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Image: The Illustrated London News |
Mill Workers who lived in Saltaire
Researched by Colin Coates |
Surnames beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Lamb, Joseph
27 August 1877 - 1939
Joseph Lamb was the son of John Lamb. John was born c1851 in Baildon. He married Harriet Halliday 15 November, 1874, at All Saints Otley.
Joseph, the second of four children, was born 27 August 1877 in Baildon. He was baptised 14 October 1877 at St John's Baildon. In 1881 the family were living at 52 Browgate, Baildon with John working as a cotton weaver. John played cricket for Baildon Green, then he was a "pro" for Manningham, and he was subsequently coach to Oxford University. John died in 1918 and Harriet in 1929.
Joseph married Bertha Longbottom 20 November, 1901, at Saltaire Congregational Church. Bertha,
born 12 September 1879,
lived at 16 Albert Road in Saltaire (re-numbered 31). They had three children; Wilfred, born 18 August 1902; Elsie, born 25 October 1904 and
and John, born 16 July 1921. In 1911 they were living at 48 George Street in Saltaire. By 1914 they had moved to 3 Myrtle Place in Saltaire, where they remained until 1934. From 1935 they lived at 13 Albert Road.
Joseph worked at Salt's Mill for over 50 years. He started as a doffer aged just 10 in 1883. He was a spinner overlooker for over 40 years. In September 1937 in recognition of Joseph having worked in the mill for 50 years there was a supper and smoking concert held at the Rosse Hotel in Shipley. The mill manager, Mr F Barker, presented Joseph with a clock and case of cutlery. In October 1937, Joseph was one of 24 employees who were given long service awards by the Managing Director, Mr R W Guild, at a function in the Royal Café. Joseph was presented with a watch. Like his father Joseph was a keen cricketer. He played for Saltaire when Sydney Barnes was captain of the club.
Joseph died in the first quarter of 1939 and his wife, Bertha, died 2 July, 1941.
Lamb, Wilfred
18 August 1902 – 29 August 1962
Wilfred Lamb was born 18 August 1902 to Joseph Lamb and Bertha Longbottom. In 1911 they were living at 48 George Street, with Joseph working as a spinner overlooker at Saltaire Mills. By 1914 they had moved to 3 Myrtle Place, Saltaire, where they remained until they moved to 13 Albert Road, Saltaire around 1934.
In the 1921 Census Wilfred was a wool sorter at Saltaire Mills. In the 1939 Register, Wilfred was a clerk for Provident Clothing & Supply Co., and an A.R.P. Warden. Living with him was his younger brother, John, who would serve in WW2.
(Colin’s note - Provident Clothing & Supply Co Ltd was founded in 1880 in Bradford, by Joshua Kelley Waddilove. The mission was to help working-class families provide for themselves through the use of vouchers. These were exchanged for goods in local shops and paid for in affordable instalments.)
Wilfred married Mary Sherwood in 1941. By 1946 they were living at 44 Mary Street, Saltaire. In 1951 they were living at 22 Albert Terrace, Saltaire, where Wilfred would remain for the rest of his life.
In December 1953 Wilfred was reported as being secretary of the Shipley Blood Donor Committee.
Wilfred died 29 August, 1962. In his will he left £365 17s.
Lambert, Arthur
Lambert, Arthur - Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Lancaster, Albert
11 September 1903 – 2 October 1925
Albert Lancaster was the son of Thomas Lancaster. Thomas was born c1862 in Bradford. He married Louisa Matilda Hessey, 16 September 1882, at Bradford Cathedral. In 1891 the family were living in Bradford with Thomas working as a wood moulder. In 1893 they were living at 1 Elliot Street in Shipley. By 1896 they were living at 22 Ada Street in Saltaire.
Albert, the youngest of twelve surviving children, was born 11 September, 1903, in Saltaire. In 1904 the family were at 3 Jane Street in Saltaire. By 1908 the family had moved to 12 George Street in Saltaire.
In the 1921 Census, Albert was working as a cloth folder at Saltaire Mills. His siblings, Fred, Harriet and Lily, also worked in the mill.
Extract from a report in the Shipley Times 8 August 1924: -
Practical sympathy is being extended by a local band of sportsmen to a fellow cricketer who has fallen upon hard times. A benefit match is to be played on Monday in Roberts Park (kindly lent by the Saltaire C.C.) in aid of Albert Lancaster, a Saltaire Mills second team player, who is just recovering from a serious illness.
Lancaster is employed in the burling and mending department at the Mills, and the girls in this department have been granting him the proceeds of a weekly collection.
The cricketers felt that they, too, would like to assist and have therefore organized this benefit match. There will be no charge for admission, but tickets are being sold at a moderate price, and it is hoped to raise a substantial sum.
Albert was found dead in the River Aire near the Boathouse in Saltaire, 2 October, 1925.
Report from the Shipley Times Friday 09 October 1925: -
A verdict of “Accidentally drowned while suffering from sleepy sickness" was returned by the district coroner (Mr. E. W. Norris) at the inquest held on Saturday on the body of Albert Lancaster (22), of 12 George Street, Saltaire.
Lancaster had been missing from home for 12 days when his body was recovered from the river at Saltaire on Friday morning.
James Hebden, brother-in-law of the deceased, said Lancaster had not been able to work for eight or nine months on account of bad health. He had been suffering from meningitis, which afterwards turned into sleepy sickness. He had been to Morecambe for a week's holiday previous to disappearing. Deceased left home about half-past three on Sunday afternoon. Sept 20 and did not return.
John Edward Woodhead, 12, Maddocks Street, Shipley, said that was helping the boatman at Saltaire boathouse about 9 a.m. October 2. when he saw an object which looked like a body floating on the water. Information was given to the police, and he assisted getting the body to the bank with a pole and helped the police to get it out of the water.
Register of Private Graves in Shipley Church Burial Ground, Hirst Wood -
Frank Lancaster: 4: 12 Dec 1910: Grave selected 1910 not paid for till 28 Dec 1911
John Henry Lancaster: 23: 29 Apr 1915
Albert Lancaster: 22: 5 Oct 1925: 183 Old plan, 111 New Plan
Louisa Matilda Lancaster: 64: 4 Feb 1928
Fred Lancaster: 62: 20 Jun 1956
Dyson Lancaster, an elder brother of Albert, served in WW1.
(Compiled with the help of Mark Tattersall – a relative of Albert).
Lancaster, Fred
29 December 1893 – 18 June 1956
Fred Lancaster was born 29 December, 1893, in Shipley. He was the seventh surviving child of Louisa Matilda Hessey and Thomas Lancaster. Fred was baptised 21 February, 1894, at St Chrysostom, Bradford. In 1891 they lived at 765 Bolton Road, Bradford. Thomas worked as a wood moulding machine minder. By 1893 they were living at 1 Elliot Street in Shipley.
By 1895 the family had moved to 22 Ada Street, Saltaire. By 1903 they had moved to 3 Jane Street, Saltaire. In 1908 they moved to 12 George Street, Saltaire.
In 1911 Fred was a bobbin pegger. In 1921 he was a wool comber at Saltaire Mills. His siblings, Albert, Lily and Harriet also worked in the mill. Fred's brother, Dyson Lancaster, served in WW1.
In the 1939 Register, Fred remained working as a woolcomber and was living at 5 George Street with his married sister, Sarah Emma Whitaker.
Fred died 18 June, 1956, at 5 George Street. He was buried two days later in the family grave in Hirst Wood Cemetery, Shipley.
Laughlin, Simeon
24 October 1868 - 1942
Simeon Laughlin was the son of John Laughlin. John was born, 1823, in Elmswell in Suffolk He married Eliza Nunn in 1844.
