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Image: Clementine and Winston Church. Photographer unknown |
WW2: 1942
Researched by Colin Coates |
Colin Coates writes:
Twenty-one years after the end of WW1, we were again at war with Germany when war was declared, 1 September 1939. This monthly diary will show events in Saltaire throughout the war from January 1939 to the end of 1945.
The primary source of the information is the Shipley Times, which was published weekly
throughout the war. Where possible I have used the exact wording from the newspaper. Where appropriate there are links to biographies on the website.
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This page: Life in WW2 Saltaire: 1942
Updated monthly
1942 January | February | March
April | May | June |
July | August | September
October | November | December
Saltaire Times, January 1942
Mrs R. Knott, Valley Street, Windhill, has learned that her husband, Private Stanley Arthur Knott (Border Regiment) has been killed in the Middle East.
He was a Guiseley man but lived in the Shipley district four years before joining up and was employed as a weaver at the Saltaire Mills.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Slinger, 2 Helen Street, Saltaire, have learned that their son, Ordinary Seaman Leslie Slinger, was killed on H.M.S. Barham. He joined the Royal Navy at the age of 15, and was in action at Crete, Greece, and Norway.
Lance-Corporal Harold Robinson Doyle, a member of a prominent Shipley family, has been awarded the D.C.M. for conspicuous gallantry during the fighting in France.
With great courage he held on to a post to cover the withdrawal of his comrades when the Germans broke through.
Lance-Corporal Doyle is the third son of the late Mr. Thomas Francis Doyle, of Saltaire, who was a member of the Shipley Council. He joined the Army at the end of the last war and served in Archangel, Egypt, and India. He rejoined when this war broke out.
Stated to be a member of the Apostolic Church and to have become a deacon, treasurer, and secretary of the church missionary work at Saltaire within a period of 18 months, Ernest Wilson Richardson, aged 25, civil engineer, of Bank Crest, Baildon, appeared before Leeds Conscientious Objectors' Tribunal, Monday 26 January.
Asked whether the church was short of men that Richardson should have taken these positions in so short a time, the pastor, Wilfred Ewart Rhodes, said his congregation only numbered 15 to 20, and most of them were women. There were about six men.
Richardson was registered for non-combatant duties.
Jack Gott, aged 8, of 19 Wycliffe Road, Shipley, was knocked down by a motor van in Saltaire Road, Shipley, on Monday (5 January), and taken to Saltaire Hospital suffering from a badly fractured leg.
In attempt to avoid him, the driver swerved, and the van crashed into the front of a shop.
(Colin’s note – Jack Gott – born, 12 June 1933. Died, 31 March 1993 at 186 Wycliffe Gardens, Shipley.)
John Hudson (57), of Westcliffe Road, Shipley, maintenance electrician, died at Saltaire Hospital, Tuesday 13 January, from injuries received when he fell 17 feet through the roof a factory at Woodbottom, Baildon.
Jacob Holmes Light (57), The Gales, Menin Drive, Baildon, fish and chip shop proprietor, Saltaire Road, Shipley, collapsed and died in his shop on Saturday night (31 January).
He had some trouble with his car and went into the shop, it is stated, for a block of wood. He was found lying on the floor and was taken to Saltaire Hospital, where on arrival he was found to be dead.
The Bradford Parks Committee has decided to recommend the Corporation to sell the two old cannons in Roberts Park, Saltaire, to the highest private bidder for use as scrap in the war effort. The cannon are relics on the Crimean War.
Shipley District Traders’ Association held a very successful and enjoyable whist drive and dance at the Saltaire Institute on Saturday night in aid of their Ambulance for the Forces Fund. There were over 300 guests.
Mr. Albert Coulton was the M.C. for the dancing which took place in the Victoria Hall. Mr. W. Lupton Brooks was the M.C. for the whist.
The aim of the fund is to raise £300 for the purchase of a light ambulance for the Forces, but if the war ends before this object is reached the balance in hand will be presented to the Saltaire Hospital.
The Governors of Saltaire Hospital, at their January meeting, decided to invest £6,500 during the Shipley-Baildon Warship Week on behalf of the New Hospital Fund.
Mr. W. H. Crabtree (Chairman) presided, and other Governors present were Miss Dunn, Mrs. Birbeck, Mr. James Wall, Mr. H. E. Sucksmith, Mr. A.S. Hyde, Mr. J. R. Hardcastle, and Dr. Sharpe.
Do you know that a Branch of the
exists in Shipley.
We want another 2,000 members.
Send your name and address to
Mr. T. Johnson, Secretary, 1 Titus Street, Saltaire.
Membership 1s per year.
The wedding took place, at St. Paul's Church. Shipley, of Mr. Leslie Hartley, Frizinghall and Miss Kathleen W. Hanson, of Saltaire.
Mr. Hartley is secretary to the Ilkley Coronation Hospital, and the bride secretary to Onduras Ltd., Shipley, and also a volunteer clerical worker for the Shipley A.T.C.
The bride was given away by her grandfather, Mr. F. W. Hanson, aged 84.
Two Civil Defence ambulance drivers were married at Saltaire Methodist Church on Saturday (3 January).
They were Mr. Douglas Whittingham, elder son of Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Whittingham of Norwood Terrace, Shipley, and Miss Alice Mason, younger daughter of Mr. J. W. Mason of Rhodes Street.
The sum of £50 was handed over to the Shipley Red Cross Fund on Monday (5 January) by a representative of the Windhill Branch of the Women’s Industrial National Service.
This handsome donation was raised by means of New Year carnival dance held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, Saturday (3 January), supplemented by men’s efforts.
The music at the dance was provided by Arty Kaye and his New Commanders, Mrs. Stott was organising secretary, and Mr. E. Hoyle was M.C.
A dancing exhibition was given by Mr. Hoyle and partner.
31 December – Saltaire Congregational Church
John, youngest son of the late Mr. & Mrs. A. Armstrong, Saltaire, to Doreen, only daughter of Mr. & Mrs. A. D. Bilham, Cottingley.
24 January – Saltaire Congregational Church
Florence Irene, only daughter of Mr. & Mrs. T.W. Walker, Saltaire, to Charles, eldest son of Mr. & the late Mrs. G. H. Archer, Farnley.
METCALFE – 17 January at 57 Victoria Road, Saltaire, Arthur Metcalfe, husband of the late Mary Metcalfe.
CHARLESWORTH – 31 January (suddenly), at Mount Street, Harrogate, Joseph Charlesworth, husband of Florrie Charlesworth, late of Saltaire.
1 January – Jeannie
4 – The Roaring Twenties
5 – My Life With Caroline & Blondie Has Servant Trouble
8 – The Hurricane
11 – Juares
12 – The Devil Commands & Meet Boston Blackie
15 – Forty Thousand Horsemen
18 – The Flying Deuces
19 – Hell’s Angels & Let The People Laugh
22 – Adam Had Four Sons
25 – Four Wives
26 – Turned Out Nice
Saltaire Times, February 1942
Private James William Blezzard, York and Lancaster Regiment, third son of Mr. and Mrs. John Blezzard, of Dallam Walk, Shipley, has been awarded the Military Medal for gallant and distinguished service in the Middle East.
Private Blezzard, a native of Shipley, was educated at Saltaire Road school. Before joining the Army as a bugler, about eight years ago, he was employed at Saltaire Mills.
Five sons of the family are serving in the Forces, three in the Army and two in the Navy. Joseph aged 27 in India; John (25) in the Military Police; James William in the Middle East; Robert (21), on a minesweeper, and Ernest, the youngest, in Naval Patrol Service.
The father, Mr. John Blezzard, served in the Royal Field Artillery in the last war. He is a laboratory assistant at Saltaire Mills, where he has been employed for 30 years.
The series of dances organised by the Saltaire Cricket Club to augment their funds are proving exceedingly popular.
Upwards of 400 revellers were present at a-dance held in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, Saturday evening (7 February), and the company included several men serving in the Forces.
The Secretary ( Mr. A. W. Burgoyne) was the M.C., and the music was supplied by the Ambassadors.
There was a large gathering the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, Saturday evening (14 February), when the annual dance promoted by the Shipley Men's Catholic Club was held. Mr. Jack McLaughlin was M.C., and the music was supplied by the Melody Makers.
The dance was organised by the committee consisting of Messrs. V. Wensworth, J. Burden (secretary), J. W. Jordan, J. Haste. T. Thompson and A. Sheard.
Refreshments were served under the superintendence the ladies' committee: Miss H. McKenzie. Mrs. J. Burden, Mrs. T. Thompson. Mrs. A. Sheard and Miss M. Haste.
It was an enjoyable gathering, and the extra hour for dancing which the Shipley Urban Council had granted was much appreciated.
Organised by the Shipley Section No. 3 Troop Legion of Frontiersman, a very successful and well attended dance was held in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday evening (21 February).
Sergeant John Chell was the officer in charge and Trooper Simpson was a capable M.C. The music was supplied by the Melody Makers.
During the evening, light refreshments were served under the supervision of the members of the Shipley Branch of the British Legion (women’s section).
Saltaire Congregational Church – 7 February.
Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharpe, 38 George Street, Saltaire, to Bdr. Frank Newton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Newton, 4 Lister Avenue, Bradford.
CASH – Margaret at 31 Whitlam Street, Saltaire (no date given)
JACKSON – 8 February – at 22 Jane Street, Saltaire – spinster Eva Jackson, aged 36, daughter of Ralph Edgar and Mary Jackson.
CRABTREE – 11 February – at 65 George Street, Saltaire – Harry Wright , aged 51.
1 February – The Saint Takes Over
2 – The Reluctant Dragon
8 – King Of The Lumberjacks and Smuggled Gold
9 – It Started With Eve
15 – Girl From God’s Country and The Londoners
16 – Adventure in Sahara and Ellery Queen, Master Detective
19 – The Common Touch
22 – Door With Seven Locks
23 – International Lady
26 – The Saint Meets The Tiger
29 – Bulldog Sees It Through and Sing As You Swing
Saltaire Times, March 1942
Seventy-eight years of continuous employment at Saltaire Mills, is the remarkable record achieved by Mr. George Excell, Albert Road, Saltaire, whose death has occurred the age of 95. Mr Excell commenced work in 1855 at the mill which his father had helped to build.
Lance Corporal Harold Robinson Doyle has been presented with the D.C.M. It was awarded for conspicuous gallantry in France.
His brother, Arthur Doyle, who is Chairman of Salts (Saltaire) Cricket Club, and his sister-in-law attended the investiture.
Lance Corporal Doyle was serving with the Gordon Highlanders in front of the Maginot Line, and was on duty with two other soldiers, when the German advance began. All three were wounded.
He is the third son of the late Mr. Thomas Francis Doyle.
Lance-Corporal Vincent Grace, Helen Street, Saltaire, is named in a list of British prisoners of war Italian hands received from enemy sources.
Mrs. Armitage of 3 Albert Walk, Shipley, has been notified that her son, Driver Alan Armitage, previously reported missing is now a prisoner in Italian hands. He was a member of the East Bradford Cycling Club. Before joining the forces, Driver Armitage was an employee at Salts (Saltaire) Ltd., Saltaire Mills.
Subscription and Helpers Needed
At the monthly meeting of the Shipley Hospital Supply and Comforts Depot, Victoria Hall. Saltaire, the President (Mrs. F. H. Rhodes) presiding, the main item on the agenda was the Prisoners of War.
It was decided to help each Shipley prisoner of war as much possible with his personal parcel which is sent once every three month.
The camouflage netting was next discussed and it was reported that this was going on satisfactorily, and average attendance eight to ten helpers per day was reported.
The Depot wish make an earnest appeal for subscriptions for the Shipley Prisoners of War Funds and also for more helpers for the camouflage netting.
