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Image: The Illustrated London News |
Mill Workers who lived in Saltaire
Researched by Colin Coates |
Surnames beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Tom Harry
3 May 1886 - 12 June 1955
Tom Harry Manners was the son
of Thomas Manners. Thomas was
born c1848 in York. He married
Jane Hall 10 May 1870 at
Bradford Cathedral. In 1881 they
were living at 5 Wood Street in
Baildon where Thomas was a
Tom was born 3 May 1886. In
1891 & 1901 the family lived
at 18 Regent Street in Shipley.
In 1901 Tom was a doffer in a
mill. In 1911 Tom was a roving
stock keeper living at 18 Regent
Street with one of his sisters.
Tom married Mary Hannah
Stansfield 23 December 1911 at
St Paul's Shipley. Sadly the
marriage was short lived as Mary
died 1st Qtr. 1912. Widower Tom
married Lilian Miller in 1914.
They had a daughter, Constance,
born 13 May 1925.
The Shipley Times 6 April 1917
reported that Tom Harry Manners
of 38 Ada Street, a stock keeper
at Saltaire Mills was exempt
from military service until 30
September. There is no record of
Tom having served in the war.
From 1918 Tom and his family
lived at 20 Dove Street in
Saltaire. In 1939 he was working
as a worsted stock keeper. His
second wife, Lilian, died in
Tom married Dora Shipman in
1947. They lived at 21 Glenholm
in Windhill; he died here 12
June 1955. In his will he left
£922 15s 6d to Dora; she died in
c1839 - 11 September 1915
Alfred Mansfield was born c1839
in Bradford. His mother was
Alice Mansfield and his father
is unknown. In 1863 he married
Nancy Neale. They had six
children (all born in Saltaire):
Amelia - born 1864 died 4 May
Zillah - born 1868
John William - born 1873
Albert - died 13 May 1876 just
six days old
Phoebe - born 1878 died 1926
Ada - born 1881.
In 1871 the family were living
at 19 Amelia Street in Saltaire
with Alfred working as a worsted
spinning overlooker. By 1881
they had moved to 4 Lockwood
Street where they remained the
rest of their lives.
Extract from a report in the
Shipley Times 30 September 1893
as follows:
The drawing and spinning
overlookers, to the number of
twenty-three, employed at
Saltaire Mills, sat down to an
excellent supper on Wednesday
evening last at the Victoria
Hotel, Saltaire Road, Mr
Alfred Mansfield presiding.
Extract from a report in the
Shipley Times 26 December 1913
as follows:
Saturday was the golden
wedding day of and Mrs. Alfred
Mansfield, who have resided at
their present address of 4
Lockwood Street, Saltaire, for
forty-one years. Not the least
interesting feature of the
happy event is that the
veteran couple are in the
enjoyment or good health. They
live themselves, their three
daughters and one son being
all married. Mr. Mansfield
attained to his 74th birthday
lost August, whilst his wife
was 73 in June.
Their wedding day was on
Sunday 20th December 1863, and
the ceremony was performed by
the Rev, Robert Smith at the
Primitive Methodist Chapel,
Manchester Road, Bradford.
Mr. Mansfield worked for the
Saltaire firm in Bradford and
at Saltaire for a period of
about forty years, retiring in
1901, when he held the
position of overlooker. As a
token of their respect and
good wishes employees of the
spinning department presented
him with a timepiece.
A native of Bradford, he
started his industrial career
at the early age of nine as a
half-timer at Britannia Mills,
Portland Street, Bradford. In
accordance with the custom of
those days Mr. Mansfield
worked without wages for his
first month as a half-timer,
and afterwards he received 1s.
3d. a week. Nowadays
half-timers in spinning rooms
obtain an average of 3s. 9d. a
When Mr Mansfield was a boy
there was seething discontent.
Amongst the working classes of
Bradford, the Chartist
agitation was at its height
and there were frequent,
strikes. Mr. Mansfield recalls
one occasion when the military
were called out to disperse a
meeting of strikers at the top
of Bower Street. Amongst the
poorer classes bread was a
luxury-flour being 5s. per
stone, and porridge was the
staple food.
When about sixteen years of
age Mr. Mansfield was
apprenticed to the trade as a
whitesmith, and in that
capacity, he assisted to put
up the railings in front of
the Congregational Church at
Saltaire. Afterwards he worked
the railway. first as an
engine cleaner and afterwards
in the goods department,
earning 16s. week, there being
no extras for overtime, which
sometimes lasted until
Whilst still a young man he
quit the railway to take with
the Saltaire firm, with whom
remained for the long period
already stated.
Mr. Mansfield has a record of
useful service in the friendly
society movement. He has been
a member of the "Dyers Glory"
Lodge (Bradford) National
Independent Order of
Oddfellows for fifty-four
years. He went through all the
lodge offices, and some idea
of the high regard in which he
was held by the brethren may
be gathered from the fact that
for twenty-six years he had
the honour presiding at the
anniversary celebration. In
1891 he was elected to the
post of Grand Master of the
Bradford District, and in
recognition of his services in
that capacity he was presented
with a silver cruet.
He now takes an interest in
the Rosse Street Brotherhood
Veterans' Association.
Shipley, discharging the
secretarial duties in
connection with that body
which has done a good deal to
assist needy veterans.
Alfred died 11 September 1915
and he was buried in St Paul's
churchyard 15 September 1915.
His widow, Nancy, was buried
alongside him on 1 December in
the same year.
Extract from a report in the
Shipley Times 17 September 1915
as follows:
The funeral took place at the
Parish Church Wednesday
afternoon Mr. Alfred
Mansfield, of 4 Lockwood
Street, Saltaire, who died on
Saturday, aged seventy-six.
Mr. Mansfield was secretary of
the Veterans' Association the
members of which meet at the
rooms in the Rosse Street
Brotherhood. As a token
respect the flag was hoisted
at half-mast.
Before the interment a service
was held at the Rosse Street
Baptist Church conducted the
Rev. H. W. Burdett and Mr. Wm.
Hulme. In the course of a
short address Mr. Burdett said
that the deceased gentleman
had been a faithful member of
the church for many and was at
one time a worker in the
Sunday school. During recent
years he devoted himself with
untiring effort to the
Veterans' Association. He
would greatly missed by the
members of that body.
Mansfield, James
c1829 – 3 January 1925
James Mansfield was the son of James Mansfield. James snr was born c1790 in Wellington, Somerset. He married Grace Pyne 25 October 1811 in Wellington.
James was born c1829 in Kidderminster, Worcestershire. In 1841 & 1851 the family were living in Bradford with James and his father both working as wool combers.
James married Ann Allen 7 May 1854 at St. Wilfrid’s Calverley. They had at least four children. In 1861 they were living at 11 Albert Terrace, Saltaire with James working as a worsted. In 1871 & 1881 they lived at 20 Helen Street, with James working as a worsted weaver and later a mason’s labourer. By 1891 they were living at 4 Titus Street, where both James and Ann would spend the rest of their lives.
Their son, Fred, died 9 May 1894 aged just 26. James lost his wife, Ann, when she died in 1896, aged 63. Having been a joiner’s labourer James retired from Saltaire Mills in 1897. His son, Thomas, was landlord of the Queens Hotel, Windhill from 1905. James died 3 January 1925.
Report from the Shipley Times 9 January: -
The death occurred at No. 4 Titus Street, Saltaire on Saturday, of Mr. James Mansfield who was the oldest member of the Shipley Veterans Association and probably the oldest man in Shipley.
Born at Kidderminster, he came to Shipley at the early age of ten. For a long period he was employed at the Saltaire Mills in connection with building operations, until his retirement 32 years ago.
Mr. Mansfield had an excellent memory and entertained his colleagues at the Shipley Veterans’ Association with many interesting stories of years ago. He was a member of this organisation almost up to the time of his death and took active interest in its affairs.
The interment took place at the Nab Wood Cemetery on Wednesday. Chaplain William Hulme, of the Shipley Veterans’ Association, conducted the services at the home and the cemetery.
From the Shipley Veterans Association were Messrs. H. Cuff, F. Kendall, B. S. Stead. J. C. Cordingley, D. Allen, J. H. Murgatroyd, R. Dennison, D. Moss, W. Atkin, J. Ward, R. Case and W. Jackson.
Representing the Airedale Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, which Mr. Mansfield was the oldest member, were Bros. J. S. Barker, S. A. Clough, F. Helliwell and R. Eccles.
A large number of personal friends, amongst whom was Mr. Thomas Blythe, ex-Lord Mayor Bradford, attended the funeral.
Mawson, Alice
4 March 1900 – 1992
Alice Mawson was the daughter of Charles Mawson.
Charles was born in 1870 in Windhill. He married Sarah Ellen Crossland, 31 May 1898, in Bradford Cathedral. Charles was a twister living at 7 Mary Street in Saltaire; Sarah was living at 55 George Street in Saltaire. In 1901 & 1911 they were living at 37 Ada Street in Saltaire.
