The Hospital (built 1868)
Located on Victoria Road, on the junction, and north, of Saltaire Road.
Listed Grade II*
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Despite efforts to reduce the dangers of mill work, injuries were still commonplace but, with the existence of a hospital so close at hand, accidents and illness could be dealt with promptly. The workers also paid into a sickness benefit scheme. The original hospital and dispensary was two storeys high and had nine beds. A third floor was added in 1908-09, making it able to provide 17 beds. During 1926-27, the hospital was further extended to accommodate a further 30 beds.

Sir Titus Salt Hospital

Sir Titus Salt Hospital, now converted into apartments.
Photo credit, Andree Freeman, Saltaire Daily Photo.
The hospital is constructed of pitch-faced stone with ashlar dressings. The three-storey building has an asymmetrical facade of eleven bays in an ordered Italianate style. Several bays break forward and are gabled. The windows are round-arched and single light, or paired with a central collonnette; some have decorative friezes. Larger windows have cambered heads and all have pointed hood moulds.The doorway to the left, with a twentieth-century door, has a fanlight with the glazed words ‘SirTitus Salt’s Hospital’ and carved above ‘Opened September 1868’.
Click on image to magnify.

Image: Salts Hospital. Unknown date.
To the right is an open porch with a central collonnette infilled with twentieth century glazing and inner glazing reading ‘Private Entrance’ and‘Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital’. There is a stoneband between floors. The left facade, on Saltaire Road, is symmetrical with the gabled centre bay breaking forward, its tympanum enriched with foliage and the Salt coat of arms. There is a central three-light canted bay window to the ground floor and a central triple-group window at the second floor with a panel below with the raised letters ‘SIR TITUS SALT’S HOSPITAL’. Flanking windows are paired with round-arched lights and central collonnettes.The rear elevation is plainer, but the right end, nearest Saltaire Road, is treated as the main facade. The building has a Welsh slate roof and typical bracketed eaves.One of the modillioned gables has a tympanum, which is richly carved with foliage and central roundel. The hospital has tall chimney stacks with modillioned cornices.
The Hospital - present
The Hospital closed in 1979 after being in service for over 100 years. It underwent extensive refurbishment to convert it into a nursing home, and more recently has been converted into private apartments. It is in a good state of repair.