Saltaire War Diary: 5 January 1917
Sample advertisement:

(By kind permission of the Chairman and Members of the Council).
ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, 10th JAN., 1917 at 8p.m. by
THE BLIND MUSICIANS, (attached to the National Institute for the Blind).
Tickets:- Reserved Seats, 5s and 2s 6d. Unreserved, 1s and 6d: can be obtained from The Library, Saltaire Institute, where seats may be booked; and from the Carnegie Hall, Windhill. Doors open at 7.15p.m.
S. MARTIN, Hon. Sec. Local Committee.
Hospital Rum
A “Rum” Question
The report we published last week of the meeting of the Governors of the Sir Titus Salt Charity, under the heading “A Rum” Question,” has created a good deal of comment. It now transpires that the discussion arose from a misunderstanding.
The Ladies Committee which was formed solely for the purpose of providing comforts for the wounded soldiers, decided not to purchase rum for the inmates out of the money collected for comforts for fear that the fund might suffer in consequence.
The Matron received a gift of £2 to spend as she thought fit, and having received no instructions to the contrary, either from the Governors or the Ladies Committee, continued her long established custom of purchasing a bottle of rum in order that the wounded Tommies at the institution might have “the real thing” in the way of Christmas pudding.
Rum Not Prohibited
Thinking that the Matron had acted against the wishes of the committee, Councillor Learoyd, on principle, took exception to the Matron’s actions, and considering the way in which it was introduced, one can easily see how he got a wrong impression.
The Ladies Committee, however, did not decide to prohibit the use of rum at Christmas. They made no stipulation in regard either to its use or no-use – the matters of that kind. We feel sure that if Mr Learoyd had been aware of the circumstances of the case he would have raised no objection, for he would be the last man in the world to rob Tommy of any little luxury which he might desire. We say this because it is possible for Mr Learoyd’s attitude to be misunderstood. He did not object to our heroes having their plum pudding or sauce flavoured with rum, but to the principal of a committee being over-ridden.
No Grounds for Complaint
In justice to the Matron (Nurse Mitchell), we ought also to say that she knows her duties too well to act against the wishes of those from whom she receives instructions. That the Matron is quite free from all blame is evident from the following communication, which we received as we were going to press, from Mr B Allsop, Chairman of the Governors of the Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital:-
Will you kindly permit me to state with reference to the question of the purchase of a bottle of rum for patients Christmas fare, that information which has since come to my knowledge – and which would have been in the hands of the Governors at their last meeting, but for the illness of one of the ladies – entirely removes any ground of complaint against the Matron or anyone else concerned.
A Popular Matron
The Matron has had charge of the hospital for about nineteen years, and she has always been popular amongst the patients. She is a lady with high ideals, and her enthusiasm for the calling increases as time advances.
Those who know Nurse Mitchell will wonder least that she is such a great favourite of those who are treated at the institution. As the “boys” at the Salt Auxiliary War Hospital indicate in their letters on the “rum” controversy, they are going to stick to their sympathetic Matron as they stuck to the game at the Front.
Nurse Mitchell is proud to belong to the Roman Catholic Church. She is president of the local committee of the Catholic Women’s League, the object of which is to unite Catholics in a bond of common fellowship for the promotion of social, religious and intellectual interests.
“Absolute Piffle.”
To the Editor of the “Express”
Sir, - In your interesting paper, dated Dec 29th, appears an article entitled “A Rum Question.” It certainly is a “rum” question, and I would esteem it a favour from you, if you grant me a small amount of space to refer to it.
Is it such a great crime for us “mere boys” to have such a large amount of rum – about a teaspoonful in ever helping of pudding? In my opinion it is absolutely “piffle” to make so much fuss over a paltry thing like this, after having led lives we “mere boys” have led out there. We may be a lot of little children instead of men, but we have stared death in the face more than once.
I think our matron is quite capable of looking after us, and to a man we stick to her as we stuck to the guns at the front.
One of the “merest” boys
Saltaire Hospital
(Colin's note – the above is just one of several letters published in the Shipley Times, all in support of the matron.)
Powers of the Ladies Committee
(Colin’s note – this article was written for the Shipley Times by a member of the committee.)
For the benefit of those who read your report last week of the meeting of the Governors of Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital, I think some explanation is due, as there is some reflection upon the Matron. It is ridiculous; however it cannot be helped, but I will be as short and clear as possible.
The powers of the Ladies Committee are limited to collecting subscriptions and spending them for the benefit of the wounded men. It has no jurisdiction over the Matron, neither has it authorised any of its decisions to be placed before the Board. Moreover, it declines to be invested by inference with powers it has not accepted.
A bottle of rum has been bought at Christmas time by the Matron for nearly twenty years, and she received no instructions from the Board to discontinue the practice. Why she should be criticised, therefore, is beyond comprehension.
The Comforts Fund is to provide extra comforts, and not to relieve the hospital of any of its customary expenses, large or small, and nothing more must be inferred from the committee’s decision other than declining to pay out of the Comforts Fund any expense usually borne by the hospital.
Why some of the members of the Board should comment upon the matter or infer that because the Ladies Committee decline to buy a certain thing out of their funds that the certain things must not be bought out of any other funds I do not understand. In times like these one feels that no apology is required to touch a matter so trivial, but the reflection on the Matron makes it necessary.
Military Wedding
The marriage took place on Monday at the Saltaire Wesleyan Church, of Private Thomas Howcroft Hodgson, younger son of Mr and Mrs J W Hodgson of Cottingley; and Miss Annie Feather, only daughter of Mr and Mrs E Feather, Gordon Terrace, Saltaire.
The bride, who was given away by her father, was attended as bridesmaid by Miss Lucy Hodgson (sister of the bridegroom). The officiating minister was the Rev. W B Mattison, and the best man was Mr N Hodgson (brother of the bridegroom).
The bridegroom, who was former assistant master at the Woodbottom Council School, Baildon, is a member of the R.A.M.C.
After having served for a few months in France, he was invalided home in July and was for about three months in hospital. He is now stationed at Rugeley Camp, Cannock Chase in Staffordshire.
Nonagenarian’s Death
Mrs Ann Pratt, of 28 Victoria Road, Saltaire, passed away on Saturday night. The venerable lady was ninety-one years of age, and was the last of the original pensioners to live in the almshouses rent free.
Some little time ago, she had an illness and had since been subject to dizziness. On Friday, Dec 23rd, she had a fall in the house whilst dusting a rocking chair, fracturing her left thigh. She had lost the use of the right arm and leg.
At an inquest concerning Mrs Pratt’s death, held at the Saltaire Institute, on Tuesday, by Mr E W Norris (Deputy Coroner), Dr Emerson said he was of the opinion that death was due to cerebral haemorrhage, accelerated by the fracture of a thigh. A verdict was returned in accordance with the medical evidence.
In Memoriam
Lambert – In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away Jan, 4th, 1914 - From Sons and Daughters – 7 Mawson Street, Saltaire.
(Colin’s note – Catherine Elizabeth Lambert (nee Burton) born 1853. Died at 23 Albert Road (renumbered 45) in Saltaire. Catherine had three sons who served in WW1; Arthur, Fred & John George).
Saltaire War Diary: 12 January 1917
Sample advertisement:

Fine Selection, 5/6, 7/6, 9/9, 11/9 pair
Hospital Rum
Letter to the Editor.
Sir, - At a meeting of the Shipley Tent of the Independent Order of Rechabites last week, I was instructed to forward you a copy of the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted:-
“That, we, the members of the Shipley Tent I.O.R., protest against the use of intoxicants at Saltaire Infirmary, either as beverages or in connection with food stuffs, as their use is at all times fraught with danger to whoever partakes of them. And especially at this period, when wounded soldiers are among the inmates of that institution. It is inadvisable that temptation should be put in their way, and that, too, in contradiction to the wishes of the sub-committee of the Board of Governors.”
Yours, etc.
Thomas W Outhwaite
Leyburn Grove
Letter to the Editor
“Sir, - I have been in the hospital here for the past two months suffering from wounds, and now am happily discharged. May I crave the indulgence of a small space in your valuable paper to express my sincere and grateful thanks to the doctors, nurses and the whole of the staff for their kind sympathy and untiring efforts to alleviate the pain of the patients in their care.
I along with many others, will never forget our stay in the institution not the many kindnesses we have received at the hands of the people of Shipley and Saltaire, not only for their gifts of comfort of the body, but the many excellent arrangements to cheer us up by concerts, etc.
To one and all a British Tommy expresses his heartfelt thanks.
Private James Fuller – Royal Sussex Regiment.
Sir Titus Salt Hospital, Saltaire.
Shipley War Pensions Committee
Letter to the Editor,
Sir, - This Committee consists of the Chairman of the District Council, the Chairman of the Shipley Trades and Labour Council, the President of the Shipley Branch of Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild and eighteen others.
It was reported in your issue of the 5th inst. that at a meeting of the Committee held last Wednesday, when the question of the need for increased financial support was being considered, the clerk said that “they had not done very well at Saltaire,” and later, that “no collections were allowed at Saltaire Mills.” The Chairman said that “every available means had been tried at Saltaire.” A member of the Committee said he was “surprised at the attitude adopted,” and advised a visit to the ‘great Salts’ concern.” The Chairman replied that “his word might be taken that they wouldn’t go there.”
The impression intended to be created was that the proprietor of Saltaire would do nothing himself nor allow others to do anything, though it must have been known to the speakers that he was given in one week for the benefit of our soldiers, five or ten times more than any sum it is likely the Committee will have placed at its disposal by total contributions in a year. Is it too much to ask that these spiteful animosities should be laid aside during the war. They are contemptible at any time, but particularly so now.
It should be pointed out, though the public opinion at Shipley is fairly represented on the Committee, the same does not contain the name of a Saltaire householder, though one-sixth of Shipley’s population live in Saltaire.
Yours etc. – An Employee at Saltaire Mills.
Wounded Soldiers Entertained
The Hall Royd and Charlestown Wesley Guilds entertained the wounded soldiers from Saltaire Hospital, at Hall Royd Sunday school, on Saturday last.
A first class concert was given, with the soldiers taking part in competitions during the interval. Afterwards a supper was provided with Charlesworth’s of Saltaire doing the catering. Each soldier was then given fruit, chocolates, and cigarettes.
Our Blinded Heroes
It was the turn of Shipley on Wednesday evening to have the privilege and pleasure of a visit from the famous blind musicians who have recently toured the large towns in the West Riding of Yorkshire. These musicians are attached to the National Institute for the Blind. By their efforts they have raised from each district visited substantial sums of money in aid of the St. Dunstan’s Hostel for men blinded in the war.
The Victoria Hall, in which the concert was held, was kindly lent for the occasion by the Shipley District Council, and the accommodation provided, though ample, proved to be little more than sufficient for the huge audience.
Many generous subscriptions had been received and the sum of at least £500 was assured. For a town the size of Shipley this is remarkable when it is remembered that amounts not nearly half so large have been raised in Leeds and Bradford. In fact the sum realised is a record for an enterprise of this character.
In Memoriam
Free – In loving memory of our dear daughter, Minnie, who departed this life, Jan 14th 1916.
We miss thee when the morning dawns,
We miss thee when the night returns:
We miss thee here, we miss thee there,
Dear Minnie, we miss thee everywhere.
- From Father, Mother and Family, 1 Shirley Street, Saltaire.
(Colin’s note – Minnie was born in 1899. She had an older brother, Andrew, who served in WW1.)
Saltaire War Diary: 19 January 1917
Sample advertisement:
Click on image to magnify
Choice Cuts of Beef
Boiling Beef
Prime English Mutton
At Moderate Prices
All Horses Medically Passed Before being offered to the Public
Hospital Rum
Letter to the Editor.
“On reading the “Shipley Times” dated Jan 12th, I see the war on the run still continues, and it may be interesting to know that we “mere boys” are standing to again. There has been a slight attack from the direction of Shipley by “some” members of “some” order, who has not had “Somme.” That has failed miserably before the letters published on our side, and we are winning all round. I think neutrals had better take note, and remain neutral, or join our side. That bottle of rum, must certainly have been strong, as it has made many people talk.
One of the Rum Brigade, Salt Auxiliary Hospital.
Saltaire Institute Club
The annual meeting of the Saltaire Institute Club was held in the billiard room of the Institute on Thursday evening. Mr E Clifford Fry (President of the Club) occupied the chair. There were also present Councillors Cowgill (Chairman of the Libraries Committee), E Bateson, T F Doyle, T Hill, C E Learoyd, L Shackleton and Mr Isaac Lindow.
The Secretary, Mr J R Walker, in the annual report said that the war had taken 42 members of the Club, the membership having been reduced to 83, in consequence of this the income had been greatly reduced, not only in subscriptions, but in receipts for billiards and other items. This had been a serious drain on the resources of the Club. It was felt that it was their duty to keep the club as a going concern to cheer the “boys” on their return. In spite of adverse circumstances they had been able to close the year without a deficit.
The usual functions had not been held during, except the billiard tournament for which prizes had been provided by the committee. The balance sheet showed that the members subscriptions had fallen from £19 1s 6d to £10 8s 6d and the receipts from billiards were £45 1s 8d, as against £57 10s 8d, other receipts were similarly reduced. On the expenditure side there was also a reduction. They had been unable to pay anything to the District Council beyond the agreed rent of £10. In the previous year £20 was paid to the Council out of the club’s funds.
Councillor Cowgill congratulated the members on maintaining the club, and said he thought there was no ground for pessimism. The District Council were greatly indebted to the committee of the club in the way they had supported them in the maintenance of the club. The Council felt that the club was doing a great service and if the advantages of the club were better known in the district it would be much better supported. It was an admirable club, conducted on the best lines and was a place where parents might allow their sons to go, without feeling any misgivings as to the result.
The new committee elected was as follows: - Messrs. G Armstrong, H Feather, E Hudsworth, T Oxley, A Wadsworth, F White and A Wigglesworth. Mr Walker was re-appointed secretary and treasurer. Messrs. H Barnes and W H Eccles were re-appointed trustees. Mr C E Fry was re-appointed president for the ensuing year.
A vote of thanks was accorded to the officers for their services during the past year. Mr Fry in his reply said that he had no misgivings with regard to the future of the club, and although they had some difficulties to contend with they intended to keep the club going and looked forward to the time when their fellow members now serving their country would be back with them. They were proud of the contribution they had made from the club to the army, and they hoped to see their members back again in due time and resume their contribution to the district and the profits of the club.
It was stated that the president, Mr Fry, had presented a roll of honour to the club of the members who had joined the forces. This was now exhibited in the club rooms.
(Colin’s note – I wonder what happened to this roll of honour?)
Saltaire Adult School
In connection with the above, a series of “Over-table Talks” have commenced and are to be held weekly on Monday evenings, in the Schoolroom, Saltaire Rd. The subject on Monday evening last took the form of a review of Professors Murray’s address on “Education” which he gave at Victoria Hall the previous Monday.
Mr J W Thornton ably introduced the subject, and dealt with all the important points. In the discussion the half-time question was touched upon, and as it is occupying the minds of our local ladies on the County Council at the present time, it was decided that next Monday evening, Jan 22nd, the subject of half-time labour would be introduced by Mr G Buttle. The meetings are open to the public.
Men’s Gathering
The men’s annual dinner in connection with the Saltaire Congregational Church was held on Saturday evening in the Lecture Room of the Sunday school. There was a large company present, including the Reverend P Drummond Pringle (pastor of the church), Mr J Sowden, Mr W Popplestone, Mr T Whiteley, Mr W Morrell, Mr C Pollard, Mr F Wilson, Mr G Midgley, Mr G Brown, Mr N Clarke, Mr B Laycock, Mr H Williamson, Second Lieutenant R Wilson and Mr W Sutcliffe.
The dinner was served by Mrs Pringle, Mrs Morrell, Mrs Laws, Mrs Brown, Miss Bray, Miss Hudson, Miss F Taberer and Miss Evans.
The after proceedings consisted of an interesting programme of toasts, interspersed with vocal and instrumental items.
Shipley Oddfellow Honoured
The new Grand Master of the Shipley District of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows is Brother James Urwin of Dove Street, Saltaire.
Instituted a member of the Loyal Tree of Life Lodge in 1887, he has throughout his career as an Oddfellow taken a very keen interest in the affairs of his lodge in the district. About 18 years ago, he passed through the chairs of his lodge, and did excellent work as a member of the Juvenile Committee. Ever since he joined the movement he was given himself heart and soul to the work, and he is thoroughly deserving of the high honour which has been conferred upon him. We trust that as an Oddfellow he has still many years of useful work before him.
Midgley – On Sunday January 14th, at Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital. Alfred Midgley, in his 50th year, for upwards of 20 years with the Prudential Assurance Company.
Saltaire War Diary: 26 January 1917
Sample advertisement:

Government Resriction of Suppl
The severe restriction by the Government makes it imperative that there should be no waste. Will readers of the "Express" kindly place a definite order with their newsagent to supply the paper to them every week. Casual sales cause much waste and cannot be provided for. The "Express" should be ordered beforehand.
Soldiers Death
Ogden – Killed in action, December 7th, 1916, Private Joe Ogden, of the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, aged 32 years, eldest son of Mrs and the late Harry Ogden, of 26 Rhodes Street.
His country called, he answered,
He gave his life for one and all.
The Half Time System
On Monday evening at the Saltaire Adult School, Mr G Buttle introduced the subject of “Half Time Labour.” In the course of his remarks, he advocated the abolition of the system. The system was detrimental to the education of children as they were taken to work just at the age when the acquiring of knowledge was most important. He instanced the towns of Huddersfield, Batley and Dewsbury as having abolished the half-time system, and said how much better they were for having taken that course.
Several members gave their reminiscences of their early days of half-time labour, and how it affected them later in life. The subject was pretty well discussed from all points of view and at the close the following resolution was submitted and carried unanimously: “That we, the members of the Saltaire Adult School ask the Shipley Education Committee to give their unanimous support to the question of the Abolition of half-time labour.”
The subject of “War Pensions” will be introduced at the next meeting by Mr Joe Hudson, chairman of the Shipley Trades and Labour Council.
Egg Collection
A collection of eggs was taken to the headquarters of the Salvation Army on Sunday. And in consequence 48 eggs were received. Since Adjutant Soper (who is in charge in Shipley) came to the town two years ago, the Salvation Army have collected no fewer than 3,000 eggs. Those collected on Sunday were sent to Saltaire Hospital for the use of the wounded and in response the Adjutant has received the hearty thanks of Miss Mitchell (the matron). The eggs previously collected have been sent to the various hospital bases in different parts of the country.
Saltaire Institute Lecture
A lecture was delivered at the Saltaire Institute on Wednesday evening by Mr W Edwards, the headmaster of the Bradford Grammar School, in which he described the marvellous discoveries in Crete made by Sir Arthur Evans. The lecturer was illustrated by a number of lantern slides.
The chairman was Sir Ellis Denby (the president of the Institute Society), who remarked that the society was only young yet, but satisfactory progress was being made. If they continued to get such able lecturers as Mr Edwards they could look forward to the future with hop and confidence. (Applause.)
Wounded Entertained
A very pleasant half day was spent on Wednesday at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, when the Shipley and District Butchers’ Association entertained about 200 wounded soldiers. A substantial knife and fork tea was provided consisting of beef, ham, and tongue. The billiard room was at the disposal of the wounded soldiers during the afternoon and others indulged in whist and other games for which prizes were offered. After tea Councillor Waugh (president of the association) welcomed the soldiers, and in a few well-chosen words paid a tribute to their devotion and courage in “doing their bit for their King and country.
During the evening the soldiers were entertained by Mr Charlesworth George and his concert party, which consisted of Mr J Charlesworth, Mr Midgley, Miss Wheatley Jackson, and Miss Johnson. Mrs M Akam was the accompanist. Other artists included Mr Pollett with his performing dogs, Mr Harry Mitchell (female impersonator), Miss Lumb and Mr G H Hamley (humourist).
Mr John Walker had charge of the arrangements for conveying the wounded soldiers to and from Victoria Hall and special constables controlled the street traffic in the vicinity of the hall.
A word of praise is due also to the ladies, who worked so untiringly to make the functions such a success. Before leaving the soldiers were served with hot coffee and sandwiches, which proved to be very acceptable. During the evening Mr Isaac Lindow (Clerk to the Council) paid a short visit and chatted with the soldiers. Mr Ramsden of Victoria Road, Manningham, was the secretary and Mr H Feather, of Saltaire, discharged the office of treasurer.
Saltaire War Diary: 2 February 1917
Sample advertisement:

Prof. W. Bateson, M.A.,F.R.S.
(Past President of the Salt Schools, Shipley), will
Lecture on Heredity
ADNISSION: 2s 6d., 1s 6d.
Children Half-price.
Hospital Governors
The monthly meeting of the members Salt Hospital Board was held at the Saltaire Hospital on Wednesday evening. Mr B Allsop (chairman) presided, and others present were Mrs F Rhodes, Miss Dunn, Councillors C E Learoyd, J Pitts, Messrs. E L Baumann, Francis Lister, Walker Cryer and Mr Thos. Luxton (clerk).
The Clerk reported that donations had been received as follows:-
Baildon Combing Co. £3 11s 1d.
F Wigglesworth and Co Ltd. £1 0s 7d.
Shipley District Council, Gas Department, £1 1s
Charlestown Combing Co Ltd. £4 10s
Bradford City Tramways, Technical Department. £1 1s.
F Hartley and Co Ltd. £5 £5s
J R Fyfe and Co Ltd. 13s 5d.
Engineers Department, Midland Railway. £1 11s 11d.
Postmaster, Gains and Fines Fund. 10s.
Hospital Sunday Collections:-
St Pauls Church Shipley. £3
Saltaire Congregational Church. £1 7s 4d.
General Donations:-
Harry Lee. £2.
Windhill Industrial Co-op Society. £25.
Sir Titus Salt, Bart, Sons and Co. Ltd. £21
Valley Scouring Co. £10 (per Mr Elstub).
J Parkinson and Son, £10.
North Bierley Guardians. £2 2s
Midland Railway. £5 5s.
Mrs Ernest Illingworth. £2.
Miss Mitchell. £1
Total £102 4s 4d.
(Colin’s note - £102 4s 4d is worth c£6,400 in 2017.)
The Clerk said that the number of out-patients during the month had been 44; the number of in-patients at the time of the last report was 23 and there had been admitted since 21. There had been discharged 23, and the total number remaining in the hospital was 21. There had been nine operations.
Hospital Rum
A meeting of the Salt’s Hospital Board was held on Wednesday evening, Mr B Allsop (chairman) presiding. The question of the purchase of rum at Christmas by the Matron was the subject of further discussion.
The whole of the public business having being disposed of, the Chairman intimated that the rest of the proceedings would be taken in camera. At this junction, however, Miss Dunn, who brought the matter forward at the previous meeting, interposed with the remark that before the Press retired she would like it to be publicly known that she intended to tender her resignation as a member of the Ladies Committee for Soldiers Comforts.
The Chairman: In my capacity as chairman of the Board I suppose I must accept it.
Mrs Rhodes: I suggest that Miss Dunn be asked to re-consider her decision.
Councillor Learoyd said it was very awkward for the Board that Miss Dunn should resign. He proposed a resolution appointing this Ladies Committee, and he would not have done so if the Governors had not been represented on the Committee by all the lady members of the Board.
Mrs Rhodes: It was very unfortunate that I was not present at the last monthly meeting, for then the matter under discussion could have been explained at once. It was very good of you, Mr Learoyd, to support our Ladies Committee.
Councillor Learoyd: Yes I think the Ladies Committee are doing a very good work.
Mrs Rhodes: Of course, that bill had been put before me and I had passed it.
Mr Cryer: You did object to the rum?
Mrs Rhodes: We did not object to the rum at all. The great mistake was, I think, that we did not call in Miss Mitchell (the matron) and tell her at the time that we did not intend buying the rum. We have so many different kinds of people contributing to our funds and we realised that there might be some who would object to the purchase of rum. It was really out of consideration for those people that we decided not to buy any. One of the members remarked that she did not see any objection to the inmates having a teaspoonful of rum, whilst another remarked that the committee were not justified in buying a bottle of rum out of the money given to the Soldiers Comforts Fund.
Councillor Learoyd: It has already been stated that the reason the Ladies Committee would not buy the rum was because of the mixed character of the subscribers to the Comforts Fund. In my opinion, that reason applies in a far larger degree to the subscribers of the hospital itself. Those who were responsible for establishing this institution did everything possible to keep intoxicants out, not only of the hospital, but of the locality over which they had any control. They would have nothing to do with either rum, beer or anything else of the kind. This attitude continued to be enforced up to the end, and the whole of Governing body have since tried to follow that lead.
Mr Baumann: The Matron got abused for her action, and I think it was abominable!
Councillor Learoyd: I thought it was very abominable, and I think so yet.
The Chairman: I think it was a great pity the matter was presented as it was. It would be very wise to let the matter drop.
Mr Cryer said that there could be no question of liquor traffic when they had to send out for a single bottle of rum.
Councillor Learoyd said that in the town itself it was very well known, and the chairman last week took occasion to say that the rum had been used as a food. Since then the general talk in the town has been that it was introduced as a beverage.
Mr Cryer: I do not remember there having been any spirits at this Board, with the exception of brandy. This is permissible for medicinal purposes. I have seen that, and passed the account for that reason.
The Chairman: We have had a bottle of brandy and a bottle of rum occasionally and I believe the bottle of rum has lasted a year, if not longer.
Mr Cryer: There is an account here for 8s for brandy. It is only a single bottle.
Councillor J Pitts: It appears there has been some misconception in regard to this matter, as Mrs Rhodes said.
Mrs Rhodes: Yes, there has been a misunderstanding.
The Chairman: If Mrs Rhodes had been here at the last meeting I think there would not have been all this commotion in the town.
Mr Baumann: I took the stand I did because I understood – and I think you all did the same – that the Ladies Committee had absolutely prohibited the supply of rum to the inmates of the hospital.
Councillor Learoyd: The Ladies Committee declined to sanction the expenditure from their fund; that was all.
Mrs Rhodes: That is so.
The Chairman: I am only sorry that things have been magnified in the way they have; it was a great misfortune.
In committee the Board decided to ask Miss Dunn to reconsider her decision.
Saltaire Adult School
In connection with above, Mr J Hudson, of Shipley, gave a very interesting and instructive address on Monday evening, on the subject of “War Pensions.” He dealt chiefly with the allowance for soldiers’ wives and dependants, and allowances made to soldiers’ widows, whose husbands were killed during the war. He gave some very interesting information on the above points, and he also gave a very interesting description of the work done by the Shipley Pensions’ Committee.
At the close Mr Hudson was very heartily thanked for his address.
At the Saltaire Institute on Tuesday morning, before the Deputy District (Mr E W Norris) an inquest was held respecting the death of Harry Horatio Kitchener Bacon, the eleventh child of Jane Elizabeth Bacon, of 31 Constance Street, Saltaire. The child was seven months old, and died suddenly on Sunday. A verdict of “Death from natural causes” was returned.
During December, 5059 books were borrowed at the Saltaire Library.
27 January 1917 – St Peters Shipley
George Clifford Thompson, iron moulder aged 23, of Bingley married Ethel Bins, a munition worker aged just 17, of 24 Titus Street in Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 9 February 1917
Sample advertisement:

Chamber Concert
Miss Olga Haley
At the Piano: MRS. EDWARD HALEY,
Mr. Herbert Johnson
The Edgar Drake String Quartette
First Violin: MR. EDGAR DRAKE
Violoncello: MR. G. I. DRAKE
DOORS OPEN 7.15 p.m.
ADMISSION: 7s 8d., 1s 8d. (Reserved) 1s 2d.
and 7d (Unreserved), Inclusive Tax.
Seats may be Reserved at Library, Saltaire Institute.
In continuation of the lecture programme of the Saltaire Institute Society, Mr Gegorius Brown gave an illustrated lecture at the Victoria Hall on Wednesday night on “Austria-Hungary and the War.” This lecture should not have delivered until February 28th, but the lecturer at short notice took the place of Professor Bateson, who was prevented by indisposition from keeping his engagement to lecture on “Heredity.”
Sir Ellis Denby (president) occupied the chair, and after commenting upon the reason for the absence of Professor Bateson, referred to the kindness of Mr Brown in filling the appointment. It was not the first Mr Brown had stepped into the gap. On a previous occasion when there was some doubt as to whether the appointed lecturer should appear, he had been able to take his place, at the same time refusing to accept any fee. Before introducing the lecturer Sir Ellis called attention to the classical concert to be held on Wednesday at the Victoria Hall.
Saltaire Adult School
On Monday evening, Mr H Alderson gave an interesting and inspiring talk on “Psychic research.” After reading various extracts from such eminent men as Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir Wm. Crookes and others on the subject, he related some of his own experiences, which were really remarkable.
He proved to his hearers, that communication with the spirit world was possible, in spite of what sceptical-minded people may think about it, and the way in which he dealt with the various phenomenon occupied with the occult world, enthralled all who heard it.
Several questions were asked at the close, which the speaker answered satisfactorily, and after Mr Alderson had been thanked for his able address, the members dispersed, having got something to think about.
Councillor T F Doyle, is the speaker next Monday.
2 February 1917 at St Peters Shipley
Arthur Holt, a finisher aged 20, of Shipley married Edith Smith, a finisher aged 20, of 9 Herbert Street, Saltaire.
In Memoriam
Dewhirst – In loving memory of our dear Aunt, Eliza Dewhirst, who passed away February 6th, 1916.
“They miss her most who loved her best.”
From Niece and Nephew, 39 Dove Street, Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 16 February 1917
Sample advertisement:

Saltaire Road, Saltaire
(Opposite Wesleyan Chapel).
Sunday Evening Lectures
F. W. RICHARDSON, Esq., F.I.C,, Etc,
(City Analyst of Bradford).
Feb. 18th: If Good is Good, why is there Evil?
Feb. 25th: Is Man Immortal? How?
Hymn Books Supplied.
Shipley Military Tribunal
A meeting of the Shipley Tribunal was held at Somerset House on Tuesday evening, Councillor Thomas Hill (chairman) presiding, and other members present were Councillor C E Learoyd, F Rhodes, T F Doyle, Mr Ernest Illingworth, Mr J A Burton (military representative) and Mr Isaac Lindow (clerk). There were 33 cases disposed of. In 24 instances the applicant was successful, and periods of exemption varying from four months to one month were granted. There were eight refusals, and one case was left over. The following cases involved those that worked in Saltaire:-
A youth named Percy Topham, described as a woolcomber, and employed by Sir Titus Salt Bart., Sons and Co., sought exemption on personal grounds. He was passed for Class A.
The Chairman: You do not state any grounds for appealing – I am the mainstay of the home. My father and brother are serving.
Who is at home besides you? – My mother and two sisters.
Of course your mother will have something from your father and brother? – Yes sir.
Your sisters will earn something? – No sir.
What age are they? – One is working half-time and the other is nine years of age.
Mr Burton: Does not the half-timer bring something in? – Yes sir.
Will you tell the tribunal to what extent the family depends upon you? – I take all my wages home.
You appeal for exemption but give no reason for doing so.
The Chairman: As you know, there is a big demand for soldiers at the present time, but the tribunal think that your family has done a fair share. I must warn you, however, that there may come a time when even you may have to go. You will be postponed until May 30th, but after that date if there is still a strong demand for men I do not hold out much hope of a further postponement.
A E Ridgway, Class A, a woolsorter, appealed on personal grounds. His mother stated the case.
The Chairman: What does your household comprise of? – I have a married daughter and another son with me. My eldest son is serving with the colours.
Mr Burton: What is the age of the other son? – The Applicant: He is twenty years of age and is now in France. The youngest boy is a cripple.
What reason do you suggest why your son is really indispensable to your household? – I am partly dependent on him.
And you think you could not keep going without him – I could not as things are so dear.
You rely upon this son, and the younger one? – Yes, I could not thoroughly depend upon the other one. He is not always able to work.
Does the soldier make you some allowance then? – Yes 3s 6d a week
Councillor Learoyd: Do you only get 3s 6d? – Yes, but it comes to 9s altogether.
Mr Burton: That is very fair – Yes, but it costs more to send parcels. If he did not get a parcel he could not go on.
Your son is in the highest medical class of fitness and we want young men to get ready. It takes a long time to train and we are in the middle of a very stiff job. I can quite see the difficulty of your position, but the country at large is in still greater straits.
The appeal was refused, the applicant not to be called up before March 31st.
Application was made by Mrs Walbank for her grandson, Fred Walbank, a youth of 18 passed for Class B4, and employed by Sir Titus Salt Bart Sons & Co Ltd as an overlooker. Four of the applicant’s sons were in the Army and this young man was her only support.
Mr Burton: The household consists of this young man and yourself? – Yes no-one else.
Have you any income besides what he brings in? – No.
Councillor Rhodes: Is his father serving? – No, I brought him up since he was a boy.
Postponed to June 30th.
Mrs Abrahams appealed for son, G W Abrams, a woolcomber employed at Sir Titus Salt Bart Sons and Co Ltd. He was 18 years of age and had been passed for B2.
The Chairman: What family have you? – I have four children who are unable to work.
Is your husband working? – He is working, but not regularly. He has rheumatic in the shoulder.
Councillor Rhodes: You have no workers but him? – Yes, I have a daughter 15 years of age who is working.
Mr Burton: What does the household consist of? – My husband, four young children, and a daughter.
Postponement was granted to June 30th.
E Hodgson, motor driver, Sir Titus Salt Bart – Postponed
Mill Employee Scheme
A meeting of the employee at the Saltaire Mills was held in the mill yard on Monday afternoon when an address was given by Sir James Roberts, Bart., proprietor. Sir James expressed his willingness to purchase War Loan stock for his employees, and accept payment for the same by weekly instalments of 2s for each £5 of stock. He also offered to pay the last 5s, reducing the actual amount to be paid by the workers to £4s 10s, instead of £4s 15s, no interest to be charged for the advance.
The hope was expressed that at least 2,000 workers would avail themselves of the offer, which will remain open until Friday. It was pointed out that the wage bill at Saltaire had gone up by £1,000 per week, as compared with the amount paid before the war, although much of the machinery was idle for want of workers. Whilst it was admitted that food had become much dearer, it was stated that rents at Saltaire, an important item of domestic expenditure, were no higher than they were sixty years ago, when the houses were built.
The serious need for economy, Sir James said, was most pressing, and the best results were likely to be on the side which had the greatest financial staying power.
A Grateful Tommy
To the Editor of the “Express.”
Sir, - May I be permitted a little space in your paper to pass just a few remarks? I shall be leaving Shipley very shortly, but before doing so I take this opportunity of publicly expressing my appreciation and thanks to the matron and staff of the Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital for their kindness during my convalescence.
To the matron is due a special word of thanks. I wonder how many quite understand the onerous duties attached to this position. While admiring her professional qualities, one cannot but appreciate the tact and discretion displayed in fulfilling her duties to the “boys,” and (I say it in all respect) I suppose we are a pretty tall handful.
Never a day passes but it goes to prove that our matron is wholly bound up in the interests and comforts of her “boys.” I, not only personally, but I voice the thoughts of the “boys” who have gone, that when the time comes to say “goodbye” we feel we are losing a very good friend.
May I offer a respectful word of thanks to the ladies of the Soldiers’ Comforts Committee, who are so assiduously giving their services in providing all these comforts. Theirs is a labour of love, and any words of mine inadequately express all we feel that these ladies are doing for us. If they could only realise a part of the happiness that has been given to certain of our “boys” and the unstinted praise of all, they will understand the gratitude with which I feel I can write these words of thanks.
Last, but not least, to the citizens of Shipley and Saltaire, I offer the humble thanks of the “boys” and myself for the wholehearted co-operation that has been given in providing us with entertainment. It is hard to express one’s self fully, but the feeling is that we are living amongst friends who takes the liveliest interest in anything that promotes the welfare of the “boys”.
My friends, any thanks of mine but poorly express my appreciation, and I must leave the “boys” who will come after me to realise all you are doing to make us comfortable and happy. My convalescence at Shipley is a cherished memory, never to be forgotten, and I only ask to be privileged to renew the friendship at some future date. My friends, I thank you one and all. – Yours truly,
Private A W Patrick, 18th King’s Liverpool, Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital, Feb 11th.
Saltaire War Diary: 23 February 1917
Sample advertisement:

Important Notice.
(The original Mrs Slater of Southport and London, who has visited this district for 22 years).
Hours 1 to 4.
Saltaire Adult School
On Monday at the “Own Table Talk” we were favoured by the presence of Mr Walter Popplestone (Director of Education), who gave a very interesting and instructive talk on “Some Aspects of Education.”
In the course of his remarks, Mr Popplestone dealt with various reforms which the Education Authority had brought about, such as the feeding of necessitous children, medical inspection, dental treatment, and the care of blind, deaf and dumb, and mentally and physically defective children, all of which were undreamt of 10 or 15 years ago.
He also dealt with the half time question and hoped that after the war, drastic steps would be taken in the way of abolishing the half time system, and laid special emphasis on the raising of the school leaving age, and the great benefit to be derived by attendance at evening continuation classes after leaving school for a period of three to four years, urging that employers should make it possible for their employees to take advantage of these classes whenever possible.
He was very pleased to note that for the first time in the history of England, we had a thorough Educationist at the head of the board of Education which spoke well for the future of Education in this country, and alluded to the good that the open air schools were doing for consumptive children.
At the close of his remarks, he was asked several questions on the half time system, school leaving age, and continuation classes, which he answered satisfactorily. It was a most profitable and really educative address, which was very heartily appreciated by all present.
Eggs for Hospital
An egg collection took placed at the headquarters of the Salvation Army on Sunday, which resulted in 77 eggs being obtained. The services were conducted by Adjutant Soper. Afterwards the eggs were taken to the Saltaire Hospital for the use of the wounded.
Gardening Brigade
A meeting to organise a Gardening Brigade will be held in the Saltaire Wesleyan Schoolroom this Friday evening, at 7.45. Will all the men of the old Wesleyan Brotherhood desirous of rendering a bit of National Service in their spare time, please attend, and any other men or women who would like to join the Saltaire Wesleyan Gardening Brigade.
Small Ad
Respectable Errand boy or Girl wanted – Jas Smith and Sons, Gordon Terrace, Saltaire.
27 February 1917 St Peters Shipley
James Hartley, a driver aged 27 married Ivy Palmer, a twister aged 22. They both lived at 2 Higher School Street in Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 2 March 1917
Sample advertisement:

Click on image to magnify
Another Bargain Budget in Tailoring
PRICES', The Tailors, 2, Commercial Street, SHIPLEY
Gunner Frank Laycock, R.F.A., of 2 Katherine Street, Saltaire, is reported to have been wounded.
The monthly meeting of the Saltaire Hospital Governors was held on Wednesday evening at the hospital. Mr B Allsop (chairman) presided and other present were Mrs F Rhodes, Miss Dunn, Councillors C E Learoyd, and John Pitts, and Messrs. Walker Cryer, E L Baumann, E Clifford Fry (hon. sec.) and Mr Thos. Laxton (clerk).
The Chairman announced that the Governors had invested £25 in the War Loan. The secretary reported that the number of out-patients numbered 53, in-patients at the date of the last report, 23, since admitted 15, making a total of 38. Since then 19 had been discharged leaving a total of 19. Of these 16 were military and three civilian patients.
The following donations were acknowledged: John Smith, thanks offering £3 3s, Bradford Dyers Assoc. Ltd., £5 5s, Mrs Fieldhouse, 10s.
The idea of forming a gardening brigade in connection with the Saltaire Wesleyan Sunday School has been eagerly fallen in with by the members of the various organisations associated with the chapel. So far the movement gives every promise of success, those behind it being most enthusiastic and willing to do what they can.
A Fatal Fall
An inquest was held at Saltaire Hospital on Saturday respecting the death of Mr William Wood (80), a retired coal merchant of 3 Alexandra Square, Shipley.
Martha Hannah Palliaser, 3 Baker Street, Saltaire (daughter of the deceased), said that her father on the previous Tuesday afternoon sustained internal injuries from which he succumbed.
Sister Susie Rogers of the Saltaire Hospital, said that the deceased told her that he was carrying coal for the fire when he tripped on the hearthrug. He was found there later by the daughter, and was removed to the hospital, where he died.
The jury returned a verdict of “Accidental Death.”
The application made at the Bradford West Riding Police Court, yesterday (Thursday), by Mr Wilfred Dunn for the transfer of an off-licence for the sale of wines and spirits at 12 Victoria Road in Saltaire, from Edwin Henry Wright to Charles Edward Haley was granted.
(Colin's note – 12 Victoria Road was the Albion Drug Store – they advertised regularly in the Shipley Times.)
Saltaire War Diary: 9 March 1917
Sample advertisement:

Why satisfaction? Because everything your purchase from them
Best Selection of Cabinets, Companion Pipes, and all Smokers' Requisites in stock.
Saltaire Ejectments
At the Bradford West Riding Police Court yesterday (Thursday), a number of tenants of houses in the Saltaire “model village” were proceeded against at the instance of Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons and Co., for recovery of passion of their tenements under ejectment warrants. Mr Harold Newell (instructed by Messrs. Wade, Tetley, Wade and Scott) appeared on behalf of the company. The defendants were not legally represented.
The magistrates on the Bench were Ald. Forrest of Pudsey (who presided), Mr J A Burton, County Ald. Jonathan Greenwood, Mr Harry Greenfield, Coun. Thos. Hill, Coun. C E Seed and Mr F W Mowatt.
The first case heard was that against Richard Newsome, of 46 Caroline Street, Saltaire.
Mr Newell said that the application was for an order by way of execution or otherwise for the enforcement of an order of ejectment, which used to be obtainable quite easily under the Small Tenements Act, before the passing of the Courts Emergency Powers, 1914.
The firm for which he appeared, Mr Newell said, carried on a very large business at Saltaire. A large number of houses had been erected to meet the needs of the workers at Saltaire, and it had always been the custom that when people ceased to work at the mills their houses were let to new workers. There were at present a list of 36 people ready to work at the mills if houses could be found for them.
It was with the greatest reluctance that Sir James Robert, managing director of the mill, was asking these people to gout out the houses, but he was “between the hammer and the anvil.” The work of the mills must go on.
Following the exhibition at Saltaire, in 1887, which resulted in a loss, Sir Titus Salt and Lady Salt were asked if they would guarantee the loss, and the almshouses were given as a guarantee.
If an offer made by Sir James to the Shipley District Council had been adopted the congestion would have been avoided. Sir James said he would take all the almshouses over and pay such a price for them as would bring in every pennyworth of income that the houses would produce and also erect an up-to-date hospital, and spend £25, 0000 on it in order to make the whole thing better and turn the houses to their original purpose.
Richard Newsome said he had received several notices to quit within twenty one days, and had failed to comply.
Defendant said he had been looking out for a house but could not get one.
The Clerk: Have you tried Bradford?
Defendant: No, I don’t want to come to Bradford, as my wife not so well. I have lived in the house twenty years, worked at Saltaire fifty years, and my wife has been in Saltaire sixty three years.
An order for possession was made, the Clerk intimating that unless he was out of the house within three weeks a warrant would be issued.
Similar orders were made in regard to Emma Robinson, George Kitchen, and Ruth Seevers. It was stated that the two daughters of the last-named were formerly employed at Saltaire Mills, but that one was now married and did not work, whilst the others worked elsewhere. One of the daughters who attended on behalf of her mother, said she had worked at Saltaire for fifteen years, and after having helped to make the business at that place she and her family were being treated like this.
In the case of Robert Dale, it was stated that he had worked at Saltaire, but was now engaged on munitions. Owing to the condition of his wife, he could not leave the house just now.
The Chairman said owing to the fact alluded to an order would be made to take effect at the end of six weeks.
Defendant: But where shall I put the furniture if I can’t get a house?
Ald. Forrest: That is your business not ours.
Non-Payment of Gas Charges
At the Bradford West Riding Police Court, yesterday (Thursday), the Shipley Urban District Council made application for the commitment of a judgement summons on Walter Stead, of 2 Edward Street, Saltaire.
Mr Albert Smith (chief collector) stated on behalf of the Council that an order which was issued in July last year for the payment of gas charges, had not been complied with. The amount owing was £2 17s 10d.
The defendant was a cloth finisher and his average wages were £2 7s 3d. In addition other members of the family were working and the income of the house was approximately £7 10s weekly. Stead has made repeated promises to pay but had not fulfilled them. The magistrates granted the application and committed defendant, who did not appear, to prison for 28 days in default of payment.
Saltaire Hospital
A concert party in charge of Mr W H Wood, of Idle Road, Undercliffe, which has done a good deal of entertaining at the St Luke’s Hospital, and other institutions, gave a n enjoyable concert at the Saltaire Hospital on Saturday evening.
A vote of thanks to the artistes was passed at the instance of Sergeant Major Grangley, seconded by Private Smith.
Saltaire Winner
Mr William James West of 66 George Street, Saltaire, won equal 3rd prize in the Potato-growing Competition organised by the “Shipley Times”.
(Colin’s note – William had three sons who served in WW1 – Fielding, James & Norman)
Small Ad
Wanted – Smart Boy, full time, also Boy, half time, fish and fruit trade, George Clark, 7 Victoria Road, Saltaire.
Holdsworth – On March 3rd, at 41 Titus Street, Saltaire, Albert son of Edwin and the late Mrs Harriett Holdsworth, aged 51 years. Interred at Nab Wood Cemetery.
Saltaire War Diary: 16 March 1917
Sample advertisement:

For the New Year, MONEY may be had on the following terms:
£5 repay £6
£10 " £12
£15 " £18
£20 " £24
Upon receipt of your letter we will forward you cash to your address immediately. Apply by letter. 'Phone 2681 Bradford, or personally to
Open all day Saturday 9-7 for the convenience of country customers.
Soldier’s Death
Private Fred Horsfall, 1a, Wilmer Road, has been killed in action. He joined the Forces early 1915, and was in the West Yorkshires. He had served in Egypt and France. Prior to entering the Army he was an upholsterer, with a business of his own. His brother is with the Colours in the Balkans.
Soldier’s Promotion
The friends of Mr Thomas Kendal, of Shipley, who joined the Army a short time ago, will be pleased to hear that he has been promoted to the rank of Lance-Corporal. Mr Kendall is a member of the Board of Governors of the Saltaire Hospital, and has also rendered excellent service to the Shipley and District Friendly and Trade Society in the capacity of secretary.
Military Medal
Sapper Arthur Brown, Royal Engineers, of George Street, Saltaire has been awarded the Military Medal for gallantry in action. Sapper Brown is twenty-five years of age, and he has seen service both on the Gallipoli and in France.
Soldiers Wounded
Private James W Robinson, 19 Whitlam Street, Saltaire, and of the West Yorks., is in hospital suffering from a wound in the leg and the loss in his right thumb.
Corporal J Woodhead, Constance Street, Saltaire has been wounded. He is with the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment.
Saltaire Institute Society
To wind up the session of the Saltaire Institute Society a unique entertainment was given on Wednesday night. It was advertised as “a highly amusing entertainment, novel in character, and of exceptional merit”, and the performance was more than fulfilled in the actual performance.
“Percy French,” the entertainer, is an Irishman, of the same clan as our famous Field Marshall. He sings songs of his own composition, and sings them well, although in quaint fashion. In place of the piano he substitutes the more amusing and easily carried banjo, which he makes to speak his merry language. He is a rare raconteur and in addition to that he is a good water colour painter. With bits of chalk he drew sketches of high merit, whilst gaily singing his Irish songs.
Small Ad
Wanted – an Assistant or Improver – Apply J Charlesworth, 2 Victoria Road, Saltaire
St Pauls Shipley 10 March 1917
Frank Burke, an overlooker aged 23 of 14 Maddocks Street, married Florence Annie Harrison, aged 23 from Shipley.
Saltaire War Diary: 23 March 1917
Sample advertisement:

Patent Medicine Vendors, Drysalters
Druggists' Sundrymen, &c.
Wine and Spirit Merchants
1a, Westgate, Market Place, SHIPLEY. Telephone 12Y
Also 12, Victoria Road, SALTAIRE
NOTE. - This Branch is now under New Management, courtesy and careful attention to all. Telephone 177.
Try our BAY RUM for the Hair, Strengthening and Invigorating. 8d. and 1/3 per bottle.
Saltaire Rose Show
That enjoyable function, the Saltaire Rose Show, will not be held this year, the calling up of so many local nursery gardeners, the restricted railway service, and other matters arising out of the War, being the cause.
It is sincerely hoped that before another year comes round circumstances will be different, and that the notable Saltaire event will be held.
The Saltaire Almshouses
A meeting of the Shipley District Council was held on Thursday evening with Councillor Thomas Hill in the chair.
Before the ordinary business was commenced, the Chairman said he desired to refer to the cases which were heard at the West Riding Police Court, at Bradford on Thursday 8th March.
“On that date” said Councillor Hill, “the Saltaire firm made applications to the magistrates for orders of ejectment against some of their tenants at Saltaire. The orders were obtained, and I presume the tenants will in due course be required to find new homes elsewhere. I have no comment to make upon that, except to express my sympathy with the tenants who have to vacate homes to which no doubt they have become greatly attached.
Council representing the Saltaire firm is reported to have said that if an offer by Sir James Roberts to the Shipley District Council had been accepted the congestion would have been avoided; Sir James said he would take all the almshouses over, and pay such a price for them as would bring in every pennyworth on income that the houses would produce, and also erect an up-to-date hospital and spend £25,000 on it in order to make the whole thing better, and turn the houses to their original purpose.
The District Council, as a Council, had nothing to do with the hospital scheme, but there are 43 cottages at Saltaire which are known as the Almshouses, and are vested in the District Council under the Shipley Improvement Act of 1901. The Council have never interfered with the tenants of these cottages since they obtained possession of them, but have simply re-let the houses as they became vacant, to what they considered the most likely tenants.
At the present time nine of the houses are occupied by tenants who are now working at Saltaire Mill; twelve are tenanted by persons who formerly worked at the mill; twelve of the tenants have come from houses in Saltaire, some of them from under notice from the Saltaire firm; one house has been occupied by the New Church Society for a generation; and one is tenanted by a Belgian family. In fact, in the whole of the forty three houses, only seven are occupied by persons, have not had connection with Saltaire Mill or Saltaire. To say that the District Council are responsible is obviously contrary to fact. As a matter of fact, the Council have in practice assisted the Saltaire firm to find houses for their displaced tenants, and quite recently informed the firm, in writing, that the disposed tenants from Saltaire would have first consideration. In this and other matters the Council have always sympathetically considered the requirements of the Saltaire firm.
The possession of the Almshouses has nothing whatever to do with the congestion at Saltaire. The congestion is due to entirely to the scarcity of houses for the working people and the congestion will continue until more houses are erected. The District Council would have had the houses ready but for the war, and I take it that ultimately it will be the District Council who will relieve the congestion at Saltaire and other parts of the district.
The Council will never consent to the present tenants of the Almshouses being turned out of their houses to provide accommodation for persons who have no greater claim to consideration than themselves.
With regards to the scheme for the purchase of the Almshouses from the District Council, I understand there is some doubt as to whether the Council have any power to sell the property at all. Certainly they would not without the consent of the authorities in London. But even if they had this power, it would be the duty of the Council to offer the property for competition, and it is quite conceivable that property like this, with the possibility development, it offered without restrictions, would realise considerably more than the figure of about £10,000 which was mentioned at the time the scheme was discussed.”
Wounded Soldiers Entertained
On Wednesday, of last week, the wounded soldiers staying at Saltaire Hospital were entertained by the Women’s Co-operative Guild, in the Co-operative Hall, Westgate, Shipley. The men were heartily welcomed by the members and were soon made to feel at home. Games of various kinds were played in the afternoon, and fruit, tobacco, cigarettes and cigars were handed round. A real Yorkshire tea had been provided, to which the men did full justice.
In the evening the chair was occupied by Mr F Holmes (chairman of the Society), and an excellent programme was gone through by Mrs Bishop’s Concert Party, which was much appreciated. Later the men had supper and were presented with a small money packet each, which had been subscribed by members and friends.
A hearty vote of thanks were accorded Mrs Bishop and her children for their delightful entertainment, also the Management Committee for supplying tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and matches. One of the soldiers, on behalf of his comrades, thanked the promoters for their kindness and wished the Guild and the Society every success. Tea, tobacco, etc. was sent to the soldiers who were unable to leave the hospital.
Small Ad
Wanted, Assistant for Baking House; to sleep out. – Apply J Charlesworth, 2 Victoria Road Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 30 March 1917
Sample advertisement:

