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Mill Workers who lived in Saltaire
Researched by Colin Coates |
Surnames beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Carr, Florence Emma
30 December 1880 - 10 February 1945
Florence Emma Carr was the daughter of Henry Carr. Henry was born c1856 in Barnsley. He married Miranda Oddy in 1876.
Florence, the middle daughter of three, was born, 30 December 1880, in Saltaire. In 1881 and 1891 the family lived at 18 Amelia Street with Henry employed as a combing overlooker. Miranda died in 1893.
Widowed Henry married Annie Elizabeth Brotherton in 1894. In 1901 they lived with Florence at 21 Jane Street then in 1911 at 60 George Street. In 1921 both Florence, a weaver, and her father, a woolcombing overlooker worked at Saltaire Mills. He died in 1924.
From around 1924 Florence lived at 15 Fanny Street.
The Shipley Times (12 March 1941) reported that Florence had completed 50 years’ service at Saltaire Mill and she had been presented with gifts and a framed certificate.
Florence, who never married, died, 10 February 1945, at 15 Fanny Street.
She left £605 18s 2d to Alice Smith.
Carr, Henry
1855 – January 1924
Henry was born 1855 in Barnsley, the youngest of five children to John Henry Carr and his wife Ann. They lived in Barnsley with John working as a turner and brazier.
Henry married Miranda Oddy in 1876. They had three daughters, all born in Saltaire; Sarah (b1878),
Florence Emma (b1880) and Alice (b1886). From before 1881 to 1894 they lived at 18 Amelia Street in Saltaire with Henry working as a worsted overlooker. Miranda died in 1893 aged just 39. Widowed Henry living at 31 Constance Street in Saltaire, married Anne Elizabeth Brotherton in 1895. They had one son, John Francis, born in 1896. He died in WW1 serving his country.
From 1897 to 1911 Henry and his family lived at 21 Jane Street in Saltaire, they then moved to 60 George Street. In 1921 both Henry, a woolcombing overlooker and his daughter Florence Emma, a weaver, worked at Saltaire Mills. His second wife , Ann, died in 1921.
Widowed Henry moved to 15 Fanny Street before he died in 1924.
During WW1 Henry served as secretary of the Shipley & District Ambulance Corps.
Report from the Shipley Times 18 January 1924:
The funeral of Mr. Henry Carr, of 15 Fanny Street, Saltaire. who was employed as overlooker in the combing department of Messrs. Salts (Saltaire Ltd.,) who for several years was actively identified with the charitable and ambulance organisations in Shipley, took place the at the Windhill Cemetery on Saturday afternoon. The Rev P Drummond Pringle pastor of Saltaire Congregational Church) officiated.
The chief mourners were Miss Carr (daughter), Miss Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, Harold. Arthur and Albert Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Calver and Nellie. Mrs. Wood. Mrs. Brotherton and Lena. Mr. Busfield, Mr. Brotherton. Mr. J. Brotherton, Mr. and Mrs. Hailey. Mrs. Bowan, Mrs. Brooksbank and Mr Hudson.
Mr. Carr was one founders and the first secretary of the Shipley Gala Committee when it was formed in 1885, and up to these last few years had always taken an active port in the annual gala. He was also for several years’ secretary of the Yorkshire Voluntary Charitable Association, having to resign owing ill-health. As an ambulance worker Mr. Carr had gained several honours for long and valued service.
Amongst the various charity organisations represented were the following: —
Shipley and District Friendly and Trade Society. Messrs. W. E. Sutcliffe (president), W Talbot (vice-president), T. W. Hodgson (treasurer), R. Burnham (secretary), W. Robinson and Thomas Kendall (the last named also representing the Yorkshire Charitable Association.
Mr S Holdsworth represented the Saltaire Brief Society, of which Mr Carr was president.
The ambulance colleagues in attendance were Corps officer J. H. Potter, Divisional Superintendents W. E. Sutcliffe and A. Lambert, Sergt. H Stancliffe and Privates H. Robinson, W. Talbot, W. Crossland, E. Lawton, S Wallage, F. Winpenny and H. Woodhead.
Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. were represented by Messrs. W. H. Eccles, T. Woodhead and G. Bolton.
In addition to the family wreath, tokens of respect were sent from the directors and combing department of Salts Ltd., St. John Ambulance Brigade, Shipley Working Men’s Club and several friends.
Carr, John Francis
Carr, John Francis - Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Carroll, John
c1844 –????
John Carroll was the son of William Carroll. William married Margaret Byrne, 7 February 1837 in Galway, Ireland.
John was born c1844 in Galway. He was baptised 3 March 1844 in Galway. William died before 1851.
In 1851 John was lodging in Horton, Bradford along with his mother and sister. In 1861 he was a wool washer living at 10a Albert Terrace, Saltaire with his mother and sister. In 1871 he was a painter living with his mother at 16 Almshouses (renumbered 65 Victoria Road), Saltaire. In 1881 he was a plumber living with his mother at 7 Wycliffe Place, Shipley.
Report from the Shipley Times 26 July 1889: -
A plumber, named John Carroll, forty five years of age, whose residence is in Wycliffe Place, Shipley, was working in the employ of Messrs. Sir Titus Salt. Bart., Sons and Co., upon a scaffold at the Saltaire Works. when an accident caused him to fall, injuring his side by striking against a projection, and sustaining a severe injury to the head by contact with the ground. He was conveyed to Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital and was there attended by the surgeon, D'Arcy B. Carter, under whose direction is progressing favourably.
It is unclear as to what happened to him after this.
