Titus Salt, Jnr. and his correspondence with Andrew Carnegie and other contemporaries
Talk by Pauline Ford
The Secret Tunnels of Saltaire
Talk by Dave Shaw
Resource Centre, Saltaire Archive Room
Shipley College
Exhibition Road, Salltaire
Download the poster >
More info about the meeting, by Dave Shaw >
The Saltaire History Club is free to attend and everyone is welcome. 
Dave Shaw writes:
Dear History Club Members, Hi. The next meeting of Saltaire History Club is on Thurs 8 June, 7 – 9 PM, in the Resource Centre of Shipley College’s Exhibition Rd building (Post Code BD18 3JW – see end of message for further directions).
Two talks to look forward to at the meeting, both by Club members:
Titus Salt, Jnr. and his correspondence with Andrew Carnegie and other contemporaries by Pauline Ford. Titus Salt Jnr and his wife Catherine were friends of the Scottish entrepreneur who made his fortune in the USA, and Pauline will describe that relationship, together with some comments on other contemporaries.
The Secret Tunnels of Saltaire by yours truly. The two tunnels that run under Victoria Rd and Exhibition Rd are to be opened to the public for the first time ever during the first weekend of Saltaire Festival in Sept. The Club is staging the event under the auspices of the national Heritage Open Day programme (see https://www.heritageopendays.org.uk). The histories of the two tunnels have been developed through researches by an informal team of Club members – more fascinating discoveries unearthed! – and we are now looking for volunteers to help stage the event on 9/ 10 Sept.
In addition to the two talks there will be the latest news on Milner Field Farm – your Club has been working with other local history societies & a huge number of other objectors to the planning application made for the development of the area which would cause the closure the farm.
Also, another event for your diaries should you be interested:
There is a Walk Around Shipley to be given by Club activist Ian Watson next Sunday June 11th. It starts at St Pauls Church in Kirkgate at 2pm. It’s free and open to all. Ian is a real authority on the local history of the Shipley area, so it’s bound to be good.
Hope very much that you can join us for what promises to be an enjoyable meeting on Thursday.
All welcome (and it’s still free)!
Best wishes
Dave (Shaw) for Saltaire History Club
PS The Resource Centre is on the second floor, accessible either by stairs or lift. For those travelling to the venue by car there is a Pay & Display Car Park just above the College, or nearby free on-street parking may be available if your fingers are crossed.
PPS For those of you who can’t make it in March, the future dates of Club meetings in 2017 are: 7 Sept; & 7 Dec.