Lupus, Eczema, Psoriasis. All Skin and Blood Diseases.
Consultations Free.
Soldier’s Death
Gunner Harold Judson of 22 Ada Street Saltaire, has died at a casualty clearing station in France, after being wounded. He had only been on active service for nine weeks. He joined the R. F. A. in the early days of the war and he was 20 years of age.
Soldiers Wounded
Private J W McGarry of 22 Constance Street Saltaire, who has been serving in France, is now in hospital in Aberdeen, suffering from pneumonia and wounds.
His mother, Mrs McGarry, has received from him an interesting picture which was found in an old ruin in France. It depicts Christ, is dated June 17th 1689 and bears the following inscription in French: - “Souvenir of the 2nd century of the demands of our Lord. To the good Margaret Marie in order to adopt the image of the heart on the standard.”
Private Miles Raistrick of 12 Constance Street Saltaire is suffering from trench feet and is in Netley Hospital. He is in the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment.
(Colin’s note – Netley is near Southampton.)
Soldier’s Promotion
Lance Corporal Norman Gregory, West Yorkshire Regiment, of 76 Victoria Road Saltaire has been promoted to the rank of Acting-Sergeant. He joined the Bradford “Pals” soon after its formation in 1914.
Saltaire Hospital
The monthly meeting of the Salts Hospital Board was held on Wednesday evening at the Hospital, Mr B Allsop (chairman) presiding, and others present were Mrs F Rhodes, Miss Dunn, Councillor C E Learoyd, Mr F Lister Mr Walker Cryer, Mr E L Baumann, and Mr E Clifford (hon.sec.).
The secretary reported that the following donations had been received during the month: Windhill Wesleyan Choir £3 19s; Councillor T Barker £2 2s; Mrs Davis (Baildon) £1; Employees Wilcock, Wood and Co. £1 13s 10d; Shipley District Council (School Clinic) £25; Total £35 5s 10d.
It was reported that during the month there had been 50 out-patients, 19 in-patients; there had since been admitted 23 making a total of 42. Twenty-five had been discharged, and there remained at present 17.
At the close of the public business Councillor Learoyd moved a vote of thanks to Mr Allsop for his services in the chair. He had always admired him for his courtesy to the members of the Board, and the business-like way in which he conducted its deliberations.
Miss Dunn seconded.
Mr Lister supported the motion, and remarked that in future the chairman would do well to keep a tighter hand on the expenditure. The people were all being advised by the Government what to do at home in regard to economy, and surely the same applied to public institutions. There was a bottom to the pocket of that Board, and the matter of purchases would have to be seriously considered in order that economy might be practiced either in rations or something else.
Miss Dunn: Either voluntary or compulsory (laughter).
Proceeding, Mr Lister observed that it would be up to the chairman to keep any eye upon the matter mentioned. He did not know who had the ordering of the things, but he knew who had to pay for them. It was their business to see that the hospital was economically managed, and as much care as possible exercised in the present strenuous times. Rations would have to be somewhat reduced. He often heard outside that the soldiers were only too delighted when they could be sent out of the other hospitals down to the one at Saltaire.
Mr Baumann: Yes, and of course we have to find the money for it, and if it falls to the Governors to make up the deficiency it will be still more in our favour. (Laughter.) Some of us will be wishing then we had not the appointment. (Renewed Laughter.)
Councillor Learoyd observed that they had all to have a learning and the work they had been asked to undertake was all knew to them. The Chairman, as well as the whole of the members were alive to the fact that they had to make the best use of the money. When they spoke about rations they did not mean that people would have to go short; they merely meant that the things which were dear should be eliminated, and other things used which were cheaper, but equally as good and nutritious. He did not think that there had been much opportunity up to the present to do anything in this direction, but he felt sure that Mr Allsop would keep the matter in view. There was no harm, of course, in members of the Board discussing the question of what should be done.
The motion was carried.
Performance at Saltaire Congregational School
A most interesting and beautiful entertainment was given in the Congregational Schoolroom Saltaire last Saturday evening. The operetta which was presented, “The Knave of Hearts” lent itself admirably to the conditions and possibilities of the performers, most of whom were connected with the Sunday school. Some tuneful music and the quaint humour of the piece very much suited the large audience.
Careful work had been put in by the trainers, Miss G Lane, Miss Doris Illingworth, Miss Thornton and Miss G Jowett. The Rev. P D Pringle, who presided, expressed the thanks of the officers and teachers of the thanks to the promotors and performers, and explained that the whole of the proceeds would go to the Sunday school funds.
The performance was repeated on Wednesday evening to another large audience.
Shipley Military Tribunal
A meeting of the Shipley Tribunal took place on Friday evening at Somerset House. There were 49 cases dealt with, seven of which were refused, one adjourned, 30 put off until September 30th and the others postponed for various shorter periods.
Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons and Co., Ltd., appealed for three employees and the following decisions were arrived at:-
R J Hughes, boiler fireman, September 30th
L Guerin, 38 years of age, married, and passed for B2, loom fitter, September 30th
A Iredale, 40 years of age, and in class A, yarn scourer, September 30th.
Greenwood – On March 21st at 6 New Brighton, Cottingley, John Greenwood, late of Saltaire. Interred on Saturday at St Paul’s Shipley.
(Colin’s note – John was born c1844 in Bingley. He never married and worked as a greaser. In 1901 he was living with his spinster sister at 16 Fanny Street in Saltaire.)
Saltaire War Diary: 6 April 1917
Sample advertisement:

Soldier Killed
The death of Private Frank C Mitchell formerly of Ingleside Grove, Shipley, will come as a shock to many people. He was in the Honourable Artillery Company, and has been killed in action, after being in the Army about six months.
Private was actively connected with the Saltaire Congregational Church, and was a well- known tennis player. His death is deeply regretted by all who knew him, and much sympathy is being expressed with his widow and relatives.
Saltaire Heroes
Military honours were accorded the funeral of the late Private John William McGarry which took place at Windhill Cemetery on Monday afternoon. Private McGarry was 29 years of age, and lived with his mother at 22 Constance Street, Saltaire, and before the war was a bricklayer’s labourer. He joined very early in the war, and he had been four or five months in France when he was wounded. Death took place in an Aberdeen Military Hospital.
John Willie Barnes, a nephew of McGarry, is serving with the K.O.Y.L.I. and has been wounded twice. He is 23 years of age, and before going to France, served at Salonica, where he was buried as the result of the explosion of an enemy shell, and narrowly escaped with his life. After going to France he was wounded, but has since recovered and returned to the firing line.
Private David Illingworth of Saltaire, is serving with the Seaforth Highlanders and he has been wounded.
Soldiers’ Comforts Fund
The effort which is to be made by the girls from the spinning department Saltaire Mills under the direction of Misses Clay and Taylor, on April 14th, is likely to be a big affair. It is to take place under the patronage of Sir James Roberts, and although Sir James is unable to take the chair at the gathering, a worthy substitute is announced in the person of Miss Mitchell, the genial matron of the Saltaire Hospital.
In addition to an excellent concert programme, there will be a dance and whist drive. The proceeds will be handed over to the Soldiers’ Comforts Fund (Saltaire Hospital).
Cost of Libraries
The Libraries Committee estimated that a sum of £670 would be required to carry on the work of the two public libraries and to maintain the Institute at Saltaire. Owing to various economies effected in the way of withholding the appointment of a librarian, and in spite of the Institute being at the disposal, either rent free or at a very nominal rent, of many war charity organisations, there has been a saving effected of £50.
But for the coming year it is expected that the Institute will require considerable money spending on it to keep it in a moderate state of repair and cleanliness, and so there is put down in the new estimate for the year a sum of £770, as against £620 spent by this committee last year, and if this committee can keep within that figure they will do well.
(Colin’s note - £770 is worth c£50k in 2017.)
Shipley Military Tribunal
A meeting of the Shipley Tribunal was held on Friday evening. Over 40 men had been notified to attend for review of their certificates of exemption under the Army Council instructions. Nine of the men were employees of the firm Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons and Co., Ltd., and had been previously exempted for varying periods. Of the whole of these under review, five were refused, in ten cases the previous decisions of the Tribunal were confirmed, and in the other cases varied periods of extension were granted.
The decisions concerning the Saltaire Mills employees were as follows:-
Ernest Hodgson, (18), 5 Thorncliffe Road, Manningham, Class C1, refused, but not to go until replacement found.
Thomas Priestley, (27), 25 Albert Road, Class C3, yarn packer, Sept 30th.
Willie Kaye (31), 74 Holme Top Street, Bradford, order clerk, previously exempted until to April 30th, now put off until Sept 30th.
J Collinson (27), 15 Helen Street, Class A, spinning overlooker, formerly June 30th, now Sept 30th.
T H Manners (30), 38 Ada Street, Class B1, stock keeper, formerly April 30th now Sept 30th.
Thomas Hewitt, (29), 3 Victoria Terrace, Class B1, Sept 30th
Hartley Steel, (27), 10 Lockwood Street, Class B1, weaving overlooker, Sept 30th.
Walter Binns, (29), 28 Mitchell Terrace Bingley, Class A2, weaving overlooker, Sept 30th.
A E Ingham, (26), 43 Mary Street, Class B1, yarn clerk, Sept 30th.
(Colin’s note – for explanation of the classification see WW1 snippet)
Saltaire War Diary: 13 April 1917
Sample advertisement
Hair on the Face
LADIES do not worry about those SUPERFLUOUS HAIRS,
Have them permanently removed by ELECTROLYSIS.
This being the only Treatment by which the root of the hair is destroyed.
Frizinghall, 12/7/15
Dear Miss Lobley, -It gives me great pleasure to tell you that your treatment has been entirely successful and I am now completely cured. There is no sign of the hair returning. You are quite at liberty to use this letter. - Yours truly.
Bingley, 1/9/16.
Dear Miss Lobley, -I feel more than grateful for the cure which I have received from you. As it is now some months since I had the hairs removed, I shall highly recommend you to my friends.
Yours sincerely.
TRIAL FREE. Patients Treated Privately. FEE from 2/6.
Wed. 2 - 8.30. Saturday: 10-30 to 5-30 p.m.)
Miss EDITH LOBLEY, 61 Main Street, BINGLEY
Military Funeral
The sadness of war and the toll of battle was brought home somewhat on Monday last to the large concourse of people who assembled to witness the funeral of Private James William Robinson of the West Yorks.
Mr Robinson was a hairdresser by trade, and before being called up in October 1916, was manager of Mr Demos Barraclough’s shop in Gordon Terrace in Saltaire. He went out to France with his regiment early this year and was wounded soon afterwards. In the first week in March he was brought to Graylingwell Hospital in Chichester. Here every service and every kindness that mortal aid could give was rendered by doctors and nurses much to the comfort of his widow and relatives, but notwithstanding all attention he passed away on April 3rd.
His remains were interred in Nab Wood Cemetery on Monday, as has already been stated in the presence of a large number of his fellow townspeople who assembled to render honour to his memory. The coffin, covered by a Union Jack, was drawn from his late residence, 19 Whitlam Street in Saltaire on a gun carriage, and a squad of soldiers acted as bearers. There were large numbers of floral wreaths and many expressions of sympathy have been made to his widow and relatives.
The deceased who was 36 years of age, was of a very bright and cheerful disposition and had many friends. He leaves one child a boy aged eight. The Reverend W J Harris, of Windhill Congregational Church officiated at the house and the cemetery in place of the Rev P Drummond Pringle, who is at present away from home.
Prisoners of War
The Ladies Committee of the Shipley Soldiers and Sailors Comforts who have been working continuously since the commencement of the war are making a special effort on Saturday next, April 14th, for Shipley men who are prisoners of war. Last Xmas they sent out 1,100 cakes and 1,100 woollen comforts to our soldiers and sailors and prisoners of war. A continuous supply of food and clothing were also sent during the year.
Now that the committee can no longer send direct to the prisoners they keep in touch with the men by sending regular subscriptions through their regimental care committee, and the replies from the mem testify that they receive them.
The ladies are anxious that no Shipley man shall be missed, and therefore ask all relatives of men who are prisoners to kindly come with the Ladies Committee at the Institute, Saltaire, if they have not already done so, so that a continuous supply of parcels can be sent.
An interesting function took place recently at the Café Saltaire under the auspices of the Rising Son’s Sub-Division (Sons of Temperance). Brother Marwood Medd White (Saltaire) who was elected Grand Worthy Patriarch (West and North Yorkshire). The same day being made the recipient of a silver mounted walking stick, engraved as follows; - “Presented to Brother M. M. White, G.W.P. by the Rising Son’s Sub Division.”
(Colin’s note – In 1911 Marwood Medd White was a loom temple maker aged 32 living at 41 Mary Street in Saltaire.)
Band of Hope
Thirty one members of the Saltaire Wesleyan Band of Hope went on a ramble on Monday afternoon to Ilkley. They started from Saltaire at one o’clock and reached their destination at half past three. Some covered the return journey on foot, whilst others travelled home by train. Mr William Raistrick was the leader of the party.
We are asked to announce that almost all departments at the Saltaire Mills are helping in the party which is to be held tomorrow (Saturday) for the purpose of raising money towards the Saltaire Hospital Soldiers Comforts Fund.
Shipley Military Tribunal
A meeting of the tribunal was held on Thursday last.
Mr A C Garnham, baker, Titus Street, Saltaire appealed for Walter Nutton, Class A, 31, with two children. The applicant stated that he had advertised and done all he could to find a substitute, but without avail. Mr Burton (military representative) said he thought the applicant had not been persistent enough in the search for someone to replace the man, and pointed out it was manifest that a Class A man of 31 years of age would be far more useful in the army than baking bread at home. The appeal was refused, applicant not be to called up before May 30th.
J S Barker, a cloth percher aged 38, working in Saltaire Mills had his appeal postponed until June 30th. The following Saltaire Mills workers had their appeals postponed until September 30th:-
B Firth, 37, weaving overlooker
W Binns, 29, weaving overlooker
C Saville, 31, warp sizer
W Storey, 25, weaving overlooker
W Stansfield, 30, weaving overlooker
H Steel, 28, weaving overlooker
Willie Town, 38, weaving overlooker
S Law, 38, card fettler
J A Farndale, 39, drawing foreman
J Lamb, 38, spinning overlooker
J Wolmersizer, 36, spinning overlooker
J Booth, 33, twisting overlooker
A Slingsby, 29, spinning overlooker
J R Walker, 31, twisting overlooker
T Hewitt, 29, spinning overlooker
J Collinson, 27, spinning overlooker
F Scarfe, 26, spinning overlooker
H Wainwright, 41, spinning overlooker
W Lockwood, 32, foreman warping
A Wigglewsorth, 35, warp twister and loomer
A I Lyne, 35, spinning overlooker
W Mills, 41, hydraulic press packer (export trade)
A F Wilson, 37, hydraulic press packer
J E Stringer, 34, chief engineer
Fred Jowett, 36, stoker
H Cosford, 36, stoker
J E Wilson, 32, blacksmith
Saltaire War Diary: 20 April 1917
Sample advertisement

Click on image to magnify
Passed for General Service
Style, Fit, Comfort, Durability.
These are the details that make our Tailoring stand for General Service Tailoring.
Every Garment is minutely examined by an efficient Board of Expert Tailors
before leaving our work-room.
CALL TO-DAY and let us Clothe you for General Service.
Special Fitting and Show Room for Ladies', with Lady Attendants.
Tailor-Made, Ready-to-Wear Costumes ... from 30/-
Raincoates, Ready-to-Wear ... from 25/-
Tailor-Made Costumes to Measure ... from 45/-
Suits to Measure, in Navy Serges ... from 37/6
Suits to Measure, in Tweeds and Mixture from 30/-
Raincoats, Ready-to-Wear ... from 35/-
We gladly make up Customers' Own Material.
Price's The Northern Tailors
2 Commercial Street
Branches throughout the North.
Saltaire are hoping for another successful season, although the outlook does not look promising. “Once more,” writes the secretary (Mr F Atkinson), “we shall the services of Sidney Barnes the great international bowler; also Bobbie Outram, our most successful batsman last season, who I feel sure, will be a greater success than ever. We are hoping for the services of H Sedgwick, but things are hardly settled as yet. I might mention that Sidney Barnes will act in the capacity of coach to the club for one or two nights a week. From last year’s eleven A Holmes, H I Pratt, J Handford, J Scull, and A Welburn have all joined up. Seeing that Alf Welburn is only stationed at Halifax, he has promised to play for us when military duties permit. The remainder of the team will again be available.
We have secured a number of new players including Percy Whitley, a clever wicket-keeper who has played nine consecutive seasons with Otley, and F J Wellen a fine batsman, who had a great season in first class cricket in the south last season. In addition we have secured Clem Smith, one of Saltaire’s own who for the last few seasons has played for Bingley, also W Moody and A Hodgson of Baildon Green, two clever players, who promised to play for us. We are also in negotiations with J Slack, of Baildon, who for a number of seasons was a member of the Windhill Cricket Club.
We are once again running a second eleven, as we have plenty of junior players to select from. We have discovered two very promising players from last year’s second eleven, both bowlers, who we are hoping will make a name for themselves.
I regret to say we have lost a very promising lad – namely Joe Firth (Nabe Firth’s son), who was killed in action last July. Another of our members has gained the D.C.M. – namely J Beaver, son of our late groundsman W Beaver. This makes two our members who have gained the coveted honour, the other being Gunner Arthur Driver. Altogether over seventy of our players and members are in khaki.
I have just been informed that W G Bateman, our captain, will be joining up in the course of a few days, so we shall have to elect a new captain.”
An excellent concert arranged by Mrs Ashbourne and Miss Clegg was given by the wounded soldiers at Saltaire Hospital, on Monday evening. Songs and duets were ably rendered by Mr A S Hull, Mr Harry Holmes, Miss Simpson, and Miss Kendal. Mr Waite, who is a very clever mimic and entertainer also gave a good “turn.” A special feature of the evening was Miss Elsie Sykes, who was repeatedly encored. Her rendering of “The Army of To-day’s all right” brought the house down. Fruit and cigarettes were served to the soldiers.
Raising funds
One of the most successful events ever held in the district took place at the Saltaire Institute on Saturday. The object of the function was to assist the fund which has been established for the purpose of providing comforts for the members of His Majesty’s forces who are cared for in the Salt’s Auxiliary War Hospital.
The idea of engaging in such an enterprise originated with Miss Mitchell (matron of the hospital), who has taken a deep interest in the welfare of the “boys,” and who is a great favourite amongst them. No-sooner had this deservedly popular matron conceived the idea then she invited the cooperation of the employees at Saltaire Mills.
There was a ready response, everybody taking up the movement with enthusiasm, and at a meeting held at the hospital almost every department was represented. As a result of the meeting the following committee was formed for the purpose of carrying out the arrangements in connection with a function which it was agreed should take the form of a concert and whist drive. Patron, Sir James Roberts; President Miss Mitchell; secretary Mr Alfred Webb; treasurer Mr David Middleton; committee Mrs Webb, Mrs Woodward, Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Metcalfe, Mrs Lee, Miss Webb, Miss Tennant, Miss Burroughs, Miss Lee, Miss Lord, Mr John Eastwood, and Mr Thomas Hewitt. The officials named gave themselves heart and soul to the work, and they are to be highly congratulated on what they have achieved.
The Victoria Hall had been tastefully decorated for the occasion, and presented a charming appearance. The platform was embellished with choice plants, whilst prominent in the bunting with which the room was adorned, was the national colours of the Allies.
In the absence of Sir James Roberts, Miss Mitchell presided, and she discharged her duties in a most graceful manner. Amongst those present were Councillors Thomas Hill, F Rhodes and T Doyle, Sister Rogers, Nurses Robinson, Farrow and Potts, and two “jolly Jack Tars” – Able seaman F S Dobson, Shirley Street Saltaire, and Carpenter A G Hall of Norwood Road, Shipley. Letters of regret for inability to attend were received from Sir James Roberts, Mrs F Rhodes and Mrs Heyes.
Miss Mitchell said: “Before we commence our concert I should like to express my regret that our patron, Sir James Roberts, is unable to be with us. It would have been ideal to have had him here this evening to preside over such a gathering of his own people and their friends. Almost every department has joined hands to help to make this evening a success. Sir James has been most kind in sending us game etc., from time to time ever since we have had the honour of entertaining the wounded men in Shipley, and he has also had the honour of entertaining the wounded at his own home in Scotland ever since the war began. It would have given him great pleasure to have been here.
We Shipley people are honoured by having the wounded soldiers in our midst, and we must see they are well treated. The workpeople at Saltaire have collected in their different departments’ sufficient money to defray all the ordinary expenses this evening. Mr Edwin Waddilove has very generously given a donation of £5, Lady Denby £1, and Councillor T Hill 10s. We thank Mr Charlesworth, Miss Davy, and Misses Clay and Taylor for all they have done and are doing to provide entertainment. Our thanks are also due to Lady Denby for the loan of the decorations; to Mr Kershaw for the loan of the plants; to the Library Committee of the Shipley District Council for the loan of the crockery and for many kindnesses and concessions made to us by them and their librarian, Miss Bell.
Our programme is rather long, when we consider what has to follow. No encores will be allowed. We must run through as quickly as possible, so that the dance may commence promptly.”
Those who contributed to the programme were Sapper G A Kay and Private A Dunn (wounded soldiers), Nurse Robinson, Miss Dennison, Misses Nellie Garrity, Doris Wainforth, Hilda Scott, and Mr Joe Charlesworth. A selection by children was given under the direction of Miss Clay and Miss Taylor.
An attractive programme was also submitted in the Lecture Theatre, under the chairmanship of Sergeant Ash, an inmate of the hospital, who lost a leg. The soldier hails from the Metropolis. He served in the trenches for nineteen months, and was wounded in the battle near Delville Wood. He said: “No doubt you are already aware the proceeds of this entertainment go to the Soldiers Comforts Fund. This fund provides the wounded soldiers of the Salt’s Hospital with many little extras ranging from all kinds of small comforts to motor rides during the summer months. I am afraid it would be very difficult to put into words how much we ‘boys’ appreciate your kind patronage here this evening. I should like to point out how by having purchased tickets you have all been doing your bit towards helping us in an indirect manner to defeat the Huns. For instance a good percentage of us who have in some way or another become unfit for further service in the field are helped back to a sound state of health whereby we are able to take our place once again in the ranks of the civilian workers. Thereby we shall be able to serve our country in some capacity, and ultimately help, as I said, to bring defeat to our enemies. This shows to you very plainly how by your kind help you are fitting us for the battle of the future. In conclusion just let me say a word with reference to the hard work of organisation of the concert by our worthy matron Miss Mitchell and a representative committee of employees from almost every department at Saltaire Mills. They have done splendidly, and they deserve our heartiest thanks.” (Applause.)
The concert was taken part in by Miss Davy, Miss Dennison, Misses Nellie and Mary Garrity, Florrie Durham, Laura Tomkins, Emiline Jordan, Hilda Kendall and last but not least Private A Dunn. The last named is a native of Scotland, and his home is in Glasgow. This brave soldier’s song was a parody of the song “Loch Lomond” and it pleased the audience immensely.
The prize winners in the whist drives were: Ladies: First (biscuit box, electro plated polished oak, given by Councillor F Rhodes), Miss Bennett (score 93); second (silver jam spoon), Miss A Berwick (91); consolation prize (what appeared to be a beautiful box of chocolates, but what in reality was a box of the much sought after tuber known as the potato, the gift of Miss Mitchell), Miss Spivey (68), Gentlemen: First Mr Ashworth (96); second, Mt Wright (92); consolation (another gift which in these days people have learned not to despise, namely a box of lump sugar), Mr Clifton (70).
The prizes were handed to the successful competitors by the matron.
Excellent services were rendered by the following, who discharged the duties of stewards: Mr Norman Keighley, Mr Harry Wolmersizer, Mr Enoch Milner, Mr Joe Lamb, Mr Harold Kendall, Mr Joe Collinson, Mr Fred Scarfe, and also by Mrs Snowball, Mrs Marks and Miss Leak, who assisted at the refreshment stall. Assistance in other directions was given by Mrs Spence, Mrs Hudson, Mr Charles Hall, and Mr Robert Gill.
The master of ceremonies for the whist drive was Mr Eastwood and for the dancing Mr A Webb. The stewards for the dancing were Mr D Middleton, Mr T Hewitt and Mr George Fawcett.
Music was discoursed in the Victoria Hall by Mr Slingsby’s orchestral band.
It is expected that the fund will have benefitted to the extent of over £50.
In Memoriam
Shackleton – In loving memory of Sam Shackleton – 40 Helen Street, Saltaire
Shackleton – In loving memory of my dear son, Sam Shackleton, who was drowned on the troopship, Manito, April 17th, 1915.
No sin nor care can reach him now,
An angel’s crown is on his brow.
- From Mother and Bros.
Saltaire War Diary: 27 April 1917
Sample advertisement
Click on image to magnify

