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Image: The Illustrated London News
Mill Workers who lived in Saltaire
Researched by Colin Coates

Surnames beginning with:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
| O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Introduction to Mill Workers who lived in Saltaire

Colin Coates: Saltaire Mill operated from 1853 until 1986, and in that time it was home to thousands of workers. The censuses from 1861 to 1911 show the workers' occupations but they do not show where they worked. However, the 1921 census does show where each person worked. In 1921 there were over 2,000 people working in Salts Mills. Biographies of those who worked in Saltaire Mills will be added to this list of names as my research progresses.

THE BIG LIST - names in alphabetical order of people who lived and/or worked in Saltaire

You can also consult the BIG LIST of names, which is arranged alphabetically of those who worked and/or lived in Saltaire, and those on Saltaire's Roll of Honour for WW1, WW1 and the Second Boer War. The names are links to biographical information.


How to keep in touch

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Latest Updates

Barber, Eleanor (nee Rhodes) [Added 23 February 2025]
Batt, Amy (nee Sheard) [Added 23 February 2025]
Light, Bertha (nee Rhodes) [Added 23 February 2025] - done in list
Light, Jacob Holmes [New Mill Worker / New WW1 Roll of Honour] [Added 23 February 2025]
Robinson, Lily (nee Rhodes) [Added 25 February 2025]

Gale, James Leonard [Added 5 February 2025]
Sheard, Edith (nee Watts) [Added 5 February 2025]
Watts, George [Added 5 February 2025]
Watts, Minnie [Added 5 February 2025]
Wilks, Walter [Added 5 February 2025]

Beaumont, Frederick [Added 5 January 2025]
Bullock, Norman [Updated 5 January 2025]
Lamb, Joseph [Updated 5 January 2025]
Lamb, Wilfred [Added 5 January 2025]
Wood, Elsie (nee Lamb) [Added 5 January 2025]
McKenzie, Stephen Patrick [Added 5 January 2025]
Durham, Charles [Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour - check Big List]

Dickinson, Ronald [Added 1 December 2024 - Also new WW2 Roll of Honour]
Smith, William Littlewood [Added 1 December 2024]
Fawcett, George [Added 1 December 2024]
Hall, Stephen Hainsworth [Added 31 October 2024]
Lancaster, Albert [Moved from Biographies to Mill Workers - Added/updated 31 October 2024]
Lancaster, Fred [Added 31 October 2024]
Hebden, Lily (nee Lancaster) [Added 31 October 2024]
Fawkes, Harriet (nee Lancaster) [Updated 31 October 2024]

Farndale, James Arthur [Added - 25 September 2024]
Haigh, Wilfred Harry [Updated - 25 September 2024]
Holdsworth, Douglas [Added - 25 September 2024]
Kendall, Mary, (nee Pearce) [Added - 25 September 2024]
Oates, Edgar [Added - 25 September 2024]
Oates, Edmund [Added - 25 September 2024]
Oates, George William [Added - 25 September 2024]
Oates, Milford [Added - 25 September 2024]
Firth, Edwin [Added 25 September 2024] - Existing WW1 Roll of Honour
Hainsworth, William Oliver [Added 25 September 2024] - Existing WW1 Roll of Honour


A Website zone
Abbey, Florrie (nee Halliday) Mill Worker
Abbott, Alice Mill Worker
Abbott, Jeremiah Mill Worker
Ackroyd, John Mill Worker
Alderson, Albert Mill Worker
Alderson, Herbert Mill Worker
Alderson, Percy Hargreaves Mill Worker
Allen, Albert Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Ambler, Holdsworth Mill Worker
Ambler, Thomas Mill Worker
Ambler, William Mill Worker
Anderson, Rose (nee Appleby) Mill Worker
Anderton, Arthur Mill Worker
Andrews, Fred Mill Worker
Andrews, Lilyan (nee Armitage) Mill Worker
Angus, Joss Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Angus, Thomas Gibson Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Armitage, Alan Mill Worker
Armstrong, George Brooksbank Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Ashcroft, Rose (nee Cash) Mill Worker
Atkinson, Fred Mill Worker
Atkinson, Herbert Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Atkinson, William Mill Worker
Ayre, John Mill Worker