Alice, the middle of three children, was born 4 March 1900. She was baptised 1 April 1900 in Saltaire.
In the 1921 Census the family living at 39 Dove Street consisted of: -
Head – Charles Mawson – painter at Saltaire Mills.
Wife – Sarah Ellen Mawson – home duties.
Son – John Charles Mawson – weaving overlooker at Saltaire Mills.
Daughter – Alice Mawson – weaver at Saltaire Mills
Son – Willie Mawson – apprentice plumber at Saltaire Mills.
In the 1939 Register, Alice was a weaver living with her mother at 39 Dove Street. Her father had died in 1931.
Letter Published in the Shipley Times 10 January 1940: -
May I (through your columns) express to Shipley Council and staff the gratitude of many people of Saltaire and Shipley district for efficient and timely sanding of slippery pavements?
The enclosed rhyme is a personal tribute.
Yours etc., Miss Alice Mawson, Dove Street, Saltaire.
Thank you! Shipley Council, for efficient timely aid.
Thank you! Band of workers, well equipped with sand and spade.
To the daily toiler it was such a grand relief.
Treading slippy pavements, sure of coming to no grief.
Plan for people’s welfare, your work behind the scene.
Helps the nation greatly, like ship behind smoke screen.
Or speck on the horizon, or soldier in a trench.
A ploughman or a teacher, mechanic at the bench.
Let’s bravely pull together, “mid-winter’s,” chilly blast.
And, when hope’s ship is sinking, nail faith’s flag to the mast.
To help the smaller nations in this most crucial test.
Sons of the Land of Freedom, rise up, and do your best.
Letter Published in the Shipley Times 27 November 1940: -
Sir, - May I through the courtesy of the “Shipley Times,” voice the Committee’s deep appreciation to friends connected with or outside the above department, for their splendid response to S.O.S. for knitters for woolly comforts.
Letters from “Our Boys,” are ample proof of the appreciation they feel. Pullovers, socks, mittens, helmets, were all sorely needed. Especially we would like to thank the two “little old ladies,” of whose socks and helmets we have almost lost count.
You may not gain a V.C. or have letters to your name.
You may not be engraved on historic scroll of fame.
But, when at last a Victory of Honour has been won
With your heart from Him who sees, you’ll hear a grand “Well Done.”
Once again, a big thank you to all.
Yours, etc., (on behalf of above Committee and friends).
Alice Mawson (Secretary), 39 Dove Street, Saltaire.
Letter Published in the Shipley Times 22 January 1941: -
W ake up! Wake up! This is War Weapons Week.
A id all you can, for we must reach the peak.
R oll out the £ s. d., make a big pile.
W ar Weapons Week will have then been worthwhile.
E verything’s running quite smoothly, tis true
A ided by Baildon, we’re sure to pull through
P rocession, displays, inaugural lunch,
O ver the top, to give Hitler a punch
N ine Motor T. Boats to launch will be fine
S core on the Fuhrer, the bus catch, in time.
W ar scarred our cities, and those who defend
E ngland expects – yes! The whole world depends
E merging from war (please God) we shall rise
K eeping our fathers’ faith – love never dies
Miss Alice Mawson
39 Dove Street, Saltaire.
Alice lost her mother in 1945. She continued to live at 39 Dove Street until 1947/1948 when she moved to 15 Fernbank Dive, Shipley.
Alice died a spinster in 1992.
Mawson, Charles
1870 – 1931
Charles was born in 1870 in Windhill, the son of William Mawson.
Charles married Sarah Ellen Crossland, 31 May 1898, in Bradford Cathedral. He was a twister living at 7 Mary Street in Saltaire; Sarah was living at 55 George Street in Saltaire. They had three children.
In 1901 & 1911 they were living at 37 Ada Street in Saltaire. Charles worked as a dyer’s labourer, Sarah as a weaver.
In the 1921 Census the family living at 39 Dove Street consisted of: -
Head – Charles Mawson – painter at Saltaire Mills.
Wife – Sarah Ellen Mawson – home duties.
Son – John Charles Mawson – weaving overlooker at Saltaire Mills.
Daughter – Alice Mawson – weaver at Saltaire Mills
Son – Willie Mawson – apprentice plumber at Saltaire Mills.
Charles died in 1931 at 39 Dove Street.
Thomas Ashton
1854 - 17 July 1915
Thomas Ashton was the son of
George & Carol Mawson
Thomas was born 1854 in
Liverpool. In 1861 the family
were living in Kirkdale,
Liverpool with George working as
a grocer.
Thomas married Jane Milton 12
May 1872 at Bradford Cathedral.
In 1881 they were living in
Honley. They had three children:
- Ashton (b1900), Arthur (b1884)
and Harry (b1886). Jane died in
Living at 14 William Henry
Street in Saltaire widower
Thomas married Emma Sunderland
(a widow, maiden name Halliday)
30 August 1890 at Bradford
Cathedral. They had four
children: - Clarice (b1893), Tom
(served in WW1), Ada (b1898) and
Charlotte May (b1900).
In 1891 the family were living
at 24 Titus Street in Saltaire
with Thomas working as a plush
weaver. They lived at 30 Shirley
Street in Saltaire from 1895. By
1901 they were living at 9
Shirley Street. From 1903 they
lived in Shipley. By 1914 they
had moved to 11 Constance Street
in Saltaire. Working at Saltaire
Mills Thomas died from anthrax
17 July 1915. [See
war diary 23 July 1915.]
Mawson, Willie
1903 – 1968
Willie Mawson was the son of Charles Mawson.
Charles was born in 1870 in Windhill. He married Sarah Ellen Crossland 31 May 1898 in Bradford Cathedral. Charles was a twister living at 7 Mary Street in Saltaire; Sarah was living at 55 George Street in Saltaire. In 1901 & 1911 they were living at 37 Ada Street in Saltaire.
Willie, the youngest of three children, was born in 1903.
In the 1921 Census the family living at 39 Dove Street consisted of: -
Head – Charles Mawson – painter at Saltaire Mills.
Wife – Sarah Ellen Mawson – home duties.
Son – John Charles Mawson – weaving overlooker at Saltaire Mills.
Daughter – Alice Mawson – weaver at Saltaire Mills
Son – Willie Mawson – apprentice plumber at Saltaire Mills.
In 1927 Willie was living with his parents at 39 Dove Street. In 1938 he was living there with his mother and sister Alice.
Willie died in 1968.
McKenzie, Stephen Patrick
1905 – 1958
Stephen Patrick McKenzie was born in 1905 in Shipley to Michael McKenzie, from County Mayo, Ireland and Veronica Coyle, from Richmond, Surrey. In 1911 they were living at 18 Thomas Street, Shipley, with Michael working as a grave digger.
In 1921 they were living at 2 Ashley Street, Shipley. Stephen worked as a jobber at Saltaire Mills. He was an amateur boxer.
Extract from the Shipley Times 3 October 1924:
Inter-works boxing contests among the youth of Shipley proved exceedingly popular last winter, and at Cafe Saltaire on Wednesday night (1 October), an auspicious start was given to the new season.
An exhibition match was provided by A. Bateson (Mason's) and Stephen McKenzie (Salt's), boxers weighing about nine and a half stone.
Stephen married Veronica Coyle in 1932. Veronica was born 19 June 1907 in Houghton-Le-Spring, County Durham. They had three children.
Stephen died in 1958. Veronica died in 1984.
Mellor, Rex Bardsley
12 April 1909 – 24 July 1967
Rex Bardsley Mellor was the son of Cecil Bardsley Mellor. Cecil was born in 1882 in Linthwaite near Huddersfield. He married Lily Tweed, 21 July 1900, at St. Peter’s, Huddersfield.
Rex, who had an elder sister, was born 12 April 1909, in Slaithwaite near Huddersfield. He was baptised, 27 March 1910, at St. James’s, Slaithwaite. In 1911 & 1921 the family were living in Slaithwaite with Cecil working as a worsted colour blender.
Rex married Gwendoline Nora Naylor, 5 August 1931, at St. Barnabas, Crosland Moor, near Huddersfield. She was born, 3 July 1912, in Redruth, Cornwall. They had no children.
In the 1939 Register they were living in Halifax, with Rex working a colour matcher in the textile industry. He was also a special constable. In February 1941, Rex was reported as working as a colour matcher at Saltaire Mills.
In April 1944, living in Bargrange Avenue, Shipley, he was fined 7s 6d for not having a dog licence for his three-year-old terrier.
Extract from a report in the Shipley Times 5 December 1945: -
Rex Bardsley Mellor, a colour matcher of 10 Lynton Drive, Shipley, pleaded “guilty” to driving a motor vehicle in a built-up area at a speed exceeding 30 mph.