Cash, Kate
1903 – 1921
Kate Cash was born in 1903 in Keelby, near Grimsby in Lincolnshire, to Margaret Culley & Henry Cash.
In 1911 Kate was living with her mother, who was a school cleaner, and her sisters in Keelby. By 1920 they had moved to 31 Whitlam Street, Saltaire. In 1921, Kate was a weaver working in Saltaire Mills.
Kate died 4th Qtr. 1921.
Cash, Margaret (nee Culley)
24 September 1868 – February 1942
Margaret Culley was born, 24 September 1868, in Keelby, near Grimsby in Lincolnshire, to George Culley & Margaret McLaren. In 1871 they were living in Keelby, with George working as a groom. He died before 1881.
In 1881 & 1891, Margaret lived with her mother and siblings in Keelby. Along with her mother she was a laundress.
Margaret married Henry Cash, 8 June 1893, in Keelby. They had five daughters: - Maggie, born 1895; Rose, 1897; Alice, 1900; Kate, c1903; and Susannah, 1906.
In 1901 they were living in Keelby with Henry working as a groom. In 1911 Margaret was a school cleaner in Keelby, living without her husband.
By 1920 Margaret, now a widow, and four of her daughters were living at 31 Whitlam Street. In 1921 she was a spinner at Saltaire Mills.
Report in the Shipley Times 8 June 1923: -
The unpleasant experience of a Saltaire woman who prepared a drink of tea for three strangers and then found they had stolen from her was recounted at Bradford West Biding Police Court Thursday (31 May) of last week.
The case was one in which Matthew Fitzpatrick (36), labourer; Thomas Sexton (36), labourer; and Mary Sexton (33), all of no fixed abode, were charged with having stolen 10s. 6d. in money and a gold ring belonging to Alice Cash, a millhand, of 31 Whitlam Street, Saltaire.
Supt. Oliver stated that the prisoner called at the above address on 19 May and asked for some refreshment, which Mrs. Margaret Cash (the mother of Alice Cash) prepared for them, as Mary Sexton was, apparently, unwell.
It was alleged, however, that while Mrs. Cash’s back was turned the prisoners took the money and the ring from a purse on the mantelpiece. The prisoners were followed down the street and held up by a crowd of people until the police arrived.
In Fitzpatrick’s possession were found coins which corresponded with those that had been in the purse, namely, three florins, two shillings and three-penny piece.
Margaret Cash, a widow, said she lived at 31 Whitlam Street, Saltaire, with her two daughters. At about 3.45 p.m., 19 May, the prisoners came to the door and Fitzpatrick asked if she could give the woman, Mary Sexton, a drink of tea, as she was feeling ill.
Witness said she would and went back into the house, the prisoners following her in and sitting down. Witness’s daughter, Alice, was upstairs at the time, having left her purse downstairs on the mantelpiece. After she (witness) had been into the back kitchen preparing the tea, she had occasion to go to the purse and to her surprise found it empty.
However, she dared not say anything while they were in the house, but when they had gone, she followed them up the street and called them back. prisoners denied all knowledge of the theft and went back to the house with her, the woman Sexton “making a row.”
Alice Cash corroborated her mother's evidence.
P.C. Farell stated that he and another constable went to Whitlam Street and found a crowd of people outside No. 31. They went into the house and questioned the prisoners, who said they knew nothing about the money or the ring.
(Witness) searched the two male prisoners and found coins on Fitzpatrick corresponding to those which Alice Cash had had in her purse.
All the prisoners pleaded not guilty.
Fitzpatrick declared that his sister, Mary Sexton, had a heart attack and they asked Mrs. Cash for a drink of tea. If they had taken the money or the ring, he asked, would they have gone back to the house and waited minutes for the police to arrive? The coins he (prisoner) had on him were coins which any man in the court might possess.
Supt. Oliver stated that Fitzpatrick had been convicted multiple times, mostly for stealing or attempting to steal, the last conviction being in 1911.
Thomas Sexton had 13 previous convictions, ranging from 1902 to 1918. while Mary Sexton had been convicted thrice up to 1916.
Fitzpatrick was also wanted by the Manchester police.
The prisoners were each sentenced to three months’ imprisonment.
In the 1939 Register, Margaret was a bobbin layer living at 31 Whitlam Street. Living with her was her married daughter, Susannah Bland, and her family.
Margaret died in February 1942 at 31 Whitlam Street.
Chambers, Elsie Dorothy (nee Richards)
3 October 1900 – 12 November 1940
Elsie Dorothy Richards was the daughter of Edward Richards. Edward was born c1880 in Normanton. He married Jane Elizabeth Garbutt 4 September 1899 at All Saint’s Normanton.
Elsie, the second oldest of eight children, was born 3 October 1900 in Normanton. She was baptised 8 November 1900 at All Saint’s Normanton. In 1901 & 1911 the family were living in Normanton with Edward employed as a coal miner.
Elsie, whilst living at 24 Shirley Street in Saltaire, married Alfred Chambers 5 July 1924 at St Peter’s Shipley. In 1939 they were living 4 Charteris Street in Bradford with Elsie working as a weaver and Alfred as a fat refiner’s labourer. Elsie died at Saltaire Mills 12 November 1940.
Report from the Shipley Times 13 November 1940 as follows:
Elsie Dorothy Chambers, weaver, aged 39, of 4 Charteris Road. Lower Grange, Bradford, was fatally injured in accident in the weaving department at Saltaire Mills yesterday. Mrs. Chambers was seen by another weaver to walk out of her “alley” with shocking injuries to the side of her head. Dr Foster, of Shipley, was immediately summoned, but when he arrived Mrs. Chambers was dead. The weaver who saw her, Lilian Walker, was taken ill as a result of the shock and had to return home.