Simeon, their youngest child, was born 24 October 1868. The family lived in Elmswell where John was a labourer. By 1881 they were living at 44 Jane Street in Saltaire where John was a gardener. Simeon married Amelia Pedle (born 15 November 1873) on 9 July 1892, Bradford Cathedral. Simeon was an assurance agent living with the Pedley family at 31 George Street in Saltaire. (Walter Pedley, a younger brother of Amelia lost his life in WW1.)
Simeon, who worked as a house painter, then as a gas fitter, then a gatekeeper at Saltaire Mills, and his wife spent most of their married lives moving around Saltaire: -
1895 - 28 Helen Street
1897 - 26 Caroline Street
1898 - 27 Caroline Street
1903 - 43 Ada Street
1914 to 1936 - 51 George Street
They had two daughters, Adeline Laughlin & Annie.
Report from the Shipley Times Friday 23 July 1920: -
At the Bradford West Biding Police Court on the 15th inst., Stanley Rhodes (comber), David Goodrum (comber), Nellie Yeadon (millhand), Harriet Daykin (millhand), and Doris May Calvert (millhand), all of Shipley, appeared to answer summonses for unlawfully preventing Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons & Co., Ltd., Saltaire Mills, running their machinery, and also with intimidating certain workpeople of the firm. Mr. Richard Watson, barrister (instructed by Messrs. Waide, Tetley, Waide and Co.) appeared for the prosecution, Mr. H. M. Dawson defending.
CASE FOR THE PROSECUTION. Outlining the case, Mr. Watson explained that the first summons was brought by the company and that the complainant in the second summons was Simeon Laughlin, the company's gate-keeper. He (Mr. Watson) wished to point out, however, that the case raised no question as to the relationship between the company and their own workpeople. The defendants were not, and never had been, employed at Saltaire Mills. There was no dispute of any description between the company and their own workpeople, or between them and their workpeople's union. Continuing, Mr. Watson stated that on May 21st, the defendants formed part of a body of persons who were on strike from wool-combing works in the district. They marched in a body to Saltaire Mills, arriving there at about 12.25 p.m.
The party, numbering about sixty, endeavoured to get through the side-gates, and the gate-keeper did his best to prevent them. They then rushed the main entrance gates, forced them open, and used threatening language to the gate-keeper as to what they would do if he interposed. Entering the yard, they made their way to the wool-combing departments, dispersed, and effectively proceeded to stop the machinery, with the result that the workpeople could not work at that time. The dinner-hour buzzer was then heard, and the work people went out.
The secretary of the company got into communication with the secretary of the Wool-combing Operatives' Trade Union to see what could be done, for there might have been a serious result to this extraordinary action on the part of this body of strikers. After dinner the work-people were told that they need not resume work, because the gates were still picketed by this body of strikers. In conclusion, Mr. Watson explained that this offence was as serious as any that could be conceived in a country where law and order prevailed.
GATE-KEEPER'S EVIDENCE. Simeon Laughlin, 51, George Street, Saltaire, gateman at Saltaire Mills, gave evidence to the effect that there were two gates at Saltaire Mills, a small side gate and a wide entrance gate. These were next to each other. It was his duty to refuse admission to anyone who was not associated with the mills, unless they held permission to enter. On the day in question he noticed a body of strangers coming to the gates. There were about 40 or 50, and he identified the defendant Rhodes as one of the number. This crowd came down the steps and to the side entrance gate. Witness would not let them pass, and they then went to the main entrance. Six or seven of the men managed to get in, and then they all rushed in, and threatening language was used to witness. When they got in, witness closed the gate. They went straight forward to the combing-shed. Shortly afterwards the dinner-hour buzzer went for the workpeople, and the body of strikers came out together. number of the strikers stayed around the gates during the dinner-hour. The workers in the combing shed did not return to work after dinner.
Cross-examined: The only defendant he saw was Rhodes. He could not swear to any of the others. Rhodes did not speak to him. The gates were not open when this crowd came. He could not say who forced the gate open.
Fred Ellis, 57 Victoria Road, Saltaire, overlooker in the combing department at Saltaire Mills, said that at 12.25 p.m. on May 21st the workpeople were working and the machinery was running. He saw a body of people come in. They scattered all over the department and stopped the machinery from running, the operatives being compelled to cease work. He could not identify any of the five defendants as being present. The time was so short and there were so many that he could not distinguish anyone in particular.
Arthur Sykes, 36 Albert Road, Saltaire, manager of the combing department, stated that on the day in question he left the mills shortly before 12,30 p.m. to go to his dinner. He had got only a short distance from the mill when he received a communication from a boy who came running out to him. In consequence of what he heard, witness returned at once and went straight to the combing-shed. He found at the entrance to the shed a group of between 60 and 80 people. The machinery was standing, but the engines were not stopped. The workpeople did not return in the afternoon.
Ben Sunderland, 30, Albert Street, Shipley, also an overlooker in the combing department, said he saw the strikers come in. They stopped the machines, boxes and combs, and about 160 operatives had to cease work. Shortly afterwards the dinner-hour buzzer went. Cross-examined There were only about two minutes before the machines would have been stopped for the dinner hour.
THE POLICE INSPECTOR'S EVIDENCE. Police-Inspector Foulkes, Shipley, intimated that on May 28th he received a communication from the secretary of Saltaire Mills in respect to what happened there on May 21st. He then caused inquiries to be made with view to finding out the persons who formed part of the mob. As a result he went to see the five defendants. He saw defendants and Yeadon together, and told them what he had come to see them about. Daykin replied, We all went," and Yeadon said, a lot of us went in." He also saw Rhodes and Good rum together, and both remarked all went in." Witness later saw Calvert and as in the other cases, explained the reason of his visit. He replied " Yes." Sergt. Thorpe corroborated.
Doris May Calvert, Shipley, employed by the Baildon Combing Company, stated that on May 21st there was a strike on. She left her work. There were about 50 of them altogether. After going to one or two other mills in the district the party went to Saltaire Mills, and witness just walked in after the crowd. She did not use any violent language or threat, but simply followed the crowd into the mill.
Cross-examined: The party formed up at Baildon'. They went to Saltaire to fetch out the combers employed there. They went into the combing shed. She did not stop the machinery. It was true they spread out, but she could not say why it was done. In answer to Mr. Dawson witness said she had no part in the stopping of the machinery.
Harriet Daykin, Shipley, employed by the Airedale Combing Company, said that on May 21st she went to Saltaire Mills. She was with Nellie Yeadon, and they followed right the back of the crowd. When they got to the mill the gates were open. She did not see Laughlin or anyone else. Witness denied using threats or violent language.
Cross-examined: She did not know what they went in the combing shed for. She just followed the crowd. In answer to Mr. Dawson, witness said she followed the crowd, and now regretted doing so.
Nellie Yeadon, also employed by the Airedale Combing Company, said she was with the last witness on May 21st. They followed the crowd.
Cross-examined: She knew she had no right to go on other premises but went because the others went. She did not know what the object was.
Stanley Rhodes, St. Paul's Terrace, Shipley, employed by the Baildon Combing Company, declared that on May 21st he followed the rest. He did not use violence or bad language.
Cross-examined: He was not one of the ring-leaders. Prior to going to Saltaire they visited both milts of the Airedale Combing Company and brought the combers out from there. He did not use any bad language to the gate-keeper.
David Goodrum, Shipley, also employed by the Baildon Combing Company, remarked that he was with the last witness on the day in question.
Cross-examined: he was not one of the ringleaders.
Mr. Watson pointed out that when a body of people were acting together to carry out some unlawful object, they were all equally liable.
Mr. Dawson said he was not there to condone what the defendants had done. They were not proud of the part they had taken in the matter, and through him expressed their apologies to the magistrates and to the Saltaire firm for having taken part in the raid on the mills. He was not there to palliate the action of the defendants as ah offence against decency and order, hut before the magistrates could convict they must be satisfied that there was someone at Saltaire Mills who was in fear, as that word was generally understood, as a result of the action of the He frankly admitted the defendants had been foolish, but the Bench must administer the law, and there was not a tittle of evidence against any of the defendants except Rhodes.
