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Image: Michael de Greasley |
If you have close connections with Saltaire and you would like to contribute your story, please get in touch and we will arrange an interview.
Please note: some of these interviews took place several years ago and may need updating.
Contact the Editor: editor@saltairevillage.info
Anzalone, Assuntina

Saltaire historian, David King writes: In March 1950 a 19 year old Italian girl, Assuntina Anzalone, left behind her recently widowed mother and travelled with a small group of similar Italian girls to find employment in England. Assuntina found work at Salts Mill in Saltaire. Read Assuntina's incredible story >
Bank, Geoff
Written by Roger Clarke Added to website: 5 June 2007
Geoff was interviewed by Roger Clarke in March 2005. At the time, Geoff was the Secretary of the Saltaire Village Society.
Breeze, Paul d. 20 January 2014
Written by Roger Clarke, April 2005
Added to website: 5 June 2007
At the time of this interview, Paul Breeze was the Reverend of the Saltaire United Reformed Church. Paul sadly died on 20 January 2014.
Czenkusz, Feliks
1920 - 22 August 2013
Written by Maggie Smith, January 2013
Added to website: 14 January 2015
An extraordinary journey to find work in
Salts Mill
Please note: This article can be downloaded as a PDF document, which has additional notes. Download The Story of Feliks Czenkusz
I was born on June 4th in 1920 in a village called Lakorz, about 3hrs bus ride away from GDANSK and 2 kilometres from the German Border. My childhood was spent in the village and my father was a craftsman with leather, making tack for horses and also working in upholstery. I was the eldest child and had 2 younger brothers and 2 sisters.
Dewhirst family Researched by Pat Holland. Additional contribution by Roger Clarke.
Added to website: February 2007
Pat Holland from Halifax shares the fascinating story of her relatives, the Dewhirst family, who lived in Saltaire from 1855/60 until the early 1900s. Her great grandfather, Jimmy Dewhirst, was killed in a horrific accident at Salts Mill.
The Dewhirst story and genealogy >
Report of Jimmy Dewhirst's fatal accident at Salts Mill, 1860 >
Eaton, Alex & Louise Written by Roger Clarke
Published in The Saltaire Sentinel, January 2006
Eaton, Alex & Louise
Saltaire Sentinel, January 2006
Kevin & Eileen Foster: A family wedding in Saltaire: Kevin Foster marries
Eileen Winifred McNicholas)

Kevin and Eileen Foster lived in Saltaire on Shirley Street from the 1940's to the late 80's and are both in the photo.
Read more >
Garrard, Harold Interview by Dave Shaw
Added: date
Dave Shaw speaks to Harold Garrard, who recalls his first day of work in 1935. Harold worked at Salts Mill for 50 years >
Grimley, Jack Written by Roger Clarke
Added to website: August 2006
Ninety-five years old in November 2006, Jack Grimley was one of the most important men in the Village in the 1950’s and 60’s.
Halliday, Michael Written by Roger Clarke
Published in The Saltaire Sentinel, March 2006
Michael Halliday was the licensee of the Boathouse Inn for a year until August 2005. More >
Heald, Anne & Roger Written by Roger Clarke
Added: November 2006
Anne and Roger Heald took over the business at Number 2, Victoria Road in November, 1993.
Holroyd, John Written by Roger, Clarke
Published in The Saltaire Sentinel, February 2007
John Holroyd, artist and photographer. Examples of John's work is all around us: on advertising for many of the Village businesses and on tourist items in the local gift shops >
Holroyd, Lincoln
Abraham Holroyd's descendant, Lincoln Holroyd, Cornet Soloist.
In 1892, Lincoln Holroyd emigrated with his family from Saltaire, England to Bordentown, New Jersey.
His father Edwin is credited with giving Lincoln his first lessons on cornet and is referred to in one source as a “well known band man”. By 1900 Linc had established himself as a cornet soloist with Winkler’s 2nd Regimental Band of Trenton, New Jersey.
Read more >
Lawler, Eddie
Eddie Lawler is an award winning writer and musican who lives in Saltaire. His entertaining, and often light hearted songs and poems have the gravitas of social comment.
This link takes you to the Writers & Artists section of this website >
Kemp, Helen Written by Roger Clarke
Published in The Saltaire Sentinel, February 2006
Helen Kemp is well known in Saltaire for her huge contribution to the life of the community. She came to the Village in 1993 after 12 years teaching pottery (and 8 years teaching calligraphy) at Shipley College.
Lodge, Carole & Christine
Written by Roger Clarke
Published in The Saltaire Sentinel, June 2006
Coronation celebrations in Saltaire streets
As a snapshot of community spirit, Coronation Day, 1953 will take some beating. Twins Carol and Christine Lodge (their names reflect their Christmas birthday) were 3 years old at the time, living on William Henry Street in Saltaire >
McAllister, Jean Written by Roger Clarke
Published in The Saltaire Sentinel, March 2007
McAllister, Jean - Principal of Shipley College has worked in Saltaire since 1978. She originally came to Yorkshire from Southampton in 1968, to study at Leeds University, where she stayed to complete her Master’s Degree in Comparative Politics.
Mitchell, Julia (nee Spalding)
Two years at Albert Road Infants’ School 1946 - 1948
A very enlightened education
I was born in March 1942 at the Norman-Rae Nursing Home at the junction of Bingley Road and Kirkgate next to the Ring of Bells pub. Life, during and for a few years after the Second World War, was spartan. I spent my first few nights of life in an air raid shelter as planes flew nightly over Bradford on their way to bomb Liverpool.
