It's Tuesday evening, 21st, and we're safely on schedule, nearly 60 miles now from our starting point in New Lanark.
Date: 21st June 2011
Weather today has been mixed - started dry, then heavy rain, then a bit of sun & now it's raining again.and it's cold north of the border.

Setting off into the mists above Moffat.
Like most new relationships, the Annandale Way Long Distance Path promised so much in the early stages, but eventually failed to deliver - we parted company, and it wasn't of our choosing. However being inventive soles (a training shoe joke!) we struck up a close friendship with another path that led us safely to Lochmaben, where we are now sat having a drink (or two) in the Crown Hotel.

Road to Saltaire
The Devil's Beef Tub is at the northern end of the Annandale Way. It's a big hole in the ground, and , David went to look into it. "Not at its best because of the misty conditions."

The Devil's Beef Tub near Moffat

Shaw on Shaw Bridge
Our thoughts are turning to tomorrow's walk - a long leg down to Gretna , and how best to get there? Answer: see tomorrow's blog. PS: Notwithstanding the rumours, we have no plans to elope when we get to Gretna.
Otters have been spotted on a tributary of the River Annon, and buzzards have also been seen locally - but unfortunately no sightings today.

Rare shot of a haggis emerging from hibernation!

Several pairs of foxgloves!
Today's "enjoyment colour" on our Silent Monitor: A perfect White for the start of the day - a wonderful breakfast, and kind hospitality from Pauline & Trevor Menzies at the Dell-Mar B & B in Moffat - highly recommended. And they presented us with our trainers cleaned and dried ready for a new day. For the day's walking; almost black, thanks to rain and an absence of the waymarks along the Annandale Long Distance Pathway - but redeemed to blue thanks to the family of deer that let us share their forest as we walked south.

The best B&B so far.