The Chairman said the Court found that there had been undoubted participation by the defendants in stopping the use of the machinery at Saltaire Mills. Neither business nor social life, he said, could be carried on unless people, no matter what grievance might disturb them, kept order in the community. Each of the defendants would be fined 40s. on the second charge.
In the 1921 Census, Simeon was a painter working at Saltaire Mills. He was living alone at 51 George Street. His wife Amelia and daughter Adeline were visiting Poulton Bare in Lancashire.
Simeon died in 1942 and Amelia in 1951.
Lavelle, John Arthur
Lavelle, John Arthur - Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Laycock, Edith (nee Harney)
21 September 1892 – 15 July 1980
Edith Harney was born, 21 September 1892, to Janes Harney & Matilda Fielding. She was baptised, 16 October, at St. Michael & All Angels, Cottingley. Her father died before 1895. Widowed Matilda married John Edward Craven in 1895.
In 1901 Edith was living with her mother and stepfather at 66 Valley Street, Windhill.
Edith married Frank Laycock, 10 June 1916, at St Peters Shipley. The married couple lived with Edith’s family at 2 Katherine Street in Saltaire. Frank served in WW1. He was reported wounded in the Shipley Times, 2 March 1917.
They had a daughter, Irene, born, 3 February 1918, in Saltaire.
In the 1921 Census they were living at 41 Mary Street, Saltaire. They would spend the rest of their lives here. Frank was a cloth passer working for Henry Mason, Victoria Works, Shipley. Edith was a weaver at Saltaire Mills.
Frank died, 23 February 1973. Edith died, 15 July 1980.
Lee, Alfred Haigh
19 August 1897 –????
Alfred Haigh Lee Florrie Halliday was born, 19 August 1897, in Valparaiso, Chile, to Scottish parents, Percy Brear Lee & Alice Haigh. They returned to the U.K. in 1902, arriving in Liverpool aboard S.S. Oravia, 1 April.
In the 1911 Census, Alfred was boarding at Sedbergh School in Sedbergh, Yorkshire.
Alfred served in WW1 with the Royal Field Artillery. In the 1921 Census, he was boarding with the Knowles family at 7 Selbourne Terrace, Bradford. He was a textile pupil working at Saltaire Mills. In December 1923 he was an M.C. at the annual whist drive & dance for the office staff at Salts (Saltaire) Ltd.
Alfred played for Bradford Rugby Union Football Club and he was a crack shot, winning a Bisley trophy in 1928.
Working as representative for a Bradford Textile firm in Scotland, Alfred married Mary Sophie Cruden Mitchell, 1 September 1929, at Heaton Parish Church in Bradford. Mary, daughter of a doctor, was born, 29 April 1904, in Horton, Bradford.
It is unclear what happened to Alfred & Mary after this.
Lee, Phyllis (nee Horsfall)
18 December 1906 -1982
Phyllis Horsfall was the daughter of Timothy Horsfall. Timothy was born 30 May 1864 in Keighley. He married Sarah Ann Wheelhouse 3 January 1885 in Bradford Cathedral. They had three children. In 1891 they were living at 7 Elliott Street in Shipley with Timothy employed as a mechanic. Sarah died in 1895.
Widowed Timothy married Fanny Brotherton 14 November 1896 at St Paul's Shipley. They had five children, but one died as an infant. In 1901 they were living at 8 Dove Street in Saltaire.
Phyllis, their youngest child, was born 18 December 1906 in Saltaire. In 1911 the family were living at 8 George Street. They moved to 10 Albert Road (re-numbered 19) around 1920. Report from Shipley Times 29 September 1934 as follows:
A pretty wedding took place at Saltaire Methodist Church on Saturday, between Mr. Walter Lee, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Lee, 41 Barrett Street, Shipley, and Miss Phyllis Horsfall, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Horsfall, 19 Albert Road, Saltaire.
The bride has been a member of the office staff of Salts (Saltaire) Ltd., for several years, and formerly was a member of the Saltaire Methodist Church choir. The bridegroom was at one time actively identified with the Airedale Harriers, and at one period held the position of treasurer. The ceremony was performed by the Kev. Charles H. Pitt. 8.A., and Mr. Percy Warne was at the organ. The bride, who was given away by her father, was prettily attired in a gown of beige satin marocain, with hat to tone. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations. She was attended by her niece as bridesmaid Miss Edith Holroyd, of Bridlington, who wore a dress of blue crepe-de-Chine with a brown panne velvet picture hat, and she carried a bouquet of pink roses. Mr. James Feather (cousin of the bride) was the best man, and the groomsmen were Mr. Harry Easy (brother-in-law of the bride) and Mr. M. A. Simpson. of Buenos Ayres, South America (brother-in-law of the bride). After the ceremony reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Subsequently Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lee left for Cleveleys, Blackpool. Their future home will be 23 Bromley Road, Shipley.
In 1939 Walter was working as a grocer's assistant. They were living at 23 Bromley Road in 1962. Phyllis died in 1982.
Leek, Jane (nee Quanbury)
1898 – 1930
Jane (known as Jennie) Quanbury was born in 1898 in Market Deeping, Lincolnshire, to Thomas Edward Quanbury & Anne Melissa Bingham. She was baptised, 4 December 1898, in Market Deeping.
In 1911 the family was living at The Black Swan, Market Deepening, where Thomas was the innkeeper.
In 1921 Jennie was living with her sisters, Annie & Maud, at 20 William Henry Street, Saltaire. All three worked at Saltaire Mills; Jane was a cloth picker.
Jane married Horace Betley Leek, 21 March 1924, at St. Peter’s, Shipley. Born in 1896, Horace was a pattern room manager from Manningham; he had served in WW1. They had a son, Kenneth, born, 5 August 1925.
Jennie died in 1930 aged just 32. Horace died in 1962.
Leeming, Helena (nee Horne)
27 November 1900 - 12 July 1979
Helena Horne was the daughter of Abraham Horne. Abraham was born 25 January 1877 in Wibsey. He was baptised 1 January 1879 at Bradford Cathedral. Abraham married Mary Anne Jagger, 7 July 1900, at All Saints Bingley. They had three children: Helena, Edith and Herbert.
Helena was born 27 November 1900 in Shipley. She was baptised 30 January 1901 at Saltaire Congregational Church. In the 1901 census they were living with Abraham's parents at 3 Katherine Street, with Abraham working as a painter. By 1911 the family had moved to 12 Queens Road in Shipley. Helena worked as a burler & mender at Saltaire Mills from 1912 to around 1925. Helena's sister, Edith, worked as a burler & mender at Saltaire Mills. By 1919 Helena and her parents had returned to Saltaire living at 7 Katherine Street.
Helena aged 22 married John Leeming 9 June 1923 at St Peter's Shipley. They had a son, Derek, born 24 July 1925 in Katherine Street and a daughter Rita born 1930. By 1930 the family were living at 35 Ash Grove in Bingley. Through John's work they subsequently lived in Cardiff, Leicester and Altrincham. In the 1939 Register they were living in Altrincham in Cheshire with John working as a sales manager at a drapers. John, having served in WW1, was outside the conscription age for WW2. He was obliged to work in a job directly connected to the war and was offered a National Savings job in Bristol which he declined. Instead he worked for his brother in law, Harold Dewhurst, who had a small engineering works, D K Engineering, located on the Baildon side of Shipley bridge over the River Aire. The family moved to Trenance Drive in Shipley. Their son, Derek worked for Harrison & Page haulage contractors in Shipley before joining the R.A.F. in 1943.
John died in Lancashire in 1876. Helena died 12 July 1979 at St Anne's on Sea in Lancashire.
[Compiled with the help of Derek Leeming, a son of Helena. Many thanks.]
Leeming, William Henry
1851 -????