Soldiers Death
The deepest sympathy has been expressed on all hands with Mrs Harry Sharpe of Saltaire, in the sad loss of her husband, Sergeant Sharpe, of the West Ridings, who was killed by a shell.
Wounded Soldiers Entertained
The adult missed Bible class of the Bethel Baptist Chapel, entertained the wounded soldiers from Saltaire Hospital, on Saturday. Tea was served and subsequently an excellent entertainment was submitted. The heroes were welcomed by the pastor (Reverend W Maynard) and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to those who had arranged the entertainment on the motion of Sergeant Ash and seconded by Corporal Standen.
A social evening and dance for the Wounded Soldiers now at Saltaire Hospital was held in the Clarendon Rooms, Commercial Street in Shipley on Friday evening. The event was promoted by Misses Hill, Miller, Slack Sharp, Ogden, and Sutcliffe. Seventeen soldiers were entertained and afterwards cigarettes were given to each, also a small gift of money. The event was very successful.
The Salt Charity
The governors of Sir Titus Salt Charity held their first meeting of the year on Wednesday evening at the hospital. There were present Mrs Salt, Mr B F Rhodes, Mr B Allsop, Mr R Cryer, Councillor E C Cowgill, Mr C E Learoyd, Mr F Lister, Mr Fry (hon. sec.), Mr Luxton (clerk).
Mr Fry read a letter from the Shipley District Council notifying the appointing of the retiring governors for another term, and also intimating that Councillor E Cowgill and Councillor E Reynolds had been appointed in place of Councillor T Barker and Mr A Gill, both of whom resigned.
Councillor Learoyd moved, and Mr Lister seconded, the re-election of Mr Allsop as chairman. Both gentlemen paid a tribute to the admirable way in which Mr Allsop had discharged the duties of the post and to the courtesy he had always shown to the members of the Board. The resolution was unanimously carried, and Mr Allsop returned thanks for vote of confidence. A vote of sympathy with Miss Dunn, one of the governors, on the loss she has sustained by the death of her mother was adopted.
21 April 1917 St Peters church Shipley
Edgar Mitchell, a widowed engineer aged 29 of Scarborough Road Shipley married Gladys Laycock, aged 22, of 14 George Street in Saltaire.
Newsome – April 21st, at 37 Albert Road, Saltaire, Richard Newsome(late of 46 Caroline Street, Saltaire). Interred at Baildon Church on Wednesday.
(Colin’s note 37 Albert Road is now re-numbered no 73.)
Saltaire War Diary: 4 May 1917
Sample advertisement

Saltaire Wesleyan Sunday School ANNIVERSARY
On Sunday, May 6th 1917
TWO SERMONS will be preached, in the morning at 10-30,
and in the Eevening at 6-30 by the
Rev. J. W. LIGHTLEY, M.A., B.D. (Headingley)>
In the Afternoon at 2-30, AN ADDRESS to Teachers, Scholars and Friends, by
Special Singing by the Scholars. Collection at each service for School Funds
Soldiers Death
Mrs Harry Sharpe, of 2 Higher School Street, Saltaire has received the following letter of condolence from Captain George S Gordon:-
“Dear Mrs Sharpe, - I have been ill or I should have written sooner to tell you how your husband died and what a loss he is to all in B Coy. He and two officers and his platoon were taking cover in a cellar, while waiting to go into action, when a shell hit the side of the house and brought it down on the vaulting of the cellar, which collapsed and buried them. It happened about noon on the 11th, and then engineers were hard at work digging them out ten minutes afterwards. I have never seen men work as the engineers worked, and it is one consolation to me now and will be to you, that everything that was humanly and possible was done to save your husband and those who were with him.
We found your husband about 6 o’clock and tried hard to revive him, but without effect. He was not disfigured. We buried him the same day beside the cemetery of the village. A cross marks his grave and soon the engineers will have put up a better cross with name and regiment engraved on it. All his effects are being collected and are being sent home. They should reach you within the next few weeks. I cannot do much to console you. You loss is too great, but I feel for you from the bottom of my heart. Your husband was one of the best soldiers’ in the battalion and the friend of everybody in his company. As his Company Commander I feel his death and the death of his comrades more than I can say.”
Shipley Military Tribunal
There were three cases concerning men employed at Salts Mill dealt with at a meeting of the Shipley Military Tribunal held on Friday night.
H Ainsworth, vessel minder, Class C1. Called up 16th April, appeal out of order because applicant had previously been before the Baildon Tribunal.
Ernest Platt, manager, export yarn department, not to be called up before June 30th.
Fred Keeling, tenterer, placed on substitution list.
Wounded Soldiers Entertained
About 60 wounded soldiers from St Luke’s Hospital, Bradford, and 18 from Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital, Saltaire, were entertained on Friday by the Shipley Golf Club. The weather being favourable, putting and other outdoor games were indulged in. An appetising tea was provided, the lady members attended diligently to the needs of the men; and after tea an excellent concert was given.
This was the first of this season’s entertainment was provided by the Shipley Golf Club, and it was greatly enjoyed by the soldiers.
Schofield, Frank Cyril of 70 George St, Saltaire, aged 19, buried Hirst Wood, Saltaire 2 May 1917.
Saltaire War Diary: 11 May 1917
Sample advertisement

Giving up Business
2s. 6d.
In the Pound Discount.
Note Address - EDWIN LISTER, Draper, 23 Kirkgate, Shipley
Salt’s Hospital Comforts Fund
A most successful concert and dance in aid of the Comforts Fund in connection with the Salt’s Auxiliary War Hospital was held on Saturday in the Musical Union Rooms. Commercial Street. The event was promoted by the lady workers of Fearnley Bros., Ltd., Spring Dye Works, Shipley. Mr J Banks Fearnley kindly acted as chairman for a delightful concert.
The following well known and popular military artistes performed; Driver Bradshaw (tenor), Corporal Downes (baritone), Corporals Stapleton and Fielding and duets on piano and violin. Miss Dorothy Jackson was an excellent accompanist. The most enjoyable item, in the performance was Miss Alice Seed’s performance on the acclon and piccolo concertina and this artist was repeatedly encored.
Refreshments, cigarettes, etc. were served to all the wounded heroes and the evening concluded with some enjoyable dancing for those who were able to indulge. As the result of the effort the sum of £9 was also handed over to the Comforts Fund.
Gifts for Salt’s Hospital
Appended is a list of the gifts which have been received this week for the wounded soldiers, who are inmates of the Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital:-
Miss Mann, Miss Garman, and Miss Booth’s class, Central Schools, flowers
Mrs Kershaw, flowers
Mrs Smith and Mr J B Fearnley, magazines
Mr Shepherd, butcher, and Mrs Rand, potted meat
Mrs Coulter, sausages
Mrs Bower, cake
Miss Halliday, tinned fruit
Mrs Hayes, fruit
Sir James Roberts, seven couples of rabbits.
Shipley Golf Club
We congratulate the Shipley Golf Club, of which Mr William Illingworth is president, on the number of parties they have held for wounded soldiers. This club was one of the first organisations to take up patriotic work of this kind, and they sat a fine example, which was followed by similar institutions.
The Ladies’ Committee (with Mrs C Ingham as president, and Mrs Smedley as secretary) have worked enthusiastically, and they have had the hearty co-operation of Mrs Wade, wife of the farmer on whose land the golf links are situated.
At the recent concert they were indebted to numerous friends, including the Saltaire Cycling Club, who had lent the piano. The gathering was held under the chairmanship of the genial vice-president, Mr Francis Lister.
Saltaire War Diary: 18 May 1917
Sample advertisement

Soldier's Death
Lance Corporal T Hodson of 27 Maddocks street, Saltaire, of the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, who enlisted at the outbreak of the war, was reported missing on July 29th, 1916 and is now reported killed. He was 25 years of age and before enlistment was employed at the Conditioning House, Bradford
Soldier Wounded
Private Robert Lofthouse, who was formerly employed at Sowden’s Loom Works, and resided at 19 Rhodes Street, Saltaire, has been wounded. He is in the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Children’s Concert
One of the finest children’s concerts ever held in Victoria Hall, Saltaire, took place there on Saturday. This was promoted by Miss Dorothy Illingworth and Miss Winifred Kelley, who are to be congratulated. They had not many helpers, but the lacking numbers was compensated for by the high quality of the programme.
In all there ten performers in addition to those who had trained them, and the efficient pianist, Miss Mary Booth. The first part of the programme consisted of miscellaneous items, including songs, a duet, a dance, and a dialogue. The second part was taken by the production of “Aladdin.”
Over £115 has been realised by a series of social gatherings held by employees of the various departments at Saltaire Mills on behalf of wounded soldiers. The employees of the weaving department and several children gave a highly successful concert a week ago before a large audience, which included Miss Mitchell (Natron at the Saltaire Hospital), and a number of wounded soldiers. Mr C H Briggs presided. The children who took part had been trained by Mr F Bradshaw.
Last night’s gathering which realised over £33 was on behalf of wounded soldiers at Saltaire Hospital and the local Pensions Committee.
(Colin’s note £115 is worth c£7.5k in 2017)
Shipley Military Tribunal
A meeting of the Shipley Military Tribunal was held on Friday evening. Cases involving those from Saltaire were as follows:-
John Smith (26), Class B1, tailor, of 14 Gordon Terrace, Saltaire, temporary exemption until July 31st. (14 Gordon Terrace is now 77 Bingley Road.)
Willie Brook (26), Class A, yarn warehouseman, employed by Sir Titus Salt, Bart., and Co., placed on substitution list.
J H Schofield, fruiterer, 21 Albert Road, placed on the substitution list.
(21 Albert Road is now no 41)
Robert Leahy, warehouseman, of 12 Lower Wharf Street, employed by Sir Titus Salt, Bart., and Co., temporary exemption until August 31st.
J P Hermond, grocer, on munition work, of 1 Daisy Place, Saltaire, temporary exemption conditional on remaining in same occupation.
Wm G Bateson, weaving overlooker, of 11 Briggate, Windhill, employed by Sir Titus Salt, Bart., and Co., temporary exemption until September 30th
Ernest Lupton (40), grinder, employed by Sir Titus Salt, Bart., and Co., September 30th.
Saltaire War Diary: 25 May 1917
Sample advertisement

To BUY their
BLACKWOODS, Jewellers and Outfitters,
Largest Stock of Bags & Trunks in Town. Prices the Lowest.
Soldiers Deaths
Not by any means the least of the many war tragedies are those in which the hopes of a promising married partnership have been dispelled at the outset by the loss of the husband in the country’s cause. Such a case formed the subject of a service conducted on the Sunday evening by the Rev. H Taylor at the Saltaire Road Primitive Methodist Chapel.
The service, which was of impressive simplicity, was to the memory of Lance-Corporal William Harold Speedie (29) of 19 Maddocks Street. Lance-Corporal Speedie was living in Oak Lane, Manningham, when he joined the forces. Not long ago he was married to Belle Naylor of 19 Maddocks Street, obtaining special leave of absence from military duties at West Hartlepool for the purpose.
Shortly after marriage he was ordered abroad, and had only been away a few weeks when he was seriously wounded. He was conveyed to a French hospital, the matron of which wrote Mrs. Speedie to visit him. Mrs Speedie arrived in France to find her husband badly wounded and unconscious. She remained several days, and during intervals of consciousness he recognised her. She was with him when he died on May 4th, and was present at the military funeral the following day.
For some time past rumours which have given concern to those most interested, have been prevalent that Lance-Corporal George Henry Clegg of 22 Amelia Street, Saltaire, who was killed on July 1st, is a prisoner of war.
These rumours we are informed by Mrs Clegg are unhappily entirely unfounded. Mrs Clegg is in possession of the official notification of her husband’s death. Lance-Corporal Clegg was 28 years of age and a G.N.R. employee at Windhill.
Saturday morning’s post brought to the home of Mr and Mrs John Gregory of 76 Victoria Road, Saltaire, the sad intimation that the youngest of their four soldier sons, Sergeant Norman K Gregory (24), West Yorkshire Regiment has been killed in action.
Captain W Ashforth, the officer in charge of the company with which Sergeant Gregory was serving, writes that the latter was killed instantly whilst on duty in the trenches. Captain Ashforth speaks of him as a splendid soldier and N.C.O.
Sergeant Gregory joined the forces at the outbreak of the war, and had been through a good deal of severe fighting. In civil life he had a large circle of friends, who will be sorry to hear that he made he made the supreme sacrifice in the present war. Before joining the colours he was in the service of Messrs. Chas. Semon and Co. Bradford.
An elder brother, Gilbert Gregory, of the same regiment, has twice been wounded.
Mill Holidays
According to a notice posted outside the works of Saltaire Mills, the Whitsuntide holidays are to cover a much longer period this year than in previous years. The works will close down today (Friday) and work will not be resumed until Tuesday June 5th.
Saltaire War Diary: 1 June 1917
Sample advertisement

Kino & Co., Ltd.
LADIES TAILORS, 7, Darley Street, Bradford
Are now showing New Spring Goods and Latest Styles for the coming Season.
Our large Contracts with manufacturers made in 1914 enable us to "CARRY ON," and offer our clients the same excellent value as BEFORE THE WAR.
Ladies from a distance may select and fit on the same day.
A Saltaire Salt
Quartermaster-Sergeant Harry Milner whose home address is 9 Albert Road, Saltaire, has favoured us with an interesting account of his first years’ service in the Navy. Writing to the editor he says:
The Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve movement around Bradford is not well known, but around the coast it is a prominent movement. Why I joined the R.N.V.R I could not say as I was a very bad sailor. I could just manage a trip on the steamer, “Rose of Saltaire,” which used to ply up the River Aire, without feeling the effects of the “voyage.”
I joined the R.N.V.R. with the intention of being an admiral within six weeks training, but my hopes were shattered to the ground before very long.
I left Bradford Great Northern Station one sunny April morning along with eleven more men for the R.N.V.R. training ground at Crystal Palace. At Doncaster we were met with contingents from other places. I shall never forget the feeling I had when I arrived. One could not see anything but sailors, there were 3,000 to 4,000.
The first thing we did upon our arrival was to have tea, which consisted of bread and potted paste. The food was good. Then we were lined up and marched to the Drafting Master. There we received our official number and then marched to receive our hammocks, one of the biggest comforts a sailor possesses. The Navy hammocks are made from canvas, about 6ft. to 7ft. in length. At each end a long rope is attached, by which to swing the hammock. I shall never forget the first night I slept, or tried to sleep, in a hammock. If one does not know how to arrange his hammock he passes a restless night, and being a novice, I was a sufferer. The first night there was an air raid, and we were all turned out of our hammocks for a couple of hours, which did not make it very pleasant.
The following morning we were all out of our hammocks by 6 o’clock and when one has been used to turning out at 7.45 it seems rather strange. We arrived on the parade ground at 6.45 prompt. Here one heard for the first time in reality orders “given.” What our commanding officer said to the company I do not know. I think he must have been talking in a foreign language. Anyhow, our leader seemed to understand him and we were told to disperse until after breakfast. After a good repast we paraded at 9 o’clock. Every morning in the Navy prayers are offered, and it was a fine sight to see 2,000 sailors lined up with caps off praying. I shall never forget it. After prayers the new recruits had to face the ordeal of passing the doctor. We were tapped left and right and after having said “ninety nine” a dozen times we were declared fit to join the British Navy.
Then we were lined up for vaccinations. The least said about the effects of vaccinations the better, but I wished many a time that I could just meet the doctor on a very dark night alone and I would then vaccinate him in a different manner.
After three days at the Palace we were kitted out with our uniform and it is a very amusing sight to see how some of the clothes fit some of the men. Some of the trousers appeared to fit rather tight under the arms, but that was soon altered with the help of a needle and some cotton.
Amusements are provided for the sailors at Crystal Palace. Every evening there is dancing, for which music is supplied by the Royal Navy Band. If one does not care for dancing there are the animated pictures and concerts arranged in the Y.M.C.A. At these concerts there is very good talent. At 4.30pm an organ recital is given for an hour. We had a good cricket club. In winter they have a football club. Outside the Palace can be found plenty of clubs where we could write letters or have a game of cards and coffee and buns. The people around the Palace are very friendly to the sailor. We were allowed to go ashore every other night from 6 o’clock till 9.15.
After having spent a month at Crystal Palace we had our first leave from Friday night till Monday morning, and nothing was more ever welcome. After my first leave I entered the signal school and here my troubles began. The first week in the signal school one had to do cook and guard alternate days. I did not find it very pleasant. We had to wash 500 plates and put each plate though three different kinds of water, and were pleased when we had done our cook days. Guard duty is not quite so bad. The only fault with guard duty was the night turn. It was not pleasant to have to turn from your hammock in the early hours. The only weapon we possessed was a “buffer leg” attached to a piece of string. I do not know what they expected us to do with this weapon should anyone become troublesome. The only thing I remember using if for was to arouse the fellows from their hammocks who seemed to think they were still in civilian life.
Next we entered the school for serious study. I used to be in the Boy Scouts waving semaphore and Morse flags, and came to the conclusion it was easy, but after my first day in the signal school I changed my opinion. But semaphore and Morse are not the only thing one has to learn. It is very interesting I can assure you. After six weeks strenuous study the day came when we began our examinations. These examinations take three days to go through. When one passes his examinations he is given what is termed draft leave. The examinations are pretty stiff. The semaphore and Morse are sent at great speed but everything proved all right and we are allowed our draft leave. After our return we went to another depot. I was sorry to leave Crystal Palace. It is an ideal place for training. But the day arrives when we have to say good-bye, carrying with us pleasant memories.
My next depot was Davenport. We went by the L. & N.W. by the well-known Cornish Riviera route, the finest rail route one could wish to travel by. There is only another route which, I think will surpass it, and that will be when we are on our way home with a piece of blue paper to say that our services are no longer required.
My first impression of Davenport was not the same as that I got when I arrived at Crystal Palace. Here one meets with active service rating. The comforts are not the quite as good as Crystal Palace, but we could not grumble. We had to enter the signal school here which was more advanced than at Crystal Palace.
The country around Davenport is magnificent. Plymouth is only four miles away. A very old place! Here Drake played his game of bowls while the Spanish Armada drew nearer England. On the same place as Drake played is a bowling green, and many happy hours have I spent there. I must tell you a rather amusing incident. Along with other companions I had gone down to the Hoe one night. We found it packed with crowds of holiday people. One of the fellows struck up a well-known quartet. Every one of us was a professional singer, and in a very short time we had a very good audience. We each gave a song and sang two or three quartets and then dispersed, but not until we had promised to return the following evening. In this way we had some jolly evenings. When it came to supper time we went to a café and sung a song or two and we were always sure of a supper, free gratia, and an open invitation to pay another visit.
After a month’s training in the signal school we had to pass another examination. I came through all right. After passing this last examination I was entitled to wear this red star, so in twelve weeks’ time I was a step nearer attaining what I thought I should be with a little training, an admiral.
The Sunday after we passed our examination we were put down on draft, and left Devonport on the Monday afternoon, rather sorry to leave. After a sixteen hour train journey we arrived at our destination. The place I am stationed I do not think you will find it on the map, but after the war I think it will be given a place. A very nice place indeed. I have been stationed here since last August. The winter here has been awful. One never realises what winter is until near the sea, but we make the best of it. We arranged a concert party and we have been the means of cheering many a wounded soldier and sailor.
Well, my impressions will have to cut short now, but I will promise to write again before very long. Wishing the good old EXPRESS every success.
(Colin’s note 9 Albert Road is now re-numbered 17.)
Hospital Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors of Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital, Shipley, was held at the hospital on Wednesday, there being present Messrs. Walker Cryer (presiding), E L Baumann, C E Learoyd, D Reynolds, E Cowgill, Mrs Rhodes and Miss Dunn.
The following donations have been received: - The employees of Messrs. J Parkinson and Son, £5 5s; Messrs. E Illingworth and Co., £5; Messrs. F Wigglesworth and Co. Ltd., £3 3s, Messrs. John Smith Ltd., £1 1s; Mr John Humphreys, £3 3s; Mr John Kendall, £1 1s; Mr and Mrs Paget, £1; Mr W Rimmington, 10s 6d. Total, £20 3s 6d. A number of articles had also been received for the Comforts Fund.
Garden Seats
On an application for the provision seats in various parts of the town for the benefit of wounded soldiers, it has been agreed that six garden seats should be transferred from Crowgill Park to the grounds in Alexander Square, Saltaire. Nine other garden seats will also be fixed in suitable parts of the town.
St Peters Church Shipley 26 May 1917
Anthony McGowan, widowed combing overlooker aged 47 from Shipley married Clara Fern, mill hand aged 36 who lived at 17 Mary Street in Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 8 June 1917
Sample advertisement

VOILES are the Vogue this SEASON
Dainty Figured Voiles are the most popular fabrics for Summer Drapes, and we hve these in an immense variety of choice designs, including the famous, "Grafton Voiles" and "Voile de Chine."
Our "Special range of 40 in. Voile, in White, Black, and
12 popular shades ... ... 1/6 yd.
Tebraicos, Tootal's, Pique, Tootal's Shirtings, Drills, Matt Cloths, Zephyrs, Hoyle's Ginghams, Cambrics, Woolaines, etc.
JOYCE & WILKINSON, The Linen Warehouse, SHIPLEY. Telephone 394.
Soldier's Death
It is with regret that we have to record the death of Gunner J W Jude, who before the war was employed in the warehouse at Saltaire Mills. Gunner Jude was 24 years of age, and leaves a wife and one child. A native of Cambridge, he enlisted in August 1916, and after training at Newcastle was drafted aboard on Dec 24th 1916. Mrs Jude received a telegram on Sunday that her husband had died on June 1st, from wounds received on the previous Sunday.
Price of Shipley Gas
The Shipley District Council have decided that consumers of gas shall in future pay 33 per cent more for that service, but as the price of coal has been increased by 50 per cent since the outbreak of the war, the Council’s demand cannot as Councillor Thomas Hill has said be considered extravagant.
Unfortunately, the Council have always to face the fact that owing to the high price paid for their gas works they have first to provide in the price of the gas for the payment of interest and sinking fund charges on a debt of nearly quarter of a million of money. In consequence of the increased rate of interest on loans, this represents at the present time an initial charge of 2s 2d per 1,000 feet. This heavy liability was incurred when the gas rights of Shipley and Saltaire were purchased (the former in 1901 and the latter in 1904), and it is a burden which the ratepayers have to bear because of the unwisdom of the men then in office. The cost of manufacture has to be added, and because of the heavy charges for coal this is 2s per 1,000 feet. From the figures given it will be seen that if it were not for the huge debt on the gas works, consumers could be supplied with gas at almost half the present rate. Until the debt is cleared off high charges for gas are inevitable.
Some reduction may be expected when on the cessation of hostilities the price of coal again becomes normal. That is all the relief we can look forward to for some time to come. There will be a further reduction when the debt on the purchase of the Saltaire rights have been liquidated in 1934, but the bulk of the standing charges will not be cleared off until 1941, the loan having been sanctioned for a period of 40 years.
The present Council are in no way to blame for the circumstances which they find themselves in regard to the price of gas, and they are doing their best under the existing adverse conditions. The ratepayers of Shipley and Saltaire, however, pride themselves on the fact that they have all other municipal requirements at reasonable rates, the one drawback being the price of gas.
In the way of local government and progressive administration, the Shipley Council holds a high place, and residents whilst offering criticism in regard to the gas supply, should not forget that they have a good deal to be thankful for. The future of Shipley is a bright one, and not withstanding that the ratepayers have to carry a burden – a burden created largely for the benefit of private persons – the gas undertaking will, no doubt, ultimately prove a great advantage to the township.
On Saturday 1st June Saltaire had an easy home win against Great Horton. Batting first the hosts scored 117. In reply Great Horton could only muster 49 with Barnes and Slack taking five wickets each. After nine games Saltaire have 12 points just three behind leaders Bankfoot.
Saltaire War Diary: 15 June 1917
Sample advertisement