Bailey, Aaron Norman Mill Worker
Bailey, Hamer Mill Worker
Bailey, Stephen Mill Worker
Bairstow, Arthur Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Bairstow, Jesmond Mill Worker
Bairstow, John Mill Worker
Baker, James Stanley Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Baker, John Mill Worker
Baker, Percy Gordon Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Balmforth, Philip Mill Worker
Banham, Clara (nee Thompson) Mill Worker
Barber, Eleanor (nee Rhodes) Mill Worker
Barnard, Albert Edward Mill Worker
Barnard, Frederick George Mill Worker
Barsby, Constance Annie Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Barstow, Doreen (nee Pollard) Mill Worker
Bateson, Ethel (nee Hoyle) Mill Worker
Batt, Amy (nee Sheard) Mill Worker
Batty, Richard Mill Worker
Baxter, Elizabeth Mill Worker
Baxter, James Arthur Mill Worker
Baxter, Thomas Mill Worker
Bayliffe, Herbert Mill Worker
Bayliffe, Wilfred Mill Worker
Beaumont, Albert Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Beaumont, Frederick Mill Worker
Beck, Hilda (nee Barnard) Mill Worker
Bedford, Arthur Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Bell, Alice (nee Cash) Mill Worker
Bell, Eric William Mill Worker
Bennett, Florie (nee Lancaster) Mill Worker
Bentley, Seth Mill Worker
Bicknel, Minnie Esther Mill Worker
Biltcliffe, Henry Smith Mill Worker
Binns, Aesop Mill Worker
Binns, Andrew Leslie Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Binns, Stephen Mill Worker
Binns, Walter Mill Worker
Birch, Frederick Arthur Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Bland, Susannah (nee Cash) Mill Worker
Blezzard, James William Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Blezzard, John Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Blythe, Abraham Mill Worker
Boardman, Albert Mill Worker
Boardman, George Herbert Mill Worker
Boddy, James Mill Worker
Boddy, John Mill Worker
Bone, George William Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Boocock, Harold Craven Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Booth, Robinah Mill Worker
Booth, Wilson Mill Worker
Bould, Emma Mill Worker
Bould, Hannah Maria
Mill Worker
Bould, John Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Bower, Moses Mill Worker
Bowmaker, Eliza Jane (nee Boyes) Mill Worker
Boyes, Cyril Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Boyes, George Henry Mill Worker
Boyes, John Mill Worker
Bramma, Ellison Mill Worker
Branigan, John Mill Worker
Bray, Carter Mill Worker
Bray, Eva Gladys (nee Bennett) Mill Worker
Brear, Amos Mill Worker
Briggs, Charles Hawkswell Mill Worker
Briggs, Samuel Mill Worker
Broadbent, William Pitts Mill Worker
Broadley, James Mill Worker
Boardman, Albert Mill Worker
Brockhill, Ivy (nee Free) Mill Worker
Brotherton, Robert Lee Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Brown, Florrie Mill Worker
Brown, James Mill Worker
Buck, Mary Mill Worker
Buck, Sidney Mill Worker
Bullock, Harvey Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Bullock, Norman Mill Worker
Burden, Catherine Mary (nee Wensworth) Mill Worker
Burgess, Elizabeth, Ellen (nee Bould)
Mill Worker
Burgess, Ethel Mill Worker
Burgoyne, Alfred Wheatley Mill Worker
Burke, Lily (nee Winterbottom) Mill Worker
Burnett, Elizabeth Mill Worker
Butler, Emily Gertrude (nee Boyes) Mill Worker
Butt, Eliza (nee Halliday) Mill Worker
Buttle, Mary (nee Bould) Mill Worker
Carr, Florence Emma Mill Worker
Carr, Henry Mill Worker
Carr, John Francis Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Carroll, John Mill Worker
Cash, Kate Mill Worker
Cash, Margaret (nee Culley) Mill Worker
Chambers, Elsie Dorothy (nee Richards) Mill Worker
Christofferson, Patricia Ann (nee Huntington) Mill Worker
Clark, Alice (nee Bould) Mill Worker
Clarke, Elizabeth Redmond (nee Porter) Mill Worker
Clay, Mary Ann Eveline Mill Worker
Clegg, Halliday Mill Worker
Collinson, Joseph Mill Worker
Constantine, Isaac Mill Worker
Cook, Freida (nee Gott) Mill Worker
Copley, Jabez Mill Worker
Corney, Annie (nee Quanbury) Mill Worker
Cosford, Henry Mill Worker
Cosford, Thomas Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Coverdale, Annie Eliza (nee Batty) Mill Worker
Cowgill, John Mill Worker
Cowgill, Margaret (nee Firth) Mill Worker
Cox, Walter Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Crossland, Lister Mill Worker
Crabree, Janey (nee Foster) Mill Worker
Crossley, Edith Maude (nee Horne) Mill Worker
Cryer, Watson Mill Worker
Darby, Agnes Mary Mill Worker
Darby, Norah Mill Worker
Davy, Charles Mill Worker
Dawson, Arthur Mill Worker
Dawson, Margaret Walburge (nee Hanson) Mill Worker
Dawson, Maria Mill Worker
Dean, Geoffrey Mill Worker
Denison, Eva Mary (nee Lavelle) Mill Worker
Denison, Gordon Harold Mill Worker
Denison, John Preson Mill Worker
Denison, John Redvers Mill Worker
Denison, Robert William Orlando Mill Worker
Dewhirst, Elsie May (nee Bullock) Mill Worker
Dewhirst, James, born 1811 Mill Worker
Dewhirst, James, born 1880 Mill Worker
Dewhirst, Leonard Mill Worker
Dewhirst, Rhoda Mill Worker
Dewhirst, Sarah Harriet Mill Worker
Dibb, Elizabeth Mill Worker
Dibb, Harry Mill Worker
Dibb, Susannah Mill Worker
Dickinson, Amy (nee Llewellyn) Mill Worker
Dickinson, Frank Mill Worker
Dickinson, George Daniel Mill Worker
Dickinson, Ronald Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Dixon, Mary Alice Mill Worker
Dobson, Florence Matilda (nee Jowett) Mill Worker
Donnett, Richard Mill Worker
Doyle, Arthur Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Doyle, Thomas Francis Mill Worker
Dracup, Frank Mill Worker
Drake, Edgar Mill Worker
Dukes, Hilda (nee Spence) Mill Worker