William Henry Leeming was the son of William Leeming. William married Mary (date of marriage and maiden name unknown).
William Henry, the eldest of three children, was born 1851 in Bradford. In 1861 William Henry was a doffer living with his mother at Northowram. By 1871 his widowed mother had married William Makin. William Henry lived with them at Great Horton, he was a spinning overlooker.
William Henry married Elizabeth Cawood 8 February 1875 at Bradford Cathedral. They had five children. In 1881 they were living at 11 Jane Street in Saltaire. By 1891 they had moved to 11 Shirley Street. In 1901 they were at 1 Alva Terrace in Shipley and in 1911 they were at 7 Sterling Place in Shipley.
Report from Leeds Mercury 3 January 1890 as follows: -
Yesterday, at the West Riding Police-court, Bradford, Wm. H. Leeming, of Shirley Street, Saltaire, was summoned for an assault upon Jane Ellen Haigh, of Field street, Shipley. The defendant is an overlooker employed at Saltaire Mills, and the complainant, aged 12 years, worked in his department.
It was alleged that on the 19th November, as the complainant was sweeping the passage the defendant said that " if she did not sweep it clean he would make a clean sweep of her," at the same time lifting his foot and kicking her in the back. She had since suffered much pain, and she had been unable to follow her employment.
Mr. Scott (Berry, Robinson, and Scott) appeared in support of the charge, the proceedings having been taken at the instance of the local branch of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
Mr. W. Tunnicliffe represented the defendant, and elicited from one of the witnesses, a girl named Sarah Dewhirst, that although she had stated in court that she saw the defendant kick the complainant, she had previously told a person that she did not see him kick her.
The Bench under the circumstances dismissed the summons, the Chairman (Mr. Thee. Peel) remarking that while the Bench were glad to find the society taking up cases of this kind, there must be stronger evidence than there had been in this case before they could convict.
Light, Bertha, (nee Rhodes)
6 July 1895 – October 1994
Bertha Rhodes was born 20 May, 1900, in Keighley to William Rhodes and Emily Hey. In 1901 and 1911 they were living in Keighley, with William working as a spinning loom fitter. Between 1915 and 1918 they moved to 22 George Street, Saltaire.
In March 1906, Bertha was reported as being a member of the Windhill Wesleyan Juvenile Missionary Association. She sang in public on a number of occasions.
In the 1921 Census, Bertha was a cloth picker working at Saltaire Mills.
Bertha married Jacob Holmes Light, 25 October, 1922, at Saltaire Road Primitive Methodist Chapel, Shipley. They had two sons – Jack born 28 August, 1925, and Raymond born 12 May, 1928, and a daughter, Elsie, who died in 1925 as an infant.
By 1925 they were living at 4 Regent Street, Shipley, moving to 15 Menin Dive, Baildon, around 1939. Bertha and Jacob were fish friers, running a shop at 50 Saltaire Road, Shipley.
Jacob was accidently killed 31 January, 1942.
Widow Bertha remained in Menin Drive until after 1960. She was a member of Baildon Methodist Church. She died in October 1999 aged 99.
Light, Jacob Holmes
Light, Jacob Holmes - Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Light, Jesse
17 March 1888 - 13 March 1951
Jesse Light was the son of William Light. William was born c1854 in Hawksworth. Working as an iron turner he married Martha Holmes in 1877.
Jesse, the sixth of 11 children, was born 17 March 1888 in Baildon. He was baptised 29 January 1890 at Baildon Primitive Methodist Chapel. The family lived in Baildon until 1911, by when they had moved to 74 George Street in Saltaire.
Martha died 2 August 1924; William died 27 Dec 1935. In his will he left £489 (worth c£35k in 2019) to Jesse. Jesse married Elsie Jakeman in 1926. They had a son, William born 26 December 1928. Elsie died 14 July 1932. In 1939 widowed Jesse was living with his son at Moorcroft in Baildon.
Jessie, of 17 Springfield Road, Baildon, died 13 March 1951 at Bradford Royal Infirmary. In his will he left £1272 2s 2d (worth c£40k in 2019) to his son, William, an assistant golf professional. In December 1951 William attended a presentation at Saltaire Mill for his father having worked in the Finishing Dept. for 50 years, William was presented with a gold watch and a long service certificate.
William died, 18 May 1997, in Newcastle.
Light, Thomas
13 November 1843 – 21 January 1924
Thomas Light was born 13 November 1843 in Hawksworth near Guiseley, to Grace Ratcliffe and Thomas Light snr. He was baptised 3 April 1844 at All Saints, Weston, near Otley. In 1851 they were living in Hawksworth with Thomas snr. working as a gamekeeper. Thomas snr. died in 1859.
In 1861 Thomas was a mechanic living with his mother and siblings in Hawksworth. Thomas married Jane Stephenson, 7 September 1867, at All Saints, Otley. She was born in 1846 in Lindley near Otley. They had three sons.
In 1871 they were living at 19 Titus Street, Saltaire, with Thomas working as a mechanic.
Jane died, 1 September 1874. She was buried 6 September in St. Paul’s, Lower Churchyard, Shipley.
Widower Thomas married Alice Elizabeth Briggs in 1877. She was ten years younger than Thomas, being born in 1853 in Idle. They had ten children.
In 1881 they were living at 10 Hird Street, Shipley with Thomas working as a mechanic. By 1891 they were at 12 Victoria Street, Shipley, where Alice remained until after 1939.
Thomas was an active member of the Liberal Party, and he was a member and treasurer of the Tower of Refuge Lodge of the Manchester Unity Oddfellows. In the 1921 Census, he was retired. He had worked as an engineer for Henry Mason, spinners, Victoria Works, Shipley. Thomas died suddenly 21 January 1924
Two reports in the Shipley Times 25 January: -
The Liberals of Shipley have lost an active fellow-worker in Mr. Thomas Light, aged 80, of 12 Victoria Street, Shipley, who died suddenly at his home on Monday night (21 January).
A native of Hawksworth, Mr. Light was for a number of years employed at Saltaire Mills. Ten years ago he retired, after having worked for the previous 30 years at Victoria Mills.
About two years ago Mr. Light was made a life member of the Shipley Liberal Club, in which he had always taken active interest. He had served on the committee and had also been a vice-president of the club. In addition, he was a member of the Tower Refuge Lodge of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows. He leaves a widow, six daughters and three sons.
A verdict of Natural Causes was returned at an inquest held at the Shipley Fire Station on Thursday morning (24 January) on the body of Thomas Light (80), of 12 Victoria Street, Shipley, who died suddenly on Monday night.
Deceased’s son stated that he heard his father making queer noises in bed on the night in question and he went upstairs to see what the matter was. When he struck a light, he found the deceased’s face turning black and his eyes glassy, while he had stopped breathing. Dr. Thornton said he had attended deceased for many years, the last time being about five months ago. Deceased had had two strokes and also suffered from loss of memory. Witness considered that death was due to a severe haemorrhage.
Lightfoot, Alice (nee Camm)
c1872 -????
Alice Camm was the daughter of William Camm. William was born c1836 in Hull. He married Sarah Rawson in 1858 in Lincolnshire.
Alice, the fifth of seven children, was born c1872 in Lincolnshire. In 1881 the family were living at 4 Caroline Street in Saltaire with William working as a wool sorter.
Alice had an accident in the mill as reported in the Shipley Times 12 December 1885, as follows:
Alice Camm, a girl of about 13 years of age, daughter of William Camm, millhand, of 4 Caroline Street, met with an accident at the Saltaire Mills on Monday last. About five o'clock, p.m., she was sweeping out her "gate," when she fell with her leg under her. The result was that she fractured one of the bones and had to go home. On Tuesday she was taken to the Infirmary, where she still remains, under the care of Dr Carter.
Alice married Fred Lightfoot, 27 April 1889, at Bradford Cathedral. They had a son, James, born in 1890. In 1891 they were living at 40 Ada Street in Saltaire with Fred working as a “gasser.” Their son, James died in 1891. He was buried, 31 August 1891, aged just 19 months.