Saltaire Congregational Anniversary
The Sunday school anniversary services in connection with the above place of worship was held on Sunday last, when sermons were preached by the Rev S Tonkin B.D. of Ilkley. There were good congregations at all the services, including the afternoon service, when address was given by Mr B F Laycock of Saltaire.
The morning service was referred to universally as a most inspiring and encouraging one, the preacher’s words being direct and timely and the singing hearty and confident. The anthem was Dr Garrett’s “In humble faith and holy love.” It has been a frequent practice of late years to choose anniversary tunes from the fine and ample recently published Wesleyan Sunday School Hymnal, and the hymns chosen for these services in this manner were well calculated to stimulate and enthuse.
Mr W Sutcliffe, organist and choirmaster, had charge of all the musical portions of the services. It should be mentioned that the reorganisation and renovation of the organ was not, unfortunately complete, and Mr Sutcliffe’s work as organist judged accordingly was brilliant in the extreme. A special service for the re-opening of the completed organ is under consideration. The financial results of the anniversary were very gratifying.
Hospital Appeal
There is a great need at the Salt Auxiliary Hospital, for one or two quarter-plate or half-plate cameras, and anyone prepared to give or lend one to that institution should communicate either with the Matron, Miss Mitchell, at the hospital (tel. 53, Shipley), or with the Editor of the “Express” (tel. 16, Shipley).
There are always several patients who can manipulate a camera, and if such provision were made for them our wounded heroes would not only be able to indulge in their favourite and fascinating hobby, but would be able to take away with them – and that is not an unimportant point – souvenirs of the district in which they ben temporarily sojourned.
Never has there been anything but a generous response to the appeals on behalf of our gallant defenders, and we can vouch for the fact that every service rendered by the public is highly appreciated. The people of Shipley, we are sure, will be only too pleased to do everything they can to make the stay of the “boys” in this locality as happy as possible. And they thoroughly deserve all they will get.
Saltaire War Diary: 22 June 1917
Sample advertisement

Click on image to magnify
Transcription: WASTE NOT WASTE! THINK!!
Did you ever destroy sacks full of good sound Potatoes before the war? NO!
Then why destroy old Newspapers which are worth as much? Did you ever throw half-pennies into the street or dust-bin? NO! Then why do so much with bones?
Save all your Waste.
WE ARE EXPERTS in handling every description of waste, and give top prices for
Waste Paper, Broken Glass
Every description of BOTTLES, JARS &c.
Mill and Warehouse WASTES and TABS.
Keep a sack handy to put your waste in. We supply sacks at 6d. each, refundable on return.
Send us a Postcard, our carts collect.
Rag Merchant & Carbonizer
Ashley Lane, SHIPLEY.
Missing Soldier
Private Arthur Thompson of 15 Ada Street, Saltaire is reported “missing.” A native of Saltaire, Private Thompson, who was 29 years of age, was educated at the Saltaire Central Schools, after which he served his apprenticeship at the Saltaire Mills. He continued to work there until he joined the army twelve months ago. He had been in France some seven months and had escaped injuries, the word was the he was missing since June 10th being the first intimation of anything wrong with him. Private Thompson was single and lived with his aunt.
Workers at Play
Taking advantage of the “short time” which has been declared for textile workers, the overlookers at Saltaire Mills, on Monday afternoon played a cricket match in Saltaire Park, kindly lent for the occasion by Sir James Roberts. The Saltaire Cricket Club lent the cricket materials, and the match was well attended by the work people of the various departments. A collection was taken on behalf of the wounded soldiers at the Saltaire Hospital.
Veterans Cricket Match
The Shipley Veterans held an enjoyable cricket match on Wednesday afternoon in Saltaire Park. The teams were captained by Mr J Shaw and Mr M Robinson and the latter’s combination came out successful. Much interest was taken in the game by the spectators assembled. Under-hand bowling was the order of the day, and one of the cricketers created much amusement by throwing his bat at the ball. Mr W Hulme, the association’s chaplain acted as scorer.
The object of the effort was to raise money for the help of needy veterans. After the match the wounded soldiers from the Saltaire War Auxiliary Hospital challenged the winning team, and arrangements were made for an encounter to take place at an early date. The gate money will be given to the hospital and the Soldiers’ Comforts Fund.
Military Tribunal
The Shipley Tribunal on Friday night had to deal with 46 cases including one from Saltaire.
Jos. Pearson, cloth finisher at Saltaire Mills, said he was in Class B2, and had been twice rejected. He had been under the doctor for six years owing to a strained hip. He was married with one child. He had been on his sick society for ten years. His disability was occasioned by an accident.
He was given to September 30th.
(Colin’s note – Joseph Pearson married Gladys Marquis 11 April 1914 at St Pauls Shipley. Joseph was living at 43 Bradford Road in Shipley and Gladys at 14 Baker Street.)
St Peters Shipley 21 June 1917
Frederick George Perks, aged 25 from Guiseley, married Edith Alice Walker, aged 21, from 5 Daisy Place, Saltaire. They both worked as railway porters.
Saltaire War Diary: 29 June 1917
Sample advertisement

Commercial St., SHIPLEY
Telephone 28y.
Makers of the "Shipley" Loose Leaf Ledger
32 Commercial St., Shipley.
Framing, Mount Cutting, and Guilding etc.
Guaranteed Workmanship.
Missing Soldier
Private Fred Booth, West Yorkshire Regiment, has been reported wounded and missing since April 16th. He enlisted shortly after war broke out, and returned to the front for the second time last September. His home is at 3 Albert Terrace Saltaire. Before enlisting he was employed at Sunderland and Wilson’s, tailors, Kirkstall Road, Leeds. He is 23 years of age.
Military Medal
Mr and Mrs J C Cutler of 2 Constance Street, Saltaire have received word from their son, Sergeant J W Cutler, that he has been awarded the Miltary Medal conspicuous bravery in the field during the May. In a characteristically modest letter to his parents, Sergeant Cutler wrote, “You will be very pleased to hear that I have been awarded the Military Medal for that little stunt I told you about.” The “little stunt” consisted of his having come to the assistance of a British stretcher bearer upon whom one of the German prisoners had turned. The German had fixed his teeth in the stretcher bearer’s hand and this return for the kindness shown by his British captors was more than Cutler could stand. He dealt with the German in such fitting manner, and protected the stretcher bearer so effectively as to earn himself the Military Medal. Sergeant Cutler is 30 years of age, married with three children. He spent his early years at Shipley, later going to Wombell, near Barnsley. Enlisting two years ago, he has been in France since January this year.
The brother of this hero, Thomas Cutleris also a sergeant. He is 26 years of age and lives at Constance Street in Saltaire. He is married and after two years’ service at the front he has been sent as a cadet to Pirbright in Surrey.
Saltaire Wesleyan Chapel is to be again favoured by a visit from one of the most distinguished preachers of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, the Reverend Mark Guy Pearse. He is not only popular as a preacher and lecturer but is more widely known as an author. Mr Pearse preaches on Sunday morning and evening, and on Monday deliver his lecture on Hugh Latimer.” A lecture famed in almost all parts of the land.
Saltaire War Diary: 6 July 1917
Cricket for Charity
A cricket match of a remarkable character attracted a “gate” of over 1,300 spectators to the ground of the Saltaire Cricket Club yesterday afternoon. The contestants were a team grey haired Shipley veterans and eleven of the wounded soldiers stationed at the Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital.
A large number of tickets had been sold before the match, as the money taken at the gate far exceeded all anticipations the Hospital and the Wounded Soldiers Comforts Fund, between whom the proceeds are to be divided, should benefit materially.
Winning the toss before a gate of over 1,300 spectators, a large proportion of whom were ladies, the veterans went first to the crease. They scored 90 runs. Bolton, a soldier who has lost one leg, left his crutches behind him, but nevertheless he secured two wickets at a small cost.
The soldiers, with characteristically, wit had given, non-de-plumes to the members of their team as follows:-
Private Bolton – “Run Far Jack”
Trooper Jones – “Lloyd George”
Private Mackenzie – “Charlie Chaplin”
Driver Geddes – “Father Christmas”
Sergeant Parker – “Jimmy Shrapnel”
Private Heath – “Tired Tim”
Gunner Don – “Glow Worm”
Private Sergeant – “Lord Davenport”
Private Walker – “Harry Lauder”
Private King – “Henry VIII”
Private Collins – “Weary Willie”
The wounded men secured victory, scoring 91 for the loss of five wickets. Private Mackenzie was inimitable in the role of “Charlie Chaplin”. He insisted first of all upon batting with a presentation bat as huge as a shovel. He raised his hat politely to umpires, bowlers, fielders, and even to his partner when he passed him mid-crease. When clean bowled he chivalrously exulted the successful bowler thanked the wicket keeper for his kindness to him, and with another tilt of his hat in compliment to the umpire, marched, amid a tempest of laughter, to the pavilion.
The takings at the gate amounted to £9 5s and it is expected that with the ticket money the proceeds of the match will be over £25.
The teams were afterwards entertained to tea at the Congregational School rooms, and an enjoyable concert, well attended by the public, helped further to swell the funds of the object.
Saltaire topple league leaders Windhill
Saltaire and league leaders Windhill was to have been the greatest match in the Bradford Cricket League, but like Humpty Dumpty the Windhill team had a great fall. Beautiful Saltaire Park, with its fine oval of comfortable chairs was soon deserted. Windhill were out for 41 and 5,000 people moaned because there was so little cricket to see, the whole side being out in fifty minutes. Barnes took six wickets and Sedgewick took the remaining four. Saltaire quickly scored the required runs for the loss of only two wickets.
Sam Scholefield, aged 73, of 29 George Street in Saltaire was buried 7th July in Hirst Wood Cemetery in Shipley.
Saltaire War Diary: 13 July 1917
Sample advertisement
Click on image to magnify

For Whitening Clothes, Saves Money, Time and Labour.
Shipley Military Tribunal
A meeting of the Shipley Tribunal was held on Friday evening at Somerset House. The appeals of Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons and Co., for the following were heard privately and adjourned to October 31st:-
C Sykes, finisher |
A Stonehouse, designer |
Harold Smith, warehouseman |
F H Reddy, order clerk |
W Metcalfe, warehouseman |
T Kirkbright, weft room foreman |
H B Jackson, foreman mason |
J F Baker, pierce percher |
The following employees of the company were exempted until 30 September on the recommendations of the Advisory Committee:- |
Fred Andrews (40), B1, clerk |
Robert Bould (31), A, spinning overlooker |
H Bradshaw (38), B1, weaving overlooker |
J Excell (38), B1, carding overlooker |
W Holroyd (38), B1, weaving overlooker |
H Kendall (22), C2, spinning overlooker |
H Milner (34), A, spinning overlooker |
G Smith (39), B1, leather worker |
T Willie (24), B1, weaving overlooker |
G Denison (36), A, drawing overlooker |
A Fawcett (28), C3, spinning overlooker |
S Kershaw (38), B1, drawing overlooker |
J H Keighley (31), C1 spinning overlooker |
F Metcalfe, (38), C2, stoker |
D Middleton (31), C2, drawing overlooker |
J S Ridsdale (36), A, works chemist |
W E Sedgley (40), B2, finisher |
A Smith (39), A, cutter and grinder |
W Smith (38), A, combing overlooker |
H Stubbs (39), B2, yarn scourer |
S Thornton (28), C2, twisting overlooker |
(Colin’s note: The newspaper report I transcribed this from was blurred so I may have transcribed some of the ages incorrectly. For explanation of the codes please see snippet “Conscription Categories in the Great War.”
Soldier – Veterans Cricket Match
The committee having in hand the results of this event held a committee meeting on Tuesday evening at Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital, Me E Holdsworth presiding. Mr B Allsop, hon. secretary and treasurer, presented a balance sheet, showing that the total proceeds, including donations from various gentlemen, amounted to £47(?) 13s 9d. The collection at the concert held in the Congregational Sunday school in the evening of the match realised £3 6s 9d, which was handed over to the wounded soldiers as pocket money.
The balance sheet was adopted, and a vote of thanks was passed to Sir James Roberts for the loan of Saltaire Park.
Tag Day
Remember and support the Shipley Hospital Demonstration Committee tomorrow, by wearing a “Tag.” The proceeds are for the Saltaire Hospital, and it is hoped that previous records will be easily broken.
Small Ad
For sale, to make room for chickens, 8 high class pure bred Minorcas, April hatched 1917, cockerel same age, cheap £2 – 14 Albert Road, Saltaire.
(Colin’s note – 14 is now re-numbered 27 Albert Road.)
Sam Scholefield, aged 73, of 29 George Street in Saltaire was buried 7th July in Hirst Wood Cemetery in Shipley.
Saltaire War Diary: 20 July 1917
Sample advertisement

Transcription: OPEN-AIR CONCERT
Saltaire Park
(By the kind permission of Sir James Roberts, Bart.).
Sunday, August 26th.
Shipley Military Tribunal
A meeting of the Shipley Tribunal met on Friday evening at Somerset House. The appeals of men employed at Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons and Co., for the following were heard:-
G W Abrams, wool washer, was represented by his mother, who appealed on domestic grounds. Abrams was 18 on June 22nd, and had passed B2. Her husband was out of work a lot owing to illness. He gave her 20s, regularly when he was working. She thought his wage was 25s. She had four children at school. The son earned 26s. a week.
Mr Burton (military representative): The son is better than the father in that respect.
The tribunal granted time to September 30th in consideration of the domestic circumstances, but declared they could not hold out much hope for future exemption and advised the mother to make some arrangement.
R Donnett, woolsorter, 33 years of age, said his father lived with him. The father had no income since breaking his arm when he was 23 years of age, and it had not been much use since. He had not had a single penny compensation, but received the old-age pension last year.
Exemption was granted to October 31st.
The case of Demas Barraclough (37), married Class A, was also heard. Barraclough a hairdresser, tobacconist and umbrella repairer, Shipley and Saltaire, said that when he bought the Saltaire business (79 Bingley Road) he had put in a manager who had since been called up and killed in action.
Appellant was doing no hairdressing at Saltaire, but his wife carried on the business of tobacconist and telephone call office. Eight barbers had joined the forces from the district, and three others were on work of national importance. There were only four barbers left in Shipley. He had tried to obtain substitutes for assistants who had gone, but could not do so. He would be quite willing to go on work of national importance for three and a half days a week.
Mr Burton: It is hardly the best contribution to the national service for a man of this category to be a hairdresser.
It was mentioned that another barber at Saltaire claimed to be an American subject, but he had lived in this country thirteen years.
Mr Burton: It is quite possible that the gentleman will be looked after from the other side of the Atlantic. He was born of British parents.
A member: He is over the military age for America.
Mr Burton: I admit that is rather unfortunate for a man like Mr Barraclough, Parliament did not contemplate a case like this.
Exemption was granted to October 31st.
Soldiers’ Comfort’s
The following gifts for the Soldiers’ Comforts Fund at the Salt’s Hospital, have been received this week:-
Mrs Hayes – flowers / Mrs Kendall – flowers
Miss Betty Brown – flowers / Freemasons, Baildon – flowers
Westcliffe Road Sunday school – flowers / Mrs Sayers – flowers
Mrs Foster – flowers / Mrs Clifford Roberts – eggs, magazines
Mrs Roberts, The Knoll – eggs / Mrs Illingworth – eggs and flowers
Mrs Geo. Firth – eggs and flowers / Mrs Walker – cake
Mr Shepherd – brawn / Mrs Halliday – tinned fruit
Mrs Coulter – sausages / Mrs W Slicer – books
Salt School Girls – basket of cherries / Miss Booth’s Class - flowers
14 July 1917 St Peters Shipley
James William Caulderwood, an iron turner aged 24 from Baildon married Emily West aged 31 of 26 Dove Street Saltaire.
(Colin’s note – the married couple lived in Baildon. James died in 1959 and Emily in 1969.)
Saltaire War Diary: 27 July 1917
Sample advertisement
Click on image to magnify

Transcription: SHIPLEY FEAST!
Special Attractions at SUNNY VALE, HIPPERHOLME.
MILITARY BAND, July 30th, August 6th & 7th.
Brass Bands every Saturday, Rinking, Boating, Dancing, Bowling
and other Amusements.
Good Teas, Electric Cars, via Bradford, Wyke and Shelf.
Libraries Committee
At a meeting of the Shipley District Council, held on Tuesday evening, the minutes of the Libraries Committee, moved by Councillor Cowgill, recorded that a meeting was held at the Saltaire Institute for the purpose of deciding upon the works to undertaken for the repair and painting both inside and outside the buildings.
The committee first made an inspection of the premises, and decided that except for some repairs to the pointing and the ventilators, no outside work should be undertaken at present. With regard to the inside of the Victoria Hal, it was agreed to recommend to the Council to provide a more effective system of heating, and the Architect was instructed to prepare a scheme for the provision of the necessary pipe work with three additional radiators. The estimate of the cost of this work was given as £30.
Other works agreed to were repairs of a minor character to the doors, plastering in the basement and improvement at the entrance to the Victoria Hall and vestibule. Instructions were given for an estimate to be prepared for the lighting of the vestibule by electricity. It was also agreed that a new heating coil and two radiators be fixed I the social rooms on the first floor, complaints having been received that the rooms were inadequately heated in the winter months.
Councillor Cowgill explained that as it was generally held that they would not suffer very much by going on for another winter with the structure as it was, they felt it would be better to spend money in putting the heating apparatus into effective order.
Councillor Learoyd seconded and the minutes were carried.
(Colin’s note - £30 is worth c£2,000 in 2017.)
New President of Salt Schools
The Shipley Education Committee of which Councillor C E Learoyd is chairman, has been fortunate in inducing Mr Winston Churchill, M.P., to accept the presidency of the Salt Schools.
This brilliant young statesman has consented to fill the post on the understanding that it should be left optional to him whether or not he should deliver the usual presidential address. Mr Churchill is not at all unwilling to deliver the address, and is only taking the necessary precaution in case it may be inconvenient or even impossible for him to come when the time arrives. As it is well known, Mr Churchill has just undertaken an office which will absorb even his outstanding energies, but there is always the possibility of his being able to find time to prepare and deliver the address.
The Salt Schools have had many distinguished presidents, but it is questionable whether a more remarkable personality than Mr Churchill has ever occupied that position. One thing that is for certain, that if he does give the address, it will not be lacking in originality and force of expression. In some quarters a dead set has been against him, but there need be no alarm when it is prophesied that disaster will overtake the national cause if this pushful politician again comes to the front. By his forceful energy he will revitalise the office he has been asked to fill, and as one writer has well said, “There will be a punch in his portfolio.” Let us hope that the people of Shipley will have the pleasure of hearing this real British genius.
(Colin’s note – Churchill, aged 43 and a Liberal MP for Dundee, was appointed Minister of Munitions 17 July 1917 – a post he held until 10 January 1919.)
Khaki Wedding
At the Shipley Parish Church on Saturday the marriage took place between Private Ernest Boston A.P.C., son of Mr R W Boston, of Katherine Street, Saltaire and Miss Doris C Binns, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Pickle Binns of Selborne, Shipley.
The bride was attended by Miss Louie Barnes. Mr G Hartley acted as best man, and Mr W Binns was groomsman. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. B Herklots. A reception was held at the bride’s home, and later the happy pair left for Nottingham.
It is with regret that we have to record the death of George Clarke, greengrocer and fruiterer of 7 Victoria Road in Saltaire. Mr Clarke, who was only 34 years old, underwent a serious operation some two years ago and he never fully recovered his strength. He was married. Always a popular tradesman he succeeded to his father’s business eight years ago. His brothers, Messrs. E H and N Clarke, conduct a wholesale fruit business in St James Market, Bradford, where he is exceedingly well known and highly respected.
George was connected with the Congregational Church in Saltaire and he was a member of the Independent Order of Rechabites. Possessed of musical abilities of a high order, he was a well-known flute, and was always willing to give his services at church anniversaries. He also played at church anniversaries and in private orchestras.
It is only a month ago that he was playing at the Wrose Hill anniversary. It is three weeks since Mr Clarke’s illness took such a serious that he had to remain in bed. He was attended by Drs Sharpe and Emerson. Dr Eurich, the Bradford specialist, was also called in Wednesday, but despite the utmost attention death resulted as stated.
(Colin’s note – George died 21 July 1917 and he was buried in Nab Wood Cemetery in Shipley.)
Saltaire War Diary: 3 August 1917
Sample advertisement

Transcription: Save Money on your Groceries - But Get Them Nice.
Shipley, Frizinghall, and Baildon
Death Presumed
It is with regret that we have to record the death of Private Herbert Bullock of 3 Caroline Street in Saltaire. Private Bullock was reported missing on July 1st 1916, and his wife has now received official notification that his death is presumed.
He leaves a wife and five young children, the eldest of whom is 16, and the youngest just four years old. Private Bullock joined the army just before the outbreak of war. At the time he was working for Mr Roberts, contractor, as a bricklayer. He went to Malta soon after joining up and was transferred from there to France, in June 1916. It is two years since he was over in England.
Mrs Bullock has also received a letter from one of his comrades to the effect that he along with a number of his company were left wounded in a German dug-out and that it was hoped that the enemy would treat him well.
Unregistered Alien Fined
Harry Firth, hairdresser of Saltaire, was summoned at the Bradford West Riding Police Court for failing to register himself.
The defendant, who is an American citizen, stated that he had been to the Shipley police station and had registered there in 1915. This was denied by Superintendent Beaton of Otley, who was formerly stationed at Shipley.
In the course of cross-examination by the defendant has given particulars about himself and his address at the Shipley police station, but this was apparently for the lodger’s registration and not for the register of aliens. The defendant further stated that he had been at Saltaire about three years. He thought he had complied with the law. He went to Morecambe about three months after signing the paper at Shipley police station, and he signed the register there. He was asked if he did not receive a paper at Shipley, and when he said no he was told he would be reported, but he had heard nothing further.
Inspector Foulkes, of Shipley, said that on July 12th he received a postcard from the defendant requesting permission to go to Blackpool. He found that the defendant had not got a register certificate.
Evidence was also given that the defendant had registered July 12th, the day when Inspector Foulkes visited him.
A fine of 40s was imposed.
Wounded Soldiers Entertained
Between sixty and seventy wounded soldiers from St Luke’s War Hospital, Bradford, and the Saltaire Hospital were entertained on Friday at the Golf Club. The lady members of the club exerted themselves, as is their wont, to ensure that the wounded warriors thoroughly enjoyed their outing. Fortunately the rain held off until tea-time, and the customary putting and other games were indulged in.
After tea an excellent concert was given by Miss Wheatley Jackson, Mr Brook Smith, Mr Haigh Lumby, Mr Percy White (humourist), Private Shepherd, and Mr Joe Charlesworth (elocutionist). Mr A C Conder presided.
Miss Brown, Moorhead, has given a garden seat to the Saltaire Hospital, and Mrs S Whitfield, of Charles Street, a reading stand. During the past month subscriptions amounting to £21 6s 6d were received towards the Soldiers’ Comforts Fund.
Shipley Glen
The switchback, which has been on land adjoining Shipley Glen since the days of the Saltaire Exhibition, has now been removed, the structure having recently been sold. Another item of interest to visitors to the Glen is the impending sale of the tramway apparatus, which is very popular in the summer time, especially at Easter. It is estimated that the tramway has conveyed several millions of passengers.
Saltaire Cricket Club
Saturday was a great day for the Saltaire Cricket Club for they attained the leadership of the League for the first time this season. Batting first they scored 169 against Farsley with N Firth top scoring with 51. In reply Farsley were bowled out for a mere 33 runs. Sedgwick and Barnes each taking five wickets.
Saltaire War Diary: 10 August 1917
Sample advertisement

has urged upon the people the necessity not only of
but also of promoting increased supplies and has specially recommended the production of RABBITS AS A WHOLESOME AND CHEAP FOOD.
If you want to know all there is to know about Rabbits for Food, "Fur and Reather," the Rabbit breeders' paper, will tell you how to Breed, Feed, and Market your stock.
Send post card for specimen copy.
"FUR AND FEATHER," Idle, Bradford
Saltaire Times, Friday 10th August 1917
New records were created on Monday when the semi-finals of the Priestley Charity Cup were decided. After a dull and threatening forenoon, the weather steadily improved until it became perfect by early evening, and the attendances at Saltaire Park and Bowling Old Lane surpassed expectations.
The larger crowd was seen at Saltaire. On that ground there were 8,500 spectators, and the sum of £117 was taken, an easy record for any match save the final, and only once equalled even for the final, namely, last season, when the takings amounted to £118 11s 7d. At Bowling Old Lane the receipts amounted to £63.
There was interesting cricket in both games, but at Saltaire the wicket was not at all satisfactory, and so the batsmen were handicapped. Tong Park, thanks partly to errors on the part of the fielders, scored 155. In reply Idle could only muster 64.
In the league, Saltaire beat Bankfoot by four wickets and are now three points clear at the top of the table.
(Colin’s note - £117 is worth c£7,500 in 2017. I find it difficult to imagine 8,500 people watching a game of cricket in Roberts Park.)
Music Examinations
The following were successful ay the examination of the London College of Music held recently in Bradford: Intermediate, Adeline Laughlin (first class). Elementary, Joseph Smith (first class), Leslie Vickerman (honours). Primary: Cissie Abbott (first class), Winton Stuart (first class), Marion Smith (pass).
They are all pupils of Miss Annie Sanctuary of Saltaire.
Lost, from June 14th, Rosary, comprised of small pearls (keepsake). – Contact 23 George Street, Saltaire.
In Memoriam
Webb – In ever loving memory of Private Albert Webb, the dearly loved son of Mr and Mrs Alfred Webb, 9 Jane Street, Saltaire, who was killed in action in Belgium, August 9th 1915.
“To memory ever dear.” – From his dear Father, Mother and Sister.
Saltaire War Diary: 17 August 1917
Sample advertisement

