The Boathouse (opened 1871)
Located at the bottom (north end) of Victoria Road, south of the River Aire.

Looking east. River Aire, Saltaire. Boat House on the far side of the river.

View of the New Mill campanile, right. Salts Mill chimney to the left.
People stood on the banks of the River Aire with the Boat House on the far side of the river.
These notes are extracted from the Word Heritage Committee Nomination Document, 2001. You can download this comprehensive document from this website.
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The Boathouse stands on the banks of the River Aire, overlooking Roberts Park. It has been extensively altered and converted into a restaurant and public house.
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Boat House Inn, 2006

Boat House Inn: fire damage, 2007

Boat House Inn, May 2009

Boat House, August 2009