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Image: Clementine and Winston Church. Photographer unknown |
WW2: 1939
Researched by Colin Coates |
Colin Coates writes:
Twenty-one years after the end of WW1, we were again at war with Germany when war was declared, 1 September 1939. This monthly diary will show events in Saltaire throughout the war from January 1939 to the end of 1945.
The primary source of the information is the Shipley Times, which was published weekly
throughout the war. Where possible I have used the exact wording from the newspaper. Where appropriate there are links to biographies on the website.
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This page: Life in WW2 Saltaire: 1939
1939 January | February | March | April | May |
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Saltaire Times, January 1939
Saltaire Conversazioni – First Evening
[Editor's note: See also Roger Clarke's excellent research on the Saltaire Conversazione, a commentary on its social history, and how the events chronicle changes in fashion, science, technology, etiquette, eating habits, recreation and humour.]
Leaving behind last year’s Diamond Jubilee event, Saltaire Conversazioni now heads for the centenary, and the manner in which the sixty-first series opened in Saltaire Institute, on Thursday (12 January) night, is clear evidence that the brilliant event careers along its zenith, having lost not a whit of its freshness and appeal.
Traditionally the Conversazioni is closely associated with Messrs. Salts (Saltaire) Ltd., and this close connection is renewed in it’s President, Mr. R. W. Guild, who is managing director of the firm.
The famous “first night” on Thursday was attended by a distinguished company of 323 guests, and although numerically this falls below the record of the past few years, the function proved as popular as ever from a social point of view.
The Conversazioni have been noted for the splendour of the lighting effects since 1882, when electric light was introduced as a novelty and created a sensation, but it is doubtful whether brilliance and good taste have ever been more harmoniously blended than in this year’s scheme.
It is to the great credit of the organising committee that whilst not detracting from the enjoyment of the events, in 1926 they “re-cast” the Conversazioni in an effort – a most successful effort – to provide a yearly contribution to local charities. Since then the Conversazioni have realised about £2,000 for charities.
(It was estimated that approximately 1,780 people attended the three day event.)
Barnardo’s Helpers’ League
The York Room of the Saltaire Institute presented a gay scene on Tuesday (3 January) on the occasion of the Barnardo Helpers’ League (Shipley and Baildon Habitation), Shipley branch children’s party.
Unfortunately, the popular President (Mrs. Frank Feather), and a member of the committee (Mrs. Buckell) were unavoidably absent owing to illness, and the treasurer (Mr. Leonard Leach) could not be present for business reasons.
Under the personal supervision of the committee, the children who were accompanied by some of their parents, had a real enjoyable time. The committee consists of Mrs. Harry Holmes (secretary). Miss Cromack, Mesdames Butterfield, Holdsworth, Carr, E. Parkinson, Olivant, and Leach.
An excellent tea was served in the large Social Room, the youthful guests and adults numbering about 100. Their wants were well looked after by the ladies of the committee.
Afterwards games and dancing took place in the York Room, the most popular dances being “The Lambeth Walk,” with the inevitable “Oi!” which made the welkin ring, and “Under the spreading chestnut tree." The music was admirably supplied by Fred Parker and his Embassy Trio. A cinema show in which two reels of comedy were screened and the activities of the Barnardo’s Homes were shown by Mr. Edward Parkinson and were much enjoyed.
“Myster-E” gave exceedingly clever conjuring and ventriloquial items and amazing display of mental magic which bewildered both the juvenile guests and the adults.
During the evening members’ silver badges were presented to the following members for having made good collections: M. Butterfield, S. Butterfield, A. Buckell, Mrs. Calvert; S. Coventry, W. Hepworth, A. Hattersley, K. Holdsworth, M. Ingham, M. Kermode, S. Mahony, J. Olivant, M. Parkin, B. Ridings, M. Slingsby, A. White, and M. Buckell.
Football – Salts Reach Cup Final
Salts (Saltaire) surprised even their own supporters by the ease with which they beat Wyke Old Boys, on Saturday (31 December) to qualify for the final of the Bradford Senior Hospital Football Cup.
They scored six times during the first half, and as each team scored once after the interval, Salts gained a runaway victory.
Mr Edwin Gore Firth. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., of Enfield, Baildon., Medical Officer of Health for Baildon, left £29, 286 (net personalty £27,582), on which estate duty amounted to £2,878.
He left to Salt’s Hospital, Saltaire, “the money which is lent by me in mortgage or loan to Shipley Urban District Council, upon trust for investment, the income to be used to provide presents to the nursing staff at Michaelmas and Christmas, or otherwise for the benefit of the hospital and the nursing staff in particular, as the Committee of Management think fit.
[Colin’s Note – Edwin Gore Firth – born 29 June 1868. Died 15 November 1938 in Salt’s Hospital.]
Injured in Road Crash
Wilfred Hillary, motor driver, of George Street, Saltaire, was admitted to the Skipton and District Hospital on Saturday (7 January) morning suffering from injuries to his back, received in an accident on the Keighley-Kendal road between Cononley and Bradford Lane Ends. Mr. Hillary was able to return to his home on Sunday.
The accident occurred at about 8.30, when the road conditions were treacherous. Mr. Hillary was driving a motor-van owned by W. W. Lancaster and Son, bakers, Bradford, which came into collision with the rear of a stationary lorry owned by John Hammond, coal merchant, Keighley.
The van was badly damaged, the front end being wrecked, and its contents, including a large consignment of muffins, were scattered about the road. Little damage was done to the coal lorry.
Saltaire Mills
M. Colban, the Norwegian minister in London, paid a visit to Saltaire Mills, on Wednesday (11 January), accompanied by (Consul-General for Norway in London), M. de Meester (Consul-General for the Netherlands in London), Mr. Banks Fearnley (President of the Consular Association in Bradford), M. Blundell (vice-Consul for the Netherlands in Bradford) and Mr. R.G. Bailey (Finnish Consul in Bradford).
The party was conducted on a tour of inspection by Mr. H. J. Guild (director) and Captain S. B. Brearley (secretary).
Football Club Dance
Gaily decorated with festoons of balloons, the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, presented a gay scene on Saturday (7 January) evening. The occasion was a dance organised by a committee of which Mr. Stanley Armstrong is secretary, of the Baildon Rugby Union Football Club.
Over 500 revellers were present and thoroughly enjoyed a delightful programme of dance music supplied by the Ambassadors’ broadcasting Band. Mr Ernest Midgley and Mr Douglas Gardiner were the M.C.’s. During an interval supper was served on the balcony.
Miss Edith E. Beaver production of “Babes In The Wood,” will be shown in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire throughout next week (23 to 27 January).
For the most reasonable of charges, Shipley, Baildon and district people can enjoy a pantomime the like of which is never surpassed locally in tuneful, humorous, picturesque, and original entertainment.
Moreover, their patronage will enable a contribution to be made to a very deserving cause, Saltaire Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, in aid of which Miss Beaver and her pupils and friends have done much fine work in the past.
This year, at Miss Beaver’s kind invitation, a party of Basque refugee children will attend the first night of the pantomime.
Saltaire Congregational Church
The Shipley & District Brotherhood Billiards League visit local churches in rotation for the annual Sports Sunday. This year’s event took place at Saltaire Congregational Church on Sunday (15 January) afternoon.
Saltaire Hospital
Report on the hospital’s activities during the five weeks ended 25 January was presented by Mr. Crabtree.
There had been 210 out-patients, making 1,240 daily attendances, he stated. There had been two paying patients in residence, four had been admitted and six discharged. The number of non-paying patients had been sixteen, 51 had been admitted and 59 discharged. Admissions had been from Shipley 28, Saltaire 6, Windhill 6, Baildon 11, and elsewhere 6.
Other details of the report were: -
Massage attendances, 197; X-ray cases, 37; dental cases, 34; sun ray treatments, 83; operations, 36; and no deaths. Motor accident cases had been two, one discharged the same day, and one treated as an in-patient.
Donations for the month included £76 2s 8d., from the employees of Salts (Saltaire) Ltd.
A.R.P. Rally
An important A.R.P. (Air Raid Precautions) rally, which will be addressed by Wing Commander E.J. Hodsoll (Director General of A.R.P.), is to be held at the Saltaire Institute on Monday, 27 February.
Coun. John Chippindale, J.P., Chairman of Shipley Council, will preside and the rally will be proceeded by a parade of A.R.P. volunteers. Every phase of A.R.P. work will be represented, and it is intended to invite A.R.P. organisations from surrounding districts to attend.
The following sub-committee has been appointed to arrangements: Mr. W.E. Hardcastle (chairman of the Shipley A.R.P. Association), Mr. C.F.K. Rees (secretary), Mr. A. Morris (treasurer) and Mr. Arthur Jagger.
Shipley Council Meeting
Excerpts from a meeting held on Tuesday 31 January: -
The Libraries Report revealed the number of borrowers’ cards in force as 5,651, and the issue of books as – Saltaire 11,498 and Windhill 6,101.
The Surveyor was instructed to prepare a scheme and estimate for the improvement of the existing facilities for the occasional sale of intoxicating liquor at the Saltaire Institute.
The question of the provision of new lavatory accommodation and other improvement works at the Saltaire Institute was referred to the Works sub-committee for investigation and report.
Shipley Philatelists
A remarkable collection of “Airmail Covers” was shown to members of the Shipley Junior Philatelic Society by Mr. J. Allsop, of Shipley, at their meeting in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Monday (30 January) evening. Vice-President of the society was Mr. J. R. M. Dutton.
10 January 1939 – Barry, son of Arnold Hague & Lilian Grace, 18 Helen Street.
Alfred Houlden, of 37 Albert Road, died 8 January 1939. Buried two days later in Hirst Wood Cemetery, Shipley.
Saltaire Times, February 1939
New Saltaire Hospital
The welcome announcement that the Governors of the Sir Titus Salt Hospital have nearly £20,000 in hand towards the erection of the new Saltaire Hospital. leaving a balance of some £15, 000 to be raised towards its cost, was made by Mr. F. Fearnley Rhodes. J.P. chairman of the Hospital Board of Governors, when attended a pleasant social evening at the Rosse Hotel, Shipley, on Wednesday (22 February) night, to receive a cheque for £83 from the tradespeople of Bingley Road. This sum was the astounding result the traders’ recent whist drive and aid of the new hospital building fund.
Mr. O. S. Wain (chairman of the committee) presided. He was accompanied by Mrs. Wain, and supported by the guests, Mr. F. Fearnley Rhodes, J.P., Coun. J. Chippindale, J.P. (Chairman of Shipley Urban Council, Coun. T. J. Gray, J.P. (chairman of the Council's Public Health Committee), and Coun. John Chell, and also by the secretary, Mr. M. Simmons, and Mrs. Simmons, and the treasurer. Mr. A. G. Theobald, and Mrs. Theobald.
Mr. Wain confessed that it was one of the happiest occasions of his life to have the privilege of making this presentation to a representative of the hospital.
He welcomed the guests to their function, paying a personal tribute to each of them. Coun. Chippindale had kindly favoured their effort with his presence, he said; they all knew of the enormous amount of work Mr. Fearnley Rhodes had done for Shipley in various directions; and Councillors Gray and Chell and their work for the town were also well known to them all.
They were delighted with the result of their first effort, and looked forward to next year, when they hoped to organise a similar function and beat this year’s sum, he added. If they all worked with the same harmony as they had on the last occasion they would assured of success.
“We have had a wonderful committee indeed they could not have been better,” he said. “Prizes were given most generously, and the willing work of the secretary and treasurer has been really fine. It has been a great pleasure to work with two such able men as Mr. Simmons and Mr. Theobald.”
Once again Mr. Wain thanked every member of the committee and expressed a hope that they would all be willing to rally round again next year.
Finally, threw out hint that some Bradford friends of his, who had heard of the success of their dance, had come forward and made suggestion him which, if materialised, would materially benefit Salt’s Hospital.
To the accompaniment of the applause of the large gathering, Mr. Wain then presented the Bingley Road traders cheque for £83 to Mr. Fearnley Rhodes.
Mr. Fearnley Rhodes immediately endorsed Mr. Wain’s remarks, complimenting the tradespeople for the wonderful work that had made it possible for them to hand over so fine an amount. Nothing could possibly have given him greater pleasure than coming to receive their cheque, he told them. At first, he had refused as he had two important engagements for that evening, and then he had thought he might attend and tell them a little regarding the new hospital that perhaps was not known to many outside the Board of Governors.
Explaining the origin of the hospital, Mr. Fearnley Rhodes said it had been a wonderful thing for them that when Sir Titus Salt founded it seventy years ago, he had endowed it with £70.000. Sir Titus had made the stipulation that they should accept as patients anyone who resided within three miles’ radius, which meant that they received a large number of patients from as far as one and a half miles into Bradford and treated them willingly and gratuitously.
In his wisdom, Sir Titus had inserted a clause in the Trust Deeds that whenever the balance of the Salt’s Hospital funds reached £500 it had to added to the Trust Funds and put under the control of the Charity Commissioners. In seventy years the Trust had increased by £12,500. Now they had arrived at the time when they wished to build a new Hospital, it was by no means like having an ordinary hospital, he pointed out.
They had to pay every penny the hospital cost before it would be taken over and come under the Trust Funds. And so they had to raise £35,000 to build a new hospital; to raise money by such efforts as that of the Bingley Road tradespeople.
They had applied to the Commissioners for the return of their £12,500, but it had taken exactly three yean to last month to get it. Now it would serve the first instalment on the new hospital.
During those three years they had asked people and organisations to earmark their donations for the hospital building fund.
That night these had reached a sum that would cover the cheque of nearly £4,000 they had given on 31 December for the land, another instalment towards the new hospital.
In addition there were legacies in favour of the hospital which could be used as security to further reduce the sum the Governors were asking for from the public of Shipley and district.
“We have a sum of nearly £20,000 in hand towards the £35,000 we need for the new hospital,” he told the gathering, to be greeted by their prolonged applause. “We are going to have this hospital built, we hope, within two years, and we shall want at least £15,000 when the chairman of the Governors makes his appeal you. We have never appealed in vain on behalf of Salts Hospital, and I am confident we shall not do so on this occasion.”
Mr. Fearnley Rhodes continued that one pleasing thing about the chairman's remarks had been his announcement that their effort must be made every year. Their chairman had promised before he had asked, he said, and if there was any person he liked it was a willing volunteer. The Governors would encourage them and all they could to support them.
On behalf of the Governors and himself as chairman, he tendered to them their most sincere thanks for the wonderful effort they had made as their first event. As their chairman had said, he hoped the could improve every year. He felt sure they would do so, such enthusiasm did they put into their efforts.
The chairman then invited Coun. Chippindale to have a word. When Mr. Wain had first told him they intended to run a whist drive and dance in aid of the hospital it had been anticipated that it would be possible to make about £40, said Coun. Chippindale. They would readily understand how agreeably surprised he had been with the actual result.
Salts Hospital was very dear to the heart of everyone in Shipley. It had served them faithfully and well for seventy years, and it was very fine indeed to know that so much money had been raised towards the new hospital that had become necessary.
