Saturday, 21st
ACCIDENT – On Monday last, what might have proved a serious accident befell a young man named Fitton, residing at 12, Gordon Terrace, Saltaire. In company with friends, he was driving in the forenoon near the Turf Tavern, Manningham Lane, where a trotting match was going forward, when the vehicle ran over the kerb and precipitated him to the ground, alighting on his head. A policeman gave assistance, and had the young man conveyed to Saltaire in a cab. Mr Fritton was unconscious for two days, but he is now improving.
Saturday, 28th
SEQUEL TO AN ACCIDENT – Last week, we recorded an accident which had happened to a young man named Fritton, residing at Saltaire. Being badly hurt, a policeman, as we stated last week, procured a cab and had Fritton conveyed home, the constable taking his horse and trap to the Police Station at Manningham. Somewhat late in the evening of the same day, Fitton's younger brother went to bring the horse and trap away, and in doing so turned down a street across which a chain was stretched. The horse took fright, ran at a terrific rate along the road, and at last fell into a place where excavation for cellars was going on. The driver was not injured, but a friend who was with him was thrown out of the trap with his head into the soil, and had he not been promptly rescued, must have been suffocated. Fitton called up some of the people living in the locality to help him lift the horse out of the hole, which they did, but the cart, being smashed and out of order, was left; and he returned to Saltaire with the nag. Experience surely and sadly teaches these young men that they are hardly Fittons to be trusted with horses and traps.
On Sunday last, the anniversary services in connection with the Saltaire Congregational Church Sunday School were held. The pastor, the Rev.J.A.Hamilton, preached morning and evening to good congregations, and delivered an address in the afternoon. The evening sermon was specially addressed to young people. The united collections amounted to £31 5s. 10d. The position of this school was referred to in these columns a week or two ago.