Any persons wishing to volunteer can report at the Depot, Victoria Hall, Saltaire, which opens every afternoon excepting Saturday for this work. The number of garments and hospital supplies made since the beginning of the war is over 12,000. The depot is open Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for sewing and knitting. The depot also give out Red Cross Seamen’s Mission and Shipley Comforts wool for home knitting, the finished garments having to be returned to the depot.
A “lightning” effort at Saltaire for a mobile tea canteen in connection with the Shipley-Baildon Y.M.C.A. has resulted in £172 being raised within a week, without any expenses at all.
The idea of a bring-and-buy sale was conceived by Mrs. R. W. Hornshaw (formerly Miss Sowden), a worker in many good causes. Immediately a band of willing helpers rallied round, the Midland Bank lent premises without rent in Gordon Terrace, Saltaire, and the Shipley District Council also gave assistance.
Stock rolled in. People coming to buy, as well as to give, the articles in many cases being of considerable value.
The last of the series of the popular dances which have been organised by the committee of the Saltaire Cricket Club took place in the Victoria Hall, in Saltaire, on Saturday (7 March) attracted upwards of 400 dancers, who spent most an enjoyable time.
The Secretary ( Mr. A. W. Burgoyne) was the M.C., and the music was supplied by the Ambassadors.
Although naturally disappointed that their cherished hopes of joining the Bradford Cricket League did not materialise, the Salts (Saltaire) Cricket Club are facing the coining cricket season with great enterprise.
As championship winners of the Yorkshire Cricket Council last season the Club intends to make every endeavour to retain the championship. They have got an attractive fixture list of 21 first eleven matches, and their opening fixture is on Saturday 25 April.
The club will have the assistance of John Lawrence, who last season took 100 wickets for them: Miles Coope (the Yorkshire Colt) and, when military duties permit, Jack Douglas, the all-rounder. Bernard Hill, their wicket-keeper, has been elected captain for next season, and the club will have the benefit of the experience of W. A. Shackleton (Bowling Old Lane), who will coach the young players associated with the club.
There was a large gathering at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, at an enjoyable function organised by the Shipley District Traders’ Association, with the dual object of raising money to defray the local expenses of the Shipley-Baildon Warship Week, and to devote any profit to the Association’s War Ambulance Fund.
The engagement is announced of Mr. Robert Shirley McDonnell Salt, second son of the late Sir Shirley B. Salt, 3 rd Bart., and the late Lady Salt, and great grandson of Sir Titus Salt, and Miss Gertrude Phillips, younger daughter of Rev. Robert and Mrs. Phillips, of High Trees, Ruslip, Middlesex.
A successful whist drive and dance was organised by the Finishing Department of Messrs. W. Oddy and Co., Ltd., Junction Mills, Shipley, in aid of the firm’s Soldier Comforts Fund, were held in the Victoria Hall.
The No. 3 Platoon (Saltaire Mills) of the Shipley Home Guard held their annual social in the clubhouse (Saltaire Playing Fields), at which Lieutenant Marchmont presided. There were also present Captain Yates, Lieutenant Dobson, Lieutenant Loyd, Lieutenant Whittaker, Sergent Major Midgley, and Sergeant Major Sproston.
Lieutenant Marchmont extended a hearty welcome to the guests, to which Captain Yates responded.
An excellent supper was provided followed by a programme of songs.
It was an enjoyable social gathering organised by Lance Corporal Riley with Corporal Pitts as secretary.
With the laudable object of augmenting the firm’s dependent’s fund a successful dance of the staff and works of Messrs. W. P. Butterfield Ltd., Tank Works, Shipley, was held in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Friday (13 March) evening.
Upwards of 400 persons were present, and they spent a delightful time dancing to the strains of Clifford Hayton’s dance band.
The cleansing section in the First Aid Post, Victoria Road, Saltaire, and the public anti-gas station at the baths, are both designed to deal with persons contaminated by blister gases, whilst in addition at the Post, wounded persons contaminated by these gases may be treated.
With the object of taking the Gospel to the work people, special lunch hour services arranged by the Shipley Clergy and Ministers’ Fraternal will be held in the workshop at Messrs. J. Parkinson and Son, Machine Tool Makers, Shipley, and in the factory of Messrs. Salts (Saltaire) Ltd., on Good Friday.
The preacher at Canal Ironworks will be Canon W. J. Perrett (Vicar of Shipley), and at Saltaire Mills, the Rev. J. Parry Brooks (Superintendent minister of the Shipley Methodist Circuit.)
There was a record attendance at the annual ball of the Shipley Section of the West Riding Constabulary, which was held in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire.
Over 500 revellers were present, and notwithstanding that the dancing space was occasionally congested, everyone present entered into the spirit of the occasion and spent a most delightful time.
An excellent and choice programme of dance music was admirably played by the military band of the R.A.S.C. Police Constable Young was an efficient M.C. Supper was served in the small Social Room, and there was a buffet on the balcony. The catering which gave entire satisfaction was entrusted to Mrs. H. H. Long, confectioner, 25 St. Paul’s Road, Shipley.
That the total number of meals provided at the British Restaurant, Saltaire, was over 7,000 for the months of December and January, shows it is proving very popular in Shipley.
Of these meals over 5,000 were supplied in the Restaurant in December, and over 6,000 in January.
The Cash and Carry section is likewise proving an indispensable part of community feeding as over 2,000 meals were provided in the months of December and January.
The Shipley Branch of the National Fire Service held their first annual whist drive and ball in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Friday (26 March). The function proved an unqualified success.
A whist drive in the York Room was controlled by Fireman H. Robinson. About 400 revellers participated in the dancing. Column Officer Gordon Waddilove and Fireman Jordon were the M.C.’s.
During the evening supper was served in the York Room. The catering being satisfactorily carried out by Annes (Saltaire) Ltd., under the personal supervision of Mr. L.P. Warne (manager).
Excellent arrangements were made for the comfort of the guests by a committee consisting of Leading Fireman F. Cass, Firemen L. Millbank, W. Walker and E. Eaton.
(Colin’s Notes – Leonard Percival Warne, born 21 April 1909 in Bradford, died 13 November 1990 in Bingley. Gordon Waddilove, born 30 November 1900 in Bradford, died 11 April 1976 in Shipley.)
7 March 1942 – St Peters, Shipley
Ina Erett aged 20 of 22 Whitlam Street, Saltaire, to Harold Baber aged 22 from Holmfirth.
5 March – Penny Serenade
8 – Melody Girl
9 – Ships With Wings
15 – The Chinese Bungalow
16 – Wild Geese Calling and We Go Fast
19 – Rookes On Parade
22 – Rhythm On The River
23 – The Lone Wolf Takes A Chance
26 – Unfinished Business and Ferry Pilot
29 – Nell Gwynn
30 – The Phantom Submarine and False Witness
Saltaire Times, April 1942
Mr. & Mrs. Levi Greenwood, of 68 George Street, Saltaire, have been informed that their youngest son, Sergeant Jack Greenwood, has been killed in the Middle East.
Before joining the colours, Sergeant Greenwood was employed as a chauffeur at Messrs. W.P. Butterfield Ltd., Tank Works, Shipley.
Mr. & Mrs. Greenwood lost their eldest son, Squire Clarence Greenwood, during the last war.
A notable record with the forces is that of the family of Mr. William Sheldon, 49 Hirst Wood Crescent, Shipley.
Mr. Sheldon who is 72 years of age, served for 21 years with the King’s Royal Rifles.
Of his six sons, Albert, served in the Navy in the last war; Harry also saw service in the Navy; Louis served in the Royal Australian Navy and now in the Australian Imperial Forces (wounded and in hospital in Palestine); Fred is a P.T. Instructor in the R.A.S.C. (Northern Counties Amateur Bantamweight Champion in 1926/27); George (Nipper) P.T. Instructor in the R.A.F.; Robert P.T. Instructor in the R.A.F.
Mr. Sheldon’s grandson, Harry jnr., is a flight sergeant in the Shipley Air Cadets.
Mr. Joseph Henry Hart, of 20 Wellington Crescent, Shipley, who was the curator at the Saltaire Institute for the past three and a half years, has been appointed Orderly Room clerk and storekeeper to the 4th Battalion Home Guard, Bradford.
Mr. Hart, who commenced his new work on Monday (30 March), has been at the Saltaire Institute for 9 ½ years, and has discharged his duties with efficiency and courtesy.
Mr. Leslie Terry has been appointed as curator to succeed Mr. Hart.
It may interest my readers to hear that Miss Freda Barraclough, of 1 Park Avenue, Shipley, has recently been appointed to the rather important post of organist at the Saltaire Methodist Church, in succession to Mr. Leonard Percival Warne, who has been called up for National Service.
Miss Barraclough recently had the distinction of being awarded a Licentiateship of the Royal College of Music (L.R.A.M.) for Pianoforte, for which examination she was coached by Dr. George Firth and Mr. Edgar Knight.
As far as is known this is the first time a lady has held the position of organist at Saltaire. We are sure that Miss Barraclough’s many friends will wish her well in her new position.
At the Shipley Bethel Baptist Church, on Easter Monday (6 April), the wedding took place between Mr. David Close, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Close, 22 Ferncliffe Road, Bramley. and Mrs. Annie Wyatt, 11 Amelia Street, Saltaire. The bride, who was given away by her uncle ( Mr. Alma Riley), was attired in a dress of burgundy and blue coat with hat and shoes to tone, and she wore a spray of roses. She was attended by her sister (Mrs. J. Sykes) matron-of-honour, who wore a floral dress with a burgundy hat and wore a spray of roses. Mr. Harry Westerman was the best man, and the groomsman was Master Eric Wyatt. A reception was held at the York Room, Saltaire Institute.
The Saltaire Methodist Church Cubs formed an interesting guard-of-honour at a wedding at Saltaire Methodist Church on Saturday (4 April). The bridegroom was Corporal Jack Butterfield Horton, R.A.F., youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Horton of Glasgow. The bride was Miss Jean Margaret Dutton, the only daughter of Mr. & Mrs. T.W. Dutton, 6 Bankfield Avenue, Shipley. The bride is cubmaster of the Saltaire Methodist Church Cubs, a member of the Saltaire Methodist Church choir, and a Sunday School teacher. The bride’s father is choirmaster at Saltaire Methodist Church.
The wedding took place at Saltaire Congregational Church on Saturday (4 April) between Signalman Stanley Meggs, of 13 Dockfield Terrace, Shipley, and Miss Kathleen Ibbitson of 3 Thomson Lane, Baildon Green. The bride is a member of the church and Sunday School.
“The public are very much in the hands of the drivers of vehicles used in the transporting of goods," said the Recorder (Mr. Frank Beverley) at Bradford Quarter Sessions yesterday (10 April) in imposing a sentence of ten months' imprisonment on Sydney Warth (20), motor driver, of Stanmore Place, Lidget Green, for the theft of parcels of cloth, value £5l, the property of Holdsworth and Burrill. Ltd.
Thomas Sayers (18), driver's mate, of Lady Lane, who was jointly charged with Warth, was bound over.
On two charges of receiving the cloth, John William Sharp Gott (27), motor-driver, of Beatrice Street, Shipley, was sent to prison for ten months, and Ernest Packer (30), electric welder, of Ada Street, Saltaire, was sentenced to six months.
All admitted the offences, excepting Parker, whom the jury found "Guilty," but added a recommendation for leniency.
In imposing sentence, the Recorder told him he would have had to go to prison for a longer term but for the recommendation.
Warth and Sayers were employed by Holdsworth and Burrill, Ltd. Other offences by all the accused were taken into consideration.
Mr. Ernest Bevin, Minister of Labour and National Service, addressed a crowded and enthusiastic assembly at the Saltaire Picture House, yesterday afternoon (12 April), under the auspices of the Shipley Division Ministry of Information Committee.
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Alderson of 13 Constance Street, Saltaire, have been notified that their son, Mr. Herbert Alderson, has survived the sinking of H.M.S. Naiad, and is safe and well.