“I am quite sure if the new hospital is under the guidance of our chairman, Mr. Rhodes, who has done much for the old one. and his Board of Governors., it will do all Shipley people require of it,” he declared, the gathering signifying their agreement.
He congratulated the chairman and organisers on their remarkable effort. He could not recall during all his years on the Council any other case on a single evening’s entertainment that had yielded so much.
He was followed Coun. Gray, who also expressed his surprise and pleasure at the size of the sum they were presenting. As one of the working class he wished to state suite definitely that they were the people who reaped the greatest benefit from hospitals and such institutions. Salts Hospital, he knew, was held in very high esteem not only in Shipley but throughout wide area for the magnificent work it did.
He was certain that Bingley Road tradespeople displayed such enthusiasm and goodwill that they would increase their contribution next year. Moreover, he hoped others would take up this work. If there was competition between different areas it would be ail to the advantage of the hospital, he concluded.
Finally, Coun. Chell, who is one of the tradespeople, said he had been proud to have served under such a chairman as Mr. Wain, and on such a committee. In all his efforts to help charities, he had never worked with a better committee, he confessed. The secretary and treasurer had worked hard and had kept their working expenses down to the remarkable figure of 7s.
A splendid supper was served by Mrs. Long, confectioner, of St. Paul’s Road, Shipley. She was thanked for her excellent catering by Mrs. Ferguson.
The evening closed with an enjoyable entertainment, which had been arranged by Mr. S. Hudson, Kirkby and Simpson showed their skilful versatility as entertainers, and the last-named played for community singing, a very popular feature.
Salts’ Hospital Board
It was reported the monthly meeting of the Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital Board of Governors, on Wednesday (22 February) night, that the New Hospital Building Fund now totalled £3,406 9s. 1d.
Mr. F. Fearnley Rhodes. J.P. (chairman) presided, and others present were Miss Dunn, Miss Newboult, Mr. W, Crabtree, Coun. H. E. Sucksmith, J.P., Coun. E. Cowgill, Mr. E. Hyde, J.P., Mr. T. Kendall, Mr. J. Wall, and Mr. T. Luxton (Clerk).
Miss Dunn presented the report for the four weeks ending February 22. There had been 896 out-patients, including casualties. The number of non-paying patients in the hospital at the commencement of the month had been 16, 28 had been admitted and 28 discharged. There had been no paying patients at the commencement, six had been admitted, and three discharged. The total number of patients in the hospital at present was nineteen. Admissions had been from Shipley 19, Saltaire 4, Baildon 4, Windhill 2, and elsewhere 5. Other details of the report were treatments 126, X-ray cases 48, dental 22, sun-ray 66, operations 28. There had been no deaths.
One motor accident case had been discharged the same day, and another; treated as an in-patient.
Donations during the month had been West Riding County Council Health Department. £155; employees. Valley Scouring Co., Ltd., £6; employees. West Yorkshire Road Car Co., £4; Bradford Commercial Travellers’ Association (Ladies’ Auxiliary), £2 2s; Wrose Hill Sunday School and Church, £1 1s; employees of Messrs. F. Wigglesworth and Co., Ltd. (in memory of James Handley from his fellow employees), £1 6s. 10d; Messrs. Armitage and Norton, £1 1s; Mr. B. Trueman, £1; employees, Messrs; F. Wigglesworth & Co., Ltd., 18s. 1d; Shipley U.D.C. Electricity and Sewage Departments. 10s; employees, Messrs. A. Bagnall and Sons, Ltd., 8s. 4d; The Gracie Fields' Charity Fund, 1s. 4d; total, £174 0s 5d.
Miss Dunn read letter a received from Mr. Trueman expressing his gratitude for the kindness and consideration the Matron, nurses, and staff had shown his wife during her stay in hospital.
Additional donations to the New Hospital Building Fund were announced as: Shipley Club of Games League, £5 5s; Rotary Club of Shipley, £5 5s; Provident Musical Society, £l2; Baildon Hospital and Charities
Committee, £50; Mrs. C. Fox. £5; and Anon. £l. General accounts amounting to £267 7s. 4d, were passed for payment.
Help For Hospital
Interest in the New Salt’s Hospital Building Fund has seemed to quicken since the announcement recently that the site at Northcliff has been acquired. Practical expressions have been made that all sections of the public are ready and eager to support the Governor’ appeal when launched.
On Saturday (18 February) night the ladies at Shipley Congregational Church repeated the play, “Pearls in Pawn,” they gave with such success a few weeks ago, this special effort being for this worthy cause, the Hospital Building Fund. The schoolroom was crowded, and the large company was delighted with the entertainment provided.
Windhill Fatality
A Shrovetide fatality, the first fatal road accident at Shipley this year, occurred in Leeds Road, Windhill, on Thursday (23 February) afternoon when Brenda Jones, aged 6, of 32 West Royd Road, Windhill was knocked down by a motor lorry, driven by George Brook Lister, of 44 Field Street, Shipley.
The little girl was immediately rushed to the Saltaire Hospital in the lorry, but on arrival there it was found that she was dead.
Shipley Urban Council Meeting 28 February
Report included the following: -
Coun. Cawthorne pointed out that it was proposed to spend £765 on improvements at Saltaire Institute.
The Treasurer and Accountant and the Housing Manager were instructed to submit a report on the letting of the Saltaire Cottages with a view to securing a uniformity of rents.
Saltaire Young People’s Service
A stirring call for moral and spiritual rearmament was sounded by Mr Eric Eccles, when he soke most convincingly to a congregation that crowded Saltaire Congregational Church at the Young People’s Service on Sunday (19 February) evening.
Young people took all the offices, and although the Pastor (Rev. S.G. McLellan) was present, he had no part in the service.
Mr. Jack Holmes, a building society clerk, conducted the service. Mr. Jack Gott, an employee of Messrs. Salts (Saltaire) Ltd., read the Lesson.
Employees’ Dance
Many enjoyable whist drives, and dances are held at the Saltaire Institute during the season, but none a surpass the various events organised by local mills and factories in entertainment value.
The whist drive and dance organised employees of Messrs. Henry Mason (Shipley) Ltd., on Wednesday (22 February) night, provided a most enjoyable time for company some 500 strong.
The organisers were delighted to welcome Mr. H. E. Hazley (Managing Director) and Mrs. Hazley. Mr. R. H. Fitt (Director), Mr. S. J. Coates (Works Manager) and Mrs. Coates, Mr. W. L. Plunkett (Spinning Manager) and Mrs. Plunkett, Mr. R. Edwards (Weaving Manager), Mr. W. Parker (Drawing Manager), and Mr. C. W. Skinner (Chief Engineer).
Cricket Club Dance
Events transpired to help Saltaire Cricket Club make their dance in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday (4 February) night, most enjoyable for some 300 revellers. The attractive stage setting of meet at country tavern arranged for the previous evening's Hunt Ball was still in place, and from its centre Arthur Jackson’s Vauxhall Band played programme of popular tunes. Mr. Fred Nightingale was the M.C.
The secretarial arrangements had been made by Mr. A. W. Burgoyne, and in carrying them out be was assisted by the following committee members: Hr. J. C. Lee (chairman), Messrs. W. D. Ogden (treasurer), N. Robinson, H. R. Hutton, J. A. Farndale, E. Lightowler, C. C. Swift, H. Mason, T. E. Partridge, H. Batt, T. E. Lambert, T. Cockerham, and C. Whitelock.
The catering arrangements were most capably made by committee of ladies consisting of Mrs. Lambert (chairman), Mrs. Ward (secretary), Mrs. Drake (treasurer), Mrs. White, Mrs. Gresswell, Miss Sutcliffe, Mrs. Morell, Mrs. Ogden, Mm. Greenwood, Mrs. Batt, Mrs. Whitelock, Mrs. Riley, Miss Procter, Mm. Lightowler, and Mrs. Partridge. The club is holding a flannel dance this hall on 10 June.
Hunt Ball
One of the most spectacular events of the year at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, the Airedale Beagles’ Hunt Ball, was more spectacular than ever on Friday (3 February) evening.
Gay dresses and hunt colours helped to form a delightful spectacle in a hall charmingly decorated in the hunt colours, red and green. The stage at the Shipley end of the hall was transformed into a representation of a meet at “Dick Hudson’s,” Eldwick, with cut-out figures to depict the huntsman, members of the hunt, and the hounds.
The hunt motif was continued round the hall by a panoramic scene showing hounds in full cry after their quarry.
There were over 350 guests present, including representatives from other hunts.
Saltaire Concert
Organised by the Shipley Congregational Church to raise funds for the church and the London Missionary Society a high successful concert was given by The Bluebirds (a talented group of artists under the direction of the Hon. Dorothy Moynihan) in the Saltaire Congregational School on Wednesday evening.
Carnival Dance
A carnival dance, organised by the Shipley Selective Central School Former Students’ Association, was held in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday (11 February) evening.
The function, which proved a very enjoyable affair.
Spanish “Food Ships”
Donations to the “Spanish Food Ships Week” include: -
Salt Girls’ High School (per Miss Duckett) £7 12s 0d
Saltaire Congregational Young Men’s Class £1.
Salts (Saltaire) Cricket Club
The annual meeting of the Salts (Saltaire) Cricket Club was held on Monday (6 February) evening. Capt. S. B. Brearley presiding.
A detailed report the year’s activities was presented by Mr. Arthur Doyle, who has occupied the secretarial position for the past fifteen years. He was delighted to state that the club had maintained the high standard set for some years past, he commenced. They had reputation in cricket circles as a very progressive club, and he thought the future would further enhance that reputation.
Regarding the club's playing season some of their players had not touched their best form until mid-way through the season, but irrespective of this some good performances had been recorded.
Mr. Doyle proceeded to give a summary of the club’s outstanding individual performances, and to announce the season’s averages. He recalled that Bert Smith won the batting average with an average of 28.33 for eighteen innings; and Harold Briggs the bowling with 28 wickets for 10.35 runs each, followed by Herbert Smith with 60 wickets for 10.58 runs each.
The second eleven batting average had been won by N. Baldwin (29 for five innings), with G. A. Smith (27.9 for 13 innings) runner-up; and the bowling average by J. Johnson (39 wickets for 8.51 runs each).
The first team had played 24 matches, had won nine, drawn six and lost nine. They had completed the season by winning the Cawthorne Charity Cup.
The second team had played 18 matches, won 10. drawn 4. and lost 4. Most of the games had been of a very interesting character, Mr. Doyle reported. At Scarborough, the home team had given a display of forcing cricket such as he had never before seen in club cricket, and another such case was when in beating Settle at home Salts had to race the clock to complete a double. Cricket of that type was what was wanted to make the game interesting for both players and spectators alike, he claimed. They had enjoyed letter gates, but. of course, would like to see more supporters at their home matches. Everything possible had been done for the comfort of their spectators, and the cricket was the best club cricket could provide, among the visitors being some of the best clubs in Yorkshire. However, they did not draw really large gates,” and appeared to be supported by the same persons each match. Perhaps it was the “local flavour” that was missing.
Continuing Mr. Doyle recalled the interesting games in the “Cawthorne” Cup Competition with Windhill and Baildon Green, culminating in the club obtaining this coveted trophy at the third attempt.
Regarding the third team the secretary commented, “We find that our young players are not progressing as fast as we would like, and with this fact in mind the club has engaged the services of W. A. Shackleton, the Yorkshire “colt.” to act as coach during season 1939.
“This is move in the proper direction, and in due course should be reflected in better results. 1 hope our young players will take advantage of it, get down to the nets on practice nights, and follow the instructions of the coach.”
He continued that he was arranging home and away matches with Saltaire, Windhill, Baildon Green, Bingley, Thackley, Baildon Green United, etc., for the third eleven, and hoped to have a full fixture list for them including visits to the best grounds in the district during next season.
Outlining the club’s prospects, Mr. Doyle drew attention to the fact that they had withdrawn from the Bradford Section of the Yorkshire Council. The clubs they would play would be Sowerby Bridge. Harrogate, Scarborough, Knaresborough, Mexborough, Wath, Settle, Rossington, Scholes, Bullcroft, and Hartshead Moor. They would have a very formidable and attractive fixture list of twenty matches, a programme that for variety and attraction would be the equal of that of any club in the West Riding.
He expressed his personal congratulations to the club in its bold venture. They expected to have several additions to their playing strength for next season, he informed the members, and the club was looking forward to some good cricket.
Regarding the “Snowden” Cup. it had been suggested that these matches should played on Sundays, and delegates had been asked to ascertain the views of their respective committees. He assured them that the Salt's committee would give the matter their very earnest consideration.
Finally. Mr. Doyle recommended the committee to give early attention to the matter of providing extra seating accommodation on the ground. He was sure if they had extra seats at the football end and on the canal side of the ground, they would be repaid by larger “gates.” It was his opinion that the pavilion side was nut the popular side.
In closing he thanked the chairman, the treasurer, and the committee, for their valued services to the club during the past year, and he added a special compliment to the refreshment stewards for their continued support in the tea pavilion.
The financial statement was presented by the treasurer. Mr. W. L. Smith and showed a most satisfactory state of affairs. Among the principal items of income were subscriptions £23 12s, refreshments 10s, and collections £l2 5s. It was reported that there was a most gratifying balance in hand.
The chairman (Capt. Brearley), in the course of a few general remarks paid a glowing tribute to the work of Mr. Doyle as secretary of the club over a long spell of years.
He also paid a compliment to the efficient work of the club’s groundsman.
Mr. R.W. Guild (managing director of the firm) was re-elected President, Mr W. L. Smith was appointed secretary, and Mr. A. Grange treasurer.
The following committee was appointed: Messrs. A. Doyle, McCue, H. Smith, H. Smith, H. Burke, F. Gaukrodger, S. Riley, W. Rawnsley, G. Gracey, G. Henry, G. Grimshaw, A. Gill, H. Briggs, B. Smith, H. Higgins, Hall, Stead, and Perfect.
Women Unionists’ Social
Organised by the officers of the Shipley Division Women’s Unionist Association a successful social was held in the York Room, Saltaire Institute on Tuesday (14 February) afternoon. The President Mrs. Basil Hughes presided.
There were 200 persons present, whist and bridge proved entertaining attractions. Afternoon tea was also served and the social proved exceedingly enjoyable.
Works Social
At the Saltaire Institute on Friday (10 February) evening the employees of Messrs. C.F. Taylor and Co. Ltd., Lower Holme Mills, Shipley, held their 15 th annual social which proved a great success both numerically and socially. Upwards of 700 employees were present and the company included Mr. H.P. Ingram (Director) and Mrs. Ingram, Mr. L. Terry (secretary) and Mrs. Terry, Mr A. Vickers (Works Manager) and Mrs. Vickers.
Shipley Police Whist Drive and Dance
The secret of the success of Police events locally, whether sporting or social, and needless to add, charitable, is contained in the praiseworthy manner in which all members of the Force blend into a splendid working committee.
Each year the Bradford Division West Riding Police disburse a sum of about £200 to Police and local charities, and towards this year’s disbursement a very considerable contribution will be made as a result of the annual whist drive and dance the Shipley Section organised in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Wednesday (15 February) night.
