[Grateful thanks to photographer, Lorne Campell/Guzelian for pemission to use the background image of the Manningham Mill fire.]
Peter Nias & Mollie Summerville
Authors of Manningham: People through the Mill
Nigel Grizzard, Jewish Researcher & Heritage Tour Guide
Resource Centre, Saltaire Archive Room
Shipley College
Exhibition Road, Salltaire
Download the poster >
The Saltaire History Club is free to attend and everyone is welcome. 
Dave Shaw writes: Dear History Club Members, Hi. The next meeting of Saltaire History Club is on Thurs 9 March, 7 – 9 PM, in the Resource Centre of Shipley College’s Exhibition Rd building (Post Code BD18 3JW – see end of message for further directions).
From the time of the Industrial Revolution, the textile trade in our region developed with a marked dependence on international trade and human migration. At our March meeting it will be a pleasure to hear two talks which no doubt will reflect that:
Manningham: Past & Present by Peter Nias & Mollie Summerville, authors of “Manningham: People through the Mill”.
Bradford’s Jews and Germans – Historic Discoveries by Nigel Grizzard, Jewish Researcher & Heritage Tour Guide.
Two fascinating topics from which we’re guaranteed to learn!
There will be, additionally, the latest news on your Committee’s work on both the Milner Field Farm planning application (see email to follow), and the Heritage Open Day event planned for September, for which we will be seeking volunteer helpers for what promises to be a novel & interesting event in Saltaire.
Here are two publicity posters, the first for the March meeting, the second being more general publicity about our Club. If you know of local outlets where you think it would help to display them, please feel free to print off copies & help us promote our Club.
Saltaire History Club poster, 9 March 2017 >
All about the Saltaire History Club > [Now out of date]
Hope very much that you can join us for what promises to be an enjoyable meeting on the 9th.
All welcome (and it’s still free)!
Best wishes
Dave (Shaw) for Saltaire History Club
PS The Resource Centre is on the second floor, accessible either by stairs or lift. For those travelling to the venue by car there is a Pay & Display Car Park just above the College, or nearby free on-street parking may be available if your fingers are crossed.
PPS For those of you who can’t make it in March, the future dates of Club meetings in 2017 are: 8 June; 7 Sept; & 7 Dec.