Report in the Bradford Observer 14 November 1940: -
A verdict of "Death from injuries caused when accidentally struck by the moving part of a loom,” was recorded at a Shipley inquest yesterday on Elsie Dorothea Chambers, a weaver aged 40, of Charteris Road. Bradford, who was fatally injured at Saltaire Mills on Monday.
Christofferson, Patricia Ann (nee Huntington)
1934 –????
Patricia Ann Huntington was the daughter of Sydney Huntington. Sydney was born 13 September 1906 in Bradford He married Irene Erith Fell 28 December 1932 at St Barnabas’s in Heaton.
Patricia was born in 1934. In 1939 the family were living at 48 Woodcote Avenue in Baildon. Sydney was a cashier for a road transport contactor for the military. By 1952 they had moved to 55 Nether Hall Road in Baildon.
Report from Shipley Times 8 July 1953 as follows:
A holiday abroad has a double significance for the parents Pat Huntington, of Baildon, a 19-yearold former comptometer operator employed by Messrs. Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. In addition to the ordinary experiences of the traveller in a foreign country, they are able to visit their two daughters. Pat and Cynthia, aged 17, both of whom are now employed in Copenhagen.
Since leaving Saltaire Mills last year. Pat has struck out for herself in a way which few girls her age would have attempted. Last October, when she was still 18, she took up a position in the home of a penfriend in Copenhagen. attending to household duties and giving English lessons to her friend. At the time she knew no Danish, but within five weeks she was able to converse fairly freely in this language She then became governess to the three small children of a Danish woman whose husband was English. Their ages ranged from four months four years, but Pat managed quite happily, although she was left in sole charge of them all day. In the evenings she attended a course in typewriting, and in the final examination gained first place, despite the fact that all the lessons had been in Danish.
Deciding she would then like a change of occupation, she inserted an advertisement in a Danish newspaper, describing herself as an English girl with knowledge of French, Danish, typewriting and comptometer work. She received a reply offering her a position of receptionist in an hotel, and another from a Copenhagen firm, agents for a well-known make of French cars. After an interview with the car agents, she was appointed to deal with their French and English correspondence, and as technical translator. Pat is very happy in her new position and finds herself working in an office equipped with the latest designs of furniture and fittings. She lives in a one-roomed flat, sharing a kitchen and bathroom. and apart from taking her principal meal in canteen, looks after herself and does her own shopping.
Pat’s photograph has appeared in a Danish newspaper wearing a crash helmet, one of their selling lines. She has also appeared in film advertising stockings, although at the time her knowledge of Danish was so scant that she hoped it was not apparent to cinema goers that she was speaking in English to a shop assistant who was answering in Danish.
In March. Cynthia joined her sister in Denmark, having obtained a position as governess and companion. They often meet for cycling trips, of which they are both very fond. Everyone cycles in Denmark, and it is no uncommon sight to see someone calmly reading newspaper as he sits sideways on the carrier of a cycle being ridden by a friend. This is by no means the first time Pat and Cynthia have been abroad. Two years ago, they went on a cycling trip in the Low Countries, staying at youth hostels, and when Pat was 13, the Huntington family enjoyed a motor tour in Holland.
Patricia married Arnulf Christoffersen, from Norway, 29 February 1956 at Baildon Parish Church. Report from Shipley Times as follows:
A Leap Year wedding at Baildon Parish Church on Wednesday contained a lot of interest for Baildon people. The bride was Miss Patricia Anne Huntington, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Sydney Huntington, of Oak Dene. Nether Hall Road. She is an old girl of Bingley Grammar School, and during the past few years has held various posts, from mother’s help to teaching English and translating. in several continental and Scandinavian countries. Her bridegroom. Mr. Arnulf Christoffersen, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Arne Christoffersen, of Hans Hansensvei 8. Drammen, Norway. He is employed in the printing trade, and a part-time student in Copenhagen.
The Vicar of Baildon, the Rev. F. Archer, officiated. The bride was given away by her father. Her dress was of white lace with tulle bodice, ornamented with Rhinestones and pearls, and her white three-quarter length veil was held in position by a white coronet. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. She was attended by her sisters. Miss Cynthia Beryl Huntington and Miss Jennifer Susan Huntington. each dressed in blue tulle and taffeta, with head-dress white lace flowers. The elder bridesmaid carried a bouquet of Spring flowers, and the younger a posy of anemones. The best man was Mr. Bill Cromack. and the groomsmen. Mr. John Rose and Mr. Geoffrey Carter, three friends of the bride. A reception was held at the Troutbeck Hotel, Ilkley, and the honeymoon is being spent in Copenhagen.
Clark, Alice (nee Bould)
30 May 1895 – 17 December 1949
Alice Bould, born 30 May 1895 in Brighouse, was the daughter of Geoge Bould. She was baptised 3 July 1895 at St. Martin’s, Brighouse. George was born 1850 in Staffordshire. He married Hannah Ollerenshaw, 21 June 1875, at St. Oswald’s in Ashbourne, Derbyshire. They had nine children. George worked as a gardener.
In 1881 & 1891 they were living in Hipperholme cum Brighouse. From before 1901 to when she was married, Alice was living with her family at 74 Victoria Road, Saltaire. In January 1907, Alice received a prize as a pupil at Shipley Parish Church Sunday School.
In the 1921 Census Alice was a burler & mender at Saltaire Mills. She was living with: -
Elizabeth Ellen Burgess – head of the house – married sister, aged 43.