As usual it provided never-to-be-forgotten entertainment for a huge company of revellers drawn from all sections of the local public, including many of the district’s leading townspeople.
The customary mammoth whist drive was conducted in the York Room by Inspector Hunter and Mr. S. H. Kenyon.
Satisfactory catering arrangements present a difficult problem where so huge a company is concerned, but on this occasion, it was solved to the complete satisfaction of everyone present by Messrs. Ready’s Ltd., the popular Shipley and district confectioners and caterer’s. Mr E. Eccles directed a capable staff.
Nab Wood Rugby Dance
About 250 revellers were present at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire on Saturday evening on the occasion of the Nab Wood Rugby Football Club dance.
The function was arranged by a committee consisting of Messrs, J.T. Twohig (President), J. Mallinson, C. Simms, and E.S. Gill (secretary). The music was provided by Messrs’ Ready’s Ltd., Shipley, whose catering under the personal supervision of the manager (Mr. E. Eccles) gave entire satisfaction.
Old Salts’ Dance
Mr F. J. Fuller, their former headmaster, for whom old boys of the Salt Boy’s High School hold such a deep affection, makes an annual visit to Shipley from Cambridge, where he resides in his retirement, for the occasion of the annual dance of the Old Salts’ Association.
This event took place in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Friday (17 February) and Mr. Fuller renewed friendships with a large number of his former pupil, every one of whom he remembered by name.
Golfers’ Social
The annual social of the Northcliff Golf Club which took the form of a dance and military whist drive at Saltaire Institute last Friday (24 February) evening proved a thoroughly enjoyable social function. The company numbered about 200 persons.
Saltaire Times, March 1939
Saltaire Conversazioni allocation of £l72 profits
At the annual meeting of the Saltaire Conversazioni Committee on Tuesday (28 March) night, it was announced that this year's conversazioni had realised £172 in aid of local charities. The proceeds were allocated as follows: -
Saltaire Hospital New Building Fund £65
Shipley Nursing Association £50
Bradford Royal Infirmary. Bradford Children's Hospital, Bradford Eye and Ear Hospital £15 each.
Shipley Cinderella Club, Shipley Boys' Club £4 each,
Shipley Division of St. John Ambulance, Saltaire Division of St. John Ambulance £2 each.
The balance-sheet, presented by Mr. Tom Kendall (treasurer), showed an income of £403 and an expenditure of £361, leaving a profit of £42. The donations amounted to £l30.
Mr. Morris Illingworth, ticket secretary. reported that 1,805 people attended the series compared with 1,818 in I938.
The following officers were appointed for the coming year: Mr. J. H. Naylor (chairman), Mr. T. Kendall (treasurer). Mr. Morris Illingworth (ticket secretary), and Mrs. H. C. Mallinson. Mrs. Thompson, Mr. J. Holmes, Mr. A. Turner, Ur. Dalton, Mr. E. Abley, Mr. W. H. Marsden (executive committee).
Woman’s disappearance solved
The mystery surrounding the disappearance of Mrs. Emma Ward, wife of Mr. William Ward, the Saltaire postmaster, on Friday evening, 3 February, was tragically solved on Thursday (2 March) evening, when the body was recovered from the River Aire, near Mason’s Mill.
Mrs. Ward’s hat and gloves had been found on the riverbank at Saltaire, and extensive dragging operations had been carried out by the police, but without success.
The inquest was conducted at Baildon Town Hall, yesterday (3 March), by the District Coroner (Mr. Edgar Wood). The verdict was that Mrs. Ward drowned herself during a period when the balance of her mind was disturbed.
Mr. Ward said his wife was 65 years of age. He had last seen her about five minutes to seven on Friday evening, 3 February when she had left their shop in Gordon Terrace, presumably to return to their home in Grosvenor Road. He had not seen her again until her body was recovered from the river, although he identified the clothing found on the riverbank.
He informed the Coroner that about week after his wife’s disappearance a niece had found note Mrs. Ward had left in a bedroom, but which had been covered by other articles. This he handed to the Coroner.
Asked if he could offer any explanation for his wife’s action, witness said she had suffered from pains in the head and back, and apparently these must have been more severe than he had realised. She had not been attended by a doctor.
P.C. Holden, of Shipley, said that near the clothing on the riverbank had been prints of a lady's shoe leading to the river.
Cecil Berry, greengrocer, of 7 Victoria Road, who saw the body floating in the river, said the body had become entangled in a branch of tree. P.C. R. Tindall, who recovered the body from the water, said the right sleeve had become entangled in the branch and had had to be cut free. There were no suspicious circumstances.
Lower rates association
“As result of our pressure, there is going to be a battle royal in the Bradford City Council on Budget Day next week, such as there has never been before.”
This comment was made by Mr. Gordon Baxter, of Bradford, at a meeting held in the Saltaire Institute on Wednesday (29 March) night for the purpose of forming a Shipley branch of the Lower Rates Association. Mr. Baxter contended that the real cause of the rising rates and assessments all over the country was the heavy burden of loan charges and interest.
Bradford was a particularly impressive example of this fact, with a rate income of £1,573,000 and loan charges amounting to £1.520,000. The Bradford Corporation had an income of something like £6,000,000 from various sources, and it was obvious that if their various undertakings were not burdened with debt charges it would be possible to run the city without a single penny in rates.
The only possible way dealing with the present situation was to tackle this debt problem, obtain new credits from the banks on much easier terms to liquidate the old debts.
Mr. H. M. Ward was appointed temporary organiser, and a further meeting is to be held on Thursday, 20 April.
A memorable day
If more people would visit the Shipley and Saltaire Old Friends’ Tea and Reunion then the band of loyal workers who year by year enthusiastically accept the considerable work and responsibility this grand work entails, would be considerably augmented.
The enjoyment experienced by the aged guests and their appreciation of the work done on their behalf is obvious that Mr. Abraham Kendall and his small but enthusiastic band of helpers are made to feel justifiable pride in the services they render.
On Saturday (4 March) there were animated scenes in the Victoria Hall. A total of 402 guests, all over the age of 65, first enjoyed a very substantial tea catered for by the Windhill Co-operative Society, Ltd., under the supervision of the Bakery manager, Mr. S. Carradice. The tables had been very attractively decorated, and the helpers worked with a will to give their guests a day they would long remember.
Mr. Kendall gives his committee a grand lead in their work as hosts and hostesses. This year, to the delight of the old people, be again followed his practice of singing old favourites to them, to fine accompaniment provided by his friend, Mr. Charles Grainger, of Morecambe. Mr. Kendall’s efforts were enthusiastically applauded.
Besides Mr. Kendall, the chairman, and Mrs. A. Midgley, the collector, the only two remaining members the original committee, who have worked for the Old Friends’ Tea with unflagging enthusiasm throughout the past eighteen years, are now joined on the committee by Mr. J. Walker, Miss E. Beaver, and Mr. T. L. Hordley, the hard-working secretary.
They received valuable assistance from Mrs, I, Lund, Mrs. A. Midgley, Jnr., Mrs, W. Royston, Mrs. H. Noble, Mrs. James Potter, Mrs. D. Meggs, Mrs. Stenson, and Miss K. Noble.
Of the guests each lady received gift 4 oz. of tea and each gentleman 4 oz. of tobacco. Mise Beaver made a present of a tablecloth to the oldest lady present, Mrs. Smith (aged 87), 13, Ferrands Road. Shipley, and a silk scarf to the oldest gentleman, Mr. Thomas Illingworth (aged 85), of 13, Clifton Place, Shipley.
During the afternoon Mr. Kendall and some of the committee paid a courtesy visit to the event that was taking place Windhill.
Invariably fine entertainment is provided for the guests after they have enjoyed their tea, and this year the entertainers excelled themselves. Miss Edith Beaver, who is a hard worker on the committee, is also the talented producer the fine Saltaire pantomime, and her entire pantomime, company of friends end pupils regaled the gathering with musical excerpts, dances, and humorous items from this year’s show, “The Babes in the Wood.”
Their entertainment they supplemented with other old songs that were assured favourites with this gathering, the efforts of Alma Hemsworth, the pantomime’s sweet-voiced fairy. Ethel Schofield (Principal boy), and Barbara Grange (Principal girl), particular being most appreciated.
The pantomime company, addition to those named, consisted of Kathleen Ince, Margaret Stubbs, Ernest Stone (Dame), Dick Hall and Jim Jennings (the robbers), Jean Godfrey and Joan Holdsworth (the Babes), principals, and the choruses: Hilda Alderson, Irene Sharpe, Ivy Sharpe, Sylvia Crowe, Dorothy King, Doreen O’Donnell, Joyce Taylor, Barbara Binns, Joan Wood, Joan Whitfield, Doreen Garrad, Kathleen Ince, Betty Beaumont, Rose Bailey, Nancy Hainsworth, Raymond Godfrey, and the Three Scamps (Fred and Willie Lister and Sam Stead). Mrs. Ward did excellent work at the piano.
In addition. Master Maurice Brooksbank, of Shipley, one of the north’s finest boy soloists, contributed “A brown bird singing” and other popular songs in a charming voice and with fine artistry.
Every one of these many entertainers gave of their best and their efforts ware deeply appreciated, the gathering demonstrated the enthusiastic applause that greeted every item.
Salts’ band success
Now another Shipley Band appears amongst prominent festival winners. Salts (Saltaire) Prize Band, conducted by Mr. H. B. Hawley, carried off three trophies at the thirteenth annual contest of the Harrogate and District Brass Band Association at Keighley on Saturday (4 March).
They secured the association’s shield for the selection test-piece, “Recollections of Weber,” and the Highley Cup, the first award for a hymn rendering. In the march contest they were placed second and secured the York Cup.
Ten bands entered, but only seven completed. Each band was allowed its own choice of march and hymn. The adjudicator was Mr. W. Dawson (Blackhall Colliery Band).
Salt’s Band will be competing shortly at a band festival at Saltaire.
Students’ dance
A most successful innovation at the students dance held in Shipley Technical Institute on Saturday (4 March) evening, was the invitation that was extended to students at the Saltaire Road and Wood End Evening Institutes.
Mr. Vincent Clay was M.C., and company of some 130 persons spent a most enjoyable evening, Norman Pearson's Orchestra providing music. The Principal of the School of Art and Technical Institute (Mr. F, B. Holbrook) had directed the arrangements and attended the event.
Flower Society’s social effort
Baildon and District Flower and Vegetable Society tried a new departure on Friday (10 March) evening last. The whist drive and dance they held in Saltaire Institute was not particularly well attended, but it provided most entertaining evening for the company who were present.
The gathering was delighted to welcome Councillor H. B. Robinson, J.P. (Chairman of Baildon Urban Council) and Mrs. Robinson. Whist was played in the small social room, under the direction of Mr. J. Woodhead, and prizes were presented during the evening by Coun. Robinson.
For dancing, the revellers had the pleasure of having Mr. R. Gledhill, the veteran Bradford dance instructor and adjudicator at countless national and local competitions, as M.C. Mr. Gledhill brought his own orchestra, and he kept the programme moving briskly, interspersing the Lambeth Walk and other new dances with many old-established favourites. Arrangements had been excellently made by the secretary (Mr. H. Prince), assisted by the society’s energetic committee, of which Mr. H. Shearman (chairman) and Mr. W. Northrop (treasurer) are the principal officers.
The social effort provided an enjoyable evening for the gathering, but it will not enable the society to purchase the vases and other show equipment they had hoped for. Any assistance towards this object would be welcomed by the officials.
Football Club dance
At the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday (11 March) evening the concluding series of dances arranged during the winter took place. The function, which was attended by about 500 revellers, proved equally successful its predecessors.
Organised by the Social Committee, with Mr. J. A. Larking as aa enthusiastic social secretary, the dancers had a thoroughly enjoyable time. The Ambassadors Broadcasting Band played some delightful dance music and Mr. E. Midgley and Mr. D. Gardiner were capable M.C.’s.
A buffet was under the direction of the Creamery Cafe, Sunbridge Road, Bradford, whose catering gave every satisfaction. It might be of interest to note that the club are organising flannel dance which has been arranged to take place at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on 1 July.
Salts again in dashing form
There is a danger in all this success Salts (Saltaire) A.F.C, are achieving at the present time. It is the very real danger of over-confidence. Although they had little to fear from Harrogate Hotspurs when they entertained them Victoria Road, Saturday (11 March), the way Salts’ forwards frittered away their early chances made their supporters rather apprehensive for them. Despite the County Cup final, Salts early season form was so unproductive of points that they cannot afford to miss any opportunity of improving their league position.
However, it was evident that the position was quickly borne home on the players. After over-eagerness and hasty shooting had alone prevented the homesters from taking the lead during the early stages, they settled down to play most convincing football.
From the kick-off a prominent figure, tireless in his efforts, was Wignall, the centre-half, and Parker, another half-back, also got through a great amount of work.
Booth and Sykes, at full back. never faltered and covered their goal-keeper most soundly. Their sure kicking was of great assistance to the attack, which had the measure of the visitors’ defence in speed.
Two players stood out in the forward line. J. Swallow’s performance could not have been improved upon for cool and calculating football, while C. Metcalfe, a new winger from Laisterdyke, created a very fine impression. A speedy, industrious player, Metcalfe improved as the game progressed until in the closing stage he was probably the outstanding player on the field.
Cultured football was provided on both wings, with Shaw, the dashing type of centre-forward, the ideal link in the middle.
Early in the game Metcalfe on the wing, and Fieldhouse, on the right, got the measure of their respective full backs, and many chances were engineered, but it was not for nearly half an hour that Salts were able to take the lead. Swallow’s neat touches at inside right aroused great admiration. He prompted his winger with perfect passes, and finally it was he who paved the way to the goal. He drew the full back and sliced the ball cleverly past him, to give Fieldhouse a clear run through. Unhampered, the winger put across a low centre, and Shaw tucked it safely away in the far corner of the net, leaving the advancing goal-keeper helpless.
There ought to have been more goals, but hasty shooting spoilt the chances.
Once Shaw broke clear away, but his final shot was off the mark when he appeared to have the goal at his mercy.
There was a shock for the home side soon after the interval. The Harrogate right winger was closing in towards goal when he was tripped in collision with Sykes. The referee had no alternative, but the equalising goal was rather a heavy penalty to pay for what, after all, was only a mild offence. Richardson took the kick and though Salts’ goalie beat the ball down, it entered the side of the net.
There was worse to come for Salts. Wignall, who had been outstanding at centre-half, was injured and for the rest of the game limped along on the wing. Nevertheless he performed some very useful work by carefully positioning himself and participated in practically every attack. Metcalfe was switched over to the right wing and immediately distinguished himself netting the goal of the match. Cutting in he drove home a high shot from long range. The visiting goalkeeper leapt, and got both hands to the ball, but could not prevent it from passing into the top corner of the goal.
From this point Salts were completely on top with Metcalfe playing a storming game on the right. Within a moment or two of scoring he manoeuvred into the position for a perfect centre. Davies came in with his head, but bis direction was wrong.
In the next attack Shaw almost had a goal. The goal-keeper went down to save, and then lost possession of the ball. He was able to draw it back to him in nick of time as Shaw leapt towards it.