P.C. Butterworth said that at 10.45 a.m. on 9 November he was on duty on the Bradford-Keighley Road, Shipley, when he saw the defendant driving a vehicle at a very fast speed. He checked his speed for a distance of 6/10 of a mile and found it to be from 48 to 53 m.p.h. He stopped him and pointed out the offence, and he replied, “I’d no need to hurry.”
The road was very greasy at the time.
He was fined 40s.
Rex died, 24 July 1967, at 38 Belvere Avenue in Blackpool. In his will he left £6,678 to his widow. She died, 10 July 2000, in Blackpool.
Metcalfe, Dora (nee Lees)
11 July 1903 – 1972
Dora Lees was born, 11 July 1903, in Swinton. In 1921 she was an out of work comber employed at Saltaire Mills. She was boarding with Smith Wainman and his family at 25 Amelia Street, Saltaire.
Dora married Sydney John Bowen, 31 March 1923, at St Paul’s, Shipley. They were both living at 24 George Street, Shipley. He was born, 14 March 1900, in Shipley.
By 1939 Dora and Sydney were divorced. In the 1939 Register, Dora was a woolcomber living alone at 2 Garth Fold, Bradford.
Dora married Ernest Metcalfe in 1952. Dora died in 1972.
Metcalfe, Esther Sarah (nee Backhouse)
5 April 1896 – 1979
Esther Sara Backhouse was born, 5 April 1896, in Selby to Jann Ann Backhouse, with father unknown. Jann married Robert Free in 1896.
In 1901 the family were living in Biggin, by 1911 they had moved to Tadcaster; Robert was a farm labourer. In 1914 the family were living at 1 Shirley Street in Saltaire and by 1918 they had moved to 38 George Street. In 1921 they were living at 15 Victoria Road, Saltaire, with Esther working as a weaver at Saltaire Mills.
Esther married John Metcalfe, a tool maker from Shipley, 18 March 1922, at Providence Chapel, Shipley. John was born, 5 August 1890. They had at least two children, including Leslie, born 20 March 1923.
In the 1939 Register they were living at 6 Hudson Buildings, Baildon, with John working as an engineer and an air raid warden.
Esther died in 1979.
Fred - Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Metcalfe, Hamlet
1856 – 8 September 1921
Hamlet Metcalfe was the son of James Metcalfe. James was born 1823 in Burley. He married Margaret Greenwood 30 June 1844 at All Saints, Bingley. They had four children. James worked as a wool sorter. In 1851 they were living in Horton, Bradford.
Hamlet, their third child, was born in 1856 in Baildon. In 1861 the family were living at 10 Helen Street in Saltaire. By 1871 they were living at Hustlers Cottages in Shipley. They moved back to Saltaire before 1877, living at 6 Higher School Street.
Working as wool sorter Hamlet married Mary Pullan, 7 June 1877, at Bradford Cathedral. They had nine children, with one dying as an infant. The eight surviving children, all born in Saltaire, were: - Ophelia, 12 December 1877; Florence, 26 October 1879; May, 1884; Margaret, 1885; Randolph, 21 October 1877; Norman, 1890; Cuthbert, 1894; Donald, 1901.
In 1881 Hamlet and his family lived at 28 Titus Street; in 1891 they were at 10 Mawson Street. From before 1901 to 1914 they were living at 32 (renumbered 63) Albert Road. In 1914 they moved to 5 Ferrands Road, Shipley.
Report in the Shipley Times 25 June 1881: -
Bradford West Riding Court 23 June – VACCINATION Prosecutions –
Mr. William Booth, vaccination officer for Shipley, had summoned the following persons for neglecting to have their children vaccinated —
Wm. Henry Drew and Joseph Hustler, Shipley, and Henry Mosley and Hamlet Metcalfe, of Saltaire.
In each case an order was made to have the child vaccinated within 14 days and to pay costs. Metcalfe asked the Bench to fine him at once, as he had a conscientious objection, and did not intend to have the child vaccinated.
Col. Pollard: We cannot; you have committed no offence; but if you neglect to comply with the order within 14 days, perhaps Mr. Booth will oblige you by bringing you here again. (Laughter.)
Advert in the Shipley Times 5 June 1886: -
GENTLEMEN with GARDENS, by purchasing their BEDDING PLANTS direct from HAMLET METCALFE, Riverside Gardens, Saltaire, will not only Save all intermediate profits, but get the Best possible Value for their Money. A call will be esteemed.
Report in the Shipley Times 10 November 1894; -
Bradford West Riding Court – THE SCHOOL BOARD AND CHILDREN – Hamlet Metcalfe was summoned for the irregular attendance of his daughter. The mother of the child appeared, and said in mitigation, that she had had poor health, and had to keep the child sat home. Her husband had also been out of work. On promise of Mrs. Metcalfe that the child should attend, the case was adjourned for six weeks.
Excerpt from a report in the Shipley Times 29 December 1894: -
THE HURRICANE AT SHIPLEY. The strong gale which prevailed on Friday night and Saturday morning was markedly felt in Shipley and the district.
Greenhouses were very much broken, either by the wind itself or missiles caught by it. The most serious sufferers in this respect in the immediate neighbourhood are Mr Herbert Jowett and Mr Hamlet Metcalfe, of the Airebank gardens.
The top of Mr Jowett’s new greenhouse, some twenty or twenty-five yards in length, has been lifted bodily from the masonry, and carried eastward some three or four feet. The main portion of glasswork, with the exception of some broken panes, is intact, but the part nearest the north is a complete wreck. It is supposed that a slide from an adjoining garden was blown to the structure and let in the wind.
The west end of Mr Metcalfe’s house has also been damaged in the first place by missiles, the gale of course aggravating the mischief.
Report in the Shipley Times 22 July 1904: -
On Tuesday (19 July) afternoon a wedding was solemnised at St Paul’s Church, which was the centre of much local interest, the contracting parties being Mr. Arthur Edward Feather, younger son of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Feather, of Bradford Moor, and Florence Metcalfe, second daughter of Mr. Hamlet Metcalfe of 32 Albert Road, Saltaire.
The bride was a teacher at Otley Road Council School.
Report in the Shipley Times 10 February 1905: -
At Holy Trinity Church, Bingley, on Saturday (4 February) the marriage took place of Mr. Bertram E. Garbutt, eldest son of Mr. Thomas Garbutt, secretary to the Bradford Education Committee, to Miss Ophelia E. Metcalfe, eldest daughter of Mr. Hamlet Metcalfe of 32 Albert Road, Saltaire.
Death Notice in the Shipley Times 10 April 1914: -
METCALFE - On 5 April, at 5 Ferrands Road, Shipley, Mary, the beloved wife of Hamlet Metcalfe, aged 56 years.
Extract from a report in the Shipley Times 10 December 1920: -
A pretty wedding was solemnised on Saturday 27 November, at St. Margaret’s Church, Horsforth, between Mr. Clifford Geldart, younger son the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geldart, of Horsforth. and May, third daughter of Mr. Hamlet Metcalfe, of Shipley.
Hamlet died 8 September 1921. Report in the Shipley Times 30 September: -
An inquest was held on Thursday (22 September) by Mr. H. E. Milnes (Bradford Deputy-Coroner) and Bradford jury, concerning the death, which took place at the Bradford Royal Infirmary on 8 September, of Hamlet Metcalfe, 65, woolsorter, of Ferrands Road,
Frances Tillett, deceased's housekeeper, said that Metcalfe was a wool sorter in the employment of Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons and Co., Ltd., Saltaire Mills. On Sunday, September 4, deceased came home complaining that he was cold, but he went to work the next day, although he admitted he did not feel well. His neck was swollen, and he had a bruise on his forehead. He told witness that the bruise was the result of a fall he had had the previous night.
Later that morning (Monday) deceased came home feeling worse, and a doctor was sent for. The deceased’s daughter was also called in, and she told witness that it might be anthrax. Metcalfe was a man of cleanly habits, witness added, and always washed himself when he returned from his work.
Frank Smith, foreman woolsorter, of 24, James Street, Shipley, stated that the deceased had worked at Saltaire Mills for 42 years. Metcalfe’s work at the mill was to examine the wool after it had been sorted, and for the past two years he had been examining Turkey mohair. The mohair Metcalfe had dealt with at the time he was taken ill had been unusually dry, and consequently there was a large amount of dust.
At about 9.20 on the Monday morning deceased had complained to witness of not feeling very well, adding that he thought he had caught cold. Half-an-hour later Metcalfe said he felt worse, and witness then noticed swelling on the right side of deceased's neck. As he (witness) suspected anthrax, he told Metcalfe to go home and see a doctor. Deceased went home an hour later.
Answering a question, witness said that the wool was not washed before being sorted.