Durham, Charles

Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Eastell, Herbert Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Easy, Florence (nee Horsfall) Mill Worker
Eccles, John Mill Worker
Eccles, William Henry Mill Worker
Egarr, Arthur Ridgway Mill Worker
Elliott, Annie (nee Thompson) Mill Worker
Ellis, Edwin Mill Worker
Ellis, Ezra Mill Worker
Ellis, Fred Mill Worker
Ellis, Joseph Mill Worker
Elphee, Nellie (nee Gwilt) Mill Worker
Excell, George Mill Worker
Excell, Harold Mill Worker
Excell, John (Jack) Mill Worker
Excell, Joseph (1863) Mill Worker
Excell, Susan Mill Worker
Farndale, James Arthur Mill Worker
Fawcett, George Mill Worker
Fawkes, Harriet (nee Lancaster) Mill Worker
Feather, James Mill Worker
Fell, Isabella (nee Thompson) Mill Worker
Fell, John Mill Worker
Fieldhouse, Ada Mill Worker
Firth, Edwin Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Firth, Ernest Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Firth, James William Mill Worker
Firth, Mary Jane (nee Leonard) Mill Worker
Fox, Parker Mill Worker
Free, Andrew Charles Frederick Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Free, Doris Ellen (nee Stone) Mill Worker
Free, Ernest Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Free, John Edward Mill Worker
Free, Norman Mill Worker /WW2 Roll of Honour
Free, Robert Mill Worker
Gale, James Leonard Mill Worker
Games, Robert Hughes Mill Worker
Gargon, Emily (nee Mounsey) Mill Worker
Gargon, James Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Gibson, Jesse Mill Worker
Gilbert, George Mill Worker
Gill, Beatrice Agnes Mill Worker
Gill, Robert Mill Worker
Gilson, Sidney Mill Worker
Glover, Gordon Henry Mill Worker
Goddard, Priscilla (nee Lockett) Mill Worker
Golden, Frederick Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Goleby, Maria Elizabeth (nee Donoghue) Mill Worker
Gott, Annie Mill Worker
Gott, Clara (nee Branigan) Mill Worker
Gott, Clarence Mill Worker
Gott, Jack Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Grange, Alfred Mill Worker
Greaves, Arthur Mill Worker
Greaves, John Wilcock Mill Worker
Green, Sam Mill Worker
Gregory, Gilbert Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Gregory, John Mill Worker
Gresswell, Arthur Mill Worker
Gresswell, Fanny Heaton (nee Sevant) Mill Worker
Griffiths, Harry Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Grimshaw, George Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Groves, John Mill Worker
Guerin, Louis Mill Worker
Gwilt, Adelaide Mill Worker