So determined were the Salts’ attacks that it was evident the visitors’ goal must fall again. Eventually Davies, the team’s star scorer, netted from long range, and fourth was added by Wignall, who remained in the thick of things despite an injury that made it impossible for him to run.
In the closing minutes Harrogate scored their second goal, but they retired convincingly beaten by- four goals to two.
Running strongly for three trophies
Despite their lowly league position, the revival of Salts (Saltaire) A.F.C. is so timely and so convincing that there seems quite a probability that they will secure three trophies this season. On Saturday (18 March) they defeated Bradford G.P.O. with ease to enter the semi-final stage of the Bradford and District Cup Competition.
Salts have also qualified for the final of the County Cup and the final of the Bradford Senior Hospital Cup.
Salts’ run of success ends
Injuries threaten cup hopes
The “bogey” of injuries has reared its head to cast a shadow over the cup hopes of Salts (Saltaire) A.F.C.
On Saturday (25 March) they had to entertain the league leaders, Guiseley, whom they beat away from home, without the assistance of one of their stalwarts, Wignall, who has sustained a cartilage injury.
Moreover, in the closing stages of the game they lost at Saltaire on Saturday, Booth, the right full back, injured his right ankle in a collision with his partner, Sykes, and took no further part in the game. The absence of Wignall was a serious handicap to them.
Shipley A.R.P. Association enthusiastic annual meeting
Shipley A.R.P. Association, the first organisation of its kind to be formed in the north, held its annual meeting in the York Room of the Saltaire Institute, on Thursday (16 March) night, an enthusiastic gathering of considerably over a hundred persons attending. The chairman, Mr. W. E. Hardcastle, presided, and he was supported Conn. John Chell (chairman of Shipley Council A.R.P. Committee), Police Inspector A. Hunter. Mr. C. F. K. Rees (secretary), and Mr. A. Morris (treasurer).
Oddfellows’ centenary arrangements for next week-end
The entire district will be interested in the Centenary Celebrations of the Shipley District, Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity) which have been planned for next weekend, (25 & 26 March).
The celebrations of a notable centenary will commence on Saturday next with a procession headed by Salts (Saltaire) Prize Band from the Friendly Society’s Hall to the Victoria Hall. After tea, a whist drive will be held in the Gymnasium, a concert in the York Room, and dancing in the Victoria Hall. On the following afternoon there will be procession to Saltaire Congregational Church, where a special Centenary Thanksgiving service will be conducted the Rev. S. G. McLellan.
Cookery demonstrations
Shipley U.D.C. Gas Department has enterprisingly arranged gas exhibition and cookery demonstrations to take place in the Social Room of the Saltaire Institute each afternoon and evening during the week Monday, 13 March to Saturday 18 March.
Coun. John Chippindale. J.P. (Chairman of Shipley Urban Council) has consented to perform the opening ceremony at 3 p.m. on the Monday, and each day Miss B. Cobb, N.C.D.S., of the Parkinson Stove Co., Ltd., will demonstrate the astonishing capabilities contained in the use of gas for cookery. There will be an extensive display fires, cookers, and all types of apparatus. Demonstrations will at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. each day.
Shipley philatelists
A combined talk and display was given to the members of the Shipley Junior Philatelic Society by Mr. J. P. Rhodes, of the Bradford Philatelic Society in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Monday (13 March).
Mr. Rhodes’ subject was “Charity issues.” He gave a short but interesting talk, and proceeded to exhibit his display of Charity issues, representative stamps of almost every Charity Issue of every country being exhibited.
A vote of thanks to Mr. Rhodes was proposed by Mr. G. Dwyer and seconded by Mr. E. W. Robinson.
Intending members are requested to communicate with the secretary, Mr. E. W. Kennedy, 42 Kendall Avenue, Shipley.
Talented young musicians; but Shipley public still disinterested
A brief generation ago a sincere appreciation of good music was regarded traditional in these parts, but today that taste would seem to be endangered.
Shipley and District Orchestral Society exists for the purpose of fostering this musical discrimination, what then would be more appropriate that some of the cream of district’s young talent should be presented to the public at one of the Society's concerts.
This is what occurred at the event in the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Wednesday (22 March) evening, and nothing could have gladdened the heart of the music lover more than this clear proof that musical talent still blossoms in the district's youth despite the general apathy that has grown towards accomplishments in which at one time everyone took a deep pride.
From the point of view of the artistry of the youthful soloists, and for that matter, of the district’s orchestra also, or the sheer delight it gave the assembled music-lovers, the concert was a complete success.
But of the attendance there is still a woeful tale to tell. Since the Society was inaugurated a few years ago, the support afforded by them the general public has been lamentable, even though soloists of national repute have been brought to sing to them in their own hull, at prices of admission which defy comparison with similar concerts elsewhere.
Three young musicians who possess unusual ability certainly increased the attendance compared with that attracted to previous concerts, but the gathering was nevertheless out of all proportion to the standard of the entertainment provided.
Someday, let us hope it will be before apathy has stifled even the enthusiasm of those who form this fine orchestra, Shipley people will awake to the delights they are casting aside in ignorance, and the Orchestral Society will receive the support they so richly merit.
British Legion women’s section social
The Women’s Section the Shipley British Legion held the first of a series of socials at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, on Saturday (18 March) evening. The function proved a popular success and much credit for this is due to the enthusiastic efforts of the ladies’ committee comprising of Mrs. Wall (President), Mrs. Fairclough (chairman), Mrs. Jennings (vice-chairman), Mr. Robinson (secretary), Mr. Riley (treasurer), Mesdames Ward, Bloomfield, Porter, McEwen, Whitaker, Murray, Mitchell, and Wilkinson.
Dancing took place in the Victoria Hall to music supplied by Tom Cheetham and his bandits band. Mr. J. Eastell was the M.C.
A whist drive was controlled by Mrs. Bloomfield and Mrs. Goldsborough.
During the evening light refreshments were served by the ladies committee. It was a most enjoyable social function.
New Shipley branch
The Electrical Association for Women is an organisation for all women interested in the proper use and control of electricity from the woman’s point of view.
On Monday (28 March) evening next, at 7.30 p.m. in the Social Room of the Saltaire Institute, a meeting being held with the object of inaugurating a Shipley branch of this useful association.
All women who feel interested are cordially invited to attend. It does not matter whether they possess an "all-electric” house or not, they will welcomed by a society whose only object is to educate women in the uses of electricity.
They distribute information concerning electricity it affects the home, public welfare, hygiene, medicine, smoke abatement, and all social and educative activities. Any further particulars ran be obtained at the Electricity Showrooms, Westgate.
Death of former Saltaire woman
Intimation has been received of the death of Mrs. Mary Alice (Brown) Tiffany, wife Mr. George Tiffany who died at Holgate. Mass., U.S.A., on 28 January. Mrs. Tiffany was born at Saltaire on 19 August 1867.
Death of Mr Henry Sayner
A popular figure among the older generation of Shipley residents, Mr. Henry Sayner, aged 74, of 9 Albert Road, Saltaire, a former inside manager for Henry Mason and Co., spinners, and manufacturers, Victoria Works, Shipley, died last week-end. (26 March)
Mr. Sayner, who was associated with this firm for 38 years, retired in. 1924 owing to ill-health. He had been prominently associated with the Saltaire Angling Association since its inception and had held the offices of secretary and treasurer. He had also been secretary and treasurer of the Shipley Working Men’s Club and was a member of the New Prosperity Lodge of the I.O.O.F. (M.D.). He left a widow, three sons, and five daughters.
The interment took place at Nab Wood Cemetery, on Wednesday, a service being conducted by the Rev. S. G. McLellan. The principal mourners were Mrs. Sayner (widow). Miss Eva Sayner, Miss Ruby Sayner, Mrs. Hoare, and Mrs. Little (daughters), Mr. George Sayner and Mr. Bob Sayner (sons). Miss O. Little (grand-daughter), Mr. and Mrs. Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Knight (sons-in-law and daughters), Mrs. Walton (sister), Mr. George Sayner (brother), Mr. Fryer (cousin), Mr. Alfred Firth (cousin), Mr. and Mrs. William Cawthra (nephew and niece), Mrs. Robert Sayner (sister-in-law), Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sayner (nephew and niece), Mr. and Mrs. T. Sayner, Miss Dunn, Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. Illingworth. Mrs. Rhodes. Mrs. E. West, Mrs. Munro, Miss Nellie Cawthra, Mrs. Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartley, Mrs. London, Mrs. Overend, and Mrs. Butterfield.
Messrs. Henry Mason (Shipley) Ltd. was represented by Messrs. W. Parker, J. Smith, J. S. Coates, J. Aveyard, and G. Foulger. Representatives of Shipley Working Men's Club present were Messrs. J. Watson, N. Howker, J. O. Jenkins, W. Walsh, J. Excell, and Harry Wilkinson.
Others present included Mr. George Butterfield and Mr. George Foulger (Shipley District, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity), Mr. I. Gott (Saltaire Angling Association), Mr. J. Hudson, M.B.E., and Mr. G. Isles.
The funeral arrangements had been made by Messrs. W. Stephenson, of Saltaire.
Territorials’ dance
The 379 (Shipley) Company of the 49th West Yorkshire Regiment (Anti- Aircraft Battalion, Royal Engineers) held a successful and well-organised dance in the Saltaire Institute Friday (24 March) evening last. There were about 600 guests, and the M.C.s were C.S.M. Coxhead and Sergeant Emslie (dancing) and Sergeant Hardaker and Sapper Oddy (whist).
Saltaire Times, April 1939
Saltaire Mills A.R.P.
A meeting of the employees of Saltaire Mills was held at the Royal Café, Saltaire, on Thursday (27 April) evening. Mr. R. Park Guild, director of Salts (Saltaire)., presided in the absence of Mr. R.W. Guild, managing director, who had been called to London on business, and he was supported by: -
Captain S. B. Brearley (secretary)
Mr. G. D. Vaughan, Chief Instructor Keighley, Bingley & Shipley A.R.P.
Mr. J.H. Potter, Corps Supt., Shipley St. John’s Ambulance Brigade
Chief Officer E.W. Calvert, chief of the Auxiliary Fire Service
Second Officer Raistrick (Shipley Fire Brigade).
The chairman observed that the directors of the firm were most anxious that the A.R.P. services at Saltaire Mills should be made as efficiently as possible, and that their employees should be trained to make them as efficient as their own departments in the mill. They required men for the fire services, decontamination section, and first aid in order that courses could be taken in these various sections. They had been fortunate in securing the services of Mr. G.D. Vaughan, Mr J.H. Potter, and Chief officer E.W. Calvert to explain what was required to bring up to strength required for the A.R.P. services at Saltaire Mills.
Mr. Vaughan said that it was essential that local authorities must be prepared to provide five essential services to protect people in their homes in an emergency. If that was so regarding local authorities, it was evidently very essential that employees should be prepared to take part in a scheme of their own.
Regarding the decontamination section, they required twelve able bodied men who would give instruction in decontamination of twelve lessons for two hours per session. Anti-gas instructors were also needed for seven lessons for two hours per session.
Mr J.H. Potter said that first-aid instruction was a necessity. He recalled that when a boy he saw 40 or 50 men standing round a man who had been severely bitten by a horse on the forearm, and the men were helpless to assist the injured man. When the late Dr. Foster was Medical Officer of Shipley, he commenced first-aid classes which he (Mr. Potter) joined, and he paid tribute to the practical work that had since been done in the various factories, in the streets, and at various homes in Shipley.
He pointed out that in 1920 the late Sir Henry Whitehead saw the necessity for having arrangements whereby accidents at Saltaire Mills could be treated by employees and Mr. Potter added that excellent first-aid work had been done. He appealed to the employees to join first-aid classes.
Chief Officer E.W. Calvert, speaking of the fire service, said that about 80 men between the ages of 25 and 50 were required to bring the auxiliary fire services in Shipley to full strength. He stressed the importance of a capable auxiliary fire services in Shipley to full strength. He stressed the importance of a capable auxiliary fire service in an emergency. Mr Calvert also spoke of the excellent work done by Saltaire Mills Fire Brigade under the supervision of Chief Officer Stenson and urged that when the mil fire services were up to strength that other employees should join the auxiliary fire services. Mr. Calvert also explained that the Home Office had approved of Shipley auxiliary fire service schemes.
The Chairman announced that when the various classes were formed the directors of Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. Would present badges to those employees who had satisfied instructors that they had passed the necessary tests.
Saltaire Trolley Bus
Work has gone briskly ahead on the turn-table that is being prepared at Saltaire for the trolley bus service, and I am given to understand that the next few days will see the experimental bus take the route. A week or two at the most and Shipley will have its new service.
Saltaire Congregational Church Wedding
12 April – David, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. William Eastell, Shipley Glen Nurseries, to Kathleen Eunice, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W. Owen Squires, 36 Kendall Avenue, Shipley.
A Saltaire Bride
Much interest was taken in the wedding at Hall Royd Methodist Church, Shipley, on Saturday (8 April), of Mr. John Stanley Horsfall, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Horsfall, of 8 Park Street Shipley, and Miss Vera Phillipson, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Phillipson. 55 Victoria Road, Saltaire.
Both are members of St. Peters Tennis Club, while the bridegroom is a keen worker for Saltaire Congregational Church.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Willoughby Thompson, and Mr. W. Raistrick was at the organ.
Given away by her father, the bride wore a gown of ivory satin beaute, and an embroidered veil held in position by a coronet of orange blossom. Her bouquet was of pink carnations, lilies of the valley, and white heather.
She was attended by her sister, Mrs. MacBain, and Miss Olive Kelly (cousin of the bridegroom). Each wore a blue satin dress with overdress of blue net. and pink satin sash and carried bouquet of pink tulips.
Mr. Sidney Horsfall (brother of the bridegroom) was best man, and Mr. R. W. Games and Mr. J. MacBain were groomsmen.
After a reception in the Hall Royd Schoolroom, Mr. and Mrs. Horsfall left for a honeymoon the East Coast.
The many presents included one from the bride’s fellow employees at Saltaire Mills.
Collapsed In Post Office
A verdict of “Natural causes” was recorded at an inquest hold on Tuesday (11 April) on Mrs. Edith Henessey, aged 73 of 16 Helen Street, Saltaire, who collapsed in Saltaire Post Office on Thursday (6 April) evening and died on her way to Salt’s Hospital.
Mrs. Rosa Goulding, said her mother had suffered from nothing more serious than colds during the past year. She had left home about 4.45 p.m. on Thursday.
Stanley Ward, Post Office assistant, of 17 Fernhill Road, told how Mrs. Henessey had collapsed in Saltaire Post Office. He had been behind the counter and had not seen her enter, but he had heard a thud and had gone round the counter to find her on the floor.
She was moaning at the time and was removed in a private car to Salt’s Hospital.
Another sister of Mrs. Henessey gave evidence that soon after admittance to the hospital Mrs. Henessey was dead. Dr. C. H. Foster gave medical evidence.