Ethel Burgess – Elizabeth’s daughter, aged 15
George Bould – father, aged 70
Hannah Bould – mother, aged 69
Emma Bould - spinster sister, aged 38
Hannah Maria Bould – spinster sister, aged 33
Mary Bould – spinster sister, aged 31.
Alice married Albert Edwin Clark, an engineer inspector aged 30, of 7 Balfour Street, Shipley at St. Paul’s, Shipley, 4 September 1923. In the 1939 Register they were living at 65 Derby Lane, Derby, with Albert working as a chief inspector for an automotive engineering company.
Living in Allestree, Derbyshire, Alice died 17 February 1949 at Derby Royal Infirmary. She was buried 4 days later in St Edmund’s churchyard in Allestree. Albert joined her when he died, 3 April 1979.
Clarke, Elizabeth Redmond (nee Porter)
16 January 1885 – 11 March 1954
Elizabeth Redmond Porter was the daughter of Thomas Deacon Porter. Thomas was born c1848 in Leeds. Working as a mechanic, Thomas married Susan Atkinson, 9 September 1871, at St Stephen’s Burmantoft.
Elizabeth, the youngest of 6 children, was born 16 January 1885 in Leeds. She was baptised, 25 December 1885, at St Peter’s Leeds. In 1911 Elizabeth was a burler living at 30 Ada Street in Saltaire as a boarder.
Elizabeth married Horace Clarke, an engineer, 24 March 1913, at All Saints, Leeds. They had a son, Arthur Charles, born 30 March 1915. They lived at 6 William Henry Street in Saltaire. Horace died in 1932. Widowed Elizabeth lived at 18 Albert Terrace before moving to 17 Herbert Terrace in 1936.
In March 1953, Elizabeth, a burler and mender, attended a presentation at Saltaire Mills for having served 50 years. She was presented with a gold watch. Whilst living at 17 Herbert Street, Elizabeth died, 11 March 1954, at Bradford Royal Infirmary. In her will she left her son, Arthur Charles a wool warehouseman, £859 4s 2d.
Clay, Mary Ann Eveline
5 October 1900 – 1988
Mary Ann Eveline Clay was born, 5 October 1900, in Featherstone to unknown parents. She was known as Evelyn. In the 1911 Evelyn was living with her siblings with Samuel & Jane Ferres in Featherstone.
In the 1921 Census she was boarding with Dinah Burge, at 15 Caroline Street, Saltaire. She was working as a wool comber at Saltaire Mills. From 1929 to 1936, Evelyn lived with her sister Lilian at 7 Caroline Street. From 1945 to 1954 she lived at 5 Wellington Street, Shipley. From 1955 to after 1960 she was at 79 Thompson Lane, Baildon.
Having never married, Evelyn died in 1988.
Clegg, Halliday
1 July 1862 – 28 October 1958
Halliday Clegg was the son of James Clegg. James was born c1830 in Baildon. He married Hannah Laycock 1 October 1854 at All Saints, Otley.
Halliday, the second of eight children, was born 1 July 1862 in Baildon. In 1871 the family were living in Baildon; by 1881 they had moved to 13 Constance Street in Saltaire with James employed as a wool washer and Halliday as a combing maker up.
Halliday married Martha Shepherd, 27 July 1890, at Bradford Cathedral. They had four children; Florence (b.1890), Minnie (b.1896), Lilian (b.1901) and James (b.1903). In 1891 they were living at 13 Herbert Street in Saltaire with James working as a seal batter.
In 1891 Halliday went to America to learn the plush finishing trade. He departed from Liverpool for New York aboard SS Majestic 3 June 1891. He arrived back in Liverpool from New York aboard SS Etruria 5 December 1891.

RMS Majestic (1889 to 1914)

RMS Etruria (1885 to 1908)
In 1901 Halliday lived with his family at 4 Oastler Road in Shipley. By 1911 they had moved to 22 Albert Road (re-numbered 43) in Saltaire; Halliday would spend the rest of his life here.
Report from Shipley Times 2 July 1952 as follows: -
A Saltaire man? Nay, lad, a Baildonian, and proud of it, said Mr. Halliday Clegg, when a Shipley Times reporter called on him on the occasion of his 90th birthday yesterday (Tuesday).
Mr. Clegg was born in Balloon Green in 1862 but has lived in Saltaire village for the past 78 years. At present he is living with one of his three daughters, Mrs. Teal, at 43, Albert Road, Saltaire. Hale and hearty and very fond of life. Mr. Clegg, a smartly dressed old gentleman who loves nothing better than his daily stroll, is a familiar figure about the town and is the oldest member of Shipley Veterans’ Association.
Up to four years ago, when a slight accident to his leg caused him to discontinue the trips, he and elderly friend would set out almost every day to walk around the Haworth and Cullingworth districts. Now most of his pleasure comes from reading and listening to the wireless.
Mr. Clegg has had an interesting life. He was educated at the first Saltaire School, the one Sir Titus Salt built for the children of his workpeople and which later became Salt High School. He started work as a half-timer at eight, and well remembers having to use the stepping-stones across the river to go to school and work as the bridge was then just in the process of being erected.
In 1891 he was one of a party of Salts Mill employees who went to America for a year to learn the plush finishing trade. When he came back, he found that the firm had discontinued this branch and he was obliged to find other employment, working for some time for a Mr. Rhodes as a quarryman. Then he went into the plush finishing at Lister’s Mill, where he served for forty years before his retirement in 1931.
He remembers many Shipley characters and places and calls to mind going as a young man with a well-known Shipley character called Codger to a beer-house now demolished—called The Last Shift,” which was situated behind the Star and Garter Hotel in Teale Court, off Kirkgate.