Haggerty, Robert McLure Mill Worker
Haigh, Jane Ellen Mill Worker
Haigh, Rose (nee Pitchforth) Mill Worker
Haigh, Wilfred Harry Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Hainsworth, Joseph Mill Worker
Hainsworth, William Oliver Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Hall, Herbert George Mill Worker
Hall, Stephen Hainsworth Mill Worker
Halliday, Clarice Mill Worker
Halliday, Frederick Mill Worker
Halliday, Hetty Mill Worker
Halliday, Herbert Mill Worker
Hanson, Alice Mary (nee Lord) Mill Worker
Hanson, Frederick William Mill Worker
Hanson, George Henry Mill Worker
Hanson, James Henry Mill Worker
Hanson, John Mill Worker
Hanson, William Mill Worker
Hardy, Abraham Mill Worker
Harrison, Mary Lizzetta (nee Bullock) Mill Worker
Hartley, Arthur Robert William Mill Worker
Hartley, Fred Mill Worker
Hartley, William Mill Worker
Hartop, James Mill Worker
Hasinki, Lucyna (nee Dalewicz) Mill Worker
Hebden, Lily (nee Lancaster) Mill Worker
Hemingway, Charles Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Hemsworth, Harry Walker Mill Worker
Henderson, Charles Armitage Mill Worker
Hesling, John Mill Worker
Hewitt, Thomas Mill Worker
Hey, Ben Mill Worker
Hiles, Gladys (nee Gott) Mill Worker
Hirst, James Mill Worker
Hirst, Selwyn Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Hirst, Thomas William Mill Worker
Hobson, Eleanor nee Quinn Mill Worker
Hodder, Selina (nee Halliday) Mill Worker
Hoddy, Gladys (nee Beard) Mill Worker
Hodgson, Holmes Mill Worker
Hodson, Minnie (nee Cooper) Mill Worker
Hogan, John (born c1843) Mill Worker
Hogan, John (born c1874) Mill Worker
Holden, Alice Dora (nee Askham) Mill Worker
Hogg, Charles Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Hogg, Joseph Mill Worker
Holdsworth, Arthur Mill Worker
Holdsworth, Douglas Mill Worker
Holdsworth, Edwin Mill Worker
Holdsworth, Sam Mill Worker
Holgate, Robert Clifford Mill Worker
Hollywood, Frank Mill Worker
Holmes, Emily Jane Mill Worker
Holmes, Maggie (nee Womack) Mill Worker
Holmes, Robert James Mill Worker
Holt, Florence (nee Pitchforth) Mill Worker
Hopkinson, Jack Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Horsfall, Vera (nee Phillipson) Mill Worker
Houlden, John Mill Worker
Hoyle, Ernest Mill Worker
Huddlestone, Robert Mill Worker
Hudson, Ada Mill Worker
Hudson, Leonard Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Hunt, Elsie Mill Worker
Hutley, Horace Mill Worker
Ince, John Mill Worker
Ingham, Alfred Mill Worker
Ingham, Granville Mill Worker
Ingle, Queenie (nee Barsby) Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Iredale, Arthur Mill Worker
Iredale, Jowett Mill Worker
Ives, Annie (nee Free) Mill Worker
Jackson, Annie (nee Hogan) Mill Worker
Jackson, Eva Mill Worker
Jackson, Ralph Edgar Mill Worker
Jackson, William Henry Mill Worker
Johnson, Walter Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Joy, William Mill Worker
Jowett, Francis William Mill Worker
Jude, Walter James Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Jukes, Florrie Mill Worker
Jukes, Henry Mill Worker
Jukes, Mary Ellen Mill Worker
Kaye, Joseph Mill Worker