Mr. Alderson has also been notified that another son, Lance-Corporal Frank Alderson, of the West Yorkshire Regiment, is missing in Malaya. He joined the Forces in 1933 and has served 8 ½ years in India.
(Colin’s note – HMS Naiad, a light cruiser, was sunk 11 March 1942 in the Eastern Mediterranean, south of Crete by one torpedo from the German submarine U-565. 82 members of her crew went down with the ship, there were 582 survivors.)
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred William Webb, who once lived in Saltaire, but have resided in Bispham (near Blackpool) for a number of years, will celebrate their golden wedding tomorrow (16 April).
Mr. Webb started work at Saltaire Mills at the age of seven, and Mrs. Webb at nine. They were married at St. Pauls, Shipley, and went to Blackpool annually for their holidays, until going to live at Bispham in 1918. Mr. Webb is 75 years of age, and his wife 73.
Before leaving Saltaire, Mr. Webb was an overlooker close to 30 years. The couple now reside at “Glenaire,” 49 Sunny Bank Avenue, Bispham. They lost a son in the last war. They have visited his grave in Ypres ten times.
Referring to the removal of iron railings for scrap from the Bradford-controlled Roberts Park, Saltaire, Mr. J. F. McHugh, chairman of the Parks Committee, said they included a portion with which it had been intended to fence off the Thorn Lane quarry, into which a woman had fallen to her death.
It was difficult to find out actually who was responsible for the removal of the railings, but it had caused the Ministry of Supply a certain amount of concern, though there was no hope of getting them back.
While the railings had been taken the old cannon were still there.
At the Saltaire Congregational Church on Sunday evening (12 April), the service was undertaken by The Good Companions of Keighley. There was a large attendance.
Sub-Lieutenant in the U.S.A. Fleet Air Arm
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Farthing, of 44 Nab Wood Crescent, Shipley, have received a cable from their son, Mr. Desmond Stephenson, from America saying that he has received his wings the U.S.A. Fleet Air Arm.
Mr. Farthing, who is 20 years of age, left Shipley last August for training in the Fleet Air Arm, commencing as a naval air cadet, and he has now received his commission as a sub-lieutenant. He was one of the original members of the Air Training Cadet Corps, Bradford. He was educated at the Salt Boys’ High School, and later took an appointment in the Treasury Office of the Shipley Urban Council.
For three seasons he was a playing member of the Saltaire Cricket Club. He played for two seasons in the second team, and in the last season he assisted the first team and was an exceedingly popular member of the club.
(Colin’s note – Desmond Stephenson Farthing died at sea, 28 September 1953. His Wyvern aircraft had crashed into the sea about eight miles off Le Havre. He was married with three children.)
The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of the Saltaire Cricket Club last night (30 April): Mr. G. Birbeck (president for 29th year), Mr. A. G. Burgoyne (secretary for 14th year), and Mr. W. D. Ogden (treasurer).
Presenting his annual report. Mr. Burgoyne said that to go through a season in the Bradford League without defeat, and to take the Priestley Cup in their stride, was likely to stand a record for a long time.
Much had been said about their inability to retain last years’ bowling pair, Copson and Pope. He had no wish to be involved in any controversy but he could assure the members that the reason why Copson and Pope did not want to stay at Saltaire could in no way be attributed to lack of effort or negotiation by the club and left no reflection on the officials. They could only wish Copson and Pope every success with their new club Referring to the loss on the season of £44, he said that owing to unfavourable weather, the cup-ties only just covered expenses.
Saltaire (Bradford Cricket League) have re-signed L. F. Townsend, the Derbyshire allrounder, for the season which is due to start in this league to-morrow week with the qualifying round cup-ties.
Townsend last season averaged 27 with the bat and took eight wickets tor 73 runs, having little bowling owing to the success of his county colleagues. A. V. Pope and Copson.
The Bradford " Telegraph and Argus " Nignog Revue artists on Saturday (18 April) visited Saltaire and presented their non-stop road show at Victoria Hall in aid of Shipley Youth Movement funds.
Mr Norman Carter, a principal of the movement, thanked the directors of the Bradford and District Newspaper Co. Ltd. and also the artists for their splendid performance.
The annual report of the governors of the Saltaire Hospital reveals an income during the past year of £4,623, including £1,092 from investments, £1,085 from employees' donations, £361 from general donations, and £277 from subscriptions.
The expenses amounted to £4,010, leaving a balance at the end of the year of £418, compared with £694 at the beginning of the year.
The donations to the New Hospital Fund amounted to £380.
Mr. H. E. Sucksmith was last night (29 April) elected chairman of governors of Salts Hospital. Saltaire, for the coming year. Proposing his election, Mr. F. Fearnley Rhodes said it was the first time a Baildon representative had held the office. Baildon was a strong supporter of the hospital and thoroughly deserved the honour.
Miss Dunn was elected vice-chairman, being the first woman member to hold this office.
(Colin’s Note – Henry Edgar Sucksmith, born 10 July 1877 – died 30 August 1963. His grave is in Nab Wood Cemetery, Shipley.)
Empire Youth Sunday was celebrated at Shipley yesterday (26 April) under the auspices of the Shipley Youth Council. A parade of local youth organisations assembled in the Market Place and marched to Saltaire Methodist Church, where a service was conducted by the Rev. J Parry Brooks (superintendent minister of the Shipley Methodist Circuit). with the Rev. J. R. M. Johnstone (Vicar of Frizinghall) as the preacher.
At a brass band contest held at Cleckheaton on Saturday (4 April), organised by the West Hiding Brass Band Society.
Each band had to play two pieces including a march of their own selection. The judge was Mr. S. W. Rowe, of Manchester.
For the first section the test piece was Robin Hood, and the Salts Band won the second prize. They were also the runners-up for the march.
The hand was conducted by Mr. N. Thorpe. and the band had the distinction of having the only woman taking part (Miss J. Butcher), who played the cornet.
PRESTON - 7 April – of 67 Victoria Road, Saltaire, Mary Ann, beloved wife of late Benjamin Barrett Preston. Service at above address today (Friday 10 April) at 2.15, prior to internment at Nab Wood Cemetery. Friends accept this intimation.
(Colin’s note – Mary Ann was buried with her first husband, Horace Hutley.)
Fred Tottle, aged 76 at 5 Russell Street, Carr Lane, Windhill.
2 April – Citizen Kane
5 – Prison Without Bars
6 – Sun Valley Serenade
9 – The Tower Of Terror
12 – The Silent Battle
13 – Tight Shoes & In The Rear Of The Enemy
16 – Sundown
19 – Eternally Yours
20 – Hi Gang
26 – Thr Housekeeper’s Daughter
27 – A Yank In The R.A.F.
Saltaire Times, May 1942
Suggestion it be Closed for Duration
Councillor John F. McHugh, chairman of the Bradford Parks and Cemeteries Committee, has suggested that in view of what has taken place at Roberts Park, Shipley, in connection with the removal of metal railings, that the park be closed for the duration of the war.
This park,” he said, “is costing the Bradford Corporation about £l,000 a year, and it is used largely by the people of the Shipley and Baildon areas.”
Regarding the removal of the railings, Councillor McHugh said that some weeks ago some persons entered the park, which was in the urban district of Baildon, pulled down the railings and took them away.
The railings had been reserved for protecting a dangerous quarry at Heaton. Some time ago when there had been fatal accident at the quarry, the Committee decided to use certain railings at Roberts Park to protect the quarry.
It had been very difficult find out who had been responsible for the removal. A letter had been sent to the Ministry of Works and Buildings and was told that the matter had caused some concern. They had not had a reply. The railings had gone and were probably in the furnaces now. The matter had affected the Saltaire Cricket Club, because a good deal of the seating had been made redundant. The whole position was being carefully watched by his committee.
“In view of what has taken place,” he added, “I feel inclined to advise that the park be closed for the duration of the war.”
In their second effort to assist the British Red Cross Fund, the Windhill Industrial National Service held a very successful dance in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire on Saturday evening (9 May). About 450 revellers were present and they spent a most enjoyable time.
Mr. E. Hoyle, I.D.M.A., was an energetic M.C., and the music was admirably supplied by the Pioneer’s Dance Band, by kind permission of Lieut. Col. Keighley Bell M.V.
The interesting event was organised by Mrs. E. M. Stott, who had worked assiduously to ensure the comfort of the guests.
(Colin’s note Elizabeth M. Stott (born 8 March 1893) was a dressmaker & tailoress, living with her husband, Morris, a bus driver, at 9 Park Avenue, Shipley.)
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Griffiths, 52 Haslingden Drive, Bradford, have heard that their only son. Sergeant-Observer Peter Griffiths (25) has been killed. He was an old boy of Bradford Grammar School and formerly in the employment of J. T. Firth Ltd., spinners, Thornton Road.He was a playing member of the Bingley Rugby Club and of the Saltaire Tennis Club.
Sergeant Griffiths had seen service in Libya, Greece, Crete and Ceylon.
The Rev. George A. Parkinson (Deputation Minister of the National Children’s Home & Orphanage) was the special preacher at the Saltaire Methodist Church on Sunday when he preached appropriate sermons.
At each service, solos were beautifully rendered by Master Herbert Davies, of the Bramhope National Children’s Home & Orphanage.
Organised by the dancing committee of the Shipley Youth Centre, a successful dance was held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire on Saturday evening (16 May).
About 500 young persons spent a most enjoyable time dancing to the strains of Jack Cartwright and his Bandits’ dance band. Spot prizes were also won by some of the dances.
The dance committee consisted of Jean Atkinson (chairman), Doris Airey (secretary), Kenneth Smith (treasurer), Maude Atkinson, Dorothy Rhodes, Eunice Wade, Dorothy Solomon, Herbert Coverdale, and Agnes Bolton.
Schofield Swithenbank, of 5 Lower Green, Baildon Green. a former well-known Bradford League cricketer, died yesterday (17 May) in his sixty-eighth year.
"Schofe," as he was known to all cricket enthusiasts of the district, was a mighty batsman. who played for Saltaire at Roberts Park for many years, and some of his big hits and quick-scoring feats are part of the history and tradition of the league. Up to his retirement about four years ago he was the licensee of the Woodman Inn, Shipley.
HOPE – 12 May at 62 Victoria Road, Saltaire, JOHN WILLIAM, dearly loved husband of Emma HOPE (late of Bridlington) – Will friends please meet for service at Scholemoor Crematorium 12 noon, Thursday (14 May). No mourning, by request.
MINTO – 19 May at 71 George Street, Saltaire, Annie Minto. Cortege leaves son’s residence, 27 Ada Street, Saltaire, tomorrow (22 May) at 2.15, for service and interment at Nab Wood Cemetery.
Friends please accept intimation. (No mourning).
(Colin’s note – Annie was the wife of George Arthur Minto.)
James Mortimer Sowman – 17 May, aged 27.
Harold Ives Pratt – 19 May, aged 61 – former Saltaire Cricketer.
Ewart Hullah Jolliffe – 10 May, aged 59 – former pupil Salt Schools.
3 May – Citadel of Crime
4 – Old Mother Riley’s Circus
7 – This Woman is Mine
10 – Typhoon
14 – Appointment for Love
17 – Sis Hopkins
18 – Hellzapoppin
21 – She Knew All The Answers
24 – Dangerous Moonlight
25 – Dumbo & Niagara Falls
31 – They Knew What They Wanted
Saltaire Times, June 1942
A substantial fall — from £336,885 for the year ending March 1941, to £251,489 in 1941-1942 — is recorded in the profits of Salts (Saltaire), the worsted spinners and manufacturers. However, a dividend of 15 per cent is recommended on the Ordinary shares, which is the same as for the previous year.
In a statement to shareholders, Sir Frank B. Sanderson, the chairman, mentioned that all the subsidiary companies have had a satisfactory year. When reviewing the Profit and Loss account, members are asked to bear in mind the many forms of taxation and their increasing severity. The chairman feels that the Treasury has now reached the limit in taxation and has passed the saturation point. At the same time, he commends the imposition of taxes to reduce consumption.