Arthur Robert Wm. Hartley, of 9, Albert Road, Saltaire, a buyer and manager of the wool department at the mill, also gave evidence as to the condition of the work done by the deceased.
Dr. Eurich stated that, in company with Dr. Bonner, he had visited Metcalfe. There was a considerable swelling on the right side of the neck, and the eye was so swollen that it could not be opened. Metcalfe had also slight abrasion on the right side of the forehead and two minute blisters near the abrasion. After examining him, witness found anthrax bacilli, and the man being feverish, was removed, to the Infirmary, where he died the following Thursday afternoon at 4.30.
On behalf of the firm of Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons and Co., Ltd., Mr. W. E. Tetley expressed regret that such an old and valued servant had met his death in the manner he had done while following his employment. It was the firm’s greatest desire to avoid such accidents, and any suggestions as their avoidance which were submitted by the workpeople were instantly acted upon.
The jury returned a verdict of Death from generalised anthrax, as result of local infection.”
Metcalfe, James
1823 – 30 November 1883
James Metcalfe was born 1823 in Burley to Thomas & Mary Metcalfe.
He married Margaret Greenwood 30 June 1844 at All Saints, Bingley. They had four children including mill worker, Hamlet.
James worked as a wool sorter. In 1851 they were living in Horton, Bradford. In 1861 the family were living at 10 Helen Street in Saltaire. By 1871 they were living at Hustlers Cottages in Shipley. They moved back to Saltaire before 1877, living at 6 Higher School Street in Saltaire.
James died 30 November 1883.
Report in Shipley Times 8 December: -
By his departure from this life on Friday, 30 November, Saltaire has lost one of its best men. He will be missed by the workpeople with whom he was associated, and by his friends, of whom he had many; the New Church people, with whom he was at all times a welcome guest; by his widow, his two daughters and his two sons, to whom the loss is irreparable, as it can never be made in Time or on earth now; for, in the words of Holy Writ, “He will return to his house more, neither will his place know him anymore.”
Mr. James Metcalfe has been known to the writer of this notice for the long period of thirty-six years, and the circumstances under which we became acquainted were so peculiar that the reader will perhaps pardon recital of them here. In the year 1847, and for some years previous, I resided at New Orleans, in the Southern States of America ; and one Sunday morning I was taking walk on the levee or bank of the river Mississippi, when I saw very large ship in the middle of the stream, in charge of tow-boat, and flying the Union Jack. From this knew her to be English ship. From curiosity I waited until she was fastened to the wharf, when some of her passengers came ashore, to see what the place was like. Amongst them I noticed young man whom I suspected to be from Yorkshire. Walking to him I said, Do you come from Yorkshire?” He replied, “Yes.” I then said, do you come from Bradford? Again he said “Yes.” I then said, you know my cousin, John Tyas? He said he knew him well. I then asked him to come home with me and have some dinner with me and my wife, to which he consented. There were nine more beside the person I spoke to, on board from Bradford, and my informant was the late James Metcalfe.
This was the beginning of an acquaintance and friendship which has been much valued by me. Mr. Metcalfe soon got employment, and would have done well, had he remained in America, for he was rich in resources so much needed in a new country.
But his wife refused to cross the ocean, and he was obliged to return to his native land. He then obtained work as a woolsorter with the late Sir Titus Salt, and when the works were removed to Saltaire, he came also, and resided for some time at Baildon Green.
In the great strike of Saltaire he came to the front and made what was then considered one of the most remarkable speeches in favour of pacification ever perhaps made by a workingman to working people. The strike was ended, and he received the name from that time of The Peacemaker.”
Again, seven years ago, he came forward, spoke in favour of peace and a quick settlement, and the workpeople went to work at once. But during the strike of the last two weeks he was laid up ill of heart disease, and his voice was then unheard; and before the dispute was made up, he had left for a place “where the wicked cease from troubling, and where the weary are at rest.’'
As a husband, as father, and as a relation, he was uniformly affectionate and a kind friend, he was constant and true, and his name will be whispered with regard for many years to come. As a workman, he was always sober, steady, and to be depended on. The word of detraction against his employers never escaped his lips, and if he heard it from others he tried to defend them. He well knew that masters and their operatives are at all times mutually dependent on each other.
The late Mr. Metcalfe was for some considerable time honorary secretary to the Mechanics’ institute Saltaire long before the present noble building was erected, and in that connection rendered valuable service, teaching one of the elementary classes. He was, in fact, closely associated with the early history of Saltaire, and had been in the employ of Sir Titus Salt, Sons, & Co., for the long period of years. was much that a man should be, and his memory will be long cherished by those who knew him best. It is somewhat remarkable that he should pass away exactly 18 years after the delivery of the speech to which Mr. Holroyd refers, and that on the very same day the workpeople at Saltaire should again be out on strike. -- Editor
David - Mill Worker
1 April 1886 - 1968
David Middleton was the son of
John William Middleton. John was
born 1854 in Hunslet. He married
Mary Ann Holgate 3 June 1876 at
Bradford Cathedral. In 1881 they
were living at 14 Moorhead Lane
in Shipley with John employed as
a warehouseman.
David, the fifth of 12
children, was born 1 April 1886
in Shipley. In 1891 the family
were living at 22 William Henry
Street in Saltaire with John
working as a labourer. By 1901
they were at 37/38 Lower Green
in Baildon with John employed as
a warehouseman in a jam factory
and David was a jobbing worsted
spinner. In 1911 they were
living at 3 Greenfold In Baildon
with David working as a
spinning/drawing overlooker.
Mary Ann died in 1914; John in
David married Ellen Walker in
1913. They had a daughter, Mary,
born 5 May 1919. Working at
Saltaire Mills David did not
serve in WW1.
Extract from a report in the
Shipley Times 17 May 1918 as
follows: -
Sixty-eight cases from
Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons
and Co., Ltd., Saltaire,
were disposed of last Friday
night by the Shipley
Tribunal. Coun. T. Hill,
J.P., presiding.
Postponements to various
dates were given to the
following (including) David
Middleton, 32, married, 3,
worsted drawing overlooker.
By 1928, David and Ellen were
living at 22 Park Street in
Shipley. Around 1932/33 Ellen,
along with Sarah Brown and Polly
Walker, moved to Morecambe where
they bought and ran a boarding
house at 14 Clarendon Road.
David remained in Saltaire,
lodging with Wilfred Walker. He
joined his wife in Morecambe
around 1935. In 1939 David was
working in Morecambe as a deck
chair attendant for Morecambe
Report from the Morecambe
Guardian 29 July 1939 as
follows: -
Rescues 10-Year-Old Girl
Hundreds of holiday makers
witnessed the thrilling
rescue of a 10-year-old
girl, Elizabeth Lynch, of 52
Lord Street, Oswaldtwistle,
at Morecambe on Thursday
Elizabeth was sailing a
toy yacht in the boating
pool at the West End. She
overbalanced and fell into
the water. A
Corporation deck-chair
attendant, David Middleton,
of Clarendon Road,
Morecambe, attracted by the
girl's screams and the
shouts of her younger
brother, raced to the rescue
and plunged into the water
in his uniform. and carrying
his money bag and ticket
Meanwhile, a visitor,
James Haldane, of Meadowbank
Crescent, Edinburgh, had
raced across the shore,
jumped into the water and
caught hold of the girl. He
brought her to the shore
unconscious and P.C. Pedder,
of the South Lonsdale
(Morecambe) Division applied
artificial respiration until
the arrival of the ambulance
which took the girl to the
Queen Victoria Hospital. She
was detained until yesterday
afternoon, when her parents
took her back to her holiday
In 1939 David served as an ARP
warden in Morecambe. Ellen died
9 August 1958 in Morecambe.
Report from the Morecambe
Guardian 16 January 1959 as
follows: -
Local Wills - Mrs Ellen
Middleton of 14 Clarendon
Road, Morecambe, formerly of
Shipley, wife of David
Middleton, retired boarding
housekeeper, left £1,009 8s
11d gross, £944 8s 11d net.
David died in Lancaster
district in 1968. He was a good
cricketer, playing for Salt's
Mill and possible Saltaire.
Click on the images to magnify

David Middleton,
aged about 20.

photograph circa 1913 with David
at the back.

photograph circa 1930 with David
second from the right.

Ellen and David
Middleton, probably taken in
[Biography compiled with the
help of Nigel Holmes, grandson
of David. Nigel also kindly
supplied the photographs.]
Ellen (nee Walker)
24 June 1884 - 9 August 1958
Ellen Walker was the daughter
of Edward Walker. Edward (known
as Neddy) was born c1853 in
Cleckheaton. He married Sarah
Jane Stead 28 January 1882 at St
John's Halifax.