Keeling, Fred Mill Worker
Keighley, Charles Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Kendall, Mary, (nee Pearce) Mill Worker
King, Esther (nee Llewellyn) Mill Worker
King, Florence (nee Alderson) Mill Worker
Kirilo, Herin Mill Worker
Klos, Stanislaw Mill Worker
Knott, Stanley Arthur Mill Worker
Kolosowkyj, Alexander Mill Worker
Lancaster, Albert Mill Worker
Lancaster, Fred Mill Worker
Lamb, Joseph Mill Worker
Lamb, Wilfred Mill Worker
Lambert, Arthur Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Laughlin, Simeon Mill Worker
Lavelle, John Arthur
Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Laycock, Edith (nee Harney) Mill Worker
Lee, Alfred Haigh Mill Worker
Lee, Phyllis (nee Horsfall) Mill Worker
Leek, Jane (nee Quanbury) Mill Worker
Leeming, Helena (nee Horne) Mill Worker
Leeming, William Henry Mill Worker
Light, Bertha (nee Rhodes) Mill Worker
Light, Jacob Holmes Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Light, Jesse Mill Worker
Light, Thomas Mill Worker
Lightfood, Alice (nee Camm) Mill Worker
Lightowler, Egbert Mill Worker
LInley, Margaret Mill Worker
Llewellyn, Frank Mill Worker
Llewellyn, James (Snr) Mill Worker
Llewellyn, James Mill Worker
Llewellyn, John Charles Mill Worker
Lockwood, Jack Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Lockwood, Willie Mill Worker
Lonsdale, William Mill Worker
Love, Gertrude Elizabeth Mill Worker
Lupton, Kitty (nee Strange) Mill Worker
Lynch, Eden (nee Brown) Mill Worker
Lyne, William Isaac Mill Worker
Lyons, Daisy (nee Holland)
Mill Worker
Lyons, Edward Mill Worker
Manners, Tom Harry Mill Worker
Mansfield, Alfred Mill Worker
Mansfield, James Mill Worker
Mawson, Alice Mill Worker
Mawson, Charles Mill Worker
Mawson, Thomas Ashton Mill Worker
Mawson, Willie Mill Worker
McKenzie, Stephen Patrick Mill Worker
Mellor, Rex Bardsley Mill Worker
Metcalfe, Dora (nee Lees) Mill Worker
Metcalfe, Esther Sarah (nee Backhouse) Mill Worker
Metcalfe, Fred Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Metcalfe, Hamlet Mill Worker
Metcalfe, James Mill Worker
Middleton, David Mill Worker
Middleton, Ellen (nee Walker) Mill Worker
Midgley, Alfred Craven Mill Worker
Midgley, James Arthur Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Midgley, Simeon Mill Worker
Midgley, Thomas Mill Worker
Milner, Annie (nee Tillotson) Mill Worker
Milner, Enoch Mill Worker
Minakin, Fred Mill Worker
Monaghan, John Mill Worker
Monaghan, Mary Ann Mill Worker
Moorby, Edgar Mill Worker
Morton, Clara (nee Slater) Mill Worker
Mosley, Henry (Harry) Mill Worker
Motley, William Mill Worker
Mounsey, Clarence Mill Worker
Mounsey, David Mill Worker
Murgatroyd, Bradley Mill Worker
Murphy, John Mill Worker
Naylor, Ezra Mill Worker
Naylor, Isaac Mill Worker
Naylor, John Herbert Mill Worker
Naylor, Nicholas Briggs Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Neild, Annie (nee Fieldhouse) Mill Worker
Neild, Mary Elizabeth (nee Pearson) Mill Worker
Neild, Willie Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Newbould, Annie Elizabeth (nee Hogg) Mill Worker
Newell, James Alfred Mill Worker
Newsome, Richard Mill Worker