His conclusion is optimistic: "Never has the company been in a better position to face the future than today."
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson of 48 George Street, Saltaire, recently received the following cablegram: -
“Keep smiling; you are more than ever in thoughts at this time. All my love.”
The cablegram was from their son, Douglas Foch Simpson, who is serving with the Royal Field Artillery.
At Saltaire Congregational Church on Saturday (13 June) the wedding took place between Mr. Gordon Bailey, R.A.O.C., son of the late Mr. & Mrs. Bailey, of Whitlam Street, Saltaire and Miss Bessie Wheater, second daughter of Mrs. Bedford, 41 Albert Road, Saltaire.
The bride and bridegroom are members of the Saltaire Congregational Church. The Pastor (Rev S.G. McLellan) officiated. Given away by her father (Mr Alfred Bedford), she wore a blue costume and spray of roses. She was attended by Mrs. L.G. Kirk, of the W.A.A.F., matron of honour, and the best man was Mr. H. Milner.
A reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Bailey left for Grassington, where the honeymoon is being spent.
No Half Measures in Soviet Russia "True Socialistic Outlook on Life"
Miss Maggie Jordan at last night's meeting (23 June) of the Halifax Trades Council related her experiences as a worker in the Soviet Union. She said she had worked in a Saltaire mill until 1927 when she went to Moscow to work in a similar mill there.
At that time, the first five-year plan was only just started, but the Russians willingly made the sacrifices necessary for the success of the plan which meant so much to their future national and industrial life. They tolerated no half measures and cut out all luxuries ruthlessly. They did not, however, cut out culture; music, art, and literature were ardently fostered, as they still were today. They even began the gigantic task of educating the vast masses of Russian peasantry.
When Miss Jordan returned to Russia in 1933, she found a big change had taken place and that the fruits of the five-year plan were beginning to be evident. The workers were much better at their jobs and all anxious to improve even yet more. They devoted all their attention to improving conditions and output and decreasing expense. Women had an equal place with men. They had a true socialistic outlook on life.
When she left in 1938, she had become attached to the broadcasting authorities in Moscow and was telling the Russian people about life in Britain. The Soviet people did not then know much about us and still did not know enough, but they had a tremendous desire to learn about English life and regarded us as a very cultured race.
Ted Galer (17), a warehouseman of no fixed abode, was jointly charged with Bernard C. Aubert (17), a builder and labourer of Titus Street, Saltaire, with stealing from the shop of Joseph Sturgeon in Union Street, Shipley, cigars, and cash to the value of £2.
Galer is also jointly charged with William Wilkinson (18), a labourer of George Street, Saltaire, with stealing from Dixon’s Cafe, Saltaire, £2 1s. in cash. Both Galer and Wilkinson pleaded "guilty."
Inspector Sherwin stated that on 13 June. Mr. Sturgeon locked his house and shop and went to bed about 11 p.m. He omitted to lock the trapdoor, however, which led from the street into the beer cellar, and the following morning, when he got up and went into the shop, he found the doors were already open. Upon looking round the shop, he saw that a tin containing threepenny pieces and silver was missing, and also some cigarettes.
He made a complaint to the police, and P.C. Dobbs and P.C. Howarth were put in charge of the enquiries.
Proceeding, the Inspector said that on the evening of 16 June, those two officers were on duty when they saw Galer. His coat pockets were bulging. P.C. Dobbs was aware that Galer was sleeping out, so he went to him and questioned him, telling him the nature of his enquiries. Placing his hands in his pockets, Galer took out some money and cigarettes. He admitted stealing them from Sturgeon's and said Aubert was with them. Aubert was arrested and both defendants were taken to Shipley police station. Aubert, when charged, said “I’ve been silly.”
When in custody, went on the Inspector, Galer spoke to P.C. Dobbs, saying there was something he wanted clearing up. He said he had taken £2 4s. from a cafe at Saltaire with Wilkinson. Enquiries were made, and it was found that Wilkinson and Galer had entered Dixon’s Cafe, Saltaire, and ordered tea, cakes, and some cigarettes. They paid for these, but when the waitress left the room, they stole from a box under the counter £2 4s. Wilkinson was interviewed by P.C. Dobbs and admitted being concerned in the matter, so he was arrested.
Wilkinson and Aubert had not been before the court previously.
Galer, who had no fixed address and slept anywhere, asked for three other offences to be taken into account. They were: Attempting to steal from the Cress Stores, Shipley; stealing a pocket watch from the Maypole Dairy, Shipley; and stealing an electric torch from the Glenroyal Cinema, Shipley. Earlier this year he had been fined 50s. at that court for larceny and had not paid the fine.
Aubert had nothing to say.
The Chairman: Are you working? Aubert: Yes.
The Chairman: What are your wages? Aubert: 10s. a week.
Wilkinson told the Bench he was out of work at the time of the offences and needed money. He was now working and earning 12s. a week.
The Chairman, expressing the opinion that Aubert and Wilkinson had been led astray by Galer, fined them 40s. each and advised them not to associate with Galer.
Galer told the magistrates he was working and earning 19s. a week but had not paid his fine yet.
The Clerk (Mr. A. Cragg): Why?
Galer: I had the money saved up to pay it, but I went off sick and had to use it to pay my landlady.
The Chairman, after a short discussion with the other magistrates, told Galer they had decided prison was the best place for him. It was for his own good.
The magistrates sentenced Galer to three months on each charge, six months altogether.
Annual Rally at Saltaire
The annual rally in connection with the Local Preachers' Mutual Aid Association—an association formed to assist local preachers who have fallen on evil days, aged preachers, and widows—was held at the Saltaire Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon (21 June). There was a gratifying attendance.
BOOT TRADE – Lady Assistant and Girl, 14 – 16, to learn trade. Apply Stirlings Ltd, 89 Bingley Road, Saltaire.
SHOE TRADE – Manager or Manageress required for branch shop in Saltaire, previous exp. essential knowledge window-dressing pass guarantee; state age and salary required to Stirlings Ltd, Pudsey.
a. MANAGERESS of two British Restaurants at Saltaire Institute and Providence Sunday School (capacity 4,000 mid-day meals per week). Salary £234 per annum (mid-day meal provided). The duties will include the supervision of staff, the keeping of all records, purchase supplies, etc.
b. COOK wages £3 per week (mid-day meal provided). Applications, stating age, experience, training, and qualifications to be sent to the undersigned not later than Thursday, 2 July 1942.
Harold Barnes, Clerk of the Council, Town Hall, Shipley. 20 June 1942.
HOPE – 12 May at 62 Victoria Road, Saltaire, JOHN WILLIAM, dearly loved husband of Emma HOPE (late of Bridlington) – Will friends please meet for service at Scholemoor Crematorium 12 noon, Thursday (14 May). No mourning, by request.
MINTO – 19 May at 71 George Street, Saltaire, Annie Minto. Cortege leaves son’s residence, 27 Ada Street, Saltaire, tomorrow (22 May) at 2.15, for service and interment at Nab Wood Cemetery.
Friends please accept intimation. (No mourning).
(Colin’s note – Annie was the wife of George Arthur Minto.)
Annie Elizabeth Newbould (nee Hogg) – 22 June 1942 aged 47.
6 June - 1 st Round Priestley Cup –
Farsley 178 all out lost to Saltaire 181/2
Bradford League
20 June – Saltaire 224/5 drew with Great Horton 134/9
27 June – Lidget Green 88 all out beat Saltaire 66 all out.
Saltaire Sports 137 Crowghyll 140
1 June – The Little Foxes
7 – Dr. Cyclops
8 – South American George
14 – You’ll Find Out
15 – They Dare To Love & The Great Plane Robbery
18 – Ride Em Cowboy
21 – Law And Disorder
22 – Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
24 – The Big Blonde
25 – Lydia
28 – Men Against Boys
29 – The Corsican Brothers
Saltaire Times, July 1942
Mr. and Mrs. H. Haigh, 11 Dallam Avenue, Shipley, have received notification that their eldest son, A.B. Wilfred Harry Haigh, is reported missing at sea. He is aged 21, and he was a gunner on a merchant ship.
Before joining up he was employed at Salts (Saltaire) Ltd., Saltaire Mills.
Mrs. Holdsworth, of 17 Atkinson Street, Shipley, who received notification that her son, Private Douglas Holdsworth (Green Howards), was missing in the Middle East, received official intimation on Tuesday (7 July) that he was now a prisoner in Italian hands.
Before joining the army in 1940, Private Holdsworth was employed at Salt’s (Saltaire) Limited.
A keen billiards player, he played with the Cross Lane Liberal Club team and the Shipley Friendly Society’s Hall team.
James Arthur Farndale, 23, Sandals Hall, Baildon, retired on Friday 24 July from his position as drawing room manager at Saltaire Mills after 28½ years in that capacity with Salts (Saltaire), Ltd.
Mr. Farndale commenced working at Messrs Joseph Benn and Sons, Rock Mills, Clayton, eventually becoming overlooker and after being associated with that firm for 26 years, he was appointed drawing room manager at Saltaire Mills in January 1914.
He has been actively connected with the sports activities of the firm and was formerly a playing member of the Salts Bowling Club, whilst he has also been a member of the Saltaire Football Club.
Mr. Farndale has also taken a keen interest in Saltaire Cricket Club, of which he is vice-president and active member of the committee.
He is held in high esteem by the directors, managers, and workpeople of Saltaire Mills, who on Friday gave tangible expression of their esteem. Mr. B. W. Guild (managing director) on behalf of the directors presented Mr. Farndale with a cheque; the managers and staff also gave him a cheque; and all connected with the drawing room gave him as a parting gift a beautiful electric clock.
Mr. Guild, in making the presentation on behalf of the directors, spoke very highly of the excellent services rendered by Mr. Farndale in his capacity as manager of the drawing room and assured him that he left with the best wishes of all those connected with the firm. Mr. O. Denison (spinning manager), who made the presentation on behalf of the managers and staff, spoke in a similar vein, emphasizing the high esteem in which he was held by everybody.
Mr. Farndale suitably acknowledged the gifts and spoke of his happy associations with those with whom he had worked at Saltaire Mills during his long connection with the firm.
Ronald Long, son of Mr. Arthur Long, of 130 Bradford Road, Shipley, has been awarded a first-class honours degree Bachelor of Science (Class Engineering) by Leeds University, where he has been a student in the fuel department for the past three years. Mr. Ronald Long was educated at the Salt Boys’ High School, Shipley, and served as an articled to Mr. H. Burton, engineer and manager of the Shipley Urban District Council Gas Department. He has now received an appointment as a research assistant to the Gas Research Board and will shortly begin his duties at Leeds University.
(Colin’s Note – Ronald Long – born 14 February, 1920, Shipley – died 29 August, 1988, York.)
Mrs. F. H. Rhodes, chairman of the Shipley Central Hospital Supply Service at the Red Cross Depot in Victoria Hall, Saltaire, tells me that the Committee urgently require knitters for Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2 p.m.
Mrs. Rhodes also requests all existing members to please try and attend at the Depot in Victoria Hall and assist in this most important ladies’ contribution to the war effort.
A 15-year-old Shipley girl pleaded guilty to stealing a £1 note from a registered postal packet, which she received on behalf of a next-door neighbour.
Superintendent H.W. Atkinson stated that in May, the postal packet was made up by a relative of the defendant’s next-door neighbour, and two pound notes were placed in it. It was then addressed to the house in Saltaire, next to where the defendant lived. A postman took the letter to the house of the addressee in Saltaire and found that the woman was out. He saw this girl, who agreed to take the letter, sign for it, and hand it to her neighbour when she returned.
When the neighbour returned later the same day, she found the registered packet in the letterbox, but it contained only £1, while an enclosed letter from her relative read to the effect that he was sending £2.
