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Through the Saltaire Keyhole


Through the keyhole with The Shipley and Saltaire Times,
May 17th  1879
Researched by Clive Woods



We understand that the Saltaire Brass Band intend to renew their open-air concerts in Saltaire Park on Thursday evening next, should the weather be favourable. Judging by the increasingly large numbers that assembled last season, this announcement will be received with pleasure by a wide circle of lovers of the excellent instrumental music for which this band is celebrated. The members of the band have recently purchased new uniform, at a cost of £113, and will appear in their new attire next Saturday, when a cricket match – Saltaire v. Bingley – will be played in the Park on their behalf, and they will also supply music for dancing, at the close of the game. A small charge will be made for admission, and we hope the weather and good fortune will do something handsome towards defraying the financial liability to which we have alluded, as it should be borne in mind that not only do the band give their services on Thursday evenings throughout the summer, but that they do so at not a little personal trouble and sacrifice.

A venerable looking man, with white hair and beard, bent with age, and paralytic, who gave the name of William Douglas, and said he was a Scotsman, was brought up before the magistrates at the Bradford District Police Court, on Thursday, charged with begging in the Saltaire-road, Saltaire on Monday last.- The case having been stated the defendant was asked if he admitted the facts. The poor old man who seemed to feel much the ignominy of his position, replied that he did, and went on to relate how that he had just a day or two previous come out of the workhouse, whither he had gone on being taken ill, and finding himself destitute and hungry in the streets of Saltaire he begged a "baubee" from a gentleman passing. This, he asseverated, was the first time in his whole life that he had asked relief in any way, and if, "please God" he should live till next July he would be 80 years of age. He was desirous, he said, of passing the few remaining days of his life in his native place, and he strove to maintain himself by doing some odd jobs on the way thither. He promised, in answer to the Bench, to go into the workhouse again until he was better than he appeared to be in court.

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Salts Mill
David Hockney
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Saltaire United Reformed Church
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Saltaire Collection, Shipley College
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Colin Coates

The Saltaire Journal, Nemine Juvante Publications


Editor: Flinty Maguire

Reseacher: Colin Coates

Saltaire Social History


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