Nunn, Hezekiah Charles Mill Worker
Nunn, Joe Harry Mill Worker
Nunn, Thomas Diggins Mill Worker
Oates, Edgar
Mill Worker
Oates, Edmund Mill Worker
Oates, George William Mill Worker
Oates, Milford Mill Worker
O'Donnell, Gordon Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
O'Donnell, Harold Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
O'Donnell, James Mill Worker
Ogden, Edward Mill Worker
Ogden, Eva (nee Gilson) Mill Worker
Ogden, Harold Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Ogden, Henry Mill Worker
Ogden, William Henry Mill Worker
Olsen, Thomas William Mill Worker
Owen, Thomas Mill Worker
Painter, Sarah Elizabeth (nee Woods) Mill Worker
Paley, Oliver (born 1864) Mill Worker
Paley, Oliver (born 1968) Mill Worker
Paley, Ralph Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Palmer, Alice (nee Tatham) Mill Worker
Park, Leavens Mill Worker
Parker, Edgar Mill Worker
Parker, Edwin Mill Worker
Payne, Mary Ann (nee Winterbottom) Mill Worker
Pickes, Hannah Mill Worker
Pitchforth, Harry
Mill Worker
Pitchforth, James Mill Worker
Pitchforth, William Leslie Mill Worker
Potter, Eliza (nee Robinson) Mill Worker
Pouncey, Raistrick Mill Worker
Power, Robert Mill Worker
Power, Thomas Edward Mill Worker
Preston, Benjamin Barrett Mill. Worker
Preston, Emma Jane (nee Merrill) Mill Worker
Price, Bertha (nee Lavelle) Mill Worker
Price, Herbert Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Price, Percy John Mill Worker
Priestley, Thomas Mill Worker
Priestley, William Edward Mill Worker
Railton, Mary (nee Hogan) Mill Worker
Raine, Thomas Mill Worker
Ramsden, Harry Sutcliffe Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Ramsden, Jack Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Ransley, Margaret (nee Alderson) Mill Worker
Raper, John Hodgson Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Read, David Morris Mill Worker
Read, Mary Hannah (nee Barrow) Mill Worker
Redman, Ogden Mill Worker
Rennard, Hannah (nee Brown) Mill Worker
Rennard, Joseph Mill Worker
Rhodes, May (nee Walker) Mill Worker - Written by May Rhodes
Rhodes, Robert Mill Worker
Rice, Wilfred Mill Worker
Ridgeway, Frederick Victor Charles Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Riley, Alfred
Mill Worker
Riley, Nora Mill Worker
Riley, Samuel Mill Worker
Riley, William Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Ripley, Fred Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Ritchie, Mary Ellen (nee Branigan) Mill Worker
Robinson, Lily (nee Rhodes) Mill Worker
Rose, Alice (nee Pinder) Mill Worker
Rose, Eliza Mill Worker
Ruchtin, Wasily Mill Worker
Rushworth, Abraham Mill Worker
Rushworth, Thomas Mill Worker
Ryder, Dorothy (nee Watson) Mill Worker
Sanctuary, George Mill Worker
Sanctuary, Isaac Mill Worker
Sanctuary, Jacob Mill Worker
Sayner, Henry Mill Worker
Scase, Florence Mary (nee Beard) Mill Worker
Schofield, Percy Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Schofield, Sam Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Scholefield, Albert Mill Worker
Scholefield, Charles Mill Worker
Scott, Ada (nee Murgatroyd) Mill Worker
Scott, Annie Mill Worker