Apparently, went the Superintendent, this matter had preyed on the defendant’s mind, for she herself went to P.C. Elliott and admitted she had taken the letter, opened it, and stolen one of the notes. Fourteen shillings of the money was recovered.
The girl added that after she had opened the letter and taken out the pound note, she gave the packet to her younger brother and told him to put it in the neighbour’s letterbox.
Supt. Atkinson added that it was evident the girl very much regretted what she had done and was extremely sorry.
The Chairman: “I suppose you realise this is a very serious offence you have committed?”
The Girl: “Yes, sir. I don’t know what made me do it.” She added that she earned 21s. a week and received 2s. pocket money.
The girl’s father, a sergeant in the Army, when asked if the parents were willing to pay the money back, said they paid it back almost immediately after they knew their daughter had stolen it.
Supt. Atkinson: “There were fourteen shillings recovered. If the parents of the girl have paid the complainant £1, the fourteen shillings will be given to them.”
The Clerk (Mr. A. Cragg), to Supt. Atkinson: “Have you informed the postal authorities about the action of the postman who delivered the letter?”
Supt. Atkinson: “I have not yet done so. I am not sure whether he did break the regulations or not.”
The Clerk: “I am sure he was not entitled to do what he did, leave a registered packet in the hands of someone else. I think the matter should be reported to the postal authorities.”
Supt. Atkinson: “Very well.”
The case against the girl was dismissed under the Probation Act.
I am informed that quite a mistaken impression has gained widespread currency in the Shipley district to the effect that the Saltaire Hospital is in a state of financial self-sufficiency and is not in need of any money to meet current expenses. This misapprehension, it is stated, has been expressed at meetings of local organisations, with the result that grants which would otherwise have been made have been withheld to the serious detriment of the hospital funds.
Mr. H. E. Sucksmith, J.P. (Chairman of the Governors), wishes to point out to the public of Shipley that this is far from the truth. The cost of running the hospital has greatly increased as a result of the war, and the recently published balance sheet for the year ended 31 March, 1941, showed that the expenditure exceeded the income by about £276. There is good reason to believe that this process continues, and there is urgent need for a renewal of the generous support to the hospital. I have no doubt that this explanation will have a beneficial effect as far as future contributions to the Saltaire Hospital are concerned.
Yesterday (30 July) was “‘Yorkshire Observer’ Joy Day” at Shipley, and over 5,000 people attended each of the performances at Northcliff Playing Fields by the “Yorkshire Observer” and “Telegraph and Argus” all-star professional variety show. After the evening performance, entertainment was given by the “Legionnaires” concert party.
Throughout the day, children were given free donkey and pony rides provided by the “Telegraph and Argus” and “Yorkshire Observer.” While the variety show was in progress, children were given sticks of Morecambe rock by Billy Mann (“Uncle Bill from Morecambe”).
A great attraction last night was the dance at Victoria Hall, Saltaire, also sponsored by the “Telegraph and Argus” and “Yorkshire Observer,” with music by Stanley North’s Broadcasting Band, Edith Townsend as vocalist, and artists from Company-Officer North’s N.F.S. show “Go to Blazes.”
With the object of sending gifts to the men in the Forces employed at the Scott Motor Works, Shipley, a dance promoted by the firm’s Social Club held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Friday night (3 July).
About 200 revellers spent an enjoyable time dancing to music supplied by Clifford Huyton’s dance band. Mr. M. Webb and Mr. J. Squires were capable M.C.s. Refreshments were also served, the catering being satisfactorily carried out by Mrs. P. Long, Confectioner, St. Aidans Road, Shipley.
The Social Club sends parcels every eight weeks to each employee of the firm serving in the Forces, and at Christmas, they each receive a seasonable gift of £1 each.
A wedding took place at Saltaire Congregational Church on Saturday (11 July). The Rev. S. H. McLellan officiated as pastor. Mr. Carran was at the organ.
The bride was Miss Mabel Doris Broomhead, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Broomhead of 43 Caroline Street, Saltaire. The groom was Mr. Eric Hepworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hepworth, of Albert Avenue, Shipley. The bride is a member of the N.A.A.F.I. and a Sunday school teacher at Saltaire Congregational Sunday School.
The bride, given away by her father, wore an almond dress with accessories and carried a bouquet of roses. Miss Sarah Goldsborough, a friend of the bride and a member of the N.A.A.F.I., was the bridesmaid. She wore a navy blue dress and carried pink roses. Mr. Kenneth Firth was the best man, and Mr. Hilton Dixon Broomhead (brother of the bride) was groomsman.
A reception was held at the Saltaire First Aid Post, where the bride was formerly a member. Subsequently, the couple left for their honeymoon in Morecambe.
Over 300 revellers enjoyed a pleasant evening at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday (18 July), at a dance promoted by the Shipley Catholic Men’s Society.
ASSISTANT NURSE required, hospital experience essential, salary and particulars. Apply Matron, Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital, Saltaire, Shipley. Tel. Shipley 33.
Quantity Fencing Timber. 3ft. and 6ft. lengths: tarred ready: £3 ton delivered. 29 Constance St., Saltaire.
Bradford League
11 July – Saltaire 210/6 beat Bowling Old Lane 107 all out
18 July – Saltaire 192 all out beat Idle 137 all out.
25 July – Saltaire 48/3 beat Spen Victoria 47 all out
Yorkshire Council Championship
11 July – Salts 108/2 beat Scholes 103 all out
18 July – Salts 26/0 beat Tong Park 25 all out
25 July – Salts 232/7 beat Kings Cross 128 all out
2 July – The Corsican Brothers
5 – Hired Wife
6 – Back Room Boy
12 – The Invisible Man Returns
13 – Female Correspondent and Mob Town
16 – Our Wife
19 – A Little Bit of Heaven
20 – Hot Spot & Small Town Deb
23 – H.M. Pulham Esq.
26 – Ghost Breakers
27 – Time Out For Rhythm & Perfect Crime
30 – Wake Up And Dream
Saltaire Times, August 1942
Driver Richard Thompson, of the Royal Artillery, married, of 35 Albert Avenue, Shipley, is reported missing in the Middle East.
A former amateur walker, Driver Thompson was a member of the Bradford Walking Club and Manningham All-Rounders.
Before being called up, he was employed at Salts (Saltaire) Ltd., Saltaire Mills.
Two sisters serving in the Forces are Miss Queenie Barsby (23), who has been serving in the N.A.A.F.I. for eighteen months, and Miss Constance A. Barsby (18). who has been serving as a switchboard operator in the A.T.S. Signal Corps for eleven months They are the daughters of Mr and Mrs Barsby, 30 Daleside Road, Windhill, Shipley. They were both formerly employed at Salts (Saltaire) Ltd., Saltaire Mills.
An inquest was held at Bradford on Tuesday (4 August) by the City Coroner, Mr. R. S. Bishop, concerning the death of Charles Coulter Walker, aged 43, a general labourer of Salisbury Road, Frizinghall, who collapsed and died while attending a social function at Saltaire.
The widow stated that her husband had been discharged from the R.A.F. in 1941 on medical grounds. He had worked for a firm in Shipley but had been off work for the past nine weeks and had complained of pain in the region of his heart. During the last few days, he had also complained of being tired.
On Sunday (2 August), the witness and her husband went to a social function at Saltaire about 7:30 PM, and around 8:50 PM, he collapsed. Assistance was obtained, and he was taken home in a taxi. Dr. Martin was called, and her husband died soon afterward.
Dr. Martin stated he had attended Walker once since he was discharged from the R.A.F. He examined the body on Sunday and concluded that the cause of death was heart failure.
The Coroner recorded a verdict of "Died from Natural Causes."
Mrs. Ballantyne, Centre Organiser the Shipley W.V.S. tells me that the large number of Shipley’s W.V.S. volunteers who met at the Saltaire Institute heard a summary of the work done by the W.V.S. in Shipley since the opening of the office at Somerset House in June 1939.
Seventy wounded from St. Luke's (Bradford) and Saltaire hospitals were entertained at the Baildon Golf House. The building was prettily decorated with flags, and the interior presented a delightful appearance with an abundance of arranged flowers.
Games were enthusiastically indulged in, and competitions were enjoyed by the soldiers, while an orchestra, under the direction of Mr. E. J. Pickles of Bradford, provided an interesting selection of choice music. A substantial tea was afterwards served by a team of willing lady helpers.
The Victoria Hall, Saltaire, was the venue for a highly successful dance on Saturday evening (8 August). The event proved to be an excellent one. Mr. Norman Carter and the Airedale Players’ Band provided spirited selections, much to the delight of the dancers.
The varied attractions provided by those responsible for arranging the Shipley Stay-at-Home Holiday continue to be well patronized, especially the events for outdoor pursuits.
The cricket coaching at Windhill Cricket Ground and Salts’ (Saltaire) Tennis and Playing Ground, along with the netball coaching at Northcliffe Playing Fields, have been popular features for the devotees of these summer pastimes.
The dances at Playing Fields and the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, have added considerable enjoyment to lovers of the terpsichorean art; these social events have been exceedingly well attended, particularly by the members serving in His Majesty’s Forces.
The Sunday (9 August) entertainment included well-attended gatherings at the Northcliffe Playing Fields, Wrose Cricket Ground, and the Shipley Market Place, where delightful programs were presented with pleasing effect by the Salts’ (Saltaire) Ltd. Brass Band and the Canal Ironworks Brass Band.
At the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, the stage was occupied on Monday evening (10 August) by the Adelphi Players, a company of talented performers who gave a good account of themselves in Easter, a fine play by August Strindberg, the great Swedish dramatist.
On Tuesday evening (11 August), they delivered an admirable interpretation of the thriller The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus.
Judging by the meagre attendances at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on the occasion of indoor stage plays it is obvious that this kind of entertainment for the public of Shipley Stay-at-Home holidays has not had the support they certainly deserved.
Shipley Band Contest
The Shipley Stay-at-Home holiday program concluded over the weekend. On Saturday (15 August), a brass band contest, organized by Mr. H. B. Hawley, conductor of the Saltaire Band, and Mr. G. Collinson, conductor of the Canal Ironworks Brass Band, was held in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire.
Mr. Noel Thorpe was the judge, and his awards were as follows:
- Gawthorpe Victoria
- Black Dyke Juniors
- Gawthorpe Victoria
- Scape Goat Hill
- Black Dyke Juniors
- Cohen Works, Stanningley
Yesterday (16 August), the program concluded with band selections at Northcliffe Playing Fields, Wrose Cricket Ground, and Shipley Market Place, performed by the Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. Brass Band and the Canal Ironworks Brass Band.
There was also-a large gathering at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, when dancing was much enjoyed. Mr. W H. Ball (Chief Sanitary Inspector, Shipley Urban Council) was chief steward, and the duties of M.C.’s were Hullah, ably carried out by Mr. J Hullah, Mr. G. Parnham and Miss Margaret Greenwood. A delightful of dance music was supplied by Stanley North’s Orchestra.
By permission of Brigadier R. J. M. Dowse, a successful dance and cabaret were held in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Friday evening (21 August). The music for dancing was supplied by the Depolians dance band.
About 400 revellers were present at a dance organised by the Shipley Ornithological Society, which was held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday evening (22 August).
Mr. Howard Lee was a capable M.C., and a delightful dance music programme was provided by the Astorians' Dance Band.
The secretarial duties for the successful event were admirably carried out by Mr. Sidney Whitfield.
A successful dance promoted by the Youth Centre was held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Friday evening (28 August).
About 500 revellers enjoyed a great time. Mr. Walter Briggs was a capable M.C., and the dance music was admirably provided by The Melody Makers.
The youths connected with the Centre took an active part in the organisation of the dance. Refreshments were supplied by the Ladies’ Committee.
A management committee to oversee the various activities at the Centre during the coming year has been appointed, with members running their own centres as follows:
Messrs. J. Love, E. Rogan, E. Buxton, D. Butt, M. Pringle, B. Sheard, L. Metcalf, J. Rowley, D. Mackenzie and J. Davis.