Report from Shipley Times 3 October 1891: -
Bradford West Riding Court Thursday 1 October
Before Mr Theo Peel (chairman), Mr W Anderton, Mr E P Arnold-Foster, Colonel Hirst, Mr W H Ellis, Mr E Slater and Mr J S Cooke
A Nice Story of Married Life
Fred Lightfoot, Ada Street, Saltaire, was summoned for assaulting his wife. Mr C. L. Atkinson appeared for defendant.
Complainant stated that on Sunday last her husband came home drunk and got up on Monday morning and want to the Prince of Wales Hotel. She went to him and requested him to go to work, but he only swore at her and afterwards turned her out of the house, taking the key with him to his mother in Thompson Street.
Only a month since complainant buried her child, and the time of the funeral she had a black eye end her face was knocked to pieces, all of which had been done by defendant.
On Sunday defendant home with a lot of men to gamble, and she objected turned her out of the house. He did not hit her Monday, but struck her and hit her mother, at whom he swore in shameful manner.
The Chairman: ls this the first time he has assaulted you?
No; I have had to leave the house with my child at midnight to get out of his way.
By Mr Atkinson: She went to her mother's because she had nowhere else to go.
On Monday morning did you go to him at the Prince of Wales?
Yes, -He was having two pennorth of rum? No.
What did you call him? I called him anything wrong, but told him to go to his work, and he turned around and said, "If you don't shut your mouth, I'll throw you out of the _________door."
Didn't you swear at him and call him lazy?
No; if I may die in the box, I never said such a thing.
Didn't you follow him from the Prince of Wales up Thompson Street swearing all the way?
I followed him to get the key.
Didn't his mother tell you to be quiet, you would do more good? No.
Didn't you say to his mother, "Go to _______ with you? No.
When he went to the house didn't your mother strike him the nose, and then he hit her back? No; he struck first.
Hasn't he given you £1 week and sometimes 25s? Sometimes.
You got year furniture on the hire system? Yes.
And you should have paid £16 towards the £l8, but you have only paid £8 out of all the money has given you? Yes.
Mrs Camm, complainant's mother, said on Monday morning she found the two were quarrelling and "raising all the street.'' She pushed her daughter into the house, and defendant afterwards came in. He was going to strike her daughter, but she interposed and got the blow. Defendant then pushed them both out of the house and looked the door.
The Chairman; Has this gone on for some time?
Yes, for months. It's the drink; I don't know a better man when he is sober.
ls there any chance of making it up?
There should be, but when it comes to turning them out of the house at twelve o'clock at night, and threatening them with knives, it is time something was done.
Mr Atkinson: You interfere, don't you? No.
Haven't you, between you, looked him out of his own house? No.
Hasn't he been to you for the key? Yes, but I hadn't it.
Hadn't he to get through the window? Yes
Mr Atkinson said it was really a matter of mothers and mother-in-law. Defendant was a good husband, but they would not let him alone.
The Chairman thought they ought to make up; they had only been married three years.
To the complainant- You hear what your mother says, that he is a good husband when sober? Yes, none better, but he never hardly is sober.
Are you willing to be friends again?
Yes; I don't want to do anything to him but think he should give over "leathering" me.
The Chairman asked whether the defendant would promise to do better. If he gave such promise, and it were understood that other members of the family should not interfere, it might the best settlement.
Mr Atkinson denied that defendant was a bad husband; he would prove that the wife was to blame. She would have promise to behave better. Defendant gave her £1 a week regularly.
Complainant: Yes, and he has given 5s. and less.
The Chairman said there were fault on both sides.
Mr Atkinson: Yes, but I will prove that she is the worse of the two, and it is not fair to ask him to promise and not the woman.
After a time, it was agreed that the defendant should pay the costs and the case be withdrawn, both parties promising to try and live happily in the future.
Fred emigrated to the USA in 1901. He arrived in New York, 28 February, having sailed from Liverpool aboard the SS Teutonic.
[Colin's note - I can find no record of Alice and her son going to the USA, and I can find no record of them in the 1901 UK census.]
Lightowler, Egbert
29 March 1887 - 2 March 1957
Egbert Lightowler was the son of Arthur Lightowler. Arthur was born 29 March 1887 in Northowram. He married Sarah Jane Pickles 23 December 1883 at St John the Baptist Halifax.
Egbert, the elder of two sons, was born 29 March 1887 in Northowram. In 1891 they were living in Northowram with Arthur working as a boot maker.
Egbert's father died 8 November 1910. In 1911 Egbert was a drawing overlooker living with his widowed mother in Queensbury. Egbert married Ida Bairstow in 1920. By 1933 they were living at 13 Ashley Road in Shipley. Egbert would live the rest of his life here.
Extract from a report in the Shipley Times 10 February 1954 as follows: -
For 40 minutes on Monday evening a skeleton staff took over the mill and answered the questions of BBC commentators Jean Metcalfe and Brian Johnston.
The programme took viewers through every department in the mill, and they heard local people explaining their own particular line.
Then the cameras turned to Mr. E. Lightowler of 13 Ashley Road, Shipley, the drawing department manager, who has worked in the mill for 27 years.
Egbert died at Bradford Royal Infirmary 2 March 1957. In his will he left £337 12s to his widow, Ida. Ida died in 1988.
Linley, Margaret
9 April 1882 - 4 May 1897
Margaret Linley was the daughter of Charles Linley. Charles was born c1860 in Shipley. He married Rebecca Dickinson 14 March 1881 at Holy Trinity, Idle.
Margaret (known as Maggie), the middle child of five, was born 9 April 1882 in Idle. In 1891 the family were living in Idle with Charles employed as a bricklayer's labourer.
Report from the Shipley Times 8 May 1897 as follows: -
The mystery which, daring the previous week or so, has enshrouded the fate of Maggie Linley, who had been missing from her home in Windhill since the 22nd of April, has at length been solved. Up to the last the relatives of the girl had inclined the belief that she would not put an end to her own existence, but this hope was ruthlessly dispelled on Monday morning, when, at about o'clock, the body of the deceased girl was taken out of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal near the Canal Tavern, Windhill. The identity of the body having been clearly established, it was removed to the home of the girl's parents at 9 Thomas Place, and Major Taylor, the district coroner, communicated with.
The inquest was held at the Blue Bell Inn, Windhill, on Monday evening, before Mr Taylor and a jury of which Mr Levi Deacon was chosen foreman.
The first witness called was Rebecca Linley, who said she was the wife of Charles Linley, and lived at 9 Thomas Place. She was the mother of deceased, who was 15 years of age on the 9th of April. About twelve months ago deceased had an acute attack of St. Vitus's dance, which necessitated her staying at home for a period of eight weeks, during which time she was under the professional care of Dr Gray. From this attack she seemed to have fully recovered, and she had been working regularly since-latterly as a spinner at Saltaire Mills.
About a fortnight ago, however, witness noticed some twitchings of her daughter's body, and she was afraid of a second attack, and it was her intention, as matter of fact, to take the deceased to Dr Myers's on the night Thursday-the very day when she disappeared-but witness had no reason think the girl was afraid to go and see the doctor.
So far as the witness was aware, there had been no unpleasantness whatever with deceased. Witness told deceased, as she went out on the Thursday morning, that if she did not feel any better, she had to come home. Deceased answered that she was right enough, and she was better in the mill than at home. Deceased set off from home about half-past five on the morning of Thursday to go to work as usual, and she took her meals.
About half-past one on Thursday it was customary for a boy named Thomas Henry to bring deceased's wages home, but on this occasion, he did not do so, and when spoken to by witness, he said he had not been able to see Maggie. Witness therefore sent word to the overlooker, who informed her that her daughter had left the mill at nine o'clock in the morning and taken her wages.