Death of Mr. Sam Holdsworth
Life Of Member Of Saltaire Cricket Club
Over Fifty Years At Saltaire Mills
We regret to record the death of Mr. Sam Holdsworth, of 41Titus Street, Saltaire. whose death took place last Friday (14 April). Mr. Holdsworth, who has been in failing health for the past two years, had for over 50 years been in the employ of Salt’s (Saltaire Mills) as a warp dresser, and he was one of the recipients of the gifts given by the firm about two years ago to employees who had worked at the mill for fifty years and over.
A keen sportsman, Mr. Holdsworth was a much respected member, of the Saltaire Cricket Club, of which he was a life member and vice-chairman of the committee the time of his death. Of a genial and cheery disposition he was held in high esteem. For several years Mr. Holdsworth was a member of the Shipley and District Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity) Good Intent Lodge.
Mr. Holdsworth was member of the Rosse Street Baptist Church, Shipley. He was 68 years of age. and leaves a widow and one son.
The funeral took place, at Nab Wood Cemetery on Tuesday (18 April) afternoon. A service in the Cemetery Chapel was conducted by the Rev. S. G. McLellan (Pastor, Saltaire Congregational Church), who also officiated at the graveside.
Shipley A.R.P. Association – Lecture By Fire Brigade’s Chief Officer
Even the pleasant weather does not affect the fine enthusiasm shown in Shipley for Air Raid Precautions, and the fine attendance of previous monthly meetings was maintained when Shipley A.R.P. Association enjoyed a lecture Chief Officer E. W. Calvert (Superintendent of Shipley Fire Brigade).
This was given in the York Room of Saltaire Institute, on Thursday (20 April) night, many members of the Auxiliary Fire Service and other services responding to the association's invitation and attending.
Mr. W. E. Hardcastle (chairman) presided, and Supt. Calvert made his lecture of a very practicable nature by the demonstration with which he illustrated it.
He commenced by indicating the full effect of an outbreak of fire on a district. The saving of life was the most important duty, and was always attended to first by the Brigade, he pointed out. The destruction caused by fire, moreover, caused a loss to the rates of the town, often meant a loss of employment, and had its affect upon the tradespeople. Therefore, indirectly it affected everyone in town.
He proceeded to give many interesting facts about the Shipley Fire Brigade. Outlining the system whereby the staff attended to the repairs side of the Council's Transport Department, he pointed out that this made it possible for the Brigade to turn out within a minute of an alarm being given during the daytime, while the system linking up firemen’s home with the station made three minutes possible for answering night call.
He added that the ambulance also came under their department and answered about 550 calls per year.
Supt. Calvert went on to explain modern fire-fighting methods, and to give a resume of the activities of the Shipley A.F.S. and outline the duties they would have to undertake in time of war.
Practical demonstrations were given means of test tubes of the action of certain chemicals contained in the different types of fire extinguishers in general use, and of how the equipment operated. These included tetrachloride, soda acid, and both liquid and powder foam.
After Supt. Calvert had explained 'the use of the self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus, one his audience tried the outfit and pronounced it very comfortable.
Such things as the system of sprinkler apparatus in use in large buildings were alto explained.
Supt. Calvert finally explained a number of points raised in questions and extended an invitation to the association to visit the Fire Station at some later date to witness a more complete demonstration of their district’s firefighting services.
Lower Rates Demand Association Formed
The Shipley Lower Rates Demand Association was formed at meeting held in the Social Room of the Saltaire Institute on Thursday (20 April) night.
After hearing an address by Mr. Day, of Bradford, Mr. J. W. Williamson moved, Mr. T. H. Lang seconded, and it was approved, that a resolution should be submitted to Shipley Urban Council registering the strongest possible protest against the ever-increasing incidence of rates and assessments and calling upon the Council to implement the will of the ratepayers for a progressive and drastic reduction in both rates and assessments without any impairment of the district social services.
Mr. Day, in his remarks, stressed the fact that the Lower Rates Demand Associations were non-political organisations, and he roundly condemned party politics being a means of whereby true democracy was frustrated. He urged electors to demand of their representatives that they should reduce both rates and assessments. Their only function was to obey the wishes of those who elected them, he claimed, and experts with special knowledge of various aspects of local and national administration were retained to make, the financial and other arrangements in order that the result should be what the ratepayers wished. There was no problem of finance, production, or distribution that could not be solved in these days, he claimed. Mr. Ward presided.
Nig-Nog Cup
The semi-final of the Nig-Nog Senior Cup, on the Thackley A.F.C. ground on Tuesday night, between St. Mary’s Old Boys and Saltaire Corinthians was evenly contested, St Mary’s winning by three goals to two.
Three Cup Finals
No matter what occurs today (Saturday 29 April) and on Monday (1 May) Salts (Saltaire) A.F.C. have brought rare distinction to their club and district by qualifying for the final of the Bradford district’s three major amateur cup competitions.
On Monday (24 April) they were beaten three goals to two by Bradford Rovers at Valley Parade in the County Cup Competition.
Burial – Robert Askam, aged 68, of 23 Ada Street, Saltaire, buried 20 April 1939 at Hirst Wood Cemetery, Shipley.
Saltaire Times, May 1939
SALTS (SALTAIRE) LTD.’s Profit Trading Preliminary Statement
The past year has been a difficult one for companies engaged in the wool textile industry, and Salts (Saltaire), Ltd., has not come through unscathed. Even so, its results for the 12 months ended 31st Match last, though showing a further' decline, appear better than many had expected. Profit on trading, according to the preliminary statement amounted to £147,075, compared with £165,126 for 1937-8.
The dividend the 7 per cent. 10s., preference shares is again paid in full, and distribution of 3d. per share is announced on the 1s. preferred ordinary shares, against 6d. per share for the previous year.
The last distribution on the 1s. ordinary shares was 50 per cent, for 1936-7, when earnings were equivalent to rather more than 96 per cent.
The firm’s 1s. preferred ordinary shares rose 9d. on Friday last, to 6s. 3d., and the 1s. ordinary shares gained 6d. to 3s. 4 ½ d.
New Trolley Bus Service change-over this weekend
After Colonel A. H. C. Trench, of the Ministry of Transport, had inspected and approved on Wednesday (3 May) the equipment on the Bradford-Crossflatts route for trolley-bus service, Bradford Corporation Department announced that the change-over from trams to trolley buses would made this week-end.
Fares will remain unaltered. The trolley bus service, which has cost about £120,000, will begin on Sunday (7 May). The through service between Bradford Moor and Crossflatts will discontinued after Saturday.
On the Bradford-Saltaire section there will be a 4 min. service nearly all day on weekdays, with a 3 min. service on Saturday afternoons and evenings and Sunday evenings.
The change-over has been accelerated because of the necessity for removing the tramlines in the vicinity of the new £4,000 traffic roundabout at Saltaire.
Saltaire Club's non-existence
At Bradford West Riding Court on Thursday, Jesse Jeff Bowen (47), hoist man, Shipley was summoned to show cause why Saltaire Cycling Club should not be struck off the register.
Inspector Hunter stated that in consequence of certain observations which had led him to believe that the club had ceased to exist, he interviewed defendant and in answer to question regarding the club, the defendant said that the club had gone out of existence owing to lack of membership. When told that he would be reported because the club had not been struck off the register, defendant replied “I will attend to it.”
In reply to the Magistrates’ Clerk (Mr. Arthur Cragg), defendant said he had no objection to the club being struck off the register.
The Bench made an order to this effect and the defendant was ordered to pay 10s. costs.
(Colin’s note – In the 1939 Register – Arthur Cragg, unmarried, born 3 November 1873. Living at 12 Avondale Crescent, Shipley. Worked as a clerk to the justices.)
Young People's Service
During the winter, a Young People’s Service has been held periodically at Saltaire Congregational Church with youthful members of the church filling all the offices. The congregation will be well pleased should this custom be continued for some refreshing addresses have been given from youth’s angle on life.
On Sunday (30 April) evening Master Reg. Priestley conducted the service, and Mr. Jack Holmes, a twenty-year-old Building Society's clerk, spoke very convincingly on “An Appeal to Youth for Moral Rearmament.’’ The lesson was read by Master David Thornton, and a choir of girls formed of the members of Mr. Priestley’s Sunday School class contributed musical items. Alter the service most of the congregation adjourned to the Schoolroom where a pleasant social hour was spent, the church choir providing the entertainment.
Dancing Championship
Shipley and District’s dancing season is being extended by moat interesting event at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire. Considerably over 300 revellers thoroughly enjoyed the first of the two dances organised by the Yorkshire Swing Club, and particularly the highlight of the evening, the Shipley and district dancing championship, Saturday (20 May).
Forty couples competed, in the preliminary heat for the trophies, the standard maintained being particularly high, and Mr. V. Haley, M.B.A.T.D., B.B. (London), the adjudicator, had no easy task in selecting twelve couples for the finals.
Excellent arrangements had been made for the event committee with Mr. A. D. Thompson acting as secretary, ensuring the enjoyment everyone who attended.
The popular Trocaderians Dance Band delighted with the well selected programme of music they provided.
Dancing Trophy Winners
So enjoyable did the innovation of a Shipley dancing trophy prove at the dances held at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, by the Yorkshire Swing Club, that it is highly probable that another year a special contest restricted to Shipley and district residents will be organised.
The final rounds for the trophy were decided before an interested throng of dancers at a dance in the hall on Saturday (27 May) night. Mr V. Haley was again the adjudicator and he awarded the trophy to Mr. and Mrs. W. Saddington, of 12 Otley Road, Bradford. The runner prizes were won by Miss Ivy Clarke and Mr. Henry McNuff, after dancing off for second place with Mrs. Marjorie Chew and Mr. Ernest Lake.
At the request of the revellers an open waltz competition was also organised, and this was won by Mr. and Mrs. J. Throp, of Bradford.
The prizes were presented by Mrs. Rist, of Bradford, and Mr. J. Dobson of Sheffield.
The famous Ambassadors’ Broadcasting Orchestra provided an enjoyable programme of music, and a large company spent a very jolly evening.
Departure of Mr Frank Feather
Mr. Frank Feather, one of the most prominent public men in the Shipley district is to leave Shipley for health reasons and take residence in the south.
Mr. Feather has connected with practically every phase of life of the town and has been instrumental in raising thousands of pounds for local charities. He was one of the founders of the Northcliff Golf Club, and in 1923 as secretary of the Shipley Chamber of Trade, he organised Shipley Shopping Week.
He was a leading spirit in the reorganisation of the Saltaire Conversasioni 1926 as a means of raising money for charities, and in 1928 he organised a Shipley Hospital Week which raised over £2,000 for the Saltaire Hospital.
In 1928 he was elected chairman of the Shipley Defence Committee and his services in this capacity contributed materially toward Shipley’s ultimate, victory in the fight for independence.
A vice-president of the Shipley Rotary Club, he would have succeeded to the presidency this year. He has also rendered excellent service to the Shipley unemployed welfare movement and to the Shipley Boys’ Club. In business he is the principal of B. Feather and Son, boot, and shoe specialists, Saltaire.
Mrs. Feather was formerly in charge of the Shipley tinfoil collection, and in recent years she has been an enthusiastic worker for the local branch of Barnardo’s Helpers’ League.
(Colin’s Note - Following his retirement, Frank and his wife moved south to live at 29 Bennetts Road in Lower Swainswick in Bath, Somerset. Frank died 10 January 1965 at Forbes Frazier Hospital in Bath.)
JOIN the 6 th Bn. the Duke Of Wellington’s Regt. (West Riding) T.A.
An Infantry Rifle Regiment of the Field Force with a tradition second to none.
Enrol at Bingley Drill Hall any time
Saltaire, Albert Road Schools, Mondays, and Thursdays 7 to 9 p.m.
Every Opportunity For Promotion. Fares Paid.
Demonstration in Shipley Next Tuesday Evening 8 p.m. in the Market Place.
Shipley Urban Council Meeting - 23 May
The Libraries’ Committee reported that the number of borrowers’ cards in force in April was 6,802, and the issue of books—Saltaire 10,878; Windhill 5,931.
The Librarian submitted a letter from the Secretary of the Windhill Co-operative Society asking the Committee to provide a copy of the publication “Hansard's Parliamentary Debates,” at the Saltaire and Carnegie Libraries. It was resolved that the publication be provided at the Saltaire Library for a trial period of three months, and that the Librarian submit a report at the end of that period.
A.R.P. Meeting
At the monthly meeting of the Shipley A.R.P. Association held in the York Room, Saltaire Institute, on Thursday (18 May) evening, Mr. W. E. Hardcastle (chairman; presided over large and enthusiastic gathering, who listened with rapt attention whilst Mr. S. J. McVicar, of Wakefield, gave an instructive address, in which he dwelt at length upon County A.R.P. work.
In introducing Mr. McVicar, the chairman tendered the congratulations of the Shipley A.R.P. Association to him on his having been awarded the M.B.E. and observed that he was the first recipient to receive from His Majesty the King an honour for A.R.P. work.
Mr. Hardcastle also congratulated Mr. McVicar upon his recent appointment as Deputy Controller for general administration and co-ordination under the West Riding A.R.P. authority.
A cordial vote of thanks the speaker was proposed by Mr. A. W. Chester and seconded Mr. O. H. W. Parkin.
On the motion of Mr. C. F. Rees, seconded by Mr. Arthur Jagger, a resolution was heartily carried to the effect that the Shipley A.R.P. Association congratulate Councillor A. E. Horne J.P. (a member of the Association) upon his appointment a Chief Citizen of the town, and pledges its loyal support during his year of office.
Territorial's Licence Restored
Applying for the removal of suspension of his driving licence, at Bradford City Court on Tuesday (16 May). Frank Johnson, of Titus Street, Saltaire, said he was a member of the Territorial Army, and was liable to be asked to drive during forthcoming extensive manoeuvres. His sergeant-major had advised him to apply for removal of the suspension. Mr. Wood said the police did not oppose the application, and it was granted.
Saltaire Times, June 1939
The sixteenth annual ordinary general meeting of Salts (Saltaire), Ltd., was held in London on Wednesday (7 June). Sir Frank B. Sanderson, Bart., M.P. (chairman of the company), presided. The Secretary (Mr. Selwyn B. Brearley) read the notice convening the meeting and the auditors’ report. Points from the Chairman’s address were: —
The net profit on trading, after crediting dividends from a subsidiary company and other investments, and after providing for bad and doubtful debts, amounts £147,075, against £165,126 last year, showing a decrease of £18,051.
Three years ago I announced that all members of the staff and operatives, who joined the Territorial Forces would be allowed leave of absence with pay independent of their annual leave, and notices to this effect were posted in all departments of the mill. We have recently sent a letter to each mill employee of recruitable age, endorsing the appeal of the authorities for recruits, and we have undertaken to release all men who attend the annual camp and to pay them their full rate of wages when so doing. Employees are also being encouraged in every way to take up some form of national service.
We have made considerable progress with Air Raid Precautions.
The year under review has been a difficult one for the woollen and worsted industry. That does not refer to this country alone. The depression has been felt in all woollen and worsted textile manufacturing countries. The imports of wool in the ten largest, wool importing countries last year were the lowest on record for the last five years. Heavy reductions in purchases by the United States of America and Japan were the chief cause of the fall in these imports, while consuming activity in the former country fell to unusually low levels during the first part of the year.