Mr. B. Henry is the boys' leader, while the organiser for the whole group is Mr. Walter Briggs.
Congratulations to the Rev. I. McLellan, the popular minister of the Saltaire Congregational Church, on becoming a Fellow of the Philosophical Society of England.
The thesis which earned the Rev. this honour, titled The God of Revelation and the Absolute of Philosophy, was highly praised by the examiners as a scholarly contribution to philosophical thought.
Mr. McLellan is the author of several books on psychology and is well known as a lecturer on the subject. He is also an officiating chaplain to the Forces in Shipley and has lectured to troops in many parts of Yorkshire.
Whilst following her employment at the Shipley railway station, Mrs. Hilda Galloway, 10 Welwyn Drive, Wrose, was knocked down by a train. She was taken to Salt’s Hospital, where she was detained.
(Colin’s note – Hilda Galloway (nee Wright), born 6 June 1917, died in 1984.)
The Army men engaged in the two day game at Headingley, today (Saturday 1 August) and Monday, are making a full weekend of it by playing in charity cricket at Roundhay Park and Saltaire tomorrow (Sunday 2 August).
An appeal for £1,000 before Christmas for the Shipley Comforts Fund was made by Mr. A. E. Horne (chairman of the fund) following a cricket match at Salts (Saltaire) Playing Fields yesterday (2 August).
The match was arranged by Mr. R. D. Somers and Mr. J. Pighills, well-known Bradford League cricketers.
Mr. Gordon Waddilove entertained the players to dinner, and those present included Mr. T. J. Gray (chairman of the Shipley Committee), Captain S. B. Brearley (Salts, Saltaire Cricket Club), and Major Sloan. Mr. Horne said that Shipley people had subscribed £3,838 to the Shipley Comforts Fund, and 6,137 parcels had been sent out, including woollen comforts for local men and women in the Forces.
Another £1,000 would be needed for the next batch of gifts.
HALL – 1 August (suddenly) at Park View Nursing Home, Catherine Jane Hall (78) widow of Stephen Hainsworth Hall, late of Saltaire.
Cortege leaves 36 Bradford Road, Shipley, today (Wednesday 5 August) at 10.30, for Bingley Cemetery at 10.45.
MANNERS – 7 August – Lilian, wife of Tom Harry Manners, 20 Dove Street, Saltaire.
FOULDS – 15 August – Rachel Foulds (80) late of Saltaire.
Bradford League
8 August – Saltaire 121 all out lost to Windhill 123/4
22 – Saltaire 72/0 beat Undercliffe 71 all out
29 – Saltaire 118/7 beat Brighouse 114 all out
Priestley Cup Semi Final
18 August – Saltaire 170/6 beat Lidget Green 168 all out
Yorkshire Council Championship
8 August – Salts 193/6 beat Illingworth 119 all out
22 – Salts 159 all out beat Sowerby Bridge 145 all out
Yorkshire Council Cup Semi Final
29 August – Salts 69 all out lost to Hickleton 74 all out.
6 August – Ball Of Fire
9 – Down Went McGinty
10 – The Man Who Came Back
13 – Here Comes Mr. Jordan
16 – Husbands Or Lovers
17 – Weekend In Havana
23 – The Light That Failed
24 – The Black Sheep Of Whitehall & The Defeat Of The Germans near Moscow
27 – Next Of Kin
30 – Geronimo
31 – How Green Was My Valley
Saltaire Times, September 1942
Saltaire Game Raises £50 for P.O.W. Fund
A successful cricket match in aid of the Shipley Prisoners-of-War Fund was held on the Salts (Saltaire ) Ground on Sunday (13 September).
The teams were selected by R. D. Somers and J. N. Pighills, the well-known Bradford League players, and included some attractive talent.
Mr. G. H. W. Parkin, Headmaster of the Salts’ Boys High School, Shipley, gave an interesting talk on “A walking tour in the Lake District” at Tuesday’s meeting (15 September) of the Shipley Rotary Club, of which he is vice-president. The President, Mr. Arthur Turner, presided. The receptionist was Mr. H. E. Hall.
Thanks of the members were voiced by Mr. Jonathan Rennard. During the meeting, Mr. Frederick Leslie Pitts, the new Shipley Postmaster, was installed as a member of the club. Next week the club will be visited by a Ministry of Information travelling film unit.
A dance organised by the committee of Salts Cricket Club was held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday (19 September). A most enjoyable evening was spent by over 100 dancers. Several members in the services were on leave and were able to attend.
Music was provided by the popular band, The Astorians. Dance items were well rendered, both for rhythm and melody, and were much appreciated by the dancers. Mr. Howard was an efficient M.C.
The officials of the Club who organised the event were Mr. W. L. Smith, hon. sec., Mr. Grange, hon. treasurer, Mr. H. Burke, Mr. Wood, Mr. F. Stead, Mr. H. Smith, Mr. Riley, Mr. A. W. Longbottom, and Mr. A. Doyle, chairman.
Harvest services were held at Saltaire Methodist Church on Sunday (20 September), and the church was tastefully filled and adorned with products of the garden.
Appropriate sermons were preached by the Rev. R. Garfield Wade of Calverley, who also gave an interesting address at the children’s service in the afternoon.
Harvest hymns were heartily sung, and during the service the choir sang an anthem. Mr. T. W. Dutton was at the organ.
Afterwards, the flowers, etc., were given to the needy in the district.
The annual potato competition of the Shipley Allotment Holders’ Association has provided over nine cwt. of potatoes for Saltaire Hospital. The first-prize winner was Mr. Ralph Reddihough, of Nab Wood Rise
(Colin’s note – 9cwt = c457kg)
President of Bradford Chamber of Commerce and chairman of H. Hey and Co., Ltd., worsted spinners, of Bradford, Mr. Herbert Hey, of Hillfoot Lodge, Pannal, died on Thursday (24 September) at the age of 81. He was taken ill last weekend at Grange-over-Sands, where he passed away.
Mr. Hey commenced in business as a worsted spinner on his own account in 1903 at Mount Street Mills, Bradford, under the style of H. Hey and Co.
In 1913, he acquired the spinning and manufacturing business of Butterfield Bros., which was carried on at Prospect Mills, Ingrow; Damems Mill, Damems; and Lumbfoot Mill, Stanbury, near Haworth.
In 1916, he was joined in partnership by Mr. H. B. Cordingley in the manufacturing section, the spinning section being amalgamated with H. Hey and Co.
In 1924, he acquired the worsted spinning business carried on by John Sutcliffe and Sons (Odsal), Ltd., Odsal Mills, Odsal, Bradford, and H. B. Priestman and Co., Brick Lane Mills, Bradford. Subsequently, he became proprietor of the yarn merchanting business of Butterfield and Co., Bradford.
Mr. Hey was appointed to the local board of Barclays Bank, Ltd., Bradford, in 1926, and in 1929 he joined the board of Salts (Saltaire) Ltd., with Mr. H. G. Pepper and Mr. R. W. Guild.
He was chairman of J. Hey and Co., Northbrook Brewery, Bradford, and chairman of Sackville Investments Ltd. He was a director of the Worsted Spinners’ Federation Ltd., a member of the Worsted Spinners’ Sectional Committee of the Wool Control, and a member of the Wool Textile Delegation.
He was appointed a member of the Bradford Chamber of Commerce Council in 1936, and President of the Chamber in 1940. He was chairman of the Chamber’s Aviation Committee and a member of the British National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Hey was a Guildsman of the Worshipful Company of Woolmen and a Freeman of the City of London.
Born in Bradford, he was educated at Bradford Grammar School and later Saltaire Technical Institute. He was a Justice of the Peace for Harrogate and the West Riding.
Mr. Hey was a member of the Government mission which left this country in 1940 to explain Britain’s economic policy to the Governments of Brazil, the Argentine, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador.
Mr. Hey leaves a widow and four daughters.
A funeral service was held at St. Robert’s Church, Pannal, on Monday (28 September), followed by cremation.
WEAVERS Wanted for standard looms. Apply Salts (Saltaire) Ltd., Saltaire Mills.
DICKINSON – 18 September at 15 Titus Street, Saltaire, to Ronald Dickinson (R.N.) and Amy Dickinson (nee Llewellyn), a daughter.
JONES – 31 August – Irene, aged 20, daughter of Albert & Elsie Jones, 2 Jane Street, Saltaire.
GRAHAM – 20 September – Fred aged 73, of 43 Dale Street, Shipley.
Bradford League
12 September – Saltaire 90 all out lost Windhill 96 all out
Priestley Cup Final
19 September – Saltaire won the cup.
Windhill 94 all out, Saltaire 95 for 5.
Yorkshire Council Championship
Salts won the League – Played 16 Won 13 Drew 3 Lost 0
6 – The Officer And The Lady
7 – Hard Steel & Terror On Tiptoe
10 – Caravan
13 – Behind The News
14 – The New Adventures Of Tarzan & Old Mother Riley
17 – The Shanghai Gesture
21 – Bedtime Story & Mystery Ship
24 – A Gentleman After Dark
27 – Girl From Heaven
28 – All American Co-Ed
Saltaire Times October 1942
Mr. Wilfred Lamb, of 13 Albert Road, Saltaire, has received a letter from his brother, Sergeant Jack Lamb, RAF, who was reported missing three weeks ago, stating that he is now a prisoner of war in Germany.
Mrs. Grace Wainman, of 6 Queen Street, Saltaire Road, Shipley has four sons and two. sons-in-law serving. They are:
Eric Burniston Wainman, Charles Wainman, Arthur Wainman, Denby Wainman, Frederick Golden, and Ernest Free.
The big drive to increase the membership of the savings groups at Saltaire Mills, is having excellent results. With one more day to go the target of 1,000 members has already been passed.
The campaign was launched a fortnight ago by a personal letter from the managing director, Mr. R. W. Guild, to every employee of the firm. When the drive began, the number of savings group members was about 400.
Prizes were offered for the groups obtaining the highest percentage increase in members and also for the departments with the highest percentage of group members at the end of the campaign.
A pleasing little ceremony took place at Salts Ltd, Saltaire Mills, on Thursday (29 October). Mr. R. W. Guild (managing director) presented the National Savings certificates to representatives of the departments who had won prizes during the recent fourteen-day intensive savings group drive. Prizes had been offered for the three departments with the highest percentage of members at the end of the drive, and for the three departments showing the highest percentage increase in members during the drive.
At the Saltaire Mills canteen, there is an attractive photographic display of war pictures, which depicts branches of the Services and has generated considerable interest amongst the employees.
Address by Mr. A. Creech Jones, M.P.
A meeting of the Shipley Prisoner-of-War Relatives Association was held in the Social Room of the Saltaire Institute on Saturday afternoon (10 October), Major E. Parkinson, M.C., presided, and he was supported by Mr. A. Creech Jones, M.P. for the Shipley Division, Mrs. 'T. J. Gray (wite of Mr. T. J. Gray, J.P., who was unavoidably absent), and Mrs. J. L. Wade (chairman of the Association).
(Colin’s note – Arthur Creech Jones – born 15 May 1891, died 23 October 1964. Labour M.P. for Shipley 1935 to 1950.)
A delightfully successful dance in connection with the weekend events organised by the Civilian Committee and officers of the No. 387 (Airedale) Squadron Air Training Corps was held in the Victoria Hall on Friday evening (2 October). There was a gratifying attendance.
(Colin’s Note – The Earl of Harewood, officially opened the Headquarters and Recreational Welfare Centre of the No. 387 (Airedale) Squadron of the Air Training Corps on Saturday 3 October).
At Shipley Parish Church on Saturday (3 October), the wedding took place between Trooper Cyril Weston, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Weston of Baker Street, Shipley, and Miss Edna Schofield, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Schofield of Ada Street, Saltaire.