Ellen, the eldest of five
children, was born 24 June 1884
in Cleckheaton. In 1901 they
were living at 28 Shirley Street
in Saltaire with Edward working
as a mechanic fitter. By 1911
they had moved to 5 George
Ellen worked in Saltaire Mills
from around 1900 until her
marriage. Ellen married
David Middleton
in 1913. They had a daughter,
Mary, born 5 May 1919. By 1928,
David and Ellen were living at
22 Park Street in Shipley.
Around 1932/33 Ellen, along with
Sarah Brown and Polly Walker,
moved to Morecambe where they
bought and ran a boarding house
at 14 Clarendon Road. David
remained in Saltaire, lodging
with Wilfred Walker. He joined
his wife in Morecambe around
1935. In 1939 David was working
in Morecambe as a deck chair
attendant for Morecambe
Ellen died 9 August 1958 in
Morecambe. Report from the
Morecambe Guardian 16 January
1959 as follows: -
Local Wills - Mrs Ellen
Middleton of 14 Clarendon
Road, Morecambe, formerly of
Shipley, wife of David
Middleton, retired boarding
housekeeper, left £1,009 8s
11d gross, £944 8s 11d net.
David died in Lancaster
district in 1968.
Click on the images to magnify

Ellen Walker -
date unknown.

Family photograph circa 1913
with Ellen in front row second
left with her mother to the
right of her.

Ellen and David,
probably taken in Morecambe.
[Biography compiled with the
help of Nigel Holmes, grandson
of Ellen. Nigel also kindly
supplied the photographs.]
Alfred Craven
4 October 1894 - 6 November 1959
Alfred Craven Midgley
was the son of Herbert Midgley.
Herbert was born 8 September 1868
in Bradford. He married Emma
Crossley in 1894 in Halifax.
Alfred, the elder of two sons, was
born 4 October 1894 in Bradford.
In 1901 the family were living in
Manningham where Herbert worked as
a weaver. In 1911 they were in
Frizinghall where Herbert was a
weftman and Alfred an office boy
for a worsted manufacturer.
Alfred served in WW1 with the
Royal Field Artillery. He attested
24 November 1915 and held in
reserve until he was mobilised 19
April 1916. He served in France
& Germany from 19 August 1916
until he was discharged 20
September 1919.
Alfred, a textile representative,
married Annie May Addy 11 February
1926 in Kiangsu, Shanghai, China.
Annie was born 8 November 1900 in
By 1930 they were living at 54
Norwood Terrace in Shipley, moving
to "Elm Wood," The Oval, Tranmere,
Guiseley in 1931. In 1939 he was a
silk & woollen piece goods
Alfred died 6 November 1959.
Report from the Shipley Times
11 November: -
Fatal Collapse at Bus
Alfred Craven Midgley (65),
Hazelwood, Bradford Road,
Menston, collapsed and died at a
bus stop in Otley Road.
Woodbottom, Baildon, on Friday
evening. Mr. Midgley was on his
way home from his work at Pepper
Lee's Mill, Saltaire, where he
was employed in the stock room.
Dr. Brear, who was passing at
the time, confirmed that Mr.
Midgley was dead. The facts were
reported to the Craven District
Coroner, who after studying the
medical report, decided not to
hold an inquest.
[Note Salt's (Saltaire) Ltd bought
Pepper Lee Co. Ltd. in 1936]
Alfred's widow Annie died in 1980.
James Arthur
James Arthur - Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of
Midgley, Simeon
1854 – 29 January 1911
Simeon Midgley was the son of Joseph Midgley. Joseph was born c1814 in Kildwick. He married Elizabeth Oddy Keefe 7 February 1848 at St Mark’s Woodhouse in Leeds.
Simeon, the middle child of three, was born in 1854 in Cullingworth. In 1861 they were living at 15 Helen Street in Saltaire with Joseph working as a wool sorter. In 1871 they were at 9 Titus Street with Simeon employed as a clerk at Saltaire Mills.
Simeon married Amanda Newsome, 27 December 1876, at the Saltaire Wesleyan Chapel. They had three sons and two daughters. Their sons were: -
William – died in 1888 aged just five.
Alfred – emigrated to America in 1906. Died in Bridgeport in 1916.
James Arthur - worked in Saltaire Mills and served in WW1.
In March 1878, Simeon was on of the performers in a Sacred Drama at the Victoria Hall. In 1881 Simeon and his family were living at 25 Almshouses (renumbered 48 Victoria Road) in Saltaire. In 1891 they were at 2 Harold Place. By 1901 they were at 35 (renumbered 69) Albert Road.
Simeon was clerk for the Sir Titus Salt’s Charity for 26 years.
Report from Shipley Times 7 July 1900 as follows:-
A monthly meeting of the Trustees of this charity was held on Wednesday evening, when there were present Mr John Kendall (chairman), Mrs Shaw, Mrs J. R. Fyfe, Mr B. Allsop, Mr W. C. Best, Mr J. I. Davison, Mr F. Lister, Mr E. Naylor, Mr J. Roberts, and Mr F. Shaw, with the clerk (Mr Simeon Midgley). From the minutes of the Hospital Committee it appeared that the following letter had been received from the Clerk: -
35 Albert Road, Saltaire, 11 June 1900.
Dear Sir, —l respectfully wish to resign my position as Clerk to the Governors of the Salt Schools for the porpoise of the Sir Titus Salt’s Charity and Dawson Charity.
Having been connected with Sir Titus Sell's Hospital and Charities for over quarter of a century, I do not take this step without a deep feeling of regret, but at the same time I feel that I must do it, in the interests of my health and family, as the care and work connected with the position (which must be done in the evening) is too much for me, in addition to my daily duties in the office at the Mills.
I wish to be relieved of the duties as soon the Governors can conveniently do so, but of course I leave myself in their hands to time, but I should prefer that it be soon.
I wish to take this opportunity of thanking you sincerely, as Chairman of Committee for the past ten years, and all the Governors for the uniform kindness and respect always accorded lo me, which I'm sure I need not say I have highly appreciated. I am, dear Sir, yours faithfully, Simeon Midgley.
B. Allsop. Chairman Sir Titus Salt’s Charity Committee, The Salt Schools, Shipley.
A special meeting of the committee was held on June 20th, at which the above letter was read, when it was unanimously resolved, on the motion of Mr Allsop, seconded by Mr Best, “That this committee accepts, with deep regret, the resignation of the Clerk to this charity, Mr Simeon Midgley, who for the long period of 26 years has been a devoted and conscientious servant, and who has enjoyed the complete confidence of the committee.”
Report in the Shipley Times 20 February 1903: -
Mr. Simeon Midgley, of Saltaire, was appointed assistant secretary to the firm of Sir Titus Salt under Mr. Chas. Hawkswell Briggs, the secretary.
Simeon died 29 January 1911 at 37 (renumbered 73) Albert Road. He was buried in Nab Wood Cemetery Shipley. Amanda joined him when she died 2 October 1938.
1838 - 23 December 1916
Thomas was born in Eccleshill
in 1838, the youngest of six
children to William (b1791
Keighley) and Martha Midgley.
Thomas married Sarah Batt 23
August 1857 at St Peters Leeds.
They had two children: James
(b1860) and Annis (born 1863).
In 1861 they were living in
Calverley with Thomas working as
a cloth fuller. Sarah died in
1864 aged just 27.
Widowed Thomas married Amelia
Rawnsley, 11 November 1865, at
Bradford Cathedral. They had
five children:
Job (1866 - 13 January 1953)
Maria (b1869)
Mary (b1870)
Sarah (b1873)
John (b1877)
In 1871 they were living in
Armley. In 1872 they moved to 12
Dove Street in Saltaire where
they remained the rest of their
lives. Thomas worked as a yarn
scourer in Saltaire Mills.
Thomas died, 23 December 1916, and his
widow, Amelia, died 19 December, 1920.
Milner, Annie (nee Tillotson)
14 June 1887 – 1975
Annie Tillotson was born, 14 June 1887, in Shipley to Martha Harriet Smith and George Tillotson, who worked as a joiner. In 1891 they were living in Windhill.
In 1901, Annie was a spinner living with her parents at 14 Titus Street, Saltaire. In 1911 and 1921 they were at 22 Whitlam Street, Saltaire. In 1911 Annie was a burler; in 1921 she was a cloth passer at Saltaire Mills, where her father worked as a joiner.
Annie Tillotson married Laurence Milner, a master tailor, 12 March 1924 at St. Peters, Shipley. Later that month Laurence joined the Salford City Police Force in Lancashire. They had a daughter, Barbara, born in 1932. In the 1939 Register they were living at the Police Station, Bury New Road, Salford. By 1941 they were living in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, where Laurence was Chief Constable.
By 1956 Annie and Laurence, who was retired, were living at 3 Ivy Grove, Shipley. Around 1959 they moved to Bournemouth, Dorset.
They both died in Bournemouth - Laurence in 1967, Annie in 1975.