Witness never saw her again alive, but she understood that two boys had seen her on the riverbank, and they had left her on Saltaire Bridge.
Witness had not noticed anything peculiar about deceased, who had been a very good and cheerful girl. She had no suspicion that anyone had done anything wrong to the deceased.
Sarah, wife of Thomas Moody, of 11 Thompson Street, Shipley, said she had known the deceased for some time, and last saw her at Easter, at which lime she appeared to be quite right; in fact, she generally had a smile on her face. As far as witness knew, deceased had always been well-treated at home. Witness knew that about year ago deceased had had an attack of St. Vitus dance, from which, however, she recovered. Witness laid out the body, upon which there were no marks of violence, but for a few marks on the face.
Constable Fewster, stationed at Windhill, deposed to the body being taken out of the canal, near the Canal Tavern, Windhill, at eight o'clock on Monday morning. When taken out the body was fully dressed, with the exception of the head-dress, the shawl she had been wearing being missing. He produced 3d, which had been found in her possession. The mother said the wages her daughter was entitled to were 3s. Of this sum she would have to pay 2d. at the house where she got her tea, and therefore there should have been 2s.10d. left. The difference was unaccounted for.
The Coroner having briefly reviewed the evidence, said there could no doubt that deceased had committed suicide, and a verdict was returned "That deceased had drowned herself whilst in an unsound state of mind."
Llewellyn, Frank
17 February 1905 – 21 May 1963
Frank Llewellyn was the son of James Llewellyn. James was born 26 March 1880 in Millom, Cumberland. He married Esther Steele, 13 October 1901, at Holy Trinity church in Millom. James & Esther had seven children all born in Millom, who would all eventually work in Saltaire Mill.
John Charles (1902-1957) 3 Lapstone Road
Olive (1903-1970) 3 Lapstone Road
Frank (1905-1963) 20 Devonshire Road
James (1906-1984) 17 Lapstone Road
Amy (1907-1985) 17 Lapstone Road
Esther (1915-2001) 17 Lapstone Road
Dorothy (1917-1991) 17 Lapstone Road
Frank, their third child, was born 17 February 1905 at 20 Devonshire Road in Millom.
Click to magnify

Image: The Llewellyn children
In 1911 the family were living at 17 Lapstone Road, where James was an iron ore miner. Frank attended Lapstone Road School, where he passed an examination in reading. He also attended the Wesleyan Sunday School.
In 1919 Frank moved with his family to Saltaire where he worked in Saltaire Mill. In 1919 he lived with his parents at 2 Edward Street (originally 7 Bath Buildings). From 1920 they were at 26 George Street. Frank along with his siblings, was a member of Saltaire Mills Gymnastic Club.
Frank, a motor trimmer, married Edith Mary Smith 20 March 1929 at St Peter’s Shipley. Edith was a clerk living in Manningham, she was born 21 February 1907. The married couple lived in Scarborough; by 1933 they were living in Bradford. They had two children, both born in Bradford – Brian in 1933 and Enid in 1938. They may have had another child who was born and died on the same day, 13 January 1932.
In the 1939 Register Frank was a coach cleaner living with his family at 40 Killinghall Drive, Bradford.
Their son, Brian, who was employed by the Customs & Excise, moved to Southern Rhodesia (now part of Zimbabwe), so Frank moved his family out there living in Bulawayo too.
Frank worked on upholstery in aircraft. He was a cricket umpire and took charge of matches in the equivalent of UK county cricket. Frank was diagnosed with cancer, so he moved back to England with his wife. Frank died 21 May 1963 in Epsom, Surrey.
(Compiled with the help of John Rolfe-Dickinson, a grandson of James & Esther.)
Llewellyn, James (Snr.)
26 March 1880 – 22 January 1937
James Llewellyn was the son of John Charles Llewellyn. John was born c1852 in St. Just, Cornwall. His parents were George Joseph Llewellyn (1824 – 1898) & Mary Anne Rowe. John married Emily Roberts, 15 July 1871. They had four sons and one daughter. Emily Ann, their daughter, died in 1883 aged just two.
By 1877 the Llewellyn & Rowe families had moved to Millom in Cumberland where John worked as an iron ore miner in Hodbarrow mine, which was located between Millom and Haverigg. The mine had opened in 1848 producing a very high grade of iron ore.
James, their third child, was born 26 March 1880 at 83 Albert Street in Millom. In 1891 they were at 39 Albert Street. In 1901 they were at 59 Albert Street where James worked in Hodbarrow mine too.
James married Esther Steele 13 October 1901 at Holy Trinity church in Millom. Esther, an only child, was born 21 February 1879 in Millom to John Steele & Dinah Butler. Dinah died 16 February 1881 of tuberculosis. John remarried. He died of tuberculosis on, 4 June 1901.
Click to magnify

Image: James (Snr) and Esther Llewellyn
James & Esther had seven children all born in Millom, who would all eventually work in Saltaire Mill.
Click to magnify
Image: Esther with six children.
John Charles (1902-1957) 3 Lapstone Road
Olive (1903-1970) 3 Lapstone Road
Frank (1905-1963) 20 Devonshire Road
James (1906-1984) 17 Lapstone Road
Amy (1907-1985) 17 Lapstone Road
Esther (1915-2001) 17 Lapstone Road
Dorothy (1917-1991) 17 Lapstone Road
Click to magnify

Image: The Llewellyn children
In 1911 James was an iron ore miner living at 17 Lapstone Road, Millom. He served in WW1 as a Private in the 4 th Battalion Royal Lancs. Regiment.
In August 1916 James was reported as being secretary of the Loyal Duddon Lodge of Oddfellows in Millom.
In 1919 James moved his family to Saltaire where he and all of his children worked in Saltaire Mill. In 1919 they lived at 2 Edward Street (originally 7 Bath Buildings). From 1920 to 1935 they were at 26 George Street. In 1935 Esther and & James along with Amy, Esther and Dorothy moved to 15 Titus Street.
Esther & James and their children and their future spouses had several holidays back in Cumberland, renting a large wooden cabin on Haverigg beach.
James died from Angina 22 January 1937 at 15 Titus Street.
Extract from a report in the Shipley Times 27 March 1937: -
Ambulance Workers Honoured – The Saltaire Mills Ambulance and Nursing Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade had a special gathering of members on Tuesday (22 March) evening at the Royal Café, Saltaire, when the Service Medals of the Brigade for 15 years’ efficiency were presented to Mrs Dewhirst, one of the foundation members, and to Mrs. Llewellyn, on behalf of the late Mr. James Llewellyn, who has passed away since qualifying for the distinction.
Esther died 5 March 1947 at 15 Titus Street. In her will she left £591 4s 3d to her son John Charles Llewellyn.
(£591 worth c£25,000 in 2020.)
(Compiled with the help of John Rolfe-Dickinson, a grandson of James & Esther.)
Llewellyn, James
15 November 1906 – 22 December 1984
James (known as Jim) Llewellyn was the son of James Llewellyn. James snr. was born 26 March 1880 in Millom, Cumberland. He married Esther Steele 13 October 1901 at Holy Trinity church in Millom. James & Esther had seven children all born in Millom, who would all eventually work in Saltaire Mill.
John Charles (1902-1957) 3 Lapstone Road
Olive (1903-1970) 3 Lapstone Road
Frank (1905-1963) 20 Devonshire Road
James (1906-1984) 17 Lapstone Road
Amy (1907-1985) 17 Lapstone Road
Esther (1915-2001) 17 Lapstone Road
Dorothy (1917-1991) 17 Lapstone Road
Jim, their fourth child, was born 15 November 1906 at 17 Lapstone Road in Millom.
Click to magnify

Image: The Llewellyn children
In 1911 the family were living at 17 Lapstone Road, where James snr was an iron ore miner. Jim attended Lapstone Road School, where he passed an examination in reading. He also attended the Wesleyan Sunday School.