The bride was formerly on the clerical staff of Messrs. Luxton, Hyde and Winfield, auditors and accountants, Barclays Bank Chambers, Shipley. Her mother was organiser of the Glenaire Trio and has helped in many charity concerts.
The bridegroom was a member of the Saltaire Mills Home Guard and is now serving in the Tank Corps. He was a former member of the Salts (Saltaire) Cricket Club.
A guard of honour was provided by the Saltaire Mills Home Guard. The ceremony was performed by the Vicar (Rev. Canon W.J. Perrett). Given away by her father, the bride wore a dress of white lace with a white veil. She carried a bouquet of pink roses.
The bridesmaid was Miss Irene Morley (friend of the bride), and Mrs. Trevor Smith (cousin of the bride) was matron of honour. The bridesmaid and matron of honour wore dresses of blue organza with head-dresses and veils to match. They each carried a bouquet of bronze chrysanthemums.
Mr. Trevor Smith was the best man. Afterwards, a reception was held at the Saltaire Institute.
The Saltaire Mills Home Guard, of which the bridegroom is a member, formed a Guard of Honour at St. Peter's Church, Shipley, on Saturday (24 October) for the wedding of Mr. Albert Alderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Alderson of 13 Constance Street, Saltaire, and Miss Mary Stead, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stead of 19 Dallam Avenue, Shipley. The ceremony was performed by the Vicar (Rev. T.B. Cornish). Mr. Frank Greenwood was at the organ.
Given away by her father, the bride wore a gown of white lace with a net veil surmounted with orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of cream roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Ellen Wheeler, Miss Audrey Ramsley, Miss June Ramsley (nieces of the bridegroom), and Miss Doris May Stead (sister of the bride). The Misses Ellen Wheeler and Audrey Ramsley each wore a dress of blue lace with a head-dress of roses. The Misses June Ramsley and Doris May Stead each wore a pink taffeta dress with a head-dress of roses. All the bridesmaids carried a muff.
Mr. William Pont was the best man, and Mr. Allan Stead (brother of the bride) was the groomsman. A reception was held in the Regal Ballroom, Shipley.
Applications for membership from Rawdon (Airedale and Wharfedale League) and Salts (Yorkshire Council) were turned down at a meeting of the Bradford Cricket League Committee on Saturday (10 October).
There was strong feeling among the committee members concerning the way in which Salts had tried to “work their way” into the league.
Saltaire was objected to because their ground was almost within a cricket ball throw of the Salts ground.
Other representative objected to the Salts’ club circularising all the clubs in the league asking them to support their application.
The fact that Saltaire Cricket club had handsomely won the Priestley Cup for the second year in succession was probably due to the large gathering that assembled in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday evening (10 October), when a successful dance organised by the club took place.
The committee responsible for the arrangements were Messrs. J. A. Farndale, W. Wood, H. Mason, E. Lightowler, T. Cockerham, C. Whiteley, M. Holdsworth, W.D. Ogden (treasurer), and Mr. A. W. Burgoyne (secretary.
The music was supplied by the Astorians Dance Band, and the duties of M.C. were capably carried out by Mr. A. W. Burgoyne and Mr. Howard Lee. The large company spent a most enjoyable time.
A bird show and dance organized by the Shipley Ornithological Society was held in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday afternoon (17 October). Considering the war, the exhibits were extremely good.
The judges were Mr. Bernard Greaves and Mr. Harold Hudson.
The best champion canary was won by Mr. H. Hudson, and the best novice canary by Mr. F. Whitfield. Other winners in the classes were Messrs. J. Craven, A.L. Weston, Wilcock, Webster, J. Oxley, and D. Stewart.
The best champion budgerigar was won by Mr. S. Whitfield, and the best novice budgerigar by Mr. D. Stewart. Other budgerigar winners were J. McComersky and N. Firth. The secretarial arrangements were ably carried out by Mr. Ulrich Atkinson.
At the dance in the Victoria Hall, there was a large crowd who spent an enjoyable time to music by The Melody Makers. Mr. Ronald Hodder was a capable M.C. The dance was organized by the Social Committee, comprising Mr. Norman Firth, Mr. John Bould and Mr. Charlie Turner (secretary).
A successful whist drive and dance, promoted by the No. 6 Platoon, B Company, 3rd West Riding Home Guard (Messrs. J. Parkinson & Son, Canal Works) of which Major Edward Parkinson, M.C., is the Commanding Officer and Mr. Harry Parkinson is Platoon Commander, were held at the Saltaire Institute on Friday evening (30 October).
The function was arranged by a committee comprising Sergeant Moss (chairman), Private S. Crawshaw (secretary), Privates Barker (treasurer), H. Evans, J. Barker, H. Naylor, J. Brennan.
Sec.-Lieut. Cheshire and Private Brennan were responsible for the dancing, with music being supplied by The Melody Makers dance band. Private Naylor, who acted as M.C. for the whist drive, presented the prizes (Savings stamps) to the following successful players:
Ladies: 1. Mrs. Goldsborough; 2. Mrs. Hodgson
Gentlemen: 1. Mr. Harry Watson; 2. Mr. Robert Martin
A fine of 10s. was imposed on Edgar Parker (65), spinning wasteman, of 56 Titus Street, Saltaire, for a black-out offence. He pleaded guilty.
Police-constable Swift stated that while on duty at 12.5 a.m. on 11 October in Saltaire Road, he saw a light from a window in Titus Street. When he interviewed the occupant, he said: "I've just moved in, and these are only up temporarily." He was referring to pieces of brown paper which were the only screening materials placed on the window, and which were not effective.
Parker told the magistrates that he had just moved into the house and was using temporary coverings until he could obtain proper blackout materials to screen the windows adequately.
Overlooker wanted for Northrop Automatic Looms. Leeming Dobbies and Toppits. Apply Salts (Saltaire). Ltd., Saltaire.
WANTED – smart intelligent BOY, good wages paid – J. H. Dewhurst Ltd. 91 Bingley Road, Saltaire.
31 October at Saltaire Methodist Church – Millie Kendall of Saltaire to Walter Millward of Bingley.
7 October – Three Girls About Town & I Was A Prisoner On Devil’s Island
8 – Twin Beds & Hay Foot
11 – School For Husbands
12 – To Be Or Not To Be
18 – Ice Capades
19 – Roxie Hart The Girl Who Could Do No Wrong & Right To The Heart
22 – You’ll Never Get Much
25 – Henpecked
26 – Jungle Book
Saltaire Times November 1942
A very wide range of thought was expressed at the Empire Demonstration and Youth Rally held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Monday evening (23 November). There was a large representation of the youths’ organisations in the town and a large gathering of the public.
It was intended that Shipley's contribution to the Empire war effort, should be represented at the meeting by three Shipley men who have won decorations —one from each branch of the Services —but the latest development in the war situation had made that impossible, and the relatives of the three men were invited to represent them on the platform.
The death occurred on Saturday (14 November) of Mr. Frank William Bedford, of 19 Victoria Road, Saltaire, who had been in indifferent health for some months. For the past 14 years, Mr. Bedford had been caretaker at Saltaire Methodist Church, and he had discharged his duties in an efficient and courteous manner. Prior to that, he was caretaker at Hill Methodist Church, Bradford, for 10 years. He was the youngest member of the Northcliffe Fellowship, Shipley.
Mr. Bedford, who was 63, was a widower and leaves five daughters, with whom much sympathy is felt in their sad bereavement.
The funeral took place at Nab Wood Cemetery on Tuesday (17 November). Before the interment, a service was held at Saltaire Methodist Church, conducted by the Rev. J. Tarry Brooks (Superintendent Minister, Shipley Circuit). Mr. L. P. Warne was at the organ.
The chief mourners were Miss Nellie Bedford and Miss Isabella Bedford (daughters), Mr. and Mrs. T. Horsfall (son-in-law and daughter), Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Brown (son-in-law and daughter), Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bedford (brother and sister-in-law), Mr. and Mrs. Hull (brother-in-law and sister), Miss May Bedford (niece), Mr. and Mrs. W. Allatt, and Mr. C. Murgatroyd.
Members of the Northcliffe Fellowship formed a guard of honour. There were several members of the congregation present also.
At the Red Cross open show of the Yorkshire Budgerigar Society, held at Saltaire yesterday (20 November), Mr. P. Golland (Southport) won premier honours. Mr. H. Bryan of Leamington Spa for the best champion bird, while the Dewsbury and District Cage Bird Society won the team shield.
In the duplicate (Red Cross) Challenge classes, Mr. C. C. Richardson, of Leeds, won the intermediate class.
There were 570 entries in the open events.
After having 38½ years of uninterrupted service as a tram conductor on the Bradford-Saltaire route, Mr. Fred Jefferson, of 9 Briarfield Road, Frizinghall, recently retired.
Of a jovial and kindly disposition, "Jeff," as he is known to many, particularly the blind men and women who attend the Frizinghall and Oak Avenue institutions, has, during his long service, proved a guide, philosopher, and friend to thousands.
At a presentation of a cheque to Mr. Jefferson at the B.C.P.T. Employees' Social Club, Bradford, Mr. C. R. Tattam, general manager, said that Mr. Jefferson had earned the respect and esteem of his workmates.
In acknowledging the compliment, Mr. Jefferson said: "I think the drivers, conductors, and conductresses who are on the road in these days of blackout are heroes."
(Fred Jefferson 19 November 1877 – 1960.)
A successful dance in aid of Mrs. Churchill's appeal for the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. to provide huts and hostels for those men and women serving in the Forces was held in Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Friday evening (27 November).
The event was organised by the workpeople of Messrs. Fred Ambler’s Ltd., Dumb Mills, Frizinghall, and the committee for the arrangement of the dance was under the leadership of Mr. T. Hunt, Miss Blanche Rigg, and Mrs. Scholes.
There was a large gathering of workpeople and their friends, and the company included Mr. A. Albut (manager of the firm). Mr. Ridsden, who gave his services towards the fund, was M.C., and music was supplied by the Collegians Dance Band. Refreshments, which were given by the workpeople, were under the supervision of Mrs. G. S. Rhodes.
The effort yielded £33, which has been forwarded to Mrs. Churchill.
At Leeds Assizes on Monday (30 November), a decrees nisi was granted to Victor Hennessey, inspector engineer, of Helen Street, Saltaire, on the ground of desertion by Violet Hennessey, of White House Farm, Kildwick.
The death occurred under tragic circumstances on Friday evening (27 November) of Mr. William Fitt, of 126 Bradford Road, Shipley.
It appears that as Mr. Fitt was returning from his employment at Messrs. Alfred Barker & Sons, fellmongers, Esholt, he was crossing Bradford Road, Shipley, near Northcliffe Playing Fields, when he was evidently knocked down by a passing vehicle. No one, however, appears to have seen the accident. He sustained a broken collarbone and severe injuries to both legs. He was taken to Saltaire Hospital and died at that institution on Saturday evening.
For over fifty years, Mr. Fitt was an employee of the London Midland and Scottish Railway and was goods agent at Shipley for several years, until he retired. Latterly, he had been employed as a part-time cashier at Messrs. Alfred Barker & Sons, fellmongers, Esholt.
He was a respected member of the Shipley Musical Union and the Shipley Unionist Club, and as a token of respect, the flag was flown at half-mast at the Shipley Unionist Club.
Mr. Fitt, who was 77 years of age, leaves a son. His grandson, Mr. Derek Fitt, deputy organist at Baildon Parish Church, is now serving with the Eighth Army in Libya.
WILKS – 11 November (suddenly), 7 Titus Street, Saltaire, Walter, husband of Emily Wilks.
GALE – 26 November, 20 Jane Street, Saltaire, James Leonard, dearly loved husband of Charlotte Gale. Funeral leaves house tomorrow (1 December) at 1.30. Service and internment at Nab Wood Cemetery. Friends accept intimation.
TODD – 27 November (suddenly), 4 Constance Street, Saltaire, Mark, husband of Ida Todd.
