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Image: Tom Thompson Middleton Rutherford |
WW1 Saltaire Diary
Researched by Colin Coates |
Colin Coates writes:
The Saltaire WW1 Diary is updated weekly and shows news and events in Saltaire from 100 years ago. The primary source of this information is the Shipley Times newspaper which was published every Friday throughout the war years.
Where possible, I have used the exact wording from the newspaper. Where appropriate, there are links to soldiers' biographies and the snippets section.
Please feel free to contact me on with any comments or queries.
Email: colincoates@saltairevillage.info
Saltaire War Diary: 7 August 1914
Sample advertisment

Troops Mobilised - Britain Declares War On Germany
The Proclamations calling up the reserve of His Majesty’s Regular Forces and the Territorials were posted at Shipley shortly after seven o’clock on Tuesday evening, and large crowds flocked to read them.
Britain declared war on Germany at 11 pm on Tuesday following Germany’s refusal to accept Belgium’s neutrality. Since then the locals have congregated in large numbers night and day at the bottom of Shipley Market Place. Army reservists and Territorials on their way to the mobilisation centres have naturally caused great interest and not a little cheering.
Amongst all classes of the community there is a firm conviction that Germany has deliberately forced this country into war, and the momentous step taken by our Government was the only open to them.
Shipley Men Leave For Portsmouth
Swiftly, but quietly – so quietly indeed that only a mere handful of people were aware of the fact – a number of men in Shipley were being mobilised on Monday 3rd August. They were members of the Shipley and District Ambulance Corps who some years ago voluntarily joined the Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. There were seventeen men in total, with two from Saltaire; Corporal Arthur Lambert of 10 Titus Street and Private John Thomas Gott of 8 Amelia Street. At their headquarters in the People’s Hall in Shipley they had received orders to proceed to the Royal Naval Barracks in Portsmouth. Carriages were reserved for them on the Midland train for London due out of Shipley at 4.40 pm. Those on the platform heartily cheered the men as the train steamed out of the station. They travelled from London to Portsmouth by train on early on Monday morning.
Shipley Post Office Reservists
Eight members of the Shipley Post staff had to respond to proclamations calling up the Navy and Army reserve forces. As they had to proceed to widely different centres there was no formal send off, but the Postmaster (Mr. R. Shanks) addressed a few appropriate remarks to the reservists and expressed the hope that they would soon be able to return to their work at the post office. Two of the eight men are from Saltaire; William Leonard Waud, a clerk & telegraph operator and George Henry Walker, a postman. They both live at 22 Rhodes Street.
Shipley Royal Army Medical Corps Billeted In Victoria Hall
Another body of men who were mobilised as soon as the hostilities were announced was the Shipley Detachment of the 2nd West Riding Field Ambulance Royal Army Medical Corps The detachment, formed in 1909, have their headquarters at Albert Road School where they assembled 94 officers and men.
They include the following men from Saltaire:-
Sergeant Frank Giles, a mechanics labourer, living at 30 Albert Road
Private James Excell, a plumber living, at 22 Albert Road
Private Fred Metcalfe, a mechanic, living at 14 Shirley Street
Private Albert Webb, an apprentice machine maker, living at 9 Jane Street
Private George William Bone, a presser, living at 25 Constance Street
The men have been billeted at Victoria Hall since Wednesday. Those living within one mile of the hall are allowed to sleep at home. After the men passed their medical tests they were allocated to the various regiments with which they will have to serve. Their duties will include:
Maintaining a supply of pure water for the troops
Rendering First Aid
Supervising the general sanitary arrangements for the troops
The men will remain billeted in the hall until they are despatched to their regiments.
Effect Of The War On Local Mills
Owing to the effect which the European crisis has already had upon the markets, the main factories and workshops in Shipley have informed their employees that until further notice they will be operating on reduced hours. Saltaire Mills are to be closed on Mondays and Saturdays; working from 9am to 3pm on the remainder of the working days instead of as before from 6am to 5.15pm. These great mills, which together with the village itself are owned by Sir Titus Salt Bart., Sons and Co. Ltd – of which Sir Jas. Roberts, Bart. is the head, employ some thousands of hands, the great majority of whom occupy houses belonging to the firm. The notice posted up at the works announcing the inauguration of the half-time working contains a generous provision with regard to employees living in the company’s houses. It is as follows:
“In consequence of the war we are reluctantly compelled to go on half-time, commencing tomorrow, 5th August. Meanwhile where houses are occupied solely by workers at these mills no rents will be collected, nor will the name be considered to be in arrears.”
The firm’s houses number about 800.
Distress Committee Formed At Shipley
A special meeting of the Shipley District Council was held last night Councillor T Hill (chairman) presiding to consider what action should be taken to relieve the distress which may be caused by the outbreak of the war. It was decided that all members of the Council should form a distress committee and that prominent Shipley residents and representatives of friendly and other organisations should be invited to assist the committee. A small committee was also appointed to deal with females requiring immediate relief. A suggestion that a Ladies Committee should be formed was unanimously agreed to. A committee of the Council was appointed to consider the question of finding work for men thrown out of appointment by the war.
5 August 1914 – St. Pauls Shipley – Herbert Sheard – son of Harry Sheard ( Brass Moulder) and Louisa (nee Holdsworth) – 33 George Street Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 14th August 1914
Sample advertisement

Troops Leave Victoria Hall
The members of the Shipley Detachment of the Royal Army medical Corps who after mobilisation were billeted in the Victoria Hall left Shipley for Leeds by the 10.32 am train on Saturday (8th). From Leeds station they marched to one of the mobilisation centres in that city, Emmanuel Church Schools, Woodhouse Lane. Here they were apportioned to different regiments, and about half-past four returned to Leeds Station where they entrained for various places. From the school to the station they were led by Captain Eames of Shipley who has had charge of the Shipley Detachment ever since it was formed. After the mobilisation order was issued last week, Captain Eames has been busily engaged with other officers in Leeds making the necessary arrangements.
Hospital Offered
B. Allsop, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Sir Titus Salt Charity has offered Saltaire Hospital to the War Office for national purpose.
Several events have been cancelled on account of the war. Amongst these are the Saltaire Men’s Own Horticultural Show (which was to have been held tomorrow, Saturday) and the Airedale Agricultural Show at Bingley.
Events Cancelled
Several events have been cancelled on account of the war. Amongst these are the Saltaire Men’s Own Horticultural Show (which was to have been held tomorrow, Saturday) and the Airedale Agricultural Show at Bingley.
Shipley and District Demonstration and Open Air Concert in Saltaire Park
The committee of the above invite all lodges, societies and other associations to take part in the third annual demonstration on behalf of Salts Hospital. Procession leaving Windhill Recreation Ground at 2pm prompt on 30th August.
Admission by programme only 2d each. Chorus and Hymns with Shipley & Canal Ironworks Brass Band.
(Author's note – demonstration in this context was not a protest but a meeting to raise funds)
Formation of a War Distress Committee
A representative meeting conveyed by the Shipley District Council was held in Victoria Hall on Tuesday evening for the formation of a War Distress Committee. Invitations had been issued to the churches, political clubs and the various other organisations in the town, all of which were represented.
Councillor T. Hill (chairman of the District Council) presided and supporting him were Sir Ellis Denby, Mr J.A. Burton and Mr. L. Lindow (clerk to the District Council).
Urban District of Shipley – War Distress Fund
The Shipley War Distress Committee appeal for subscriptions, which may be paid to any of the Shipley Banks or to The Secretary, Council Offices, Shipley where information regarding cases of distress should be given. Residents in the Shipley District willing to assist in the work of relieving the distress caused by the outbreak of war should send their names in at once.
Wife desertion
At the Bradford West Riding Police Court yesterday a charge of wife desertion was preferred against Saltaire cobbler named Arthur Sheard. Mrs Sheard said that her husband left her about 10 months ago and only given her 11s 6d in three weeks. They had two children. He was ordered to pay 5s per week.
In Memoriam
BROWN – Alice Maria, the beloved daughter of Charles William Brown and Anna Maria Brown, who passed away August 11th 1907 in her 21st year.
Years have passed; our hearts are sore,
As time rolls on we miss her more.
Her cheerful smile, her loving face,
Yet naught can fill that vacant place
Her memory is as fresh today,
As at the hour she passed away
From Father and Mother and Family
41 George Street Saltaire
What in this direction is going to be the practical proof of Shipley’s patriotism? Tuesday night’s meeting in Victoria Hall, Saltaire, which was thoroughly representative of all sections of the community, gave the answer. We are going to make a generous response to the Prince of Wales’s Fund and thereby in a practical way show our conception of national brotherhood. The Shipley War Distress Committee are anxious to forward as a first instalment a good round sum within a few days. Therefore don’t wait for the collector’s visit to your house. Do it now! It is the Prince of Wales Fund that we are going to rely on for the relief of distress in Shipley.
An appeal will shortly be made to the ladies of the town to interest themselves in the provision of clothing and hospital comforts for soldiers and sailors and for families in necessitous circumstances on account of the war. There is an opportunity for everybody willing to aid the common cause.
The attention of lady readers is especially invited to the following letter from Miss Mitchell, Matron of Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital, Saltaire:-
“Sir – May I through your column ask all ladies in Shipley to send me any old stockings they have discarded and laid away? Although we are now in the middle of August, winter will soon be here, and when it comes, warm garments for the children will ne needed more than ever before. There will be much done in the way of providing new garments, but I think it would be well to use up all the old materials that cost nothing but a little trouble in the way of sewing and re-making. The stocking legs make admirable little petticoats, vests and little jersey coats. If I can get a good supply of them I will arrange to have them all made up and handed over to our local committee for redistribution. Any other garments that are sent to me shall be put into proper repair and used by our War Distress Committee.”
Saltaire War Diary: 21 August 1914
Sample advertisement:

Ladies Meeting
A meeting of ladies who had expressed their willingness to organise for the purpose of assisting by needlework and in other ways the relief of distress caused by the war was held in the Victoria Hall on Saturday (15th August).
A committee was formed, with Lady Danby as president, Lady Roberts, Mrs John R Fyfe, Mrs. Simmonds, Mrs. Booner and Mrs. Hill as vice-presidents. Mrs. R. H. Facey undertook the secretarial duties and Miss Haddon will act as treasurer.
The object of this committee is to provide clothing for soldiers and sailors, hospital comforts for the wounded and also garments for persons in want in Shipley. Materials and money having been handed in for this purpose, it was decided to commence the work of cutting out and distributing garments at once.
Angling Collection
At the Saltaire Angling Club a collection realising 14s 3d was made for the wife of club member Fred Neale, who has been called away to the national reserve.
Died At His Work
On Saturday (15th August) an inquest was held before Mr. E. H. Hill (District Coroner) concerning the death of Thomas Jones (52), wool comber of 27 Rhodes Street Saltaire. Louisa Murgatroyd, daughter of the deceased, said her father had been out of work for about six weeks, and on the previous day he got work in connection with the re-laying of the tramway track on the Bradford Road.
James Pickard, of 25 Helen Street, Saltaire, said that he was working with the deceased at the time he died. Jones began breaking stones at 7.15 pm and when he had been working about half-an-hour he was taken ill and fell backwards way to the ground. Those about did the best they could for him, but to no avail. Dr. Selkirk said he was called, but was only able to pronounce life extinct. The jury returned a verdict of “Death from natural causes.”
(Author’s note – Until 1918 every inquest had a jury)
Shipley and District Demonstration and Open Air Concert in Saltaire Park
To be held on Sunday August 30th in Saltaire Park. Admission to the park by programme, only 2d each. The Committee earnestly appeal for the Support of the Public on this occasion. A rehearsal for all singers will be held on Thursday 27th August in the Shipley Music Rooms, Commercial Street.
War Distress Committee
A meeting of the Shipley War Distress Committee was held in Victoria Hall on Wednesday evening, when there was a good attendance. The chairman said that the District Council, as requested at the meeting last week when the Distress Committee was formed, had gone carefully into the question of an executive body. Their object had been to keep the number of members within reasonable limits, and at the same time to get a thoroughly representative body. They had decided to submit to that meeting a list of thirty names. In order to facilitate the distribution of relief it was proposed to divide the Shipley area into 12 districts, (Saltaire being in one of these). The opinion of the meeting was favourable to the Council’s recommendations and they were unanimously approved.
The Executive Committee included Mr B. Allsop, who represented Saltaire Hospital and Mr. F. Halliday of 27 Jane Street, who represented the Friendly Societies.
(Author’s note – interesting that there was no representation from Saltaire Mills)
District Committee (only the one affecting Saltaire).
No 5. District (Saltaire Technical School to Albert Road, North of Gordon Terrace);-
Mr J.H. Ashton, Mr & Mrs Alderson, Mr. S. Boocock (18 Victoria Road), Mr. H. Cooper (1 Katherine Street), Mrs. J. A. Cliffe (Titus Street), Miss Crossley, Dr. Emerson, Mr Clifford E. Fry (10 Albert Road), Mrs B Feather (Gordon Terrace), Mrs Geo. Gill, F. B & Mrs Hope, Mr & Mrs. Hampson.
Work of the District Committees
The Secretary said members of the District Committees would be supplied with inquiry cards, on which they would state the information required with regards to the families they visited. These cards stating the families’ requirement’s in respect to food, clothing or labour, must be returned to the central office (Manor House).
The Subscription List
The Secretary said that in response to the committee’s appeal for subscriptions nearly £2000 had already been contributed, and they had sent £700 to the Prince of Wales’s Fund from which they would from time to time receive grants for distribution in Shipley. The committee expected to receive a large number of subscriptions from the general body of townsfolk who would shortly be waited upon by duly authorised collectors.
Rev. P. Drummond Pringle (pastor of the Saltaire Congregational Church) said he thought all the churches in that district would take a collection for the same object. A little rivalry in that direction would be honourable
It was stated that a collection for the Distress Fund would be made at St. Peter’s Church, Shipley, next Sunday.
Saltaire War Diary: 28 August 1914
Sample advertisment:

Saltaire Mills
Notwithstanding the war, builders are at work on another important extension at Saltaire Mills. A new twisting shed which will be about 230 ft. long and 42 ft. wide is in course of erection.
Work Situation Improving
At some of the local factories and workshops substantial orders have been received since war broke out, and it has been necessary to vary the short- time notice previously issued. In a few instances full-rime work has been resumed.
(Author’s note – we have no idea if this applied to Saltaire Mills or not)
Editorial - Letters Home
A number of Army reservists called up from Shipley have written home from France. They speak highly of the reception accorded the British troops by the French people. Military regulations forbid them from starting the exact place where they write from, but it is quite likely, of course, that some of the Shipley men have already had experience of actual fighting. If there is anything of public interest in letters received from Shipley men at the front we should be glad if the recipients would permit us to reproduce extracts.
Sale of Work
In connection with the Shipley Ladies Committee a sales of work is to held on Mr. Haddon’s tennis lawn 21 Victoria Park, Shipley, on Monday afternoon next from three to five o’clock. If the weather is unfavourable the sale will be held in the Victoria Hall Saltaire. The proceeds are to be devoted to the employment of out of work tailors and seamstresses in the making of garments for the poor of Shipley. Lady Denby and Miss Haddon will be grateful for any donation (however small). Short lengths of cloth will also be very suitable gifts.
Sewing Meeting
Ladies who are engaged making up garments, socks etc. are invited to attend a central sewing meeting which is to be held in the Social Rooms at the Saltaire Institute on Monday 7th September at 3 o’clock.
Will of the Late Mr. C. B. Shaw
Mr. Charles Brook Shaw, of Shipley Grange, left an estate of the gross value of £37,587. He gave £500 to Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital.
Shipley Education Committee - The Technical School Saltaire
The school will be re-opened on Monday 21st September 1914, when departments in Art, Science, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Industries, Woodwork, Metal Work, Textile Work, Building Trades, Commercial Subjects, Languages, Embroidery, Dressmaking, Millinery, Cooking and Physical Training will commence work for the winter session.
For particulars of fees, times of meeting of classes, and excellence of work, see the School Calendar and prospectus to be obtained from the Education Office. All intending students should attend on the evenings fixed for registration during the week commencing 14th September.
Billiards – Shipley District League
At a meeting of the Shipley and District Billiards league it was decided by the following clubs to carry on the league again:- Windhill Liberal and Constitutional Clubs, Friendly Society’s Hall, Shipley Cycling, Shipley & District Working Men’s, Idle Liberal, West Ward Liberal and Saltaire Institute.
Threatened his Wife
A Saltaire wool comber named Martin Gleeson was summoned at the West Riding Police Court Bradford yesterday (Thursday) for serving threats to his wife, Edith Gleeson. Complainant stated that on Monday, the 11th inst., she was in Saltaire Road, accompanied by her sister, when defendant used insulting language and threatened to cut her throat. She had not been living with her husband. Complainant’s sister gave comprehensive evidence. Defendant asked for the case to be adjourned in order that he might bring a witness. The Bench bound the defendant over to keep the peace and ordered him to pay costs.
The Area Committees
The various Area Committees formed in connection with the Shipley Distress Committees have held their first meetings this week. Districts No 5 & 6 met at the Saltaire Institute (Social Room No 2); Chairman Councillor Rhodes, Secretary Claude Christian of 21 Moorhead Terrace.
The Committee for Districts 5 & 6 (West Ward) appointed the following sub-committee to consider and determine all appointments for assistance; Mrs Rhodes, Mrs Woolley, Mrs Shackleton, Rev Hope, Rev Pringle, Rev Robinson, Mr Healey, Mr Kermode, Mr Sanctuary, Mr Tillotson, and Councillors Rhodes, Shackleton, Doyle & Hill. This sub-committee will meet at the Saltaire Institute on Monday and Tuesday Evenings at 7 pm. The full committee will meet on Tuesdays at 8pm.
New Machinery for Technical School
Shipley Council have decided to make the following purchases for the textile shed at the Technical School: One dress goods model loom, with six-shuttle revolving box on one side, by G. Hattersley and Sons Ltd; one light coating model loom, with four-shuttle rising box on one side, by G. Hattersley and Sons Ltd; one sample twisting frame, with eight spindles, by Prince Smith and Son; one hank twisting machine, No. 1 with broad quadrant to 130lbs; new harness to be fitted to hand loom “A” now in the school.
Third Annual Demonstration
The third annual demonstration on behalf of the Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital is to take place on Sunday in Saltaire Park. Choruses and hymns are to be sung by a large choir, and selections will be given by the Shipley and Canal Ironworks Brass Bands. Mr. Arthur Pearson’s new Intercessional, “In Time of War” will be sung by the combined choirs.
Saltaire War Diary: 4 September 1914
Sample advertisment:

Shipley Hospital Demonstration – Large Crowd in Saltaire Park
Despite the threatening weather a large crowd assembled in Saltaire Park on Sunday afternoon on the occasion of the third annual demonstration organised by the Shipley Hospital Demonstration Committee on behalf of the Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital Saltaire.
A procession was formed at the Windhill Recreation Ground, and headed by a posse of police and the Shipley Brass Band, proceeded by way of Leeds Road, Briggate, Commercial Street and Saltaire Road to the Park. Included in the procession representatives of the Shipley District Council and Education Committee, Salt Charity Governors, North Bierley Guardians, Shipley Butchers Association, Trades and Labour Council, Independent Labour Party, Shipley Corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, Independent Order of Oddfellows (Manchester Unity), and various other clubs and societies of the district. A large number of Sunday School Scholars assembled in the Market Place and headed by the Shipley Salvation Army band, joined the procession at the bottom of Westgate. The passing of the procession was witnessed by a large number of spectators along the route to the park.
A large choir had been drawn together from the various from the various places of worship and musical societies. The vocalists, who were located on the cricket ground in the park, responded admirably to the baton of Mr. Arthur Pearson. Principal interest centred in the rendering of Mr. Pearson’s new hymn – “Our Father, Thine the Kingdom” – which was admirably sung. The singing was accompanied by a band, largely composed of the West Cliffe Road Chapel Orchestra. In addition to the vocal pieces, selections were rendered in praiseworthy fashion by the Shipley Brass Band, Canal Ironworks Brass Band and the Shipley Salvation Army Band.
During an interval in the programme, the chairman, Councillor T. Hill, briefly addressed the gathering. At the instance of Councillor A. Waugh, a vote of thanks was accorded to all who had contributed to the success of the demonstration. A collection was made on behalf of the Prince of Wales War Relief Fund. The proceedings terminated with the rendering of the National Anthem.
The officials of the Demonstration Committee are: Chairman, Councillor A. Waugh; treasurer, Mr. Thomas Kendall; secretaries Mr. D. B. Chadwick and Mr. W. Robinson.
[Author's note – demonstration in this context was not a protest but a meeting to raise funds.]
Opera In Saltaire
The newly-formed Shipley Amateur Operatic Society announced that the proceeds of their first performance, which is to be held on Monday October 12th, at the Saltaire Institute, will be in aid of the War Distress Fund. “Patience” is the opera to be presented. There is a strong cast of principals, and band and chorus of 63 performers.
War Office and Saltaire Hospital
The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors of the Sir Titus Salt Charity was held on Wednesday night at the Saltaire Hospital. Mr. B. Alsop (chairman) presided, and the other members present were Mrs Fyfe, Mr. F. Lister, Mr. W. Cryer, Mr. E. L. Baumann, Mr. T. Kendall and Councillors J. Pitts, C. E. Learoyd and T. Barker
The Chairman read correspondence which had passed between the Board and the War Office authorities respecting the loan of the hospital for the treatment of wounded soldiers and sailors. The authorities thanked the Board for the offer, which, it was intimated, would be accepted if the necessity arose.
It was reported the executors of the late Mr. Edwin Stephenson, a cabinet maker, had promised to lend seven bedsteads providing the hospital should be required. Mr Walter Cryer announced that he had received a letter from Mr. J. D. Pushfield stating the Shipley Corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade would be willing to render assistance in the removal of the wounded.
The monthly report stated that there had been ninety four out-patients. The in-patients at the date of the last report were eight, and fourteen had been admitted, making a total of twenty two. Of these, thirteen had been discharged, leaving nine in at the present time.
Donations had been received from the Shipley Butchers Sports Committee £20; Bradford Cricket League (Priestley Charity Cup Competition) £10 10s; and the employees of Messrs J. R. Fyfe and Co. 15s 10d. Flowers and grapes had been received from the Shipley District of the Independent Order of Oddfellows (Manchester Unity), who held their annual show last Saturday. The Windhill Industrial Co-Operative Society had forwarded sweets and chocolates.
Generous Donation
The Saltaire Congregational Church, in addition to making a collection (amounting to £14 19s) asked for donations in aid of the Shipley War Distress Fund, and in this way a further sum of £41 4s 6d was realised, making a total of £56 3s 6d
[Author's note:
£5,650 in today’s money.]
Small Ads
Wanted for Australia, Domestic Servants, Farm Hands and Lads to learn farming. Assisted passages granted – Apply to the accredited Government Agent, A. Wilson 35 Church Bank, Bradford. Telephone 4347
Millinery – Improver and Apprentice Wanted – Apply Mrs. Davey 24 Bingley Road Saltaire.
If you really want a really good shave, send your Razor or Safety Blades to be microscopically set – T. Furniss, Hairdresser, Victoria Road, Saltaire – “Gillettes” a speciality.
Saltaire War Diary: 11 September 1914
Sample advertisment:

Salt Charity – Appointment of Clerk
A special meeting of the Board of Governors of the Sir Titus Salt Charity was held on Wednesday evening for the purpose of appointing a clerk in place of Mr. William Fry (resigned). At a previous meeting Mr. E. Clifford Fry was appointed permanent honorary secretary. The members present on Wednesday night were Mrs. J. R. Fyfe, Miss Dunn, Mr. B. Allsop, Councillors C. E. Learoyd and T. Barker, Mr. E. L. Baumann, Mr. W. Cryer and Mr. T. Kendall. There were five candidates for the vacant post and the appointment was finally given to Mr. T. Luxton, clerk to the Shipley District Insurance Committee. The salary is £23 per annum (£2,315 in today’s money).
Saltaire Hospital
The offer of Saltaire Hospital for the treatment of wounded soldiers having been accepted by the War Office, arrangements have been made at that institute for their reception. If necessary rooms used for other purposes will be turned into wards, but it is not proposed to interfere with the ordinary work of the hospital. The hon. Medical staff and also the nursing staff have volunteered their services for cases from the front. Any necessary extra equipment that may be required will be provided by the British Red Cross Society. Inquiries having been made on the subject, the Matron asks us to state that when the men arrive gifts intended for their enjoyment will be greatly received.
It is proposed to hold a meeting in Saltaire Park at an early date with the object of encouraging young men to enlist in Lord Kitchener’s Army. Similar meetings in less populous districts than Shipley have been attended with excellent results. So far we have not heard of any recruiting officer visiting Shipley, although numbers of young men from this district have enlisted in Bradford. Shipley has sent its own detachment of the Royal Army Medical Corps (Territorials), and the local Ambulance Corps have made a splendid response to the call. A properly organised movement for a Shipley detachment of Kitchener’s Men would, we feel sure, meet with prompt success.
Shipley Distress Committee
At present the Committee have on their books as dependents on soldiers, sailors, etc.; 20 men, 130 women, and 233 children, representing 96 families. The “civil distress” list contains the names of 345 men, 311 women and 713 children, representing 167 families. From time to time the circumstances of the people on this latter list alter considerably, and it must not be assumed that they are all in receipt of relief weekly. Their cases are being regularly inquired into, and relief is given or withheld according to the results of investigation. Last week the amount distributed in relief by the Shipley Committee was as follows: - To dependants on soldiers etc., £26 14s 6d; “civil distress” arising from the war, £37 14s 6d; making a total of £64 9s (£6,490 in today’s money).
(Author’s note – we do not know the level of distress in Saltaire itself).
Insurance Committee
The monthly meeting of the Shipley and District Insurance Committee was held on Thursday night of last week at the Saltaire Institute. In the absence of the chairman Councillor C. E. Learoyd, who it was explained was engaged in Distress Committee work, Mr. J. Hudson presided.
It was reported that the County Authority had granted an increase in the salary of the Clerk, Mr. T. Luxton, from £40 to £50 (£4,000 to £5,000 in today’s money). The advance to take affect from the beginning of the second year of office. The Chairman said that after a good deal of trouble they had got the increase through, and although it was not the £12 advance they had asked for, they were pleased that the County Committee had allowed an advance of £10.
Mr. John Mileham (of Bingley) had been elected a member of the committee in place of Mr. T. Harland (resigned). Mr. Jennings Alderson said he thought the time had arrived when the Shipley Committee should be place on the war footing. There was a strong feeling in the town that this course should be adopted. It was moved that they communicate with the Insurance Commissioners on the subject. The Chairman said he quite agreed with what Mr. Alderson had said, and he hoped that it would go forward. As there was only a small attendance that night he was in favour of the matter being discussed at the next meeting. It was agreed to defer the matter for a month.
Wanted Ad
Smart Boy wanted, full time, for the fish and fruit business – Apply George Clarke, Victoria Road, Saltaire.
Rooms for two ladies wanted; within ten minutes’ walk of Saltaire Station; bath – Write Box G, Times & Express Office, Shipley
Board Residence required single gentleman from August 31st; Shipley or Saltaire – Write stating terms and particulars, T. A. King, 5 Town Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Seaside and Country Apartments
Morecambe W.E. – Mrs. Sutcliffe, 25 Sea View Parade. Comfortable apartments; public or private; board optional; near pier; fires kept. Accommodation for Motors and Cycles.
9 September 1914 – St. Pauls Shipley - Florence Clayton – daughter of Edwin (Mohair Spinning Overlooker) and Violet (nee Firth) – 21 Helen Street Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 18 September 2014
Sample advertisment:

Young Woman’s Tragic End
A shocking fatality occurred at Saltaire railway station on Wednesday morning, the victim being Miss Selina Tinson Miller, aged 30, who had been employed as a cook by Mrs Williamson at Birk Leas, Staveley Road, Nab Wood, Shipley.
Miss Miller had arranged to visit Arnside (small village on the Cumbrian Coast), and went to Saltaire station, intending to travel on the 6.29am train. She arrived at the station too late to obtain a ticket, and made an attempt to board the train whilst it was in motion. She fell between the platform edge and the foot board and on the train being pulled up the unfortunate young women was found lying dead close to the rail next to the platform. The body was conveyed to the Shipley mortuary.
An inquest on the body of the deceased was held at the Manor House, Shipley, yesterday (Thursday) morning by the District Coroner, Mr. E. H. Hill. Mr. C. L. Atkinson represented Mrs. Williamson and Mr. W. Whalley (district traffic inspector), Mr. J. Dutton and Mr. A. G. Strangeway appeared on behalf of the Midland Railway Co. Police Inspector Beaton was also present. Mr. O. Mann was foreman of the jury.
Evidence of identification was given by Sarah Miller, of 2 Church Street, Wetherby, who said deceased was her sister.
Thos. John Gray, 22 Regent Street, Saltaire Road, Shipley, a porter at Saltaire station, said the booking office was on the platform opposite to the one from which the deceased would have travelled.
The Coroner: Have you any instructions as to booking when a train is already in the station? – No.
Not to cease booking? No.
Continuing, witness said that on Wednesday he was in the booking office when deceased asked for a day excursion ticket to Arnside. On learning that the train for Arnside was already in the station deceased went away without receiving either ticket or change for the half-sovereign she had tendered in payment for her fare. The train was drawing up as the deceased entered the booking hall.
In reply to Mr. Atkinson, witness said the platforms at the station were very low. He did not remember any previous accidents at the station, but he had heard people complain of the danger.
The guard of the train, Geo. Ernest Adams of 8 Lowler Crescent, Ilkley, said the train arrived punctually at Saltaire. As the train was leaving all the doors were shut, and witness did not notice anyone else on the platform except himself and a porter. The latter gave witness the signal for the train to start.
The Coroner: From where you were standing on the platform had you a clear view of the railway bridge steps? – No.
If you had seen somebody running down the steps would you have signalled the driver to start the train? – Yes, if I had previously got instructions to start the train.
The Coroner: There is a great danger in setting a train in motion when a person is making an attempt to board it. I think it is about time that the regulations in this respect were altered. It is only human nature that people, notwithstanding the danger, to attempt to board the train if they are desirous of catching it.
Witness (continuing) said when he shut the door of his van he heard someone about. He looked out of the window, and saw that the deceased had fallen between the train and the platform. He immediately applied the brakes and stopped the train. The young woman’s head and shoulders were just above the platform edge when he first saw her.
The Coroner remarked that it would be better if there was an official at the foot of the bridge steps to prevent anyone from attempting to board a train already in motion.
Edwin Harry Jones, 34 Kitson Street, Windhill, a porter at Saltaire Station said there was not much traffic there in the early morning. On Wednesday, when the 6.29am train was leaving the station, witness heard a noise and on looking up saw the deceased about forty yards higher up trying to board the train. Witness shouted twice “Keep Off!” “Keep Off! And also put up his hands. Deceased was drawn in between the footboard and the platform edge.
The Coroner, in summing up, said that in spite of the well-known danger, people still took the risk of boarding moving trains. A great many lives had been lost in consequence, and such accidents only acted as a warning to other people.
A verdict of “Accidental Death” was returned.
Blankets Needed
Blankets are urgently required for the men at the front. The War Office has bought up all available supplies, but there is still a great shortage. One pair of blankets given to-day will be a more valuable gift than two or three pairs given later. One and a-half million pairs are required at once. The weather is now severe in the north of France, and if the health of our soldiers is to be maintained the public at home must send them this vital necessary without delay. Any blankets sent to the Manor House, Shipley, or the Institute Saltaire, will be promptly despatched to the proper quarter.
Demonstration in Saltaire Park
The Shipley demonstration in support of the great recruiting campaign is to be held on Saturday, 26th September in Saltaire Park. At first it was intended that the demonstration should take place tomorrow, but as the gentlemen who were desired to address the gathering had other engagements for that day, it was decided to postpone the meeting until the following Saturday. According to the provisional arrangements, Sir James Roberts, will preside, and the speakers will include Mr. Percy Illingworth M.P., Mr. F. W. L. Butterfield (prospective Unionist candidate for the Shipley Division), and Mr J. Parker, Labour M. P. for Halifax.
The Salt Schools Shipley
Boys High School – Head Master F. J. Fuller with staff of ten Assistant Masters
Girls High School and Kindergarten - Head Mistress Miss. H. Byles with staff of twenty assistants.
The Autumn Term will commence on Tuesday, 22nd September at 9 am.
Copy of the Schools Prospectus may be obtained at the Education Office, Saltaire Road, Shipley – Walter Popplestone, Secretary.
Saltaire Congregational Church
Harvest thanksgiving services were held at the Saltaire Congregational Church on Sunday. The church had been tastefully decorated with thanksgivings and fruit, flowers, vegetables etc., under the direction of Mrs. Pringle, Miss Watts, and members of the Flower Committee. In the morning the preacher was the Pastor, Rev P. Drummond Pringle, whilst at the evening service the Rev B. C. Barnard (of Girlington) occupied the pulpit. The anthems rendered by the choir were “Praise the Lord of Harvest” (Garett) and “Sing to the Lord of Harvest” (Maunder). Mr. G. Sutcliffe (organist and choirmaster) presided at the organ.
At a service held on the afternoon an address was given by Mr. T. Thornton, and Mr. N. Clarke presided. A collection made on behalf of the Shipley Children’s Farmhouse Holiday Fund amounted to £1 14s 4d. The collections at the morning and evening services realised £6 15s.
Saltaire Wesleyan Church Anniversary
The anniversary of the Saltaire Wesleyan Church was celebrated on Sunday, when the preacher was the Rev. T. Henry Ranns. In the morning the choir sang the anthem “O God who take unto Thee” (Foster) and at the evening service the anthem was “Lord Thou art Good” (Coward). Mr. T. Whitham (organist and choirmaster) presided at the organ.
Distress Committee
The Shipley Distress Committee has addressed a circular letter to all employers of labour in Shipley inviting them to give their employees an opportunity of contributing to the District Fund. Several employees have intimated that as soon as they are able to employ their men full time they will for contributing to the fund. In the meantime, however, they consider they are doing the best they can by japing their men earning wages in making goods to stock.
The Committee are arranging for collection boxes to be placed at suitable places, and it is hoped by this means to raise a considerable sum. The Shipley fund amounts at present to nearly £2,000 apart from the sum of £1,000 given direct to London by Mr. Henry Mason and £100 by Mr. F. W. L. Butterfield. Over six hundred persons have already subscribed sums of 10s and upwards. Many of the subscribers have intimated their intention to make further contribution.
Comfortable Home for Lady or Gentleman, with Widow; good cook; no children; reasonable terms – Write Heaton 3 Fern Place Saltaire.
Death of Mr. H. L. Roberts
Mr. Harrison Lee Roberts, whose death was announced at Morecambe, was a brother of Sir James Roberts and was well known to a past generation of Bradford business men. He was at one time engaged in the Bradford trade, but had for some considerable period been living in retirement in Morecambe, from whence he came to Bradford to see old friends and renew old acquaintanceships. He was a man of fine presence and unaffected demeanour.
(Author’s note – Harrison was born in 1839 in Thornton in Craven. He was buried 17 September 1914 at All Saints Otley).
Saltaire War Diary: 25 September 2014
First Fatality of the War
22 September 1914 saw Saltaire suffer its first known fatality of the War. The death of Sam Spencer was not reported in the Shipley Times until 16 October 1914; so that is when we will report on his death.
“Call to Arms” further postponement
In order to secure the attendance of the speakers desired, the “Call to Arms” demonstration which it has been decided to hold in Saltaire Park has been further postponed until a week tomorrow, Saturday 3rd October. Should the weather prove unfavourable for an outdoor gathering the meeting will be held in the Victoria Hall of the Saltaire Institute.
The Bradford Service Battalion will, if possible, attend, as well as Army veterans residing in the Bradford district, and a large number of Boy scouts. It is proposed to entertain them all to tea.
The Canal Ironworks Brass Band and the “Parkson” Glee Union announce a concert in aid of the War Distress Fund to be given on Wednesday, Sept, 30th in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire. “Parkson” – which is a contraction of the name of the principal of the firm (Mr. E. Parkinson), is adjectively used in connection with the specialities turned out from the Canal Ironworks. In addition to the band and glee union, the following artistes have promised their services; Miss Nellie Judson, soprano; Madame Sara Parker, contralto; Mr. Walter Shackleton, tenor; Mr. H. Hoyle and Mr. Harry Holmes, baritones; Mr. F. Ackroyd, elocutionist. Tickets may be had from members of the band and glee union.
A considerable number of blankets, travelling rugs etc., for use of the troops, have been forwarded to Mr. Lindow at the Manor House, Shipley, and to the Ladies Committee at the Saltaire Institute. The first bale from Shipley is to be despatched to-day to the Chief Ordnance Officer at the York Military Depot.
Monies Raised
A meeting of the Shipley and District Hospital Demonstration Committee was held on Wednesday night at the Manor House, Councillor A. Waugh (chairman) presiding. It was reported that as a result of the demonstration held in Saltaire Park on Sunday August 30th, a sum of £30 will be handed over to Saltaire Hospital.
The Call to Duty
A recruiting office for the Army has been opened this week at the Board of Trade Labour Exchange, Otley Road, Shipley. Recruits are medically examined by Dr. W. Foster, Medical Officer of Health to the Shipley District Council. On “passing the doctor” they are forth with sent to one of the regimental depots.
Colour-Sergeant Parkinson, late of the Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment, assisted by Sergeant Wallace, is in charge of the Shipley Recruiting Office. Each of these sergeants is in possession of two medals for the South African campaign, with six clasps. Young men desiring information with regard to Army pay etc., will find Colour-Sergeant Parkinson and his assistant well informed and courteous officials.
For line regiment recruits must be between 19 and 35 years of age, minimum height 5ft 6ins, chest 35ins. Ex-soldiers can re-enlist up to 42 years of age, whilst those who held rank as non-commissioned officers will be accepted beyond that age.
Recruiting for the Army Service Corps, which was suspended about a week ago, has been resumed. Men are urgently required for the horse transport departments, there being vacancies for drivers, wheelwrights, saddlers and shoeing smith. In the Supply department bakers and butchers are also wanted.
Since the Shipley Recruiting Office was opened there have been numerous enquiries on the part of married men with regard to separation allowance for the wives of soldiers. The Prime Minister has announced an increase in this allowance, particulars of which will be published shortly. It may be stated, however, that under the old scale a wife with four children would receive 12s 3d separation allowance weekly, in addition to a minimum of 6d a day remitted by her husband from his pay, which would bring the total to 15s 9d, apart from any grants received from national or local relief funds. These grants vary according to the circumstances of soldiers dependents. Colour-Sergeant Parkinson has already enlisted a few recruits, who have proceeded to regimental depots. Married men applying for enlistments are requested to take to the recruiting office their marriage certificate and children’s birth certificates. This prevents delay in the granting of separation allowance.
Football Score
Bradford & District League
Division One – City Old Boys 3 Saltaire Wesleyans 1
Saltaire War Diary: 2 October 1914
Sample advertisment:

“Call to Arms”
All records of attendance of public meetings in the Shipley district will no doubt be eclipsed at the great “Call to Arms” demonstration to be held in Saltaire Park tomorrow afternoon. It will be a memorable gathering, not only on account of the occasion for it, the great European War, but also because we shall find, for the first time in the Shipley Division, a platform representative of all the political parties. The Government Chief Whip, Mr. Illingworth, who represents the Shipley Division in the House of Commons, will be there side by side with his prospective Conservative and Labour opponents, Mr. F. W. L. Butterfield and Alderman A. W. Brown respectively, together with other prominent local representatives of these three schools of political thought.
Another speaker who will have a very hearty reception is Mr. Will Crooks, the popular Labour Member for Woolwich, who when the prorogation of Parliament took place recently, led the singing of the National Anthem.
Everybody will be welcome at the gathering, but a special invitation is extended to young men, and it is to be hoped that they will roll up in large numbers. There is no reason to suppose that the young manhood of Shipley has not made a creditable response to the appeal of King and Country, but, we have unfortunately no means at present of ascertaining the exact number of men resident in the district who are serving with the forces.
A desire has been expressed that an effort should be made to compile a complete list, and if members of the sectional organisations connected with the War Distress Committee were to lend their aid in this direction, it should be possible eventually to obtain all the names, coupled with the regiments to which they are attached. Such a list would constitute a Roll of Honour which the public would be proud to see displayed.
A feature of tomorrow’s demonstration will be a big parade of Boy Scouts. Between four and five hundred Shipley and Bradford Scouts are to assemble in the Windhill Recreation Ground shortly after two o’clock and from there headed by the Shipley Brass Band they will march in procession to Saltaire Park.
Letter from the Front
Private William Leonard Waud, a reservist in the Northumberland Fusiliers, who has been called to the colours, has sent a letter to the staff of the Shipley Post Office, where, prior to the outbreak of hostilities, he was employed as a clerk. Writing from a hospital in Angers, France, under date Sep 19th, Waud says:-
“Dear Friends, - Thanks very much for kind wishes. I would very much like to tell you of all our doings since we came out here, but, as you know, our letters are censored, and anything that should not be there is immediately erased. I was in the best of health up to four days ago when my three chums got bowled over. I did then, and do yet, feel very lonely, but of course will regain my usual cheerfulness when I get out of here.”
The Germans are awful shots, they could not hit the town we live in with a rifle, only by mistake. I was the only one left in my section, and had got the idea that I could not be hit. But I have been disillusioned. My injuries, however are not serious. I have got a bullet wound on my left shoulder. I cannot make myself out now after having a wash and shave (first for six weeks) and lying on a nice soft bed. A resting place like this is a proper luxury after having been used to lying down in the middle of the road, in the rain, with no blankets or anything. The rainy season is on now, so you can understand what it is like.
I cannot speak too highly of the way we have been treated by both the Belgians and the French. Many a time when we were retiring, our chaps felt like making a stand for it, but we would have been no good against the masses we had to face. In Belgium the young ladies were in the firing line with us, passing eggs, water, beer, cider, etc., to us. We could not get them to go to a place of safety. God knows how those people have fared at the hands of them brutes of Germans. Every village and town they have come to they have blown up and looted. We are looking forward to doing the same thing in Germany. Well, we have got them on the run now, and hope to keep them going until they give in, which I do not think will be long now, as they are surrendering in large numbers.”
Soldier Missing
Private Christopher Stephenson, of 1 Fanny Street, Saltaire, took part in the Battle of Mons and he has been reported missing since August 24th. He was a reservist in the Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment. He served three years and had nearly completed his nine years on the reserve. He married a daughter of Mr. Wm. McCann of 29 Dove Street, Saltaire, who has a record of twenty one years’ service in the Army, and went through the Afghan campaign 1878 to 1880.
Charity Governors
The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors of the Sir Titus Salt Charity was held on Wednesday evening at the Saltaire Hospital. Mr. B. Allsop (chairman) presided, and other members present were Miss Dunn, Mr W. Cryer, Mr F. Lister, Mr T. Kendall, Mr E. L. Baumann, Councillors C. E. Learoyd, J. Pitts and A. Old.
The monthly report had stated that there had been seventy-two out-patients. At the date of the last meeting there were nine patients in the hospital, and eight had been admitted, making a total of seventeen. Of these twelve had been discharged, leaving five in at the present time. The following donations had been received; - Shipley Hospital Demonstration Committee £30; employees of the Scott Engineering Co. £1 13s 6d; Mr A. Bagnall £1 2s; and the Shipley Wesleyan Reform Chapel 10s. Gifts of garments for the use of patients had been received from Mrs. Burrows Staveley Road.
Councillor Pitts asked if it was correct that notice had been received to the affect that some wounded soldiers from the front were expected to arrive at the hospital at any time.
The Chairman; I am not aware of any such notice having been received.
It was pointed out that no communication had been received from the War Office authorities since the last meeting.
A letter was received from the Shipley Guild of Help asking that a member of the board should be appointed to serve on the Executive Committee and the board appointed Mr E. L. Baumann.
Hospital Demonstration Committee
At the annual meeting of the above committee officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows; President Councillor A. Waugh; vice-president, Mr. Walker Cryer; treasurer Mr T. Kendall; secretary, Mr D. B. Chadwick; assistant secretary, Mr W. Robinson; trustees, Messrs Waugh, Cryer, and R. Dewhirst.
The Executive Committee includes the above and Messrs H. Carr, A. Carpenter, D. Clark, J. Driver, F. Goldsborough, A. Hewitt. W. Lax, W. Mitchell, J. Myers and J. Keighley. The Executive Committee is elected to attend to the interests of the association and to make arrangements for calling together the full working committee for next year. The full committee consists of delegates appointed annually by various clubs, friendly societies, lodges, trades unions, brotherhoods, choirs, and other societies. The large amount of work needed to organise the annual demonstration is done by willing volunteers. As stated previously a sum of £30 has been given to the Saltaire Hospital as a result of this year’s demonstration. Altogether the committee has handed over £90 9s 5d to the Hospital Fund.
Armoured Motor Cycles
Shipley is supplying armoured motor cycles for the use of the British troops. To cope with the orders received from the War Office, the Scott Engineering Co., are making additions to their premises at Hirst wood, Shipley. The machines will be fitted with Maxim guns, fixed for high angle firing (to deal with aircraft), as well as for other kinds of military work. For four years in succession the Scott Cycle has broken all records for speed at the Isle of Man races. May they be still more successful in “bagging” German Zeppelins and aeroplanes!
Girls High School Grant
At a meeting of the Higher Education Sub Committee a letter was read from the West Riding County Council stating that consideration of a grant due to the Girls High School for the session 1913-14 would be suspended until after the visit of the deputation from the District Council on the question of grants towards the liquidation of the debt on the Salt High Schools. On the recommendation of the Sub Committee it was decided that a reply be sent to the County Council intimating that for various reasons it had not been found practicable to arrange for the deputation referred to to visit Wakefield, and pressing for an early payment of the grant to the Girls High School.
The scholarships of the undermentioned Salt scholars were renewed for the session 1914-1915; Edith Ellison, Dorothy Mellor, Kathleen Sharpe and Lilian Shuttleworth.
Saltaire Tradesman’s Death
The news of the death, which occurred on Saturday morning of Mr. John Charlesworth of 1, Victoria Road, Saltaire, came as a great shock to his many friends, for although he had not enjoyed the best of health for some months, he had only been confined to the house for about a fortnight.
The late Mr. Charlesworth was considered as one of the most genial of men and his open hearted nature, together with his optimistic outlook on life, won him the affection of all who came in contact with him. He always found life interesting, and the reason for that was, as he once observed to the writer, that he always tried to put interest into it. His cheery disposition has lifted a load from many a troubled heart. Taking him all in all, Mr. Charlesworth was one of those whom the world can ill afford to lose, and he will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends.
Mr. Charlesworth was a native of Saltaire, and he was born in the house which his death took place. He was a well-known tradesman, and it had been his custom to cater for large public functions. The business in which he was engaged – that of grocer and confectioner – was started by his father, the late Mr. Joseph Charlesworth.
A prominent Churchman, he was for some time a warden at St. Peter’s Church, Shipley, whilst at the time of his death he was a sides-man at the Shipley Parish Church. He was a Freemason and was Worshipful Master of the Airedale Lodge at Shipley.
Mr. Charlesworth was a member of the Shipley Bowling Green Club and the Shipley Unionist Club, and at both places the flag was hoisted half-mast in token of respect.
The deceased, who was fifty-eight years of age, leaves a widow, two daughters and three sons, one of whom is Mr. George Charlesworth, the famous vocalist.
The funeral took place at Hirst Wood Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, when a large number of friends attended to pay a final tribute of respect. Prior to the internment a service was conducted at the Shipley Parish Church by the Rev. W. Bowker. At the close of the service the Dead March from “Saul” was played by Mr. J. E. Moore. The last rites at the graveside were performed by the Rev. W. Bowker, who also read the Freemasons burial service.
The principal mourners were Mrs Charlesworth, Miss A Charlesworth, Mr and Mrs G Charlesworth, Mr J Charlesworth, Mr and Mrs T Fearnley, Mr and Mrs W Charlesworth, Miss Charlesworth, Mr and Mrs A Naylor, Mr. Riddiough, Mrs F Charlesworth, Mr M Charlesworth, Mr G H Bayley, Mr and Mrs B London, Mrs T Parker, Miss London, Miss A London, Mr and Mrs W London, Mr and Mrs F London, Mrs W E London, Mrs S H London, Mrs W London, Alderman Dennis Bottomley, Mr and Mrs F Holdsworth, Mr and Mrs S H Moffatt, Mr and Mrs C Riddiough, Miss Naylor, Miss A Naylor, Mr and Mrs J Riddiough, Mr G Charlesworth (jun.), Mr and Mrs F G Popplewell, Miss Kellett, Mr M Kellet, Miss Leak, Miss N London, Miss L London, Mr L London, Mrs Thorpe, Miss Wadsworth, Mr and Mrs W Riley, and Mr and Mrs J E Riley.
The following attended from the Airedale Lodge of Freemasons:- Mr Wheatley Jackson, Mr Francis Lister, Mr F B Rand, Mr J Truelove, Mr E L Baumann, Mr F M Jowett, Mr S Beaver, Mr F Pitts, Mr J R Wilson, Mr A Shaw, Mr R A Millington, Dr T Irvine Bonner, Mr Fred Power, Mr Arthur Albert Abbott, Mr T K Power, Mr W R Anderson, Mr N A Fowler, Mr F W D Newell, Mr H Bagnall, Mr L V Hatfield, Mr F Holdsworth, Mr H Rand, Mr A E Brown, Mr W Fox, Mr I Lindow, Mr A Woodhead, Councillor J Garnett, Mr L Clough, Mr C E Plane, and Mr H V Freeman.
The Moravia Chapter (387) was represented by Mr A Bagnall, Mr J A Kershaw, Mr H Land, Mr G Whitaker, and Mr Edwin Foulds. There were also present; Mr C H Briggs and Mr Sam Haigh (Baildon Lodge), Mr H E W Fox and Mr R Sugden (Victoria Lodge, Bradford), Mr Wm Allan and Mr J S Wilson (Hope Lodge, Bradford), Mr H E Bower (Prince of Wales), and Mr F A Mossman (Pentalpha).
Mr J E Shackleton represented the Shipley Bowling Green Club and Mr G H Shell the Shipley Unionist Club. The representatives of the Shipley Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Society (of which Mr Charlesworth was chairman) were Mr B Allsop, Mr Edwin Lister, Mr A Brear and Mr A E Horne.
Others present included the Rev F Beresford Hope and Mr W M Kermode (St Peter’s Church, Shipley), Mr F C M Rhodes and Mr J H Thompson (wardens at St Paul’s Church, Shipley), Mr Henry Smith, Mr W R Troman, and Mr J Horne (Shipley Tradesmen’s Association), Mr W T Croft, Mr J B Atkinson, Mr S Pires, Mr John Bell, Mr Wm Morgan, Mr A Beecroft, Mt T Rhodes, Mr J J Ambler, Dr Rhodes (Bingley), Mr J Ward Holmes, Mr G Morrell, Mr G W Slatter, Mr J Gregory, Mr D E Hutton, Mr J S Lawer, Mr S Deacon, Mr T Adamson, Mr C E Long, Mr R Eccles, Mr W H Dewhirst, Mr J Wilson, Mr H Hall, Mr B Jaques, Mr F Hodgson (secretary of the Bradford Grocers Association), Mr W C Anderson, Mr F Steel, Mr T Irving, Mr J Bryant, Mr J E Key, Mr C Hodgson, Mr J Williamson, Mr J Robinson, Mr C Holgate, Mr T Dobson and Mr J B Tetley.
Beautiful floral tributes were sent by Mrs Charlesworth and family, brothers and sisters, Mr and Mrs Holdsworth, Mr and Mrs S H Moffatt, Misses Naylor, Mrs Riddiough and family, Mr and Mrs F G Popplewell, Miss Kellett, Mr Kellett and Miss Leak, Misses London, Mr and Mrs B London, Mr and Mrs F London, Misses Wadsworth, Airedale Masonic Lodge, Mr R Stephens, Mrs and Miss Stewart, Mr and Mrs Jeffrey, Mr and Mrs T B Rand, Mrs Cowle and family, Mr and Mrs R Sugden, Mr and Mrs J Stell and family, Mr and Mrs K Ellis, Mr and Mrs W Holdsworth, wardens and sidesmen at St Paul’s Church, Shipley, Shipley Bowling Club, Saltaire Unionists Association, Mr and Mrs J Edmondson and family, Mr and Mrs H B Hall, Mr Lupton, Mrs Wilsdon, Mrs Smith, Mrs Gray, Mrs Garghan, Miss Plowman, Miss Gray and Mr E Ince.
Shipley Ladies Committee
Over 1,560 garments have been made by the different sewing parties and ladies of Shipley for soldiers and sailors, the wounded, and poor people in Shipley suffering from the effects of the war. Up to the present 650 articles of wearing apparel have been sent to the Red Cross Society, the St. John Ambulance Association and various Shipley Territorials. For Belgian refugees 62 garments have been supplied, whilst 102 body belts have been collected by Mrs Edwin Ellis to be sent to the territorials in camp.
During the coming week the ladies will ladies will despatch parcels containing socks, overcoats, shirts, mufflers, helmets and belts to the various camps (Doncaster, Strensall, Grimsby etc.), where the Shipley Territorials are training. In response to the appeal for overcoats 73 have been received and some have already been forwarded to Captain Eames R.A.M.C. for distribution amongst the recruits and Territorials.
At the ladies’ headquarters, the Institute, Saltaire, excellent work has been done by the Cutting-out Committee, the president of which is Mr. Simonds. This committee have cut out 622 garments. The ladies’ rooms at the Institute are open Monday and Thursday from 3 to 5pm. Messages and parcels are received in the Library when these rooms are closed.
A workers’ fund has been established with the object of helping women who prefer work to charity. Ladies who can give employment in sewing, mending etc., are asked to consult a list of workers which has been drawn up at the Institute. A special fund, which enables the committee to pay for work, stands at £38 13s 5d.
To enable the Committee to provide several of the local recruits for the Army with shirts etc., a central sewing meeting is held every Monday in the Social Rooms at the Institute, from 3 to 5pm. Shipley ladies are cordially invited. Tea is provided at 6d each, the proceeds going towards the sewing fund.
The ladies committee have undertaken the distribution of clothing in connection with the relief of local distress. The distribution takes place on Thursdays and Friday. Particulars can be obtained on application at the Manor House or the Institute.
The subscriptions for purchasing materials for garments etc., have now reached a total of £27 4s 11d. The committee appeal for further subscriptions; also for materials for making into garments and clothes (new or partly worn). The hon. Secretary (Mrs R H Facey) will be pleased to supply any further details in connection with the work.
Further gifts of materials and garments have been received from the following in Saltaire; the Saltaire Wesleyan Working Party and the Saltaire Congregational Working Party.
At the call to arms demonstration to be held at Saltaire Park to-morrow, a collection will be made in aid of the funds of the Ladies Committee.
Overcoats, etc., for the Territorials have been received from the following in Saltaire; Mrs Utley (Titus Street), Mrs Pollard (Victoria Road), Saltaire Congregational Church and Mr Butterfield (Gordon Terrace).
Football Score
Bradford & District League
Division One – City Old Boys 3 Saltaire Wesleyans 1
26 September 1914 - Sam Whittaker of 2 Rhodes Street to Mary Elizabeth Wildman of 62 Victoria Road
29 September 1914 – at Hirst Wood – John Charlesworth of 1 Victoria Road, aged 58
Saltaire War Diary: 9 October 1914
Sample advertisment:

“Call to Arms”
It will be a long time before the scenes in Saltaire Park last Saturday will fade from the memories of the vast assemblage of people –estimated to number ten thousand – gathered together for the purpose of encouraging enlistment in the British forces, which with their valiant efforts the Allies (as the Member for Shipley said in his speech); “to overthrow for all time the bullish conception of a German military despotism.”
In response to the call of King and Country the meeting had been convened by the Chairman of the Shipley District Council (Mt T. Hill), and the Clerk to that authority (Mr I Lindow), in conjunction with the agents of the political parties, had made the arrangements. Everything possible had been done to ensure a successful demonstration, and on all hands it was agreed that the result was worthy of the great occasion.
The speech-making took place from the balcony of the new pavilion of the Saltaire Cricket Club. The principle speakers were Mr Percy Illingworth, M.P. for the Shipley Division and Chief Government Whip; Mr Will Crooks, Labour M.P. for Woolwich; Mr F W L Butterfield and Ald. A W Brown, the prospective Conservative and Socialist candidates respectively for the Shipley Division. Each of them had a very hearty reception.
The crowd were particularly interested in Mr Crooks, not only because it was his first visit to Shipley, but also on account of the fact that it was he who was responsible for the remarkable scenes in the House of Commons when the prorogation took place recently. Mr Crooks, it will be remembered asked if it would be in order to sing the National Anthem, and without waiting for an answer struck up the tune, in which he was fervently joined by Members and everybody else in the House. Coming from a Labour member this action was especially significant of the unity of Britishers in this grim struggle, and throughout the country has won increased respect for Mr Crooks, who has for long been regarded as one of the best of democrats.
Among other present were Sir Ellis and Lady Denby, Lady Godwin, Major F C Foster, Dr W H Ellis, Mr Henry Ayrton, the Rev B Whincup, the Rev W Bowker, Captain Sydney Burton, Dr Foster, Coun. T Hill (chairman of the Shipley District Council) who, in the absence of Sir James Roberts, Bart., presided, Mr I Lindow (clerk to the Council), Mr J A Burton, Councillor J A Guy (Eccleshill), Councillor H Thornton (Liberal agent for the Shipley Division), Mr S H Servant, (Unionist agent for the Shipley Division), Mr J W Sowden, Mr A Pickern (secretary of the Shipley and District Trades and Labour Council), and the following members of the Shipley District Council: J Pitts, A Gill, H Hirst, H Pitts, L Shackleton, C E Learoyd, F Rhodes, A Waugh, E Cowgill, T F Doyle, H Bradley, A Linley and J Midgley.
A rousing cheer greeted the appearance on the balcony of two Shipley men home on furlough from active service. Those were Gunner Thomas Walker one of the survivors of the Aboukir,and Private Arthur Johnson, who was wounded at Mons. Towards the close of the proceedings the crowd called for these men to appear at the front of the balcony, and they were briefly introduced by Mr Illingworth. The men were heartily cheered.
The scene from the balcony just before the meeting commanded was truly inspiring. A big procession of Boy Scouts, in their attractive uniform, to the accompaniment of martial music played by the Shipley Brass Band, entered the Park, followed by thousands of people who had remained in the streets to watch the march past. Public opinion has always supported the scout movement, which was obviously in the best interests of all boys and youths who associated themselves with it. Many old scouts have flocked to the colours in this supreme crisis, and their previous training will go a long way towards making them fit to take the field.
The four hundred odd scouts who paraded on Saturday were admired by everybody for their general smartness and fitness. The scouts’ procession was marshalled in Stead Street, near the railway bridge in Otley Road instead of at the Windhill Recreation Ground as originally intended. As they marched up Saltaire Road the Shipley Band played several patriotic airs including “Hearts of Oak,” “Home Sweet Home, “ “Rule Britannia,” “The Minstrel Boy,” and “Men of Harlech.” It is worthy of note that en route as the scouts passed a funeral procession, each of the lads saluted the coffin.
On the front row of the seats provided opposite the Cricket Pavilion were the members of the Bradford and District Army Veterans’ Association, and much interest was naturally taken in these old warriors. Twenty five members of the Army Service Corps, from the Bradford Moor Barracks, were also present in uniform.
It would have been difficult to have found a better venue for such a demonstration than Saltaire Park, and for early October the weather distinctly favoured an open air gathering. On the Baildon side the Park is sheltered by finely wooded hills, whilst westward the undulating and varied skyline is most pleasing to the eye.
Two guns, which were purchased from the Government of the day by Sir Titus Salt when he laid the park out were inspected with increased interest on Saturday. These guns are on each side of the bandstand, situated on the fine broad terrace which runs the entire length of the park from east to west, on the level above the cricket ground. From the inscriptions on the guns we learn the warlike career of these ancient pieces of ordnance. One of them was in the Romanian war in the Baltic and fired 1085 rounds. Its companion was at Trafalgar and Acre, and fired 1449 rounds.
Before the speechmaking commenced on Saturday the crowd sang the National Anthem.
Councillor Hill read the following letter from Sir James Roberts:
Strathallan Castle, Perthshire 1st Oct., 1914
Dear Lindow, - I regret I cannot be at the meeting on Saturday. I offered this place to the Scottish Branch of the British Red Cross Society for our wounded soldiers, and we are here for the purpose of preparing for our guests. Suffice to say that we are determined to make such arrangements for their comfort so well they will almost be glad to be wounded.
We are up against a stiff problem in this war; we shall solve it because we are a united people.
The German Secretary of State for the Colonies (for whom there will be no work at the end of this war) says “that against their Continental enemies they are fighting for victory, but against England they fighting for booty and that booty will be enormous.” These wreckers are anticipating a glorious time in the destruction of our ancient universities, abbeys, minsters and cathedrals. It is as much an honour as a duty to serve our country in any capacity in this hour of need, and I am certain our Shipley young men will come forward in large numbers. – Yours sincerely, JAMES ROBERTS.
Shipley Amateur Operatic Society
On Monday night next, and for the rest of the week, the Shipley Amateur Operatic Society will present the popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera “Patience” in the Victoria Hall of the Saltaire Institute. When the date was fixed for this, the first production of the society (which was only formed last year), there was no prospect of the terrible crisis through which the country is now passing. The society felt that it was wise to adhere to the arrangements with a view to benefitting the local War Distress Fund. Considerable expense is inevitably involved in an enterprise of this kind, but the society confidently rely on the generous patronage of the public to enable them to hand over a goodly sum for the fund named.
Secretary Leaving
The Saltaire Cricket Club is losing a highly-esteemed and valued official in the person of Mr J A W Gregory, who for many years has filled the office of secretary. Cricket is Mr Gregory’s pet hobby, and he never knew when he had done enough work for Saltaire Club. The members of the club, while sorry to part with his services, will be pleased to know that the powers that be in the Post Office Telephones Department have selected him for promotion, and that he has this week commenced duty as Assistant Traffic Superintendent at Preston, where he will in due course take up his residence.
Blind Man’s Sudden Death
An inquest was held at the Saltaire Institute yesterday (Thursday) afternoon in regard to the death of Jackson Giles (75) of High Bank Cottages, Moorhead Lane, Shipley.
The widow said it was ten or twelve years since her husband gave up business. He had enjoyed comparatively good health up to the last two weeks when he complained of difficulty in breathing. On Tuesday night he was taken ill and in a short time he died. Her husband had been blind for about seven years.
A verdict of “Death from natural causes” was returned.
Long Service
Mason’s Mill, Shipley, is gaining a reputation for the long service of employees. It will be remembered that Mr W S Firth and the late Mr S Dewhirst were both in the firms employ for over half a century, and the same length of service has been attained by Mr Abraham Haste, a well-known Saltaire resident who has entered upon his retirement this week. Mr Haste who is in his seventy-third year, has for twenty years or so had charge of the wool sorting department.
(Author’s note Abraham lived in Bradford & Shipley and at 2 Maddocks Street & 6 Rhodes Street.)
Angling Contest
The third annual contest promoted by the Saltaire Angling Association took place in the Leeds & Liverpool at Hirst Wood on Saturday. There were 90 competitors. The following were the prize winners; 1. G Wilkinson (Keighley); 2 J Tompkinson (Bradford) ; 3 J Sellers (Saltaire); 4 E E Howells (Bradford); 5 W Ouse (Bradford); 6 A Wilson (Saltaire). The arrangements for the contest were carried out by Mr H Thornton (chairman of the committee and Mr R H Pickles (secretary).
4 October 1914 – St. Pauls Shipley - Doris Edith Winterbottom – daughter of Joseph (Horse Driver) and Jane Ann – 23 Helen Street Saltaire.
7 October 1914 – St Pauls Shipley – Christiana Wilson aged 80 – 15 Jane Street.
Saltaire War Diary: 16 October 1914
Sample advertisment:

A Saltaire Hero
On Wednesday night the wife of Private Sam Spencer of 10 Fanny Street, a reservist in the Royal Scots Fusilier, received news from the War Office that he was killed in action on September 22nd. Private Spencer, who was about thirty two years of age, was a native of Saltaire and was well known in the district. He was employed in the finishing department at Saltaire Mills. He leaves a widow and one child a girl aged six years); who needless to say, have the heartfelt sympathy of friends and neighbours in their bereavement.
Shipley Distress Committee and Miss Mitchell
At a meeting of the Distress Committee last night (Thursday) it was decided to take Shipley Grange for a fortnight for the use of the Belgian refugees, who will arrive Monday next.
The committee agreed to avail themselves of the offer of Miss Mitchell, matron of Saltaire Hospital, to take over management of the establishment.
Two committees were appointed, one to make arrangements for the reception of the refugees and the other to arrange for the furnishings of Shipley Grange. These committees were constituted as follows:
Reception Committee; Lady Denby, Miss Mitchell, Mrs Schultan, Father O’Sullivan, Councillor C E Learoyd, Mr J A Burton, Mr R Lindley and Mr De Slooven.
Housing and Furnishing Committee; Mrs T Hill, Mrs Lindow, Mrs Learoyd, Mrs J E Shackleton, Mrs Facey, Miss Mitchell and Father O’Sullivan.
The committee make an appeal for gifts of toys for Belgian Children; for the loan of blankets, sheets, rugs, pillows, cushions, counterpanes, crockery, cooking utensils and furniture of all kinds; gifts of clothing, groceries and cleaning appliances. All loans must be marked or labelled so that they can be returned to the owners.
Amateur Opera at Saltaire
The Shipley Amateur Operatic Society, which was formed last year by a few local musicians is this week giving its first production. The society’s initial venture is a very ambitious one and consists of a presentation on six successive nights at the Victoria Hall, of the Gilbert and Sullivan opera, “Patience”. When the date was fixed for the production peace reigned over Europe. Later, however, when England became involved in the war, it was felt that it would be wise to adhere to the original arrangements and devote the money raised to the local War Distress Fund, and that course was immediately decided upon.
The committee of the society who carried out the arrangements consists of Mr George Charlesworth (chairman), Mr W V Ambler (treasurer), Mr J Charlesworth, Mr V Calverley, Mr H Powell, Mr Lawrence Bacon and Mr Horace Page. Amongst others who rendered valuable assistance nay be mentioned Mr C R Crowther, who had all the booking arrangements in hand.
At the invitation of the committee, there were present at the performance on Monday, a good number of young men from the Bradford Pals Battalion, the members of the Shipley Veterans’ Association and the Saltaire pensioners. Any soldier or sailor who has been on active service, but who is now on furlough, will be heartily welcomed at the performance to-night or to-morrow.
Shipley Textile Society
The opening meeting of the Shipley Textile Society is to be held in the Technical School on Monday October 19th, 1914. A lecture will be given by Mr S B Hollings (Editor of the “Wool Record”) on the subject of “Wools for the Khaki Trade”. Chair to be taken at 7.30pm by the President Harry Roberts Esq.
The Hon. Sec., W Scott, informs us the meeting is free and open to the public.
Shipley Ladies Committee
Mrs Facey, secretary of the Shipley Ladies Committee, has received several letters from Shipley Territorials, expressing thanks for the garments which they have received from the Committee. Between thirty and forty recruits who have enlisted since October 3rd (when the recruitment meeting was held in Saltaire Park have been provided with overcoats, shirts etc. About 500 garments have been forwarded to the Red Cross Society.
Bradford Charity Tournament
Saltaire Cycling Club beat Slackside Workingmen’s Club 1119-990
Bradford & District Chess Association – Carey Cup
Saltaire beat Thornton 5-3
Harrison – Oct 13th at 16 Baker Street, Saltaire, Edwin Harrison in his 72nd year. Internment on Saturday at Nab Wood Cemetery, leaving the above address at 2.30. Friends please accept this (the only) invitation.
Saltaire War Diary: 23 October 1914
Sample advertisment:

The Late Private S. Spencer
On Saturday last a memorial service for the late Private S. Spencer, of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, who was killed in action in France on September 22, was held at Saltaire Congregational Church. The pastor, the Rev. P Drummond Pringle M.A. conducted the service. A peal of muffled bells was rung by the church ringers under the leadership of Mr. A. Riley. The choir were in attendance and Mr. W. Sutcliffe officiated at the organ. The church was filled with worshippers who had gathered to express their sympathy with the widow and the other relatives of the deceased.
In the course of a short address the Rev P Drummond Pringle said that they had gathered to pay this last tribute of respect and affection to the memory of a brave English soldier who had died in the service of his King and country. It was not yet known where their friend had died, but somewhere on the far fields of France he had been killed in action with “that little gallant band of brothers” whose deeds had filled the world with admiration, and in whose fortunes he had nobly played his part until his death.
The preacher offered the sympathy of the congregation to the widow and the other relatives of the deceased and concluded with the expression of hope that when the war was over a suitable permanent memorial would be erected in Shipley to the memory of the local soldiers who had died in battle.
The organist played the Dead March in “Saul” and an impressive service was brought to a close with the ringing of the National Anthem.
Mrs. Spencer and daughter wish to thank all relatives and friends for kindness shown to them in their sad bereavement; also for letters of sympathy.
Shipley Volunteers
A branch of the Athletes’ Volunteer Force, a national organisation with the Earl of Lonsdale at its head, was formed at a meeting of Shipley men held in the Council Chamber at the Manor House Shipley, on Friday night.
The active membership of the Force is strictly limited to men who are above the age for Lord Kitchener’s Army of the Territorial Forces. It is expressly intended for the able bodied men over thirty –five years of age who desire to learn the rudiments of warfare in case the War Office, for any purpose whatever, should decide to avail itself of their services.
The Army Council have approved the formation of the Athletes’ Volunteer force, the members of which, if called upon to serve their country would be enlisted into the Army in order to give them recognised status as combatants. A large number of branches have been formed in various parts of the country, and Lord Lonsdale intends by Christmas to have 100,000 men ready to place their services at the disposal of Lord Kitchener.
The interest taken in the movement in Shipley was evidenced by the large and representative attendance at the Manor House on Friday night. At the request of a number of ratepayers the meeting had been convened by the Clerk of the District Council. Although it was only intended as a preliminary meeting the Council chamber was crowded, and there was a genuine business tone about the meeting.
At the onset Mr Lindow (clerk to the Council) invited the meeting to appoint a chairman. The Chairman of the Council, he remarked, had had a lot of extra duties imposed upon him, and perhaps it would be advisable to relieve him of any official work in connection with this movement.
It was unanimously decided that Councillor F Fearnley Rhodes should be appointed chairman, and in accepting the post that gentlemen said he did not think there was any doubt that the men eligible for membership would make a response worthy of Shipley.
Mt Haigh-Lumby proposed that a Shipley Branch of the Athletes’ Volunteer force be formed. He emphasised the importance of drill, which was quite as essential as rifle practice.
Captain Crossley (Bradford Pals’ Battalion), who resides at Saltaire, seconded the motion. He pointed out the difference between this force and a Civic Guard. The latter endangered the population in case of invasion for the enemy would not recognise such a body. If called upon the Volunteer Force would be recognised by the Army authorities, and then they would be on the same footing as other British soldiers. Referring to the importance of drill, he said men who could shoot were not worth much unless they were mobile. So long as they did not encroach on the recruiting for the Regular or Territorial Forces they would be doing good work.
Mr J S Kelley supported the motion. He said if there was an invasion of this country he did not want to be helpless and run the risk of being shot down like women and children had been in Belgium. He wanted to be able to “talk” with a rifle.
The resolution was adopted worth acclamation, and the following were appointed to serve on the executive committee;- Councillor F F Rhodes (chairman), Sir Ellis Denby, Mr Ernest Parkinson, Councillor H Pitts, Mr H Thornton, Mr Haigh-Lumby, Mr A Wilkinson, Mr r H Facey, Mr C E Beck, Mr J W Dobbs, Mr A A Abbott, Mr L Hatfield, Councillor L Shackleton, Dr Sharpe and the Rev W Bowker.
Mr Harold Barnes (Accountant to the Shipley District Council) was thanked for his offer to act as secretary of the Shipley Branch and he was unanimously appointed to that position.
It was announced that Mr Sam Hill, butcher, Gordon Terrace, Saltaire, was willing to let the Shipley Branch use of a field at the tramway stage, Nab Wood, for the purpose of drilling and rifle practice. The secretary was instructed to write to Mr Hill thanking him for his offer.
A meeting of the executive was held subsequently, and sub-committees were appointed to report as to a suitable place for a miniature rifle range, accommodation for drilling and the appointment of instructors.
A public meeting for the enrolment of members of the Shipley Branch of the Athletes’ Force – the title of which is explained by the fact that athletic organisations (cricket, football, and golf clubs etc.) were appealed to in the first instance. Perhaps it is not the best title that might have been chosen – but what’s in a name?
The Shipley Education Committee has been asked to allow the use of one of the schools as a drill hall, and arrangements have already been made by Capt. Crossley (Bradford Pals’ Battalion) and others for instructors.
It is hoped that as many Shipley men as possible who are eligible for membership of the Force will attend tonight’s meeting at the Victoria Hall.
Boy Cyclist’s Fatal Accident
At the Saltaire Hospital yesterday (Thursday), the District Coroner, Mr E H Hill, held an inquest touching the death of Herbert Coulton (15), a millhand, of Rawing Street, Halifax Road, Keighley, who died at the Saltaire Hospital on Tuesday from injuries caused by his being run over.
Deceased was cycling on the Keighley Road at Saltaire, and, the wheels of his machine skidding, he was thrown in front of a waggon.
Evidence of identification was given by the grandfather of the deceased, Charles Gibson, with whom the deceased lived. He said the father of the deceased was a mill mechanic, and was in America. Deceased had been riding a bicycle about six weeks.
Percy Barker, of Queen’s Road, Ingrow, said that on Tuesday afternoon he and the deceased cycled from Keighley to Bradford. Whilst riding through Saltaire on the return journey they had to pass two horses and carts. Coulton’s bicycle skidded on the tram lines and he was thrown off falling underneath the first horse. Witness believed that both vehicles passed over the deceased.
A nurse at the Hospital, said that when the deceased was admitted he was unconscious, and he died about a quarter of an hour later. He had sustained a fractured thigh, crushed foot and internal injuries.
A verdict of “Accidental death” was returned.
The Shipley Workers’ Educational Association are to hold a lecture by A Greenwood, Esq., (Leeds University) entitled “The Historic Background of The War” at the Technical School, Saltaire on Friday October 30th with Councillor Albert Gill taking the Chair at 7.30 pm. All interested in the study are invited to attend.
Foreign Missionary Anniversary
The Saltaire Wesleyan Church will hold a special missionary sermon at 7.30 on Monday Nov 2nd. The preacher will be the Rev. Prof. Geo Jackson B.A. (Didsbury College).
On Tuesday Nov 3rd there will be a Missionary Social and Annual Meeting hosted 7 to 7.45 by Mr and Mrs A E Metcalfe. The speaker will the Rev. Amos Burnet (Pretoria, Chairman of the District and General Superintendent of South Central Africa). Chair to be taken by Sir Ellis Denby J.P. Collections in aid of the W. M. M. S.
(Author’s note – W. M. M. S. is the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society)
Operatic Society’s Success
Enthusiastic scenes were witnessed at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire on Saturday evening on the occasion of the concluding performance of the Gilbert & Sullivan Opera “Patience” by the Shipley Amateur Operatic Society.
The production has proved an unqualified success and on Saturday the performers received quite an ovation. At the close the conductor, Mr Vincent Calverley, was the recipient of a gold mounted baton, Mr Charlesworth George making the presentation on behalf of the society. During the performance bouquets and boxes of chocolates were handed to the principals.
The secretary, Mr G R Brumfitt, in the course of a few remarks, thanked the public for the hearty support which the society had received. He hoped that, as a result of the society’s effort, the local War Fund would benefit to an appreciable degree. On Friday night Mrs Fredk Hewett was presented with a lady’s fitted handbag.
Saltaire War Diary: 30 October 1914
Shipley Volunteers – 150 Members Enrolled
A further meeting in connection with the Shipley Section of the Athletes’ Volunteer Force was held last Friday night in the Victoria Hall of the Saltaire Institute. There was again a large and representative attendance.
As our readers are aware, this Force is restricted to men who, on account of age or for other reasons, are ineligible for the Regulars or Territorials. It is intended that members should drill and learn to shoot, with the object in certain eventualities, of their services being available if required by the War office.
At Friday night’s meeting Councillor F Fearnley Rhodes (president) was in the chair, and supporting him on the platform were Dr Sharpe, Mr Ernest Parkinson, Councillors H Pitts and L Shackleton, Mr R Shanks (Postmaster of Shipley), Mr J W Dobbs, Mr Haigh-Lumby, Mr H Thornton, Mr R H Facey, Mr C E Buck, Mr A Wilkinson, Mr J Ince and Mr Harold Barnes (secretary).
The Chairman said he had the satisfaction of knowing that they had their movement had been approved by the Army Council. Although the Athletes’ Volunteer Force was purely voluntary organisation, and consequently members would only remain associated with it as long as they desired to do so, he was sure they were all animated by a very serious purpose, and would loyally do their best to promote the success of the corps.
Discipline was a very important point. The membership would include men in all stations of life, and it must be distinctly understood that so far as social footing was concerned they would all be on an equal footing. The commands of officers should at all times be obeyed in a soldierly way. After they had got into working order, promotion would be by merit, and merit alone. Every member must try to make himself as efficient as possible. They must all aim at making the Shipley corps as smart and efficient as any other corps, and that can only be done by devoting as much of their leisure time as possible to drill etc.. In due course they would have route marches with other corps, and they wanted the name Shipley to stand for smartness and efficiency. The committee had practically made arrangements for a rifle range, but he reminded his hearers that drill was the first essential.
Replying to questions, the Chairman said the Athletes’ Volunteer Force had a much wider scope than civic guards. Branches were not formed simply to aid in the defence of their own towns. It was an organisation for national defence, and members would be willing to serve in any part of the country.
The Shipley Committee had asked for use of schools for drill in the evenings, whilst for Saturday afternoons they had had a field offered at the Nab Wood tramway stage. Arrangements would, he hoped, be made for a drill on Wednesday afternoons, to suit the convenience of tradesmen. They had several offers of assistance as instructors from men who had military training.
With regard to membership they could not accept anybody between the age of nineteen and thirty-eight unless for one reason or another they had been told by authorities they could not be enlisted in the Regulars or Territorials. The minimum age would be seventeen, but a youth if a youth of sixteen had the appearance of being eighteen, he would not be rejected. They had not fixed any maximum age, as they wanted to obtain the support of all eligible men.
There would of course be certain expenses and the committee had put the membership fee at 2s. They recognised however, that the earnings of many workers had been reduced owing to the war, and they did not want the financial obligation to stand in the way of any man willing to join and make himself efficient. A rifle range would probably cost around £50.
A member of the audience asked whether, seeing that the Prime Minister had declared this was a holy war, drill and shooting would be allowed on Sundays?
Mr Ernest Parkinson said he thought that was a question which need not be discussed at the present juncture. When the necessity arose for Sunday drill in the case of the Athletes’ Volunteer Force, we should have arrived at a more dire emergency than existed now.
The Chairman said that when the corps got properly established it would no doubt be thought proper to hold church parades.
The resolution forming a Shipley Branch of the Athletes’ Volunteer Force carried at the previous meeting, was unanimously enforced.
About 150 members were afterwards enrolled.
Permissions Granted
An application from the Shipley section of the Athletes’ Volunteer Force to be allowed the use of Albert Road School for drill purposes was granted by the Education Committee. The first drill will take place at the school tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 2.30. Thereafter the school will be open for drill each weeknight from eight to ten.
The District Council have given permission for a miniature rifle range to be established in an unoccupied site at the Gasworks.
Sir Titus Salt’s Charity
The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors of the Sir Titus Salt Charity was held on Wednesday evening at the Saltaire Hospital. Mr B Alsop (chairman) presided, and there were also present Miss Dunn, Mr W Cryer, Mr F Lister, Mr T Kendall, Councillors C E Learoyd, J Pitts and A Gill.
The Chairman reported the receipt of a legacy of £500, bequeathed to the Hospital by the late Mr C B Shaw.
The monthly report stated that there had been 71 outpatients. At the date of the last meeting there were five in-patients and sixteen had since been admitted, making a total of twenty-one. Of these fourteen had been discharged, leaving seven in at the present time.
The following donations had been received; - Mr Henry Mason £5 5s; employees of the Victoria Works, Shipley £5 5s; Messrs J R Fyfe and Co. £2 2s; Mr Thos E Power, Mr G H Hodgson and Mr B C Stead one guineas each.
Saltaire Congregationalists' Offer
The Saltaire Congregational Church have communicated with the War Refugees’ Committee at Shipley, offering to maintain about half a dozen refugees in a house at Shipley Glen.
Saltaire Mills Male Voice Choir
The winter socials promoted by the local branch of the I.L.P. had a very successful opening on Saturday evening last with a concert by the newly-formed Saltaire Mills Male Voice Choir, under the conductorship of Mr Fred Bradshaw. The concert’s pieces rendered “Comrades in Arms”, “Sweet and Low”, and “In Absence”. Duets were given by Mr Bradshaw and Mr Norman Keighley, “Larboard Watch” being very well rendered. Mr Keighley also sang “The Song that reached my Heart” and “The little grey house in the west”, whilst Mr G Irwin gave “Tom O’Devon” in good style.
This male voice choir hopes in the near future to emulate some of the achievements accomplished by the Saltaire Prize Choir, and under Mr Bradshaw’s able leadership assisted by Mr Norman Keighley, Mr Peter Seddon and others, there is every likelihood of this object being attained.
There was a large and appreciative company on Saturday night. A vote of thanks to the choir, responded to by Mr Bradshaw, brought a pleasant evening to a close.
Salts Schools Presidential Address
Sir Alfred W. W. Dale, M.A, L.L.D, Vice Chancellor of the University of Liverpool, this year’s president of the Salts Schools, delivered his presidential address last night at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire.
Councillor C E Learoyd (chairman of the Shipley Education Committee) presided and amongst those present were Sir Ellis Denby and Lady Denby, Mr F J Fuller (headmaster of the Boys’ High School), Miss Byles (head mistress of the Girl’s High School), Rev F T Woods (vicar of Bradford), Rev P D Pringle, Councillor T Hill (chairman of the District Council), Mr W Popplestone (Director of Education) and Mr T Lindow (clerk to the council).
School Lighting
After considering the relative merits of electricity and high pressure gas for lighting the textile shed at The Technical School, the Committee has decided to adopt high pressure gas.
Oct 21st by special licence at St Jude’s Church, Mannigham, by the Rev E A Elwin, Ernest Harrison ThorntonR.A.M.C. only son of Mr and Mrs J W Thornton of 36 Titus Street Saltaire to Nellie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs J H Wardman of Harrogate.
Saltaire War Diary: 6 November 1914
Sample advertisment:

Shipley Volunteers
If the initial enthusiasm of the Shipley Section of the Athletes’ Volunteer Force is maintained – and it may confidently be predicted that it will increase – the success of the movement is assured. Practically every man who had given in his name was punctually on parade at the Albert Road School last Saturday afternoon for the first drill.
Altogether the attendance did not fall far short of 200, and a couple of hours training in the covered playground had quite an appreciable result. Sergeant Mitchell, of the Bradford Pals’ Battalion, was in command, and his smart military presence favourably impressed the men. He was ably assisted by two colleagues, Sergeant Mason and Redman, who directed the instructors (Bradford Pals and members of the Shipley Section who have had previous military training).
Captain Crossley (of the Bradford Pals) visited the school, and received the salute when the men were dismissed at the close of the drill. Councillor Fred Rhodes (president) voiced a congratulatory note on the excellence attendance and business like tone which had characterised the first drill.
On Monday night the accommodation at Albert Road was found inadequate for the whole of the members, and it was arranged that groups of squads should have special nights allocated to them.
Mr Fred Bradshaw, of Saltaire, has just received an interesting letter from his son, Frank D B Bradshaw, who is acting as assistant agent to Messrs. Paterson, Zochemia and Co., shippers and merchants. Writing from Zaria, Northern Nigeria, under date 3rd October 1914, Mr Bradshaw says:-
“This past week as you no doubt will have heard the British took the Cameroons from the Germans. In celebration of this we had a general holiday in Nigeria last Tuesday. Zaria honoured the occasion by a parade of native troops under European officers, on the polo ground. They gave drilling and firing exhibitions, after which the Kings of Zaria and Sabon Gari, both with their court officials and retinues of servants, paid their respects to the President of Zaria, as representing our King in these parts.
The different coloured costumes of the natives – there must have been two or three hundred of them – presented a brilliant spectacle in the sunlight. The two Kings who, like their officials, were on horseback, each had a fancy-coloured lace sun shade, which was twirled around all the time by a servant, in true Oriental fashion.
Then after the Union Jack had been hoisted, we (the Europeans) sang the National Anthem and the Marseillaise, gave three cheers for the King and three cheers for the Allies.
The President invited us to the Residency (about 40 Europeans) as a finale to the proceedings. Here we could champagne, beer, wines, cigars, cigarettes, sandwiches, biscuits, coffee, etc., to pleasure the most fastidious. I can assure you we had a jolly fine time.
You will notice our firm has given £1,000 to the Prince of Wales’s Relief Fund. By this time, I suppose, however, you will be shivering in the cold, whilst I am sweltering in 100 degrees of sun.”
Mr. Bradshaw says he is in the best of health, and he finds time to enjoy a game of golf or lawn tennis.
(Author’s note – Fred Bradshaw was an overlooker who lived with his family at 61 George Street throughout the war).
As a result of the performance of “Patience,”which they recently gave at the Saltaire Institute, the Shipley Amateur Operatic Society will be enabled to hand over to the local war funds a sum of about £30.
Saltaire Wesleyan Church
Foreign missionary anniversary services were held at the Saltaire Wesleyan Church on Sunday, when the preachers were the Rev. T H Ranns and the Rev J R Robinson. On Monday evening a sermon was preached by the Rev J Scott (of Manningham).
On Tuesday night the annual meeting and social gathering were held, Sir Ellis Denby presided, and the host and hostess were Mr and Mrs J E Metcalfe. An address was given by the Rev A Burnet of Pretoria (chairman of the District and general superintendent of South Central Africa).
Angling Contest at Saltaire
The annual contest between representatives of the Saltaire and Bradford No 1 Associations took place at Saltaire on Saturday.
Angling proved so difficult and unpleasant owing to the wet and dismal weather that it was decided not to trouble the weighers-in and to call the contest a draw. A sweepstake amongst members of the Bradford No 1 Association was won by Mr F Burgess, the hon. secretary.
Afterwards the contestants and a number of friends had dinner at the Victoria Hotel, Shipley. A smoking concert followed, Mr Harry Jackson and Mr J Mason being amongst the contributors to the entertainment.
Workers Educational Association
Under the auspices of the Shipley branch of the Workers Educational Association, a lecture was delivered by Mr Arthur Greenwood (of Leeds University), at the Technical School, Saltaire on Friday night, Councillor A Gill presided. The lecturer gave a most graphic and interesting review of the history of Europe during the last one hundred years, so far as it dealt with instances and developments leading to the present war.
The address was followed with the greatest interest, and at the close a resolution of thanks was adopted on the motion of Mr W Popplestone (Director of Education), seconded by Councillor T F Doyle and supported by Councillor C E Leayroyd.
After the lecture a number of the audience remained and arrangements were made for a series of lectures to be given weekly on various aspects of the war. The first of these will be held at the Technical School on Friday evening, November 13th at 7.30. All workers and others interested in this work of the Association and in its endeavor to provide education for the people are cordially invited to attend the meetings.
Shipley Insurance Committee
The monthly meeting of the Shipley Insurance Committee was held last night at the Saltaire Institute, Councillor C E Learoyd presiding.
Some discussion took place as to the question of granting extra nourishment to persons who are not insured, and eventually it was decided on the motion of Alderman Dunn, seconded by Mr J Holmes, that the following questions should be submitted to the County Authority ;-
- Can a District Insurance sub-committee grant extra nourishment, to persons who are not insured or who are not dependents of insured persons under the Health Insurance Act?
- Can an Urban District Council grant extra nourishment to each person?
- Is there any provision by which extra nourishment can be provided other than voluntary contributions.
It was reported that as a result of a conference between the Shipley Council and representatives of the Committee it had been decided to form an aftercare committee to look after persons who have had sanatorium treatment. The Chairman said that no reply had yet been received from the Baildon Council on the subject. He hoped they would act in unison with the Shipley Council.
Councillor H Williams said he could assure the Committee that the Baildon Council would do their duty in the matter.
The After-Care Committee will consist of fifteen members.
Saltaire Institute lost to West Ward Liberal Club 1289 to 1314.
John Jordan 29, a bricklayer, married Lilian Wilson 24 at St Peters Shipley 31 October 1914. They both reside at 16 Jane Street in Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 13 November 1914
Shipley Volunteers
A large number of recruits have joined the Shipley Volunteer Force this week, and the total membership is now fast approaching 300. Under the direction of a number of sergeants from the Bradford Pals’ Battalion of Lord Kitchener’s Army excellent progress is being made. The Albert Road School has already proved inadequate for the increasing number of members and application has been made to the Education Committee for the use of the Otley Road School as a second drill hall.
In addition to the serious purpose of national defence, the members find that drill is both interesting and beneficial. The men are keenly looking forward to shooting practice and steps have been taken to have ready as early as possible the range which it has been decided to provide at the Gasworks.
Ambulance Men’s Response
Thirteen more members of the 1st Bearer Company of the St John Ambulance Brigade left Shipley on Tuesday morning for Aldershot. Sergeant Major Potter writes to say that unfortunately these men arrived too late to join his hospital train party, who left Aldershot at ten o’clock on Wednesday morning for Southampton.
All the members of the company have been vaccinated, and each man has received identification disc, marching kit, etc. Sergeant Major Potter thinks it is likely the Shipley men who left on Tuesday will be attached to some other party later.
Amongst the men was Private A Dyson from Saltaire.
A total of 99 men has now been supplied through the Shipley and District Corps.
A Warning to Boys
A boy named Bert Clark (8) of 12 Baker Street, was knocked down by a motor car in Saltaire Road yesterday week. The boy had been running behind a coal cart and suddenly emerged in front of the car. He sustained a severe cut over the right eye, and bruises on his thigh. The car belonged to Mrs William Whitehead of Park Lodge, Thackley.
Thoughtless Habit
Lord Roberts, in a letter to the Press, states that thousands of young recruits now collected together in various places are having their work interfered with and their constitutions undermined by being tempted to drink by a friendly but thoughtless public, and also by the fact that public houses are kept open to a late hour of the night.
He says the matter is causing him very great uneasiness, and he begs most earnestly that publicans in particular and the public generally will do their best to prevent our young soldiers being tempted to drink.
Play at Victoria Hall

The Co-operative play entitled “The Dawn,” which is to be given in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday, by children of members of the Windhill Co-Operative Society, is written by Miss E M Pilkington, of Lancaster, who was only fifteen years of age when the book was produced.
The directors of the Windhill Society are sparing no expense, and the ladies who have trained the children have been working hard for months, so we anticipate that those who visit the Victoria Hall to-morrow will be amply repaid for their trouble.
Seats are being reserved for all the old members of the society who reside in Shipley and Saltaire districts. The play will be given in other districts for the benefit of old folks who would naturally find it inconvenient to come to Saltaire.
Saltaire Rose Society
The total income of the Saltaire Rose Society for the year just ended was the second largest in the history of the society and this notwithstanding the fact that the “gate” receipts, owing to unfavourable weather, fell far short of expectations. It will be remembered that this year, for the first time, the society extended the show to two days, which inevitably meant a largely increased expenditure. The committee would no doubt have fully recouped themselves for this if the climatic conditions had been favourable. As it was, the gate money for both days did not reach the amount taken in one day at several previous shows.
Under the circumstances it is gratifying to learn that on the year’s working there is a small balance on the right side. The society’s financial position is perfectly sound, as will be gathered from the fact they have a balance in the bank of £207, and assets to the value of £311. The supporters of the society are to be congratulated on having retained in office for another year two officials who have handsomely proved their worth – Mr Ernest Wright as secretary, and Mr Thomson Barber as treasurer.
Shipley Textile Society
The next meeting of the above Society will be held in the Technical Schools on Monday November 16th 1914. A lecture will be given by Mr H Wilkinson (of the University of Leeds) on the subject: “Waste Silk Spinning.” The chair to be taken at 7.30pm.
The meeting is free and open to the public – W. Scott Hon. Sec.
The Call for Recruits
It has been officially announced that as an additional stimulus to recruiting the height standard for Lord Kitchener’s Army has been reduced from 5ft 4in to 5ft 3in.
(Author’s note – in my research I have noticed how much shorter men were in WW1 compared to today. I have not encountered any man over 5ft 10in - I would say the average is 5ft 5in.)
Lady Volunteers Required
The Ladies Section of the Shipley War Distress Committee, who have provided a large number of garments for men at the front, and for cases of local distress, are at present directing special attention to the clothing equipment of recruits from Shipley for His Majesty Forces.
The number of recruits who have availed themselves to the committee’s offer has increased to such an extent during the last few days that more voluntary workers are urgently needed. Those ladies willing to help should attend at the Saltaire Institute between three and five o’clock on Mondays and Thursdays. The articles which are being made for the recruits are shirts, socks, belts, scarves, caps etc.
Names Wanted
As announced some time ago, Mr Walter Popplestone (Director of Education) is compiling a list of Shipley residents who are serving with His Majesty’s Forces. Lists have already been published for the parishes of Windhill and St Peter, and the co-operation of relatives and friends is solicited in order that the Roll for the remaining portion of the Shipley area may be as complete as possible.
A large number of names have already been sent in to Mr Popplestone, but there are many others entitled to be on the list. The particulars asked for are as follows:- Name, address when in Shipley, regiment (state whether Regulars or Territorials), and rank. In the case of members of the Royal Navy, the name of the ship to which the man is attached should be given. Ambulance men who have been mobilised are equally eligible for the list.
In addition to the details already indicated, Mr Popplestone will be glad to know the name of any school in Shipley which the men have attended, and where they are now stationed, so far as is known.
Monies Collected
A letter which has been received at Shipley this week from a lady at Jamestown (who formerly lived at Saltaire) states that 1,400 dollars have been collected in Jamestown by the English subjects for the Prince of Wales’ Relief Fund.
(Author’s note - The Jamestown settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. It was founded in 1607.)
Salts High Schools
Six Belgian refugee children now staying in Shipley are attending the Salt High Schools.
Shipley & District League - Saltaire Institute beat Shipley Cycling 1348 – 1122
Bradford & District League Div. 2 - Saltaire Wesleyans 1 v Thackley 2
Saltaire War Diary: 20 November 1914
Sample advertisment:

Shipley Postman Killed
News came to hand on Monday, that Sergeant George Henry Walker, who formerly resided at 22 Rhodes Street in Saltaire, has been killed in action on October 27th. Walker, who was 23 years of age, was a postman at Shipley, where he resided for about twelve months. The first time he was under fire was the date on which he should have commenced his annual holiday.
The deceased, who was a native of Welbourn, near Lincoln, was a total abstainer and a non-smoker. He leaves a widow, and one child, a girl aged six months old. Since the outbreak of Mrs Walker has been staying with her sister at Sheffield.
The Shipley Post Office staff has been hard hit by the war. Nine postmen and one clerk who had previously served in the Forces, and were still on the reserve lists, were called up on the outbreak of hostilities. One of them, Sergeant G H Walker, Lincolnshire Regiment, is officially reported to have been killed in action on October 27th. His work as a postman took him mainly into the Baildon district.
As previously announced, Postman Cecil Proctor was attached to the ill-fated “Good Hope,” and although no lists of casualties has yet been published, it is feared that the whole of the crew perished. A third local postman, Private G Brook (2nd Border Regiment) is a prisoner of war, whilst Private W L Waud (clerk and telegraphist), Northumberland Fusiliers, was reported wounded, and in hospital some weeks ago. Waud lived with the late Sergeant Walker at 22 Rhodes Street.
Women’s Work in War Time
The members of the ladies’ section of the Shipley Distress Committee, of which Lady Denby is president and Mrs R H Facey secretary, are doing a splendid work. Since October 3rd their chief endeavours have been directed to supplying the recruits from Shipley with shirts, scarves, overcoats, etc. In one afternoon over a hundred such articles were given to local recruits.
Consignments of articles have been sent to the Red Cross Society, Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild, Expeditionary Force, chaplain of the Forces (from Windhill Mission Girls’ Parlour), the Black Watch and to Shipley men who are training in various parts of the country.
In October over 600 garments were given to recruits. Many interesting letters have been received from the recipients of the gifts and from Shipley men at the front.
Major A L Wanchope, in acknowledging a gift on behalf of the Black Watch, wrote on the 11th inst.: “Your most welcome parcel of articles has arrived, and they are all of the best quality and selection. They are much appreciated by the men. Your gifts will help to keep them warm. I write from the trenches in great haste. Be assured your gifts are welcomed, and that the Black Watch will always uphold its traditions.”
A letter from Lady French (wife of Field-Marshall Sir John French) returns thanks for the parcel which was sent by Mrs Davy’s working party.
Writing from Devonshire House, Piccadilly, the Lady-in-Waiting says she is commanded by the Queen to thank Mrs Facey and the ladies of Shipley very heartily for their gifts for the use of the troops at the front.
A Shipley recruit training at Aldershot writes thanking the committee for some warm clothing, and says he does not think there are two more comfortable men in camp than he and his pal who has received a similar gift, “I can awaken in the morning, “he says, “feeling much refreshed, and not, as I did before, with earache and swollen mouth caused by the cold.”
Another recruit training at the same place says; “The other fellows were a bit envious when they saw what we got, but as they do not come from our quarter they are unable to share in these generous gifts.”
The committee requests us to make an appeal for overcoats for recruits. These should be addressed: - Ladies’ Committee, Saltaire Institute.
The committee wish to thank all those who have forwarded garments for the soldiers, sailors and the poor.
Fire at Hirst Mill
Early yesterday (Thursday) morning a fire occurred at Hirst Mill, the premises of Messrs. Thomas Glyn and Co, flock makers. The outbreak was discovered in the drying room by an employee named William Love, of 26 Shirley Street in Saltaire.
The Shipley Fire Brigade attended, and the outbreak was got under control by about four o’clock. Considerable carnage was done to the stock, which is not insured.
Annie Millicent Wright of 2 Shirley Street in Saltaire 16 November 1914 St Pauls
Shipley District League – Saltaire Institute lost to Windhill Constitutional 1118 to 1194
Saltaire Wesleyans 3 v City Old Boys 5
Saltaire War Diary: 27 November 1914
Sample advertisment:

Shipley Education Committee
At the monthly meeting of the Shipley Education Committee held in the Council Chamber at the Manor House on Monday evening, a letter was read from Mr H Barnes, hon. Secretary of the Shipley Section of the Athletes’ Volunteer Corps applying for the use of the Otley Road and Wood End Schools, in addition to the Albert Road School, for drilling purposes. The application was granted.
Teaching staff appointments – Miss C Mattinson, trained certificated teacher at the Albert Road Infants School, has been appointed head teacher of the Shipley Church Infants School. She will succeed Miss Cowie, who is to take charge of the Crag road Infants School. The changes take effect after the Christmas holidays.
Vacancies at the Albert Road School will be filled by the following;- Miss H M Kaye (Shipley), certified assistant mistress; Miss Winifred Woodstock, uncertified assistant mistress.
Miss Lucy M Anderson was appointed student teacher in the Girls High School.
Salt Schools
Some very pleasant gatherings have this week been held at the Girls High School, Saltaire. The girls are in the habit of holding a private party in the middle of the winter term, but this year Miss Byles (the headmistress), who has always been known for her broad sympathies, hit upon an excellent idea for extending the usefulness of the event.
Realising that in times of stress like the present many children have few opportunities for social enjoyment, Miss Byles arranged a series of functions, and requested her girls to each invite as guest a girl from an elementary school in the district. The names of about fifty scholars from each of the three Windhill elementary schools were obtained from the headmasters, and the girls from the High Schools, having been divided into three sections of about fifty each, wrote a hearty invitation to the guests selected for them.
Accompanying each invitation was a card bearing the name of the sender and the recipient, whilst a similar card was retained by the Salt girl. The cards were worn on the breast, and when the girls assembled at the schools, Miss Byles announced the names on each card. Thus the girls were introduced to each other, and had a very happy time together. First they had tea, and afterwards a capital entertainment in the shape of a play and games of all descriptions, concluding with the country dance “Sir Roger.” The guests were also shown over the schools, and everything possible was done to make them thoroughly happy.
By the way, the Salts girls are preparing an entertainment on a rather elaborate scale with the object of raising funds, probably for the Belgians in Belgium. It is very likely that it will take the form of a pageant of Empire. It will be held on Monday evening, December 21st.
(Author’s note – I wonder if any lasting friendships were formed from the girls meetings.)
Election Truce at Shipley
So far as the Liberal and Unionist Parties are concerned, it has already been decided that there shall be no contests in the Central, South and West Wards at the annual Shipley District Council election next April. The Labour Party have not yet communicated their decision, but it is significant that Councillor Doyle has expressed his approval of the arrangement.
The representatives of the wards named who retire by rotation from the Council next April, are as follows: Central Ward C E Learoyd (Lib), South A Gill (Lib), West T F Doyle (Lab).
As will be seen from the following letter the Unionist organisation for the wards named suggested the truce:-
10 Albert Road, Saltaire, November 16th
Dear Councillor Learoyd – At a meeting of the Unionist organisation for the Central and West Wards, held last week, the following resolution was unanimously carried:-
‘That in order to preserve the splendid unity of all parties in Shipley during the course of the war, the Unionist party will not contest the Central, South and West Wards at the next District Council election, and would approve and suggest to the other parties that all casual vacancies which may occur shall be filled on the nomination of the party holding the seat when the vacancy arises.’
I shall be glad to hear as soon as possible as may be convenient that this course meets with the approval of your party in the ward which now represent, and if you can secure the same line of action by your party in the West Ward it will, we feel sure, meet with the approval of the whole township, now so happily united in all the public work required by the present circumstances: - I am dear Councillor Learoyd, yours faithfully, E. Clifford Fry.
Hon. Sec. to Unionist organisations for Central, South and West Shipley.
Mr Fry sent a copy of the above letter to Councillor Gill, and the only alteration in the communication he addressed to Councillor Doyle was in the concluding paragraph, it being suggested that he should secure the same line of action by his Party in the South and Central Wards. Appended are the replies from the three Councillors:
24 Avondale Crescent, Shipley, November 17th
Dear Mr Clifford Fry, - I acknowledge receipt of your letter. With the sentiments you express I heartily agree, and I hope that not only at the present time, but afterwards, all parties will find it possible to work in unison for the public good, giving and taking in order to accomplish that end. The Liberal executive have had no meetings since the war has begun, deciding that our energies should be entirely at the disposal of the towns organisations.
The resolution of the Unionist organisation shall be put before an early meeting, and I hope it will be received in the spirit which activates it. The decision of the executive will be communicated to you by the secretary:- Yours very sincerely, Chas E Learoyd.
26 Westcliffe Road, Shipley, November 20th
Dear Mr Fry, - Kindly excuse the slight delay in replying to your letter re the Council Elections next spring. I waited to hearing the matter before the Liberal Executive this evening.
Please allow me personally to thank the Unionist organisation for the generous manifestations of public spirit in its proposals. I may add that these were gratefully accepted and endorsed at this evening’s meeting. You will no doubt receive a communication in due course from the secretary of the Liberal Executive – I remain, yours faithfully, Albert Gill
30 George St, Saltaire November 20th
Dear Mr Fry, - I am obliged for you communication of the 16th inst., embodying particulars of a resolution passed by the Shipley Unionist Association and reference to their proposed action re the forthcoming vacancies on the Shipley District Council.
In reply I desire to say that I appreciate very much their overtures for political peace at this juncture.
It is incumbent upon me, however, to place your letter before our people, and you may expect an official reply in the course of a few days. May I echo the spirit you express, and say that I hope contentious matters will be held up until such times as our country has passed the period of peril – Yours sincerely, T F Doyle
The reply from the secretary of the Shipley Labour Association was as follows:-
51 Titus Street, Saltaire
Dear Mr Fry - I beg to say that your letters sent to Councillor Learoyd and Gill were laid before the executive of my association, and they desire me to thank you for the spirit of your communication, and they desire me to thank you for the spirit of your communication, and to inform you of the following resolution that was unanimously passed; “The executives of the Shipley Liberal Association representing the West, South and Central Wards, accept the proposals embodied in your letter of the 16th inst” – Yours faithfully, F Bayliff.
It is expected that similar action will be taken by the political organisations in the Windhill portion of the district with regard to the North and East Wards, the retiring members of which are Councillor E Reynolds (Lib) and Councillor J Midgley (Lib) respectively.
(Author’s note – Most of Saltaire lay in the West Ward – all streets west of Victoria Road where the West Ward, those east where in the Central Ward. Note there were officials from all three parties living in Saltaire.)
Saltaire Youth Charged With Housebreaking
The magistrates at the West Riding Police Court, Bradford, yesterday (Thursday) Sir Jas. Roberts, Bart., (in the chair), Sir Ellis Denby, and Mr J A Burton.
A Saltaire youth named Ernest Haigh, a woolcomber of George Street, was charged with breaking into a dwelling-house, 15 Ostler Road, Shipley.
Inspector Burgin, stated that on Nov 2nd the prisoner entered the home of the prosecutrix, Mrs M Drake, and took a lady’s gold locket and chain, together with 3s in money. Prisoner had found the key in an outhouse, and entered the house on three occasions.
Evidence was given by the prosecutrix, who stated that the locket and chain had been taken from a drawer in the dressing table.
Police-constable Pearcey said he apprehended the prisoner on Monday night. In reply to the charge Haigh said “I went in and took those things; I got the key off the top of the lavatory.” Witness afterwards recovered the locket and chain from prisoner’s mother.
The Chairman (to the mother): Did he tell you from where he had got the locket and chain from? – He said he had bought them for me, I asked him if he was sure and he said he was.
Did he give you any explanation as to where he had got the money to buy them? – No, I thought he had been saving his spending money.
After consultation with his colleagues the Chairman said the bench were disposed to deal leniently with the prisoner. He would be bound over for six months and place under the supervision of the Probation Officer. There would also be the costs to pay.
(Author’s note – Ernest was born c1899 in Shipley. He was one of 12 children of Alfred Haigh, a lamplighter, and his wife Mary Ellen. In 1911 they lived in 18 George Street in Saltaire.)
Sir Titus Salt’s Charity
A meeting of the Governors of Sir Titus Salt’s Charity was held at the Hospital, Saltaire on Wednesday evening. Mr B Allsop (chairman) presided, and there were also present; Mrs J A Fyfe, Miss Dunn, Councillors J Pitts, A Gill and C E Learoyd, Mr L Baumann, Mr F Lister, Mr Walker Cryer and Mr T Kendall.
The hon. Secretary (Mr E Clifford Fry) reported that during the four weeks ended Nov 25th there had been 70 individual outpatients. On the date of the last board meeting there were 7 in-patients, and 20 had since been admitted, making a total of 27. Twenty of those patients had been discharged leaving 7 in the institution.
Donations had been received as follows:- John Cryer, “acknowledgement of kindness shown to boy during minor operation, 10s 6d ; Wm. Rushton, hon. Treasurer, George Stuart Lister Hospital Cup Competition, £1 ; E W Whymark, “a mark of appreciation of benefit received from operation”, £2 12s 6d ; Burton Bower, ditto, £1 15s ; Miss Emma Deakin, ditto 2s 5d ; collection at Providence Wesleyan Church, £2 15s 1d ; employees Shipley Council Gas Department, 15s 10d, collection at St Peter’s Church, £2 2s; total, £11 2s 5d.
The Chairman, in expressing the thanks of the Board for those donations, said it was very agreeable to know that the services rendered were appreciated.
Saltaire Horticulturist’s Success
Mr J W West of 66 George Street, Saltaire has been successful in winning the first prize in a photographic competition, promoted by the makers of a patent netting. Prizes were offered for the best photograph of the best pot or tub of sweet peas grown in the special netting mentioned, the quality and artistic merit of the plants to be taken into consideration, as well as the picture, and the award was made by the editor of the “Amateur Gardener.”
The successful exhibit was grown in the kitchen garden of Mr Abraham Kendall, Moorhead Lane, Shipley.
Swimming Gala
There was a large attendance at the Baths on Wednesday night on the occasion of a gala promoted by the Saltaire Wesleyan and Bingley Swimming Clubs, the proceeds being in aid of the Shipley War Distress Fund. A number of Belgian refugees attended, and appeared to thoroughly enjoy the evening’s sport. The results of various events included;-
40 Yards Handicap (Saltaire Wesleyan), J Milton; 2 J Scull, Time 30 secs.
Graceful Dive, J Wright; 2 J Scull
During an interval the Baths Superintendent, Mr Albert Smith and Mrs Smith gave an excellent exhibition of swimming, which was highly appreciated. The officials for the gala were Messrs J Kendall, R B Dilworth, W Popplestone (Director of Education), W A Butland (timekeeper) and J T Tillotson. The prizes were supplied by Mr W A Butland, Kirkgate.
Saltaire Institute lost to Bradford Mechanics Institute 2 ½ to 5 ½
Windhill Liberal Club beat Saltaire Institute 1255 to 1185
Saltaire War Diary: 4 December 1914
Sample advertisment:

Railwaymen at the Front
Mr J T Gray, secretary of the Shipley branch of the National Union of Railwaymen, has compiled a list of the members of that branch who responded to the call of King and Country. The names on the list include Lance Corporal R Turner of 9 Ada Street, Saltaire 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment (wounded).
The New Scheme – Men Urgently Wanted
The Prime Minister, Mr A Bonar Law M.P., and Mr A Henderson M.P., the Presidents of the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, in a letter which has been despatched to every householder in the Northern Command whose name appears on the Overseers’ list say:
“If we are to repair as far as may be humanly possible the innumerable wrongs inflicted on our Allies, if we are to avoid for ourselves the ills which they have suffered, if we are to maintain for our children all that we hold dear – honour, freedom, our very life as a Nation – we must fight with the courage and endurance which won for us the struggles of the past. Every man, therefore, who is eligible will ask his own conscience whether, in this emergency, it is not his duty to hold himself ready to enlist in the forces of the Crown.”
It is be hoped that in order to assist the Nation in the present crisis every Householder will return the Form to the Committee with the least possible delay, and no doubt a large number have already done so.
There are, however, a number of Householders whose names do not appear on the Overseers’ Lists, and we feel certain that those householders desire equality with their fellows to assist their Country’s Cause, and in order to enable them to fulfil this National duty we with pleasure insert a copy of the Householder’s Form, trusting that they will cut this out and forward it to the Committee at once.

It should be noted that no postage need to be paid on the envelope, which should be addressed to the PARLIAMENTARY RECRUITING COMMITTEE, 12 DOWNING STREET, LONDON S.W. and marked O.H.M.S.
Shooting Competition
Another local member of the 6th West Yorkshire Regiment, J Foster, of Mary Street, Saltaire, distinguished himself in the recent shooting competition held at York, where the battalion is now training for the front. Sergeant Harry A Jowett, as previously announced, proved himself the best shot, and next came Foster, who also carried off the premier prize (a silver watch) in the contest limited to privates. We are glad to hear Foster has since been promoted to the rank of Lance-Corporal. He was in the Regular Army for nineteen news, during which period he was several times to the fore as a marksman.
Shipley Volunteers
The Shipley Volunteers are going to show themselves to their fellow-citizens tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon, with the object of stimulating public interest in the movement, and obtaining recruits. Including the contingent formed at Windhill last week there are now about 400 members, all animated by a keen desire to make themselves as efficient as possible in drill and shooting. Excellent progress has been made in drilling, which now takes place in three centres – the day schools at Albert Road, Otley Road, and Wood End.
Tomorrow the corps will assemble at the Otley Road School, and on the march through the town will be accompanied by the Canal Ironworks Band and the bugle bands of local Boy Scouts. The route will be along Bradford Road to Frizinghall, then across Valley Road to Windhill (Briggate and Leeds Road), returning to headquarters via Saltaire Road.
Last Saturday the Corps had a six miles march of way of Cottingley, Heaton and Frizinghall. There was a capital muster, and the smartness of the men whilst marching drew compliments from their military instructors.
Business Booming
Not since the outbreak of war has trade been so good in the Shipley district as it is at present. Saltaire Mills illuminated at night tell their own tale. Four or five hundred work people are putting in overtime, and practically the whole of the remainder of the three thousand employees at these great mills are now working the usual hours.
Another instance of the improved demand for labour was found this week, when the District Council officials required fifty men for excavation work in connection with the laying of a new water main in Moorhead Lane. They could only obtain half the number of men they wished to employ.
Saltaire Men’s Own
On Sunday afternoon at the Saltaire Men’s Own meeting, Mr R H Hodgson (of Baildon) was the speaker, his subject being the all absorbing topic of the war. He emphasised the necessity of each and everyone shouldering his share of the burden of nationality in whichever walk of life he or she may be placed.
The Saltaire choir, under the leadership of Mr F Bradshaw, gave selections at intervals. There was a good attendance. The meeting was presided over by Mr John Ince.
Saltaire Angling Association
The forty-eighth annual meeting of the Saltaire Angling Association was held at the Victoria Hotel, on Monday night. Mr B Thornton (chairman of the committee) presided. In the report he submitted on behalf of the committee he alluded to the fact that the association’s length of the River Wharfe at Grassington and also the stretches of the River Aire under its control had provided fair sport during what had proved a disappointing trout fishing season. Recently, however, coarse fish in the association’s waters had well repaid attention, and especially in the Cottingley length, which was now being freed from the temporary pollution caused by the construction of the new bridge across the main road.
The balance sheet showed an income of £96, the income from the sale of members tickets having realised £90, and the annual subscriptions £4 14s. Last year’s bank balance of £47 had been reduced to £36, owing to the employment of out of-works in order to carry out necessary improvements. The grants to river watchers, one of whom, Mr Fred Nealewas now on active service at the front, amounted to £4 10s.
The election of the committee resulted as follows – Messrs G H Hatton (Shipley), J Hollis (Shipley), R Sellars (Saltaire), W Hatton (Frizinghall), N Crighton (Shipley), H Gott (Shipley), C L Kenyon (Frizinghall), T Egan (Frizinghall), G W Dovenor (Shipley), J Pashley (Saltaire), W Hillas (Bradford), secretary, Mr R H Pickles, assistant secretary Mr J Brook, treasurer Mr H Sayner, auditors Messrs J W Humphreys and W B Downing.
It was decided that the annual contest should take place in the canal at Hirst Bank.
Annual Exhibition
The Annual Exhibition of Students Works will be held at the Technical School, Saltaire on Saturday 12th December, 1914, commencing at 2.30 pm.
All Departments including the School of Art, Chemical Laboratory, Textile Shed, Gymnasium and Woodwork, Metalwork, Housecraft and House Painters’ and Decorators’ Rooms will be open for inspection and from 3 to 4 O’clock classes in various subjects will be actually at work.
The Exhibition will include a Loan Collection of very valuable Art Works from the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington and Students’ Works in Arts and Crafts.
An address will be delivered at 4.15 pm by Mr Sunderland Esq., A.R.C.A. Head Master Shipley School of Art.
Councillor C E Learoyd, Chairman of the Shipley Education Committee will preside.
Admission is free. All interested are cordially invited.
Shipley Textile Society
The next meeting of the above society will be held in the Technical Schools on Monday, December 7th 1914, when a lecture will be given by Mr James Bailey (of Silsden) on the subject of “Hobbies.”
Chair to be taken at 7.30pm. The Meeting is free and open to the Public. – W Scott, Hon. Sec.
Workers Educational Association
The second of the series of lectures on “Modern European History,” with special reference to events which led up to the present war, was delivered at the Technical School on Friday evening last under the auspicies of the Shipley Branch of the Workers Educational Association. The lecturer was Mr Sydney Temple Swanby, B.A. (Oxon), and there was a good attendance. The subject of the lecture was “The Growth of the British Empire, 1600 A.D. to the Present Day.”
To-night (Friday), at eight o’clock in the Technical School, the third lecture will be delivered, and the subject will be “Germany in the last 250 Years.” In view of the popularity of Mr Swanby as a lecturer and his excellent grasp of his subject a large attendance is expected.
In Memoriam
WOODHOUSE – In ever loving memory of Elizabeth Woodhouse, who passed away Nov 25th, 1912
We think of her in silence,
No eye may us weep,
But ever deep within our hearts
Her memory will keep.
Our mother is gone and we are left
The loss of her to mourn.
But may we live to meet again
With God before the Throne.
From the Family – 2 Mary Street, Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 11 December 1914
Sample advertisment:

Congregational Help
Five of Shipley’s Belgian guests, who have been staying at Shipley Grange, were on Wednesday transferred to the residence known as Glen Wood, West Lane, Baildon, where they are to receive the hospitality of friends associated with the Saltaire Congregational Church.
They were accompanied to their new home by the Pastor of that place of worship, the Rev. P. Drummond, and Miss White, the superintendent at Shipley Grange. The Congregationalists have made excellent provision for the comfort of their guests who comprise Mr Ernest Van den Notelaer, a widower (who was a police guard at Antwerp), and his daughter and son – Miss Celine (21), school teacher and Mr Joseph (17), office clerk; Mrs Omblets, widower (sister of Mr Ernest) and her adopted daughter, Miss Bertha Adriens (15).
Wesleyan Collection
A collection taken at the Saltaire Wesleyan Church Sunday School on Sunday, to enable Christmas gifts to be forwarded to the men connected with the church who are now serving in H.M. Forces, realised £3.
Wesleyan Concert
In connection with the Band of Hope, a children’s concert was held in the Saltaire Wesleyan Schoolroom on Saturday evening.
The Rev. J. R. Robinson (president of the Band of Hope), who occupied the chair, remarked that no one need to-day be ashamed of being a total abstainer. When the war broke out Russia forbade the manufacture and sale of vodka, France banned absinthe and our Government passed an emergency Act for the earlier closing of public houses and clubs. Many of the atrocities committed by the German soldiers in Belgium had been done whilst the men were under the influence of drink. It is our duty to respect the appeals of the late Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener by refraining from offering to soldiers and sailors that which unfitted them for service.
Several action songs were pleasingly given by the children, who had been trained by Miss E Bentley and Miss G Moore, the latter also acting as accompanist. Individual items were contributed by Jenny Longbottom and Annie Harrison, whilst Nellie Dracup and Phyllis Horsfall sang a duet. Miss Emma Wright of Bradford also gave elocutionary items. There were several encores.
Saltaire Cricket Club
The annual meeting of the Saltaire Cricket Club was held on Thursday night of last week at the Saltaire Institute. Mr E Butterfield (chairman of the committee) presided, and was supported by Mr W Sedgwick (financial secretary).
The report, which was submitted by Mr Sedgwick, stated that last season not one of this club’s fixtures had to be abandoned on account of inclement weather. The cricket, so far as results were concerned, had been very disappointing, but, on the other hand, some excellent sport had been witnessed, several good matches having been played.
The committee regretted the loss of the services of Mr A Gregory, who had been secretary for seven years. Mr Gregory had the best wishes of the committee and members for his future prosperity.
The financial statement, which had been audited by Messrs. J Gregory and N Firth showed that there was a balance in hand of the season’s working of £7 4s 7½d. The “gate” money and collections had realised £74 15s 11d, patrons’ and vice-presidents’ subscriptions £43 10s, and members subscriptions £35 15s 3d.
In moving the adoption of the report and financial statement, the Chairman said that from a playing point of view the season had been very disappointing, but viewed from a financial standpoint he thought they had every reason to congratulate themselves. With regard to the club’s performances, the fielding and batting in particular had been very much below the usual standard.
The club had decided to adopt professional aid, and the services of three players had been engaged. The committee had no intention at present of engaging any additional professionals. In conclusion Mt Butterfield spoke of the excellent services rendered to the club by Mr A Gregory, and also intimated that Mr W Sedgwick (financial secretary) had expressed a desire not to continue in office. On behalf of the committee he desired to thank both for their services, (Applause).
Mr J Driver seconded the motion, which was agreed to. At the instance of Mr R Lindley, junr. seconded by Mr H Hudson, a vote of thanks was accorded Sir James Roberts, Bart., for the use of the park.
Sir James Roberts, Bart., was re-elected president, Mr J Gregory and Mr J W Brown were appointed auditors, and Mr H Mason corresponding secretary. It was decided to leave the election of a financial secretary in the hands of the committee. The following were elected to serve on the committee:- Messrs E Butterfield, J Driver, A Eccles, J Halliday, A Myers, B Riley, J T Lockwood, J Lamb, W Beaver, E Long, R Gill, H Hutton, R Lindley, jnr., S Swithenbank, and R Lambert.
It was decided to pay talent money as usual for amateurs next season, the money to be paid out at the end of the season.
Quarry Accident
An accident occurred on Tuesday at the Heaton Quarries, Tom Kendall (47), a stone getter, of Jane Street, Saltaire, having his thigh fractured by a stone falling as he was taking the prop away. He was removed to the Bradford Infirmary.
(Author’s note – 1911 census: Thomas was a widower, with a son & three daughters, living at 8 Jane Street in Saltaire. He died in 1918 aged just 51).
Accident to Road Foreman
About noon on Monday an accident happened to Mr Abraham Tetley, road foreman for the Shipley District Council, who resides at 12 Taunton Street. Mr Tetley was cycling along Bingley Road when a motor car, driven and owned by Mr T B Salthouse, solicitor of Haslingden Drive, Bradford, collided with the bicycle, causing the rider to be thrown off. Mr Tetley was found to be suffering from severe bruises, and was removed to the Saltaire Hospital, where he was detained. The bicycle was badly damaged.
The Shipley Salt Girls High School are to hold a dramatic and musical entertainment, “Britannia and Her Empire,” will be given in the Victoria Hall on Monday evening Dec 21, 1914. Doors open at 6.30, to commence at 7. Admission 1s and 6d.
The proceeds will be given to the Relief of Belgians in Belgium.
Shipley Ladies Committee
The following is a list of the garments etc. sent away by the Shipley Ladies Committee during the war:- To Lady French, 73; Expeditionary Force (for Shipley men) 671; Battle Squadron, 50; Shipley men in camps, 113; men on active service , 100; Territorials and recruits from Shipley, 500. About 500 garments have also been supplied to the poor of Shipley.
Further subscriptions are earnestly solicited by the Ladies Committee, money being urgently required for the purchase of materials for garments. Suitable gifts for soldiers will also be gratefully received. Subscriptions or other gifts may be forwarded to the Ladies Committee at the Saltaire Institute.
Saltaire Institute beat Shipley Liberal Club 1079 – 1050
Saltaire War Diary: 18 December 1914
Sample advertisment:

Prisoner of War
News has been received that Private C Stephenson whose wife resides at 25 Thompson Street, Shipley (formerly of 1 Fanny Street, Saltaire, is a prisoner of war at Gefangenenlager, Doberitz, Germany.
Stephenson was in the 2nd Battalion Duke of Wellington’s Regiment. Last Friday morning his wife had a postcard from him written under date November 18th, conveying the above information.
This is the first time Mrs Stephenson has heard from her husband since he left Dublin for the front on August 14th, although in reply to and enquiry the War Office wrote to say that he was missing after the battle of Mons.
In the message to his wife Stephenson says; “When you write do not say anything about the war, only let me know about home affairs.”
Saltaire Railway Porter
One of the members of the Shipley branch of the National Union of Railwaymen who was called up as a reservist to re-join the colours has been promoted from the rank of Lance Corporal to full Corporal in the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment. The member in question is H Knivett, who prior to the outbreak of hostilities was assistant porter at Saltaire Midland Railway Station.
(Author's note – Harold Cecil Bertram Knivett b1895 in Norfolk. 1911 Census living in Bingley. Married Nellie Bailey in 1920. They lived in Baildon until Harold died 1July 1943 at Bradford Royal Infirmary.)
At the Bradford County Court on Tuesday, on the debtor’s own petition, a receiving order was made against John Chester, residing in lodgings at Rhodes Street, Saltaire, and carrying on business at Saltaire Road as a greengrocer, formerly residing at Saltaire Road and carrying on business at Briggate, Shipley. The solicitor acting for the debtor is Mr J B Atkinson of Shipley.
Saltaire Wesleyan Choir Anniversary
Special services in connection with the choir anniversary were held at the Saltaire Wesleyan Church on Sunday. The preachers were the Rev T Alcock and the Rev J R Robinson. At the afternoon and evening services selections were given from Mendelssohn’s “Elijah”.
Annual Meeting
At the annual meeting of the Saltaire Wesleyan Sunday School teachers, held on Saturday, Mr Willie Smith, who has held the office of secretary for twenty five years, was presented with a large framed photograph of himself. The Rev J R Robinson made the presentation on behalf of the teachers and officers. The election of officers for the coming year resulted as follows – Superintendents, Mr J W Hampson and Mr J Dutton; general secretary Mr Willie Smith; school secretaries, Mr A Midgeley and Mr F Foster; treasurer Mr J Ince; superintendent of the primary department, Mrs Rhodes.
Parkfield School Entertainment
On Tuesday evening a most successful entertainment was given in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire by the pupils of Parkfield School, assisted by friends, to raise money to provide necessaries and comforts for our soldiers.
The first part of the programme consisted of an operetta, and around the simple theme of a wicked witch, who transformed all children found in her wood into various birds and beasts, was woven a delightful medley of pageant, song and dance.
For the second part of the entertainment there was a musical programme. The entertainment concluded with a grand march with flags to the singing of national songs and anthems of the Allies. The many intricate figures were performed with mathematical precision, and the blending of colour was a most splendid spectacle.
A sum of over £20 was realised and is being sent to the 1st & 2nd Battalions West Yorkshire Regiment in York.
Annual Speech Day
The annual speech day of the Boy’s High School, Saltaire, was celebrated on Wednesday at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire. Councillor C E Learoyd (chairman of the Shipley Education Committee) presided over a large audience of parents and friends of the boys, and there were also on the platform, Capt. Frank Mitchell, Councillors T Hill, L Bateson and E Cowgill, Mr F J Fuller (headmaster), Mr W P Winter, Mr S Davies, Mr G Morris, Mr J Bower, Mr A Webster, and Mr J E Sunderland (members of the staff).
Lieutenant-Colonel the Hon. F. S. Jackson, who had undertaken to distribute the prizes and certificates, wrote from Carlton Barracks, Leeds, apologising for his inability to attend owing to his military duties. He was keenly disappointed, because he always appreciated the opportunity of having a talk with the boys at school. He would be very pleased, he wrote to come on some future occasion in normal times. He had asked his adjutant, Captain Frank Mitchell to take his place and make his apologies for him. He felt sure that Captain Mitchell’s presence would be welcome.
The Chairman made reference to the presence of a large number of old boys of the school in khaki uniforms. He was very pleased, he said, to find that so many of the old boys had responded loyally to the call of their country. He trusted that good fortune would attend them wherever they went.
The Headmaster (Mr F J Fuller), in his report stated that the registers now contained the names of 124 boys, while the school was built for 125. They were able to congratulate themselves on a number of successes the chief of which were those attained by Mr H A Ellis, who had won a mathematical scholarship at Durham University, and T Proudlove who had passed the men’s clerkship Civil Services examination, gaining the forty-third place out of 2000 candidates.
An entertainment was afterwards given by the boys. This consisted of a comedy entitled “Too Clever by Half”, along with glees and other vocal selections, musical drill and gymnastic displays.
Church Parade
The Shipley Volunteers are having a church parade on Sunday morning next. They will meet at the Albert Road School, Saltaire at ten o’clock sharp, and march to St Paul’s Church.
Poor Children Christmas Dinner
The Christmas Dinner for poor children in the Shipley District, which was inaugurated many years ago by a curate at the Parish Church (the late Rev J F Longrigg) and continued under the direction of Mrs J J Rutherford will this year be served on Saturday December 26th at two centres- the Central School, Saltaire Road and the Carnegie Hall, Windhill. After dinner the children will proceed to the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, where an entertainment will be given. The average cost is about £30, and subscriptions, which may be sent to the hon. treasurer Mr R A Millington, at the London City and Midland Bank, will be welcomed.
Saltaire War Diary: 25 December 1914
Sample advertisment:

War Funds
The Shipley War Funds are to reap the benefit of the proceeds of another week of amateur opera at the Saltaire Institute. The Shipley Amateur Thespian Society, who last year made a successful debut in “The Pied Piper of Hamelin,” will during the week commencing January 11th present “Iolanthe.”
Amateur theatricals are now catered for by two societies in Shipley. Recently the Amateur Operatic Society handed over the sum of £50 realised by their production of “Patience.”
Effort on Behalf of the Belgians
One of the most attractive entertainments ever given at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, took place there on Monday evening. It was a musical and dramatic performance, entitled “Britannia and Her Empire,” and was given by the students at the Girls High School. Altogether there were about 140 performers.
The girls of this school always produce something interesting for their Christmas breaking-up party, and usually the event is free for parents and friends of the scholars, but on this occasion, with a view to helping the Belgians who still remain in their own country, a charge was made for admission. Notwithstanding this charge however, there was an unusually large audience, and as a result a substantial sum of money has been raised for the fund named.
The head mistress of the school (Miss Byles) conceived the idea of presenting a sort of historical revue dealing with the political situation of Britain at its present time today, and the idea had been worked out in a pleasing fashion. Miss Byles has succeeded in conveying not only a brief chronicle of the times, but also historical and geographical lessons of greater interest because of the attractive form of the presentation.
The make-up of the “representatives” of the different owning allegiances to Britannia reflected great credit on those who had the work in hand. On being presented to Britannia, these loyal subjects, who were all suitably attired, gave illustrations of their national characteristics in song, recitation and dance.
The performance was gone through under the inspiring baton of Mr W H Tate, whilst the members of staff at the school rendered excellent service “behind the scenes.”
On Friday afternoon the same entertainment was given for the scholars attending the elementary schools in Shipley. The youthful audience thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment, and they showed their appreciation in no half-hearted fashion.
The entertainment given was so great a success it is to be repeated early in the New Year. About £25 has been raised by the effort, and this is to be given to the fund which is being used for the relief of the Belgians who have remained in their own country
Toy Sunday at Saltaire Wesleyan Sunday School
This annual service which was inaugurated three years ago by the minister, the Rev J R Robinson, with the object of bringing a little happiness and some of the spirit of Christmas into the lives of many whose outlook is not at this time very bright (especially with the gloom caused by the war) was held on Sunday afternoon.
The commodious assembly hall of the school was filled to its upmost capacity with parents of the children, members of the church, and the scholars. The faces of the latter beamed with joy in that they were bringing happiness into the lives of many who were less fortunate than themselves.
The service was conducted by the school superintendents, Messrs. J W Hampson and J A Dutton. Mr Hampson charmed the children with a delightful “Santa Claus” story. Mr Shuttleworth also addressed the gathering, after which the Rev J R Robinson read the school roll of honour, a list of over 90 young men who have joined His Majesty’s forces. He made special reference to Motor-Driver Tom Robinson who had sent three franc notes from France as his contribution towards the toy fund
A splendid reception was accorded Private Chas. Whalley (Dublin Fusiliers) who is on sick leave. Private Whalley, in responding, thanked all the friends for their kindness and solicitude for his welfare. Reference was also made to three little Belgian visitors, to whom the whole assembly gave a very hearty welcome.
Then came a pleasing night, the children marching in single file to the platform, where the minister received their gifts. The elder classes each sent one member with their contribution of money which altogether amounted to £4 1s 6d. This, together with parcels of toys, was evidence that the Institution has come to stay.
The death took place in Birmingham last Thursday of Mrs Sarah Bramma, wife of Mr J A Bramma, and only sister of the late Mr Ezra Naylor of Saltaire. Death was due to syncope after many years of suffering from rheumatism and latterly a serious internal complaint. She bore all her afflictions with wonderful fortitude and patience, and passed away very peacefully.
The deceased lady was the daughter of the late Mr Isaac Naylor, one of Sir Titus Salt’s first workpeople, and at one time herself worked at Saltaire Mills. After her marriage, about 21 years ago, she lived at Birmingham, and in the neighbourhood where she resided will be greatly missed by the poor people whom she never tired of helping. She is survived by her husband and three sons.
(Authors note – Sarah Naylor was born 7 January 1862 in Saltaire. In 1871 her family was living at 34 George Street in Saltaire. By 1881 they had moved to 8 Albert Road (renumbered now 15). In 1891 Sarah was a boarder living in Bradford. She married Albert John Bramma in Birmingham in 1893. He worked in the jewellery industry.
Councillor Doyle’s Sons
From a remark incidentally dropped at the Shipley Education Committee meeting on Monday evening in the course of a discussion with reference to the oversight of Army separation allowances etc., Councillor Doyle’s colleagues learned that he has two sons – Captain Thomas Henry Doyle (Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry) and Private Albert Doyle (6th West Yorks.) – anxious to share the burden of their fellow-men at the front. All honour to them and the respected Socialist member for the West Ward.
(Authors note – Councillor Thomas Francis Doyle lived at 30 George Street in Saltaire throughout the war. He worked as a worsted spinning overlooker.)
In Memorium
Wilson – In loving memory of Eliza Ann Wilson who died December 24, 1910
“Gone but not forgotten”
Late of 12 Whitlam Street, Saltaire.
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