Milner, Enoch
7 April 1883 – 2 November 1959
Enoch Milner was the son of Enoch Milner. Enoch snr. was born c1846 in Windhill. He married Ann Noble, 25 December 1865, at St. Paul’s, Shipley. They had 11 children. Enoch snr. worked as a pin grinder.
In 1871 they were living in Leeds, in 1881 in Ecclesfield. Enoch was born 7 April 1883 in Windhill.
By 1891 the family were living at 18 Thompson Street Shipley, moving to 3 Thompson Street by 1901, where they remained until after 1911. Enoch’s father died in 1905.
Enoch married Martha Jane Chester 8 July 1907 at St Paul’s, Shipley. She was born c1884 in Shipley. Sadly she died in 1910.
In 1911 widower Enoch was a spinning overlooker living with his widowed mother at 3 Thompson Street.
Enoch married Ida Bartle in 1912. She was born 23 March 1887 in Clayton.
Working in Saltaire Mills he was exempted from serving in WW1 by the Shipley Military Tribunal. In August 1922 he was reported as being a member of the Saltaire Mills Fire Brigade.
By 1918 Enoch was living with his family at 39 Caroline Street, Saltaire, until around 1930 when they moved to 62 George Street, where Enoch & Ida would spend the rest of their lives.
Ida died in 1956. Enoch died 2 November 1959. In his will he left £1,191 17s 5d.
Minakin, Fred
1860 – 21 March 1903
Fred Minakin was the son of Starkey Minakin. Starkey was born c1838 in Kirkby Malham near Settle. He married Hannah Jowett, 7 April 1860, at St John’s Halifax.
Fred, the eldest of 5 children, was born 1860 in Harden. In 1861 they were living with Hannah’s parents in Harden with Starkey employed as a wool sorter. By 1871 they had moved to 3 Mawson Street in Saltaire with Fred working as a millhand. In 1881 Fred was a spinning overlooker living with his family at 18 Victoria Road.
Fred married Fanny Hartley, 13 January 1883, at Bradford Cathedral. They had five children, three of whom died in infancy; Walter George died 22 October 1885 aged just two months, Lena died 10 October 1891 aged just three years, and Harry died in 1891 aged less than one. In 1885 they were living at 11 Helen Street. In 1891 they were living at 30 Victoria Road (renumbered 56). By 1901 they had moved to 4 Fern Place.
Fred died 21 March 1903.
Report from Shipley Times 27 March 1903 as follows: -
The decease of Mr Fred Minakin removed from Saltaire one who was native of the place and who took part in all the sports which held sway It was at his residence, 4 Fern Place, Saltaire, that be passed away on Saturday morning last, after having been confined to his bed by an attack of pneumonia for about 9 days previously.
He was 42 years of age, and spent all his life in the place, and had worked at Saltaire Mills ever since he had left school, at first in the office, from where he went into the works to serve his apprenticeship to the trade. At the time of his decease he was a twisting overlooker in the mills and held in the esteem and confidence of all who worked under him.
As a sportsman he was on several occasions well to the front and was at one time first in the averages of the Saltaire cricket team, that being during the time of the membership of Harry Mosley and other well-known cracks. He was also owner of several prizes and medals which he had won in the sports at Saltaire Park, but his supremacy in any branch sport was only short-lived, though when he was at his best in any particular branch of athletics he was looked upon as a hero at Saltaire.
At the formation the Saltaire Football Club be was installed ae secretary and held that position throughout the whole career of that now defunct club, and although he did not take any part in the working of the affairs the club, he was referee in the Yorkshire Rugby Union.
Joining the Shipley & District Working Men's Club soon after its inauguration his untiring nature soon caused him to put into working harness, and was placed in the position of assistant secretary, which be held for 3 or years, afterwards taking over the office of secretary, which he held at the time of his death, having been 7 years in that office. In this last position his efforts were largely instrumental in raising the dub to the position it now holds, and deep regret was felt in those circles when his death became known. He was also a member of the Shipley Brass Band Social Club and was for many years’ auditor for the Baildon Working Men’s Club. He leaves a widow and two children.
His funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon at St. Paul’s Church, and was attended by a large assembly of his club members and friends. The officials from the Shipley Working Men’s Club present were Mr. C. Butterfield (president), J. Pashley (vice-president), Mr H. Saynor (treasurer), and Messrs Wm. Jennings and H. Houghton (trustees), together with large number of members, making 79 in all. Representatives were also present from the Baildon, Cottingley, and Great Horton Working Men's Clubs, from the Brass Band Club, and also a number of his fellow-employees and those who were under him.
The coffin was carried all the way from the house to the churchyard by members of the Shipley Club, and the Rev A. W. Cribb (vicar) read the service in the church and at the grave side. There were a large number of wreaths, including offerings from his fellow-employees, and the Shipley Working Men's Club. During the week flags were flying at half-mast the Brass Band Club and the Working Men's Club. As he was the representative of the Working Men’s Club on the memorial Tablet committee, Mr A, Ross (secretary) represented that committee at the funeral.
Monaghan, John
c1838 – 1921
John Monaghan was born c1838 in County Mayo, Ireland. He married Isabella Potterton in 1868 in Otley. She was born c1845 in Birstwirth (near Harrogate). They had a daughter, Mary Ann, who was born in Horsforth in 1866, two years before they were married.
In 1881 they were living at 10 Albert Terrace, Saltaire, with John working as a dyer’s labourer. In 1891 they were living at 13 Amelia Street, Saltaire, with John working as a dyer’s labourer.
Death Notice in the Shipley Times and Express 23 May 1891: -
21 May, aged 2 years and 5 months, William Henry, only son of John Monaghan, 13 Amelia Street.
(Note – William may have died in the flu epidemic that was circulating in the district.)
Report in the Shipley Times 27 October 1894: -
Bankruptcy Examination.
At the Bradford County Court on Friday (26 October), before Mr Registrar Lee, John Monaghan, of the Bottom Lodge at Milner Field, Gilstead, lately residing at Wood Bottom, Baildon, and 13 Amelia Street, Saltaire, labourer, came np for examination.
The debtor had never been in business; but, according to the report of the Official Receiver (Mr J. A. Binns) and Monaghan’s answers to questions put by Mr J. H. Richardson, on behalf of the Official Receiver, he had been in the employ of Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons & Co., Limited, at £1 per week.
He had suffered much by the illness of members of his family that he had had to file his petition. Out of the total debts of £63, £48 was for medical attendance.
On the application of Mr Blackburn, the examination was closed.
In 1901 they were living at 1 Amelia Street, with John working as a mill labourer. John's wife, Isobella, died before 1911. In 1911 & 1921 John was living with his single daughter, Mary Ann, at 28 Whitlam Street, Saltaire. John died 3rd qtr. 1921.
Monaghan, Mary Ann
c1866 – 1928
Mary Ann Monaghan was born c1866 in Leeds to John Monaghan and Isabella Potterton
In 1881 they were living at 10 Albert Terrace, Saltaire, with Mary working as a mill hand and her father a dyer’s labourer. In 1891 they were living at 13 Amelia Street, Saltaire, with John working as a dyer’s labourer. In 1901 they were living at 1 Amelia Street. Mary’s mother died before 1911.
In 1911 & 1921 Mary was living with her widower father at 28 Whitlam Street, Saltaire. In 1921 Mary was a comb minder at Saltaire Mills. Mary's father died 3rd qtr. 1921.
Having never married, Mary died in 1928.
Moorby, Edgar
22 February 1880 – 1948
Edgar Moorby was the son of William Moorby. William was born c1845 in Skipton. He married Mary Ann Cox in 1874 in Skipton. They had five children.
Edgar, their third child, was born 22 February 1880. He was baptised 31 October 1880 at St Michael & All Saints, Cottingley. In 1881 & 1891 they were living in Cottingley where William working as a gardener.
In 1901 Edgar was a gardener, living in Brierley, Yorkshire. Report from the Shipley Times 29 September 1905: -
At the West Riding Police Court, Bradford, yesterday, Edgar Moorby, gardener, Shipley, was fined 1s. and costs for riding a bicycle without a light after lighting up time.
Living at 34 Rhodes Street, Shipley, Edgar married Clara Snowden, 21 January 1911 at St Paul’s Shipley. They had a son, Roland, born 31 January 1912. From 1911 to 1919 they lived at 12 Howard Street, Shipley.
Excerpt from a report in the Shipley Times 26 January 1917: -
Shipley Military Tribunal
Application was made by William Moorby for his son, Edgar Moorby, described as a market gardener. The latter stated the case.
Mr. Burton: How many men have you employed? — None.
What area garden have you? —I cannot tell you how many square yards.
Are they glass houses or what? — The gardens are what are called the “Riverside Allotments,” Saltaire. I have about as much land as yourself, sir. (Laughter.)
What do you grow? —We raise plants and anything that we can sell.