In 1919 Jim moved with his family to Saltaire where he worked in Saltaire Mill. In 1919 he lived with his parents at 2 Edward Street (originally 7 Bath Buildings). From 1920 they were at 26 George Street. Jim along with his siblings, was a member of Saltaire Mills Gymnastic Club.
Jim married Ena Helliwell in 1933. Ena was born 27 October 1906. They had no children. At first, they lived at 19 Hall Cliffe Road, Baildon.

Image: Jim and Edna on their wedding day, 1933.
Advert from the Shipley Times 18 August 1934: -

Transcription: For Neat and Prompt BOOT and SHOE REPAIRS,
Home Address: 19 Hall Cliffe.
By 1937 they were living at 61 The Grove, Baildon.
Advert from the Shipley Times 13 March 1937: -

Transcription: J. LLEWELLYN
Boot & Shoe Repairer
1, Cliffe Avenue, Threshfield, BAILDON
Repairs Called for and Delivered.
Repairs Neat, Good and Prompt.
Reasonable Charges
Home Address: 61, The Grove.
By 1939 they were living at 59 Strathallan Dr, Baildon where they remained until around 1946. In the 1939 Register Jim was working a master boot & shoe repairer, and he was an A.R.P. warden, Ena was a burler & mender, and a member of the W.V.S.
Jim and Ena moved to the Isle of Wight. Ena died 29 July 1981 at 115 Moor Green Road, Cowes. Jim died 22 February 1984 at Inglefield Nursing Home, Totland, Isle of Wight.
Image: Edna Llewellyn.
(Compiled with the help of John Rolfe-Dickinson, a grandson of James & Esther.)
Llewellyn, John Charles
23 June 1902 – 10 June 1957
John Charles Llewellyn was the son of James Llewellyn. James was born 26 March 1880 in Millom, Cumberland. He married Esther Steele 13 October 1901 at Holy Trinity church in Millom. James & Esther had seven children all born in Millom, who would all eventually work in Saltaire Mill.
John Charles (1902-1957) 3 Lapstone Road
Olive (1903-1970) 3 Lapstone Road
Frank (1905-1963) 20 Devonshire Road
James (1906-1984) 17 Lapstone Road
Amy (1907-1985) 17 Lapstone Road
Esther (1915-2001) 17 Lapstone Road
Dorothy (1917-1991) 17 Lapstone Road
John, their eldest child, was born 23 June 1902 at 3 Lapstone Road in Millom.
Click to magnify

Image: The Llewellyn children
In 1911 the family were living at 17 Lapstone Road, where James was an iron ore miner.
John attended Lapstone Road School, where he passed examinations in writing & composition, and in map reading. He also attended the Wesleyan Sunday School.
In 1919 John moved with his family to Saltaire where he worked in Saltaire Mill. In 1919 John lived with his parents at 2 Edward Street (originally 7 Bath Buildings). From 1920 they were at 26 George Street.
John married Cecilia Sheard in 1924. Cecilia was born 29 July 1903 in Bradford to Thomas Henry Sheard & Agnes Dinsdale. They had two daughters, Margaret Cecilia, born 4 January 1925, and Megan Christine, born 7 March 1942.
From the Electoral Registers, John & Cecilia lived in Saltaire at the following addresses: -
1925 – 17 Helen Street
1926 to 1929 – 7 Mary Street
1930 to 1948 – 17 Titus Street
1949 to 1953 – 19 Victoria Road.
In the 1939 Register, John was working as a weft man; Cecilia was a full time (paid) A.R.P. Ambulance Attendant. In 1947 John was working as a foreman storekeeper. From around 1949 he was caretaker of Saltaire Methodist Church and Sunday School.
John was a gymnastics instructor. At the Saltaire Mills Sports’ Association first annual fete, in 1924, it was reported that under John’s direction the Bradford Gymnastic Club gave a clever display. At their second fete, in 1925, John was directing the gymnastic display of the Saltaire Mills Club. He remained as an instructor at the club until he moved away from Saltaire. All of his siblings were members of the club.
In September 1945 John was reported as being the P.T. Instructor for No. 387 (Airedale) Squadron Air Training Corps.
Report from the Bradford Observer 10 January 1953: -
The West Riding Police at Shipley last night issued the following description of John Charles Llewellyn (50), 19 Victoria Road, Saltaire missing from home since 7 p.m. yesterday: 5ft 8ins tall, slim build, dark complexion, dark hair (thin on top). Wearing a brown rimmed glasses and dressed in a grey pin-stripe suit, dirty fawn mackintosh and dark blue trilby hat.
Report from the Bradford Observer 12 January 1953: -
John Charles Llewellyn (50), 19 Victoria Rd, Saltaire, caretaker of Saltaire Methodist Church and Sunday School who had been missing from since Friday night, returned home during the weekend. It is understood he stayed at Keighley.
Around 1954/55 John and Cecilia moved to the Isle of Wight. John died 10 June 1957; Cecilia died in 1978. Their daughter, Margaret, married Spencer G. Wallis in 1945 in Keighley. She then married Roy John Clapp in 1952 on the Isle of Wight. Margaret died 2006 in Gloucester; Roy died 8 April 2008 at Chippenham in Wiltshire. Their daughter, Megan, married Brian Frice in 1971. At the time of writing (November 2020) they are both living.
(Compiled with the help of John Rolfe-Dickinson, a grandson of James & Esther.)
Lockwood, Jack
1920 - ????
Lockwood, Jack - Mill Worker / WW2 Roll of Honour
Lockwood, Willie
1884 - 15 May 1920
Willie Lockwood was the son of Joe Lockwood. Joe was c1863 in Jackson Bridge near Holmfirth. He married Lillie Waterhouse 28 July 1883 at St Thomas's Thurstonland near Huddersfield.
Willie, their eldest child, was born in 1884. In 1891 the family were living in Thurstonland with Joe working as a power loom turner. Lillie died in July 1898. Widowed Joe married Mary Hannah Brooksbank, 24 March 1900, at All Hallows, Almondbury near Huddersfield. In 1901 Willie was a fitter living with his family in Almondbury.
Willie, working as a warper, married Edith Dean 30 November 1907 at St Stephens, Rashcliffe near Huddersfield. In 1911 they were living at Primrose Hill in Huddersfield with Willie working as an overlooker. Between 1915 and 1918 they moved to 26 George Street in Saltaire. Willie died 15 May 1920.
Obituary from the Shipley Times 21 May 1920: -
The death occurred, at his residence, 26 George Street, Saltaire, on Saturday (15 May) of Mr. W. Lockwood, at the age of 36. The Deceased, who leaves wife and one child, was an overlooker at the Saltaire Mills, and for two seasons was secretary of the Saltaire Cricket Club. was also well -known football referee. The funeral took place at Huddersfield on Wednesday. A former secretary the Saltaire Cricket Club. Mr. Harry Mann died the previous Tuesday at 52. Birklands Road. Shipley.
Lonsdale, William
1880 - 18 June 1959
William Lonsdale was the son of Hartley Lonsdale. Hartley was born 1854 in Colne, Lancashire. He married Mary Ellen Hey in 1878.
William, the eldest of five children, was born 1880 in Bingley. The family lived in Bingley with Hartley working as a warp dresser. Following his wife's death in 1888 Hartley married Elizabeth Lund in 1889. They had one daughter.
William married Mary Jane Baker in 1903. Whilst living in Bingley they had two children in Bingley; Alfred Hartley (b1907) and Bertha (b1910). In 1911 they were living at 9 William Henry Street in Saltaire with William working at Salts Mill as a weaving overlooker. By 1915 they had moved to 34 Titus Street in Saltaire. In July 1916 William, a conscientious objector, made an appearance before the Shipley Tribunal to appeal to be exempted from military service. His appeal was unsuccessful and he was ordered to undertake non-combatant service.