The woollen and worsted textile industry in the United Kingdom has also suffered seriously by imports of cloth from abroad. In 1936 there were 4,593,000 sq. yards imported into this country, 7,025,000 in 1937, and no less than 10,943,000 in 1938.
The remodernising of our mills, equipped as they are with the latest type of machinery unsurpassed in any part of the world, the development of our interests in Ireland now coming into production, and a moderately good order book on hand will contribute to the prosperity of your company. Great problems to be met are inevitable in a rapidly changing world, but we have the resources, we have considerable liquid assets, and we do not lack driving power and initiative. We shall be among the first to benefit from any improvement in world conditions.
Saltaire Cyclist’s Death
We must not allow inquiries of this kind to develop into trials of civil liability,” said the Coroner (Mr. J. E. Brown-Humes) at the Darlington inquest on Monday (5 June), on Charles Henry Clements, aged 44, woolcomber, of 36 George Street Saltaire.
Clements was fatally injured in a collision between his bicycle and a motor-car on the Richmond-Reeth road on Whit Monday (29 May).
The jury returned verdict of “Accidental death.”
Add freeing the jury the Coroner said: “There is tendency for these inquiries to be used for the purpose of apportioning blame on one side or the other, and it is necessary that you and I should remember our duty. That duty to see what is the cause of death and whether there is any criminal negligence to be imputed to any outside party.”
The driver the car involved in the accident, Mr. Hugh Ralph Houston, of 398 Coniscliffe Road, Darlington, was represented by Mr. C. A. Hinks. Mr. J. R. Waite appeared for Clements’s relatives.
Luke Murray, aged 15, of 10 Hirstwood Crescent. Shipley, said that about 6.50 p.m. on Whit Monday he, Clements, and Clements’ son, Charles, were cycling to Reeth from Richmond, where they had attended the cyclists' meet, Charles was leading, and Mr. Clements was behind witness. They were approaching a bend in the road near Gill Book bridge when he saw three cars coming in the opposite direction.
“The first car passed very close to me;” said Murray. “I heard a crash, and on turning round I saw Mr. Clements was lying on the road.”
Robert William Alton, of Stanhope Avenue, West Hartlepool, said that he had his ear parked by the roadside when he saw three cyclists going towards Reeth at a reasonable speed. A car was coming from the opposite direction, also at a reasonable speed.
“I should say without hesitation that the car was too far out,” added Alton. “If there had been white lines on the bridge he would have been two or three feet over it.”
Mr. Hinks submitted that if Alton's estimates of the position of the ear and the cycle were right they would not have collided on the road, which was 19ft. wide.
Harry Popplewell, master window cleaner, of 31, Silverhill Drive, Bradford, told the Coroner that he had 44 years’ experience as a cyclist. He had been travelling behind the three cars toward Richmond when the accident occurred. His opinion was that the cyclist was travelling a little too fast round the corner and thus got into a wobble. If had not turned in toward the centre of the road would have gone into stone wall.
The Coroner pointed out that Mr. Alton and Mr. Popplewell, entirely independent witnesses, gave different views as to who was to blame. It was not the jury’s task to decide between the witnesses.
Saltaire Hospital
It was reported the monthly meeting of Sir Titus Salt Hospital Board of Governors, on Wednesday (7 June) night, that the New Hospital Building Fund now stands £3,917 11s. 4d.
The Chairman, Mr. F. Fearnley Rhodes. J.P., presided, and others present were Mrs. Birbeck, Miss Dunn, Miss Newboult, Coun. H. E. Sucksmith, J.P., County Councillor Victor Waddilove, Coun. E. Cowgill. Mr. T. Kendall,. Mr. Edgar Hyde. J.P., Mr. J. Wall. Mr. W. Crabtree. Dr. E. S. Sharp, and Mr. T. Luxton (Clerk).
Miss Dunn presented the report for the six weeks ended 1 June. This stated the number of individual out-patients, including casualties, to be 319, making 2,635 daily attendances.
The number of paying patients in residence at the commencement of the period had been three, three had been admitted, and three discharged.
The number of non-paying patients had been 15, 50 had been admitted and 48 discharged, leaving three paying patients and 17 non-paying patients in the hospital.
Admissions had been from Shipley 81, Windhill 11, Baildon 8, Saltaire 6, and elsewhere 4.
Other details of the report were: Massage attendances 147, X-ray cases 72, dental cases 31, sun-ray treatment cases 78, operations 38, and deaths 2. Two motor accident cases had been discharged the same day, and three had been treated as in-patients.
Donations to the New Hospital Building Fund were stated to be: -
Barrett Street Effort £10, Mr. R. Pouncey £1 0s 6d., West Riding Constabulary Athletic Association £20; Shipley and District Brother hood Billiards League £110s., Well Wisher £48 0s 5d., Smoke-room, Ring of Bells Hotel £2 11s. (making £l6 contribution in all), and United Women's Meetings' Rally £2 2s.
The principal ordinary donations during the month had been: -
West Yorkshire Road Car Co. £6 2s, Shipley Parish Church £6 0s. 10d., Bradford Travellers' Association £5 5s., employees Messrs. K. Wigglesworth and Co., Ltd. £1 6s 3d., employees Messes. A. Bagnall and Sons Ltd. £1 6s. 3d., Mrs. E. Barker £1 10s., Mr. K. E. G. McLachlan £1 1s., Mr. G. A. Power £l, Bingley, and Shipley Girl Guides, 16s 6d. The total donations were £25 17s. 8d.
Accounts amounting to £395 5s 8d. were passed for payment.
Salts Hospital Board of Governors held their monthly meeting on Wednesday (28 June) night, Mr. Fearnley Rhodes. J P. (Chairman) presiding, and others present being Miss Dunn, Miss Newboult. Councillor H. E. Sucksmith, J.P., Councillor E. Cowgill, Mr, Edgar Hyde. J.P., Hr. T. Kendall, Mr. W. Crabtree, Mr. J. Wall, and Dr. B. S. Sharpe.
The report on the work the hospital during 11m three weeks ending 28 June was submitted by Miss Dunn.
Details of the report were that there had been 141 out-patients, making 888 daily attendances. There had been two paying patients in residence at the commencement of the month and two had been admitted. There had been 17 non-paying patients, 32 had been admitted and 32 discharged. The total number of patients in the hospital at the date of the report was 21. Admissions had been from Shipley 12, Saltaire 2, Windhill 4, Baildon 6, and elsewhere 8.
Dental cases had numbered six, massage attendances 103, X-ray 38, sun ray 63, operations 31, and one death. Motor accident cases had numbered three discharged the same day, and two treated as in-patients.
Donations during the month had totalled £20 17s. 5d., the principal items being: Bradford Commercial Travellers’ Association £5 5s., Messrs. Wm. Oddy, Ltd., £5, Mr. J. W. Turner £5, Miss L. Wadsworth £1 1s., Mrs. Wheatley £l, Mrs. Thomas £l, employees, Messrs. F. Wigglesworth and Co. Ltd., 19s. 7d. It was reported that donations to the New Hospital Fund now totalled £3,919 11s. 4d.
Accounts amounting to £323 were passed for payment.
Shipley A.R.P. Association
Mr S. N. Jenkinson, A.R.P. Officer for the area, had some welcome news for members of the Shipley A.R.P. Association when he attended their monthly meeting in the York Room of the Saltaire Institute on Thursday (15 June) evening.
He announced that it is proposed to make the large room at the old Woolcombers’ Club available for the members’ recreational purposes every Friday night. The room would also be available for their meeting on the third Thursday of every month and would be at their disposal for any purpose at any time provided there was no other booking.
Considerable local interest is being evinced in the forthcoming marriage of Miss May Guild, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Guild, of Dalguise, Duchy Road, Harrogate, which will take place at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Harrogate, on 10 June. The bride’s father is managing director of Salt's (Saltaire), Ltd. Three small boys, wearing kilts of Scott tartan, will carry the bride’s train when she marries Mr. Leslie John Spence, of Ripon.
Old Friend
Not only Saltaire Congregational Church members, but Shipley residents generally, will be receiving a visit from an old friend when the Rev. J. Alexander Booth returns to the district on Sunday 11 June, to conduct the Sunday School Anniversary services at Saltaire Congregational Church. After a most successful ten years’ Pastorate at Saltaire, Mr. Booth accepted a call to Scarborough about three years ago. There are sure to be large congregations of his old friends to welcome him on his first return visit. Special music will be a feature of the services.
Leaving for Canada
Mr. Robert Hughes Games of 25 Leyburn Grove, a popular figure amongst the youth of our district, is leaving this country on Friday 16 June to take up a post designer with a well-known Canadian textile firm. Dominion Woollens and Worsteds Ltd., of Hespeler, Toronto.
Quite regularly draw attention to the success attained by former students of Shipley Technical Institute in the ranks of industry.
Mr. Hughes-Games is another who showed outstanding ability whilst studying in the Textiles Department. He took seven Final Certificates of the City and Guilds London Institute— Pattern Analysis (Divisions and 2), Calculations (Divisions 1 and 2), Finishing (Divisions 1 and 2), and Weaving Machinery. Also be secured a National Certificate in Textiles.
Mr. Hughes Games is a member of the Shipley Textile Society, of which he was formerly assistant secretary, and has taken deep interest in the activities of the Students’ Union the Institute.
Twenty-five years of age, he is an old boy of Shipley Central School. On leaving school he entered the designing department of Messrs. Salts (Saltaire) Ltd. He served successively with Messrs. Pearson A Foster Ltd., Idle; Messrs. John Priestman Ltd., of Bradford; Messrs. G. H. Eady A Co. Ltd., of Bradford; and for the past three and a half years has been a designer with Messrs. Henry Mason Ltd., of Victoria Works, Shipley.
He has been actively associated with Saltaire Cricket Club, and for several seasons assisted them as scorer, and he is a member of the Shipley Central Association of Former Students. He has also been a teacher in the Saltaire Methodist Sunday School.
When he leaves Liverpool on the Duchess of Richmond next Friday, he will take with him to his new sphere of labour the well wishes wide circle Shipley friends who are delighted with the success he is achieving his chosen occupation so early in life.
Lucky Holiday Winners
Between the two performances at Saltaire Picture House on Friday (9 June) evening, Coun. John Chell presented certificates and vouchers gained in the recent holiday competition promoted in connection with Butlin’s Holiday Camps. They were: —
First prise winner: Mr. J. Bishop, 17 Park St. Shipley, free holiday, one week for two persons.
Second Prize: Miss Eileen Milner, 47 George Street, Saltaire, one week for one person.
Third prize: Mr. H. Leatham, 1 Dale Street, Shipley, one week-end for two persons.
Fourth prize: Mr. E. B. Hopkinson, 57, Hirstwood Road, Shipley, one week-end for two persons.
Fifth prise: Mr. Frank Lockwood, 232 Leeds Road, Windhill, one week-end for one person.
At Butlin’s Skegness Holiday Camp, free. Rail fare also free.
Cricket Club Flannel Dance
Members and supporters of Saltaire Cricket Club have come to look forward to the dances the club now regularly hold at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire. A company of some 200 persons thoroughly enjoyed the flannel dance that was promoted on Saturday (10 June) evening, probably the double success the club’s teams had secured that day contributing indirectly towards the spirit of revelry.
Mr. Fred Nightingale was M.C., and Lewis Scargill’s ‘‘Gresham Players'’ provided a programme music that proved extremely popular.
The club secretary, Mr. A. W. Burgoyne, was assisted in carrying out the arrangements by Messrs. J.C. Lee, (Chairman of the club), and H. Mason.
At Saltaire Methodist Church on Wednesday (21 June) the wedding took place between Mr. W. Allan Heap, B.A., LL.B., A.C.A., only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. B. Heap, of 14, New Close Road, Shipley, and Miss Margaret Dean, younger daughter of Mr. George A. Dean and the late Mrs. Dean, of Holly croft, Staveley Road, Shipley.
Both bride and bridegroom are actively identified with Saltaire Methodist Church. The bridegroom is a Sunday School teacher and assistant missionary secretary of the Shipley Methodist Circuit, and the bride is captain of the 9th Shipley Girl Guides.
Remarkable Enthusiasm at Enrolment Meeting
The 1st Airedale Unit (Shipley, Baildon, and district) of the Sea Cadet Corps enjoys the advantage of a wonderfully enthusiastic launching.
The parade of Sea Cadets from Bradford on Monday (19 June) evening attracted considerable attention, but the more remarkable gathering was the enrolment meeting in Shipley Church Schools, on Wednesday (21 June) night. All who attended must feel that the success of the Unit is well-nigh inevitable.
The committee of influential local residents who have been directing the arrangements were most gratified by the attendance of some 250 boys all eager for details concerning the organisation, and particularly for the presence of large number of parents and other interested adults.
The smart parade of about sixty members of the Bradford Unit through Windhill, Shipley and Saltaire, on Monday, was in the nature of a prelude to the meeting. Headed by the Canal Ironworks Silver Prize Band, the Sea Cadets were in command of S.C. Lieutenant Armitage, with CSC. Sub-Lieutenant Nicholls, and Warrant Officer Sullivan, Mr. Edward Parkinson, vice-chairman of the organising committee, was also in attendance.
A large crowd gathered in the Shipley Market Place, where, before the dismissal, the band played. " Land of Hope and Glory” and the National Anthem.
Appointment & Authorisation
The Shipley Urban Council Estate Committee reported (26 June) that the Rev. S.G. McLellan Pastor of Saltaire Congregational Church had been appointed Chaplain at Nab Wood Cemetery for the six months commencing 1 July.
The Surveyor was authorised to have fixed at a cost of about £90, a pressure reducing valve in the traffic roundabout at Saltaire, in order to improve the water supply in the Moorhead district.
Mr. John B. Dalby, F.R.C.O., Ch.M., who is now organist and director of music at St. Machar’s Cathedral, Aberdeen, only son of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dalby, of Nab Wood Drive, Shipley, was married to Miss Louie Dixon, younger daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Dixon, of Hirst Wood Road, Shipley, at Saltaire Methodist Church on Tuesday (26 June).
At a very early age the bridegroom was organist at the church, and the bride has been a member of the choir and Leader of the Primary Department of the Sunday School.
Saltaire Times, July 1939
Former Saltaire Cricketer – Died In USA
The death has occurred in Sanford, Maine. U.S.A.. of Mr. Walter E. Tottle, a former well-known Saltaire cricketer. Mr. Tottle, who was a bachelor aged 68, was the seventh son in a family of eight, and as boy worked at Saltaire Mills. At that time Saltaire Cricket Club consisted mainly of employees of the mill, and the players were widely known as “the mill lads in white."
He went to America in 1891 to work in the American branch of the Saltaire Mills at Bridgeport, Connecticut. He has one brother in Shipley, Mr. Fred Tottle, of 5 Russell Street, Carr Lane, Windhill.