Suppose you had to go away, and the gardens had to be closed, what would be the position of your parents? — They would be practically on their beam-ends-.
Do you give all your time the year round to these gardens? — Yes.
Will you have-half an acre, or what? — Yes, it is about half an acre.
It does not employ the whole of your time, does it? – Yes, it does, and a bit more than the whole of my time. (Laughter.) Could you give a little of your time to work of a similar kind? The point is, you know, now we have come to a time when we have not to waste our time growing plants. — Certainly, but we are changing as quickly as can, and there will be a rush for vegetable plants before long.
You are raising vegetable plants, are you? — Yes, and all sorts. Mr. Burton: The other members of your family have joined up, I suppose? — Yes, my brother and brother-in-law.
You are living with your father at home, I think? — Yes. Chairman: If you are willing to give three days week to assist the local Food production Committee we are prepared to consider your case favourably. — Well, you know just the spring of the year there is a good deal of work, and I cannot split myself into two or three parts.
Mr. Burton: You know there is a Food Production Committee formed locally? — I have heard it talked about.
The Chairman; You must so utilise yourself as to give this committee half your time.
Postponement was granted until June 30th, conditional on the applicant assisting the Food Production Committee three day a week when called upon.
Extract from a report in the Shipley Times 14 September 1917: -
Shipley Military Tribunal
Edgar Moorby (37), class A, married with one child, and working for his father, a chronic invalid, was given to 31 st December.
In September 1919, Edgar of Riverside Gardens, Saltaire, was judge at the Shipley Railwaymen’s Annual Vegetable Show.
From 1920 to 1925 Edgar lived with his family at 4 Queen Street, Shipley.
In March 1920, Edgar was elected as assistant hon. sec., of the Shipley Gardeners and Allotment Holders Association. In December 1920 he was elected as President. In September 1925 he was reported as being secretary.
In November 1920, Edgar (Roberts Park) provided plants and flowers for the Saltaire Mills Fire Brigade Dance held at Victoria Hall.
In July 1925, Edgar (head gardener to Salts Ltd., Saltaire) was a judge at the annual inspection of allotments of Messrs. Jas. Ackroyd and Son’s, Halifax.
From 1926 to 1929 Edgar and his family lived at 53 Albert Road, Saltaire.
Report from the Shipley Times 28 September 1929: -
Estate Superintendent
At a meeting of the Shipley Urban Council Estate Committee on Thursday (26 September) Mr. Edgar Moorby, of Albert Road, Saltaire, was appointed Superintendent of the Northcliffe Estate, to succeed Mr. H. A. Newby, who retires on superannuation on 30 September.
Mr. Moorby, who is manager of the Royal Café, Saltaire, was formerly in charge of the Saltaire Mills Playing Fields.
In the 1939 Register Edgar and his son, Roland, were both market gardeners living in Barnsley.
Notice from the London Gazette 9 March 1943: -
No. 52. MOORBY, Edgar, residing at 205, Park Road, Barnsley, in the county of York, and carrying on. business at I, Sheffield Road, Barnsley aforesaid, under the style of E. Moorby & Son, as a FLORIST, FRUITERER and SEEDSMAN. Court— BARNSLEY. Date of Filing Petition—March 4, 1943. No. of Matter— 1 of 1943. Date of Receiving Order—March 4, 1943.
Edgar died in 1948 in Sunderland, County Durham.
Morton, Clara (nee Slater)
20 November 1902 – 1951
Clara Slater was born, 20 November 1902, in Shipley to Alfred Slater & Maria Gaunt. She was baptised, 21 January 1903, at St. Pauls, Shipley.
In 1903 they were living at 32 Barrett Street, Shipley. By 1911 they were living at 14 Mary Street, Saltaire. They moved to 5 Lockwood Street between 1915 & 1918.
Clara married Leonard Redvers Morton, 7 May 1921. Leonard was born, 2 June 1900, in Leeds. They had a daughter, Marjorie, born in 1921. In the 1921 Census (19 June) they were living with Clara’s parents at 5 Lockwood Street.
Clara, a spinner, worked at Saltaire Mills, as did her father and brother, William. Leonard worked as an assistant for C. Womersley, grocer. In December 1922 he started work at Scott Motor Cycles, Hirst Wood, Shipley.
Report in the Shipley Times 25 January 1924: -
At Bradford West Riding Police Court on Thursday (17 January), Clara Morton summoned her husband, Leonard Morton, Shipley warehouseman, for desertion. Mr. A. Dunn appeared for complainant, and Mr. Bishop for defendant.
Mr. Dunn said the parties were married, 7 May 1921, and they had one child, a little girl.
They had lived with the wife’s parents at Saltaire until last August, when there was some trouble, and the husband declared his intention of leaving. He had since made his wife weekly payments, and on one occasion found two rooms at Windhill, but the wife and her mother, after viewing them, decided that they were not suitable.
As recently as last Sunday he had shown the wife an address of some lodgings in Manningham.
Replying to questions put by Mr. Bishop, the wife declared that her husband had tried to “make trouble,” at home and was “turned out,” before he could do anything else.”
In reply to Mr. Dunn she said her husband left of his own free-will and asked her to go with him, but she had refused as he had only his mother’s to take her to. Case was dismissed.
From around 1931 to 1933 Clara and Leonard where living together at 12 Caroline Street, Saltaire, before moving to 20 Fanny Street around 1936. In the 1939 Register Clara was working as a weaver. Leonard was a woolcomber and a volunteer with an A.R.P. Rescue Squad.
Clara died in 1951. Leonard and their daughter lived at 20 Fanny Street until after 1960. Leonard died in 1966.
Mosley, Henry (Harry)
8 March 1850 – 1 June 1922
Henry Mosley was the son of James Mosley. James was born c1819 in Kildwick near Skipton. He married Margaret (maiden name and date of marriage unknown).
Henry, the second youngest of six children, was born 8 March 1850. In 1851 they were living in Kildwick with James working as a warp dresser. James died in 1854.
In 1861 & 1871 widow Margaret was living with her children at 28 Dale Street in Shipley. In 1861 Henry was a spinner; in 1871 he was an overlooker.
Henry married Mary Holmes, 14 September 1872, at Bradford Cathedral. They had at least nine children. In 1881 they were living at 1 Mawson Street in Saltaire; in 1891 they were in Idle.
Henry and his family emigrated to America in 1892. In 1900 they were living in Sanford in the state of Maine with Henry working as a warp dresser. Henry died 1 June 1922 in Sanford.
Report from the Shipley Times 21 July 1922 as follows: -
Local cricketers who can recall the Saltaire Club in the eighties will learn with regret of the death of Mr. Harry Mosley, who about 30 years ago was a professional for Saltaire and was regarded one of the best left-arm bowlers that time, he being associated with Dickie Barlow, who also was one of Saltaire’s professionals.
Mr. Mosley was a native of Shipley and was employed as a drawing overlooker at Saltaire Mills, and about 30 years ago he emigrated to Sanford, Maine, U.S.A., where was employed a similar capacity for an American firm, where eventually he became manager over the drawing department, and retired pension some time ago. He was succeeded as manager by his son.
The news of his death at the age of 72 was received on Monday by his daughter (Mrs. Lewis Robertshaw, of Undercliffe). who is the only daughter living in England, the remainder of the family having settled in America.
Regarding his cricketing career, a local enthusiast informs that Mosley played as a professional for 17 seasons, from 1874 to 1890 inclusive. He was considered the most destructive left arm bowler in the whole of the Aire Valley. In 1881 he was tried for Yorkshire County, for his bowling.
Motley, William
25 April 1900 –????
William Motley was born, 25 April 1900, in Idle to William Thomas Motley & Sarah Elizabeth Ickeringill. In 1911 they were living at 15 Lorne Street in Shipley, with William snr. working as a gas stoker. William snr. died in 1916. Widowed Sarah married Thomas Holt.
In 1921 William was an unemployed warehouseman living with his mother and step-father at 10 Hargreaves Street, Shipley. He had been employed at Saltaire Mills.
He married Freida Gott, 3 February 1923, at St Peter’s, Shipley. They had five children including Leslie, born 8 January 1926.
In the 1939 Register they were living at 12 Mexborough Road in Bradford, with William working as a dyer’s labourer.
Serving in the army in WW2, William was reported missing in December 1942. They had been living at Bolton Woods, before Freida and their five children moved to Doncaster.
Report in the Shipley Times 2 December 1942: -
Shipley Soldier Missing
Private William Motley (42) Royal Sussex Regiment, husband of Mrs. Freida Motley, of Bolton Woods, has been missing in Egypt since 27 October. His wife and five children are now living Doncaster.
It is not known what happened to William after this.
Mounsey, Clarence
25 April 1902 - 1981
Clarence Mounsey was born 25 September 1902 to David Mounsey and his wife Annie (maiden name not known).
