1A |
1B |
1C |
1D |
1E |
1F |
1G |
1H |
1I |
1J |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
When and Where?
Windows from around the village will be illuminated with festive scenes. One new scene will be 'opened' each evening (4pm to 10.30pm) from the 1st to the 24 December. The numbers in red are dates in December. All windows will then remain lit until 5 January. |
1a 23 Jane St |
8 1 Lockwood St |
1b 7 William Henry St |
9 5 Daisy Place |
1c 68 Victoria Rd |
10 75 Albert Rd |
1d 11 Jane St |
11 11 Herbert St |
1e 23 Albert Rd |
12 55 George St |
1f No 1, Flat 5, Victoria Rd |
13 11 Titus St |
1g 24 Fanny St |
14 30 Dove St |
1h Saltaire United Reformed Church |
15 5 Constance St |
1i Saltaire Primary School |
16 39 Titus St |
1j Shipley College, Mill Building |
17 43 Ada St |
2 No 3, 66 Victoria Rd |
18 18 Caroline St |
3 71 George St |
19 44 Mary St |
4 57 Albert Rd |
20 4 Jane St |
5 32 Ada St |
21 38 Titus St |
6 Edward St Bakery |
22 15 Fanny St |
7 3 Albert Terr |
23 19 William Henry St |
24 47 George St |

St Bakery is
a craft bakery based in
Saltaire set up by Jeremy Belsten
and Lisa Fraser. We bake at 6 Edward St, where we
have converted the downstairs of our house into
a fully functioning bakery. Currently we open to the
public for pop up bakery events and supply various
businesses with bread, cakes, pies, and all that happy
jazz. You can follow us on Twitter for updates @edwardstbakery.
Peace and Christmas love to all.