Baildon Rugby Dance
There are two sides to the balance sheet of Baildon Rugby’s regular dances at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire. Besides helping very materially to solve the financial difficulties of a club, many are expecting to go into the front rank of the Riding’s Rugby Union during the next few seasons, these events also never fail to provide really outstanding entertainment for a large gatherings of revellers.
Saturday (1 July) evening’s dance was no exception to this unbroken rule. The Ambassadors famous broadcasting band had been engaged, and they did full justice to a fine reputation that has been still further enhanced by their recent triumph in finishing runners-up to the champion band of the country in the recent national contest. Their bright popular music was a tonic to the revellers, and as usual the event proceeded without a hitch. The arrangements had once again been most efficiently made by Mr. G. Larking (social secretary).
Individual Merit Final Draw
The closing stages of the Shipley and District Amateur Bowling Association's Individual Merit Tournament will take place at Salts (Saltaire) sports ground this evening (Saturday 15 July). The draw is; -
W. K. Keighley (Bradford Moor) v. G. Durham (Crowghyll).
Thornton (Crowghyll) v. W. Greenwood (Crowghyll).
T. L. Woods (Crowghyll) v. B. Turton (Greengates).
J. Swinglehurst (Greengates) v. G Moorhouse (Greengates).
(The winner was G. Moorhouse.)
Rain Spoils Sport
Rain caused three interruptions, one of two hours’ duration, during the Bradford League game between Saltaire and Queensbury at Roberts Park on Saturday, 15 July.
The match ended in a draw.
Saltaire Tennis Tournament Club Celebrates Its Diamond Jubilee - Storms Curtail Opening Play
Saltaire Lawn Tennis Club, one of the oldest in the Riding, this year celebrates its Diamond Jubilee. The members were hoping to mark the event by making their annual open tournament an outstanding success.
Competitors have been drawn from all part of the Riding for the events that are at present in progress, but once again the tourneys ill-luck of recent years as concerns the weather was very much in evidence.
A start was possible on Wednesday (19 July) evening, but little progress was made, due to the afternoon’s storm.
For a considerable part of Thursday (20 July) certain courts were too wet for use, and during the evening the sudden storm curtailed play very seriously.
Holiday Clubs
Most local mills have had their holiday clubs. Salt’s (Saltaire) Ltd., one of the largest, last weekend (22/23 July) disbursed a sum of £2,500.
The final for the “Victor Hall” Cup, in the Shipley District League was played at Roberts Park, Saltaire, on Monday and Tuesday (24/25 July) evenings.
Bingley Independent Methodists beat Briarfield Shed by 58 runs.
Lady Golfers Aid Hospital
The Ladies’ Section of Northcliff Golf Club held an enjoyable flag competition on Tuesday (25 July), the proceeds being donated to the Saltaire New Hospital Building Fund.
Notice in the Shipley Times 29 July:
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays.
Public Notice in the Shipley Times 29 July: -
APPLICATIONS are invited for the position of Curator at the Saltaire Institute at a standing wage of £3 5s. 0d. per week. Previous experience in a similar position and a knowledge of the Coke Fired Boiler Heating system will be an advantage.
Applications endorsed “Curator,” stating age and experience together with copies of not more than two recent testimonials should be received by the undersigned not later than 8 August.
H. BARNES, Clerk of the Council, Town Hall, Shipley.
Salts Hospital Board
The monthly meeting of the Sir Titus Balt Hospital Board of Governors was held on Wednesday (26 July) evening. Mr. F. Fearnley Rhodes, (chairman) presided, and others present were Mrs. Birbeck, Miss Newboult, Mr. H. E. Sucksmith, J.P., Coun. E. Cowgill, Mr. Edgar Hyde, J.P., Mr. W. Crabtree, Mr. T. Kendall, Mr. J. Wall and Dr. E. E. Sharpe, with the Clerk (Mr. T. Luxton).
The monthly report, presented by Mr. Crabtree, stated that the number of individual out-patients, including casualties, had been 200, making 919 daily attendances. At the commencement of the month there had been four paying patients in residence, two had been admitted and four discharged, leaving two in residence. There had been 17 non-paying patients, 33 had been admitted and 35 discharged, leaving 15 in the hospital, or a total of 17 patients.
Admissions had been from Shipley (12), Baildon (7), Saltaire (3), Windhill (3) and Elsewhere (9). Other details of the report were: — 126 massage treatments, 18 dental cases, 38 sun-ray treatments, 19 operations, one death and five motor accident cases, one discharged the same day and four treated as inpatients.
Donations during the month totalled £249 4s. 9d., the chief items being; — Employees, Messrs. C. P. Taylor and Co., Ltd., £100; employees, Messrs. Salts (Saltaire) Ltd., £66 10s.; exors., M. A. Bauman, deceased, £l7 8s. 6d.; employees. Windhill Co-operative Society. Ltd., £l7 4s. 6d.; employees, Airedale Combing Co., Ltd., £l6 3s Shipley U.D.C., Education Department. £l0 10s.; Shipley U.D.C., Child Welfare Department, £10 10s.; Mr. G. A. Bayley, £8; West Riding Constabulary, Compassionate Fund, £5; Mr. Harry Davison, £3 3s.; employees, Messrs. Stuart Bros., Ltd., £3 19s. 6d.; employees, Messrs. F. Wigglesworth A Co., Ltd., 16s. 8d.; employees, Messrs. A. Bagnall and Sons, Ltd., 10s. 9d.; and Mrs. Hyde, 10s.
Regarding the New Hospital Building Fund, it was reported that donations had been received as follows: - Mr. H. Bagnall, £20; Anonymous, £5; Northcliff Amateur Bowling Association, £5 11s. 7d. The total now stands at £3,950 2s. 11d. Accounts amounting to £332 were passed for payment.
Saltaire Times, August 1939
Shipley Carnival
In view of the large measure of support that is needed by Sir Titus Salt's Hospital when they launch their new hospital project, the newly-formed Shipley New Hospital and Charities Committee were hoping to make an outstanding success of their initial carnival.
That in co-operation with ideal weather conditions, they succeeded in their object will be agreed by all who enjoyed the proceedings in Northcliff Playing Fields on Saturday (19 August).
At one period just after tea it was estimated there were upwards of 10,000 people in the fields.
A procession through the town inaugurated the carnival. Although this was not as long as some that have been staged in Shipley, its variety made it most attractive. It was marshalled by Coun. J. Chell, and music was provided by Saltaire Mills Prize Band, under the direction of Mr. H. B. Hawley, and Canal Ironworks Prize Band, with Mr. Gershom Collison conducting.
Curator - Saltaire Institute
Applications are invited for the position of Curator at the Saltaire Institute standing-wage of £3 5s 0d. per week. Previous experience in similar position and knowledge of the Coke Fired Boiler Heating system will be an advantage.
Applications endorsed “Curator,” stating and experience together with copies not more than two recent testimonials should be received by the undersigned not later than 8 August.
H. BARNES, Clerk of the Council, Town Hall, Shipley.
The Salt High School cricket team beat the members of the staff at Roberts Park, Saltaire, on Thursday (3 August), by seven wickets. The staff batted first and scored 94, the head master, Mr. G. H. Parkin, being top scorer with 39. The School knocked off the runs for the loss of three wickets, D. Parker carrying his bat for 41.
Saltaire Tennis Players Married
The wedding took place at the Ilkley Pariah Church on Thursday (10 August) of Miss Terry Pickles, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Pickles, of Newstead, Sedbergh Park, Ilkley, and Mr. William Lawrence Gibson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gibson, of Cottingley Grange, Shipley.
The bridegroom is a director of John Keenan and Co., Ltd., Bradford, secretary of the Saltaire Lawn Tennis Club and a member of the West Riding Hockey Club. Miss Pickles is also member the Saltaire Tennis Club and of the Burley Badminton Club.
“Star" Footballer Attack of "Nerves"
“Rather face 40,000 spectators"
Dicky Watmough, self-possessed hero of many thrilling football match, was a nervous bridegroom when he was married at St. Peter’s Church, Shipley, on Monday (14 August), to Miss Ruth Farrar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Farrar, of Titus Street, Saltaire.
“I wouldn’t be half as scared to play football in front of 40,000 people,” he said to a church official.
The wedding took place at 9 a.m. and was a very quiet one. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party left by car for an unknown destination. Mr. Watmough is the son of the late Mr. J. Watmough, Westfield Lane, Idle. He was formerly with Bradford City and Blackpool and won a Cup final medal with Preston North End. He has played for Bowling Old Lane in the Bradford Cricket League this summer.
[Colin’s note – Dick Watmough played 214 senior games, scoring 59 goals.]
Pretty Shipley Wedding
Former Conversazioni Secretary
Mr. Wilfred Brearley, a popular official of the Saltaire Conversazioni, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Brearley, of 11 Glenside Road, Windhill, was married at St. Peter’s Church, Moorhead, on Wednesday (30 August), to Miss Joyce Triffitt, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Triffitt, of Wood lawn, Shipley.
The bridegroom is the immediate past secretary of the Conversazioni, and the bride is member of the Circle for Foreign Languages, Bradford. Both are members of the Baildon Golf Club. The ceremony was performed by the Vicar (Rev. T. B. Cornish) and Mr. Lewis Scargill was at the organ.
Spiritualists' Flower Services
The gifts of the members enabled Saltaire National Spiritualist Church to be beautified with flowers and foliage for Sunday (20 August) afternoon’s annual Flower Service. Miss Garnett presided, and Miss Hartley, of Shipley, was the speaker and demonstrator. At the close the flowers were sent to sick members and friends, and to Salts’ Hospital.
Saltaire Times, September 1939
Air Raid Precautions
Shipley Council is pressing ahead with air raid precautions, and construction of public shelters is now well advanced.
At Saltaire a shelter is to be constructed at the bus terminus.
Technical Institute Re-opens
An underground passage made many years ago beneath Exhibition Road, Saltaire, has enabled Shipley Education Authority to re-open the day department of the Shipley Technical Institute and School of Art.
The passage was tunnelled from Saltaire Institute to the school for students and staff to pass from one building to the other without using the road. Now it is converted into an air raid shelter which will accommodate all students in the day classes at the school.
A scheme has been adopted for the construction of trenches on spare ground near Saltaire Hospital for pupils the Salt High School. When these have been completed the school will be re-opened. The provision of shelters for Shipley elementary schools is also proceeding. Probable date of re-opening cannot yet be given.
Injured During Collision
At Bradford West Riding Court on Thursday (14 September) William Nowell (20), millhand, Baildon, was charged with driving a motor cycle without due care and attention and with disobeying “halt” sign at Saltaire on 12 July.
Supt. Spires said at 9.25 p.m. on 12 July defendant was riding a motor cycle along Victoria Road, Saltaire, and ignoring the halt sign, he collided with motor ear which was going from Saltaire to Shipley.
As the result of the collision, defendant had sustained a fractured leg, from which he had not yet recovered. In view of the defendant having pleaded guilty, Supt. Spires said he would not call any witnesses. Defendant was accommodated with chair in Court during the Superintendent's statement.
The Chairman (Mr. F. Fearnley Rhodes) said that in view of the circumstances that owing to the accident it was taking defendant a long time to get better, he would be fined 5s. for each offence.
Sequel to Motor Collision
At Bradford West Riding Court, on Thursday (28 September), Stanley Layburn Williams (32), variety artist, Bradford, was charged with driving a motor car without due care and attention and failing to conform to traffic sign at Saltaire on 9 September.
Superintendent Spires stated that defendant drove up Victoria Road, Saltaire, and ignoring the traffic sign he drove into Saltaire Road and collided with a motor car.
John Connington, New Street, Idle, said that defendant came out of Victoria Road at a fast speed and did not stop at the traffic sign in Victoria Road.
P.C. Swallow said that when he went to the scene of the accident. Connington’s car was badly damaged on the near side. Victoria Road was 40 feet wide and Saltaire Road 30ft. 6in. wide.
Witness said he later interviewed the defendant who, when told he would reported, replied, “How long will it be before I know?”
For the first offence defendant was fined 10s. and 15s. costs, and there was no endorsement, and for the second offence he was fined 10s.
Chemist Marries Teacher
Miss Muriel Allott, elder daughter Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allott, of Branksome Grove, Nab Wood, and Mr. Jack K. Barraclough, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Barraclough, Oddy Street, Dudley Hill, Bradford, were married at Saltaire Methodist Church on Saturday (9 September) by the Rev. Owen Cole.
The bridegroom is research chemist Stockport, and last year had a fellowship of the Chemical Society conferred upon him for his work in industry. The bride has been teacher at Ryan Street Primary School, Bradford.
Church Visit
Saltaire Methodist Church was visited by the Shipley Circuit’s new ministers for the Harvest Festival services, which were celebrated on Sunday (17 September). In a church that had been tastefully decorated with produce of all descriptions, the Rev. George H. Sully preached at the morning service, and the Rev. G. Parry Brooks during the evening. Special music was a feature of the services, the choir contributing Maunder's anthem, “While the earth remaineth,” in the morning, and Stainer’s popular, “Ye shall dwell in the land,” later in the day. The choir was conducted by Mr. T. W. Dutton, and Mr, L. P, Warne was at the organ.
In the afternoon Mr. Brooks spoke to the young people of the church.
As a result of the harvest the church has been able to re-stock the cupboard of special foods from which during the year needy cases are relieved.
Saltaire Picture House offer a particular attraction, for they have secured “The Little Princess,” a Shirley Temple triumph, for full week from Monday 25 September.
Walt Disney’s new characters, Goofy and Wilbur will also be introduced to patrons.
To Obtain Rare Books
“The Yorkshire Regional Library Scheme, which Shipley has supported since its inception, has been the means of providing Shipley borrowers with many books which are either too expensive, or not of sufficient interest to the general reader to be added the permanent collection,” the report comments.
“As an example of the service and type of book provided by the scheme the following may be cited: a Shipley hairdresser made a request to the Saltaire Library for the scarce and valuable book by Woolls, ‘The Art and Craft of Hairdressing.’ No library in Yorkshire could supply it, and the request was forwarded to the National Central Library in London. They discovered the book the Chelmsford Public Library, from where it was dispatched to Shipley, and the local hairdresser’s demand was satisfied. He now thinks libraries in general, and Shipley’s in particular, are admirable institutions.
Readers' Tastes
Classification of issues of books in Saltaire Library 1938/39 (1937/38 in brackets: -
Philosophy 553 (681)
Religion 366 (454)
Sociology 1,878 (1,575)
Philology 125 (174)
Science 990 (1,072)
Useful Arts 1,500 (1,698)
Fine Arts 1,462 (1,500)
Literature 1,498 (1,479)
Travels, Biography and History 9,633 (8,770)
Fiction 107,571 (105,358)
Junior 9,485 (9,496)
Total 135, 070 (132,257)
(Windhill Total 72,558 (69,487).
Number of borrowers’ cards in force 5,848.
Gatherings at Saltaire Warmly Welcomes New Ministers
“As look into the near future we cannot tell what the days will bring forth. We can only go forward in quiet confidence trusting in our God and praying unselfishly that right may prevail. Perhaps not just the right we want, but the right God wants. If we go on in faith and hope, I am sure all will be well in the end.”