On Sunday, Aug. 26th, 1917
There will be a GRAND
(Kindly lent by Sir James Roberts, Bart., J.P.).
Proceeds on behalf of
CHORUSES and HYMNS will be sung by a Large Choir,
assisted by an Orchestral Band.
Chair to be taken at 2-45 p.m. by COUNCILLOR THOMAS HILL, J.P.
Final Rehearsal on Thursday, August 23rd, in the Shipley Musical Society Rooms.
Admission by Programme only, 2d. each.
Saltaire Times, Friday 17 August 1917
Lieutenant Roberts Wounded
Second-Lieutenant Harry Roberts of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers, the only surviving son of Sir James Roberts, of Milner Field, Bingley, and Strathallan Castle, Perthshire, is reported to have been seriously injured in the right leg and now to be in hospital.
A further report has been received to the effect that Lieutenant Roberts is progressing favourably. Before being called to the colours he was associated with Sir James Roberts in the management of the Saltaire Mills. Joining up as a private, he soon gained his commission, and he has been on active service for three months.
Soldier Presumed Dead
Mr and Mrs Fred Kitchen, of 2 Dove Street, Saltaire, have received intimation that their son, Private Wilfred Kitchen, who had been missing since September of last year, must now be presumed to be dead.
Private Kitchen, who was in the Northumberland Fusiliers, joined Kitchener’s Army, and he had seen much experience in France. He was married, and previous to the war was in the employ of the Darlington Urban District Council.
Metcalfe – August 9th, at 3 Daily Place, Saltaire, Samuel, the beloved husband of Hannah, in his 63rd year. Interred Nab Wood Cemetery.
Saltaire War Diary: 24 August 1917
Sample advertisement

Transcription: CRICKET MATCH
Special Constables
(By kind permission of Sir James Roberts, Bart., J.P.),
ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29th, at 2.45 p.m.
The Sections of each Division will take part in a Tug-of-War.
Admission: 6d. and 1s. each.
The whole proceeds to go to the above Charities.
Saltaire Times Friday 24th August 1917
Soldier Recovering
Private Albert Allen, husband of Mrs. Allen of 3 Titus Street, Saltaire, is at present in a convalescent home at Epsom. He enlisted early last year, and he has seen service in South Africa, and was invalided home suffering from a fever and dysentery.
Mrs Allan received a letter on Wednesday from her husband, who said he was making satisfactory progress. Before joining the Army he was a warp twister at Saltaire Mills.
Salt’s Hospital
The annual report and balance sheet of the Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital has just been published. The statement of accounts for the year ended March 31st, last, amounted to £125 10s 6d; donation from employees, £82 6s 5d; general donations to £25 16s and Sunday collections at churches to £16 0s 1d. The actual expenses were £1,328 1s 9d. When the year closed there was an encouraging balance in hand.
The officials of the institution are:-
Mr B Allsop (chairman)
Mrs Titus Salt
Mrs F Fearnley Rhodes
Miss Dunn
Councillors E Cowgill, C E Learoyd, J Pitts, E Reynolds
Mr E L Baumann
Mr Walker Cryer
Thomas Kendall (who is serving with the forces)
Mr E Clifford Fry (hon. secretary).
Honorary Consultants – Dr W H Ellis and Dr Wm. Foster
Senior Surgeons and Physicians – Dr Ed. Thornton and Dr John Emerson
General Honorary Medical Staff – Dr Chas. Wm. Eames, Dr J A Freeman Hatch, Dr John P Walker, Dr E S Sharp, Dr Edwin G Firth and Mr H Alvin Mahony.
Matron – Miss H Mitchell
Clerk to the Governors – Thos. Luxton.
Patriotic Effort
The employees of F Wigglesworth and Co. and the Scott Engineering Co. played a cricket match on Saturday, in aid of the Soldiers’ Comforts Funds and realised the sum of £5, which has been gratefully acknowledged by the Matron at the Saltaire Hospital.
The effort is doubly creditable as the whole expenses have been borne by the players, including the light tea given to the soldiers present. The result of the match was a fine win for the Engineering Co. In order to finish the game, opportunity had to be taken of the short intervals between the heavy showers. The teams are much indebted to the Saltaire Congregational Sunday School team for the loan of ground and tackle.
Saltaire War Diary: 31 August 1917
Sample advertisement

2/-, 1/-, & 6d. Sizes.
Sole Manufacturer: T. A. BOOTH, The "BAKING POWDER" Specialist, IDLE, Yorks.
Saltaire Times Friday 31st August 1917
Soldier Killed
Private Charles Holdsworth, 23 Maddocks Street, Saltaire, has been killed in action. The information was conveyed in a letter dated 15 august, from the captain under whom Holdsworth was serving. The captain wrote:-
“I very much regret to inform you of the death of your husband, Private C. Holdsworth, in action, on July 31st. He was in a trench with two others, when they were hit by a shell, and I am sorry to say your husband died immediately. He was a very promising soldier; his cheerfulness and readiness to help others made him very popular with everybody. He is a great loss to the company, and I feel I must write and express my deep sympathy with you in your sad bereavement.”
Hospital Demonstration
The sixth annual demonstration by the Shipley and District Hospital Demonstration Committee was held on Sunday afternoon, in Saltaire Park (kindly lent for the occasion by Sir James Roberts).
A procession, consisting of the 3rd W.R. Volunteer (Shipley Co.) Boy Scouts, Sunday school scholars, etc. left the Recreation Ground, Windhill and married through by Leeds Road, Commercial Street and Saltaire Road to the park.
Admission to the park was by programme, a large number of which had been sold prior to the event. Showery weather had a deterrent effect upon the attendance and also detracted from the programme. The selections by the Shipley Brass Band, under the conductorship of Mr p Ambler (late of the Black Dike Band) and the Ironworks Brass Band, conducted by Mr Handel Parker, having to be curtailed. The contributions by the orchestral band had to be abandoned. The music was conducted by Mr William Sutcliffe.
Councillor Thomas Hill (chairman of the Shipley District Council) who preside, expressed regret that the weather should have been so unfortunate, not only for the committee, but also for the hospital, and also for the public, who had been deprived of hearing the string instruments. The singing was led by the massed choirs of the Shipley Nonconformist Churches.
Hospital Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital Board was held on Wednesday night, being presided over by Mr B Allsop, chairman. The other governors present were Mrs Rhodes, Messrs Bauman, Cowgill, Cryer, Learoyd and Reynolds.
Mr E Clifford Fry, the hon. sec., presented the monthly report which showed that the number of out-patients treated during the month had been 65, that 19 patients had been admitted, and 22 discharged, and that adding the 20 patients in residence at the commencement of the month left a total of 17 patients still in hospital.
The donations received during the month had been as follows:-
Shipley and District Trades’ and Friendly Society’s Fete and Gala Committee - £40
Employees of Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons and Co. Ltd - £8 7s 8d
Saltaire Road Primitive Methodist Chapel - £1
Mrs Bitcliffe - 10s
Shipley Military Tribunal
At the tribunal that met on Friday 24th August the case of James Weir (aged 31) Class A, a piece passer for Sir Titus Salt Bart., was heard. The hearing was postponed to 30th September.
Saltaire remained four points clear at the top of the Bradford Cricket League with an easy win over Baildon Green thanks to Sydney Barnes. Batting first Saltaire amassed 132 with Barnes top scoring with 60. In reply Baildon Green could only total 60 with Barnes taking eight wickets.
St Peter’s Shipley 11 August 1917
Henry Wright Crabtree, a metal worker aged 26, of 44 Whitlam Street, Saltaire married Ellen Denney, a weaver aged 23, of 7 Fanny Street, Saltaire
St Paul’s Shipley 20 August 1917
William Hogg, a soldier aged 24, of 38 Dove Street, Saltaire, married Mary Jane Wilson, aged 23, of Shipley.
Saltaire War Diary: 7 September 1917
Sample advertisement

Transcription: FLAG DAY
Saturday, September: 15th, 1917.
ADULT COLLECTORS are urgently required and funds urgently needed
as EVERY Shipley Soldier and Sailor will receive a token of appreciation
from the Fund at Chistmas.
Hon. Secretary, Somerset House, Shipley.
Saltaire Times Friday 7th September 1917
Medal Awarded
Lance-Corporal Gordon O’Donnell Scouts Section, 16th West Yorkshire Regiment, and of 45 George Street, Saltaire, has been awarded the Military Medal for distinguishing himself on the field July 30th and 31st. After having been on patrol duty, he brought back some valuable information. Lance-Corporal O’Donnell has served in France for 2½ years. He is 22 years of age and before the war he was employed at Saltaire Mills. He was a member of the St Peter’s Church Young Men’s Class. His brother is also serving in France.
Victoria Hall
The Parkinson Glee Union is granted the use of Victoria Hall at reduced charges on October 27th for a concert on behalf of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Dependents Fund.
The Library report for the month of July shows the number of borrowers’ cards in force as 3,109, and the issue of books as – Saltaire 5,182; Windhill, 2,280.
Saltaire War Diary: 14 September 1917
Sample advertisement
Click on image to magnify

Partial transcription:
Copies of Complete Syllabus may be obtained at the Library.
MEMBERS (Tickets to be transferable): Admission to all Meetings of the Society, with FIRST SEAT (Reserved), throughout the Course of the Meetings in the Victoria Hall. £1 1s 0d. (inclusive of Tax). Ditto for SECOND SEAT (Reserved). 10s 6d (inclusive of Tax).
NON-MEMBERS: Admission by Single Ticket to the Victoria Hall: 2s 6d. (inclusive of Tax), 1s 0d. or 6d. (both exclusive of Tax). Children under 14 Half Price. Admission by Single Ticket to Social Room: 6d. (exclusive of Tax, when chargeable). Children under 14 Half Price.
Applications for Members’ Tickets should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary not later than September 21st, 1917.
The Ballot for Reserved Seats will be held in the Saltaire Institute on Wednesday Evening, September 25th 1917, at 7 o’clock.
S. MARTIN, Hon Secretary, “Arncliffe,” Moorhead, Shipley.
Saltaire Times Friday 14th September 1917
Ejectment Orders
Four tenants of houses at Saltaire appeared at the West Riding Court-house, Bradford in connection with applications for orders for ejectment against them. Mr W E Tetley appeared on behalf of Sir Titus Salt Bart., Sons and Co., Ltd., and explained that the houses were needed for workpeople engaged at the mill.
One of the respondents, named John Wm. Jordon, said that he had protested against the bonus being deducted from the pay of his children because they lost a “quarter, “ and they were sent home. He had done everything he could he said to get a house. An order for ejectment was made allowing a period of five weeks in which to give up possession. A similar decision was announced in the case of Patrick Hollowood, who said it was really impossible to get a house.
Mrs Cowgill, of 10 Caroline Street, attended on behalf of her husband, William Cowgill. She said she had worked at Saltaire Mills 17 years, and her husband and his father had worked there all their lives. Her husband was now called up and she would be left with seven children.
Mr Preston, who gave evidence in the various cases said, in reply to the Chairman (Dr W H Ellis) that he was not aware when notice was served that Cowgill was called up. Notice was served for another reason. The case was adjourned for three months.
The last case was that of Annie Briggs. Mr Preston said that was undesirable tenant. Mrs Briggs stated that her husband was at the front, and she had five children. She had to do the best she could. An adjournment for two months was granted in this case.
(Colin’s note – it is not certain who the husband of Annie Briggs was. It could be John Archer Briggs; he did serve in the war, but there is no record of them living in Saltaire.)
Saltaire Naval Man’s Wedding
At Norwich on Saturday last, Arthur Herbert Humphreys, engine room artificer on board H.M.S. Assistance, and the eldest son of Mr and Mrs J W Humphreys of 42 George Street in Saltaire, was married to Miss Mabel Shingles daughter of Mr and Mrs Shingles of Mousehold, Norwich. Mr and Mrs Humphries, senior, were present at the wedding.
The bridegroom served his apprenticeship as an engineer with Messrs. Parkinson’s Shipley. He was working at Norwich at the time of outbreak of war, and joined the navy as an engineer about eighteen months ago. It was during the time he was working in Norwich that he met Miss Shingles, and made the acquaintance which has had such a happy consummation. Mr Humphreys is well known in Shipley district; and was last over on a visit about a fortnight before Whitsuntide.
Wanted Ad
Wanted Manager for Fish and Potato Shop, No 6 Victoria Road Saltaire – Apply J Ramsden, 1 George Street, Saltaire
Shipley Military Tribunal
At Friday night’s sitting the following cases were heard concerning men from Saltaire:-
Willie Brook (26) – Class A - married man in a family of four. Employed as a yarn warehouseman, employed at Saltaire, he said there would be a serious strain on his family if he were taken away. He could not obtain anyone to assist his delicate wife. His wages were 37s 6d.
The Military Representative: Without going into figures, I should surmise that your wife would not be worse off financially on the army allowance.
Councillor Hill: She would be better off.
The Appellant said he assisted in the house work when he got home at night. “One of the children has been ill, and I have never in bed since Thursday night,” he declared.
The Military Representative: Well this is Friday. How many times do you want to go to bed a day?”
“I meant Tuesday,” explained appellant.
This applicant was refused.
Fred Keeling (38) – Class A – married with one child, was working as a piece dryer at Saltaire.
The Military Representative: This was a personal appeal, and Keeling was told to get work of national importance.
Keeling: I was not. I was told I would be put on the Substitution List, and would hear from Mr Lindow. I have a letter from the firm that I am working 12 hours a day regularly. I came straight from work to the Tribunal, and I have averaged 60 hours a week for the last two years.
Exemption confirmed to Dec 31st on the same conditions.
Mr Sam Hill, master butcher, appealing for Mawson Pedley (24), single, C1, who had been thrice previously rejected, said this was the only man left him. He admitted that all butchers now helped one another.
The Military Representative: Well you know they want butchers in the army! (Loud laughter.)
Exemption to Dec 31st.
Other exemptions confirmed to Dec 31st:-
T W Berry yarn packer at Sir Titus Salt’s
A E Ingham yarn clerk at Sir Titus Salt’s
Joseph Mountain (34), Class A, married with two children, had received exemption at Bradford to Sep 1st, but had now started work at Sir Titus Salt’s.
Saltaire Wesleyan Anniversary
The anniversary services in connection with the Saltaire Wesleyan Church were held on Sunday last, 10th Sep, the preacher both morning and evening being the Rev Wm. Bradfield, B.A. of Ilkley, the Chairman of the Halifax and Bradford District. There was special singing by the choir. The anthem in the morning being “Except the Lord Build the House,” and in the evening a fine rendering of “Sweet is the Sunlight” was given, the solo part being ably interpreted by Miss Hilda Cooke. Mr Bradfield’s able discourses were attentively listened to by large congregations.
Saltaire Cricket Club
For the first time since the institution of the Bradford League in 1903, the league has been won by Saltaire. This success has been well merited. With Barnes and Sedgewick to lead the bowling, their attack has been formidable, and their batting, although not great, has been more to be depended upon than last season.
Saltaire War Diary: 21 September 1917
Sample advertisement
Click on image to magnify

Gentlemen’s Tailor and Complete Outfitter
14, Gordon Terrace, SALTAIRE
Sole Maker of the “J.S Jolly Smart, A’1 British” Wearing Apparel.
Sole Agent for “Battersby’s” Noted Headwear.
We have the Largest and Smartest range of MEN’S CAPS and HATS in the District.
GENTS’ CAPS, 1/6 to 5/6, Newest Cloths and Styles
GENTS’ SOFT HATS, 3/9 to 7/6, Latest Shapes and Shades
GENTS’ BOWLER HATS, 3/9 to 7/6, Newest Shapes only
Our range of Gent's’ Collars, Dressed and Soft, cannot be beat at 6 ½ d., 3 for 1/6, 6 for 2/9.
Saltaire Times Friday 21st September 1917
Anniversary of Saltaire Mills
Yesterday was the sixty-fourth anniversary of the opening of Saltaire Mills. This auspicious event in the industrial history of the district took place on September 20th, 1853, in the presence of a distinguished company.
The mill premises were then little more than half their present size, and a start had scarcely been made with the building of the 850 houses and shops which subsequently formed the model village of Saltaire.
Sir Titus Salt had five sons and two other partners in the business – Mr W E Glyde and Mr Charles Stead. Mr Stead’s two sons subsequently became actively associated with the Sir Titus Salt’s sons in the management. In this connection we are glad to learn that Second Lieutenant Harry Roberts, son of Sir James Roberts, Bart., the present owner of the mill and village, is making satisfactory progress in London Hospital, where he is being treated for severe wounds sustained at the front whilst fighting with his regiment, the Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
Saltaire Cricket Club – League Winners
A meeting of the committee of the Bradford Cricket League was held in the Market Tavern last Friday. Mr J Booth, the President, congratulated the Saltaire Club upon winning the League championship. It was the first time they had done so, and it was a credit to the club and to its players. Personally he was glad there had not had to be a “play off.” They had had a strenuous season, and would welcome a little rest before they started anew.
The President read a message from Sir William Edward Briggs Priestley, M.P., stating “You have had a glorious success. Congratulate you most heartily. Proud to have my name associated with an undertaking which you and others have worked for so “splendidly.
It was decided that the President should present the cup and medals to the League winners at a charity match to be held in Saltaire Park on September 22nd.
The question of a match – Champions v Rest of the League – was mentioned, and the chairman threw out the suggestion that if possible the “Rest of the League” might form Saltaire’s opponents on September 22nd.
The Saltaire representative said that this was impossible as opponents in a team selected by Mr A Procter had been found.
The President: You have taken time by the forelock! (Laughter.)
A Member: Fine them for approaching! (Loud laughter.)
The Chairman said that the committee had to leave domestic arrangements to a club’s own desires, but he would suggest that in future when a club had carried off the championship the desirability of a winners v runners up or rest of the league match should be considered. It would be disappointing to others that there was not such a match this year.
Saltaire’s representative said that at their meeting they had been given to understand that all idea of a Champions v Rest of the League match had been abandoned.
The President: There had been no time to consider it. There might have been a play-off.
It was decided to allow the matter to stand as it was, the President remarking to the Saltaire representative: “But when you win the championship next year, you will please remember.”
Soldiers Entertained
Bradford Factory Concert Party visited the Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital, Saltaire last night, and entertained the wounded soldiers and staff. The following artistes gave their services under the direction of Mr E Day: Miss Myrle, Miss Hartley, Miss Raistrick, Miss Holroyd, Master Alfred Haley, Mr Frank Haley, Mr E Day, Mr W Raistrick, accompanist.
During the interval cigarettes and sweets were distributed amongst the soldiers.
Hutley – On the 16th inst., at 7 Titus Street, Saltaire, the residence of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Wilks, Maria, widow of the late Atkinson Hutley, in her 72nd year. Interred at Nab Wood Cemetery.
Saltaire War Diary: 28 September 1917
Sample advertisement
Click on image to magnify

Saltaire Times Friday 28th September 1917
Killed in Action
Whiteley – Killed in action on September 12, aged 27, Private Sydney Whiteley, West Yorkshire Regiment, youngest and dearly loved son of Thomas and Elizabeth Whiteley of 9 Shirley Street in Saltaire.
Labour Leader at Victoria Hall
Mr Tom Mann, the prominent Labour leader, who spoke at Shipley Glen on Sunday afternoon and in the evening at the Saltaire Institute, and who advocated a six-hours’ working day, a five-days’ week, with £1 pay a day, is making a special effort with the Manchester warehouse workers.
In conversation with an “Express” representative, Mr Mann stated that there are no fewer than 60,000 of these workers, and that they have scarcely any organisation. There wages are, consequently, excessively low.
The National Warehouse and General Workers Union, with which Mr Mann is now associated, are enrolling the men and women warehouse workers of Manchester. Already these workers have agreed to make an application for a minimum wage of 35s. a week.
Apart from his connection with this work, Mr Mann is now a “free-lance.” An eloquent speaker, with a forceful manner, Mr Mann is always sure of a good hearing from a working-class audience. As head of the Transport Workers’ Federation, he had much to do with the conduct of the Liverpool Dock workers’ strike some years ago, when friction occurred between the imported police and the strikers. The military had to be called in, and on more than one occasion the mob was fired on.
Soldiers' Comforts Fund
The following gifts for the Wounded Soldiers Comforts Fund at the Saltaire Hospital have been received during the past week:-
Mrs Lindow – tomatoes
Mrs Halliday – tinned fruit
Mrs Hayes – cucumber
Mrs Halliday, Claremount – cakes
Mr Shepherd – brawn
Mrs Coulter – sausages
Mr J B Fearnley – vegetables
Mr Jowett, Charlestown Allotments – vegetables
Mrs Newboult, Ivy House – vegetables
Salvation Army – eggs
Potato Competition Winners
The winners of the Potato Competition included Mr William James West of 66 George Street in Saltaire. He came third in the No1 area with a total weight 72lbs 12oz; his heaviest weighed in at 8lbs 0oz.
(Colin’s note – Mr West had three sons who served in the war – Reginald, James and Norman.)
Bradford League Champions
The Saltaire Cricket Club, this year’s champions of the Bradford League, were presented with the cup and medals on Saturday afternoon at Saltaire Park. A match in aid of local charities – Saltaire v Mr A Proctor’s team – had been arranged to take place, but it was spoilt by the rain. After the presentations the teams took to the field, but they were unable to remain there long.
In the evening the players and committee were entertained to tea at the Victoria Hotel, where an excellent repast was served.
St Peters Shipley 22 September 1917
Walter Pedley, a mechanic, aged 26, living in Windhill married Florrie Smith, a weaver, aged 25, living at 25 Jane Street in Saltaire.
(Colin’s note – Florrie had five brothers who served in the war – Gilbert Smith, Hardy Smith, Harold Smith, Leslie Smith, William Smith.)
Saltaire War Diary: 5 October 1917
Sample advertisement

We have purchased for cash at 40 per cent. off cash prices the Stock of a London Furrier, which includes FITCH, BLACK FOX, WOLF, CONY SEAL, LLAMA, SQUIRREL, and other Valuable and Fashionable Furs in Stoles, Muffs, Ties, Collars, etc., all made for the coming season in the Newest Styles.
We shall offer the Stock from Monday, 24th inst., and following days, at prices which enable our Customers to buy at 25 per cent. below the actual cost price. This is a Most Unusual Opportunity.
Terms Cash. Tel. 2862.
Saltaire Times Friday 5th October 1917
A Saddened Home
Tragedy has marked the home of two Saltaire sisters married to soldiers and living in the same house, 22 Rhodes Street. On Sunday evening Mrs Harrison was seized with fits. Attack after attack followed. Mrs Harrison having 46 seizures in twelve hours. Her condition became so serious that a telegram was sent on Sunday evening asking the military officials to allow her husband to have leave to visit her. A reply has been received to-day that her husband was killed on Thursday last. Mrs Harrison who is left with one child – a six years’ old girl, is still in a critical condition, and is attended by Dr Sharpe. Her husband’s sad fate has not been communicated to her. Before the war, Harrison was employed at Saltaire Mills.
(Colin’s note – Ethel Harrison survived her illness, moving to Shipley after the war. Her husband was Francis Harrison.)
Soldiers in Saltaire Hospital
One of the wounded soldiers who has been treated at Saltaire Hospital is one of eleven brothers, ten of whom joined the army. Three have been killed, and six are still fighting. A boy at present in residence was one six brothers, all in the army. Two of the men at present in the hospital have won military medals and one the D.C.M.
Anonymous Donation
Mr E Clifford Fry, secretary of the Salt’s Hospital, desires us to acknowledge an anonymous donation of £10 to the funds of that institution. Mr Fry has received the following communication under date September 28th, together with the banker’s draft: “I am instructed to send you the enclosed draft for £10 as an anonymous gift to Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital. The donors have a great admiration for the work that is being done, and hope that every success may continue to crown your efforts for the benefit of suffering humanity.”
The reception of the gift cannot fail to be gratifying to the Governors, to whom it will be reported at their next meeting.
Stories of the Sea
A large audience assembled at the Vitoria Hall, Saltaire, on Wednesday night, to hear a lecture by Mr Tom Wing, M.P., on “The Sea Story of the War.” The Lecturer was the second of the series which has been arranged by the Saltaire Institute Society, and Mr Wing’s discourse was followed from start to finish with rapt attention.
Ladies at Cricket
A ladies’ cricket match between teams representing Saltaire and Idle on one side and Undercliffe and Eccleshill on the other, was played at Saltaire Park on Saturday, and was won by the former by six runs. Miss Ellis Noble of Idle, captured seven wickets for 11 runs, and in an innings of 19 Miss A Wilson, on the losing side, made the only boundary hit of the match.
St Peters Shipley 29 September 1917
Harry Sugden, widower aged 61, dyers labourer married Lily Robinson, a widow aged 51. They both lived at 2 Jane Street in Saltaire.
George Edward Taylor, a cloth finisher aged 21, of 14 Baker Street in Shipley married Edith Taylor aged 21, of 72 George Street in Saltaire.
(Colin’s note – Both bride and groom had the surname of Taylor.)
In Memoriam
Backhouse – In loving memory of our dear mother and grandma, Sarah Ann Alice, who died 10 October, 1916, aged 80.
One year has passed our hearts still sore,
As time rolls on we miss her more;
No one can fill the vacant place.
From her loving Daughter and Son-in-Law and Family
38 George Street Saltaire
Feather – In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Briggs Feather, who entered into rest 7 October, 1916.
Father in Thy gracious keeping
Leave we now our loved one sleeping
73 Bingley Road, Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 12 October 1917
Sample advertisement