Mr. Clegg is one of family of eight, but the only other surviving member is a sister, Elizabeth, who is 88 and lives stone’s throw away in Victoria Road. He has three daughters and a son, four grandchildren, and three great- Mr. Clegg’s father lived until the age of 96 and it is his intention to beat that, and then go on to reach the 100 mark. He ended the interview with a rather perplexing old Yorkshire saying: Aye lad, what want to do is live until Ah can crawl under t’asb hoil a top ’at on.
Halliday died 28 October 1958, aged 96. Report from Shipley Times 29 October 1958 as follows:
Shipley’s oldest man, Mr Halliday Clegg, aged 96, of 43 Albert Road, died yesterday morning, (Tuesday), after long illness.
Mr Clegg always claimed that his secret of longevity lay in “many a thousand basins of porridge, made from real skim- milk.” He was born and bred on Baildon Green but went to live in Saltaire at the age of 10 and has more or less lived in the village ever since.
His great hobby was walking, and he loved this up to his 85th birthday when an illness prevented him from pursuing it further. Mrs. Clegg died 40 years ago, and Mr. Clegg leaves a son. three daughters, four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren He was the oldest member the Shipley Veterans’ Association having been a member for over 25 years. He worked for 40 years at Lister’s Mill, and retired 30 years ago.
Collinson, Joseph
14 May 1889 – 1954
Joseph Collinson was the son of James Collinson. James was born c1858 in Bradford. He married Alice Ann Hayes 16 March 1889 at St James’s Tong.
Joseph, the eldest of three children, was born 14 May 1889 in Bradford. In 1891 the family were living in Pudsey with James working as a warp twister. In 1901 they were residing in Baildon. By 1911 they were back in Bradford with Joseph working as a spinning overlooker. Around 1916 they moved to 15 Helen Street in Saltaire.
Joseph married Florence Martin 23 December 1916 at St Barnabas’s Heaton. As a spinning overlooker at Saltaire Mills Joseph was excused military service at a Shipley Tribunal in April 1917. In the 1939 register Joseph was an overlooker living with his family in Otley.
Joseph died in 1954; Florence died in 1962.
Constantine, Isaac
15 November 1827 – 5 November 1898
Isaac Constantine was the son of Stephen Constantine. Stephen was born c1795 in Haworth. He married Mary Pighills in Haworth 31 August 1817. They had at least seven children.
Isaac was born 15 November 1827. He was baptised 8 April 1828 at St Michael’s Haworth. In February 1851 Isaac’s mother, Mary, died. In the 1851 census widowed Stephen was a weaving overlooker living with his children in Haworth, Isaac was a wool sorter, which was his occupation throughout his life. Isaac’s father, Stephen, died 20 August at Jacob Street in Horton.
Isaac, living in Horton, married Sarah Howarth 22 January 1856 at Bradford Register Office. They had at least four children. Isaac was a keen gardener. Living in Saltaire he won first prize for his potatoes at the Airedale Floral & Poultry Show 19 August 1856. This was the first of numerous awards he won for his vegetables. In the 1861 census Isaac and his family were living at 5 (renumbered 10) Edward Street in Saltaire. Isaac was active in politics and in local affairs. The following extract is from the Bradford Observer 5 April 1866:
A public moating of working men was held on the afternoon of Easter Tuesday, in Shipley Glen, to consider the Government Franchise Bill. The weather was wet and chilly, and it was only the most ardent and enthusiastic who could be tempted on such day to venture out Shipley Glen. Still, there was considerable number of working men present.
Mr. Isaac Constantine, of Saltaire, was called to the chair, and he opened the meeting in a brief speech in which he said that the Reform measure of the Government was an honest attempt to extend the franchise, and as such ought to be accepted and supported working men.
In January 1871 Isaac is reported as being the director of the Saltaire branch of the Leeds Co-Operative Society.
The following extract is from a report in the Leeds Times 14 March 1871 as follows:
The co-operative movement appears to have taken firm root amongst the residents at Saltaire, as there are several organisations of this kind in the town.
On Saturday afternoon and evening the committees in connection with the Saltaire branch the Leeds Industrial Co-operative Society Limited and the Saltaire Industrial Coal Society Limited had a joint tea party and demonstration in the Literary Institute. A large first partook of tea, and the meeting afterwards was held in the beautiful lecture hall of the institute. The attendance was numerous. Mr Isaac Constantine (Saltaire) occupied the chair, and. in his opening remarks he alluded to the success that had fallowed the establishment the Leeds branch Saltaire and to the prosperity the Coal Society.
By 1871 Isaac and his family had moved to 33 (renumbered 76) Victoria Road in Saltaire, where they remained the rest of their lives. In April 1874 at the annual meeting of the Saltaire Club and Institute Isaac was elected as one of sixteen committee members. At the funeral of Sir Titus Salt (5 January 1877) Isaac was one of twelve foremen of the works invited to officiate as a bearer, to carry the coffin into the Saltaire Congregational Church from the hearse.
Isaac & Sarah lost a son when James William Constantine died 26 November 1878 aged just thirteen. Isaac lost his wife, Sarah, when she died 17 April 1882, aged 57. In July 1882 Isaac was reported as presiding at a meeting of the Saltaire Coal Society. In January 1886 Isaac was elected to and appointed auditor for the Shipley Liberal Hundred. Throughout his life Isaac was involved with Saltaire Cricket Club. At the club’s annual dinner in December 1893 as vice chairman he presented the prizes.