Scott, Dorothy (nee Wainman)

Mill Worker
Searle, Harry Leslie Mill Worker
Sedgley, Harry Mill Worker
Sedgley, Henry Edward Mill Worker
Seed, Arthur
Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Seed, Hannah Maria (nee Marshall) Mill Worker
Senior, John Mill Worker
Shackleton, Fred Mill Worker
Shackleton, Sam Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Sharpe, Walter Edwin Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Shaw, Lilian (nee Hoyle) Mill Worker
Sheard, Edith (nee Watts) Mill Worker
Sheldon, Fred Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Sheldon, Louis Mill Worker
Simpson, Arthur Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Simpson, Fred
Mill Worker
Simpson, Herbert Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Simpson, John Beck Mill Worker
Slater, Alfred
Mill Worker
Slater, Ethel (nee O'Donnell) Mill Worker
Slater, William Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Slinger, Edward Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Slinger, Harold Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Smith, Alfred Caygill Mill Worker
Smith, Amy (nee Winterbottom) Mill Worker
Smith, Francis Emery Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Smith, Harold Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Smith, Harry Mill Worker
Smith, Maud Hodgson (nee Wilson) Mill Worker
Smith, William Littlewood Mill Worker
Smith, Willie Mill Worker
Smythers, Mary Margaret (nee Sleep) Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Soothill, Lucy Harriet (nee Price) Mill Worker
Souster, Mildred Mill Worker
Speak, Savannah Mill Worker
Spencer, Sam Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Stead, Alfred Mill Worker
Steel, Hartley Mill Worker
Stenhouse, Alexander Fisher Mill Worker
Stenson, Edward Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Stephenson, Elsie Mill Worker
Stephenson, Frederick Mill Worker
Stockdale, Olive (nee Llewellyn) Mill Worker
Stolworthy, Henry Mill Worker
Stone, Ernest Arthur Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Stone, Gladys Merrifield Mill Worker
Storey, Wilton Sadler Mill Worker
Story, Maria (nee Sheldon) Mill Worker
Stringer, John Edgar Mill Worker
Stuart, Fred Ernest Mill Worker
Sunderland, Ben Mill Worker
Surr, Martha Ann Mill Worker
Sutton, John Mill Worker
Sykes, Arthur Mill Worker
Sykes, James Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Tattersall, Edwin Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Tattersall, James Mill Worker
Tattersall, Susannah Mill Worker
Taylor, George Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Taylor, Mary Alice (nee Hainsworth) Mill Worker
Tennant, William Mill Worker
Thomas, Gladys (nee Bullock) Mill Worker
Thomas, James Mill Worker
Thompson, Arthur Harold Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Thompson, Lilian (nee Love) Mill Worker
Thompson, Richard Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Thornton, Alfred Mill Worker
Thornton, Arthur Mill Worker
Thornton, Edward
Mill Worker
Thornton, Lucy (nee Leach) Mill Worker
Thornton, Robert Mill Worker
Thorpe, Willie Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Thorp, Mary Mill Worker
Tidbury, Lettice (nee Derbyshire) Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Tillotson, George Mill Worker
Tottle, Walter Edward Mill Worker
Town, Eleanor (nee Alderson) Mill Worker
Trigg, Maud (nee Quanbury) Mill Worker
Trueman, Cyril Mill Worker
Trueman, John
Mill Worker (missing bio)
Turner, Charlie Mill Worker
Turner, Frances Mildred (nee Kilroy) Mill Worker
Turner, Norah Mill Worker
Tyas, Andrew Mill Worker
Tyas, Leonard Harry Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Unwin, David Mill Worker
Urwin, Florence (nee Excell) Mill Worker
Urwin, Fred Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour

Wainman, Amy (nee Newton) Mill Worker
Wainman, Arthur Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Wainman, Charles Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Wainman, Denby Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Wainman, Elsie (nee McCue) Mill Worker
Wainman, Eric Burniston Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Wainman, Smith Mill Worker
Wainman, Walter

Mill Worker

Waite, Jessie (nee Patterson) Mill Worker
Walgrove, Albert Mill Worker
Walker, Edmund Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Walker, Lilian Mill Worker
Walker, Winifred Agnes (nee Branigan) Mill Worker
Wall, Gabriel Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Wallbank, Jesse Mill Worker
Wallbank, Thomas Mill Worker
Walmsley, John Willie Mill Worker
Walton, Elizabeth (nee Halliday) Mill Worker
Ward, Hugh Machell Mill Worker
Watmough, Dorothy (nee Llewellyn) Mill Worker
Watson, Reuben Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Watts, George
Mill Worker
Watts, Minnie Mill Worker
Webb, Albert Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Webb, Alfred William Mill Worker
Webster, Doris Evelyn (nee Denison) Mill Worker
Wensworth, Bernard Mill Worker
Wensworth, Vincent Michael Mill Worker
West, Edith (nee Excell) Mill Worker
West, Fielding Reginald Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Weston, Cyril Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Weston, Hilda (nee Gott) Mill Worker
Whalley, Charles Smith Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Wheeler, Annie (nee Alderson) Mill Worker
White, Frederick Mill Worker
Whitfield, William Henry Mill Worker
Whitham, Annie Mill Worker
Whitham, Arthur Mill Worker
Whitham, Nellie Mill Worker
Whitham, George Victor Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Whiting, William Lester Mill Worker
Wigglesworth, Arthur Mill Worker
Wilkins, Clara (nee Donoghue) Mill Worker
Wilks, Walter Mill Worker
Wilson, Elizabeth (nee Mangan) Mill Worker
Winterbottom, Annie Elizabeth (nee Wetherill) MIll Worker
Winterburn, Sarah Ellen (nee Park) Mill Worker
Womersley, Charles Mill Worker
Wood, Elsie (nee Lamb) Mill Worker
Wood, Frederick Mill Worker
Wood, Harold Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Wood, Ruth Mill Worker
Woodcock, Violet Beatrice (nee Boyes) Mill Worker
Woolley, Carlos
Mill Worker
Woolley, Lily (nee Wallace) Mill Worker
Woolley, Raymond Mill Worker
Yates, Emma Mill Worker
Zipfel, Douglas Robert

Mill Worker

Our friends

Salts Mill
David Hockney
Saltaire History Club
Saltaire United Reformed Church
Saltaire Inspired
Saltaire Festival
Saltaire Collection, Shipley College
Saltaire Daily Photo


Content copyright of individual contributors.
Please contact the editor.


This website

Colin Coates

The Saltaire Journal, Nemine Juvante Publications


Editor: Flinty Maguire

Reseacher: Colin Coates

Saltaire Social History


This website is unfunded and run by volunteers. We do our best! The information may be inaccurate or out of date.