Living Advent Calendar

Saltaire residents David & Victoria Worsley have a bright idea for Christmas: We would like to start a Living Advent Calendar using the windows of Saltaire’s houses as the windows of the calendar. We are looking for 23 other houses to create a seasonal scene in their windows. Each day at dusk, a scene would be ‘opened’, illuminated in a different window, remaining lit until December 25th.
The window can be of any design but needs to incorporate the allocated date number. We will produce a listing of which house will light up their window on which date so that people will be able to walk the village to see them all. This is a tradition practised in villages in Switzerland and has already been successfully transferred to an area called ‘The Avenues’ in Hull.
So if you want to light up Saltaire in the build-up to Christmas please contact David or Victoria at 67 Victoria Road; (01274) 530410 or e-mail
to arrange a date for your window.
To get some idea of the amazing designs and spectacular effects that are produced (often in a very simple way) see the website at