Isaac died 5 November 1898 aged 70. In his will he left £19 17s 6d to his married daughter, Sarah Ellen Wright.
Cook, Freida (nee Gott)
30 October 1901 – 1971
Freida Gott was born, 30 October 1901, in Shipley to Willie Gott & Margaret Ann Abbott. By 1911 they were living at 26 Jane Street in Saltaire, with Willie working as a wool sorter.
In 1921 Freida was a weaver at Saltaire Mills. She married William Motley, 3 February 1923, at St Peter’s, Shipley. They had five children including Leslie, born 8 January 1926.
In the 1939 Register they were living at 12 Mexborough Road in Bradford, with William working as a dyer’s labourer. Serving in the army in WW2, William was reported missing in December 1942. They had been living at Bolton Woods, before Freida and their five children moved to Doncaster.
Freida married Harry Cook in Doncaster in 1955. She died in Doncaster in 1971.
Copley, Jabez
1821 – 1 June 1881
Jabez Copley was born 1821 in Manningham to William & Sarah Copley (maiden name and date of marriage unknown). He was baptised 6 July 1821 at Bradford Cathedral.
Jabez married Mary Wallworth in 1843. They had 12 children, but four died as infants. In 1851 the family were living in Manningham. Jabez was a wool warehouseman at Salt’s Mill from when it opened until his death. In 1861 he lived with his family at 11 Amelia Street in Saltaire, in 1871 at 10 William Henry Street and 1881 at 20 George Street. In 1867 Jabez was Secretary of the Saltaire Industrial Coal Society.
On 1 June 1881 Jabez’s body was found floating in a dam in Preston Street in Bradford. Initially foul play was suspected, but a post-mortem examination revealed that this death was caused by choking on a large piece of meat that was found in his windpipe.
Jabez was buried in St Paul’s lower churchyard in Shipley alongside four of his children who died as infants. Mary joined them when she died 27 February 1887.
Corney, Annie (nee Quanbury)
8 March 1895 – 1968
Annie Quanbury was born, 8 March 1895, in Market Deeping, Lincolnshire, to Thomas Edward Quanbury & Anne Melissa Bingham. She was baptised, 14 April 1895, in Market Deeping.
In 1911 the framily were living at The Black Swan, Market Deepening, where Thomas was the innkeeper. In 1921 Annie was living with her sisters, Jane & Maud, at 20 William Henry Street, Saltaire. All three worked at Saltaire Mills, Annie was a burler & mender.
Annie married Harold Corney, 31 March 1923, at St Peter’s, Shipley. Harold was a warehouseman born, 22 September 1891, in Halifax. They had a daughter, Muriel, born in 1924.
They lived at 20 William Henry Street up to 1929. In the 1939 Register they were living at 34 Lindley Drive, Bradford, with Harold working as a worsted coatings traveller.
Annie died in 1968 in Staincliffe. Harold died, 27 July 1978, in Harden, Bingley.
Cosford, Henry
22 June 1880 – 29 August 1940
Henry Cosford was the son of Thomas Cosford. Thomas was born c1844 in Huntingdonshire. He married Kezia Standeaven in 1868 at Kimbolton in Huntingdonshire. They had two daughters. In 1871 they were living in Denton, Yorkshire, with Thomas working as a carter. Kezia died in 1876.
Widowed Thomas married widow Martha Pickard (nee Birdsall) 4 March 1877 at Bradford Cathedral.
Henry, who had an older sister, was born, 22 June 1880, in Saltaire. He was baptised, 8 August 1880, in Saltaire Wesleyan Chapel. In 1881 & 1891 the family were living at 10 Titus Street in Saltaire with Thomas working as a waggoner. Thomas died in 1900.
In 1901 Henry was a yarn scourer living with his widowed mother at 10 Dockfield in Shipley.
Henry married Lily Whiteley 21 May 1904 at St Luke’s in Morton near Keighley. She was born 30 December 1883
in Pennsylvania, USA.
They had three children including Thomas who was killed in action serving with the R.A.F in WW2.
In 1911 Henry was a coal miner living with his family in Sheffield. From around 1914 to 1938 they lived at 1 Ada Street in Saltaire. Working at Saltaire Mills, Henry did not serve in WW1.
Extract from a report in the Shipley Times 17 May 1918 as follows: -
Sixty-eight cases from Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons and Co., Ltd., Saltaire, were disposed of last Friday night by the Shipley Tribunal. Coun. T. Hill, J.P., presiding.
Postponements to various dates were given to the following (including) Henry Cosford, 32, married, Grade B1, stoker.
In the 1921 Census, Henry was a boiler fireman working at Saltaire Mills. In 1939 they were living at 40 Helen Street in Saltaire with Henry working as a boilerman.
Henry died, 29 August 1940, and he was buried 2 September at Hirst Wood Cemetery Shipley. Lily died, 27 February 1964, at High Royds Hospital, Menston and was buried with Henry, 2 March.
Coverdale, Annie Eliza nee Batty
19 December 1892 – 15 May 1972
Annie Eliza Batty was born, 19 December 1892, in Shipley to Thomas Batty & Elizabeth Nichols. In 1901 they were living at 5 Brighton Street, Shipley with Thomas working as a carter.
In 1911 they were living at 14 Park Street, Saltaire Road, Shipley, with Annie working as a spinner, and father a horse driver. Annie married Herbert Edward Coverdale, 10 June 1916, at St. Paul’s, Shipley. They had two children. From before 1918 to 1929 they lived at 2 Caroline Street, Saltaire.
In 1921 Annie was a spinning room mill hand working at Saltaire Mills. Herbert was a horseman working for C. Hodgson, a fish & fruit salesman in Victoria Road, Saltaire.
