did credit to a township the size of Shipley. Newspapers had been cut down to the lowest possible limit, and if they had any complaints from ratepayers of the inadequacy of the supply of literature, he thought it would be very well founded. He also noticed that the magazines had been taken out of the reading room and kept round the corner in the library. He had no doubt this was done in consequence of several of the magazines having been defaced by people disfiguring the pages, but there had been no information given to the public that they had been put there.

Mr. Walker, in reply, said the committee would be willing to receive any suggestions regarding engineering or other books, or newspapers, and the recommendations would be considered.

Regarding the magazines in the library, they were removed from the library on account of the damage done to them.


The Committee recommended that tenders be obtained for the provision of a new cloakroom for the Saltaire Institute Club; also that tenders be obtained for the supply of a new piano for the York Room and also for 200 chairs.

The Sub-Committee had under consideration the question of the newspapers, periodicals, etc., provided in the reading rooms, and it was decided that a schedule of the various periodicals supplied at present be prepared and submitted at the next meeting of the Committee.

A schedule of the various magazines and newspapers provided in the reading rooms was submitted, and the Committee were of the opinion that the list comprised generally a suitable and representative selection. Two or three additional magazines were recommended for inclusion in the list in future.


The annual meeting of the Saltaire Institute Society was held in the York Room of the Saltaire Institute on Friday (2 May) evening, Mr. E. Clifford Fry (chairman of the Society) presiding over a moderate attendance. Before business proceedings began the chairman presented, the prizes awarded the society to the following scholars who had written essays the subjects of the lectures entitled “The Treasure Tombs of Luxor,” and “A Frenchman’s View of England.”

First lecture: William Berry (Salt Boys’ High School), Marjorie Jones (Salt Girls’ High School) Albert Hollam (Windhill Church England Mixed School), Amy Tetley (Windhill Church of England School). Second lecture: William Berry (Salt Boys’ High School), John Lancaster (Shipley Church of England, Mixed School), Mabel Richardson Central Upper Standard Girls’ School).

The Chairman, in presenting the awards, said that it was one of the main satisfactory features of the work of the Saltaire Institute Society. They had no desire to impress education upon anyone, but if pupils desired it and took the trouble to set forth their views upon the lectures in such an excellent manner as these successful pupils had done, the society felt they were deserving of some slight reward. Unfortunately, the society was not in a highly satisfactory financial condition, or the number prizes would be increased.

Mr. Fry complimented William Berry having achieved double honours, which was all the more creditable as the essays were adjudicated upon by different judges.


By kind permission of Miss Duckitt, the pupils from the High School gave scenes from “Twelfth Night,” on Monday (5 May) at the Saltaire Hostel. The girls are to congratulated on the naturalness of their acting, and the enthusiasm with which they entered into their parts making the audience forget the workaday world for couple hours and live with the actors in Shakespeare’s land.


Four Shipley schoolchildren, two boys and two girls, were before the Bradford West Riding Magistrates on Thursday (22 May), charged with trespassing on the L.M.S. railway at Shipley on 20 April. The offence was admitted.

It was stated that playing on the grass at the side of the railway lines near Ashby Lane was becoming a habit with a large number of children, and it was of course, highly dangerous.

Not long since, in the Saltaire district, the fireman of the train, had had his eye cut with stone, and a woman riding in the first-class carriage had had her arm cut in the same manner.

The Chairman (Mr. J. G. Mowat) said the Bench were loath to do anything to damage the character of the children, but the railway company had been right in bringing the case.

The children were dismissed on payment of the costs.


While James Booth (18) of Dale Street, Shipley, a spinner at Messrs. C. F. Taylor and Co., was cycling in Shipley on Friday (2 May), the tyre of the back wheel burst, causing Booth to be thrown off his machine. He was taken to Salt’s Hospital suffering from abrasions to his hip.


In spite of the wretched weather that prevailed on Saturday (24 May), the Shipley Trades & Friendly Society successfully organised a flower sale, and the efforts of the collectors realised £43 in aid of Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital.


Organised by the Shipley Hospital Sunday Committee, of which Mr. Walker is Chairman, and Mr. D. B. Chadwick secretary, a flag day was held in Shipley on Saturday (31 May), when, despite the adverse atmospheric conditions, the total collected amounted to £43 18s. 2d.


We have received from Mr. Frank Feather, Secretary of the Shipley and District Collection Committee, the official figures for the total amount of eggs collected and cash received for the Shipley, Baildon, and Bingley districts’ egg collection held on 24 May.

Altogether, 18,266 eggs were collected as follows:
Shipley... 9,430
Bingley… 6,502
Baildon... 2,344.

The total cash received from the districts was £19 as follows:

Shipley... £16 15s 5d
Bingley… £1 13s 7d
Baildon... 11s 0d.

The eggs have been allocated to the various hospitals as follows: Bradford Royal Infirmary... 15,934
Saltaire Hospital... 880
Bingley Hospital... 1,452.


WANTED – Pair of Ornamental, Wrought-Iron Entrance Gates, large size; state size, price and where can be seen – Henry Whitehead, Saltaire Mills.

St. Peter’s, Shipley

10 May
Cecil George Simpson, 26, confectioner, of 11 Constance Street, Saltaire, to Jane Ellen Thompson, 2, of 8 Beechwood Avenue, Moorhead, Shipley.

17 May
Mary Alice Hainsworth, 21, twister, of 23 Constance Street, Saltaire, to Frederick Taylor, 22, farmer’s man, of Bolton Woods.

31 May
Jennie Quanbury, 25, burler, of 20 William Henry Street, Saltaire, to Horace Bentley Leek, 28, pattern room manager from Manningham.


3 May – Princeville St. 6 Saltaire 2


3 May – Saltaire v Low Moor – match abandoned.
10 – Bowling Old Lane v Saltaire – match abandoned.
17 – Saltaire 71 all out beat Laisterdyke 70 all out, by 1 run.
24 – Idle v Saltaire – match abandoned.
31 – Bradford v Saltaire – match abandoned.


3 May – Low Moor 42 for 7 beat Saltaire Mills 40 all out, by 7 wickets.
10 – Saltaire Mills 54 all out beat Wibsey Congregational 40 all out, by 14 runs.
17 – Pudsey Wesleyan Guild 51 all out lost to Saltaire Mills 55 for 5, by 5 wickets.
23 – Saltaire Mills v Woodlands – match abandoned.


5 May – Vanity Fair
8 – Where The North Begins
12 – The Beautiful And The Damned
15 – Strangling Threads
19 – Loves Of The Mighty
22 – Hitch Stirs ‘Em Up
26 – One Exciting Night
29 – The Old Nest

Our friends

Salts Mill
David Hockney
Saltaire History Club
Saltaire United Reformed Church
Saltaire Inspired
Saltaire Festival
Saltaire Collection, Shipley College
Saltaire Daily Photo


Content copyright of individual contributors.
Please contact the editor.


This website

Colin Coates

The Saltaire Journal, Nemine Juvante Publications


Editor: Flinty Maguire

Reseacher: Colin Coates

Saltaire Social History


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