This message was given to a large gathering of Shipley Circuit Methodists by Mr. W. Lishman (Circuit Steward) when they assembled in Saltaire Methodist Church on Saturday (23 September) afternoon to extend a welcome to the district's two new ministers, the Superintendent minister, the Rev. J. Parry Brooks (Saltaire Methodist Church), and the Rev. George H Sully (Windhill Methodist Mission minister).
Saltaire Times, October 1939
Bradford and District Cricket League is to carry on throughout the duration of the war, through a modifying of the league’s rules may be found necessary.
The decision was unanimously taken by the League Committee, meeting in Bradford, on Saturday (30 September) afternoon, with every club present.
Farsley, Lidget Green, and Saltaire were re-admitted to the competition.
Salts (Saltaire) Bowlers Annual Prize Distribution
Even the difficulties of real blackout failed to deter the members of the Bowls Section of Salts (Saltaire) Sports Association, in their enthusiasm, from attending the annual prise presentation, in goodly numbers on Thursday (5 October) night. Mr. A. Kendall (chairman) presided over quite good attendance in the clubhouse. supported by Mr. F. Hartley (treasurer) and Mr. J. Lofthouse (secretary)
A free and easy evening was enjoyed by all, and during break in the entertainment, Mr. W. Neild, an enthusiastic committee-man, presented the season’s prises, warmly congratulating the successful bowlers and encouraging the remaining members to greater efforts in the future. The prize winners were: -
Annual Handicap: 1, J. Appleby; 2, E. Elsworth; 3, E. Greenwood; 4, E. Firth.
Whitsuntide Handicap: 1, G. Grades; 3, E. Firth; 3, E. Elsworth; 4, J. Lofthouse.
Novice Handicap: 1, F. Fox; N. Worsman; 3, J. McNicholas; 4, G. Davison.
Average winners: -
Wood Trophy Competition: 1, J. Lofthouse; 2, V. Pollard.
“Bagnall” Cup Competition: 1, E. Elsworth; 2, E. Firth.
“Waddilove Cup Competition: 1, J. Upton.
Thanks were expressed to Mr. Neild by Mr. J. Hill.
Mr. T. Burke (tenor) and Mr. P, Wood (baritone) were in particularly good form during the entertainment they provided, and Mr. W. Raistrick provided skilful accompaniment.
The club provided light refreshment, and everyone spent a thoroughly enjoyable time, the arrangements for which they were grateful to Mr. Lofthouse and his fellow officials.
Shipley Diamond Wedding
In their flower-bedecked home, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rennard, of 42 Windsor Rood, Shipley, on Tuesday (3 October) celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary. Congratulations were showered upon them, many, like that of Shipley Veterans’ Association, being accompanied by floral tributes, but chief of all were the congratulatory messages received from their Majesties, and from the Chairman and members of Shipley Urban Council.
On a Post Office “golden” telegram form they received the following message: —
The King and Queen send you hearty congratulations and wishes on your Diamond Wedding Day. — Private Secretary.”
They also received the following letter from Councillor A. K. Horne, J.P., (Chairman Shipley Council): —
Chairman of the Shipley Urban District Council, I have great pleasure in offering to you. on my own behalf and on behalf of the Council and Townspeople of Shipley, our most hearty congratulations upon your Diamond Wedding anniversary."
Although they were not actually born in Shipley, both Mr. and Mrs. Rennard have lived in the town practically all their lives, and they were married at the Parish Church.
Mr. Rennard, who is hale and hearty at the age of 81, although his eyesight is naturally somewhat impaired, gives as his recipe for longevity and health “hard work and plain food.” He himself certainly bears out the first of these requirements. His family came to Shipley from Leeds when he was only six years of age, yet, a year later started work at Saltaire Mills.
He left when ten years old to help his father, who was in charge of a barge which carried coal and stone from Skipton to Shipley. He remained in that business for 20 years before he obtained work as a stoker for the Shipley Gas Works.
He retired at 71 years of age. On his diamond wedding anniversary Mr. Rennard was wearing the medal awarded him the Municipal and General Workers’ Union for half century of membership, the oldest member in the district. He is also a member of Shipley Veterans’ Association.
Mrs. Rennard, who is 78 years of age, came to Shipley from Cambridge when she was only three. She started work at Saltaire Mills when eleven, and it was whilst she was employed at this firm that she first met her husband. Despite her advanced years, she is also energetic.
They are members of Hall Royd Methodist Church, and it is in the schoolroom that the diamond wedding will be celebrated with family gathering to-day (Saturday).
It is hoped that their five surviving children Mrs. J. H. Tottle, Mrs. H. Bradshaw, Mr. Fred Rennard, Mr. Arthur Rennard. and Mrs. A. Sunderland with their husbands and wives will be able to attend the celebration. About 60 guests are expected, including their 12 grandchildren.
A place of honour will reserved for the special cake that has been made and iced by their youngest daughter, Mrs. Sunderland. The cake is surmounted by a heart filled with orange blossom.
Allotments Lecture
An interesting feature of this wartime emergency is the fact that the Shipley Council have arranged for lecture on war-time production of food in allotments and private gardens to be given by Mr. F. O. Smith, the Department of Agriculture of the Leeds University, at Saltaire Institute. next Wednesday (18 October). Tenants of Council houses and allotments are to be specially invited to attend the lecture, at which it is hoped the general public will likewise give their loyal support.
Red Cross Flag Day
Organised by Mrs. F. H. Rhodes, representing the British Red Cross Society, and Mrs. C. White, representing the St. John Ambulance Brigade, a flag day in aid of the Lord Mayor of London's appeal was held at Shipley and Windhill on Tuesday (10 October).
Mrs. M. Webb organised the effort Windhill, assisted by A.R.P. workers. By permission of Mr. R. W. Guild, managing director of Balts (Saltaire) Ltd., a collection was allowed to be taken inside Saltaire Mills, also at Messrs. Doan and Thompson Ltd., Wellcroft Works. Shipley. Messrs. Henry Mason (Shipley) Ltd.. Victoria Works, and Messrs. E. Illingworth and Co., Canister Works, Windhill.
The effort realised £126 0s. 4d.
Letter To The Editor - Service Men’s Comforts
Sir, — May we appeal through your columns to the people of Shipley and district for donations, also helpers for sewing and knitting. Gifts of wool or cretonne for making hags will be greatly appreciated for service men abroad. Please send donations, etc. to MRS. E. RILEY, 39 Caroline Street.
Organiser for Shipley British Legion (Women’s Section).
Enrolment Meeting For Shipley W.E.A.
All intending Students are urged to attend for the purpose of Enrolment to enable Classes to commence immediately.
We have just received a good consignment of CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES, all from the best makers.
Book your orders NOW, and avoid disappointment, as we are not sure of being able to repeat.
Shipley Urban Council Meeting 31 October
Baildon Rugby Union Football Club asked the Council to arrange for the blacking-out of windows at the Victoria Hall, in order that the premises can again be used for dances.
It was recommended that this be done, and that the be re-opened for dances and other social events until 9.45 p.m.
A police condition, it was said, would be that no person be allowed to be admitted without a respirator.
Saltaire Times, November 1939
"Gunga Din,” starring Cary Grant, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Victor McLaglen, is the attraction at the Saltaire Picture House for the whole of this week.
Acted with sparkle, told with wit and embellished with catchy music, “A Girl Must Live,” is one of the most entertaining films ever made in England, and is the sauciest comedy hit of the year. A large cast is headed by Margaret Lockwood, Renee Houston, Lilli Palmer and George Robey. Also shown it “March of Time, No. 4.”
Shipley Schoolgirls' Knitting
Since war commenced, the pupils of Saltaire Road Senior Girls’ School have been making blankets of oddments of wool for the Mobile Unit and First Aid Post of the Shipley A.R.P.
Already five blankets have been finished, and others are being held up until further supplies of wool can be obtained. An appeal is to made by the headmistress (Miss J. R. Troman) for any oddments of wool or discarded woollen hand knitted garments which could be used for re-knitting. The girls have knitted a number of socks, helmet, mittens, etc., for Christmas presents for the Army, Navy and Air Force.
(Colin’s note – Jane Roberts Troman was born 19 May 1886 in Shropshire. She lived in Bradford. She died 14 May 1971 in Bradford.)
Saltaire Methodist Church
At the overseas missionary anniversary at Saltaire Methodist Church, the deputation was the Rev. Harold T. Cook, of North China, who gave an interesting address on the mission field in North China.
Shipley Auxiliary Fire Service
The Shipley A.F.S. is now established in its permanent headquarters at Saltaire Road School, which is well equipped for the comfort of the members, including a canteen, where hot meals can be provided. The Commandant (Coun. Gordon Waddilove) states that the service will be ready to receive a further 40 volunteers and will be pleased to receive gifts of chairs and settees.
Salts (Saltaire) Cricket Club
Captain S. B. Brearley (in the absence of the President, Mr. R. Park Guild) presided at the annual dinner of the Salts (Saltaire Cricket Club in the Salts Sports Pavilion on Saturday (25 November) evening.
An excellent repast was provided by Miss. H. Long, confectioner, St. Paul’s Road, Shipley.
Commenting upon last season’s activities, Captain Brearley, alluding to the weather, said it was a most atrocious season they had experienced for several years.
He said he had been at the annual meeting of the Yorkshire Council, at Leeds, that afternoon, and the President had asked them to carry on with cricket to the best of their ability.
Referring to the second team’s record, he congratulated them on having won the Bradford Section and XI Cup of the Yorkshire Cricket Council. They had had an exceptional season, having played 16 matches, won 12, drawn 3 and lost only one match. He also referred to the first and third teams’ performances.
Captain Brearley presented the cup to Norman Fazackerley, captain, and each individual member of the team received a memento.
The other prize-winners were: —
1st team batting, A. Gill; bowling, Herbert Smith; fielding, J. Higgins. 2nd team batting, G. Smith; bowling, G, Johnson; fielding, R. Long.
3rd team batting, W. Robinson; bowling, A. Fox.
During the evening songs and duets were sung by Mr. T. Calvert (tenor), Mr. S. O. Else (baritone), whilst the humorous element was well sustained by Mr. Bernard Benn. Mr. T. Robertshaw was the accompanist.
Saltaire Times, December 1939
The Saltaire Conversazioni Committee have decided to suspend the series of social functions owing to the war. These functions have proved exceedingly popular, and since 1916 they have been held in support of local charities. It will be recalled that during the Great War, 1914-1918, the Conversazioni were abandoned for the duration of hostilities.
The committee have, however, arranged to hold a non-stop dance at the Saltaire Institute with a view to assisting local charities.
Mrs. Tom Kendall, of Rock Villa, Church Lane, Shipley, is making a special effort in connection with the tinfoil collection for Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital.
Mrs. Kendall has been in charge of the Shipley tinfoil collection for about four years, and in the first two years, with the aid of local collectors, she raised £30 for hospital funds.
With the outbreak of war, the demand for tinfoil has quickened, especially in connection with the manufacture of light alloys, and Mrs. Kendall hopes to take full advantage of this opportunity.
The Governors of Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital have from time to time expressed their heartfelt appreciation of the good work done by Mrs. Kendall in this direction.
No Fireguard
“I am strongly of the opinion that this would not have happened if there had been fireguard when these children were left. You had better get a fireguard, as probably you will nave proceedings taken against you before the magistrates, because it is a misdemeanour under the Children’s Act to allow any. children to be left in a room with an open fire and no fireguard.”
These comments were made at a Shipley inquest by the District Coroner (Mr. K. W. Norris) concerning the death of Doreen Hardy, the six-year-old child of Tom Hardy, canal boatman, 10 Caroline Street, Saltaire, who was fatally burned in the house during her mother’s absence.
Gladys May Hardy (the child’s mother) said she left Doreen, a little boy aged 6, and the baby in the house, whilst she went to a nearby shop. On returning, Doreen had been taken to the hospital.
The Coroner; Have you never had a fireguard? —Mrs. Hardy: No.
Maria Atkinson, of 44 Ada Street, Saltaire, said when she went to Mrs. Hardy’s house she found that Doreen’s clothing was all burnt off except a vest, which was smouldering. She threw overcoat over the child. The baby was also burned a little around the head. Witness and a woman carried Doreen to Saltaire Hospital.
The Coroner: I think you acted very wall and very promptly.
Dr. G. S. Sharpe, of Shipley, said that with the exception of the girl's legs beneath the knees she was burnt all over. She died from shock following very severe burns.
A verdict in accordance with the medical evidence was returned.
Saltaire Cricket Club
The 70th annual report of the Saltaire Cricket Club, just published, reveals that the inclement weather of the past season seriously affected their finances, for having done well in the earlier matches several games in the second half of the season resulted in complete loss.
Their Bradford league record has not been particularly successful, but most of their games provided attractive cricket, and in many games they lost only by narrow margin.
Their very best thanks are recorded once again to the members the Ladies’ Committee for the valuable assistance, and though the poor weather had somewhat curtailed their efforts. £60 bad been transferred from the ladies’ account to aid their finance.
In accordance with the Bradford League, it is anticipated to continue play next season.
The report states: We congratulate T. E. Lambert on a good season with the bat, and with total of 435 runs, amongst the leaders of the League batting.
The finances mow total receipts amounting £250 19s. 3d., and there is a balance in hand of £1 6s. 5d.
At Victoria Hall, on 9 December, a successful dance promoted by the club attracted about 200 revellers. Mr. Fred Nightingale was M.C., and the music was supplied by Stanley Heaton and his band. Refreshments were served under the superintendence of the ladies’ committee, and the arrangements were ably carried out by Mr. A. W. Burgoyne (secretary).
It is expected that many of the juvenile and women operatives who have been imported into the Shipley area to meet the increased demand for workpeople in the wool textile industry, will be returning to their home towns for the Christmas holidays.
Most of the local mills are closing for at least two days. In a few cases, work will not be resumed until Thursday morning, and a big proportion of the “imported” workpeople are engaged at a mill where this generous Christmas leave is being given.
Although the Shipley Employment Exchange, which is in charge of the transference of labour scheme, has no power to give financial aid to importees to visit their homes, it is working in close collaboration with the employers to ensure that every assistance, principally in the form of travelling arrangement is given to the girls to spend Christmas with their parents.
Annual Carnival
The Salts (Saltaire) Cricket Club held their annual carnival and ball at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire on Saturday (30 December), at which there was a large gathering, and carnival spirit was greatly in evidence during the evening.
Upwards of 500 revellers were present. Music was supplied by Cyril Butterworth and his band. Mr. Howard Lee was M.C. Fancy caps and novelties were distributed.
Regret was expressed at the absence of Mr. Arthur Doyle (a former secretary), who, owing to illness, was absent for the first time at these festivities. Hope was expressed that Mr. Doyle would speedily be restored to health.
Refreshments were supplied by the Creamery Cafe, Sunbridge Road, Bradford, under the personal supervision of the manageress (Mrs. Waind). Mr. W. L. Smith carried out the secretarial arrangements.
Abraham Rushworth, formerly of Saltaire, died 22 December, aged 89, at Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York, USA.