Morris family (Jayfort Security Services) Written by Roger Clarke
Published in The Saltaire Sentinel,
April 2006
What is it about Saltaire which attracts family businesses? First the Salts, then the Silvers, and now the Morrises. Jeff, aged 62, Stephen 40, Christopher 28 and Nikky 26 are three generations of the Morris family who own and run Jayfort Security Services.
Quanbury family Written by Roger Clarke
Published in The Sentinel, July 2007
The Quanbury family, who first appeared in Saltaire in the 1880s, have made a considerable contribution to local history – and are still very much in evidence! Emma Quanbury was born in Market Deeping, Lincolnshire, in 1863; a time when most women had to work on the land or go into service.
Randall, Peter Written by Roger Clarke
Published in The Saltaire Sentinel, April 2005. Added to website 5 June 2007.
Randall, Peter - Saltaire Gentlemen's Hairdresser.
Rowbotham, Tim Written by Roger Clarke, 2006
Added to website 26 March 2007
Rowbotham, Tim - Microbiologist and Ironmonger extraordinaire!
Salt, Denys Geoffrey Crossley
4 May 1918 - 21 December 2014
Written by Pamela Reynolds
Added to website: 22 December 2014
In the immediate post World War II period, Denys Salt served in the British Military Government, in the Province of Styria of occupied Austria. He was decorated by the Austrian Government for his contribution to that country's reconstruction. Following his army career, Denys then worked for the BBC for 28 years. He continued to be very attached to Austria and its people.
Schofield, Nigel Written by Roger Clarke, April 2005
Added to website: 5 June 2007
Nigel Schofield will be best known to most of you for his involvement with Pennine Radio between 1975 and 1986. He was initially producer there, and then became Head of Music.
Senior, Frank Written by Maggie Smith following a series of interviews with Frank Senior, December 2013.
Added to website: January 2015
Please note: This article can be downloaded as a PDF document, which has additional notes.
Download The Memories of Frank Senior
I was born in 1918 and had a younger sister. I spent my early childhood in Saltaire. My father came from Batley and worked at JT and J Taylors in Batley as a loom tuner. My mother’s family, originally from Cleckheaton, moved to Saltaire in 1890.
Sharp, William: Five generations of the Sharp family in Saltaire Written by Colin Coates, May 2015
Added to website: 9 May 2015
Colin Coates writes: In March 2015 I met up with Dave Sharp, who had travelled from his home in Flamborough to meet up with friends in Shipley and to have a chat with me about his family who had lived in Saltaire for over sixty years. Dave is a Shipley lad who recalled conversations with his grandfather, William, who was born in Saltaire in 1915. More >
Smith, Eric Written by Roger Clarke
Published in The Saltaire Sentinel, October 2006
Born in Thomas Street, Shipley, Eric attended Charlestown Infants (now demolished), Saltaire Road and Albert Road schools, leaving when he was thirteen.
Smith, Les and Ronnie Written by Roger Clarke
Published in The Saltaire Sentinel, July 2006
Eighty-one year old Leslie and seventy-six year old Ronnie (who still lives in the Village) are part of a family of six brothers whose parents brought them up on Helen Street.
Sykes, Ray July 1942 - 12 June 2013 Written by Pamela Reynolds, 2012
Added to website: 25 September 2012
The Memories of Ray Sykes - Growing up in Saltaire. Ray was born in Saltaire in July 1942. His father, John Henry Sykes (known as Jack) was born in 1920. Ray's grandparents lived in 29 Shirley Street.
Tankard, Nick Written by Roger Clarke, May 2007
Added to website: May 2007, updated 2017
Nick Tankard, children's illustrator and Saltaire-inspired artist. (Article, 2007)
Nick Tankard, Illustrator .
Thornton, Bert & Sheila
Bert and Sheila Thornton have been important members of the United Reformed Church community for many years. The Thornton family history in the area began with Bert’s great grandfather, Anthony Thornton, was a manager at Dixon’s Mill...
Written by Roger Clarke, June 2006
Also: "I was born in Saltaire in June 1917..."
Mr. Bert Thornton's own talk given to the Saltaire History Club on 17 May 2007.
"I was born in the village at number 15 Shirley Street in June 1917. My father’s family were from Shipley. My great grandfather lived in Saltaire Road, Regent Street..."
Written by Bert Thornton, May 2007
Townsend, Hattie, playwright and actress
Harriet is based in Saltaire and writes fact-based historical plays and events, usually site-specific and written to commission. These projects are then directed and produced by Harriet Townsend and her team. Harriet also devises drama tours and promanade theatre.
More on Hattie's work, by Pamela Reynolds
Also: Saltaire People: Hattie Townsend
I’ve always thought that the performance of an actress is enhanced when the role she plays resonates with her own personality. Hattie Townsend played Dinah Stuart, housekeeper to the Salt family, in this years Saltaire Festival.
Written by Roger Clarke
Published in The Saltaire Sentinel, August 2006
Woods, Clive
d. 22 November 2007
Roger Clarke’s Saltaire people SPECIAL
Most people in the Village will know Clive Woods, with his ruddy complexion, bushy beard, ready smile and friendly (rather eccentric) manner.
The Saltaire Sentinel: January 2007
Editor, James Duncan writes: Clive Woods died on November 22nd at his home on Victoria Road. It is not the role of this paper to announce this sad news, which is surely already well known throughout the Village.
The Saltaire Sentinel: December 2007