In 1911 they were living at 41 Helen Street, Saltaire, with David working as a plasterer’s labourer.
In 1921 they were living at 17 Shirley Street, Saltaire, with both Clarence and his father working as mason’s labourers at Saltaire Mills.
Report in the Leeds Mercury 15 January 1923: -
Saltaire Labourer’s Attack on Station Inspector.
At the Skipton Police court on Saturday (13 January), Clarence Mounsey, described as a labourer, of Saltaire, was summoned for having assaulted Charles Armston, a railway station inspector, at Skipton on Wednesday, 20 December.
Armston stated that on the arrival at Skipton of the 10.25 p.m. train from Bradford he found the defendant lying asleep in a third-class compartment. With considerable difficulty he awoke him and conveyed him round to the station exit.
On the way Mounsey declared that had neither money nor ticket, and at the barrier was put in charge of a ticket collector, who was instructed to take his name and address.
Witness then went into his office, and whilst engaged in speaking on the telephone was struck by the defendant, who had entered his office, on the back of the head. The blow caused a nasty wound behind the ear and forced his face against the telephone mouthpiece, which was broken.
It was stated by Detective-inspector Dutton, of Bradford, that the defendant had taken out a ticket from Bradford to Shipley but had over-travelled.
Mounsey, who said he remembered nothing of the affair, was fined £5, the Chairman (Colonel J. G. B. Tottie) remarking that the defendant had deliberately gone into a man’s office and assaulted him behind his back.
Clarence married Phyllis Jones in 1925. She was born 3 October 1903.
Report in the Shipley Times 12 June 1925: -
John Thomas Cox, apprentice mason, and Clarence Mounsey. labourer, both of Shipley, were summoned at Bradford West Riding Court yesterday for using obscene language at Shipley on 1 June.
P.C. Mair said that defendants were at the top of Station Road using the language complained of. When spoken to they refused to give their names or addresses and had to be taken to the police station. They had had drink but were not drunk. At the police station one defendant said, “I did not know 1 was swearing.” and the other, “What about it if I was?”
The defendant, Cox, denied that had had a drink; he had never been a public house in his life. He also denied using the language complained of and said had been down to the station to meet his father. He was walking back in company with Mounsey when policeman came up and collared him.
Asked if with a crowd of other boys, defendant said the others had been to the station to witness a race from the Rosse Hotel to the station for a bet.
Mounsey said he had had two half pints at the Rosse but was certainly not drunk. He had never used language such as that complained of. Defendants were fined 20s. each and given month in which to pay.
Report in the Shipley Times 17 September 1926: -
Clarence Mounsey (25), labourer, of 17 Shirley Street, Saltaire, on Saturday (11 September) night sustained a fracture of the base of the skull, and a wound the head in rather peculiar manner.
The wind had blown off his hat, and while chasing it, Mounsey ran head-on into a tram car at the junction of City Road and Thornton Road, Bradford.
By 1927 Clarence and Phyllis were living at 20 Dallam Avenue, Shipley/ They moved to 38 Regent Street by 1932. From 1934 they lived at 17 Airedale Place, Baildon, where they remained until after 1960.
Report in the Shipley Times 12 October 1929: -
For “obstructing the highway fighting thereon,” two Shipley labourers. Clarence Mounsey (28), and Jack W. Murgatroyd (28), appeared before the West Riding Magistrates Bradford on Thursday (10 October), and pleaded "Guilty.”
Mounsey said the trouble had arisen over a football match. “We are pals, and work together, and fell out. I think that is all.” (Laughter). Murgatroyd said there were lot of people corning from the pictures, and they formed a crowd, wanting some more entertainment. (Laughter).
The Chairman (Mr. J. G. Mowat): And you provided them with it? Defendant: No. sir! They were too late (Loud laughter).
The Chairman: But the police were not. Under the circumstances, seeing it was friendly fight, you will get off without a conviction, but will have to pay the costs.
Report in the Shipley Times 24 December 1937: -
At Bradford West Riding Court on Monday (20 December), Clarence Mounsey (35), labourer, Baildon, was charged with having been drunk and disorderly at Shipley on 17 December. Defendant pleaded “Not Guilty.”
The evidence of P.C. Holden was to the effect that whilst prisoner was trying to board a trackless bus at Saltaire he fell full length and commenced to use obscene language. Witness took prisoner to Shipley Police Station. He was so drunk that he had to be assisted into bed in the police cell.
Inspector Hunter gave corroborative evidence. Prisoner’s excuse was that the road was very treacherous stumbled and fell and the officer “walked him one solid mile down to headquarters.”
The Chairman (Mr. Fred Hind); Is that all you have to say?
Prisoner: Yes, sir.
The Chairman; Fined 18s.
Report in the Shipley Times 25 September 1946: -
For being found drunk on the highway, Clarence Mounsey (45), a labourer, of 17 Airedale Place. Baildon. was fined 10s. He pleaded "not guilty."
P.C. Skevington said that at 10.30 p.m. on 14 September he was on duty in Saltaire Road. Shipley, when he saw Mounsey staggering about and finally fall in the centre of the road. A car nearly hit him. Witness found he was unable to walk without assistance. He smelt of drink, and witness took him to Shipley police station.
Mounsey, giving evidence, said he was running for a trolley bus when he collapsed. He had been under the doctor for several weeks for rheumatism. He had a previous conviction for a similar offence.
Phyllis died in 1969. Clarence died in 1981.
Mounsey, David
2 November 1874 – 14 February 1951
David Mounsey was born, 2 November 1874, in Shipley to Benjamin Mounsey and Ellen Smith. Benjamin died before 1881.
In 1881 David was living with his mother and siblings at 30 Mary Street, Saltaire. In 1891 he was a seal finisher living with his family at 30 Constance Street.
David Mounsey married Annie (either McClusky or McKenzie) in 1900. She was born 7 October 1877. They had four children with one dying in infancy: John born 1900; Clarence, 1902; and Emily, 1905.
In 1901 they were living at 10 New York, Shipley, with David working as a stone mason. In 1911 they were at 41 Helen Street, Saltaire, where David was a plaster’s labourer. By 1918 they had moved to 17 Shirley Street. David would live the rest of his life here.
In June 1918, working as a plasterer, he was exempted from serving in WW1 by the Shipley Military Tribunal. In May 1919 he was one of a number of men fined 20s for being involved in a gambling school in Hirst Wood. In the 1921 Census, David was a mason’s labourer working at Saltaire Mills.
David died, 14 February 1951. He was laid to rest in Nab Wood Cemetery, Shipley. His widow, Annie, joined him when she died 25 May 1967.
Murgatroyd, Bradley
c1860 – 15 January 1939
Bradley Murgatroyd was born c1860 in Windhill to James Murgatroyd and Ellen Wray. They lived in Briggate, Idle, with James working as a carter.
In 1871 Bradley was a worsted factory hand, in 1881 he was a stuff warehouseman.
Bradley married Emma Stanley, 18 June 1881, at St Wilfrid’s Calverley. Emma was born c1863 in Manningham. They had eight children, with two dying in infancy.
In 1891 they lived at 48 Crag Road, Idle, with Bradley working as a warp dresser. In 1901 they were at 9 Holdsworth Street in Shipley. In 1911 they were at 30 Field Street in Shipley. By 1915 they had moved to 25 Maddocks Street in Shipley.
From 1921 to his death, Bradley lived with his family at 35 Dove Street. In 1921 he was working as a warehouseman at Saltaire Mills. Their daughter, Ada, also worked in the mill.
Bradley died, 15 January 1939, at 35 Dove Street.
Murphy, John
10 June 1904 – 1996
John Murphy was the son of William Murphy. William was born c1858 in Castleford. He married Louisa Broadhead 19 May 1852 at St. Giles & St. Murphy, Pontefract. They had seven children with one dying as an infant. In 1901 they were living in Castleford with William working as a glass bottle maker.
John, their youngest child, was born 10 June 1904 in Castleford. His father died in 1909 in Shipley. In 1911 John was living with his widowed mother and siblings at 11 Thompson Street, Shipley. By 1918 they were living at 20 Park Street.
John, a piece room man, married Ivy Batten Robinson, 19 December 1931, at St. John The Evangelist, Baildon. Ivy was born 11 October 1907 in Baildon. John & Ivy lived in a number of houses: -
1932 – 21 Station Road, Baildon (with Ivy’s parents)
1933 – 11 Amelia Street, Saltaire
1936 – 23 Fanny Street, Saltaire
1939 – 15/16 Albert Terrace, Saltaire
1945 – 4 Ashburn Grove, Baildon
1958 – 57 Temple Rhydding Drive, Baildon
In 1939 John was a foreman in the Burling & Mending Dept., at Saltaire Mills, and also a member of Saltaire Mills Fire Brigade.
Both John & Ivy died in 1996.