Winter Campaign
ON OCTOBER 20th, 21st, 22nd,
Special Visit of
Commandant M. Charlesworth (of Salford).
at 11 a.m., 3 p.m., and 6.45 p.m.
Home League Members will assist duyring the week-end.
Saltaire Times Friday 12th October 1917
Funeral of the late Private F Urwin
The funeral was solemnized last week of the late Private Fred Urwin, of the Royal Scots, who died in Dover Hospital from the results of wounds received in France last week.
The internment was from the house, 35 Dove Street, Saltaire, and at Crag Cemetery, Windhill. There was a large and sympathetic assemblage of mourners. Mr W Sutcliffe, and Mr Mosley represented the West Cliffe Road Church; Mr Frank Greetham, P.P.G.M., Mr Alf Pitts, P.G., and Mr Marshall represented the I.O. of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, and representatives of the Saltaire Overlookers’ and the West Cliff Sunday School paid a last tribute of respect to a fellow employee.
Included among these who were present at the graveside were Mr and Mrs James Urwin, (father and mother), Lizzie and Annie Urwin(sisters), Mrs G Urwin (sister in law), Mr Wilfred Scott, Mr Frank Wood, Mr C Murgatroyd, Mr J Murgatroyd, Mr and Mrs W Wood, Mrs Isaac Bennett, Miss Bennett, Councillor F Rhodes, Mr P Jackson, Mrs Parker, Miss Ryall, Miss Barron, Mr and Mrs W Hartley, Mr and Mrs B Preston, Mrs Howson, Mr and Mrs Rowley (Queensbury), whilst there was also present a large number of sympathising neighbours.
Before the war Private Urwin was a weaving overlooker at Saltaire Mills. He was unmarried and lived with his parents. He attended the Central Council School and the Technical Schools at Saltaire. A bright youth, he there gained two scholarships. He enlisted twelve months ago and had been in France four months. He was connected with the West Cliffe Sunday School Orchestral Band, playing the violin.
Shipley Military Tribunal – Warning to the Saltaire Firm
A meeting of the Shipley Military Tribunal was held on Friday evening, Councillor Thomas Hill (chairman) presided, and other members present were Councillors C E Learoyd, T F Doyle, F Rhodes, Mr E Illingworth, and Mr J A Burton (military representative), along with Mr Isaac Lindow (clerk).
Mr W Eccles made an application on behalf of Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons and Co. Ltd., in respect to the following employees:
T Priestley, 28, C1, single, foreman yarn packer
Arthur Iredale, 40, A, married, yarn scourer
Herbert Stubbs, 39, C2, married, yarn scourer
Wilfred Smith, 33, A2, married, combing warehouse overlooker
Thomas Petty, 38, A, married, grease extractor
James Sykes, 37, A, married, assistant manager burling and mending department
Alfred Slingsby, 30, A, married, spinning overlooker
F Scarfe, 27, A, single, spinning overlooker
J Collinson, 28, A, single, spinning overlooker
Fred Andrews, 40, B1, married, warehouse order clerk.
After the hearing of the cases the tribunal considered their verdict in camera.
The Chairman, in announcing the decision, said that all except Scarfe and Collinson were exempted until February 28th. The two men named had been given until December 31st.
Mr Burton said he was not finding fault with the decision of the tribunal, but he wanted to impress upon the representatives of the Saltaire firm the great need there was for men in the army. He mentioned that fact to Mr Briggs months ago, and the firm must not be surprised if in the near future the necessities of the army were insisted upon. It should be borne in mind that they could not train old or unfit men for military service, and it was important that young and fit men should be found.
Fred Wallbank, aged 19, class B3, a banking overlooker, employed at the Saltaire Mills, applied for a further exemption. The young man’s mother appeared in support of the application, and said she had four sons in the army, and this was the only support she had. The other sons were married.
Mr Burton obtained answers to a few questions, and then remarked: “He’s a very good lad.” Postponement until February 28th.
The following, from Saltaire Mills, were granted exemption until January 31st, on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee:-
E Milner, 34, A, spinning overlooker
H Kendall, 23, C2, spinning overlooker
C Smith, 39, B2, leather worker
H Wainwright, 42, B1, spinning overlooker
H Wolmersizer, 37, B1, spinning overlooker
W Stansfield, 31, B1, weaving overlooker
H Steel, 29, B1, weaving overlooker
Willie Town, 38, B1, weaving overlooker
W C Bateson, 25, B1, weaving overlooker
W Holroyd, 38, B1, weaving overlooker
H Bradshaw, 38, B1, weaving overlooker
J Excell, 28, B1, carding overlooker
F N Reddy, 39, A, warehouse foreman
J W Ellis, 23, C3, manager dresses and linings department
H Proctor, 40, A, combing overlooker
R Bould, 31, A, spinning overlooker
Ernest Lupton, 40, A, grinder
T H Manners, 31, B1, roving stock keeper
Fred Halliday, 41, A, warp dresser
T Howitt, 30, B1, spinning overlooker
F Metcalfe, 33, C2, stoker
H Speight, 38, B1, heald knitter
J E Stringer, 34, A, engineer
Fred Jowett, 37, A, stoker
A Smith, 40, A, cutter and grinder
H Cosford, 37, B1, stoker
S T Belcher, 41, B1, packer
W Mills, 41, A, press packer
C Saville, 31, A, warp sizer
B Firth, 37, B1, weaving overlooker
H Smith, 39, C2, dye vessel minder
W Rice, 41, B2, dyers’ clerk
J Lamb, 40, A, spinning overlooker
W Storey, 26, A, weaving overlooker
W Binns, 29, A2, weaving overlooker
J A Farndale, 39, A, drawing foreman
J Booth, 34, A, twisting overlooker
W Lockwood, 32, B1, foreman warping
D Middleton, 31, C3, drawing overlooker
S Thornton, 24, C3, twisting overlooker
G Fawcett, 25, C3, spinning overlooker
G Dennison, 37, B1, drawing overlooker
S Kershaw, 34, B1, drawing overlooker
S Binns, 38, B2, spinning mill manager (yarn department)
C Bray, 41, B1, motor driver
J N Keighley, 31, C1, spinning overlooker
H E Sedgley, 41, B2, finisher
S Law, 39, B2, card fettler
Saltaire Institute
The lectures at the Saltaire Institute have had a most auspicious commencement. Following the interesting lectures by Prof. F W Moorman and Mr Tom Wing M. P., the platform was occupied on Wednesday evening by the Rev. Joseph Clare, who at the time of the outbreak of war was filling a ministerial post with an English congregation in Russia.
The lecturer obtained an immediate hold upon his audience. He was exceedingly glad to make the acquaintance of a Yorkshire audience for the first time in his life, he said. Though not himself a Yorkshireman, he was married to a Yorkshire woman, “And, by gum shoo’s a terror,” he added amidst in laughter. Begun in jest, the lecturer proceeded through grave and gay passages, with never abating interest, and at the close it was astonishing to the audience to find they had been listening to the speaker for two hours.
Comforts Fund
The following gifts for the Comforts Fund at the Saltaire Hospital have been received this week:
Young Ladies’ Class Windhill Mission – 2s 6d
Miss Booth’s Class – flowers
Alice Long and Margaret Truder – cigarettes
Mrs Polgiass – books
Shipley Wesleyans = fruit & vegetables
Mrs Smith, Church Lane – eggs
Charlestown Baptist – fruit, vegetable and eggs.
Mrs Clifford Roberts, - kippers
Mrs Walker – cake
Mrs Halliday – cakes
Mrs Illingworth – grapes
Mrs Coulter – sausages
Mr Shepherd – brawn.
A concert on behalf of the wounded soldiers at Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital and of the Shipley War Pensions Fund, was given at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire on Saturday evening, under the direction of Mrs Swailow (wife of a Shipley soldier).
Mrs Swallow reported that the amount realised was £16 9s 6d, which had been distributed as follows: £7 10s to the Shipley War Pensions Committee; £2 14s 6d to the Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital; £4 15s as gifts for soldiers, and £1 10s for rent Victoria Hall.
In Memoriam
Ellis – In ever loving memory of a dear father and loving husband of Juliana Ellis, died October 12th, 1916.
“Good night beloved, but not farewell,”
From Wife and Family
10 Katherine Street, Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 19 October 1917
Sample advertisement
Click on image to magnify
Transcription: Grand CONCERT
Sunday, Oct. 28th, at 8-15 p.m.
The world-famous Russian Violinist.
Miss ELSIE SUDDABY, Vocalist,
of Provincial and Scottish Concerts; and the
Shipley and District Orchestral Society.
Tickets of Admission: 2s 6d., 1s 6d, (reserved),
1s. and 6d. unreserved (Tax exclusive).
Saltaire Times Friday 19th October 1917
Soldier Missing
Corporal J Hartley, West Yorks, 2 Higher School Street, Saltaire is reported missing. His officer (Captain Harold Smith) writes to the soldier’s mother: “I am sorry to tell you that your son is missing, but I have every reason to believe he might be a prisoner. If so, you may not hear anything for some little time yet. He is a great loss to the company. I personally was always happy to have such a cheerful and reliable N. C.O. when in the front line trenches.”
Soldiers Wounded
Gunnar C Hemmingway, lately residing at 26 Herbert Street in Saltaire, has been wounded, and is in hospital in France. He was formerly a woolsorter employed at Saltaire Mills.
Private Robert Lofthouse, (19), 19 Rhodes Street, Saltaire, who previous to the war was employed at Messrs Sowden’s loom makers, Windhill, has again been wounded, this making the second time in twelve months. He is a single man, and joined the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry in October 1916, and has been in France since January.
Police Cricket Match
The proceeds of the cricket match at Saltaire Park between Special Constables of the East Morley and Otley Divisions amounted to £134 12s 7d. This has been disposed of as follows: £100 to the Harrogate Police Orphanage, and £34 12s 7d to the Police Compassionate Fund. Mr Geo. Firth acted as hon. secretary.
Victoria Hall
The West Riding magistrates on Monday, October 15th, granted permission to Mr Isaac Lindow, for a concert to be held in the Victoria Hall, on Sunday, the 28th October, under the auspices of the Shipley U.D.C., for the Town’s Comforts Fund.
Lecture at Saltaire
The first of a series of lectures on “Great Names in English Literature,” arranged by the Shipley branch of the Workers’ Educational Association, was given on Thursday evening at the Technical School, Saltaire.
The lecturer was Mr G W Morris, M.A., of Ben Rhydding, who is history master at the Bradford Grammar School. Councillor Cowgill (president), referring to the large attendance, said it had really exceeded all expectations and he was sure the executive was highly gratified at the hearty response which had been made. The fact that there were so many present was a good augury for the future.
Shipley Military Tribunal
A meeting of the Shipley Tribunal was held on Friday night. Decision affecting those working at Sir Titus Salt’s Mills were as follows:-
J Iredale, 42, single, B1, soap boiler, February 28th
Albert F Wilson, 37, married, B1, hydraulic press packer, December 31st
John Bennett, 18, single, C2, cloth finisher, placed on substitute list
R A Blackburn, 34, married, B1, yarn scourer, placed on substitute list.
G W Abrahams, 19, single, B2, woolcomber, January 31st
The following from Sir Titus Salt’s Mills were postponed until January 31st, on the recommendations of the Advisory Committee:-
Tom Willis, 24, weaving overlooker
J Greaves, 40, card fettler
L Guerin, 33, B2, loom fitter
Tom Hirst, 38, C3, warehouseman
H Gomersall, 28, C2, warehouseman
E J Hughes, 41, A, boiler fireman
T Bancroft, 37, A, iron turner
J E Wilson, A, blacksmith
C Spalding, 39, B2, dye vessel minder
J R Walker, 30, A, twisting overlooker
W Sunderland, 40, spinning joiner
F J Smith, 35, C2, horseman
Serbian Prince at Saltaire
Great interest has been aroused by the demonstration which is to be held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Tuesday evening next, in aid of the Serbian Red Cross and Serbian Relief Funds. Several distinguished Serbians are to be present, and it is certain that they will be accorded a hearty welcome. Of all the Allies Serbia has been the most hardly hit, and she is thoroughly deserving of all the practical sympathy which is extended to her.
The Prince of Serbia, who is visiting the West Riding, yesterday visited Saltaire and went over the Sir Titus Salt’s Mills. The party, which motored from Bradford, were escorted over the works by Mr Binns, manager of the Spinning department, and Mr Hawkswell, head of the Cordage department.
Moore – Tetley – September 27th at Congregational Church, Windhill, by the Rev W J Harris, Private Albert Moore, Yorkshire Regiment, eldest son of the late J H Moore and Mrs Moore, Saltaire to Paulina, youngest daughter of Mrs and Mrs A Tetley, Shipley. (Special licence).
Saltaire War Diary: 26 October 1917
Sample advertisement
Click on image to magnify

Transcription: Don't Shiver in Bed!
Blankets, full size - 9s 9d pair
Sheets, grand value - 6s 11d .,
Quilts, full size - 5s 11d each
43, Briggate, Shipley,
J. B., B., M. M., & E. A. Blackwood and H. A. Lodge
Organ Re-Opening
On Sunday 28 October there will be special services held for at the Saltaire Congregational church for the re-opening of the Organ following renovations and additions. The organist will be Gordon L salt, eldest son of Titus Salt jnr. Services will be held at 10.30 and 6.30 with collections on behalf of the Organ Fund.
Great Concerts at Saltaire
Again we would call the attention of readers to the concert at the Victoria Hall on Sunday 28 October, for raising funds for Christmas Gifts for Shipley soldiers and sailors. An undoubtedly high class concert, on somewhat new lines for a Victoria Hall function, has been arranged, and it is evident that much time has been spent in securing such voluntary talent.
The Shipley and District Orchestral Society, which is to play several selections, will be at full strength. We believe this is the first appearance of this body of instrumentalists at this hall, and it may be assumed that their well varied selections will give great satisfaction.
The soloist (soprano) is Miss Elsie Suddaby, of Armley, who has had a meteoric rise into the front rank of vocalists of our day. She is certain to claim instant admiration. The extraordinary attraction at this concert will be M Zacharewitsch, the famous Russian violinist, who nightly in our largest towns is playing to audiences of great sizes.
The concert is avowedly and primarily to raise large funds, and with such talent the hall should be crowded. The concert is under the auspice of the Shipley Council, and the artistes have been obtained by Mr J A Leedal.
Tomorrow evening, Saturday 27 October, Victoria Hall will host a Grand Concert in aid of Saltaire Hospital. The following artistes will be performing:-
Parkson Male Voice Choir
Miss Bertha Armstrong (Soprano)
Miss Clara Baxandall (Contralto)
Mr Arthur Wilkinson (Humourist)
Mr Albert Hull (Tenor)
Mr Harold Hoyle (Baritone)
Mr Harry Holmes (Bass)
Doors Open at 7; Commencing at 7.30
Prices of Admission: - 1s 6d, 1s, and 6d. (Tax extra.)
Interesting Lecture
The second of a series of lectures on “Great Names in English Literature” was delivered on Thursday evening at the Saltaire Technical School, under the auspices of the local branch of the Workers’ Educational Association. There was a large attendance, and Mr Morris’s discourse was followed with great interest. The subject dealt with on this occasion was “Milton and the Seventeenth Century.”
24 October 1917 – Hirst Wood Cemetery
Norman Keighley, aged just 9 days – son of John Norman Keighley and Emily (nee Smith) of 22 Fanny Street in Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 2 November 1917
Sample advertisement

Saltaire Times Friday 2nd November 1917
Soldier Promoted
Sec-Lieut. Joseph William Cutler (married), son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Cutler of 2 Constance Street, Saltaire, has just proceeded to France to join the British forces in the field. This is his second venture.
He enlisted at the outbreak of the war in the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, with whom he saw nineteen months active service. He went out as a private, and by sheer hard work and devotion to duty was quickly promoted to the rank of sergeant. In February of this year, he was recommended by his Battalion Commander and the General commanding his Brigade for a commission.
After spending a month’s furlough with his people at Saltaire, he entered an Officers’ Training School at Pirbright, in Surrey, where he passed his examinations with flying colours, and obtained his Commission in the Yorkshire Regiment, stationed at Sutton-on-Hull. He went to join his regiment there, and has just been home again on embarkation leave.
(Colin’s Note – there is no record of Joseph ever living in Saltaire. After he got married in 1907 he worked as miner and lived with his family at Wombwell near Barnsley. Joseph survived the war; he died in 1962 at Staincross, near Barnsley.)
Successful Concerts
The concert given by the Parkson Male Voice Choir at the Saltaire Institute, for the benefit of Saltaire Hospital last Saturday was a great success in every way. As a result of the effort the sum of about £15 will be handed to the Saltaire Hospital.
The concert held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Sunday evening, with the object of raising funds to provide Christmas gifts for Shipley soldiers and sailors was a real feast of high class music. The proceeds are expected to be about £40.
Saltaire Hospital
The monthly meeting of the Governors of the Saltaire Hospital was held at the hospital on Wednesday evening, the chairman being Mr B Allsopp. There were also present Mrs Rhodes, Mr E L Baumann, Councillor E Cowgill, Mr Walter Cryer, Councillor E Reynolds and Mr F Lister.
The Hon. Secretary (Mr E Clifford Fry) presented the monthly report, which stated that there had been 70 out-patients treated at the hospital; that 38 in-patients had been admitted during the month, and 32 discharged, which, with 17 already in the hospital at the commencement of the month, left 23 patients at present in residence.
A list of contributions was submitted as follows:-
Shipley Hospital Committee £73 6s 8d
Bradford Cricket League, Priestley Cup Competition, 1917 £10 10s
Saltaire Cricket Club £10
Mr Henry Mason £5 5s
Employees of Henry Mason £5 5s
Crowghyll Bowling Club £5
Employees of Scott Engineering, J R Fyfe, Shipley Woolcombers Ladies Football match £1 7s 10d
Mr Ferndale 10s 6d
Anonymous donation received at the early part of the month
Organ Re-Opening
There were exceedingly good congregations at the Saltaire Congregational Church on Sunday morning and evening, on the occasion of the re-opening of the organ after renovations and additions.
The work, which has entailed expenditure of above £160, has been somewhat extensive. The work has been done to the satisfaction of Gordon L Salt and the Finance Committee by Mr W Andrews, organ builder, Bradford.
Mr Salt presided at the organ morning and evening.
In Memoriam
Bennett – In loving memory of Pickles, the beloved husband of Elizabeth Bennett, who died October 30th, 1915.
The midnight stars shine on the grave,
Of one we loved, but could not save;
Someday perhaps we shall understand,
When we meet again in the better land
- From the family, 39 Ada Street, Saltaire.
Clegg – In affection remembrance of my dear mother, Harriet Clegg, who passed away November 5th, 1916.
One precious to our hearts has gone,
The voice we loved is stilled;
The place made vacant in our home.
Can never be filled;
But God will clasp the broken chain,
Closer when we meet again.
- From her loving daughter, Emily, 62 George Street, Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 9 November 1917
Sample advertisement

Transcription: SHIPLEY DIVISION.
War Aims Committee
Saltaire Times Friday 9th November 1917
Conscientious Objectors
Two conscientious objectors appeared in the dock at the Bradford West Riding Police Court on Monday morning. They were William Raistrick, mechanic, of 24 Alexandra Road, Shipley and Smith Pickles, newsagent, 2 Maddocks Street, Saltaire. Both were charged with being absentees under the Military Service Act, and both pleaded “Not Guilty.”
Police Constable Church, who had apprehended the men, said that Raistrick when arrested remarked, “I am against militarism altogether.” Pickles observed, “I refuse to have anything to do with militarism.”
Corporal Turnbull, who presented on behalf of the military authorities, said that when Raistrick appealed to the Shipley Tribunal for exemption from military service, he gave as the grounds of his claim that he was engaged on work of national importance, and said nothing about his being a conscientious objector. Raistrick now said he could not be an absentee because he was not a soldier, whilst Pickles declared that he was opposed to militarism in all its forms.
Each of the prisoners were fined 40s and ordered to await an escort.
There were in court many women sympathisers.
Christmas Gifts Concert
It is pleasing to record that the concert given at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Oct. 28th, in aid of the Town’s Comforts’ Fund for spending Christmas gifts has yielded the handsome total of £38 15s 2d, which sum represents the total gross takings. This sum has been credited to the fund and once more on behalf of the Soldiers and Sailors of Shipley we wish to thank the artistes who rendered such willing and splendid help, also all those who contributed to the success of the effort.
Successful Concert
A concert was given on Wednesday evening, in Victoria Hall, by the weavers of the Saltaire Mill, on behalf of the Wounded Soldiers’ Comforts Fund and the Shipley Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Christmas Parcels Fund, and proved exceedingly enjoyable and most successful.
During the interval Mr Storey, secretary of the Concert Party, presented £10 to Miss Midgley for the Wounded Soldiers’ Fund and a similar sum to Mr Blackwell for the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Comforts Fund. It was decided to give the wounded men at Saltaire Hospital the sum of 2s 6d per week for three weeks. The idea in this dissecting the amounts over a period is that the money does not go to one set of men to the deprivation of those who come later.
Saltaire Hospital
The wounded soldiers were entertained on Monday by a Concert Party consisting of Miss Davy, elocutionist; Mr G Cartel, elocutionist; Miss Wheatley Jackson, Miss D Jackson, Mr and Mrs Akam and Miss Peel. A most enjoyable evening was spent.
Previous to the concert the men were presented with a generous supply of cigarettes through the generosity and self-sacrifice of some children who had given up their usual November fireworks to their “bit” to make the soldiers happy and show their gratitude for all the soldiers have done for us.
On Tuesday evening, the men had their usual weekly whist drive. On Wednesday evening they attended a concert at the Victoria Hall, given by the weavers of the Saltaire Mills.
A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
The housewife is convinced that nine stiches for one saves time. This the sewing machine will accomplish and no home is complete without one. A local want has been met by the opening of a shop at Saltaire, where a complete stock of the latest Singer Sewing Machine is on view.
Some short time ago the Singer Sewing Machine Co., Ltd., found it necessary to remove from the premises they had in Commercial Street, Shipley, to more commodious premises. They are now established at Gordon Terrace, Saltaire, close to the tram terminus, in a healthy and business thoroughfare, easy of access to the public. They still extend the same courtesy to their many patrons as of old.
Wright – Bombardier Melville E Wright, aged 19 years, dearly loved youngest son of Mr and Mrs E H Wright 94 Great Horton Road, Bradford (late of Saltaire), killed in action October 28th 1917.
Hirst Wood Cemetery, Shipley 30 October 1917 – Mary Spencer of 34 Ada Street, Saltaire – aged just 3 years.
In Memoriam
Hainsworth – In loving memory of Ernest, the beloved son of Joseph and the late Dinah Hainsworth, who departed this life November 5th, 1916 age 19 years.
No care or sin can reach him now,
An angel’s crown is on his brow;
He joined that joyful ransomed band,
Whose home is in the better land.
- From the Family, 9 Fanny Street, Saltaire
Brook – In loving memory of our dear mother, Rachel Brook, who passed away November 5th, 1912.
One precious to our hearts has gone,
The voice we loved is stilled;
The place made vacant in our home,
Can never more be filled.
But God will clasp the broken chain,
Closer when we meet again.
- From her Daughters and Granddaughters, 16 Whitlam Street, Saltaire
Fieldhouse – In loving memory of Jabez Fieldhouse, who died November 6th, 1914.
Daily in our minds we see him,
As we did in days gone by;
When life is o’er we hope to meet him,
Safe beyond the golden shore.
- From Wife and Family, 27 Dove Street, Saltaire
Saltaire War Diary: 16 November 1917
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Saltaire Times Friday 16th November 1917
Wounded Soldiers Merry Week
Thanks to their Saltaire and Shipley friends the wounded soldiers stationed at the Saltaire Hospital have had an enjoyable week and much appreciation is felt at the kindness shown to them.
On Saturday they were entertained to a whist drive and tea by Mrs Davy. On Monday evening a most enjoyable time was spent at the hospital. Mr Lowe of the Windhill Mission, brought a concert party consisting of Miss Rushworth, Miss A Lowe, Mr H Hird, Mr R C Franklin, Mr J Pagett and Mr B Bland, accompanist; Mr B Braithwaite, chairman. An excellent programme was given and was greatly appreciated by the audience. Sergeant Hoodless proposed a vote of thanks to the promoter and artistes, which was ably seconded by Bombardier Barret.
On Tuesday, the men had their weekly whist drive, Mr and Mrs Brear entertained them to tea at the Saltaire Congregational Church. This was followed on Wednesday by an additional treat. Mr Edwin Waddilove, “Westwood,” Nab Wood, supplied tickets for all the men to attend the Lifeboat Matinee at the Alhambra, Bradford, only one member was unable to go, and the party had an enjoyable afternoon.
Meeting of the N.A.D.S.S.
Since its inaugural meeting in June, the Shipley Branch of the National Association of Discharged Soldiers and Sailors has made splendid progress. The membership now numbers 898, and the branch has two representatives on the Discharged and Disabled Soldiers’ Sub-committee, and the Local War Pensions Committee.
It is confidently hoped that as a result of the public meeting to be held in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire on Sunday next, the membership of the Association will be further increased. Everything possible is being done to make the meeting a success.
There will be a general assembly of the discharged soldiers and sailors in the Shipley Market Place at 1.30. From there the Canal Ironworks Brass Band will head a parade to the Victoria Hall. Councillor Thos. Hill will preside at the meeting, which will be addressed by Mr J Miller of Blackburn. Mr Miller is the joint general secretary of the National Association of Discharge Sailors and Soldiers.
Effort for Soldiers
A very successful concert was given in the Victoria Hall, a week ago, by the “Blacks and Whites” Concert Party, consisting of workers from the weaving department of Saltaire Mills. The following took part: Misses E Hopkinson, D Hymas, N Staniforth, E Spalding, C Noble, A Noble, E Excell, C Clayton, J Godfrey, M Lund, A Alderson, E Johnson, C Johnson and E Bradshaw, assisted by Mrs J Read, Mr E Eccles, Fr H Carr, Mr J Smith, and fourteen children, who had been trained under the supervision of Mrs W Storey.
The amount realised by the sale of programmes was £39. During the interval the secretary of the concert party, Mr Storey, presented the sum of £10 to the matron of the Saltaire Hospital, for the wounded soldiers’ comforts fund, and a similar sum to Mr Blackwell for the Shipley Soldiers and Sailors Christmas Gifts. It was decided to give 7s 6d to each discharged soldier in the audience, and 2s 6d each for a period of three weeks to the wounded soldiers whom were present along with the matron from the Saltaire Hospital.
Mr W Storey officiated as chairman in the place of Mr C H Briggs, who was unable to be present owing to illness. Mrs F Staniforth was a very efficient accompanist.
Saltaire Cricket Club
The Saltaire Cricket Club held their annual meeting last night. The finances it was stated were in a satisfactory condition. The actual turnover was £509 14s 2 ½ d. They had helped the country to the extent of £74 3s 6d, which had been paid as entertainment tax.
They commenced the season with a balance in hand of £39 2s 6d, and finished with a balance of £31 3s 3d on the year’s working. This was accounted for by the outlay in various cricket material, etc. They had handed over £10 to the Hospital Fund and £5 to the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Comfort Fund.
The Club’s batting prize had been won by H Sedgewick, and the bowling prize by Jack Slack. They have an excellent secretary in the person of Mr Fred Atkinson.
Smith-Wood – On November 10th 1917 at St Marks Church, Manningham, Bradford, by the Rev. Baker Beale, Walter Sydney, Second-Lieutenant, R.F.C., only son of Mr and Mrs Harold Smith, Chingford (late of Saltaire), to Margaret Armitage, youngest daughter of Mr Richard W Wood, 2 Apsley Crescent, Bradford.
(Colin’s Note – The Smith family did not live in Saltaire but in Staveley Road in Shipley. The Shipley Times often stated that Staveley Road was in Saltaire when it is actually in Shipley)
Midgley – October 1st, at 129 Amesbury Street, Lawrence, Mass., America, Mary Jane Midgley, wife of Mr W S Midgley, 5 Higher School Street, Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 23 November 1917
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Saltaire Times Friday 23rd November 1917
Soldier Discharged
Private Charles Houlden (Frontiersmen’s Battalion), 25th Royal Fusiliers, and of 24 Fanny Street, Saltaire, who was invalided home in June, suffering from malaria and dysentery has been certified medically unfit for the army, and will be permanently discharged on Dec 4th, 1917.
Before the war he was a well-known local horticulturist. He was secretary of the Saltaire Men’s Own Horticultural Society, and formerly on the Committee of the Saltaire Rose Society. He has been in hospital at Stockton and is at present at Townley’s Military Hospital, Bolton, Lancs.
In a letter to the Editor of the Express, Private Houlden says that he has been serving “among all the Shipley, Idle, and Baildon lads,” and specially mentions “Bill” Watmough and W Cannan.
Wounded Soldiers Entertained
The men from the Salt Auxiliary War Hospital have been entertained by the following during the week:-
Friday afternoon – The ladies of the Shipley Golf Club entertained the men to a tea and whist drive.
Saturday – Doulton’s Employees, whist drive and tea.
Monday – The Weavers at Salt’s Mill and friends gave a most enjoyable concert at the Hospital.
Tuesday – The usual weekly whist drive was held at the Hospital.
Wednesday – The men had special meat pies sent in for tea. Needless to say they were appreciated to the full, Mrs Langwaid, Windhill, contributed the pies.
The Care of Shell-Shock Cases
The staff at the Salt’s Auxiliary War Hospital, Shipley (of which Miss Mitchell is matron), are anxious to do everything they can for the men who are suffering from shell-shock, and the idea of providing these sad cases with such employment as will tend towards more complete cures has the whole-hearted support of the staff at this hospital.
Miss Mitchell attended the meeting held at Bradford on Monday, when it was decided to establish a Handicrafts Club for shell shock cases, and she is doing all she can to arouse interest in the work. When there are any cases of this kind at Shipley, ladies will come from Bradford to give them instruction.
These men, we are told, can be cured if they can be got into hospitals such as are to be found in the Bradford district, and placed under medical men who have made a study of these cases. The medical men have come to the conclusion that the men need some interest to take their minds off their own condition, and it is to be the aim of the Handicrafts Club to provide the men with light occupations such as mat-making, wood-carving and netting. For these kinds of work finely adjusted movements are required, and these may enable the men to find their old power returning to them. Naturally everybody will be desirous of helping a grand work of this kind, and when it has been not going it is to be hoped there will be no lack of financial support.
Saltaire Institute Society
Lectures and debates gave way on Wednesday evening at Saltaire Institute when the Saltaire Institute Society substituted a social evening. There was an excellent attendance. Songs were given by Mr W E Allsop and Mr T Carroll, and a brightly written comedy entitled “Poached Eggs and Pearls” was read by Mrs Riley, Mrs J Newboult, Misses Aston, Hirst, and E C Woodhead, Mr B Riley, Mr J R Hirst and Mr R Lishman, of the Bradford Playgoers Society.
After supper a whist drive was held. Upon the proposition of Mr A C Condor, seconded by Mr Walker Scott, a vote of thanks was accorded the entertainers.
St Peters Shipley
John William Wilkinson, 26, decorator of Frizinghall married Annie Rushton, 26, weaver, of 9 Albert Road (renumbered 17) Saltaire.
In Memoriam
Brooks – In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Able Seaman Arthur Brooks, R.N.D., son of Mr and Mrs J Brooks, who died from wounds received at Beaucourt, and was interred at the St Sever Cemetery, Rouen, November 24th 1916, age 19 years.
His farewell o’er, his battle fought
His victory won, though dearly bought;
His fresh young life could not be saved
He slumbers now in a hero’s grave.
From Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers – 3 Jane Street, Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 30 November 1917
Sample advertisement