5 November – Texas
8 – Escape Me Never
9 – The Spoilers
16 – To The Shores Of Tripoli
22 – Honeymoon For Three
23 – Son Of Fury
29 – Old Mother Hubbard, M.P.
30 – Women In War & Frisco Lil
Saltaire Times December 1942
Mr. Ernest Ingham, who has been actively associated with the management of Salts (Saltaire). Ltd., for many years, has been appointed a director of the company.
(Colin’s Note – There is a timeline for Ernest Ingham deposited with Saltaire Archives.)
The District Coroner (Mr. E. W. Norris) held two inquests at Shipley Town Hall, Tuesday (8 December), on two victims who had been fatally injured during the black-out at Shipley and Saltaire.
Verdicts of Accidental Death were returned.
At the close, the Coroner specially urged elderly people at this time of year not to go out unnecessarily during the blackout, because they not only made the roads more dangerous to themselves, but also to other people using vehicles.
The first inquest was relative to the death of William Fitt (77), 120, Bradford Road, Shipley, who was fatally injured by being knocked down by a motor van on Bradford Road, Shipley, on 27 November.
The second inquest was on Catherine Kerby (59) of 7, Victoria Park, Shipley, who was fatally injured by being knocked down by a motor cycle combination, driven by Edward Butterworth, engineer, 107 Broadway Avenue, Bradford, at Saltaire on the night of 3 December.
The driver was represented by Mr. R. M. Priestley (Messrs. R. A. Priestley), solicitors, Bradford.
Annie Bramhall, 28 Albert Avenue, Shipley, who identified the body of the deceased, was her father's half-cousin, and she died at Salts Hospital in the presence of the witness about 9.15 p.m. on 3 December.
Francis Hollywood, retired labourer, 3 Jane Street, Saltaire, said: -
The deceased was his half-cousin and visited him at his house on Thursday, 8 December. She left the house about 7 p.m. and walked a distance of about 60 or 70 yards from his house to where the deceased lived, Victoria Park. She would have had to cross the main Bradford-Keighley road.
Witness said he had seen the deceased with an electric torch on other occasions, but he could not say whether she had one that night.
She had very good health and hearing, and her eyesight was very fair. She wore glasses outdoors.
Clement Rothery Nichol, fireman, Park Terrace, Shipley, said: -
On Thursday, 3 December, he was walking along the Bradford-Keighley Road just after 7 p.m., walking in the direction of Keighley, on the left-hand side of the road. Witness was about to enter Whitfield's shop when he heard a motor bicycle pulling up sharply in front of the shop—a distance of about four yards. The motor bicycle was travelling towards Keighley.
Witness heard someone say that someone was hurt and saw a woman lying in front of the motor cycle combination, with her knees up and her head lying towards Keighley. Witness saw the ambulance arrive and saw the woman put into it. Before then the woman was lifted up under the doctor's orders, to place a blanket underneath her.
The Coroner: What sort of a night was it?
Witness: It was a very dark night and hazy.
Replying to Mr. Priestley, witness said the motor cycle must have been travelling slowly as it pulled up within a yard of passing him. As near as he could recollect, the deceased was lying in front of the sidecar.
Madge Rush, munition worker, 73 Hastings Street, Bradford, said: -
She was riding in the front seat of the sidecar attached to the motorcycle driven by her brother-in-law, Edward Butterworth.
They were going from Bradford towards Keighley, and they had nearly reached the roundabout at Saltaire when witness felt a slight bump on the sidecar, which stopped almost immediately.
Witness got out and stopped a passing car to see if any help could be given, and after she had stopped the car, she noticed a woman lying on her back in the road in front of the sidecar, her head pointing towards Keighley. Witness noticed that her head was bleeding. Witness thought the deceased was wearing dark clothing. It was a very dark night and foggy. The motor cycle was travelling near the centre line, rather slowly. In reply to the Coroner, witness said the motorcycle had been moved slightly before the police arrived.
Wilfrid Clough, Middleton, engineer, 15 Haycliffe Road, Little Horton, Bradford, said: -
On the night in question, he was in the back seat of the motorcycle driven by Edward Butterworth, and said it was a very dark night and inclined to be foggy. The motor cycle was travelling nearer to the centre line than to the kerb, and it was travelling very slowly.
The motor cycle was halfway between Victoria Road and the roundabout when the accident happened. Witness felt a bump. The driver stopped immediately and shouted to them to get out quickly. Witness grabbed his torch and found the woman on the road in front of the sidecar. Witness said he went round the front and saw the deceased lying with her legs under the sidecar, her head towards Keighley. Witness then went to telephone for the ambulance from one of the shops and saw the deceased put into it. The motor cycle was moved slightly at the driver's suggestion in case the deceased was in the way.
In reply to the Coroner, the witness said the sidecar had a windscreen all around, and he could not see anything outside. The driver would have been able to see over his windscreen.
Replying to Mr. Priestley, the witness said that, to his knowledge, there was not a torch found.
Harry Carr, 19 Whitlam Street, Saltaire, a member of the First Aid Party, said: -
The accompanied the ambulance from the roundabout at Saltaire, about 7:15 p.m., and saw the deceased lying in the road, nearer the centre than the kerb. Witness helped to put her into the ambulance and removed her to Salts Hospital. She was unconscious. There was a large bruise and a slight wound on the right side of the forehead. He also noticed that her clothing was rather dark.
Special Constable Harry Leach, 7 Nab Lane, Shipley, said:
About 7:10 p.m. on 3 December, he was in Bradford-Keighley Road, walking on the left-hand side of the road towards Shipley. He heard someone shouting and, being told there had been an accident, he went to the place, almost opposite Whitfield's shop. When witness arrived, the deceased was about 6 feet in front of the motor cycle combination. Nothing was moved after that until the ambulance arrived. There was some blood under her head.
Witness subsequently took measurements. The width of the road, excluding the footpath, was 22 feet 9 inches, and from the pool of blood to the near-side pavement towards Keighley was 13 feet, and from the pool of blood to the centreline was 4 feet 6 inches. It was a dark night, visibility was poor, and there was a slight haze.
In reply to the Coroner, witness said he carefully looked but could not find a torch. There was a pedestrian crossing about 50 yards on the Keighley side.
Nurse Ethel Davis, of Saltaire Hospital, said: -
She was present when the deceased was admitted to the hospital about 7:30 p.m. She was unconscious and suffering from a bruise on the right side of the head, a small puncture just above it, and injuries to the right side of the chest. There was evidence of a fracture at the base of the skull. She died at the hospital just before 10 p.m. on the same date.
Police Constable Tindall, of Shipley, also gave evidence.
Left Post for Public-house
At the Bradford West Riding Police Court on Thursday 3 December, William Hodgson, butcher, of Melbourne Street, Shipley, who carries on business in Saltaire Road, was fined £10 for breach of the Fire Prevention (Business Premises) Order. He did not appear.
For a similar offence, John Kitchen, of Dove Street, Saltaire, was fined £6. He pleaded "Guilty."
Mr. H. Haslam, for the Shipley U.D.C., said it was alleged that Kitchen and Hodgson, who should have been fire watching from 10 p.m. on 9 October to 7 a.m. on 10 October, absented themselves from the post for a considerable period.
Police Constable Young said that at 11.20 p.m. on 9 October, he called at the fire watching post, which was situated in the block of shops where Hodgson carried on business. He found that only one firewatcher, instead of three, was present. Upon inquiries, he discovered that Hodgson and Kitchen were supposed to be on duty. He called again later, and they were still absent.
At 1.05 a.m., while on duty in the vicinity, he saw two men whom he knew as Hodgson and Kitchen leaving the Beehive Hotel. He went to them and asked if they wished to offer any explanation for not being on duty that evening. They explained that they had been in the hotel.
The Clerk (Mr. A. Craig): Was the hotel open at that time?
P.C. Young: Yes.
Clerk: What were they doing there?
P.C. Young: I do not know.
The Clerk: It seems suspicious.
Sergeant Brown said that upon inquiries he had made, he found that the defendants had been in the hotel for their supper.
Kitchen had nothing to say to the magistrates.
P.C. Young, recalled into the witness box, was complimented by the Bench for the smart manner in which he caught the two offenders.
The Chairman said the Bench took a serious view of the case.
At Saltaire Congregational Church, an intercessory service for all the young people from the Church and Sunday School who are serving in the Forces was held on Sunday afternoon (13 December). There was a large congregation, including many relatives and families of those serving.
The Pastor, Rev. S. G. McLellan, conducted the impressive service and gave a forceful address on "The Power of Prayer." Intercessory prayers were included in the service, and appropriate hymns were sung. Mr. Hanson Curran was at the organ.
(Colin’s note – Samuel G. McLellan was Pastor from October 1936 to June 1940.)
There was a large gathering at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Friday evening (4 December), for a dance held under the auspices of the British Red Cross Penny-a-Week Fund. Admirable arrangements for the event had been ably carried out by Mrs. H. Munro and Mrs. C. Stowe.
Dancing took place to the strains of Arthur Jackson's Vauxhall Band, with some popular dances provided, including the Tango, Old-Fashioned Medleys, and "Excuse Me." Mr. J. Hullah was an excellent M.C. During the evening, exhibition dances were cleverly executed by Mrs. Lake and her partner.
Spot prizes were won by Sergt. B. Silkstone and Miss O. Wilkinson, as well as Miss Margaret Bingham and Mr. Derek Smith. An excellent supper was served in the York Room, provided by Anne's Ltd., under the personal supervision of Mrs. L. P. Warne.
The event raised £74 9s. 9d.
The dance organised by the Salts (Saltaire) Cricket Club, held in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on 5 December, proved a popular event, with quite a large gathering present. Mr. J. Hullah was a capable M.C., and the music was supplied by the Astorians Dance Band.
The arrangements for the successful affair were made by a committee comprising Mr. A. Doyle (chairman), Mr. W. L. Smith (secretary), Mr. A. Grange (treasurer), and Messrs. H. Wood, H. Hainsworth, Harold Smith, A. Gill, B. Hill, J. Hill, W. Light, H. Burke, and P. Stead.
At the Victoria Hall, Saltaire. on Friday evening (18 December), a dance was held promoted by B Division of the Shipley Ladles' N.F.S. It was an enjoyable function, for which Firewoman Thorpe was the M.C. The Pioneer Corps Dance Band provided the music for dancing. The catering was satisfactorily carried out by Annes of Saltaire. The dance was in aid of the N.P.S. Welfare Fund.
A dance promoted by the Shipley United Swimming Club, held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Boxing Day night, proved a great attraction. It was originally intended that the profits should be divided between the Shipley Comforts Fund and the Shipley Prisoners of War Fund, but so successful was the event that the promoters have decided to contribute donations to the New Salt’s Hospital Fund and the Salt’s Hospital General Fund.
Mr. B. Isherwood (Shipley Baths manager) proved a capable M.C., and dance music was admirably supplied by Arthur Jackson and his Vauxhall band. The secretarial arrangements were ably carried out by Mr. W. Lapish.
I hear that under the direction of Mrs. J. F. Jones, 900 camouflaged nets have been made at the Saltaire Institute during the year 1942, which was quite an effort.
HARDY – 19 December at 12 George Street, Saltaire, Susannah Hardy (65), widow of late Nathan Hardy.
SHACKLETON – 19 December of 18 Titus Street, Saltaire, Samuel Shackleton, husband of late Annie Elizabeth Shackleton.
HUSTLER – 24 December, Hannah, aged 81, of 15 Scarborough Road, Shipley.
2 December – Women In War & ‘Frisco Lil
3 – Broadway
6 – Trail Of The Vigilantes
7 – Invisible Agent & Red Flyer
10 – Good Morning Doctor
13 – Black Cat
14 – Eagle Squadron
20 – It’s A Date
21 – Pardon My Sarong
27 – Suspicion
28 – The Young Mr. Pitt