From before 1931 to after 1936 they were living at 26 Aire Street, Shipley. In the 1939 Register they were at 15 West Royd Road, Windhill, with Herbert working as a builder’s labourer.
Herbert died, 8 January 1953, at Bradford Royal Infirmary, following a fall in Shipley market place, 23 December 1952. Widower Annie died 15 May 1972 at Bierley Hospital 1972.
Cowgill, John
c1839 – 1917
John Cowgill was born c1839 in Thornton In Craven, North Yorkshire, to Susannah Ridhough & William Cowgill. He was baptised 31 March 1839 in Thornton In Craven.
In 1851 they were living at Sutton, near Keighley, with William working as a weaver.
John married Emma Raistrick, 4 June 1867, at Bradford Cathedral. She was born c1843 in Charlestown, Baildon. They had two sons – Joseph in 1868 and William in 1878.
In 1871 they were living at 21 Amelia Street, Saltaire, with John working as a labourer at Saltaire Mills. In 1881 they were at 22 Amelia Street. From before 1886 to after 1903 they were living at 20 Amelia Street.
Emma died in the house in March 1896. She was buried, 7 March 1896, in St. Paul’s churchyard, Shipley.
In 1911 John was living at 19 & 21 North Bank Stoney Ridge, near Bingley. He had his son, William, and his family living with him.
John died in 1917, at 10 Caroline Street, Saltaire, He was buried 13 March at St. Paul’s, Shipley.
Cowgill, Margaret (nee Firth)
23 January 1882 – 1951
Margaret Firth was born, 23 January 1882, to Samuel Firth & Jane Bulmer. In 1881they were living at 34 Caroline Street Saltaire. In 1891 & 1901 they were at 42 Helen Street, Saltaire.
Margaret worked at Saltaire Mills from around 1900. She had a daughter, Ivy Mary, born 15 June 1901, father unknown.
Margaret married William Cowgill, 26 December 1903, at Bradford Cathedral. He was born, 13 February 1878, in Saltaire. William and Margaret had six children: -
John Henry (b1905), Joseph (b1907), James (b1909), Walter (born 1910), Clara (b1918), and Emma (b1919).
In 1911 they were living with William’s father at 19 & 21 North Bank Stoney Ridge, near Bingley.
Around 1916 they were living at 10 Caroline Street, Saltaire. William served his country in WW1.
Extract from a report in the Shipley Times 14 September 1917: -
Four tenants of houses at Saltaire appeared at the West Riding Courthouse, Bradford, in connection with applications for orders for ejectment against them. Mr. W, L. Tetley appeared behalf of Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons and Co. Ltd., and explained that the houses were needed for workpeople engaged. at the mill.
Mrs. Cowgill, of 10 Caroline Street, Saltaire, attended on behalf of her husband, William Cowgill. She said that she had worked at Saltaire Mills for 17 years, and her husband and his father had worked there all their lives. Her husband was now called up, end she would be left with seven children.
Mr. Preston, who gave evidence in the various cases, said, in reply to the Chairman (Dr. W. H. Ellis) that he was not aware when notice was served that Cowgill was called up. Notice was served for another reason. The case was adjourned for three months.
In the 1921 Census Margaret and her children were lodging at at 13 Dixon Street, Bradford, the home of Emma Cawdry. William was not with them.
In the 1939 Register William & Margaret were living at 31 Lofthouse Street, Bradford. William was a sheet metal worker.
William died in 1944. Margaret died in 1951.
Cox, Walter
3 July 1892 – 1965
Cox, Walter - Mill Worker / WW1 Roll of Honour
Crabtree, Janey (nee Foster)
13 September 1913 – 1971
Janey Foster was the daughter of Harry Foster. Harry was born 12 February 1887 in Bingley. He married Hannah Pollard, 27 January 1908, at Bradford Cathedral.
Janey was born 13 September 1913 in Keighley. In the 1939 Register she was living with her parents in Bingley where her father was a dairy farmer.
Janey married Jack Crabtree in December 1939.
Click to magnify

Image of Janey Crabtree courtesy of her grandson.
Extract from a report in the Yorkshire Post 25 March 1940: -
Seven men and women from different parts of Yorkshire, have been chosen to broadcast to the Forces in D. G. Bridson’s Yorkshire programme in the Old Country series on Saturday 30 March.
From the lips of these men and women, most of whom have relatives or friends serving with the British Expeditionary Force in France, Yorkshire soldiers will hear how things are going on back home.
The speaker who will talk of the Yorkshire mill towns is Mrs. Janey Crabtree, of 145 Town Lane, Thackley, Bradford. Mrs. Crabtree is employed as a winder at Saltaire Mills.
Janey died in 1971 in Bradford.
Crossland, Lister
17 December 1876 – 1955
Lister Crossland was the son of Shaw Crossland. Shaw was born, 1852, in Denby Dale near Huddersfield. He married Hannah Hinchcliffe, 7 July 1873, at Cumberworth near Huddersfield
Lister, the third of seven children, was born in Skelmanthorpe near Huddersfield, 17 December 1876. The family lived in Skelmanthorpe with Shaw working as a weaver. By 1901 Lister was employed as a house painter.
Lister married Amy Busfield 25 October 1905 at St Paul’s Shipley. He was living at 16 George Street, Saltaire. Amy was living at 11 Shirley Street, Saltaire. They had a daughter, Vera, born 16 October 1908.
In 1911 they were living at 11 Shirley Street in Saltaire with Lister working as a house painter. By 1915 they were living at 16 George Street in Saltaire.