A Grand Concert
Will be held at the VICTORIA HALL, SALTAIRE on DECEMBER 11th, at 7.30 p.m.
There will be over 150 Artistes.
Full particulars will appear in our next issue. Proceeds for the Shipley Soldiers' and Sailors' Parcel Fund.
Saltaire Times Friday 30th November 1917
Soldiers Death
Bombardier Melville E Wright, 94 Great Horton Road, Bradford, and late of Saltaire, has been killed in action. Writing to his parents, Lieutenant Knowles says, “Your boy was highly valued by us all, for he always discharged his duties as a signaller with conspicuous ability.” Bombardier Wright enlisted at the age of 17, and served 2½ years. He was an old boy of Salt’s School and before enlisting was on the staff of the Refuge Insurance Co.
War Aims
The meeting held at the Victoria hall, Saltaire, on Tuesday night, under the auspices of the Shipley War Aims Committee, was an event which will linger long in the memory of those who had the good fortune to be present. Every speech rang with sincerity, and in unmistakable fashion recalled to our minds the glorious ideals which stirred the nation at the beginning of the war.
We all know what we are fighting for, but there is the need for us to encourage one another and to give words of comfort and sympathy to those who have suffered bereavement. The only reply which need be made to the wily pacifists who still affect to believe that the war aims of the Allies are not known, is this: While the common enemy of civilisation is trying to prove the truth of the doctrine of the devil and the German War Lords that Might is Right, the Allies are endeavouring to establish the Christian principle that Right is Might.
Shipley Military Tribunal
At the meeting of the Shipley Military Tribunal held on Friday evening, the following cases involving men from Saltaire were heard:-
J G Berry, 25, married, piece percher for Sir T Salt and Co., was adjourned until the next meeting.
R E Jackson, 35, B1, married, foreman mason, employed by Sir T Salt and Co., was given temporary exemption to February 28th.
The Advisory Committee’s recommendation for postponement to March 31st was adopted for:-
Richard Bennett, 32, C2, woolsorter, Sir T Salt and Co.
Played on the Hirstwood ground, which was in poor condition and with a strong wind blowing, Hirstwod Juniors beat Saltaire United 3-2.
Saltaire Juniors have vacant dates, average age not above 15. Secretaries should apply to Ernest Harris, 15 Victoria Road, Saltaire.
Charles Hawkswell Briggs Funeral
The funeral of the late Mr Charles Hawkswell Briggs, of Bank House, Baildon Green, who for many years had been secretary and cashier of Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons and Co., Limited, took place at Nab Wood Cemetery on Friday.
There were many indications of great respect for Mr Briggs in his lifetime and of sympathy for his bereaved relatives. A choral service was held at the Saltaire Congregational Church, the choir being present. The organist (Mr William Sutcliffe) played, “O, rest in the Lord” as the funeral party entered the church, and the Dead March in “Saul” at the close of the service. The hymns sung were “O, God, our help in ages past” and “Now the labourer’s task is o’er.”
The Reverend P Drummond Pringle (pastor), who conducted the service, delivered a short address. He said that the congregation were met to pay their tribute of respect to one who had lived in their midst a most faithful, honourable, and serviceable life. Mr Briggs was widely known and highly respected and esteemed. In all his relationships he was the soul of honour, his word being better than his bond. He had a high conception of duty, to which he was always faithful, believing that the practical duty of every day formed a large part of religion. He had a great gift of affection, and was generous to a fault. Many persons had reason to remember Charles Briggs with gratitude, and to cherish his memory. Religion was to him no mere luxury or side interest, but part of the very essence of his life. It was, however, in the home that his gracious and loveable character made its deepest impression.
In the important firm which he served so long and with such entire devotion and faithfulness he would be greatly missed, and by none more so than by the head of the firm itself (Sir James Roberts), whose illness they all regretted and wished for him a speedy recovery.
Their sympathy (Mr Pringle said) went out to the widow in her loneliness, and to the sons and daughters in their irreparable loss; and they thought specially of the elder son, William, who had been in captivity in Germany since the first day of the war, and who would never again see the fact which through these weary years he had so long to behold.
The chief mourners were Mr T Arthur Briggs, Mr Latimer T Sharp, Dr Milnes, Miss Crossland (sister in law), Mr and Mrs Woodhouse Hawkswell and Mr William Sharp. Mr F A Aykroyd represented Sir James Roberts, and Dr Duff attended as representative of United College, at which Mr William Briggs, elder son of the deceased, was a student before proceeding to Germany, shortly before war broke out, for further study. The Saltaire Congregational Church, of which Mr Briggs was senior deacon, was represented by Mr and Mrs J W Sowden, Mr and Mrs Thomas Whiteley, Mrs Ezra Naylor, the Rev A E Chisolm, Mr Amos Brear, Mr John Witts, Mr Thomas Thornton, Mr J W Thornton, Mr W Popplestone, Mr F Bayliff, Mr H Williamson, Mr Albert Brear and Mr F E Williamson. From Providence Church, Cleckheaton, there attended Mr S Mortimer, Mr John Hartley, Mr John Rathmell, Mr John Hirst, Mr Joe Hirst, and Mr W H Wright. Representing the Baildon Lodge of Freemasons, of which Mr Briggs was a member, were Mr James Clough, Mr Joseph Clough, Dr Firth, Mr W Jowett, Mr John Greenwood, and Mr W Law.
Employees at Saltaire Mills included Mr W H Eccles, Mr J Baker, Mr Edwin Ellis, Mr Ezra Ellis, Mr J T Tillotson, Mr John Gregory, Mr S Binns, Mr G Hall, Mr F White, Mr J S Risdale, Mr R Hartley, Mr J Stringer, Mr Oxley, Mr T Clegg, Mr C Hawkswell, Mr O Denison, Mr J A Farndale, Mr F Shackleton, Mr W Eastell, Mr J Sykes, Mr Reddie, Mr J W Ellis, Mr F Hartley, Mr B Preston, Mr H Robinson, and Mr J H Rayner (Leeds department).
Amongst the personal and other friends present were Sir Ellis Denby, Mr Arthur Denby, Mr R D Cundall, Mr William Holmes (Baildon), Lieutenant Keel, Mr Francis Lister, the Rev T Porritt, Dr Emerson, Mr J Henderson, Mr G Morell, Mr S R Kemp, Mr S A Radcliffe, Mr C E Horncastle, Mr H M Sutcliffe, Mr P L Carroll, Mr and Mrs W Bell, Mr C D Collinson, Mr J Brooks, Mr W Harrison, Mr F Holdsworth, Mr A Bagnall, Mr A Abbott, Mr F Redman, and Mr Joe Charlesworth.
Wreaths were sent by, amongst others, Sir James and Lady Roberts, the Baildon Lodge of Freemasons, Mr and Mrs F A Ackroyd, the deacons of Saltaire Congregational Church, and the Finance Committee of that church.
Saltaire War Diary: 7 December 1917
Sample advertisement

Transcription: Useful Xmas Presents at
The Misses Fell
Art Needlework Specialisers,
Saltaire Times Friday 7th December 1917
Effort for Soldiers Christmas Cheer
On behalf of the Shipley Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Christmas Parcels Fund, Mr A Slingsby and Mrs Councillor Hirst, have arranged for a whist drive and dance at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Dec 14th. Every endeavour is being made to ensure success.
Whilst under the war-cloud, whist drives and dances are not generally encouraged, but bit is felt that with such a deserving object some latitude may be allowed and there is every probability that the functions will not only tend to dispel any incident war weariness but will by the means of bringing Christmas cheer to the men who are so gallantly serving their country in its hour of need.
Successful Concert
An excellent concert, arranged by Miss Ethel Clay, for the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Parcels Fund was given at the Saltaire Institute on Saturday last.
Mr John Ince kindly acted as chairman, and the programme was most efficiently carried out by a band of young people to whom was given a most enthusiastic reception, which was certainly deserved. It was difficult to pick out any special talent, the children all doing so well. It would be surprising to hear so many fresh, true, young voices anywhere but in Yorkshire. Miss L V Brown assisted Miss Clay and acted as accompanist. Mr John Ince gave a hearty vote of thanks to all who had helped and this was seconded by Mrs Irvine Bonner.
Miss Clay kindly consented to give another concert in aid of the Shipley and Windhill St John’s Ambulance men, and it is hoped that she will be as well supported as she was last Saturday, when the sum of £22 was raised.
Soldiers Entertained
On Saturday Dec 1st, the wounded soldiers at Saltaire Hospital were entertained by the members of the Young Men’s Christian Institute, to a concert and tea which was thoroughly enjoyed.
On Monday evening, an excellent programme was rendered by a Party, promoted by Mr F C Lowe, from the Windhill Mission. Cigarettes and pork pies were supplied to the wounded soldiers by the visitors, and a donation given to the Comforts’ Fund, proceed from the sale of “Black Cat” mascots.
On Wednesday, through the generosity of Mr Edwin Waddilove, of Westwood, Nab Wood, all the wounded soldiers attended the matinee at the Theatre Royal. This is the third special matinee the wounded soldiers have been privileged to attend through the kindness of Mr and Mrs Waddilove.
Saltaire Institute Society
A lecture was given on Wednesday evening at the Saltaire Institute by Mr Wm. Claridge, of Idle. Sir Ellis Denby took the chair, and there was a very good audience. Mr Claridge spoke on the subject of “The Origin of the Pyramid Idea,” and his lecture was illustrated by many beautiful lantern slides.
Saltaire War Diary: 14 December 1917
Sample advertisement

Transcription: TOYS! Latest London and Paris
1d. to £4
36 Commercial St. Shipley.
Saltaire Times Friday 14th December 1917
Memorial Service
A memorial service was held at the Shipley Primitive Methodist Church on Sunday for Private W Butler, 18 Baker Street, and a member of the choir who has died in hospital in France. The preacher was the Rev H Taylor. The choir sang the anthem, “Crossing the Bar,” and Mr S Heaton played “O Rest in the Lord” and the “Dead March.”
Gifts and Entertainment for Wounded Soldiers at Saltaire Hospital
Mrs Halliday, The Grove, tinned fruit; Mrs Halliday, Claremont, cakes and magazines; Mr J B Fearnley, magazines; Mrs Carpenter, vegetables; Mrs Firth, Enfield, Baildon, vegetables; Mrs Coulter, sausages; Mrs Shepherd, brawn; Mr Whiteley, Aireville, Church Lane, piano.
Wednesday, Dec 5th, the men were entertained to concert and tea at the Musical Union, by Mrs Rendall, Mrs Hargreaves and friends.
Saturday, Dec 8th, the employees at Stewart Brothers entertained the men to tea and concert. The proceeds of concert were sent to the Comforts Fund and Men’s Spending Money Fund.
Monday, Dec 10th, an excellent concert was given at the hospital by “The Glen Quartette.” Mr Carpenter, Mr Wright, Mr Marshall and Mr Sanctuary; Mr Lodge, humourist. It was thoroughly enjoyed by both patients and staff. Private Mark Norris sang two songs, which were greatly appreciated.
Special interest was attached to a conference held in Saltaire Institute on Saturday evening. The Workers’ Educational Association, under whose auspices the gathering had been called, is one of ever-growing scope and importance, and one well qualified to deal with such a controversial subject as that down for discussion.
We are suffering now in blood and treasure from the folly of not having been prepared to meet our enemies on the battlefield, and the Workers’ Educational Association realises that our national prestige may suffer even more if the close of the war finds us educationally unprepared for the commercial competition which is bound to follow the cessation of the war.
There was a gratifying attendance. The speeches were listened to attentively, and the discussion raised by the resolutions was interesting and instructive.
The Pyramid Idea
An interesting lecture on “The Origin of the Pyramid Idea” was given last week under the auspices of the Saltaire Institute Society by Mr W Claridge of Idle.
1 December 1917 at St Peters Shipley
Halliday Hartley, a labourer aged 30, married Rosetta Burgess, a machine worker aged 30. Both lived 2 Higher School Street in Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 21 December 1917
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Saltaire Times Friday 21st December 1917
Soldiers Killed
Private Willie Dunn, 30 Constance Street, Saltaire, formerly of West Bowling, of the Frontiersman, has died whilst on active service in Germany East Africa. He leaves a widow and one child.
Second Lieutenant Norman Hirey, West Yorkshire Regiment, reported killed in action, was a son of Mr and Mrs G Hirey, of Saltaire. After winning the Military Medal at the Battle of the Somme, he was recommended for a commission. He was severely wounded last year, and upon recovery he was stationed for a time in Cork, and then at Clipstone. He has been in action almost continuously since August last, when he returned to the front.
(Colin’s note – The surname should be Airey not Hirey. The family did not live in Saltaire. In 1911 they lived at 30 Moorhead Terrace in Shipley; moving to 9 Glenhurst Road in Shipley around 1914.)
Helping a Good Cause
A concert, dance and whist drive will be held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Boxing Day, in aid of the Handicrafts Club, which has been established for the benefit of patients suffering from shell shock. The event has been organised by Miss Mitchell, together with a committee from the Saltaire Mills, and is under the patronage of Captain John Bland, the Lord Mayor of Bradford.
The concert promises to be an excellent one. Capable local artists are to take part, and Private Mark Norris, one of the talented wounded soldiers at Shipley, will contribute to the programme. The chairman will be Mr J Banks Fearnley, who is himself a member of the Handicrafts Club Committee, and will be able to tell how the Handicrafts Club help in restoring the men to their normal state of health.
The concert will commence at 6.30pm, and the tickets are 1s 2d each. The “boys” are looking forward to the function with keen anticipation and we hope that from every point of view it will meet with great success.
Saltaire Girls’ High School
The usual breaking-up entertainment of the Girls’ High School, took place on Tuesday night in the Victoria Hall, of the Saltaire Institute, where a crowded audience of parents and friends of the scholars assembled.
The proceedings were of a bright and interesting character. They opened with the singing of the National Anthem to Sir Michael Costa’s arrangement. This was followed by “The Battle Hymn of the American Republic.” The American flag was displayed alongside the Union Jack, and the flags of all the Allies were carried by representatives of the various countries.
The girls were attired in pretty costumes, coloured and white, and made a charming ensemble. There was some very nice singing by the different sections of the school, and the drill was particularly interesting and well done. The second half of the programme consisted of sketches specially written and designed to show how the nations depend on each other, and that the gospel of brotherly kindness is also the gospel of plenty and happiness.
The Library report for the month of November showed the number of borrowers’ cards in force as 3,275 and the issue of books as – Saltaire 6,428; Windhill 3,133.
Speech Day Saltaire Boy’s High School
The speech day celebration in connection with the Boys’ High School, Saltaire, took place on Wednesday evening, when prizes and certificates were handed to the successful students by the Vicar of Bradford (Dr F S Guy Warman).
Councillor C E Learoyd, chairman of the Governors of the Salt Schools, presided over a large audience of parents and friends of the boys. Dr Warman, after distributing the prizes and certificates, delivered a short address. He congratulated the school on the work done under extraordinarily difficult circumstances.
On the motion of Councillor Thomas Hill (chairman of the Shipley District Council), seconded by Councillor E Cowgill (chairman of the Shipley Workers’ Educational Association), a vote of thanks was passed to Dr Warman by the boys giving three ringing cheers.
A French scene and a comedy in English (the latter entitled “Doing His Bit,” specially written for the occasion by the heads master, Mr F J Fuller) were performed by the boys. Glees and a trio were sung, and there displays of gymnastics and musical drill.
Choir Anniversary
The Saltaire Wesleyan Choir held their anniversary on Sunday, and in the evening gave a performance of Gaul’s “Holy City.” In spite of the inclement weather a considerable number of regular worshippers and others attended and listened with evident pleasure to the singing of the choir, which had been augmented by many friends.
19 December 1917 St Paul’s Churchyard Shipley – Ada Neild, aged 59, of 33 Caroline Street, Saltaire.
Saltaire War Diary: 28 December 1917
Sample advertisement

THE Opening Lecture of the season.
At 7.30 prompt, by
MR. FREDERICK JAMES, Mus. Bac. (Bradford).
Subject: "Songs and Song Writers,"
With Musical Illustrations: Vocal and Instrumental.
Assisted by Miss I. Holmes (Contralto), and Miss L. Shoesmith (Soprano), Bradford.
Saltaire Times Friday 28th December 1917
Christmas in the Hospital
The wards of the hospital were brightly decorated by the men themselves, and presented a riot of colour on Christmas morning. The “Happy Christmas” greeting was accompanied by 2s 6d to each of them from the Christmas Fund.
Dinner was served in the Lee Ward and consisted of turkey, plum-pudding and the usual Christmas extras. As a welcome extra surprise, Mr William Fry presented to each man, on behalf of Mr and Mrs T E Power, Underwood, Victoria Park, a new 10s Treasury note. This was a welcome surprise and the recipients expressed their thanks to the generous donors.
The following messages from the King and Queen were read:-
I send to all ranks of the Navy and Army my hearty good wishes for the Christmas and the New Year. I realise your hardships, patiently and cheerfully borne, and rejoice in the successes you have won so nobly. The nation stands faithful to its pledges, resolute to fulfil them. May God bless your efforts and give us victory. – George R.I.
Our Christmas thoughts are with the sick and wounded sailors and soldiers. We know by personal experience with what patience and cheerfulness their suffering is borne. We wish all a speedy restoration to health, a restful Christmastide, and brighter days to come. – George R.I., Mary R.
In the afternoon five of the eighteen men went to spend the rest of the day at their homes inn Bradford. Those staying in the hospital were entertained by Mrs Swallow’s “Little Patriots” during the afternoon. The Saltaire Male Voice choir sang carols in the hospital on Christmas morning. Boxing day, the Bethel Baptist Choir sang carols in the afternoon.
Miss Mollie Frood, Glenair, visited the wounded soldiers and presented each with 100 Turkish cigarettes, bought with the proceeds of sales of golliwogs made by herself.
Wednesday (Boxing Day), the wounded soldiers attended a concert at the Victoria Hall, given for Shell Shock Military Patients Handicraft Club. Three discharged wounded soldiers that are receiving treatment in the Military out-patients department at the hospital, Mr Finney, Mr Wilman, and Mr Carrol helped as stewards at the entertainment.
The civilian patients joined in the good things provided for the military so far as their physical incapacity would allow; unfortunately they are all unable to leave their beds, but Christmas passed as happily as it possibly could do for those whose hearts are with their “ain folk” and no doubt will, in spite of that, have left a pleasant memory.
Soldiers’ Comforts
The following gifts have been received for the wounded soldiers at the Salt’s Auxiliary War Hospital:-
Mrs Lindow – 8 pairs socks, box cigars, apples, nuts
Miss Booth’s Class, Central School – cakes
Mr Bennett – books
Mrs F Rand – 4lbs fresh butter
Mr Helm – magazines
Mrs Shackleton – magazines
Mr Chisolme – cigarettes
Mr Carlisle’s Burlers – cakes, tinned fruit, tinned salmon, toffee, figs, flowers, fruit, matches.
Catholic Women’s League Knitting Party, 8 pairs socks
Rosse Street Primary and Junior Scholars – fruit of their Christmas tree, cigarettes, matches, cigars, fruit, eggs, books, toys, tablet Pears’ soap, two jelly squares, nuts.
Miss Kathleen Jaques – cigarettes
Mrs Coulter – turkey, sausages, fruit
Mrs Hayes – turkey
Anon. – turkey for hospital staff
Mr Johnson, New Prosperity Lodge – magazines
Mrs C Roberts – goose, fruit
Shipley St Peter’s, Canal Ironworks – cigarettes, bought with the proceeds of football match.
Mr R Butland – cigarettes
Bethel Baptist Chapel Choir – box cigars
Mr Shepherd – brawn
Mr Edwin Waddilove – contributed £10 to a special Christmas fund
Mrs Bower - £2
Mr Shanks, Post Office - £1
Mrs Davy’s Working Party - £1 1s.
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