(Colin's note - we can find no record of any military service.)
Extract from a report in the Shipley Times 20 June 1919 as follows: -
An examination of the employees of Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons, and Co., Ltd., Saltaire Mills, who recently attended a course of ambulance instruction at the Cafe, Saltaire, has resulted as follows: -Passed 2nd Examination (Voucher): -William Lonsdale.
William was a local Methodist preacher for over 50 years. The family moved to 9 Glenaire Drive in Baildon around 1929, where they lived here until the death of William. He died 18 June 1959 at the Duke of York Home in Bradford. His death followed a fall in Victoria Road, Saltaire, where he broke his leg. His widow, Mary Jane, died in 1961.
Love, Gertrude Elizabeth
8 October 1893 – 27 July 1941
Gertrude Elizabeth Love was the daughter of William James Love. William was born c1858 in Bombay in India. He married Margaret around 1885. He spent his working life doing various labouring jobs.
They lived in the following houses: -
1889 - 5 Stubbing Road, Windhill
1890 - 68 Crag Road, Windhill
1891 - 31 Helen Street, Saltaire
1896 - 22 Wrose Hill Terrace, Shipley
1901 - 5 Whitlam Street, Saltaire
1904 - 26 Shirley Street, Saltaire
They spent the rest of their lives in Shirley Street; William died in 1912 and Margaret died 3 July 1925.
Gertrude, the second youngest of five children, was born 8 October 1893.
In 1921 she was a weaver working at Saltaire Mills. She was living at 26 Shirley Street with her mother and her younger sister, Lilian, who was also a weaver in the mill.
By 1926 spinster Gertrude was living at 21 Ada Steet, Saltaire, where she remained until her death 27 July 1941.
Lupton, Kitty (nee Strange)
24 July 1918 –????
Kitty Strange was born, 24 July 1918. She married Edwin Lupton in 1939 in Keighley District. Edwin was born, 30 November 1915. Between 1931 and 1934 he lived with his family at 29 Albert Road, Saltaire.
Report from the Shipley Times 7 March 1931: -
Sleighing Accident – Whilst sleighing in Hustler Road at 8 p.m. on Wednesday (4 March), Edwin Lupton aged 16 years, of 29 Albert Road, Saltaire, came into the main road and was run into by a motor car driven by Miss Joan McCaffy, of Ilkley. He sustained bruises to the leg.
In the 1939 Register they were living at 8 Midland Terrace, Bradford. Kitty worked as a weaver and her husband a railway porter. They had a son, John, born 25 April 1941. He attended Albert Road School in Shipley. From before 1946 to after 1960 they lived at 19 Amelia Street, Shipley. Kitty worked at Saltaire Mills.
Extract from the Shipley Times 1 July 1953, referring to Saltaire Mills Centenary trip to Blackpool 26 June: -
Not one grumble was heard from the whole 3,800, a fact which speaks for itself. Mrs. E. Lupton, of 19 Amelia Street, spoke for thousands when she expressed the opinion that it had been “the best day out I’ve ever had.”
Kitty’s husband, Edwin, died in 1995. In 2003 Kitty was living at 7 Heygate Close in Baildon.
Lynch, Eden (nee Brown)
1890 – 1936
Eden Brown was born in 1890 in Shipley to William Albert Brown and Lily Drury. In 1891 they were living at 1 Apsley Place, Shipley, with William working as a wool warehouseman.
Eden married Frank Leach Lynch, 31 July 1909, at St. Andrew’s, Bradford. Frank was born, 3 December 1886, in Bradford. They had a son, John William, born in 1910. He sadly died in 1911.
In the 1911 census, they were living at 20a Oxford Street, Shipley, with Frank working as a punch minder, He died before 1921
From 1921 to her death in 1936, widowed Eden lived with her unmarried sister, Florrie Brown, at 28 Caroline Street, Saltaire.
In 1921 they were both working as mill hands at Saltaire Mills.
Lyne, William Isaac
3 August 1881 – 10 October 1920
William Isaac Lyne was the son of Dan Lyne. Dan was born c1854 in Hayfield, Derbyshire. He married Amelia Horsfield, 2 February 1880. at St Mary’s, Wyke, Bradford. In 1881 they were living in Hayfield where Dan was a grocer’s assistant.
William, their eldest child, was born 3 August 1881 in Hayfield. He was baptised 11 September 1881 at St Mary’s, Wyke. In 1891 they were living at 7 Elliott Street, Shipley with Dan working as a painter. In 1901 they were living at 3 George Street in Saltaire with William working as a spinning overlooker at Saltaire Mills.
William married Annie Louisa Dewhirst in 1903. By 1904 they were living at 28 Ada St. They had two daughters. Alberta, born 4 December 1903, was baptised 10 January 1904 at St Paul’s Shipley. Sadly, Alberta died in 1905 aged just 15 months. She was buried 11 May 1905 in Hirst Wood Cemetery Shipley; Florence Mary was born in 1906. By 1911 William was living with his wife and daughter at 13 Park Street in Shipley.
As an overlooker working in Saltaire Mills, William was exempted from military service at a meeting of the Shipley Military Tribunal 5 April 1917, and again in October 1917. In April 1920, William emigrated to India to work in the Cawnpore Woollen Mill. His wife and daughter joined him when they arrived In Bombay, having departed London aboard the “SS Morea,” 3 September 1920. Sadly, William died 10 October 1920.
Report from the Shipley Times 12 November 1920: -
Local Man’s Death in India
Mr Fred Dewhirst of 5 Park Terrace, Shipley has received an intimation from India to the effect that his son in law, Mr William Isaac Lyne, late of 13 Park Street, Shipley, has died from enteric fever at Cawnpore. For many years Mr Lyne was an overlooker at Saltaire Mills, and he went out to India in April to take a position with the Cawnpore Woollen Mills Co. Ltd. He died about a fortnight after his wife and daughter had joined him in India.
Lyons, Daisy (nee Holland)
28 June 1904 – 1984
Daisy Holland was born, 28 June 1904, in Swinton. In 1911 & 1921 she was living in Swinton with her grandmother, Mary Smith. In 1921 she was an out of work worsted drawer employed at Saltaire Mills.
(Colin’s note – In 1921 a significant number of people were out of work due to the miner’s strike.)
Living at 11 Caroline Street, Saltaire, and working as a wool comber, Daisy married Edward Lyons, 22 December 1823, at St. Pauls, Shipley. They had two sons – Harry, born 23 January 1925, and Dennis born 13 December, 1927.
In 1929 they were living at 42 Ada Street, Saltaire. From 1930 to 1936 they were at 28 Titus Street, Saltaire. From 1938 to 1945 they were at 45 Vicarage Road, Shipley. In the 1939 Register, Daisy was a worsted drawer, her husband a dyer’s finisher. From 1947 to after 1960 they were at 56 Hope Avenue, Shipley.
Daisy died in 1984.
Lyons, Edward
2 June 1902 – 1972
Edward Lyons was born, 2 June 1902, in Keighley to Alice Hannah Thompson and John Lyons. In 1911 they were living in Keighley, with John working as an iron finisher in a loom works. John died in 1913.
In 1921, Edward was living with his mother and siblings at 3 Mount Street, Shipley. Edward and his sister, Alice, both worked at Saltaire Mills. Edward was a dyer’s finisher and Alice was a spinner.
Edward married Daisy Holland, 22 December 1923, at St. Pauls, Shipley.
They had two sons – Harry, born 23 January 1925 and Dennis, born 13 December 1927.
In 1929 they were living at 42 Ada Street, Saltaire. From 1930 to 1936 they were at 28 Titus Street, Saltaire. From 1938 to 1945 they were at 45 Vicarage Road, Shipley. In the 1939 Register, Edward was a dyer’s finisher; his wife a worsted drawer. From 1947 to after 1960 they were living at 56 Hope Avenue, Shipley.
Edward died in 1972.