In January 1913, Lister won second prize in a novice class at the Shipley Canary Show, held at the Central Schools, Saltaire Road, Shipley. In 1917 he was exempted from serving in WW1 by the Shipley Military Tribunal. He was employed as painter at Saltaire Mills. In the 1921 Census he was a house painter employed by A. Bagnall & Sons, Shipley.
Amy died in 1934. Lister remained in George Street until around 1940. Lister died in 1955.
Crossley, Edith Maude (nee Horne)
27 May 1905 – 1983
Edith Maude Horne was the daughter of Abraham Horne. Abraham was born 25 January 1877 in Wibsey. He was baptised 1 January 1879 at Bradford Cathedral. Abraham married Mary Jaffer, 7 July 1900, at All Saints Bingley. They had three children; Helena, Edith and Herbert. In the 1901 census they were living with Abraham’s parents at 3 Katherine Street, with Abraham working as a painter.
Edith, their second child, was born 27 November 1905 in Shipley. By 1911 the family had moved to 12 Queens Road in Shipley. Edith worked as a burler & mender at Saltaire Mills. Edith's sister, Helena, worked as a burler & mender at Saltaire Mills from 1912 to around 1925. By 1919, Edith and her parents had returned to Saltaire living at 7 Katherine Street.
Edith, living with her family at 11 Park Terrace in Shipley, married Harold Crossley in 1939. Harold was a woolcomber's clerk and was four years older than Edith. They lived at 6 Thornacre Crescent in Shipley. They had a son, Trevor, born c1943. Trevor is currently (2020) living in Baildon.
Edith died in 1983; Harold died in 1994.
[Compiled with the help of Derek Leeming, a nephew of Edith. Many thanks.]
Cryer, Watson
1851 – 1924
Watson Cryer was born 1851 in Cononley to John & Hannah Cryer. In 1871 they were living in Aire Street, Idle with John working as cotton warp twister and Watson as a wool combing overlooker.
Watson married Margaret Hanson in 1874 in Bradford. In 1875 they had a daughter, Florence.
Report from the Shipley Times 11 September 1880 as follows:
At the West Riding District Police Court, Bradford on Thursday—Col. Pollard in the chair—Watson Cryer, of Windhill, overlooker at the Saltaire Mills, summoned his wife, Margaret Cryer, and a man named John Colley, for committing an assault upon him on the 4th inst.—Mr. Neill appeared for the complainant, and Mr. Berry for the defendant Cryer. Complainant stated that the female defendant was his wife, and he had been married to her for six years. They were separated about three years ago. On Saturday night last he came from Bradford to Shipley by the last train, which would be about half-past eleven. He was accompanied by two friends, Samuel Metcalfe and Arthur Clarke. The defendants passed him arm in arm, but nothing took place on that occasion.
About ten minutes after this, when he and his companions were at the top of Station Lane they returned. His wife came over where he was standing and said, "I want those boots." Complainant answered, “You cannot have them; I have taken them for a purpose." The defendant then struck him on the mouth and added that if she could not have her boots, she would have his hat, and took that off and ran away with it. She went down Station Lane and he followed. Complainant got hold of his hat and while he was struggling to get it out of her hand, the defendant Colley came up and struck him several severe blows. It was as much as he could do to defend himself. Colley was a married man and also separated from his wife.
Cross-examined by Colley: Complainant did not strike the first blow. Defendants were together on the 18th of August, in a brothel in Bradford. The female defendant had just left the bedroom where he had been, and the boots and stays were in her room. Colley had given the other defendant a black eye on the night previous. On the occasion of the assault, the defendant Colley struck him about the head and chest.
Cross-examined by Mr. Berry: The marriage had not been particularly happy from the beginning. About three years ago when they were separated the Guardians ordered him to pay 8s a-week. He got a house and said he would have the defendant back again. but they were unable to settle. Afterwards the Guardians cut down the 8s to 6s. For the past six or eight months he had not paid £2 for the maintenance of herself and children. The Guardians said he had not to pay. He was not now paying for the children. He was willing to have the eldest child. He had not cohabited with other women. When he took the boots and stays from his wife he was accompanied by an ex-policeman of Shipley and a detective not in the West Riding Force. Neither of them went into the house. He went in and found his wife undressed. He took the articles before-mentioned in order that he might have something to show with regard to her conduct. He did not strike his wife in Station Lane; she fell in the struggle for the hat.
Samuel Metcalfe and Arthur Clarke were called, and corroborated complainant's testimony as to the assault.
The defendant Colley, in his statement, denied that he struck complainant first. He never interfered before the latter struck his wife. He admitted having hit the complainant, but it was in self-defence. Defendant saw the other man run to his wife and knock her down.
For the defence, Seth Hartley, of 2 Regent Street, Saltaire Road, was called, and stated that he was standing at the top of Station Lane, on the 4th inst., at the time the assault was alleged to have taken place. He saw the complainant strike his wife and knock her into the middle of the road.
Cross-examined: Both defendants had their hats off when he first saw them. As far as he saw, Cryer struck the first blow, and Colley struck in self-defence. Another witness named Samuel Aldridge corroborated this statement.
The Chairman said it was clear an assault had been committed, and the Bench were disposed to place most reliance on the complainant's statement of the case. He did not wish to enter into the other matters; they were too disgusting. The female defendant would be fined 5s. and costs, or seven days' imprisonment; and the defendant Colley 10s, or ten days' imprisonment.
In 1881 Watson was living with his parents in Aire Street. In 1891 he was living with his sister in Aire Street. By 1901 he was living in Bradford, where he died in 1924.