Saltaire Park, now known as Roberts Park (opened 1871)
Located at the bottom (north end) of Victoria Road, north of the River Aire.
Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England (Grade II)
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Roberts Park covers approximately 6 hectares and was opened on 25th July 1871. It was landscaped by William Gay of Bradford, who was also responsible for the setting out of Bradford’s famous necropolisat Undercliffe. The river was widened at this point to make it suitable for swimming and boating and a boathouse was built on the opposite bank. A cricket ground was laid out by the river and a promenade was constructed with refreshment rooms beneath, and a bandstand above, enjoying views across to the mill. Specimen shrub sand trees were planted along the walks. The park had strict opening hours, with its closing being signalled by a bell that is still on the lodge near Coach Road.

Saltaire Park Lodge, east
Click on image to magnify.

Saltaire Park Lodge, east

Postcard: Bandstand and canons. Sir Titus Salt statue.
Click on image to magnify.

Saltaire Bandstand.Titus Salt statue behind. [Image date 2012]
The original bandstand disappeared a long time ago. This one appeared in 2009
when the Park was restored with the help of Heritage Lottery funding.
Click on image to magnify.

Roberts Park Cricket Pavillion [Image date: 2010]
Click on image to magnify.

Roberts Park shelter, west side.
A bronze statue of Sir Titus Salt was erected in the park in 1903 to celebrate 50 years of the opening of the Mill and Salt’s 100th birthday. The statue was commissioned by Sir James Roberts (the then millowner) and cast by Mr F Derwent Wood of Chelsea. The park has an east-west axis, with pavilions, a central bandstand with croquet and bowling greens. In the south of the park is a cricket pitch, with the semi-formal layout of paths, surrounded flower beds, shrubs and trees to the north. Sir James Roberts purchased the park in1891 and renamed it Roberts Park.
The Shelter at the north side of the park.
This is where you will find the rules of Saltaire Park.
The Rules of Saltaire Park
Issued by Sir Titus Salt, Bart, Sons and Company July 1871
Source: Saltaire and its Founder. Abraham Holroyd. 1873. Republished by Piroisms Press in collaboration with Falcon Books of Saltaire, 2000 (ISBN: 0953860108)
The Rules of this Park are as follows:-
“This ground is set apart as a place of recreation for the working people of Saltaire, and it is with a view to promote their comfort and happiness, in the use of it, that the Donor has made the following regulations.
- The Park will be open (except as hereinafter mentioned) during the following times, viz. :- On Week-days – between April 1st and September 30th, from 6 a.m. till sunset; between September 30th and April 1st, from 8 a.m. till sunset. On Sundays – from noon till 6 p.m.
- This Park is under the control of the firm of Sir Titus Salt, Bart, Sons, and Company and may be closed entirely, or used only upon payment of admission fees, on such occasions as the Firm shall prescribe, but not exceeding TEN days in any year; at other times the Park will be open free of charge for all persons choosing to resort thereto and conforming to these regulations.
- The time of closing will be indicated each day by the ringing of a bell, and all visitors are then required to leave.
- No person will be allowed to enter or leave except through the gateway.
- No person will be allowed to enter or remain while in a state of intoxication.
- No child under the age of eight years will be admitted, except in the care of an adult.
- No dog will be admitted or allowed to remain unless led with a chain or string.
- No horse, ass, or mule will be admitted; and no carriage or cart will be admitted, except chairs on wheels, drawn or propelled by hand for the use of invalids, and perambulators for children.
- Visitors are not to interfere with the cannons or the flag pole, nor to touch the trees, shrubs, plants of flowers, now to throw or leave about any orange peel or other refuse, no to walk on the grass borders or on any portions of the park except the walks and those parts laid down in grass which are appropriate for games.
- No person is to sell or expose for sale any goods or wares, or to set up any booth, show, stall or stand, without the written permission of the Firm.
- No music, singing, preaching, lecture or public discussion, and no meeting for the purpose of making any religious or political demonstration will be allowed without the written sanction of the Firm.
- No shooting no discharge or firearms of any kind, except by members of the Rifle Corps when on drill, and no bonfire or fireworks will be permitted without the permission in writing of the Firm.
- Angling is not allowed except by permission of the Saltaire & Shipley Angling Association.
- Stone throwing, disorderly and indecorous conduct, profane and indecent language, gambling, pitch and toss, and soliciting alms are strictly prohibited.
- No wine, beer, spirits, or intoxicating drinks are to be consumed in the Park.
- Smoking is not allowed in the alcoves, nor spitting on the paths.
- Bathing in the river will only be allowed subject to the regulations made from time to time by the Firm.
- The cricket ground and bowling greens are only to be used subject to the regulations made from time to time by the Firm.
- No games are to be played on any part of the Park except the cricket ground and bowling greens.
- The play grounds are not to be used on Sundays.
Saltaire, July 1871. 
The bronze statues of two alpacas, located in from of the Halfmoon Cafe, Roberts Park, Saltaire.
The Friends of Roberts Park contribute to the maintenance and forward planning of the park.
The stocks can be located in the north-west side of the park.
The Cricket Pavillion. More information about Saltaire Cricket Club >
The shelter on the west side of the park.
Behind is a view of the New Mill, built in 1871.
Look out for The New Mill chimney, a replica of the campanile of the Santa Maria Glorisa in Venice.
Click on image to magnify.

Sir Titus Salt, bronze statue.
The statue of Sir Titus Salt, with an alpaca and an angora goat. The statue was gifted to Roberts Park by Sir James Roberts on the 20 September 1903 to mark the centeny of Titus Salt's birth.